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Fenomen przemocy w doktrynach prawnych. Tendencje legislacyjne dotyczące sprawcy i osoby doznającej przemocy
PublicationPrzemoc, aczkolwiek różnie postrzegana, stanowi przedmiot zainteresowania wielu dziedzin prawa. Pod różnymi postaciami reguluje je prawo karne, szeroko rozumiane prawo cywilne, ale także prawo pracy. Z uwagi na wieloaspektowość omawianego zjawiska niemożliwe jest przedstawienie wszystkich odsłon, a jedynie zasygnalizowanie tych obszarów, w których ono występuje i w których odgrywa szczególną rolę. Do przeprowadzenia analizy wykorzystano...
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in bottom sediments: Identification of sources
PublicationPolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can enter the environment from various sources. They are synthetic chemicals and as such are present in the environment mainly as mixtures containing various amounts of PCB congeners. It is therefore difficult to pinpoint the source of PCB emissions into the environment and the pathways along which they migrate there. The situation is different where locating the emission sources of polycyclic aromatic...
Contamination of Runoff Water at Gdańsk Airport (Poland) by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
PublicationAirport runoff can contain high concentrations of various pollutants, in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the environmental levels of which have to be monitored. Airport runoff water samples, collected at the Gdańsk-Rębiechowo Airport from 2008 to 2009, were analysed for PAHs and PCBs by gas chromatography. The aromatic fractions were separated by liquid-liquid extraction...
Novel Biodegradable Potato Starch-based Compositions as Candidates in Packaging Industry, Safe for Marine Environment
PublicationAbout 70 % of our planet’s surface is covered by seas and oceans to which even 10 million tons of waste go every year. It makes these places the largest global landfills, containing up to 90 % of plastic waste. In this article we present the results of research on novel starch-based compositions expected to be more safe for the marine environment. For these purpose biopolymers such as, thermoplastic starch (TPS), polylactide (PLA)...
Featuring Semitransparent p–i–n Perovskite Solar Cells for High-Efficiency Four-Terminal/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
PublicationTwo issues need to be resolved when fabricating p–i–n semitransparent perovskite solar cells (ST-PVSCs) for four-terminal (4 T) perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells: 1) damage to the underlying absorber (MAPbI3), electron transporting layer ([6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester, PCBM), and work function (WF) modifier (polyethylenimine, PEI), resulting from the harsh sputtering conditions for the transparent electrodes (TEs)...
Study of the Experimental and Simulated Vibrational Spectra Together with Conformational Analysis of Thioether Cyanobiphenyl-Based Liquid Crystal Dimers
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Molecular biaxiality determines the helical structure – infrared measurements of the molecular order in the nematic twist-bend phase of difluoro terphenyl dimer
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Characterization of structure and properties of polymer films made from blends of polyethylene with poly(4-methyl-1-pentene)
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The role of intermolecular interactions in stabilizing the structure of the nematic twist-bend phase
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Anomalous Thermal Behavior of Salicylsalicylic Acid and Evidence for a Monotropic Transition to a Nematic Phase
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Practical Applicability and Preliminary Results of the Baltic Environmental Satellite Remote Sensing System (Satbałtyk)
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Integration of Production Steps on a Single Equipment
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Längenabhängigkeit des Beulwiderstandes Umfangsdruckbeanspruchter Stählerner Kreiszylinderschalen
PublicationOmówiono problem stateczności powłok walcowych przy działaniu wewnętrznego podciśnienia. Jest to zagadnienie szczególnie ważne dla stalowych zbiorników i silosów. Scharakteryzowano oryginalne stanowisko badawcze opracowane w Politechnice Gdańskiej. Podanowyniki badań modeli o trzech smukłościach. Wyniki doświadczalne porównano z numerycznie wyznaczonym podcisnieniem krytycznym. Uzyskano dobrą zbieżność.
Machine Learning Applied to Aspirated and Non-Aspirated Allophone Classification—An Approach Based on Audio "Fingerprinting"
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to involve both Convolutional Neural Networks and a typical learning algorithm in the allophone classification process. A list of words including aspirated and non-aspirated allophones pronounced by native and non-native English speakers is recorded and then edited and analyzed. Allophones extracted from English speakers’ recordings are presented in the form of two-dimensional spectrogram images and...
Objectivization of phonological evaluation of speech elements by means of audio parametrization
PublicationThis study addresses two issues related to both machine- and subjective-based speech evaluation by investigating five phonological phenomena related to allophone production. Its aim is to use objective parametrization and phonological classification of the recorded allophones. These allophones were selected as specifically difficult for Polish speakers of English: aspiration, final obstruent devoicing, dark lateral /l/, velar nasal...
PublicationPraca dotyczy rejestracji i parametryzacji alofonów w języku angielskim z wykorzystaniem dwóch modalności. W badaniach dokonano rejestracji wypowiedzi w języku angielskim mówców, których znajomość tego języka odpowiada poziomowi rodowitego mówcy. W kolejnym etapie wyodrębnione zostały alofony z nagrań fonicznych i odpowiadające im sygnały wizyjne. W procesie tworzenia wektorów cech wykorzystano odrębne systemy parametryzacji,...
Dependence of Power Characteristics on Savonius Rotor Segmentation
PublicationSavonius rotors are large and heavy because they use drag force for propulsion. This leads to a larger investment in comparison to horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) rotors using lift forces. A simple construction of the Savonius rotor is preferred to reduce the production effort. Therefore, it is proposed here to use single-segment rotors of high elongation. Nevertheless, this rotor type must be compared with a multi-segment...
PublicationAutomatic classification methods, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and selforganizing maps (SOMs), are applied to allophone analysis based on recorded speech. A list of 650 words was created for that purpose, containing positionally and/or contextually conditioned allophones. For each word, a group of 16 native and non-native speakers were audio-video recorded, from which seven native speakers’...
Investigating Feature Spaces for Isolated Word Recognition
PublicationMuch attention is given by researchers to the speech processing task in automatic speech recognition (ASR) over the past decades. The study addresses the issue related to the investigation of the appropriateness of a two-dimensional representation of speech feature spaces for speech recognition tasks based on deep learning techniques. The approach combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and timefrequency signal representation...
Investigating Feature Spaces for Isolated Word Recognition
PublicationThe study addresses the issues related to the appropriateness of a two-dimensional representation of speech signal for speech recognition tasks based on deep learning techniques. The approach combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and time-frequency signal representation converted to the investigated feature spaces. In particular, waveforms and fractal dimension features of the signal were chosen for the time domain, and...
Ocena stanu technicznego konstrukcji zgarniaczy będących na wyposażeniu osadników wstępnych Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków „DĘBOGÓRZE
PublicationOsadniki wstępne typu DORRA – 4 szt., o pojemności 1830 m3, wyposażone są w elementy mechaniczne do kierunkowego przemieszczania się osadu w kierunku leja centralnego. Celem pracy jest ocena stany technicznego części mechanicznej, a w szczególności: - konstrukcji zespołu zgarniania części pływających oraz osadu. - zespołu napędu i sterowania, - zespołu napędu i jazdy. Pierwsze dwa zespoły będą oceniane również z punktu widzenia...
Synteza, właściwości i zastosowanie nowych (bio)degradowalnych poliestrouretanów.
PublicationArtykuł stanowi przegląd literaturowy dotyczący badań nad syntezą i wybranymi właściwościami dwóch grup nowych (bio)degradowalnych poliestrouretanów. W skłąd jednego z nich wchodzi polilaktyd (PLA) a drugiego alifatyczno-aromatyczny kopolimer poli[(tereftalanu-1,4-butylenu-co-(adypinianu 1,4-butylenu)] (BTA) i/lub ataktyczny poli(RS]-3-hydroksymaślan (a-PHB).
The Quality of the Outflow from Conventional WWTPs and Treatment Wetlands
PublicationUntil recently the humic substances were considered to have no negative impact on human health. Therefore elimination of these substances from potable water was only performed due to aesthetic reasons. In the recent years, however, it was found out that humic substances may cause unacceptable smell of water or cumulate toxic substances by complexing metal ions and adsorption of persistent organic pollutants such as pesticides,...
Observation of the de Vries behavior in SmA* phase of a liquid crystal using polarised Raman scattering and infrared spectroscopy
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New Approaches for Escherichia coli Genotyping
PublicationEasy-to-perform, fast, and inexpensive methods of differentiation of Escherichia coli strains beyond the species level are highly required. Herein two new, original tools for genotyping of E. coli isolates are proposed. The first of the developed method, a PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) test uses a highly variable fliC gene, encoding the H antigen as a molecular target. The designing...
Host and pathogen factors in Klebsiella pneumoniae upper urinary tract infections in renal transplant patients
PublicationPurpose . To analyse the role of virulence factors (VFs) and host in Klebsiella pneumoniae upper urinary tract infections (UTIs) in renal transplant (RTx) recipients. Methodology. Clinical and demographic data were registered prospectively. Phylogenetic background of K. pneumoniae isolates was analysed by PCR melting profiles (MP) and the following VFs genes: fimH-1, uge, kpn, ycfM, mrkD, rmpA, magA, hlyA, cnf-1, irp-1, irp-2,...
Molecular epidemiology of Serratia marcescens in two hospitals in Danzig, Poland, over a 5-year period.Molecular epidemiology of Serratia marcescens in two hospitals in Gdańsk, Poland, over a 5-year period.
PublicationW pracy badano zmiany populacji Serratia marcescens w ciągu 5 lat w dwóch szpitalach klinicznych Gdańska. Posłużono się wartościami MIC, wynikami typowania genetycznego RAPD-PCR, PFGE i nową metodą ADSRRS-fingerprinting oraz analizą beta-laktamaz o rozszerzonym spektrum substratowym (ESBL). Dzięki określeniu lekowrażliwości na najnowsze antybiotyki beta-laktamowe wykryto fenotypy wykazujące derepresję cefalosporynazy AmpC u 23%...
Effect of xanthophyll pigments on fluorescence of chlorophyll a in LHC II embedded to liposomes
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A mobile loop order–disorder transition modulates the speed of chaperonin cycling
PublicationMolecular machines order and disorder polypeptides as they form and dissolve large intermolecular interfaces, but the biological significance of coupled ordering and binding has been established in few, if any, macromolecular systems. The ordering and binding of GroES co-chaperonin mobile loops accompany an ATP-dependent conformational change in the GroEL chaperonin that promotes client protein folding. Following ATP hydrolysis,...
Rafał Janowicz dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleRafał Janowicz since 2011, he is an associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology, at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architectural Design. He has graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology in 2001, with the major in Architecture and Urban Design, and two years later from the Faculty of Management and Economics with the major in Management...
Rapid assessment of the authenticity of limequat fruit using the electronic nose and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
PublicationCitrus fruits are very popular food products. There are many species and varieties of them. There are also documented cases of some citrus fruits causing a severe allergic reaction. Some species of the citrus fruits, especially hybrid ones show a reduced allergenic effect due to the lack of seeds. There is a need for rapid methods for evaluation of citrus’ botanical origin. During research, the headspace of three citrus fruits...
A hybrid approach to optimization of radial inflow turbine with principal component analysis
PublicationEnergy conversion efficiency is one of the most important features of power systems as it greatly influences the economic balance. The efficiency can be increased in many ways. One of them is to optimize individual components of the power plant. In most Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems the power is created in the turbine and these systems can benefit from effective turbine optimization. The paper presents the use of two kinds...
Szymon Rafał Krawczuk
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Valorization of Bioplastic Waste: A Review on Effective Recycling Routes for the Most Widely Used Biopolymers
PublicationPlastics-based materials have a high carbon footprint, and their disposal is a considerable problem for the environment. Biodegradable bioplastics represent an alternative on which most countries have focused their attention to replace of conventional plastics in various sectors, among which food packaging is the most significant one. The evaluation of the optimal end-of-life process for bioplastic waste is of great importance...
Negocjacyjna metoda generowania protokołu uzgodnień na platformie EBXML
PublicationCelem standardu ebXML jest ustanowienie globalnej platformy dla biznesu elektronicznego, umożliwiającej dowolnym przedsiębiorstwom( bez względu na ich wielkość i lokalizację)poszukiwanie partnerów handlowych i realizowanie transakcji kupna-sprzedaży w oparciu o wymianę dokumentów elektronicznych o strukturze logicznej opisanej w XML.Podstawą do nawiązania kontaktu przez dowolny podmiot jest publikowany przez niego w specjalnym...
Novel methods for diagnosis of pulmonary microangiopathy in diabetes mellitus
PublicationLung microangiopathy is a little known negative influence of diabetes mellitus on the functioning of the lungs. In current medical practice lung microangiopathy is diagnosed by comparing two measurements of lung diffusing capacity - one with the subject standing and one with the subject lying. The necessity to take two measurements is inconvenient. In lung microangiopathy we observe a reduction of diffusing capacity, lung flow...
Adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji sygnału fonokardiograficznego wykorzystujący sztuczną sieć neuronową
PublicationPodstawowym problemem podczas projektowania systemu autodiagnostyki chorób serca, bazującego na analizie sygnału fonokardiograficznego (PCG), jest konieczność zapewnienia, niezależnie od warunków zewnętrznych, sygnału o wysokiej jakości. W artykule, bazując na zdolności Sztucznej Sieci Neuronowej (SSN) do predykcji sygnałów periodycznych oraz quasi-periodycznych, został opracowany adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji dźwięków serca....
AutoCAD: Examination of Factors Influencing User Adoption
PublicationThe primary purpose of the research is to examine and validate determinants of user intention to use AutoCAD software, utilising the constructs from prior studies in a more integrated model. The paper proposes a revised Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for measuring the adoption of AutoCAD. In the study, a latent construct PPA (perceived physical accessibility) was added to the proposed research model as a new determinant of AutoCAD...
Heat transfer enhancement of modular thermal energy storage unit for reversible heat pump cooperation
PublicationThe following article presents experimental comparison research on a hexagonal shelland-tube latent thermal energy storage (TES). Such shape of a shell was deliberately chosen instead of a cylindrical one due to its high modularity and with intent for future applications in automobiles (EV and PHEV) air conditioning systems (HVAC). Two geometries of helical coils, acting as tubes, were studied in this article. One was a simple...
Active Polylactide-poly(ethylene glycol) Films Loaded with Olive Leaf Extract for Food Packaging—Antibacterial Activity, Surface, Thermal and Mechanical Evaluation
PublicationAs the demand for sustainable and innovative solutions in food packaging continues to grow, this study endeavors to introduce a comprehensive exploration of novel active materials. Specifically, we focus on characterizing polylactide-poly(ethylene glycol) (PLA/PEG) films filled with olive leaf extract (OLE; Olea europaea) obtained via solvent evaporation. Examined properties include surface structure, thermal degradation and mechanical...
Selected concentration techniques for gas chromatographic analysis of environmental samples
PublicationThe paper describes the role and tasks of environmental analysis and monitoring. It emphasises the leading role played by gas chromatography, especially when coupled with suitable sample preparation. This is demonstrated by some literature evidence and mainly by the author's original work on the design of sample preparation apparatus and development of GC-based methods of determination of a wide variety of organic pollutants in...
Automatyczna budowa taksonomii usług w oparciu o ich głosy w języku naturalnym oraz przy uzyciu zewnętrznych źródeł wiedzy
PublicationPrzedstawiono propozycję metody automatycznej budowy taksonomiiusług na podstawie ich opisów w języku naturalnym, w oparciu ometodę analizy formalnych koncepcji (FCA). Dodatkowo przedstawione rozwiązanie przewiduje możliwość skorzystania z zewnętrznych źródeł wiedzy takich jak Wikipedia, Word Net, ConceptNet lub globalnej sieci WWW w celu eliminacji problemu niepełnych danych wejściowych (ang. data sparseness).
Nowoczesne rozwiązania stosowane w kontekście ograniczenia strat energetycznych w budynkach oraz poprawy komfortu cieplnego
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano nowoczesne rozwiązania pozwalające na zmniejszenie energochłonności budynków oraz ograniczenie wpływu warunków atmosferycznych na komfort cieplny. Omówiono metodologię optymalizacji kształtu oraz rodzaju materiałów wykorzystywanych w procesie powstawania budynków użytkowych. Zaprezentowano tu metody oparte o najnowsze zdobycze techniki takie jak materiały budowlane z domieszką PCM (ang. Phase change materials)
Environmental impact of construction. Methods of conscious shaping architecture in terms of ecological solutions
PublicationShaping an ecologically conscious society is a process that also affects architecture. Currently, designers are eagerly looking for solutions that are beneficial in terms of carbon footprint. For the proper multi-criteria assessment and selection of adequate solutions, it is necessary to use appropriate tools such as, for example, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method or the rules of ecological certification (BREEAM and LEED)....
Accurate modeling of layout parasitic to forecast EMI emitted from a DC-DC converter.
PublicationThis paper illustrates how to account for all parasitic due to the layout of a power converter (inductive and capacitive), in order to forecast electromagnetic interferences (EMI). The method is generic, and is validated here in the simple example of a DC-DC converter, realized on different technologies: insulated metal substrate (IMS), printed circuit board (PCB). In addition, several layouts aspects will be investigated. Conclusions...
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a neonatal unit: control of an outbreak using a new ADSRRS technique
PublicationSzczepy Klebsiella pneumoniae (EPKP)produkujące beta-laktamazy o rozszerzonym spektrum substratowym (ESBL)stanowią często problem zakażeń na oddziałach noworodkowych. Izolaty od 149 pacjentów poddano typowaniu nową metodą opartą na zjawisku supresji PCR, ADSRRS-fingerprinting, wykazując pochodzenie klonalne badanych szczepów. Użyteczność techniki ADSRRS-finerprinting została potwierdzona innymi metodami - RAPD i PFGE.
European Multicenter Evaluation of High-Density DNA Probe Arrays for Detection of Hepatitis B Virus Resistance Mutations and Identification of Genotypes
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Informatyka, L1a+P1a, OCE, sem.2, lato 22/23 (PG_00055791)
e-Learning Courses -
Informatyka, L1a+P1a, OCE, sem.2, lato 22/23 (PG_00055791)
e-Learning Courses -
Multi-GPU UNRES for scalable coarse-grained simulations of very large protein systems
PublicationGraphical Processor Units (GPUs) are nowadays widely used in all-atom molecular simulations because of the advantage of efficient partitioning of atom pairs between the kernels to compute the contributions to energy and forces, thus enabling the treatment of very large systems. Extension of time- and size-scale of computations is also sought through the development of coarse-grained (CG) models, in which atoms are merged into extended...