Search results for: RISK CLASSES, FORECASTING - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Instalacje fotowoltaiczne w budownictwie wielorodzinnym

    Artykuł opisuje wpływ instalacji fotowoltaicznych na bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji budynków wielorodzinnych. W oparciu o projekty rzeczywistych obiektów przeprowadzono analizę zwiększenia ryzyka strat odgromowych, zmiany obciążenia konstrukcji dachu i wzrostu zagrożenia pożarowego na skutek montażu systemu fotowoltaicznego. Przeprowadzone obliczenia wskazują na konieczność kompleksowego podejścia do projektowania instalacji fotowoltaicznych....

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  • Wpływ postrzeganego ryzyka oraz czynników wizerunkowych na zamiar zakupu marek własnych sieci handlowych


    Celem przeprowadzonych badań była analiza wpływu wizerunku sklepu, postrzeganego ryzyka oraz wizerunku cenowego marek własnych na zamiar ich zakupu. Dokonano replikacji modelu zaproponowanego przez M.F. Diallo i w jej ramach zastosowano technikę wywiadu realizowanego za pośrednictwem Internetu (CAWI) i przeprowadzono analizy z wykorzystaniem modelu równań strukturalnych (SEM) przy pomocy oprogramowania AMOS. Stwierdzono, że zamiar...

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  • Vehicle classification based on soft computing algorithms

    Experiments and results regarding vehicle type classification are presented. Three classes of vehicles are recognized: sedans, vans and trucks. The system uses a non-calibrated traffic camera, therefore no direct vehicle dimensions are used. Various vehicle descriptors are tested, including those based on vehicle mask only and those based on vehicle images. The latter ones employ Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and gradient images...

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  • Tools for road infrastructure safety management – Polish experiences

    The objective of road safety infrastructure management is to ensure that when roads are planned, designed, built and used road risks can be systematically identified, assessed, removed and mitigated. There are a number of approaches to road safety management. European Union Directive 2008/96/EC requires EU member states to use four basic tools of road safety infrastructure management. An overview of the methods in these countries...

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  • NADPH Oxidase Gene Polymorphism is Associated with Mortality and Cardiovascular Events in 7-Year Follow-Up

    • M. Racis
    • W. Sobiczewski
    • A. Stanisławska-Sachadyn
    • M. Wirtwein
    • E. Bluj
    • M. Nedoszytko
    • J. Borzyszkowska
    • J. Limon
    • A. Rynkiewicz
    • M. Gruchała

    - Journal of Clinical Medicine - Year 2020

    The CYBA gene encodes the regulatory subunit of NADPH oxidase, which maintains the redox state within cells and in the blood vessels. That led us to investigate the course of coronary artery disease (CAD) with regards to CYBA polymorphisms. Thus, we recruited 1197 subjects with coronary atherosclerosis and observed them during 7-year follow-up. Three CYBA polymorphisms: c.214C>T (rs4673), c.-932G>A (rs9932581), and c.*24G>A (1049255)...

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    - Year 2015

    Cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. The developed cutting model, derived from fracture mechanics, includes work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and also dullness of the cutting edge described by the cutting edge radius. Moreover, forecasting of the shear plane angle for the cutting models, broaden possibilities of energetic effects...

  • Application of Fracture Mechanics for Energetic Effects Predictions While Wood Sawing



    In the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (or power - more interesting from energetic point of view) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Cutting...

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  • Predicting cutting power for band sawing process of pine and beech wood dried with the use of four different methods


    - BIORESOURCES - Year 2020

    Wood drying is an important stage in the woodworking process. After drying, wood is subject to a re-sawing process, for which a high quality surface, low material loss, and high efficiency are often required. In this paper, forecasted values were presented of cutting power for the re-sawing process of pine and beech wood that were dried with four different methods. Forecasting of cutting power for an industrial band saw machine...

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  • The dispersive micro-solid phase extraction method for MS-based lipidomics of human breast milk*

    A simple and rapid microextraction method ensuring high lipidome coverage was developed for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based lipidomics of human breast milk. The dispersive microsolid phase extraction (D-µ-SPE) technique, coupled with the design of experiment (DoE) method, enabled the study of the influence of several conditions (desorption solvent, stationary phase ratio, and sorption and desorption time)...

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  • Isothiocyanates may chemically detoxify mutagenic amines formed in heat processed meat

    Meat consumption represents a dietary risk factor increasing the incidence of common cancers, probably due to carcinogenic amines (HAAs) formed upon meat heating. Interestingly, cancers whose incidence is increased by meat consumption, are decreased in populations consuming brassica vegetables regularly. This inverse correlation is attributed to brassica anticarcinogenic components, especially isothiocyanates (ITCs) that stimulate...

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  • Investor confidence and high financial literacy jointly shape investments in risky assets


    - Year 2022

    Households consistently invest less in equities and bonds than predicted by economic theory. We explain this from a behavioral economics perspective and distributional analysis using rich US survey microdata. We find that higher investor self-confidence in her financial abilities and financial literacy jointly increase the probability of investing in equities. Conditional on participation, confidence in the macroeconomy additionally...

  • Electrical safety in low-voltage DC microgrids with B-type residual current devices


    Residual current devices (RCDs) are most popular devices used in low-voltage installations for protection against electric shock and fire. In cases of high risk of electric shock the application of RCDs is mandatory. Currently, the spread of local direct current (DC) microgrids is widely considered. This creates new challenges for protective systems, in particular those based on RCDs. The main purpose of the research is to test...

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  • Assessing the Effects of the Road Surface and Weather Conditions on Road Safety


    - Journal of KONBiN - Year 2019

    When transport is analysed for its safe delivery the focus is mainly on assessing the safety of roads and the risk of undesired events. These include road accidents, an occurrence which is relatively rare and random. Randomness means that accidents depend on several factors which are partly deterministic (can be controlled) and partly stochastic (random and unpredictable). The set of crash contributing factors can be classified...

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  • Natalia Krystyna Gietka dr inż.

    Since 2014, an employee of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Currently an assistant professor at the Department of Geotechnics and Water Engineering, where she develops her scientific interests related to the field of hydraulics, fluid mechanics, meteorology and hydrology. Together with the Center for Innovative Education, it strives to introduce innovative solutions in teaching,...

  • Vibration testing in buildings and safety of their operation

    The paper presents the issue of vibrations in residential buildings located near roads. It describes the measurement methodology and criteria for assessing the impact of vibrations generated by passing trucks. The article specifies a method to establish the impact on the operation of the examined facilities and it promotes the idea of employing a Bayesian network to determine probabilistically the level of risk to single-family...

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  • Relationship between semi- and fully-device-independent protocols

    • H. Li
    • P. A. Mironowicz
    • M. Pawłowski
    • Z. Yin
    • Y. Wu
    • S. Wang
    • W. Chen
    • H. Hu
    • G. Guo
    • Z. Han

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2013

    We study the relation between semi and fully device independent protocols. As a tool, we use the correspondence between Bell inequalities and dimension witnesses. We present a method for converting the former into the latter and vice versa. This relation provides us with interesting results for both scenarios. First, we find new random number generation protocols with higher bit rates for both the semi and fully device independent...

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  • Music Genre Recognition in the Rough Set-Based Environment


    - Year 2015

    The aim of this paper is to investigate music genre recognition in the rough set-based environment. Experiments involve a parameterized music data-base containing 1100 music excerpts. The database is divided into 11 classes cor-responding to music genres. Tests are conducted using the Rough Set Exploration System (RSES), a toolset for analyzing data with the use of methods based on the rough set theory. Classification effectiveness...

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    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Year 2015

    The domination multisubdivision number of a nonempty graph G was defined in [3] as the minimum positive integer k such that there exists an edge which must be subdivided k times to increase the domination number of G. Similarly we define the total domination multisubdivision number msd_t (G) of a graph G and we show that for any connected graph G of order at least two, msd_t (G) ≤ 3. We show that for trees the total domination...

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  • Interval incidence graph coloring

    In this paper we introduce a concept of interval incidence coloring of graphs and survey its general properties including lower and upper bounds on the number of colors. Our main focus is to determine the exact value of the interval incidence coloring number χii for selected classes of graphs, i.e. paths, cycles, stars, wheels, fans, necklaces, complete graphs and complete k-partite graphs. We also study the complexity of the...

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  • Preliminary typology and contextual analysis of Roman and late antique cooking wares from the Roman rural settlement at Podšilo bay on the island of Rab (north–eastern Adriatic, Croatia)

    • B. Nowacki
    • A. Konestra
    • F. Welc

    - Year 2022

    The paper presents a preliminary typology of coarse cooking ware from the Roman/late antique layers of the rural settlement at Podšilo bay on the island of Rab. The vessels have been associated with several basic shapes and divided by types, while fabrics have been described macroscopically. Analogies and a contextual analysis were used to propose dating and to assess provenience for well-known ware classes or to define areas...

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  • Therapeutic Potential of Multifunctional Tacrine Analogues


    - Current Neuropharmacology - Year 2019

    Tacrine is a potent inhibitor of cholinesterases (acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase) that shows limiting clinical application by liver toxicity. In spite of this, analogues of tacrine are considered as a model inhibitor of cholinesterases in the therapy of Alzheimer’s disease. The interest in these compounds is mainly related to a high variety of their structure and biological properties. In the present review, we...

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  • Tworzenie modelu pojęciowego dla zarządzania ryzykiem na przykładzie procesu laminowania w stoczni jachtowej

    Celem artykułu jest zaproponowanie modelu pojęciowego normalizującego kryteria oceny ryzyka w systemie zarządzania jakością w stoczni jachtowej. Zamiarem jest przeprowadzenie analizy danych, pozwalającej wytyczyć zbiory o wysokim, średnim i niskim poziomie istotności dla wszystkich błędów powstających w procesie laminowania. W artykule skoncentrowano się na najważniejszych pojęciach związanych z ryzykiem i kryteriami jego oceny....

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  • Development and validation of a model that includes two ultrasound parameters and the plasma D-dimer level for predicting malignancy in adnexal masses: an observational study


    - BMC CANCER - Year 2019

    Background: Pre-operative discrimination of malignant from benign adnexal masses is crucial for planning additional imaging, preparation, surgery and postoperative care. This study aimed to define key ultrasound and clinical variables and develop a predictive model for calculating preoperative ovarian tumor malignancy risk in a gynecologic oncology referral center. We compared our model to a subjective ultrasound assessment (SUA)...

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  • Survival time prognosis under a Markov model of cancer development


    - Year 2010

    In this study we look at a breast cancer data set of women from Pomerania region collected in year 1987-1992 in the Medical University of Gdańsk. We analyze the clinical risk factors in conjunction with Markov model of cancer development. We evaluate Artificial Neural Network (ANN) survival time prediction via a simulation study.

  • Katarzyna Kubiszewska dr

    Katarzyna Kubiszewska has taught finance and banking at the Department of Finance since 2008. In his scientific work, he is interested in the transformation of banking systems in the Central and Eastern European region, but also in the financing of the cultural sector. The publications concern the field of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance. Since 2019, he has been collaborating with journals such as Economic...

  • Kultura jakości, doskonałości i bezpieczeństwa w organizacji


    - Year 2019

    Kultura jakości, bezpieczeństwa oraz doskonałości to ważne, kategorie zasobów każdej organizacji, decydujące o jej niepowtarzalności. Kształtują one nie tylko tożsamość danej organizacji, ale także mają wpływ na jej zdolność do spełniania potrzeb różnych grup interesariuszy oraz na szeroko rozumianą reputację na rynku. Każda z tych kultur wyraża się poprzez swoiste założenia, normy, wartości oraz artefakty. Stanowią one fundament...

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  • Economics of credit scoring management


    - Year 2019

    Credit scoring models constitute an inevitable element of modern risk and profitability management in retail financial lending institutions. Quality,or separation power of a credit scoring model is usually assessed with the Gini coefficient. Generally, the higher Gini coefficient the better, as in this way a bank can increase number of good customers and/or reject more bad applicants. In...

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  • The problem of infections associated with implants – an overview


    Implant-associated infections are serious and relatively common complication that leads to implant loss. The purpose of this paper is to gather knowledge about this issue. A literature review of the epidemiology, risk factors and pathogenesis of infections related to implants was carried out. This position collects data on commonly used implants and infections associated with them from various fields of medicine and contains classifications...

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  • Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Compounds in Food


    - Year 2023

    Food is a major environmental human cancer risk factor. One of the reasons for this is that food products contain substances that exhibit mutagenic and carcinogenic potential which may induce the transformation of normal somatic cells into cancerous cells. These compounds occur in food as a result of microbial contaminations (mycotoxins produced by molds), are generated from natural food components upon processing (e.g. heterocyclic...

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  • Aleksandra Parteka dr hab. inż.

    About me: I am an associate professor and head of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology (GdanskTech, Poland).  I got my MSc degree in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology (2003) and Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (2005), as well as MA degree in Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (2006, with distinction).  I received my PhD in Economics...

  • Are We Facing a Tsunami of Vaccine Hesitancy or Outdated Pandemic Policy in Times of Omicron? Analyzing Changes of COVID-19 Vaccination Trends in Poland


    - Vaccines - Year 2023

    In this study, we analyzed Polish COVID-19 vaccination data until January 2023 from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to understand individual decision making during the milder Omicron wave. Our findings show a general decline in subsequent vaccine uptake. As the number of government-provided doses increased, completion rates among certain low-risk groups dropped to less than 1%. Elderly individuals, especially...

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  • Risks to Older People in Road Traffic

    he article looks at road traffic risks and main trends from the perspective of older road users (drivers, cyclists, pedestrians). With a longer time to react, poor eyesight and hearing, impaired mobility, ill health and medication, older road users are put at risk. A comprehensive and pro-active strategy is needed to deal with these risk factors and meet the safety and mobility needs...

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  • Drinking water safety evaluation in the selected sub-Saharan African countries: A case study of Madagascar, Uganda and Rwanda

    In the sub-Saharan region of Africa, access to safe drinking water remains limited in many countries. This study provides an overview of the quality of surface water and groundwater in rural and peri-urban areas of Madagascar, Uganda, and Rwanda. Selected physico-chemical parameters, inorganic species (including inorganic ions), and organic pollution indicators, such as total organic carbon, non-ionic surfactants, cationic surfactants, anionic...

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    - Wiadomości Konserwatorskie - Year 2015

    The cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be therefore considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. The dedicated mathematical model developed for description of the wood cutting has been developed here on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to the material plasticity and friction. The effect of the cutting edge dullness is...

  • A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of corporate bankruptcy prediction models based on financial ratios: Evidence from Colombia, 2008 to 2015

    Logit and discriminant analyses have been used for corporate bankruptcy prediction in several studies since the last century. In recent years there have been dozens of studies comparing the several models available, including the ones mentioned above and also probit, artificial neural networks, support vector machines, among others. For the first time for Colombia, this paper presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness...

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  • Ganglioneuroblastoma - Female, 3 - Tissue image [9020730024814451]

    Open Research Data

    This is the histopathological image of ADRENAL GLAND tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • GIST - Male, 76 - Tissue image [5060730006982651]

    Open Research Data

    This is the histopathological image of STOMACH tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • Ganglioneuroblastoma - Female, 3 - Tissue image [9020730024813161]

    Open Research Data

    This is the histopathological image of ADRENAL GLAND tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • GIST - Male, 76 - Tissue image [5060730006983961]

    Open Research Data

    This is the histopathological image of STOMACH tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • On-line P-coloring of graphs

    For a given induced hereditary property P, a P-coloring of a graph G is an assignment of one color to each vertex such that the subgraphs induced by each of the color classes have property P. We consider the effectiveness of on-line P-coloring algorithms and give the generalizations and extensions of selected results known for on-line proper coloring algorithms. We prove a linear lower bound for the performance guarantee function...

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  • Comparison of Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Distillates Using Prototype of Electronic Nose and Fast/Flash GC

    The paper presents the results of investigation on quality evaluation of agricultural distillates using a prototype of electronic nose instrument and a commercial electronic nose of Fast/Flash GC type – HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co.. In case of the prototype volatile fraction of the agricultural distillate was prepared via barbotage process. HERACLES II analysed the...

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  • Global edge alliances in graphs

    In the paper we introduce and study a new problem of finding a minimum global edge alliance in a graph which is related to the global defensive alliance (Haynes et al., 2013; Hedetniemi, 2004) and the global defensive set (Lewoń et al., 2016). We proved the NP-completeness of the global edge alliance problem for subcubic graphs and we constructed polynomial time algorithms for trees. We found the exact values of the size of the...

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  • High resolution liquid chromatography and time of flight mass spectrometry in perfume analysis


    Perfumes consist of a wide range of natural and synthetic compounds that belongs to different chemical classes. Most of these compounds are generally determined by GC. However, in this study RP-HPLC-Q-TOF-MS and HILIC-Q-TOF-MS technique was applied for the determination of ingredients of original perfumes and their imitations. Antioxidants and compounds specific to fragrances of animal \origin were found in original...

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  • Approaches Towards Better Immunosuppressive Agents


    Several classes of compounds are applied in clinics due to their immunosuppressive properties in transplantology and the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Derivatives of mycophe-nolic acid, corticosteroids and chemotherapeutics bearing heterocyclic moieties like methotrexate, azathioprine, mizoribine, and ruxolitinib are active substances with investigated mechanisms of action. However, improved synthetic approaches of known drugs...

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  • Robotic manipulators, Lab, MiBM, st. I, sem.6 (PG_00053663) 03.2022 Fri

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Sieklicki

    The course Manipulators and Industrial Robots (laboratory) is for students of the 6th semester of a full-time bachelor's degree studies of Mechatronics. The course includes  laboratory classes in the field of industrial manipulators - their construction, features, components, control, and modular robots - their programming and models.

  • Virtual team collaboration - Spring'24

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Dembski
    • B. Wiszniewski

    Objectives of the course include introducing non-algorithmic distributed computation models, indicating new trends in IT driving the development of the information society and demonstrating in practice several applications which represent basic classes of distributed interactive systems.

  • Robotic manipulators, Lab, MiBM, st. I, sem.6 (PG_00053663) 03.2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Sieklicki

    The course Manipulators and Industrial Robots (laboratory) is for students of the 6th semester of a full-time bachelor's degree studies of Mechatronics. The course includes  laboratory classes in the field of industrial manipulators - their construction, features, components, control, and modular robots - their programming and models.

  • Virtual team collaboration - Spring'24

    e-Learning Courses

    Objectives of the course include introducing non-algorithmic distributed computation models, indicating new trends in IT driving the development of the information society and demonstrating in practice several applications which represent basic classes of distributed interactive systems.

  • Robotic manipulators, Lab, MiBM, st. I, sem.6 (PG_00053663) 03.2024 kopia 1

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Sieklicki

    The course Manipulators and Industrial Robots (laboratory) is for students of the 6th semester of a full-time bachelor's degree studies of Mechatronics. The course includes  laboratory classes in the field of industrial manipulators - their construction, features, components, control, and modular robots - their programming and models.

  • Robotic manipulators, Lab, MiBM, st. I, sem.6 (PG_00053663) 03.2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Sieklicki

    The course Manipulators and Industrial Robots (laboratory) is for students of the 6th semester of a full-time bachelor's degree studies of Mechatronics. The course includes  laboratory classes in the field of industrial manipulators - their construction, features, components, control, and modular robots - their programming and models.