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Search results for: industrial applications
Biotechnological Potential of LSD1, EDS1, and PAD4 in the Improvement of Crops and Industrial Plants
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Determination of chlorinated solvents in industrial water and wastewater by DAI- GC-ECD
PublicationA very simple and quick analytical method, basedon direct aqueous injection, for determination of halogenatedsolvents in refinery water and wastewater, is described.There is a need to determine halogenated solvents in refinerywater streams, because they may originate from severalprocesses. There is also a need to develop methods enablingVOX to be determined in samples containing oil fractions.The method described enables simultaneous...
Selected Aspect of IT Tools Application in Process Improvement in Industrial Laundry Services
PublicationThe laundry services sector in Poland is growing dynamically and currently has around 13,000 enterprises, mainly micro, small and medium size. The increasing competitiveness of this industry, causes more emphasis on solutions that can in-crease the efficiency of laundry processes and thereby strengthen the market position. One of the methods that can be used for this purpose is Lean Six Sigma, aided by specialized computer software....
New procedure for the control of the treatment of industrial effluents to remove volatile organosulfur compounds
PublicationWe present a new procedure for the determination of volatile organosulfur compounds in samples of industrial effluents using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and gas chromatography with flame photometric detection. Initially, the extraction parameters were optimized. These included: type and volume of extraction solvent, volume of disperser solvent, salting out effect, pH, time and speed of centrifugation as well as extraction...
Small Hydropower Plants in Pomerania: The Example of Evolution of Modern Industrial Brick Architecture
PublicationModernism is usually recognized and associated with the aesthetics of the International Style, represented by white-plastered, horizontally articulated architecture with skimpy decoration, where function was the main imperative of the architects’ ambitions. The brick face of Modernism in Northern Europe reflected, in fact, the complexity of the modern change, breaking ties with the historic styles of the 19th century and being...
Asymmetrical-Slot Antenna with Enhanced Gain for Dual-Band Applications
PublicationDual-band operation is an important feature of antennas to be applied in modern communication systems. Although high gain of radiators is rarely of concern in urban areas with densely located broadcasting stations, it becomes crucial for systems operating in more remote environments. In this work, a dual-band antenna with enhanced bandwidth is proposed. The structure consists of a driven element in the form of an asymmetrical radiator/slot...
The Use of Liquid Crystal Thermography an Image Processing in Heat and Fluid-Flow Research
PublicationLiquid crystal thermography (LCT) have been used in many technical, industrial and biomedical applications [1]. During over 20 years it has been successfully applied in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus at Gdansk University of Technology for visualization of steady-state and transient temperature fields. In order to demonstrate feasibility of LCT techniques in practical heat transfer contexts, the authors have performed...
PublicationThis work aims to present the recovery potential of the Chilean Sacrifice Zones, urban areas affected by high amounts of pollution caused by industrial activities. It centers in the case of “Bocamina I & II”, two Thermoelectric based in the city of Coronel, southern Chile. A settlement historically related to the mining processes. These plants operated for decades supplying the national energy grid and are seen as both symbols...
Extremophile Deinococcus geothermalis as potential source of proteolytic enzymes
PublicationAmong many extremozymes, thermophilic enzymes have attracted most attention during the past four decades. Such enzymes are of considerable industrial and biotechnological interest due to the fact that the enzymes are better suited for harsh industrial processes. There are many advantages of conducting industrial processes at high temperature, such as the increased solubility of many polymeric substrates, resulting in decreased...
Evaluation of organic coating systems for corrosion protection of industrial equipment using impedance spectroscopy
PublicationThe high economic impact of corrosion can be reduced by enhanced corrosion management and prevention based on appropriate means. This applies in particular to the protection of structures with organic protective coatings. Steel is subject to corrosion that reduces its service life and leads to destruction in most severe cases. The application of paints to metallic objects for corrosion control has been known for a long time and...
Engineering education for smart grid systems in the quasi-industrial environment of the LINTE^2 laboratory
PublicationSmart grid systems are revolutionising the electric power sector, integrating advanced technologies to enhance efficiency, reliability and sustainability. It is important for higher education to equip the prospective smart grid professional with the competencies enabling them to navigate through the related complexities and drive innovation. To achieve this, interdisciplinary education programmes are necessary, addressing inter...
Human Factors and Functional Safety Analysis in Designing the Control Rooms of Industrial Hazardous Plants
PublicationIn this work some aspects of human factors and functional safety analysis in designing the control rooms of industrial hazardous plants are presented. The “defence in depth” (D-in-D) concept is outlined. Some designing issues of the alarm system (AS) with regard to human factors to be supported using the human reliability analysis (HRA) are discussed. The AS and decision support system (DSS), when properly designed, would contribute...
The impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of Japanese industrial sectors: A further study
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to expand the previous studies which analyze the impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of industrial sectors of a specific country. More specifically, the study conducts the analysis regarding the impacts on the total outputs of Japanese industries. The study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation tools in the IO analysis. The study focuses...
The impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of Japanese industrial sectors: A further study
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to expand the previous studies which analyze the impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of industrial sectors of a specific country. More specifically, the study conducts the analysis regarding the impacts on the total outputs of Japanese industries. The study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation tools in the IO analysis. The study focuses...
New procedure for the examination of the degradation of volatile organonitrogen compounds during the treatment of industrial effluents
PublicationWe present a new procedure for the determination of 32 volatile organonitrogen compounds in samples of industrial effluents with a complex matrix. The procedure, based on dispersive liquid–liquid microex-traction followed by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus and mass spectrometric detection, wasoptimized and validated. Optimization of the extraction included the type of extraction and disperser sol-vent, disperser solvent...
Trouble in Paradise? Barriers to Open Innovation in Regional Clusters in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the barriers faced by clusters as open innovation intermediaries. Literature review and an empirical study were performed, involving a nation-wide survey, case studies, and in-depth interviews with cluster actors involved in open innovation activities. This article conceptually links open innovation and clusters in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, empirically...
The Use of Liquid Crystal Thermography in Selected Technical and Medical Applications—Recent Development
PublicationThermochromic liquid crystals (TLC) and true-colour digital image processing have been successfully used in non-intrusive technical, industrial and biomedical studies and applications. Thin coatings of TLC at surfaces are utilized to obtain detailed temperature distributions and heat transfer rates for steady or transient processes. Liquid crystals also can be used to make the temperature and velocity fields in liquids visible...
Artificial Intelligence and Reengineering Educational Content and Resources for Industrial Transformation in a Depressing Economy
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Effect of biochar activation by different methods on toxicity of soil contaminated by industrial activity
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Geomorphological and Hydrological Effects of Subsidence and Land use Change in Industrial and Urban Areas
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The methodology of technical due diligence report preparation for an office, residential and industrial buildings
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Dynamic Analysis of an Enhanced Multi-Frequency Inertial Exciter for Industrial Vibrating Machines
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a rule for vibration surveillance of manipulators in order to improve operating parameters of industrial robots
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozważań są drgania układu nośnego manipulatora IRb-6. Proponowane podejście ma na celu minimalizację poziomu drgań końcówki manipulatora. Dla niestacjonarnego układu sterowanego, którego zachowanie opisano we współrzędnych uogólnionych, zdefiniowano energetyczny wskaźnik jakości uwzględniający energię kinetyczną i potencjalną układu, a także - chwilową energię sygnału sterującego. Dalsze rozważania dotyczą tymczasowego...
Semi-industrial development of nutritious and healthy seafood dishes from sustainable species
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Production structures and strategies supporting lean parts manufacturing: an industrial case study.
PublicationPrzedstawiono model sformalizowanego opisu wzorców możliwości wytwarzania zróżnicowanego spektrum przedmiotów oraz analizy podobieństwa ich procesów technologicznych, dla kształtowania struktur przestrzennych systemów typu gniazdowego, z uwzględnieniem paradygmatu oszczędnej produkcji. Zaproponowano algorytm grupowania przedmiotów wg określonych, w postaci ciągów znakowych, sekwencji operacji procesu technologicznego oraz kryterium...
Nitrogen monitoring in atmospheric deposition and its removal from municipal and industrial wastewater
PublicationBadano zmiany stężenia azotu w opadach atmosferycznych oraz warunki usuwania azotu ze ścieków komunalnych i przemysłowych. Badano wpływ wybranych sulfonamidów na proces nitryfikacji oraz oznaczano ich stopień biodegradacji. Stwierdzono, że sulfonamidy są substancjami, które hamują procesy biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków, jak również w niskim stopniu ulegają biodegradacji.
Conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air management
PublicationThis article presents the conception of interactive system for air quality management.
The effects of offshoring to low-wage countries on domestic wages: a worldwide industrial analysis
PublicationThis paper extends the literature on the implications of offshoring for labour markets by investigating its effect on the wages of different skill groups in a broad global context. The analysis draws on input–output data from the WIOD project, and in the panel analysed (13 manufacturing industries, 40 countries, 1995–2009) we account for up to 96 % of the international trade in manufacturing inputs. Being particularly interested...
The Synergistic Microbiological Effects of Industrial Produced Packaging Polyethylene Films Incorporated with Zinc Nanoparticles
PublicationZinc compounds in polyolefin films regulate the transmission of UV-VIS radiation, affect mechanical properties and antimicrobial activity. According to hypothesis, the use of zinc- containing masterbatches in polyethylene films (PE) with different chemical nature—hydrophilic zinc oxide (ZO) and hydrophobic zinc stearate (ZS)—can cause a synergistic effect, especially due to their antimicrobial properties. PE films obtained on an...
Advances in the degradation and recycling of polyurethanes: biodegradation strategies, MALDI applications, and environmental implications
Publicationolyurethanes pose significant environmental challenges due to their limited recyclability and slow biodegra- dation. This review highlights recent advancements in polyurethanes degradation and recycling, with a partic- ular focus on the application of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization techniques. This methods have made significant progress in analyzing environmental contamination by polyurethanes, offering a detailed...
Biorefinery Approach for H2 and Acids Production Based on Uncontrolled pH Fermentation of an Industrial Effluent
PublicationIn this work, the feasibility of uncontrolled pH acidogenic fermentation of industrial organic effluent from corn-bioethanol production was studied and modelled by using a Monod-based mathematical model. In order to do that, several tests were carried out at different initial pH values, ranging from 4 to 6. The experimental data showed a pH reduction during the fermentation process due to the generation of short-chain acids. When...
Industrial wastewater as an external carbon source for optimization of nitrogen removal at the "Wschod" WWTP in Gdansk (Poland)
PublicationCarbon source alternatives for denitrification belong to the highest research area priorities as they allow to optimize N removal within the existing capacities. In particular, some food industry effluents appear to be good candidates for such alternatives due to their high C/N ratios and high content of readily biodegradable organic fraction. The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effects of dosing different types...
Inorganic membrane: a game changer for gas separation and purification
PublicationThis review explores the advancements and remaining challenges in inorganic membrane science, particularly focusing on their potential for industrial applications. It delves into the fundamental principles of inorganic membrane design, fabrication, and characterization techniques. The review also critically analyzes key challenges faced by inorganic membranes, such as physical aging, plasticization, defective formation, and fouling....
Privacy-Preserving, Scalable Blockchain-Based Solution for Monitoring Industrial Infrastructure in the Near Real-Time
PublicationThis paper proposes an improved monitoring and measuring system dedicated to industrial infrastructure. Our model achieves security of data by incorporating cryptographical methods and near real-time access by the use of virtual tree structure over records. The currently available blockchain networks are not very well adapted to tasks related to the continuous monitoring of the parameters of industrial installations. In the database...
Providing Public Space Continuities in Post-Industrial Areas through Remodelling Land/Water Connections
PublicationThis article examines the problem of urban transformation strategies applied in recent years which are based on the creation of new water areas and modification of existing ones. The research is an attempt to prove that modifications of plans of water areas and forms of their borders may play an important role in achieving the best quality public spaces in post-industrial territories. The basis for demonstrating the importance...
Polyether-block-amide PEBA membranes for gas separation and pervaporation; current design and applications
PublicationPolyether-block-amide (PEBA) membranes have attracted considerable attention for their exceptional efficacy in gas separation and pervaporation processes. This comprehensive review delves into the precise definition, distinguishing characteristics, and diverse applications of PEBA membranes over the past five years. A primary research objective focuses on enhancing gas separation efficiency, primarily through augmenting membrane...
Environmental consequences of emulsifying properties of biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas sp.
PublicationBiosurfactants are natural surfactants produced by variety of microorganisms. They are very prospective product due to good biodegradability, low toxicity, good physicochemical properties and high efficiency in many applications. Moreover, they are efficient in wide range of pH, temperatures and salinity. Thus, they have potential to be used in many applications. However, their later presence in municipal and industrial wastewater...
Utilization of Gaseous Carbon Dioxide and Industrial Ca-rich Waste for Calcium Carbonate Precipitation: A Review
PublicationTechnologies for the management of various types of waste and the production of useful products from them are currently widely studied. Both carbon dioxide and calcium-rich waste from various production processes are problematic wastes that can be used to produce calcium carbonate. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide an overview about the state of the development of processes that use these two wastes...
Modeling process of planning finished product sales volumes at industrial enterprises in modern economic conditions
PublicationThis article presents improving the existing system of planning finished products sales volumes. The influencing factors of the sales volumes in modern economic conditions have been determined: falling world oil prices, the reduction of pipe consumption in the domestic market, the global pandemic. The algorithm of planning finished products sales volumes has been constructed. Calculations based on the Holt forecasting method has...
Industrial Heritage in sacrifice zones, The potential of Bocamina I & II Thermoelectric in Coronel, Chile
PublicationThis work aims to present the recovery potential of the Chilean Sacrifice Zones, urban areas affected by high amounts of pollution caused by industrial activities. It centers in the case of “Bocamina I & II”, two Thermoelectric based in the city of Coronel, southern Chile. A settlement historically related to the mining processes. These plants operated for decades supplying the national energy...
3D porous graphene-based structures- synthesis and applications
PublicationPorous carbon-based materials are of the great industrial and academic interest due to their high surface area, low density, good electrical conductivity, chemical inertness and low cost of fabrication. Up to now, the main approach to obtain porous carbon structures has involved the pyrolysis of carbonaceous natural or synthetic precursors. After the isolation of graphene, the interest in 3D porous graphene-based structures (called...
Water Footprint Assessment of Selected Polymers, Polymer Blends, Composites, and Biocomposites for Industrial Application
PublicationThis paper presents a water footprint assessment of polymers, polymer blends, composites, and biocomposites based on a standardized EUR-pallet case study. The water footprint analysis is based on life cycle assessment (LCA). The study investigates six variants of EUR-pallet production depending on the materials used. The system boundary included the production of each material and the injection molding to obtain a standardized...
Increasing the Durability of Critical Parts in Heavy-Duty Industrial Machines by Deep Cryogenic Treatment
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Machine Learning Methods in Damage Prediction of Masonry Development Exposed to the Industrial Environment of Mines
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Monitoring of Selected CBRN Threats in the Air in Industrial Areas with the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
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Machine Learning for Control Systems Security of Industrial Robots: a Post-covid-19 Overview
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Application of Multi-layered Thresholding Based on Stack of Regions for Unevenly Illuminated Industrial Images
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Economic Aspects of Algae Biomass Harvesting for Industrial Purposes. The Life-Cycle Assessment of the Product
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A methodology for incorporating human factors in fuzzy-probabilistic modelling and risk analysis of industrial systems
PublicationPraca dotyczy wybranych zagadnień rozmyto-probabilistycznych modelowania złożonych systemów przemysłowych. Do obliczeń związanych z analizą ryzyka stosuje się diagramy wpływu i hierarchiczny proces decyzyjny.
The modal control vibration surveillance of manipulators as a mean of improving operating parameters of industrial robots.
PublicationNowe zastosowania robotów, a przede wszystkim - operacje szybkiego montażu, technika kosmiczna oraz operacje manipulacyjne dużymi masami (niekiedy przekraczającymi masę własną manipulatora), stawiają przed robotami coraz to większe wymagania dotyczące dużej dokładności i powtarzalności pozycjonowania. Spełnienie powyższych wymagań, bez redukcji poziomu drgań występujących w układzie nośnym manipulatora, jest trudne do uzyskania....