Search results for: LI-ION BATTERY - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: LI-ION BATTERY

Search results for: LI-ION BATTERY

  • On the Structure and Volumetric Properties of Solvated Lanthanoid(III) Ions in Amide Solutions



    The coordination chemistry and the volumetric properties of three representative lanthanoid(III) ions lanthanum-(III), gadolinium(III), and lutetium(III) have been studied in three amide solvents with gradually increasing spatial demand upon coordination: N,N-dimethylformamide (dmf)

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  • Correlations of structural, thermal and electrical properties of sodium doped complex borophosphosilicate glass

    Borophosphosilicate glasses with varying sodium ion concentrations were investigated for their, structural, thermal, and electrical properties. All the obtained glasses were transparent except the glass with the highest sodium content, which exhibited translucency due to inhomogeneities. Increasing sodium content led to reduced boron and silicon content while maintaining a constant B/Si ratio, indicating progressive depolymerization...

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  • The Role of Electron Transfer in the Fragmentation of Phenyl and Cyclohexyl Boronic Acids

    • A. Lozano
    • B. Pamplona
    • T. Kilich
    • M. Łabuda
    • M. Mendes
    • J. Pereira-da-Silva
    • G. García
    • P. Gois
    • F. Ferreira Da Silva
    • P. Limão-Vieira


    In this study, novel measurements of negative ion formation in neutral potassium-neutral boronic acid collisions are reported in electron transfer experiments. The fragmentation pattern of phenylboronic acid is comprehensively investigated for a wide range of collision energies, i.e., from 10 to 1000 eV in the laboratory frame, allowing some of the most relevant dissociation channels to be probed. These studies were performed in...

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  • The solvent-assisted dispersive solid-phase extraction method revisited. Application for the determination of anionic surfactants


    - Advances in Sample Preparation - Year 2025

    A new approach in solvent-assisted dispersive solid-phase extraction (SA-DSPE) procedure using a supercooled liquid was developed. It demonstrates the first use of a supercooled liquid in this technique, in particular, and in chemical analysis in general. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work devoted to the determination of the total concentration of anionic surfactants (as LAS, Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate)...

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  • central European Array for Gamma Levels Evaluation at Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw

    Research Equipment

  • Materiały dla Fotowoltaiki

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Gazda

    Orientacyjny program wykładu: Wykład: Wprowadzenie: 1)      Właściwości optyczne materiałów: współczynnik absorpcji, załamania i odbicia; 2)      Generacja i rekombinacja nośników ładunku w półprzewodniku; 3)      Zjawisko fotoelektryczne wewnętrzne; Zasada działania ogniwa fotowoltaicznego: 1)      Zjawiska; 2)      Efektywność konwersji energii; 3)      Czynniki wpływające na efektywność konwersji energii; Konstrukcja...


    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Marczak
    • A. Orchowska

    The aim of a team research project is to conduct a process in which Students will verify the research hypothesis set by the Client. For this purpose, the project may require the creation of a product, e.g. an application, a device and conducting appropriate research, analysis of results, etc. In the event that the University/Client shares confidential information (including data), the Students will be required to sign an undertaking...

  • The profiles and spectrum of aqua solution of tannic acid by HPLC-DAD-MS analysis.

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The profiling of tannic acid is determined by examining the content and proportion / ratio of gallotannins [Aras et al. 2016, Clifford et al. 2007, Gauri et al. 2012, Nishizawa et al. 1982]. In order to check the ion mass distribution (TIC) in an aqueous solution of commercial tannic acid, a direct sample injection (TA) was performed into the mass spectrometer....

  • Spinel-Type Structured Phosphor Near-Infrared-II Emission: Intervalence Charge Transfer and Hetero-Valent Chromium Pairs

    Open Research Data

    Near-infrared (NIR) emitting phosphors draw much attention because they show great applicability and development prospects in many fields. Herein, a series of inverse spinel-type structured LiGa5O8 phosphors with a high concentration of Cr3+ activators is reported with a dual emission band covering NIR-I and II regions. Except for strong ionic exchange...

  • Lanthanum investigations in ceramics annealed in a dry and wet atmosphere

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Ceramics based on Barium, Lanthanum, Gadolinium and Cobaltium were produced by standard solid state reaction from oxides and carbonate powders. After sintring, samples were annealed for 2 hours or 72 hours at 300 Celsius degree in a both: wet and dry atmosphere. Results of annealing on a chemical composition and valence state of lanthanum were observed...

  • Valence state of Manganium in a MnCoO ceramics

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Manganium -cobalt based ceramics materials were produced by solid state reaction and sintred in a furnance in air atmosphere for 20h. Annealing temperature was 600 Celsius degree. For investigations a series of samples, with a various composition was chosen: MnCoO, Mn, Co2O and Mn2CoO. In order to determine valence states of the Mn, X-Ray photoemission...

  • On the role of classical and novel forms of vitamin D in melanoma progression and management

    • A. Slominski
    • A. Brożyna
    • C. Skobowiat
    • M. Zmijewski
    • T. Kim
    • Z. Janjetovic
    • A. Oak
    • W. Jozwicki
    • A. Jetten
    • R. Mason... and 4 others

    - The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Year 2018

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  • AutoCAD dla początkujących (poziom I i II)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Grabowska
    • E. Kozłowska

    Kurs przeznaczony dla studentów, absolwentów szkół średnich i wyższych oraz innych osób posiadających podstawową umiejętność obsługi komputera. Kategoria: systemy inżynierskie CAD/CAM/CAE Program kursu: Ustalanie parametrów rysunku Układy współrzędnych Precyzyjne wybieranie punktów Wymiarowanie Operacje na blokach Przygotowanie rysunku do wydruku   Miejsce i czas trwania:Kurs prowadzony jest systemem kształcenia na odległość....

  • Optoelectronic device for hematocrit measurements


    An optoelectronic system for measurements of hematocrit level (HCT) in the whole human blood is presented. Proposed system integrates a dedicated optoelectronic sensor, a microcontroller and a small LCD display in a low cost, battery-powered, handheld device. Chosen method for determining blood hematocrit level is based on optical properties of whole blood in visible and NIR wavelength range. Measurements with the use of proposed...

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  • The occurence and diagnosis of biomarkers of ethyl alcohol consumption


    - UWM Law Review - Year 2015

    Ethyl alcohol is a legal and a widely available psychoactive drug. However, its excessive consumption causes addiction. This leads to aggressive behaviors, family battery, difficulties in interpersonal relations, legal offences, suicides, car accidents and deterioration in labor productivity, what causes financial problems. Despite many social actions against alcohol consumption, this problem is still unresolved. Therefore, fast...

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  • Development of trolleybus public transport in Gdynia as part of sustainable mobility strategy

    In many EU cities trolleybuses are experiencing a period of revitalization. New lines, new and modern trolley-buses, the use of auxiliary propulsion battery, eco-logical values and others, create great opportunities for that kind of public transport as an effective tool to shape transport policy in accordance with the principles of sustainable mobility. Gdynia is one of three cities in Poland with trolleybuses public transport...

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  • Study on effective front region thickness of PCM in thermal energy storage using a novel semi-theoretical model


    Thermal energy storage in mobile applications, particularly battery of electric vehicles, is currently gaining a lot of importance. In this paper, a semi-theoretical time-dependent mathematical model of the phase change in a double shell thermal energy storage module has been developed where the inner tube is a heat exchange surface. An effective front region thickness for the melting and solidification process has been studied....

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  • Unidirectional DC/DC Converter with Voltage Inverter for Fast Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries


    - ENERGIES - Year 2020

    The paper proposes the adaptation of the industrial plant’s power network to supply electric vehicle (EV) fast-charging converters (above 300 kW) using renewable energy sources (RESs). A 600 V DC microgrid was used to supply energy from RESs for the needs of variable speed motor drives and charging of EV batteries. It has been shown that it is possible to support the supply of drive voltage frequency converters (VFCs) and charging...

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  • Intracranial electrophysiological recordings from the human brain during memory tasks with pupillometry


    - Scientific Data - Year 2022

    Data comprise intracranial EEG (iEEG) brain activity represented by stereo EEG (sEEG) signals, recorded from over 100 electrode channels implanted in any one patient across various brain regions. The iEEG signals were recorded in epilepsy patients (N=10) undergoing invasive monitoring and localization of seizures when they were performing a battery of four memory tasks lasting approx. 1 hour in total. Gaze tracking on the task...

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  • Contaminants in airport runoff water in the Vicinities of Two International Airports in Poland

    The general aim of the study was to evaluate environmental quality associated with the operations (combustion of fuels, cleaning of aircraft and airport aprons, aircraft, ground vehicle maintenance and repairs, fuelling operations, de/anti-icing operations) of international airports located in central and northern of Poland. These two monitoring areas were set up to monitor PAHs, PCBs, formaldehydes, phenols, detergents (cationic,...

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  • Superconductivity–Electron Count Relationship in Heusler Phases─the Case of LiPd2Si



    We report superconductivity in the full Heusler compound LiPd2Si (space group Fm3̅m, No. 225) at a critical temperature of Tc = 1.3 K and a normalized heat capacity jump at Tc, ΔC/γTc = 1.1. The low-temperature isothermal magnetization curves imply type-I superconductivity, as previously observed in LiPd2Ge. We show, based on density functional theory calculations and using the molecular orbital theory approach, that while LiPd2Si...

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  • Multiple Group Membership and Collective Action Intention


    - Year 2022

    Datasets from two studies conducted in Poland on the relation between identity fusion, group identification, multiple group membership, perceived injustice, and collective action intention. The presented studies, in the context of protests against attempts to restrict abortion law, were conducted to examine the link between belonging to multiple groups, group efficacy & identification, perceived injustice and collective...

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  • Solvation of alkaline earth metal ions in N,N-dimethylformamide and N,N-dimethylacetamide – A volumetric and acoustic study


    Densities and sound velocities at temperatures (298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15 and 318.15) K of magnesium(II), calcium(II) and strontium(II) rifluoromethanesulfonates (triflates), as well as barium(II) perchloratein N,N-dimethylformamide (dmf) and N,N-dimethylacetamide (dma) have been measured over the composition range studied. From these results, apparent molar volumes and apparent molar isentropic compressibilities at infinite...

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  • Wybrane aspekty oceny jakości produktów żywnościowych

    Przedstawiono wybrane aspekty oceny jakości produk tów żywnościo- wych: pojęcie jakości, wybrane metody oceny jakości ze szczególnym uwzględ- nieniem sztucznych potencjometrycznych sensorów sma ku składających się z szeregu elektrod typu ISE (Ion Selective Electrodes ) oraz ASSE (All Solid State Electrodes). Omówiono działanie sztucznych sensorów smaku. Przedstawiono 10 potencjometryczny sensor wprowadzony do obrotu hand lowego....

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  • Naphthyl-vs. anthrylpyridine-2,6-dicarboxamides in cation binding studies. Synthesis and spectroscopic properties


    Pyridine-2,6-carboxamides bearing - or -naphthyl- and - or -anthryl- residues were prepared using simple method from pyridine-2,6-carboxylic acid dichloride and the respective aromatic amines. For the obtained receptors selective binding of lead(II), and copper(II) was found. Ion-receptor interactions were studied using UV-vis spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, 1H NMR, and FTIR spectroscopy. The reversible lead(II) and copper(II)...

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  • Intensyfikacja procesów w przemyśle chemicznym [Moduł dyscyplinarny do wyboru, Grupa B]

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Konopacka-Łyskawa

    Prowadząca: dr hab. inż. Donata Konopacka-Łyskawa Terminy realizacji:  25.11.2023 - 10-12 26.11.2023 - 10-12 09.12.2023 - 10-12 10.12.2023 - 10-12 13.01.2024 - 10-12 20.01.2024 - 10-13 27.01.2024 - 10-12 Celem realizacji przedmiotu jest zapoznanie doktorantów wdrożeniowych z metodami i strategiami intensyfikacji procesów w przemyśle chemicznym. Podejmowane zagadnienia: Cele intensyfikacji procesów Nowe rozwiązania...

  • n/d n/d


    Project manager: dr hab. inż. Monika Wilamowska-Zawłocka   Financial Program Name: Innowacyjna Gospodarka

    Project realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to Homing Plus/2012-6/16 agreement from 2013-05-22

  • Green and Sustainable Membranes: A review

    • N. Rabiee
    • R. Sharma
    • S. Foorginezhad
    • M. Jouyandeh
    • M. Asadnia
    • M. Rabiee
    • O. Akhavan
    • E. C. Lima
    • K. Formela
    • M. Ashrafizadeh... and 4 others


    Membranes are ubiquitous tools for modern water treatment technology that critically eliminate hazardous materials such as organic, inorganic, heavy metals, and biomedical pollutants. Nowadays, nano-membranes are of particular interest for myriad applications such as water treatment, desalination, ion exchange, ion concentration control, and several kinds of biomedical applications. However, this state-of-the-art technology suffers...

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  • Lead In drinking water: Adsorption method and role of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for its remediation: A review

    • K. Ahmad
    • H. Shah
    • M. S. Khan
    • A. Iqbal
    • E. Potrich
    • L. S. Amaral
    • S. Rasheed
    • H. Nawaz
    • A. Ayub
    • K. Naseem... and 2 others


    Due to various characteristics properties lead(II) metal is utilized in many applications like lead ion batteries, water pipes, ammunition and paints. For this reason, concentration of lead(II) ions in water is increasing days by days which is alarming for water pollution. Water pollution is a major problem worldwide which affects biosphere badly, and causes continuous reduction of accessible sources of fresh water and ground water, available...

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  • Cu( II ) ions removal from wastewater using starch nanoparticles ( SNPs ): An Eco‐sustainable approach

    • V. S. Hakke
    • V. K. Landge
    • S. H. Sonawane
    • G. U. B. Babu
    • S. Manickam
    • G. Boczkaj


    The complex structured starch particles were reduced to the nanoscale size range through hydrolysis utilizing low concentration acid assisted with ultrasound irradiation. The synthesized starch nanoparticles (SNPs) were characterized by TEM, FTIR, and XRD techniques. The synthesized SNPs possessed surface activated entities, as many cationic functional groups were confirmed through the FTIR spectrum. Also, these SNPs were effectively...

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  • Bias-Dependent Dynamics of Degradation and Recovery in Perovskite Solar Cells

    • M. Prete
    • M. V. Khenkin
    • D. Głowienka
    • B. R. Patil
    • J. S. Lissau
    • I. Dogan
    • J. Hansen
    • T. Leißner
    • J. Fiutowski
    • H. Rubahn... and 6 others

    - ACS Applied Energy Materials - Year 2021

    Degradation of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is often found to be partially or fully reversible when the cells are allowed to recover in the dark. Unlike the dynamics of degradation, knowledge about the dynamics of PSC cell recovery is very limited. Here, we demonstrate that the PSC recovery strongly depends on the electrical bias conditions during the light-induced degradation and that it can be manipulated by applying an external...

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  • π-Conjugated Donor-acceptor Polyelectrolytes: Toward Artificial Photosynthesis

    • L. Estrada
    • E. Puodziukynaite
    • C. Richard
    • T. Pho
    • D. (. Patel
    • L. Wang
    • J. Szmytkowski
    • F. Feng
    • Y. Ohnishi
    • S. Hirata... and 4 others

    - Year 2013

    Great advances have been made in the development of conjugated polyelectrolytes (CPEs), which provide tunable properties including water solubility and processability, main-chain exciton and charge transport, variable energy light absorption and fluorescence, non-covalent interactions, and formation of tertiary structures via self-assembly.[1] These characteristics allow CPEs to be considered for use in various optoelectronic applications,...

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  • AFM visualization of Mg alloy surface modification

    Open Research Data

    Magnesium alloys with additives improving their mechanical properties are valued as materials with low density and elasticity coefficient. Additionally, their biocompatibility and biodegradability make them interesting in prosthetic applications. However, the last of these features, valuable in medicine, contradicts the industrial needs for the described...

  • Instrumentalne Metody Badań Struktur Biomakromolekuł 2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Banach-Kopeć
    • J. Wawer
    • S. Mania
    • P. Bruździak
    • R. Piątek
    • I. Gabriel
    • T. Laskowski
    • J. Karczewski
    • W. Hewelt-Belka
    • K. Rząd

    Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie Studentów z różnymi technikami instrumentalnymi, stosowanymi na WCh i WFTiMS w analizie strukturalnej biomakrocząsteczek, w tym przede wszystkim : ze stosowaną aparaturą oraz jej możliwościami i ograniczeniami, a także metodami przygotowania materiału do pomiarów, z podstawowymi metodami obróbki i analizy danych.   Zajęcia podzielone są na dwie części: 2h praca w laboratorium nad przygotowaniem...

  • Rain Gardens SW quality dataset

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of parameters of storm water runoff and storm water quality in rain garden units. Samples were collected from 4 different rain gardens in Gdansk, Poland.

  • Imidazolium silanethiolates relevant to the active site of cysteineproteases. A cooperative effect in a chain of NH(+)...S(-) hydrogenbonds

    Three imidazolium silanethiolates relevant to the active site of cysteine proteases have been synthesized and investigated by X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and computational methods. As indicated by crystallographic and FT-IR data in the solid state, the transfer of proton from thiol to imidazole takes place and a thiolato-imidazolium ion pair is formed. The FT-IR spectra of crystalline imidazolium silanethiolates exhibit...

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  • Synthesis and properties of new 'N,'N-phenyltetrazole podand


    - CHEMICAL PAPERS - Year 2016

    The synthesis of a new chromogenic N,N-phenyltetrazole receptor is reported here. The cationbinding properties of this receptor in solution were investigated by naked-eye colour change, electrochemical methods and UV-Vis spectroscopy in various solvents (CH3CN, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), DMSO/H2O, CH3CN/H2O and CH3CN/MeOH). In addition, the receptor was used as a sensing material in ion-selective membrane electrodes. The selectivity...

  • 9 - Solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells

    • C. Lenser
    • D. Udomsilp
    • N. Menzler
    • P. Holtappels
    • T. Fujisaki
    • L. Kwati
    • H. Matsumoto
    • A. Sabato
    • F. Smeacetto
    • A. Chrysanthou
    • S. Molin

    - Year 2019

    In this chapter, the fundamental reactions, the geometrical designs, the material requirements, and the status of SOFCs and SOECs are presented. In the following seven chapters, the most important components of an SOC are described and the chapter ends with a summary and outlook. The described components are: (i) oxygen-ion conductors (electrolyte), (ii) anode materials for SOFCs (cathode in SOEC mode), (iii) cathode materials...

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  • Iron(III)-selective materials based on a catechol-bearing amide for optical sensing

    The synthesis and ion-binding properties of a new amide L derived from 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid are described. Due to the presence of a catechol unit, the compound interacts selectively with iron(III) in organic solvent (dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO) to produce a color change from pale yellow to green. The incorporation of the ligand L into polymeric matrices or its encapsulation into surfactant-based spheres enables analyte detection...

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  • Technologia drewna , W/L, Oceanotechnika, sem.6, lato 23, (O:098640)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Bera
    • J. Kozak

    Celem przedmiotu  jest przedstawienie wybranych zagadnień związanych z zastosowaniem i przetwarzaniem drewna do budowy jednostek pływających. W ramach przedmiotu zostaną poruszone zagadnienia materiałowe, podstawowych procesów wytwarzania, w tym metrologiczne a także wybranych problemów łączenia i konserwacji drewna. Zakres przedmiotu obejmuje: Wykład:  Historia drewna...

  • Wybrane aspekty procesu technologicznego

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Gębicki

    Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. Jacek Gębicki, prof. PG Terminy realizacji: piątek 10 maja godz. 16:30-18;30  2h sobota 11 maja godz. 11:30 - 14:30 3h niedziela 12 maja godz. 10:00-13:00 3 h piątek 17 maja godz. 16:30-18:30 2h sobota 18 maja godz. 12:00-15:00 3h piątek 7 czerwca 16;30-18:30 2 h zajęcia odbywają się online  Celem przedmiotu jest przedstawienie doktorantom podstawowych zasad organizacji i prowadzenia procesów...

  • FPGA-Based Implementation of Real Time Optical Flow Algorithm and Its Applications for Digital Image Stabilization


    - Year 2010

    An efficient simplification procedure of the optical flow (OF) algorithm as well as its hardware implementation using the field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is presented. The modified algorithm is based on block matching of subsets of successive frames, and exploits one-dimensional representation of subsets as well as the adaptive adjustments of their sizes. Also, an l1-norm-based correlation function requiring no...

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  • Partially Isolated Multi-Active Bridge DC-DC Converter with Bidirectional EV Charging Ports


    - Year 2024

    There is a growing interest in multiport converters due to their ability to interconnect various energy sources and loads using reduced number of components. Regarding electric vehicle (EV) chargers connection, existing multiport solutions either lack scalability, featuring only one isolated charging port or the operation of ports depend on each other, complicating the converter control algorithm. This article proposes a partially...

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  • Electronic structure and rovibrational predissociation of the 2^1Π state in KLi

    Adiabatic potential energy curves of the 3^1Σ^+, 3^3Σ^+, 2^1Π and 2^3Π states correlating for large internuclear distance with the K(4s) + Li(2p) atomic asymptote were calculated. Very good agreement between the calculated and the experimental curve of the 2^1Π state allowed for a reliable description of the dissociation process through a small (∼20 cm−1 for J = 0) potential energy barrier. The barrier supports several rovibrational...

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  • The influence of photointercalaction and photochromism effects on the photocatalytic properties of electrochemically obtained maze-like MoO3 microstructures

    Molybdenum oxide (α-MoO3) thin films with oriented crystalline facets were synthesised by anodization of Mo foils. The obtained samples were exposed to UV–Vis illumination in aqueous electrolytes providing different cations. The morphology and structure of modified samples were investigated. The effect of photointercalated alkali metal cations (Li+, Na+, K+) on optical and structural properties was studied using UV–vis and Raman...

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  • Influence of alkali metal cations on the photoactivity of crystalline and exfoliated amorphous WO3 – photointercalation phenomenon

    In order to investigate the effect of photointercalation on photoelectrochemical properties, two types of WO3-based photoanodes, bulk and exfoliated have been prepared and investigated. An aqueous exfoliation method is introduced for the simple fabrication of amorphous and hydrated WO3 nanomaterial using commercial bulk WO3 precursor. The comparison of obtained material with bulk WO3 was performed using Raman, UV–vis, and XPS as...

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  • UKZJK 2022-2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Jankowska
    • B. Urbańska

    Autorzy: zawartość merytoryczna: Marta Jankowska, Barbara Urbańska Kurs zawiera materiały związane ze spotkaniami UKZJK w roku akademickim 2022/2023.

  • UKZJK 2024-2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Jankowska
    • B. Urbańska

    Autorzy: zawartość merytoryczna: Marta Jankowska, Barbara Urbańska Kurs zawiera materiały związane ze spotkaniami UKZJK w roku akademickim 2024/2025.

  • UKZJK 2023-2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Jankowska
    • B. Urbańska

    Autorzy: zawartość merytoryczna: Marta Jankowska, Barbara Urbańska Kurs zawiera materiały związane ze spotkaniami UKZJK w roku akademickim 2022/2023.

  • Highly crystalline colloidal nickel oxide hole transport layer for low-temperature processable perovskite solar cell

    • P. Lee
    • T. Wu
    • C. Li
    • D. Głowienka
    • Y. Sun
    • Y. Lin
    • H. Yen
    • C. Huang
    • Y. Galagan
    • Y. Huang
    • W. Su


    Highly crystalline NiOX usually requires high annealing temperature (>300 °C) which is incompatible with flexible substrate and might consume high amount of energy. Herein, we demonstrate a facile emulsion process to synthesize highly crystalline, low temperature deposition (<150 °C) and solution processable NiOx nanoparticles (NPs) as a hole transport layer for the perovskite solar cells (PVSCs)....

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