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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CAUSAL OPERATORS
Boundary value problems with causal operators
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy istnienia rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych z nieliniowymi dwu-punktowymi warunkami brzegowymi. Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązań takich zagadnień stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych. Dyskutowano też nierówności różniczkowe rzędu pierwszego z dodatnimi operatorami liniowymi oraz problem rozwiązań ekstremalnych.
Fractional differential equations with causal operators
PublikacjaWe study fractional differential equations with causal operators. The existence of solutions is obtained by applying the successive approximate method. Some applications are discussed including also the case when causal operator Q is a linear operator. Examples illustrate some results.
Boundary vlue problems for difference equations with causal operators
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy problemów brzegowych dla równań różnicowych.Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie ekstremalnych rozwiązań stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych.
Existence of solutions for a coupled system of difference equations with cousal operators
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy układów równań różnicowych. Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązań takich problemów. Badano również nierówności różnicowe.
Nonlinear boundary value problems for second order differential equations with causal operators
PublikacjaW pracy rozważane są równania różniczkowe rzędu drugiego z nielinowymi warunkami brzegowymi. Prawa strona takich zagadnień zawiera operatory typu ''causal''. Podane zostały warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązań tego typu problemów. Badano też nierówności różniczkowe związane z w/w równaniami różniczkowymi. Podano przykład ilustrujący otrzymane wyniki teoretyczne.
Direct estimation of functional and density operators by local operations and classical communication.
PublikacjaWykazano, że można dokonywać detekcji splątania w paradygmacie odległych laboratoriów. Pokazano, jak można fizycznie zaimplementować strukturalne przybliżenie fizyczne niefizycznego odwzorowania w tym paradygmacie.
Journal of Causal Inference
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Saturation of Bernstein Schnabl operators.
PublikacjaW pracy dowodzi się twierdzenia o nasyceniu dla operatorów Bernsteina-Schnabla nad sympleksem Bauera w przestrzeni Banacha.
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Shift invariant operators and a saturation theorem.
PublikacjaPraca jest kontynuacją wcześniejszych dwóch prac wydanych w Appl. Math. w latach 2001 i 2002. Główny wynik dotyczy wygładzania specjalnego ciągu zbieżnego słabo, tak iż dostajemy ciąg zbieżny w normie supremum.
On residualities in the set of Markov operators on C1
PublikacjaDowodzi się, że zbiór operatorów Markowa na klasie Schattena 1, które są mieszające w normie, jest normowo gęsty, otwarty. Natomiast w topologii mocno operatorowej operatory Markowa mocno mieszające są zbiorem I kategorii.
Quadratic stochastic operators on Banach lattices
PublikacjaWe study the convergence of iterates of quadratic stochastic operators that are mean monotonic. They are defined on the convex set of probability measures concentrated on a weakly compact order interval S = [0, f] of a fixed Banach lattice F. We study their regularity and identify the limits of trajectories either as the “infimum” or “supremum” of the support of initial distributions.
On mixing in the class of quadratic stochastic operators
PublikacjaWe study different types of limit behavior of quadratic stochastic operators acting on ℓ^1 (or ℓ^1_d) spaces in both strong and uniform topologies. The main motif of the paper is to express the uniform and strong asymptotic stability of the quadratic stochastic operator in terms of convergence of the associated (linear) nonhomogeneous Markov chain. We also examine which type of uniform convergence of iterates of the quadratic...
Asymptotic error expansions for Schoenberg type operators
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono L^p błąd dla rozwinięć dla operatorów Schoenberga
Hubbard operators approach to the transport in molecular junctions
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Asymptotic error expansions for Schoenberg type operators.
PublikacjaW pracy wyprowadzono rozwinięcie asymptotyczne dla błędu w L2 operatorówSchoenberga.
A Noether theorem for stochastic operators on Schatten classes
PublikacjaWe prove that a stochastic (Markov) operator S acting on a Schatten class C_1 satisfies the Noether condition S'(A) = A and S'(A^2) = A^2, where A is a Hermitian bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H, if and only if, S(E(G)XE(G)) = E(G)S(X)E(G) holds true for every Borel subset G of the real line R, where E(G) denotes the orthogonal projection coming from the spectral resolution of A. Similar results are obtained...
On asymptotic periodicity of kernel double Markovian operators
PublikacjaIt is proved that a kernel, doubly Markovian operator T is asymptotically periodic if and only if its deterministic σ-field Σd(T)(equivalently Σd(T∗)) is finite. It follows that kernel doubly Markovian operator T is asymptotically periodic if and only if T∗ is asymptotically periodic.
Different types of solvability conditions for differential operators
PublikacjaSolvability conditions for linear differential equations are usually formulated in terms of orthogonality of the right-hand side to solutions of the homogeneous adjoint equation. However, if the corresponding operator does not satisfy the Fredholm property such solvability conditions may be not applicable. For this case, we obtain another type of solvability conditions, for ordinary differential equations on the real axis, and...
Weak Stability of Centred Quadratic Stochastic Operators
PublikacjaWe consider the weak convergence of iterates of so-called centred quadratic stochastic operators. These iterations allow us to study the discrete time evolution of probability distributions of vector-valued traits in populations of inbreeding or hermaphroditic species, whenever the offspring’s trait is equal to an additively perturbed arithmetic mean of the parents’ traits. It is shown that for the existence of a weak limit, it...
Wybór operatora usług VOIP
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono propozycje algorytmu wyboru operatora VoIP, zapewniającego w danym momencie realizację połączenia o najlepszej jakości. Weryfikacja jakości realizowanego połączenia została dokonana metodami subiektywnymi. Zaproponowane 2 metody wyboru najlepszego operatora wykorzystują: pomiar maksymalnego opóźnienia przechodzenia danych z/do operatora (w oparciu o usługę PING) oraz pomiar czasu trwania zestawiania połączenia...
A Note on Fractional Curl Operator
PublikacjaIn this letter, we demonstrate that the fractional curl operator, widely used in electromagnetics since 1998, is essentially a rotation operation of components of the complex Riemann–Silberstein vector representing the electromagnetic field. It occurs that after the wave decomposition into circular polarisations, the standard duality rotation with the angle depending on the fractional order is applied to the left-handed basis vector...
Concrete Operators
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Operators and Matrices
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On iterates of strong Feller operators on ordered phase spaces.
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy asymptotycznych własności iteracji operatorów Markowa. Udowodniono, że operatory Lasoty i ich wielowymiarowe uogólnienia są asymptotycznie stabilne. Wyniki mają zastosowanie w modelowaniu rozwoju komórki.
Bounding conditional entropy of bipartite states with Bell operators
PublikacjaQuantum information theory explores numerous properties that surpass classical paradigms, offering novel applications and benefits. Among these properties, negative conditional von Neumann entropy (CVNE) is particularly significant in entangled quantum systems, serving as an indicator of potential advantages in various information-theoretic tasks, despite its indirect observability. In this paper, we investigate the relationship...
Directed electromagnetic pulse dynamics: projecting operators method
PublikacjaIn this article, we consider a one-dimensional model of electromagnetic pulse propagation in isotropic media, takinginto account a nonlinearity of the third order. We introduce a method for Maxwell's equation transformation on thebasis of a complete set of projecting operators. The operators correspond to wave dispersion branches including thedirection of propagation. As the simplest result of applying the method, we derive a system...
Asymptotic behaviour in the set of nonhomogeneous chains of stochastic operators
PublikacjaWe study different types of asymptotic behaviour in the set of (infinite dimensional) nonhomogeneous chains of stochastic operators acting on L1(μ) spaces. In order to examine its structure we consider different norm and strong operator topologies. To describe the nature of the set of nonhomogeneous chains of Markov operators with a particular limit behaviour we use the category theorem of Baire. We show that the geometric structure...
Dynamical nonlocality in quantum time via modular operators
PublikacjaWe formalize the concept of the modular energy operator within the Page and Wootters timeless framework. As a result, this operator is elevated to the same status as the more studied modular operators of position and momentum. In analogy with dynamical nonlocality in space associated with the modular momentum, we introduce and analyze the nonlocality in time associated with the modular energy operator. Some applications of our...
An analysis of the current situation for Polish ferry operators in a transitional environment
PublikacjaArtykuł rozpoczyna analiza sytuacji polskiej żeglugi promowej na tle procesów zachadzących w otoczeniu. W dalszej części została przedstawiona analiza SWOT, która wskazała główne problemy, którym muszą stawić czoła polscy armatorzy promowi. W pracy zaproponowano strategie marketingowe i dokano oceny ich roli w dalszym rozwoju badanych przedsiębiorstw promowych.
Genetic operators of evolutionary algorithm in problem of collision avoidance at sea
On the maximum principle of Bernstein-Schnabl operators over a Bauer simplex
PublikacjaW pracy bada się geometryczne własności sympleksy Bauera i dowodzi się zasady maksimum dla operatorów Bernsteina-Schnabla.
Specialized genetic operators in drinking water distribution systems control
Asymptotic properties of quadratic stochastic operators acting on the L1 space
PublikacjaQuadratic stochastic operators can exhibit a wide variety of asymptotic behaviours and these have been introduced and studied recently in the ℓ1 space. It turns out that in principle most of the results can be carried over to the L1 space. However, due to topological properties of this space one has to restrict in some situations to kernel quadratic stochastic operators. In this article we study the uniform and strong asymptotic...
Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: problem dedicated operators
PublikacjaThe paper presents the optimization process of the evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories method, with a focus on its problem-dedicated operators. The method utilizes a customized evolutionary algorithm to solve a constrained optimization problem. This problem is defined as finding a set of cooperating trajectories (a set is an evolutionary individual) of all the ships involved in the encounter situation. The resulting trajectories...
Prevalence Problem in the Set of Quadratic Stochastic Operators Acting on L1
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to the study of the problem of prevalence in the class of quadratic stochastic operators acting on the L1 space for the uniform topology. We obtain that the set of norm quasi-mixing quadratic stochastic operators is a dense and open set in the topology induced by a very natural metric. This shows the typical long-term behaviour of iterates of quadratic stochastic operators.
Reactive Energy Billing in Operator Tariffs in Poland
PublikacjaThe paper describes the current method of reactive energy billing in the tariffs of distribution grid operators in Poland. The current solutions are subject to critical assessment. Issues related to the motivation effect of the current solutions on consumers are analysed. Problems that occur in relation with connecting distributed generators to the distribution grid and challenges related to prosumer billing are indicated.
A Population-Based Method with Selection of a Search Operator
PublikacjaThis paper presents a method based on a population in which the parameters of individuals can be processed by operators from various population-based algorithms. The mechanism of selecting operators is based on the introduction of an additional binary parameters vector located in each individual, on the basis of which it is decided which operators are to be used to modify individuals’ parameters. Thus, in the proposed approach,...
Covariant forms of lax one-field operators: from abelian to noncommutative
PublikacjaBadamy kowariancje w odniesieniu do transformacji Darboux wielomianowych operatorów różniczkowych o współczynnikach określonych przez funkcje jednego bazowego pola. W przypadku komutatywnym rozważana para Laxa równań typu Boussinesqa. Wprowadza się pewne zbudowane niezmiennicze formy i nie-abeliowe funkcje specjalne.
Mobile operators at war: opinion mining and sentiment analysis on social media
PublikacjaConsidering hermetic and very competitive market such as mobile operator ones, social media has become best alternative for contact with customer and gathering data and opinions. Different style of running social media profiles is giving different results. The research presented in this paper aims to show the number of responses gathered from polish Internet users and its sentiment for mobile operator brands. It also presents practical...
Quadratic stochastic operators as a tool in modelling the dynamics of a distribution of a population trait
PublikacjaQuadratic stochastic operators can exhibit a wide variety of asymptotic behaviours and these have been introduced and studied recently. In the present work we discuss biological interpretations that can be attributed to them. We also propose a computer simulation method to illustrate the behaviour of iterates of quadratic stochastic operators.
Application exaples of wide area monitoring for system operators within UCTE
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono przykładowe zastosowania pomiarów uzyskiwanych w systemie WAMS dla potrzeb systemu elektroenergetycznego.
Text-mining Similarity Approximation Operators for Opinion Mining in BI tools
PublikacjaThe concept of the Text-mining Similarity Approximation Operators for Opinion Mining as extensions to Natural Language Interface Database is defined. The new operators: “keywords of” dimension; subsetting operator “about C is q”; aggregation operator “by similar C” are proposed. These operators are based on the Latent Semantic Analysis and Social Network Analysis
Neural Approximators for Variable-Order Fractional Calculus Operators (VO-FC)
PublikacjaThe paper presents research on the approximation of variable-order fractional operators by recurrent neural networks. The research focuses on two basic variable-order fractional operators, i.e., integrator and differentiator. The study includes variations of the order of each fractional operator. The recurrent neural network architecture based on GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) cells functioned as a neural approximation for selected...
The Effectiveness of Operations Implementing Changes
PublikacjaW niniejszym rozdziale zdefiniowano pojęcie efektywności zmian organizacyjnych. Scharakteryzowano również składowe elementy efektywności, jakimi są skuteczność, korzystność i ekonomiczność. Pokazano również miejsce oceny efektywności zmian w procesie realizacji przekształceń. Przedstawiono również model oceny efektywności zmian procesu planowania i sterowania umożliwiający ocenę skuteczności, korzystności i ekonomiczności zmian.
Fractional Variable-Order Derivative and Difference Operators and Their Applications to Dynamical Systems Modelling
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HCI-Based Wireless System for Measuring the Concentration of Mining Machinery and Equipment Operators
PublikacjaMaintaining stable and reliable working conditions is a matter of vital importance for various companies, especially those involving heavy machinery. Due to human exhaustion, as well as unpredicted hazards and dangerous situations, the personnel has to take actions and wisely plan each move. This paper presents a human–computer interaction (HCI)-based system that uses a concentration level measurement function to increase the safety...
Basal Ganglia
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Analysis of operations of combined STIG installation
PublikacjaSteam injection in gas turbines is interesting technology with good energetic and ecological properties of gas turbines. In these applications the heat of exhaust gases is used to produce steam, which is injected in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine. The steam injection increase the power and efficiency of the installation. there are some possibilities to increases the properties of STIG turbines, for example by meas of additional...
The role of ergonomics in architectonic and marketing operations
PublikacjaThe 20th century, along with the development of mass culture, brought a rapid increase of marketing communications significance. At first, this branch of art had an informational function associated with advertising operations. Nowadays, an increase of marketing specialists’ interest in influencing a human being by the space they stay in may be observed. Ergonomics plays an important role in such operations. The aim of this article...