Search results for: machine learning
Evaluation of sound event detection, classification and localization in the presence of background noise for acoustic surveillance of hazardous situations
PublicationAn evaluation of the sound event detection, classification and localization of hazardous acoustic events in the presence of background noise of different types and changing intensities is presented. The methods for separating foreground events from the acoustic background are introduced. The classifier, based on a Support Vector Machine algorithm, is described. The set of features and samples used for the training of the classifier...
Classification of Music Genres Based on Music Separation into Harmonic and Drum Components . Klasyfikacja gatunków muzycznych wykorzystująca separację instrumentów muzycznych
PublicationThis article presents a study on music genre classification based on music separation into harmonic and drum components. For this purpose, audio signal separation is executed to extend the overall vector of parameters by new descriptors extracted from harmonic and/or drum music content. The study is performed using the ISMIS database of music files represented by vectors of parameters containing music features. The Support Vector...
Designing Intelligent Factory: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Validation
PublicationThis paper presents a framework for monitoring, analysing and decision making for a smart manufacturing environment. We maintain that this approach could play a vital role in developing an architecture and implementation of Industry 4.0. The proposed model has features like experience based knowledge representation and semantic analysis of engineering objects and manufacturing process. It is also capable of continuous real time...
Hybrid Processing by Turning and Burnishing of Machine Components
PublicationThe paper presents a method of hybrid manufacturing process of long 5 shafts and deep holes by simultaneous turning and burnishing method. The tech- 6 nological results of the research focus on the influence of the basic technological 7 parameters of this process on the surface roughness of piston rods of hydraulic 8 cylinders. Research results are presented in the graphs as well as mathematical 9 formula. Set of samples were made...
Examining Influence of Distance to Microphone on Accuracy of Speech Recognition
PublicationThe problem of controlling a machine by the distant-talking speaker without a necessity of handheld or body-worn equipment usage is considered. A laboratory setup is introduced for examination of performance of the developed automatic speech recognition system fed by direct and by distant speech acquired by microphones placed at three different distances from the speaker (0.5 m to 1.5 m). For feature extraction from the voice signal...
Efficiency of gas detection algorithms using fluctuation enhanced sensing
PublicationEfficiency of various gas detection algorithms by applying fluctuation enhanced sensing method was discussed. We have analyzed resistance noise observed in resistive WO3- nanowires gas sensing layers. Power spectral densities of the recorded noise were used as the input data vectors for two algorithms: the principal component analysis (PCA) and the support vector machine (SVM). The data were used to determine gas concentration...
Parallel Background Subtraction in Video Streams Using OpenCL on GPU Platforms
PublicationImplementation of the background subtraction algorithm using OpenCL platform is presented. The algorithm processes live stream of video frames from the surveillance camera in on-line mode. Processing is performed using a host machine and a parallel computing device. The work focuses on optimizing an OpenCL algorithm implementation for GPU devices by taking into account specific features of the GPU architecture, such as memory access,...
Examination method of the effect of the incidence angle of laser beam on distance measurement accuracy to surfaces with different colour and roughness
PublicationInterest in the influence of the incidence angle of a laser beam to distance measurements can be seen in many areas of science and technology: geodesy, glaciology, archaeology, machine automation, and others. This paper presents results of measurements of the effect of the incidence angle of a laser beam to distance measurements to the surfaces of different colour and roughness by Topcon's electro-optical total station with an...
Deep neural networks approach to skin lesions classification — A comparative analysis
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research on the use of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) for automatic classification of the skin lesions. The authors have focused on the most effective kind of DNNs for image processing, namely Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). In particular, three kinds of CNN were analyzed: VGG19, Residual Networks (ResNet) and the hybrid of VGG19 CNN with the Support Vector Machine (SVM). The research was carried...
Multi-criteria Differential Evolution for Optimization of Virtual Machine Resources in Smart City Cloud
PublicationIn a smart city, artificial intelligence tools support citizens and urban services. From the user point of view, smart applications should bring computing to the edge of the cloud, closer to citizens with short latency. However, from the cloud designer point of view, the trade-off between cost, energy and time criteria requires the Pareto solutions. Therefore, the proposed multi-criteria differential evolution can optimize virtual...
Chemical and Mechanical Properties of 70-Year-Old Concrete
PublicationThe aim of this research is to determine the durability and strength of concrete continuous footing based on the chosen mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the concrete. The presented investigations constitute some opinions from experts on the bearing capacity of concrete continuous footing and the possibilities of carrying additional loads and extended working life. The cylindrical specimens were taken from continuous...
Dead time effects compensation strategy by third harmonic injection for a five-phase inverter
PublicationThis paper proposes a method for compensation of dead-time effects for a fivephase inverter. In the proposed method an additional control subsystem was added to the field-oriented control (FOC) scheme in the coordinate system mapped to the third harmonic. The additional control loop operates in the fixed, orthogonal reference frame ( α - β coordinates) without the need for additional Park transformations. The purpose of this method...
Experimental ultimate strength assessment of stiffened plates subjected to marine immersed corrosion
PublicationThis study experimentally analyses the impact of marine immersed corrosion degradation on the compressive strength of the stiffened plates where the lower degradation levels were considered. The corrosion degradation test was accelerated by controlling the natural corrosion environmental factors, avoiding applying an electric current. Different groups of corrosion degradation levels and initial plate thicknesses were investigated....
Experimental investigations of damage evolution in concrete during bending by continuous micro-CT scanning
PublicationThe paper describes experimental investigation results of fracture in notched concrete beams under quasi-static three-point bending. To visualize 3D fracture in concrete under bending, an extended X-ray micro-computed tomography system was used, i.e. the tomography system SkyScan 1173 was connected to the loading machine ISTRON 5569. This combined system enabled to shot images of deforming concrete beams during a continuous deformation...
Total Completion Time Minimization for Scheduling with Incompatibility Cliques
PublicationThis paper considers parallel machine scheduling with incompatibilities between jobs. The jobs form a graph equivalent to a collection of disjoint cliques. No two jobs in a clique are allowed to be assigned to the same machine. Scheduling with incompatibilities between jobs represents a well-established line of research in scheduling theory and the case of disjoint cliques has received increasing attention in recent...
Monitoring the Uniformity of Fish Feeding Based on Image Feature Analysis
PublicationThe main purpose of the conducted research is the development and experimental verification of the methods for detection of fish feeding as well as checking its uniformity in the recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) using machine vision. A particular emphasis has been set on the methods useful for rainbow trout farming. Obtained results, based on the analysis of individual video...
Domestic ORC micro-CHP combined with a commercial gas boiler
PublicationThe chapter presents the results of experimental studies conducted during the launch of the first in Poland demonstration prototype of the micro ORC coupled to a domestic gas boiler. The accomplished studies indicated the possibility for the ORC module to work with such boiler (autonomous source of heat) with a prototype single-stage axial micro turbine as the expansion machine. Confirmation of that fact has been delineated in...
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Another way is to forecast cutting power consumption on...
Processing of acoustical data in a multimodal bank operating room surveillance system
PublicationAn automatic surveillance system capable of detecting, classifying and localizing acoustic events in a bank operating room is presented. Algorithms for detection and classification of abnormal acoustic events, such as screams or gunshots are introduced. Two types of detectors are employed to detect impulsive sounds and vocal activity. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used to discern between the different classes of...
Z type Observer Backstepping For Induction Machines
PublicationThis paper contains a relatively new synthesis method for non-linear objects, named backstepping. This method can be used to obtain the observer structure. The paper presents the structure of the speed observer which is a new proposition of observer backstepping with additional state variables marked Z. The rotor speed can be estimated in three different ways. The first is based on the adaptive approach, the second on the nonadaptive...
RSS-Based DoA Estimation for ESPAR Antennas Using Support Vector Machine
PublicationIn this letter, it is shown how direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation for electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas, which are designed to be integrated within wireless sensor network nodes, can be improved by applying support vector classification approach to received signal strength (RSS) values recorded at an antenna's output port. The proposed method relies on ESPAR antenna's radiation patterns measured...
Sensorless low speed PMSM motor control with cogging torque compensation
PublicationThe paper presents sensorless control of a low speed permanent magnet synchronous machine with use of modified state observer. An overview of the PMSM motor used in the research setup was presented. The problem of drive torque ripple, resulting mainly from the occurrence of a significant cogging torque, was discussed. A solution compensating the torque ripple of the PMSM motor was proposed. A start-up procedure of the speed control...
The effect of full-cell impregnation of pine wood (Pinus Sylvestris L.) on the fine dust content during sawing on a frame sawing machine
PublicationIn this paper the results of the analysis of the effect of the impregnation treatment of pine wood on the granularity of sawdust from the sawing process on the frame sawing machine PRW 15M are presented. Granulometric analyses of chips from impregnated and unimpregnated pine wood implies that the impregnation of pine wood does not affect the size and structure of the sawdust produced. A major ≈ 95% share of the formed chips is...
Audio-visual surveillance system for application in bank operating room
PublicationAn audio-visual surveillance system able to detect, classify and to localize acoustic events in a bank operating room is presented. Algorithms for detection and classification of abnormal acoustic events, such as screams or gunshots are introduced. Two types of detectors are employed to detect impulsive sounds and vocal activity. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used to discern between the different classes of acoustic...
The effect of a belt position in the spindle driving system on critical rotational speeds
PublicationThe aim of this paper was to examine how the belt pulley position affects critical rotational speeds of the modernized spindle of the sliding table saw Fx3. Methodology of determination of critical rotational speeds of the spindle in a function of the spindle design features and its driving system is presented. Spindles in these kind of machine tools are mainly driven with V-belts, and the pulleys on the spindles might be positioned:...
Experimental analysis of chip removing system in circular sawing machine
PublicationPaper presents analysis of the process of removing the wood chips generated during the cutting of the material on the circular sawing machine. The attention is focused on the upper cover of the chip removing system. Within the framework of the work a systematic experimental study of pressure distribution in the cover during operation of the selected rotational speed of saw blade with a diameter of 300 mm and 450 mm was carried...
PublicationIn this paper the influence of tack welds distribution and welding sequence on angular distortion of the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welded joint was tested. Additionally, the effect of welding current on angular distortion was assessed. For research X2CrTiNb18 (AISI 441) stainless steel (2.5 mm thick) was chosen. During research specimens were prepared with different distributionsof tack...
I, Robot: between angel and evil
PublicationThe boosting of most digital innovations within recent technology progress by artificial intelligence (AI) constitutes a growing topic of interest. Besides its technical aspects, increasing research activity may be observed in the domain of security challenges, and therefore of responsibility related to the controlled or hypothetically uncontrolled or autonomous emergence of AI solutions. Consequently, responsibility and ethics...
PublicationThe article introduces a design and analysis results of a prototype ORC (organic Rankine cycle) turbo generator rotor assembly of 300kW power, supported by tilting-pad bearings of original design. The calculations were performed for a prototype turbo generator rotor. The shaft of this machine is supported with two radial bearings, lubricated with an unusual lubricant – a low-boiling-point agent. The main objective of the presented...
Andrzej Chybicki dr inż.
PeopleA graduate of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at the Gdańsk University of Technology, PhD in technical sciences in the field of IT specializing in distributed data processing in IT . Aimed at exploiting the achievements and knowledge in the field of industrial research. He cooperated with a number of companies including OpeGieka Elbląg, Reson Inc., Powel Sp. z o. o., Wasat, Better Solutions, the European...
Silent Signals The Covert Network Shaping the Future
PublicationSilent Signals The Covert Network Shaping the Future In a world dominated by information flow and rapid technological advancements, the existence of hidden networks and unseen influences has never been more relevant. "Silent Signals: The Covert Network Shaping the Future" delves deep into the mysterious and often opaque world of covert communication networks. This influential work sheds light on the silent...
Blockchain i sztuczna inteligencja w ochronie danych: bezpieczne przechowywanie i analiza
PublicationTechnologie takie jak blockchain i sztuczna inteligencja (SI) na stałe zagościły w dyskusjach naukowych i biznesowych, szczególnie w kontekście bezpieczeństwa danych. W dobie przyspieszonej cyfryzacji i rosnącej liczby zagrożeń w cyberprzestrzeni, pytanie o to, jak zapewnić skuteczną ochronę i anonimowość użytkowników, staje się absolutnie kluczowe. Jako Marcin Niedopytalski, badacz zafascynowany tą tematyką, staram się od lat...
Trust and distrust in electoral technologies: what can we learn from the failure of electronic voting in the Netherlands (2006/07)
PublicationThis paper focuses on the complex dynamics of trust and distrust in digital government technologies by approaching the cancellation of machine voting in the Netherlands (2006-07). This case describes how a previously trusted system can collapse, how paradoxical the relationship between trust and distrust is, and how it interacts with adopting and managing electoral technologies. The analysis stresses how, although...
Modeling and Strength Calculations of Parts Made Using 3D Printing Technology and Mounted in a Custom-Made Lower Limb Exoskeleton
PublicationThis study is focused on the application of 3D-printed elements and conventional elements to create a prototype of a custom-made exoskeleton for lower limb rehabilitation. The 3D-printed elements were produced by using Fused Deposition Modeling technology and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) material. The scope of this work involved the design and construction of an exoskeleton, experimental testing of the ABS material and...
State and control system variables sensitivity to rotor asymmetry in the induction motor drive
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to undertake analysis and comparison of the closed-loop and sensorless control systems sensitivity to the broken rotor for diagnostic purposes. For the same vector control system induction motor drive analysis concerning operation with the asymmetric motor, broken rotor fault handling and operation were investigated. Reliability, range of stable operation, fault symptoms and application of diagnosis methods...
Nowe możliwości generowania zarysów satelitowych mechanizmów roboczych
PublicationPlanetary hydraulic gear motors have been well known since 70's . first motors were constructed for maritime industry by hydroster from gdansk. the evolution of this type of motors led to an increase of nominal pressure and durability. nowadays the industry needs reliable and efficient motor able to work with alternative hydraulic fluids like water, emulsion and vegetable oil. therefore a new type of motors are being developed...
Problems of analytical determination of journal bearing bush fatigue strength estimates
PublicationProblems connected with determination of stress distribution in sliding layer of thinwalled bearing bushes, investigated in bearing fatigue test rigs, have been presented. Using an example of plain bearings tested in the fatigue machine SMOK (built at the Gdask University of Technology) problems with obtaining a convergence of iterative procedure for determining the fatigue strength estimators of bearing alloy surface layer are...
Lamb wave-based monitoring of shear failure of an adhesive lap joint
PublicationThe paper presents a study on the elastic wave propagation in adhesive joints of steel plates subjected to tensile loading. A single lap joint was chosen for analysis because of its simplicity and plurality of applications. Experimental investigations consisted of the uniaxial extension of prepared specimens. Force and displacement values were recorded by a testing machine. Simultaneously, guided Lamb waves were excited and signals...
Accurate modeling of quasi-resonant inverter fed IM drive
PublicationIn this paper wide-band modeling methodology of a parallel quasi-resonant dc link inverter (PQRDCLI) fed induction machine (IM) is presented. The modeling objective is early-design stage prediction of conductive electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions of the considered converter fed IM drive system. Operation principles of the selected topology of PQRDCLI feeding IM drive are given. Modeling of the converter drive system is...
Decisional DNA Based Conceptual Framework for Smart Manufacturing
PublicationThis paper presents the conceptual framework for systematic knowledge representation, storage and reuse of manufacturing information in a production scenario. This knowledge structure is designed for three levels in a manufacturing set up viz. first at the engineering objects level, second at process and finally at factory level. Virtual engineering object (VEO) deals with knowledge at the individual object/component/machine level...
Detection, classification and localization of acoustic events in the presence of background noise for acoustic surveillance of hazardous situations
PublicationEvaluation of sound event detection, classification and localization of hazardous acoustic events in the presence of background noise of different types and changing intensities is presented. The methods for discerning between the events being in focus and the acoustic background are introduced. The classifier, based on a Support Vector Machine algorithm, is described. The set of features and samples used for the training of the...
A tool for integrating Web Site services over User Interface
PublicationCompanies and organizations are building information systems by integrating previously independent applications, together with new developments. This integration process has to deal with existing applications, which can only be used through their specific interfaces, and often cannot be modified. Integration of web applications running remotely and controlled by separate organizations becomes even more complicated, as their user...
Histogram of Gradients with Cell Average Intensity for Human Detection
PublicationThe modification of the descriptor in human detector using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and support vector machine is presented. The proposed modification requires inserting the average cell intensitiesresulting with the increase of the length of the descriptor from 3780 to 4200 values, but it is easy to compute and instantly gives 14-26% of miss rate improvement at 10^-4 False Positives Per Window (FPPW). The modification...
Models of Brushless Synchronous Generator for Studying Autonomous Electrical Power System
PublicationThis is a PhD dissertation. The work presented in this monograph was carried out at the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdansk University of Technology. Developed during the research models of brushless synchronous generator ware verified using FEM based simulations and measurements conducted on the prototype generator. The main focus of the research...
A Wind Energy Conversion System Based on a Generator with Modulated Magnetic Flux
PublicationIn this work, the concept of an energy conversion system for wind turbines based on the modified permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is presented. In the generator, a pair of three-phase windings is used, one of which is connected in a “star” and the second in a “delta” configuration. At the outputs of both windings, two six-pulse uncontrolled (diode) rectifiers are included. These rectifiers are mutually coupled by a...
Comparative Study of Integer and Non-Integer Order Models of Synchronous Generator
PublicationThis article presents a comparison between integer and non-integer order modelling of a synchronous generator, in the frequency domain as well as in the time domain. The classical integer order model was compared to one containing half -order systems. The half-order systems are represented in a Park d-q axis equivalent circuit as impedances modelled by half-order transmittances. Using a direct method based on the approximation...
Polymeric Bearings as a new base isolation system suitable for mitigating machine-induced vibrations
PublicationThe present paper summarizes the preliminary results of the experimental shaking table investigation conducted in order to verify the effectiveness of a new base isolation system consisting of Polymeric Bearings in reducing strong horizontal machine-induced vibrations. Polymeric Bearing considered in the present study is a prototype base isolation system, which was constructed with the use of a specially prepared flexible polymer...
Numerical analysis of chip removing system operation in circular sawing machine using CFD software
PublicationPaper presents the analysis of the results of numerical simulations of the air flow process of wood chips removing system in the circular sawing machine. The attention is focused on the upper cover and bottom shelter of the chip removing system. Within the framework of the work a systematic numerical modeling of the air flow distribution in the cover and shelter during operation of the selected rotational speed of saw blade with...
Deep convolutional neural network for predicting kidney tumour malignancy
PublicationPurpose: According to the statistics, up to 15-20% of removed solid kidney tumors turn out to be benign in postoperative histopathological examination, despite having been identified as malignant by a radiologist. The aim of the research was to limit the number of unnecessary nephrectomies of benign tumors. Methods or Background: We propose a machine-aided diagnostic system for kidney...
“The Guardians of the Truth”: Journalists’ Resistance to the Algorithmization of Journalism
PublicationRegardless of the term used, be it “robot journalism,” “automated journalism,” “algorithmic journalism” or “machine-written journalism,” the process of automatic content creation and distribution is progressing in the newsrooms. Meanwhile, exercising control over the creation and distribution of news is considered a fundamental element of journalists’ professional identity. The article presents the results of research on the perception...