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Search results for: recurrent neural networks
Gas Detection Using Resistive Gas Sensors And Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
PublicationWe present a use of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks and Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing (FES) method in gas detection system utilizing a prototype resistive WO3 gas sensing layer with gold nanoparticles. We investigated accuracy of gas detection for three different preprocessing methods: no preprocessing, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and wavelet transformation. Low frequency noise voltage observed in resistive gas...
Session-Based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks with an Examination of the Impact of Local and Global Vectors
PublicationThis study investigates the application of graph neural networks (GNN) in session-based recommendation systems (SR), focusing on a key modification involving the use of a global vector. Session-based recommendation systems often face challenges in accurately capturing user behavior due to the limited data available within individual sessions. The SR-GNN model, originally designed for automatic feature extraction from session graphs...
Detecting Objects of Various Categories in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery Using Neural Networks
PublicationThe effective detection of objects in remote sensing images is of great research importance, so recent years have seen a significant progress in deep learning techniques in this field. However, despite much valuable research being conducted, many challenges still remain. A lot of research projects focus on detecting objects of a single category (class), while correctly detecting objects of different categories is much harder. The...
Enhancing Renal Tumor Detection: Leveraging Artificial Neural Networks in Computed Tomography Analysis
PublicationRenal cell carcinoma is one of the most common cancers in Europe, with a total incidence rate of 18.4 cases per 100 000 population. There is currently significant overdiagnosis (11% to 30.9%) at times of planned surgery based on radiological studies. The purpose of this study was to create an artificial neural network (ANN) solution based on computed tomography (CT) images as an additional tool to improve the differentiation of...
Application of artificial neural networks (ANN) as multiple degradation classifiers in thermal and flow diagnostics
PublicationPrzedyskutowano problem zwiększenia dokładności rozpoznawania wielokrotnych degradacji eksploatacyjnych urządzeń składowych dużych obiektów energetycznych. Zastosowani sieć neuronową (SSN) o skokowych funkcjach przejścia. Sprawdzono możliwości przyspieszenia treningu sieci neuronowych. Zastosowano modułową metodę budowy SSN, polegającą na dedykowaniu pojedynczej sieci do rozpoznawania tylko jednego typu degradacji.
Modelling changes in the energy efficiency of buildings using neural networks on the example of Zielona Góra
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Prediction of Early Childhood Caries Based on Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Neural Networks
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Accidental wow defect evaluation using sinusoidal analysis enhanced by artificial neural networks
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia metodę do wyznaczania charakterystyki pasożytniczych modulacji częstotliwości (kołysanie) obecnych w archiwalnych nagraniach dźwiękowych. Prezentowane podejście wykorzystuje śledzenie zmian sinusoidalnych komponentów dźwięku które odzwierciedlają przebieg kołysania. Analiza sinusoidalna wykorzystana jest do ekstrakcji składowych tonalnych ze zniekształconych nagrań dźwiękowych. Dodatkowo, w celu zwiększenia...
The Effectiveness of Using a Pretrained Deep Learning Neural Networks for Object Classification in Underwater Video
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Accurate Modeling of Antenna Structures by Means of Domain Confinement and Pyramidal Deep Neural Networks
PublicationThe importance of surrogate modeling techniques has been gradually increasing in the design of antenna structures over the recent years. Perhaps the most important reason is a high cost of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis of antenna systems. Although imperative in ensuring evaluation reliability, it entails considerable computational expenses. These are especially pronounced when carrying out EM-driven design tasks such...
A novel approach exploiting properties of convolutional neural networks for vessel movement anomaly detection and classification
PublicationThe article concerns the automation of vessel movement anomaly detection for maritime and coastal traffic safety services. Deep Learning techniques, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), were used to solve this problem. Three variants of the datasets, containing samples of vessel traffic routes in relation to the prohibited area in the form of a grayscale image, were generated. 1458 convolutional neural networks with...
PublicationIn recent years automatic classification employing machine learning seems to be in high demand for tele-informatic-based solutions. An example of such solutions are intelligent transportation systems (ITS), in which various factors are taken into account. The subject of the study presented is the impact of data pre-processing and normalization on the accuracy and training effectiveness of artificial neural networks in the case...
The Impact of 8- and 4-Bit Quantization on the Accuracy and Silicon Area Footprint of Tiny Neural Networks
PublicationIn the field of embedded and edge devices, efforts have been made to make deep neural network models smaller due to the limited size of the available memory and the low computational efficiency. Typical model footprints are under 100 KB. However, for some applications, models of this size are too large. In low-voltage sensors, signals must be processed, classified or predicted with an order of magnitude smaller memory. Model downsizing...
Classification of objects in the LIDAR point clouds using Deep Neural Networks based on the PointNet model
PublicationThis work attempts to meet the challenges associated with the classification of LIDAR point clouds by means of deep learning. In addition to achieving high accuracy, the designed system should allow the classification of point clouds covering an area of several dozen square kilometers within a reasonable time interval. Therefore, it must be characterized by fast processing and efficient use of memory. Thus, the most popular approaches...
Deep neural networks for human pose estimation from a very low resolution depth image
PublicationThe work presented in the paper is dedicated to determining and evaluating the most efficient neural network architecture applied as a multiple regression network localizing human body joints in 3D space based on a single low resolution depth image. The main challenge was to deal with a noisy and coarse representation of the human body, as observed by a depth sensor from a large distance, and to achieve high localization precision....
Assessment of Therapeutic Progress After Acquired Brain Injury Employing Electroencephalography and Autoencoder Neural Networks
PublicationA method developed for parametrization of EEG signals gathered from participants with acquired brain injuries is shown. Signals were recorded during therapeutic session consisting of a series of computer assisted exercises. Data acquisition was performed in a neurorehabilitation center located in Poland. The presented method may be used for comparing the performance of subjects with acquired brain injuries (ABI) who are involved...
Improving Accuracy of Contactless Respiratory Rate Estimation by Enhancing Thermal Sequences with Deep Neural Networks
PublicationEstimation of vital signs using image processing techniques have already been proved to have a potential for supporting remote medical diagnostics and replacing traditional measurements that usually require special hardware and electrodes placed on a body. In this paper, we further extend studies on contactless Respiratory Rate (RR) estimation from extremely low resolution thermal imagery by enhancing acquired sequences using Deep...
When Neural Networks Meet Decisional DNA: A Promising New Perspective for Knowledge Representation and Sharing
PublicationABSTRACT In this article, we introduce a novel concept combining neural network technology and Decisional DNA for knowledge representation and sharing. Instead of using traditional machine learning and knowledge discovery methods, this approach explores the way of knowledge extraction through deep learning processes based on a domain’s past decisional events captured by Decisional DNA. We compare our approach with kNN (k-nearest...
Determination of Odour Interactions in Gaseous Mixtures Using Electronic Nose Methods with Artificial Neural Networks
PublicationThis paper presents application of an electronic nose prototype comprised of eight sensors, five TGS-type sensors, two electrochemical sensors and one PID-type sensor, to identify odour interaction phenomenon in two-, three-, four- and five-component odorous mixtures. Typical chemical compounds, such as toluene, acetone, triethylamine, α-pinene and n-butanol, present near municipal landfills and sewage treatment plants were subjected...
Redefining brain tumor segmentation: a cutting-edge convolutional neural networks-transfer learning approach
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Graph Neural Networks and Structural Information on Ionic Liquids: A Cheminformatics Study on Molecular Physicochemical Property Prediction
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) provide a promising solution in many industrial applications, such as solvents, absorbents, electrolytes, catalysts, lubricants, and many others. However, due to the enormous variety of their structures, uncovering or designing those with optimal attributes requires expensive and exhaustive simulations and experiments. For these reasons, searching for an efficient theoretical tool for finding the relationship...
PublicationThe paper presents utilization of one of the latest tool from the group of Machine learning techniques, namely Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), in process of decision making in selected medical problems. After the survey of the most successful applications of CNN in solving medical problems, the paper focuses on the very difficult problem of automatic analyses of the skin lesions. The authors propose the CNN structure...
Convolutional Neural Networks for C. Elegans Muscle Age Classification Using Only Self-Learned Features
PublicationNematodes Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) have been used as model organisms in a wide variety of biological studies, especially those intended to obtain a better understanding of aging and age-associated diseases. This paper focuses on automating the analysis of C. elegans imagery to classify the muscle age of nematodes based on the known and well established IICBU dataset. Unlike many modern classification methods, the proposed...
Heavy Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption Modelling Based on Exploitation Data by Using Artificial Neural Networks
PublicationOne of the ways to improve the fuel economy of heavy duty trucks is to operate the combustion engine in its most efficient operating points. To do that, a mathematical model of the engine is required, which shows the relations between engine speed, torque and fuel consumption in transient states. In this paper, easy accessible exploitation data collected via CAN bus of the heavy duty truck were used to obtain a model of a diesel...
Comparison of selected clustering algorithms of raw data obtained by interferometric methods using artificial neural networks
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Predicting Performance of Lightweight Concrete with Granulated Expanded Glass and Ash Aggregate by Means of Using Artificial Neural Networks
PublicationLightweight concrete (LWC) is a group of cement composites of the defined physical, mechanical, and chemical performance. The methods of designing the composition of LWC with the assumed density and compressive strength are used most commonly. The purpose of using LWC is the reduction of the structure’s weight, as well as the reduction of thermal conductivity index. The highest possible strength, durability and low thermal conductivity...
GPU Power Capping for Energy-Performance Trade-Offs in Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
PublicationIn the paper we present performance-energy trade-off investigation of training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for image recognition. Several representative and widely adopted network models, such as Alexnet, VGG-19, Inception V3, Inception V4, Resnet50 and Resnet152 were tested using systems with Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000 as well as Nvidia V100 GPUs. Using GPU power capping we found other than default configurations minimizing...
Sensing Direction of Human Motion Using Single-Input-Single-Output (SISO) Channel Model and Neural Networks
PublicationObject detection Through-the-Walls enables localization and identification of hidden objects behind the walls. While numerous studies have exploited Channel State Information of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) WiFi and radar devices in association with Artificial Intelligence based algorithms (AI) to detect and localize objects behind walls, this study proposes a novel non-invasive Through-the-Walls human motion direction...
Age Prediction from Low Resolution, Dual-Energy X-ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationAge prediction from X-rays is an interesting research topic important for clinical applications such as biological maturity assessment. It is also useful in many other practical applications, including sports or forensic investigations for age verification purposes. Research on these issues is usually carried out using high-resolution X-ray scans of parts of the body, such as images of the hands or images of the chest. In this...
Field Calibration of Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensors Using Artificial Neural Networks and Affine Response Correction
PublicationDue to detrimental effects of atmospheric particulate matter (PM), its accurate monitoring is of paramount importance, especially in densely populated urban areas. However, precise measurement of PM levels requires expensive and sophisticated equipment. Although low-cost alternatives are gaining popularity, their reliability is questionable, attributed to sensitivity to environmental conditions, inherent instability, and manufacturing...
Application of neural networks for identification of forcedness having effect on magnitude of turbine rotor vibration using rotor trajectory.
PublicationW pracy dokonano analizy zastosowania sieci neuronowych do wyznaczenia wartości wymuszeń wpływających na wielkość drgań wirnika używając trajektorii jako parametr określający drgania. Badania przeprowadzono na powietrznej, jednostopniowej turbinie modelowej. Przemieszczenia poziome i pionowe wirnika turbiny mierzono przy pomocy systemu pomiarowego i rejestrowano na oscyloskopie cyfrowym. Przeprowadzono pomiary trajektorii ruchu...
Modelling relation between oxidation resistance and tribological properties of non-toxic lubricants with the use of artificial neural networks
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Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks: U-Net Framework with PSO-Tuned Hyperparameters
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Real-time mask-wearing detection in video streams using deep convolutional neural networks for face recognition
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Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks in predicting fair price level in the road construction industry
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Artificial Neural Networks as an architectural design tool- generating new detail forms based on the Roman Corinthian order capital
PublicationThe following paper presents the results of the research in the field of the machine learning, investigating the scope of application of the artificial neural networks algorithms as a tool in architectural design. The computational experiment was held using the backward propagation of errors method of training the artificial neural network, which was trained based on the geometry of the details of the Roman Corinthian order capital....
The use of fast molecular descriptors and artificial neural networks approach in organochlorine compounds electron ionization mass spectra classification
PublicationDeveloping of theoretical tools can be very helpful for supporting new pollutant detection. Nowadays, a combination of mass spectrometry and chromatographic techniques are the most basic environmental monitoring methods. In this paper, two organochlorine compound mass spectra classification systems were proposed. The classification models were developed within the framework of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fast 1D and...
Artificial neural networks as a tool for selecting the parameters of prototypical under sleeper pads produced from recycled rubber granulate
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The Use of Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Trees to Predict the Degree of Odor Nuisance of Post-Digestion Sludge in the Sewage Treatment Plant Process
PublicationThis paper presents the application of artificial neural networks and decision trees for the prediction of odor properties of post-fermentation sludge from a biological-mechanical wastewater treatment plant. The input parameters were concentrations of popular compounds present in the sludge, such as toluene, p-xylene, and p-cresol, and process parameters including the concentration of volatile fatty acids, pH, and alkalinity in...
Application of Feed Forward Neural Networks for Modeling of Heat Transfer Coefficient During Flow Condensation for Low and High Values of Saturation Temperatur
PublicationMost of the literature models for condensation heat transfer prediction are based on specific experimental parameters and are not general in nature for applications to fluids and non-experimental thermodynamic conditions. Nearly all correlations are created to predict data in normal HVAC conditions below 40°C. High temperature heat pumps operate at much higher parameters. This paper aims to create a general model for the calculation...
Flexible Knowledge–Vision–Integration Platform for Personal Protective Equipment Detection and Classification Using Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks and Active Leaning
PublicationThis work is part of an effort to develop of a Knowledge-Vision Integration Platform for Hazard Control (KVIP-HC) in industrial workplaces, adaptable to a wide range of industrial environments. The paper focuses on hazards resulted from the non-use of personal protective equipment (PPE). The objective is to test the capability of the platform to adapt to different industrial environments by simulating the process of randomly selecting...
Application of neural networks for identification of forcedness having effect on magnitude of turbine rotor vibration using pressure distribution in blade tip clearance.
PublicationW pracy sprawdzono, czy zastosowanie sieci neuronowych umożliwia identyfikację wymuszeń powstających w wyniku funkcjonowania maszyny jak i zależnych od jej stanu mechanicznego przy zastosowaniu rozkładu ciśnienia w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym. Przeprowadzono pomiary rozkładu ciśnienia dla różnych warunków pracy, uwzględniając zmianę mimośrodu oraz zmianę skośnego ustawienia osi wirnika względem osi korpusu. Dokonano analiz przy...
Modeling the economic dependence between town development policy and increasing energy effectiveness with neural networks. Case study: The town of Zielona Góra
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Activation maps of convolutional neural networks as a tool for brain degeneration tracking in early diagnosis of dementia in Parkinson's disease based on magnetic resonance imaging
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Results of implementation of Feed Forward Neural Networks for modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature
Open Research DataThis database present results of implementation of Feed Forward Neural Networks for modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature. Databse contain one table and 7 figures.
Prediction of effective substrate concentration and its impact on biogas production using Artificial Neural Networks in Hybrid Upflow anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor for treating landfill leachate
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Modeling and optimizing the removal of cadmium by Sinapis alba L. from contaminated soil via Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks during assisted phytoremediation with sewage sludge
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Deep neural networks for data analysis
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the methods of deep learning for advanced data analysis. Typical areas of application of these types of methods include: image classification, speech recognition and natural language understanding. Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z metodami głębokiego uczenia maszynowego na potrzeby zaawansowanej analizy danych. Do typowych obszarów zastosowań tego typu metod należą:...
Australian Conference on Neural Networks
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International Symposium on Neural Networks