Search results for: badania in vivo
Biomechanics of the front abdominal wall as a potential factorleading to recurrence with laparoscopic ventral hernia repair
PublicationThis study investigated the front abdominal wallto describe its elasticity in vivo and searched for elongationsthat possibly stretched an implanted mesh, therebycausing fixation failure and subsequent recurrence.To measure front abdominal wall elongations, amodel of fascia movements was created. Eight healthyvolunteers were measured during exercise to determine theextent of elongations in their front abdominal wall. Videoswere...
The immunoregulatory effects of edeine analogues in mice
PublicationZbadano właściwości immunoregulatorowe kilku, otrzymanych na drodze syntezy, uproszczonych analogów peptydowego antybiotyku edeiny w testach in vivo i in vitro z wykorzystaniem modelu mysiego. Jako związek referencyjny zastosowano edeinę B. Otrzymane peptydy wykazywały efekt stymulacyny na proliferację splenocytów z użyciem konkawaliny, podczas gdy zastosowanie mitogenu powodowało hamowanie proliferacji splenocytów. Peptydy hamowały...
Noninvasive glucose sensing in scattering media using OCT, PAS, and TOF techniques.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania optycznej tomografii koherencyjnej (OCT), spektroskopii fotoakustycznej (PAS)i spektroskopii czasu przelotu (TOF) w pomiarach glukozy w ośrodku silnie rozpraszającym. Równolegle opracowano modele propagacji światła w tych ośrodkach wykorzystując metodę Monte Carlo. W pomiarach wykorzystano ''Intralipid'' jako fantom tkanki. W dalszych badaniach wykorzystano mięso wieprzowe i dokonano...
Accelerated remyelination and immune modulation by the EBI2 agonist 7α,25-dihydroxycholesterol analogue in the cuprizone model
PublicationResearch indicates a role for EBI2 receptor in remyelination, demonstrating that its deficiency or antagonism inhibits this process. However, activation of EBI2 with its endogenous ligand, oxysterol 7α,25-dihydroxycholesterol (7α,25OHC), does not enhance remyelination beyond the levels observed in spontaneously remyelinating tissue. We hypothesized that the short half-life of the natural ligand might explain this lack of beneficial...
Naturally-derived hydrogels for 3D pancreatic tumor models: A short review
PublicationStatistics suggest a high proportion of mortality rate by pancreatic cancer, which is a solid tumor characterized by high heterogeneity and the presence of a complex extracellular matrix. The very low effectiveness of pancreatic cancer treatment roots in the high metastatic potential and drug resistance of this tumor. Therefore, the quest for efficient cellular models enabling precise mimicking in vivo conditions, and anticancer...
Nanodiamonds Doped with Manganese for Applications in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
PublicationNanodiamonds (NDs) are emerging with great potential in biomedical applications like biomarking through fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), targeted drug delivery, and cancer therapy. The magnetic and optical properties of NDs could be tuned by selective doping. Therefore, we report multifunctional manganese-incorporated NDs (Mn-NDs) fabricated by Mn ion implantation. The fluorescent properties of Mn-NDs were tuned...
Batracylina (BAT) - potencjalny lek przeciwnowotworowy. Batracylin (BAT) - potential of anticancer drug
PublicationOpisano działanie potencjalnego leku przeciwnowotworowego - batracyliny(BAT). Batracylina została wyselekcjonowana przez National Cancer Institute (NCI, Bethesda, USA) w 1978 roku jako efekt programu poszukiwań nowych leków chemioterapii.Związek ten w badaniach in vivo u myszy okazał się bardzo aktywny przeciw nowotworowi okrężnicy 38 (colon 38), trudnemu do wyleczenia przez znane leki przeciwnowotworowe. Okazała się ona skuteczna...
EI measurements for OP-CABG monitoring.
PublicationCelem pracy jest analiza możliwości zastosowania pomiarów elektroimpedanycjnych do śródoperacyjnego monitoringu w kardiochirurgii. Omówiono pomiary przeprowadzone in vivo na świniach podczas operacji z użyciem holdera stosowanego w OP-CABG. Holder ten został przystosowany do prowadzenia pomiarów z wykorzystaniem spektroskopii elektroimpedancyjnej podczas operacji. Wykonana na świniach seria operacji obejmujących eksperymentalny...
Cell Density-Dependent Cytological Stage Profile and Its Application for a Screen of Cytostatic Agents Active Toward Leukemic Stem Cells
PublicationProliferation and expansion of leukemia is driven by leukemic stem cells (LSCs). Multidrug resistance (MDR) of LSCs is one of the main reasons of failure and relapses in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treatment. In this study, we show that maintaining HL-60 at low cell culture density or applying a 240-day treatment with anthrapyridazone (BS-121) increased the percentage of primitive cells, which include LSCs determining the overall...
Optical properties of the chemotherapy drugs used in the central nervous system lymphoma therapy: monitoring drug delivery
PublicationOur aim is to optically monitor the delivery of the chemotherapy drugs for brain tumours, particularly used in the central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma therapy. In vivo monitoring would help to optimize the treatment and avoiding unnecessary medications. Moreover, it would be beneficial to be able to measure which of the multi-regimen drugs actually do penetrate and how well into the brain tissue. There exist several potential...
Biomechanical causes for failure of the Physiomesh/Securestrap system
PublicationThis study investigates the mechanical behavior of the Physiomesh/Securestrap system, a hernia repair system used for IPOM procedures associated with high failure rates. The study involved conducting mechanical experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the mechanical behavior of the Physiomesh/Securestrap system under pressure load. Uniaxial tension tests were conducted to determine the elasticity modulus of the Physiomesh...
DNAffinity: a machine-learning approach to predict DNA binding affinities of transcription factors
PublicationWe present a physics-based machine learning approach to predict in vitro transcription factor binding affinities from structural and mechanical DNA properties directly derived from atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The method is able to predict affinities obtained with techniques as different as uPBM, gcPBM and HT-SELEX with an excellent performance, much better than existing algorithms. Due to its nature, the method can...
Wyznaczanie względnej i bezwzględnej wartości zmian rezystancji zastępczego krwiobiegu nerki
PublicationZaproponowano sposób wyznaczania bezwzględnych i względnych zmian rezystancji w modelu elektrycznym krwiobiegu nerki. W oparciu o znane analogie między zjawiskami przepływu krwi w naczyniach i organach, a przepływem prądu w obwodach elektrycznych, zastosowano opisaną metodę do wyznaczenia zmian oporu naczyniowego nerki dla rzeczywistych danych medycznych. Przeprowadzono doświadczenie medyczne in vivo, polegające na zarejestrowaniu...
Inspired by Nature: The Use of Plant-derived Substrate/Enzyme Combinations to Generate Antimicrobial Activity in situ
PublicationThe last decade has witnessed a renewed interest in antimicrobial agents. Plants have received particular attention and frequently rely on the spontaneous enzymatic conversion of an inactive precursor to an active agent. Such two-component substrate/enzyme defence systems can be reconstituted ex vivo. Here, the alliin/alliinase system from garlic seems to be rather effective against Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whilst the glucosinolate/myrosinase...
Development of polyurethanes for bone repair
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to review recent developments on polyurethanes aimed at the design, synthesis, modifications, and biological properties in the field of bone tissue engineering. Different polyurethane systems are presented and discussed in terms of biodegradation, biocompatibility and bioactivity. A comprehensive discussion is provided of the influence of hard to soft segments ratio, catalysts, stiffness and hydrophilicity...
Synthesis and antitumor activity of conjugates of muramyldipeptide or normuramyldipeptide with hydroxyacridine/acridone derivatives
PublicationOpisano syntezę analogów MDP oraz nor-MDP modyfikowanych w części peptydowej pochodnymi hydroksyakrydyny/akrydonu i dwóch analogów modyfikowanych pochodnymi 1-nitro-9-hydroksyetylo(propylo)aminoakrydyny. Tylko związki zawierające pochodne 1-nitro-9-hydroksyetylo(propylo)aminoakrydyny wykazały wysoką aktywność cytotoksyczną badaną na 60 liniach ludzkich komórek nowotworowych, na nowotwór prostaty i AIDS-related lymphoma (ARL). Związek...
Isogeometric Shell FE Analysis of the Human Abdominal Wall
PublicationIn this paper a nonlinear isogeometric Kirchhoff-Love shell model of the human abdominal wall is proposed. Its geometry is based on in vivo measurements obtained from a polygon mesh that is transformed into a NURBS surface, and then used directly for the finite element analysis. The passive response of the abdominal wall model under uniform pressure is considered. A hyperelastic membrane model based on the Gasser-Ogden-Holzapfel...
Proteomic and Metabolomic Changes in Psoriasis Preclinical and Clinical Aspects
PublicationSkin diseases such as psoriasis (Ps) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Overlap of autoinflammatory and autoimmune conditions hinders diagnoses and identifying personalized patient treatments due to different psoriasis subtypes and the lack of verified biomarkers. Recently, proteomics and metabolomics have been intensively investigated in a broad range of skin diseases with the main purpose...
Mechanics of intertrochanteric femur fracture fixations: coupled in vivo, in vitro and in silico analysis.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Structural Mechanics according to UMO-2022/47/D/ST8/02713 agreement from 2023-11-02
Reactions on the surface of the implant under the influence of biofilm
PublicationThe contact of a biomaterial with the biological environment in in vitro and in vivo tests leads to the production of a particular ecosystem in which the active roles perform both, the material surface and the extracellular matrix protein forming a biofilm. Proteins affect cell and bacteria adhesion processes, biological activity of cells and activation of inflammatory response.The knowledge of the reaction mechanisms active on...
Projektowanie, synteza oraz badanie aktywności biologicznej nowych inhibitorów sulfatazy steroidowej (STS) na bazie amidosiarczanowych pochodnych triazoli i oksadiazoli
PublicationNiniejsza dysertacja dotyczy szeregu badań z wykorzystaniem technik modelowania molekularnego oraz metod syntezy nowych inhibitorów STS opartych o rdzenie pierścieni heterocyklicznych 1,2,3-triazolu oraz 1,2,4-oksadiazolu. Aktywność inhibicyjna otrzymanych pochodnych została oznaczona w testach in vitro z wykorzystaniem enzymu wyizolowanym z łożyska ludzkiego oraz znakowanym radioizotopowo siarczanem estronu, a także w teście komórkowych...
Progress in ATRP-derived materials for biomedical applications
PublicationThe continuing wave of technological breakthroughs and advances is critical for engineering well- defined materials, particularly biomaterials, with tailored microstructure and properties. Over the last few decades, controlled radical polymerization (CRP) has become a very promising option for the synthesis of precise polymeric materials with an unprecedented degree of control over mo lecular architecture. Atom transfer radical...
Phenotypic consequences of LYS4 gene disruption in Candida albicans
PublicationA BLAST search of the Candida Genome Database with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae LYS4 sequence known to encode homoaconitase (HA) revealed ORFs 19.3846 and 19.11327. Both alleles of the LYS4 gene were sequentially disrupted in Candida albicans BWP17 cells using PCR-based methodology. The null lys4Δ mutant exhibited lysine auxotrophy in minimal medium but was able to grow in the presence of L-Lys and α-aminoadipate, an intermediate...
Analiza PCA sekwencji aktywnej termografii dynamicznej w diagnostyce oparzeń
PublicationCelem niniejszej pracy jest analiza metod przetwarzania obrazów opartych na analizie składowychgłównych oraz analizie składowych niezależnych, które pozwola na uzyskanie nowych informacji obadanym obiekcie. W ramach pracy powstało oprogramowanie, które pozwala na analizezarejestrowanych sekwencji termograficznych metoda składowych głównych - Principal ComponentAnalysis - PCA. Została przeprowadzona weryfikacja działania powyższych...
New Unsymmetrical Bisacridine Derivatives Noncovalently Attached to Quaternary Quantum Dots Improve Cancer Therapy by Enhancing Cytotoxicity toward Cancer Cells and Protecting Normal Cells
PublicationThe use of nanoparticles for the controlled drug delivery to cells has emerged as a good alternative to traditional systemic delivery. Quantum dots (QDs) offer potentially invaluable societal benefits such as drug targeting and in vivo biomedical imaging. In contrast, QDs may also pose risks to human health and the environment under certain conditions. Here, we demonstrated that unique combination of nanocrystals core components...
Bioactive core material for porous load-bearing implants
PublicationSo far state of knowledge on biodegradable materials is reviewed. Among a variety of investigated materials, those composed of polymers and ceramics may be considered as only candidates for a core material in porous titanium alloy. The collagen and chitosan among natural polymers, polyhydroxy acids among synthetic polymers, and hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate among ceramics are proposed for further research. Three essential...
Determination of isoprostanes in exhaled breath condensate samples by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationOxidative stress (OS) is a state of imbalance between continuously generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) during normal cell metabolism and mechanism of detoxifying oxygen radicals through a network of antioxidative enzymes. Isoprostanes are prostaglandin -like substances that are produced in vivo primarily by free radical-induced peroxidation of arachidonic acid. The measurement of isoprostanes in biological fluids and/or tissue...
New Analogues of Mycophenolic Acid
PublicationMycophenolic acid (MPA) possesses antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunosuppressive and anticancer properties. It is a non-competitive and reversible inhibitor of dehydrogenase inosine-5'-monophosphate (IMPDH). This compound belongs to the immunosuppressive drugs used for the prevention of both acute and chronic transplant rejection. Until now, two derivatives of MPA have been used clinically: mycophenolate mofetil (MMF,...
PublicationEnzymy szlaku kwasu L-α-aminoadypinowego biosyntezy L-lizyny z Candida albicans są potencjalnymi celami molekularnymi w terapii przeciwgrzybowej. Niektóre grupy badawcze wykazały, że auksotrofia wobec L-lizyny u pewnych gatunków grzybów powoduje zmniejszenie ich zjadliwości i może mieć wpływ na wzrost in vivo [Liebmann i in. 2004]. Oznacza to, że można się spodziewać zahamowania wzrostu komórek grzybowych w wyniku działania selektywnych...
Natural Products Counteracting Cardiotoxicity during Cancer Chemotherapy: The Special Case of Doxorubicin, a Comprehensive Review
PublicationCardiotoxicity is a frequent undesirable phenomenon observed during oncological treatment that limits the therapeutic dose of antitumor drugs and thus may decrease the effec-‐‑ tiveness of cancer eradication. Almost all antitumor drugs exhibit toxic properties towards cardiac muscle. One of the underlying causes of cardiotoxicity is stimulation of oxidative...
Chiral Pyrazolo[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazine Sulfonamides—Their Biological Activity, Lipophilicity, Protein Affinity, and Metabolic Transformations
PublicationReferring to our previous laboratory results related to the tyrosinase and urease inhibition by pyrazolo[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazine sulfonamides, we examined here in silico the mechanism of action at the molecular level of the investigated pyrazolotriazine sulfonamides by the molecular docking method. The studied compounds being evaluated for their cytotoxic effect against cancer cell lines (MCF-7, K-562) and for recombinant Abl and...
An annotated timeline of sensitivity analysis
PublicationThe last half a century has seen spectacular progresses in computing and modelling in a variety of fields, applications, and methodologies. Over the same period, a cross-disciplinary field known as sensitivity analysis has been making its first steps, evolving from the design of experiments for laboratory or field studies, also called ‘in-vivo’, to the so-called experiments ‘in-silico’. Some disciplines were quick to realize the...
Disruption of homocitrate synthase genes in Candida albicans affects growth but not virulence
PublicationDwa geny, LYS21 i LYS22, kodujące izoformy syntazy homocytrynianowej, enzymu katalizującego pierwszy wyjątkowy etap w szlaku biosyntezy lizyny, zostały rozbite z komórkach Candida albicans z wykorzystaniem strategii ''SAT flipper''. Podwójny mutant lys21delta/lys22delta nie wykazywał aktywności syntazy homocytrynianowej, natomiast charakteryzował się auksotrofią wzrostową wobec lizyny w podłożach minimalnych, co można było odwrócić...
Specificity of Infant Digestive Conditions: Some Clues for Developing Relevant In Vitro Models
PublicationDigestion of nutrients is an essential function of the newborn infant gut to allow growth and development and understanding infant digestive function is essential to optimize nutrition and oral drug delivery. Ethical considerations prohibit invasive in vivo trials and as a consequence in vitro assays are often conducted. However, the choice of in vitro model parameters are not supported by an exhaustive analysis of the literature...
Health-Promoting Effects of Ethylene-Treated Kiwifruit ‘Hayward’ from Conventional and Organic Crops in Rats Fed an Atherogenic Diet
PublicationKiwifruit is a subtropical fruit that is very popular among consumers. Kiwifruit ‘Hayward’ (Actinidia deliciosa C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson) is an important source of bioactive compounds and possesses high antioxidant capacity, but its value can be changed during ripening. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of total polyphenols (TP), ascorbic acid (AA), and total antioxidant capacities (TACs) of ethylene-treated and...
Electrochemical simulation of enzymatic transformations studied for the selected antitumor acridine derivatives
PublicationThe elucidation of the metabolic pathways and the biotransformation mechanisms of potential drugs is a crucial point in drug development. It allows to know the activation routes of the new biologically active compounds, especially in respect to their possible toxicity. Generally, in vivo or in vitro experiments with liver microsomes or hepatocytes are performed. However, these testing schemes are tedious, time consuming and of...
Rapana venosa consumption improves the lipid profiles and antioxidant capacities in serum of rats fed an atherogenic diet
PublicationIn the recent years, the consumption of seafood has increased. There are no results on the studies of Rapana venosa (Rv) as a supplementation to the diets. We hypothesized that Rv would increase antioxidant capacity and reduce blood lipids, based on the composition of bioactive compounds and fatty acids. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo actions of Rv from contaminated (C) and non-C (NC)...
Isolation and structure of a covalent cross-link adduct between mitomycin C and DNA
PublicationA DNA cross-link adduct of the antitumor agent mitomycin C (MC) to DNA has been isolated and characterized; the results provide direct proof for bifunctional alkylation of DNA by MC. Exposure of MC to Micrococcus luteus DNA under reductive conditions and subsequent nuclease digestion yielded adducts formed between MC and deoxyguanosine residues. In addition to the two known monoadducts, a bisadduct was obtained. Reductive MC activation...
Introduction to the RSC Advances themed collection on nano and microscale modifications of biomaterials
PublicationThe dramatically increasing development of novel biomaterials, their manufacturing techniques, and surface modications, as well as their application in in vivo tests and clinical trials, is evident. It is interesting to note in what a relatively short time the well-known long-term implants have become medical standard: titanium dental implants started in 1965, and total hip arthroplasty (not very successful) was rst attempted...
Development of Sulfamoylated 4‑(1-Phenyl‑1H‑1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)phenol Derivatives as Potent Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitors for Efficient Treatment of Breast Cancer
PublicationWe present here the advances achieved in the development of new sulfamoylated 4-(1-phenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)phenol derivatives as potent steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitors for the treatment of breast cancer. Prompted by promising biological results and in silico analysis, the initial series of similar compounds were extended, appending a variety of m-substituents at the outer phenyl ring. The inhibition profiles of the newly...
Analogues of muramyl dipeptide (MDP) and tuftsin limit infection and inflammation in murine model of sepsis
PublicationBadano koniugaty MDP z tuftsyną oraz pochodną tuftsyny w leczeniu ciężkich infekcji bakteryjnych takich jak posocznica. Oceniano aktywność żerną komórek układu fagocytów jednojądrzastych, wpływ na klirens bakteryjny kluczowych organów wewnętrznych oraz ekspresję genów dla cytokin pro- i antyzapalnych charakterystycznych dla odpowiedzi immunologicznej w posocznicy i indukowanych działaniem analizowanych zwiazków. W badaniach in...
Active Dynamic Infrared Thermal Imaging in Burn Depth Evaluation
PublicationThe aim of this study was to find the relationship between active dynamic thermography (ADT) with cold excitation and burn depth. This new modality of evaluation of burns seems to be an attractive proposal for quantitative classification, allowing proper choice of burn wound treatment: conservative or surgical, especially compared with static thermography. The work was an in vivo experiment on domestic pigs, and a small number...
Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement
PublicationDuring the last thirty years low-coherence measurement methods have gained popularity because of their unique advantages. Low-coherence interferometry, low-coherence reflectometry and low-coherence optical tomography offer resolution and dynamic range of measurement at the range of classical optical techniques. Moreover, they enable measurements of the absolute value of the optical path differences, which is still an unsolved problem...
Kombucha from alternative raw materials – The review
PublicationNowadays, people's awareness about the role of diet in maintaining well-being and good health has increased. Consumers expect that the products not only provide them with essential nutrients but will also be a source of biologically active substances, which are beneficial to their health. One of the "healthy trends," which has appeared among the consumers worldwide is kombucha, a tea drink with high antioxidant potential, obtained...
Versatility of putative aromatic aminotransferases from Candida albicans.
PublicationAmino acids constitute the key sources of nitrogen for growth of Candida albicans. In order to survive inside the host in different and rapidly changing environments, this fungus must be able to adapt via its expression of genes for amino acid metabolism. We analysed the ARO8, ARO9, YER152C, and BNA3 genes with regards to their role in the nutritional flexibility of C. albicans. CaAro8p is undoubtedly the most versatile enzyme...
Synthesis of Combretastatin A-4 Analogs and their Biological Activities
PublicationCombretastatin A-4 (CA-4) is a natural product, which consists of two phenyl rings, linked by an ethylene bridge. CA-4, inhibitor of polymerization of tubulin to microtubules, possesses a strong antitumor and anti-vascular properties both in vitro and in vivo. Previous studies showed that disodium phosphate salt of CA-4, a water-soluble prodrug is well tolerated at therapeutically useful doses. However, it should be noted that...
Molecularly targeted nanoparticles: an emerging tool for evaluation of expression of the receptor for advanced glycation end products in a murine model of peripheral artery disease
PublicationAbstract Background: Molecular imaging with molecularly targeted probes is a powerful tool for studying the spatio-temporal interactions between complex biological processes. The pivotal role of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in numerous pathological processes, aroused the demand for RAGE targeted imaging in various diseases. In the study, we evaluated the use of a diagnostic imaging agent for RAGE quantification...
Real-Time PCR: molecular technique of many applications
PublicationReal-Time PCR is a sensitive DNA amplification technique initially applied in genetics and molecular biology. It enables in vivo copying of the selected DNA fragment (flanked by two primers) by the thermostable polymerase (in the presence of magnesium ions and deoxynucleotide triphosphates) and simultaneous measurement of the fluorescence. For one or more specific sequences in a DNA sample, real-time PCR enables both detection...
Comparative Assessment of Bacteriophage and Antibiotic Activity against Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms
PublicationProblems connected with biofilm-related infections and antibiotic resistance necessitate the investigation and development of novel treatment strategies. Given their unique characteristics, one of the most promising alternatives to conventional antibiotics are bacteriophages. In the in vitro and in vivo larva model study, we demonstrate that phages vB_SauM-A, vB_SauM-C, and vB_SauM-D are effective antibiofilm agents. The exposure...
Colored Tattoo Ink Screening Method with Optical Tissue Phantoms and Raman Spectroscopy
PublicationDue to the increasing popularity of tattoos among the general population, to ensure their safety and quality, there is a need to develop reliable and rapid methods for the analysis of the composition of tattoo inks, both in the ink itself and in already existing tattoos. This paper presents the possibility of using Raman spectroscopy to examine tattoo inks in biological materials. We have developed optical tissue phantoms mimicking...