The consideration to the dynamic systems parameter identification
PublicationIn this paper, a concept for continuous-time dynamic systems parameter identification using modulating function approach is presented. It refers to linear as well as selected non-linear systems. It shows the possibility of direct application without converting differential equation. In particular cases direct application can decrease the amount of computation in non-linear system identification, which generally requires Fourier...
Online brand communities’ contribution to digital business models
PublicationAbstract Purpose – There is limited research examining social drivers and mediators of online brand community identification in the context of business models development. This study aims to identify them behind the social mechanisms and present essential factors which should be applied in business models to foster value co-creation. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from a convenience sample of 712 cases gathered among...
Company versus consumer performance: does brand community identification foster brand loyalty and the consumer’s personal brand?
PublicationThis study investigates the effect of community identification in building brand loyalty (attitudinal and behavioural) and a personal brand via social networks. The proposed model explained the main community identification antecedents and how identification can lead to enhanced company and consumer performance. This study adopts the theoretical lens of uses and gratifications theory and identifies three motivational drivers of...
Modern trends in internet marketing - Researching the virality of brands on social media channels
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach for the research and identification of users generated content on social media channels. For the online branding research is proposed the use of twi software - SentiOne and NodeXL. The combination of those tools elicit a different point of view of how to manage in an effective way the overflow of the content publish by single individuals in social media networks.
Modern trends in internet marketing - Researching the virality of brands on social media channels
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach for the research and identification of users generated content on social media channels. For the online branding research is proposed the use of twi software - SentiOne and NodeXL. The combination of those tools elicit a different point of view of how to manage in an effective way the overflow of the content publish by single individuals in social media networks.
Dagmara Nikulin dr
PeopleBio: Dagmara Nikulin Dagmara Nikulin has been employed at the Faculty of Management and Economics as a research and teaching assistant professor since 2014. Initially, she worked at the Department of Economic Sciences, and now at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the Poznań University of Economics (2009) and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Adam Mickiewicz University...
Collective angst and collective action for progressive city policies: study1
Open Research DataPaweł Adamowicz, the liberal mayor of Gdańsk, died on January 14, 2019, after being stabbed by a man who rushed onstage during a charity event. Three studies were carried out to analyze the predictors of willingness to engage in collective action for the support of the progressive city policies he initiated. In this study 1 (N = 214), the questionnaire,...
Event-Triggered Communication in Cooperative, Adaptive Model Predictive Control of a Nuclear Power Plant’s Turbo–Generator Set
PublicationThis paper discusses the issue of optimizing the communication between the components of a cooperating control system formed by a pair of MPC controllers of a nuclear power plant turbine set using online recursive least squares identification. It is proposed to use event-triggered communication, i.e., sending information only at selected time instants, as opposed to the standard approach where communication is triggered by time...
Mechatronic Design Towards Investigation of the Temporo-Mandibular Joint Behaviour
PublicationA significant problem of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) research is lack of data concerning geometry and position of TMJ discs. It leads to necessity of developing a driving method of the process optimization, which is based on chosen techniques of mechatronic design. In particular, the latter concerns a technique of experimentally supported virtual prototyping. On this stage, the research is characterized by well-verified...
The Effect of Online Reviews on Consumer-Based Brand Equity: Case-Study of the Polish Restaurant Sector
PublicationPurpose: This paper focuses on the effects of positive and negative online reviews (eWOM) on the metrics of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) in the context of the Polish restaurant sector. Methodology: The dedicated online survey was completed by 777 consumers, which we then analyzed with structural equation modeling. Each catering outlet was to allow to order meals online. We used descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis,...
Developing Game-Structure Sensitive Matchmaking System for Massive-Multiplayer Online Games
PublicationProviding a fair matchmaking system is an essential issue, while developing every online video game. In the article, we show that the currently existing matchmaking system in League of Legends, one of the most popular online video games currently existing, is built on a base of conditions which do not hold true in the presence of empirical data. This, in short, decreases the effectiveness of the ranking system, and negatively affects...
Online stores' credibility: the moderating role of customers' gender and self-efficacy
PublicationThe evaluation of online stores’ credibility by customers in regard of gender and self-efficacy is presented. Two groups of attributes, usability and informational content, were characteristics of credibility. The survey involved students as representatives of the largest group of the Internet users. As shown by the results obtained, the informational content of online stores (such as recommendations) and its professionalism was...
Distance learning trends: introducing new solutions to data analysis courses
PublicationNowadays data analysis of any kind becomes a piece of art. The same happens with the teaching processes of statistics, econometrics and other related courses. This is not only because we are facing (and are forced to) teach online or in a hybrid mode. Students expect to see not only the theoretical part of the study and solve some practical examples together with the instructor. They are waiting to see a variety of tools, tutorials,...
The effects of perceived risk, brand value, and brand trust on eWOM
PublicationUnrestricted access to the Internet, mobile devices, social applications and offering shopping comment options via online stores and platforms, encourages customers to generate online reviews about brands. That is why it became important to learn about the factors that motivate customers to create electronic word of mouth (eWOM). The survey aimed to check if there are links between perceived brand value, perceived risk, brand trust...
Do online reviews reveal mobile application usability and user experience? The case of WhatsApp
PublicationThe variety of hardware devices and the diversity of their users imposes new requirements and expectations on designers and developers of mobile applications (apps). While the Internet has enabled new forms of communication platform, online stores provide the ability to review apps. These informal online app reviews have become a viral form of electronic wordof-mouth (eWOM), covering a plethora of issues. In our study, we set ourselves...
Literature Review on Conceptualisation of Online Consumer Engagement
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to develop a literature review on “online consumer engagement” (OCE). Articles from 2006 to 2016 published in the marketing journals and other related journals have been reviewed to summarise the OCE concept. Although there is not an agreed definition and conceptualisation of OCE, this study classified the concept as either behavioural or psychological within the dimensions of cognitive, emotional,...
PublicationThe integration of effective management of work-related processes and utilization of human resources potential leads to the development of organization. The purpose of this paper was to examine how the principles of competences-based management can be introduced to enhance organization’s effectiveness in human resources management. A model of assessment and development of competences-based management, embracing an online application...
Usability and relational factors in user-perceived quality of online services
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to identify the key determinants of con-sumer-perceived usability of online service websites and their impact on e-loyalty potential, expressed by customer’s willingness to return and to recommend the website to others. In this experimental usability study fifteen video-recorded users performed specific tasks in financial, travel and health online service websites. After completing the tasks users filled...
Modelling Of Commercial Websites. A New Perspective On Usability And Customer Relation
PublicationFrom an economic point of view, a critical aspect of online services is their ability to retain customers. The aim of presented study was the use of a layered model VIPR (Visual - Interaction - Process - Relation ) for commercial services online. The indicator of trust and establishing lasting relationships were assessment achieved from experienced users of commercial online services (n = 207), obtained by means of Web Credibility...
Nowy system monitoringu korozji zastosowany w zakładzie produkcyjnym PKN Orlen SA
PublicationPrzedstawiono efekty projektu badawczo-rozwojowego związanego z opracowaniem, budową oraz wdrożeniem monitoringu korozji pracującego w trybie online. Opracowana przez PKN Orlen i Politechnikę Gdańską nowa technologia łączy funkcje monitoringu intensywności korozji ogólnej oraz kruchości wodorowej. Jednoczesny pomiar online kluczowych parametrów pozwala uzyskać zdolność szybkiej oceny postępowania procesu korozji oraz reakcji na...
Analiza systemu zabezpieczeń dla internetowego portalu typu Online Judge
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozważań jest powszechnie dostępny portal internetowy pozwalający na organizację zawodów programistycznych. System taki, określany popularnie jako online judge lub online contester, udostępnia użytkownikom do rozwiązania zestaw zadań o charakterze algorytmicznym. Reguły konkursów oraz treści i zasady oceny poszczególnych zadań ustalane są przez uprzywilejowanych użytkowników zarządzających swoimi konkursami poprzez...
Rozwijanie umiejętności miękkich na zajęciach wspomaganych narzędziami online – kurs języka angielskiego technicznego
PublicationKurs języka angielskiego technicznego powinien pomóc studentom w zdobyciu różnego typu umiejętności, zarówno językowych, czyli twardych, jak i pozajęzykowych, zwanych miękkimi. Skuteczne zintegrowanie tradycyjnego nauczania z zadaniami online może dzięki afordancjom i funkcjonalnościom wykorzystanych narzędzi internetowych zachęcić uczących się do wchodzenia w bardziej zróżnicowane interakcje, skutkujące rozwojem wielu umiejętności...
Frequency of use, moral incongruence, and religiosity and their relationships with self-perceived addiction to pornography, internet use, social networking and online gaming
PublicationBackground and Aims Moral incongruence involves disapproval of a behaviour in which people engage despite their moral beliefs. Although considerable research has been conducted on how moral incongruence relates to pornography use, potential roles for moral incongruence in other putative behavioural addictions have not been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of moral incongruence in self‐perceived...
Hybrid Laboratory of Radio Communication With Online Simulators and Remote Access
PublicationContribution: Two toolsets for the remote teaching of radio communication laboratory classes: 1) online simulators for individual work of students and 2) a remote access system to laboratory workstations for group work. Initial assumptions and method of implementation of both tools are presented. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a change in teaching at all levels of education. The specificity of practical classes, such...
Models of using the Internet by young Poles and their social capital.
PublicationHighlights • Study examining Polish youth on internet usage styles. • Online communication is the most common form of spending time on the Internet. •...
The concept of aida applied to online interactive advertisement: an youtube case study
PublicationThis paper presents an approach of application of the AIDA framework to interactive advertisements presented on social media channels. The first section introduces the definitions of social media and its categorization. It is given an overview of the online video service The second section describes social media marketing. The third section presents a theoretical introduction of traditional and interactive advertisement....
PublicationNLITED - New Level of Integrated Techniques for Daylighting Education is a European project bridging a daylight design education gap. The paper describes the framework of the project, which consists of a free online e-platform with 32 modules dedicated to daylight knowledge within the built environment used by almost 800 learners (students and professionals). Two 7-day summer schools support the e-platform. The e-content was created...
Testing Watermark Robustness against Application of Audio Restoration Algorithms
PublicationThe purpose of this study was to test to what extent watermarks embedded in distorted audio signals are immune to audio restoration algorithm performing. Several restoration routines such as noise reduction, spectrum expansion, clipping or clicks reduction were applied in the online website system. The online service was extended with some copyright protection mechanisms proposed by the authors. They contain low-level music features...
Application of Open-Hardware-Based Solutions for Rapid Transition From Stationary to the Remote Teaching Model During Pandemic
PublicationWhile research indicates usefulness of remote laboratories in teaching of digital hardware systems, their main application is to complement stationary classes. This work presents a low-cost, scalable architecture that supports rapid transformation of teaching to a model based solely on remote access mechanisms. Background: Adaptation of online laboratory solutions from the literature to en-masse teaching of digital circuits is...
Badanie aktywności online polskich konsumentów dotyczącej marek
PublicationRozwój nowych trendów w internecie, a w szczególności Web 2.0, spowodował wzrost społecznego zaangażowania internautów oraz dalszy rozwój kanałów społecznościowych i tym samym różnego typu platform interaktywnych. Internet zachęca internautów do interakcji z witrynami, a za ich pośrednictwem z innymi użytkownikami sieci. Umożliwia im tworzenie treści na temat różne tematy, w tym na przykład związany z markami produktów. Dzięki...
Further Developments of the Online Sound Restoration System for Digital Library Applications
PublicationNew signal processing algorithms were introduced to the online service for audio restoration available at the web address: Missing or distorted audio samples are estimated using a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method. The algorithm is based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative complementation of signal samples. Since the interpolation algorithm is computationally...
Deep learning for recommending subscription-limited documents
PublicationDocuments recommendation for a commercial, subscription-based online platform is important due to the difficulty in navigation through a large volume and diversity of content available to clients. However, this is also a challenging task due to the number of new documents added every day and decreasing relevance of older contents. To solve this problem, we propose deep neural network architecture that combines autoencoder with...
PublicationTechnology in classroom is a matter of heated discussions in the field of education development, especially when multidisciplinary education goes along with language skills. Engineers’ education requires theoretical and practical knowledge. Moreover, dedicated computer skills become crucial for both young graduates and experienced educators on the labor market. Teaching online with or without using different Learning Management...
Distributed Evacuation in Graphs with Multiple Exits
PublicationWe consider the problem of efficient evacuation using multiple exits. We formulate this problem as a discrete problem on graphs where mobile agents located in distinct nodes of a given graph must quickly reach one of multiple possible exit nodes, while avoiding congestion and bottlenecks. Each node of the graph has the capacity of holding at most one agent at each time step. Thus, the agents must choose their movements strategy...
Enterprise Gamification - Learning as a Side Effect of Competition
PublicationGmification in companies can be used for driving desired employees behaviour that are advantageous to their development and performance improvement. This paper presents tools acquired from online social networking services and game mechanisms to encourage managers to compete by providing extended statistics and user profiles features in e-learning system.
SpamVis: A Visual Interactive System for Spam Review Detection
PublicationIn recent times, the number of spam reviews through various online platforms has emerged as a prime challenge, profoundly impacting businesses and consumers. These fake reviews not only distort clients’ perceptions of products and services but also erode trust within the digital ecosystem. Despite the advent of machine learning (ML) techniques for identifying spam reviews, comparing text, and pinpointing groups of spammers, there...
Gdańsk 2020
PublicationNa wystawie Gdańsk 2020 prezentujemy prace, które były odpowiedzią na sytuację, w jakiej znaleźli się artyści w obliczu zamrożenia działań kulturalnych, które są oddaniem emocji pierwszych tygodni izolacji. To komentarz do konkretnego czasu, ale też do sytuacji artystów i kryzysu, który przed nami, a także do sytuacji twórców w Polsce w ogóle – mówi Aleksandra Szymańska, dyrektorka Instytutu Kultury Miejskiej. Otwarcie wystawy...
Network society: a concept of smart information management
PublicationAutomatic enhancement of Internet broadcasted news has been recently gaining increasing importance and interest. Existing applications and models of textual Event Detection in online media are based on the analysis of news distributed via RSS (Rich Site Summary called also Really Simple Syndication) channels or available at news websites. It assumes that each piece of news is equally available to the reader and, therefore, describes...
Marking large amounts of student assignments
PublicationTechnologies offer plenty of possibilities to prepare individual remote online tasks for students. This gives a lot of space to search for ways to overcome the challenges, one of them being grading a high volume of student--generated content. The paper surveys the author’s experience with various forms of student e-activities and various forms of grading.
PublicationThe advent of e-Learning tools allowing for automated online test grading will probably increase the frequency of using tests in technical education. The same tools may provide for measures of test question quality. By purposely crafting question sets, test grading may serve different goals. The paper contains examples and test study with score histograms.
Projekt Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL (European Model for Distance Education and Learning) - otwarte szkolenia online.
PublicationW referacie zaprezentowano główne zadania oraz ofertę szkoleniową Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej (CEN PG) w kontekście realizowanych projektów Unii Europejskiej. Przedstawiono projekt Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL - European Model for Distance Education and learning - realizowany przez CEN PG w latach 2001-2005 oraz opisano doświadczenia w zakresie adaptacji i lokalizacji opracowanych przez partnerów projektu...
Edge-Computing based Secure E-learning Platforms
PublicationImplementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in E-Learning environments have brought up dramatic changes in the current educational sector. Distance learning, online learning, and networked learning are few examples that promote educational interaction between students, lecturers and learning communities. Although being an efficient form of real learning resource, online electronic resources are subject to...
NLITED - New Level of Integrated Techniques for Daylighting Education: Preliminary Data on the Use of an E-learning Platform
PublicationProject NLITED – New Level of Integrated Techniques for Daylighting Education - is an educational project for students and professionals. The project's objective is to create and develop an online eLearning platform with 32 eModules dedicated to daylight knowledge. The project also offers e-learners two summer school training where the theory is put into practice. The platform was launched on January 31, 2022. The paper...
Efficiency evaluation of graduation process in Australian public universities
PublicationFirst-year attrition and on-time graduation are key challenges for contemporary universities, which determine their efficiency. Based on the benefit of the doubt approach, this study reports the efficiency of the graduation process in 37 Australian public universities. The super-efficiency model extended by restrictions on virtual weights is used. The proposed model considers the attrition rate and the on-time graduation rate separately...
Design and implementation principles of FIReWORK ONLINE - the VHDL autogenerator for hardware structures
PublicationThe paper presents an aspects of remote autogeneration of hardware structures. The solution is an online application, that is running on the server side and allows to design a particular filters and other selected hardware and generate its structure in the form of VHDL, dedicated to FPGA design environments. The paper also addresses the problem of parameterization of algorithms used to generate the hardware structures and current...
Wpływ cyfrowej komunikacji marketingowej na angażowanie się w markę i współtworzenie jej wartości przez młodych konsumentów
PublicationGłównym celem badań jest identyfikacja czynników i powiązań istotnych w procesie pozytywnego odziaływania komunikacji marketingowej online na angażowanie się młodych konsumentów w markę, a następnie ponawianie przez nich zakupów oraz współtworzenie wartości marek. W przeprowadzonym badaniu zdecydowano się na wykorzystanie paradygmatu pragmatycznego, gdyż pozwala on łączyć metody badawcze, strategie, techniki i procedury charakterystyczne...
Model-Free Controller Tuning Based on DFT Processing: Application to Induction Motor Drives
PublicationIn this paper, we present a new approach based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) analysis for controller tuning of the closed-loop system with unknown plant. The DFT analysis is used to process the closed-loop measurements collected online to derive the frequency response of an initial closed-loop system that does not provide a good performance. Based on the closed-loop frequency response data, we propose two methods for tuning PID...
PublicationThe development of social media has a substantial impact on the surge of social engagement of Internet users. It is particularly prominent in the domain of content creation and content sharing. Such communication may contain various references to different products brands and companies. Internet users may refer to them explicitly or brands may be present in the background only. Therefore, it is pivotal for managers and researchers...
Online Sound Restoration for Digital Library Applications
PublicationA system for sound restoration was conceived and engineered having the following features: no special sound restoration software is needed to perform audio restoration by the user, the process of restoration employs automatic reduction of noise, wow and impulse distortions performed in the online mode, no skills in digital signal processing from the user are needed. The principles of the created system and its features as well...
Online sound restoration system for digital library applications
PublicationAudio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...