wszystkich: 595
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ROTARY HYDRAULIC MACHINERY
Channel Blockage and Flow Maldistribution during Unsteady Flow in a Model Microchannel Plate heat Exchanger
PublikacjaThis paper describes the problem of channel blockage as a result of flow maldistribution between the channels of a model mini channel plate heat exchanger consisting of one pass on each leg. Each leg of the heat exchanger contains 51 parallel and rectangular minichannels of four hydraulic diameters namely 461 μm, 571 μm, 750 μm and 823 μm. In addition, a more complex geometry has been investigated where for the sake of breaking...
The Application of Granulated Expanded Glass Aggregate with Cement Grout as an Alternative Solution for Sub-Grade and Frost-Protection Sub-Base Layer in Road Construction
PublikacjaThe purpose of the research was to assess the possibility of using granulated expanded glass aggregate (GEGA) with cement grout as a replacement of a sub-grade and frost-protection layer, made of natural fine aggregates (NATU), stabilized with a hydraulic binder. Instead of traditional parts of the road construction, such as the sub-grade and frost-protection layer with the application of fine aggregate, stabilized with cement,...
Pathways of nitrogen compounds depletion in hybrid constructed wetlands
PublikacjaHybrid Constructed Wetlands are composed of two or more filters with mixed flow direction of sewage. Apparently in the HCWS the benefits of both types of bed are merged, resulting in better effluent quality (organic and nitrogen componds removal). Such heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different ways of nitrogen "disappearing". The objective of the present study was to compare the removal of nitrogen with accompanying...
Pressure drop related to flow maldistribution in a model minichannel plate heat exchanger
PublikacjaThe paper describes the issues related to the pressure drop that accompanies the phenomenon of maldistribution of working fluid between the channels of a model minichannel plate heat exchanger. The research concerns a single exchanger's plate containing 51 (in every geometry) parallel rectangular minichannels of hydraulic diameters 461 µm, 571 µm, 750 µm and 823 µm. In addition, the more complex geometry has been investigated,...
Analytical chemistry in technical approaches: immobilization of biosorbent waste containing heavy metals in cemented materials
PublikacjaAn ecologically safe and economically justified method of stabilization of the used biosorbents was developed. Sorbent contaminated with heavy metals has been successfully solidified/stabilized using a hydraulic binder. The test results indicated that up to 1% of the biosorbent residue used could be added without compromising the compressive strength of the mortar. The compressive strength of the modified mortars did not change...
Teoretyczno-doświadczalne modelowanie konwekcji wymuszonej nanocieczy
PublikacjaPrzedłożona rozprawa doktorska dotyczy badań eksperymentalnych oraz numerycznych konwekcji wymuszonej nanocieczy. Badane nanociecze wytworzone były z cieczy bazowych takich jak woda demineralizowana i mieszaniny wody z glikolem etylenowym w trzech proporcjach objętościowych 90:10, 80:20 i 60:40. Jako nanocząstki użyto Al2O3, a wytworzone nanociecze miały koncentracje masowe 0,1%, 1% i 5%. Wyznaczono eksperymentalnie dynamiczny...
Liquefaction of alder wood as the source of renewable and sustainable polyols for preparation of polyurethane resins
PublikacjaLiquefaction of wood-based biomass gives different polyol properties depending on the reagents used. In this article, alder wood sawdust was liquefied with glycerol and poly(ethylene glycol) solvents. Liquefaction reactions were carried out at temperatures of 120, 150 and 170 °C. The obtained bio-polyols were analyzed in order to establish the process efficiency, hydroxyl number, acid value, viscosity and structural characteristics...
Heat transfer intensification by enlarged surface roughness in the plate heat exchanger
PublikacjaIn the paper an experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification technique employed in the case of the plate heat exchanger is presented. The passive intensification was obtained by a modification of the heat transfer surface. The roughness of surface was increased by a use of glass micro-beads. Single-phase convective heat transfer in the water-water system was studied. The experiment was accomplished in two stages....
Pathways of Nitrogen Removal in Hybrid Treatment Wetlands
PublikacjaHybrid Treatment Wetlands (HTWs) are composed of two or more filters with different modes of flow, allowing the benefits of both types of bed to be combined, resulting in better effluent quality (nitrogen and organic compounds removal). Such a heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different mechanisms of nitrogen removal. The objective of the present study was to investigate the removal of nitrogen versus a range...
Studies on the influence of technological variants of finishing machining on flow of parts in flexible manufacturing
PublikacjaIn the article below the problems of influence of variants of finishing processing on flow of machining parts in flexible manufacturing system were presented. The investigations were carried out the technological processes for piston rods and rams of hydraulic cylinders. There were also presented model variants of technological processes for piston rods finished with the burnishing. In these studies the influence of technological...
Freeze-Up Ice Jam Formation in the River Bend, a Case Study on the Inner Mongolia Reach of Yellow River
PublikacjaConcern has been expressed regarding the impacts of climate change on river ice and ice jam formation in cold regions. Ice jams are easily initiated in bends and narrow channels and cause disasters. In this study, observations and remote sensing monitoring are used to study the freeze-up ice jam formation of bends. Sediment transport and freezing process of the river interact, influencing bed changes profile and sedimentary budget....
Recent advances on the removal of phosphorus in aquatic plant-based systems
PublikacjaPhosphorus (P) is a vital nutrient for the ecosystems and its excess in wastewater streams leads to some environmental issues such as extensive algae growth (eutrophication). Phytoremediation is a green technology that is based on the combined actions of plants and their associated microbial groups to remove and transfer the toxic compounds in surface water, groundwater and soil. Aquatic plants are widely used for the remediation...
Wielkogabarytowe hydrodynamiczne łożyska wzdłużne
PublikacjaW monografii przedstawiono problemy konstrukcyjne i badawcze hydrodynamicznych łożysk wzdłużnych o dużych średnicach. Łożyska takie stanowią istotne i niezwykle odpowiedzialne podzespoły hydrogeneratorów elektrowni wodnych. Z uwagi na rozmiary (średnice przekraczają niekiedy 5 metrów) i złożoność zjawisk łożyska te wymagają specjalnej postaci konstrukcyjnej, a ich dokładna analiza obliczeniowa przysparza wiele problemów. Dodatkowo...
Wpływ imperfekcji geometrycznych na bezpieczeństwo montażu i naprawy zbiorników cylindrycznych metoda podbudowy
PublikacjaW pracy zajęto się wyznaczeniem nośności granicznej zbiorników stalowych o osi pionowej montowanych lub naprawianych z zastosowaniem hydraulicznego systemu podnoszenia konstrukcji. Podniesiony zbiornik jest szczególnie narażony na utratę stateczności, a obciążenie wiatrem utrudnia prowadzenie prac. Jakiekolwiek deformacje blach, szczególnie w pobliżu zamocowań podnośników mogą w znacznym stopniu obniżyć obciążenie krytyczne konstrukcji....
Hydro and marine civil engineering
Kursy OnlineKurs realizowany na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska (WILiŚ) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia: II stopnia - magisterskie, stacjonarne Kierunek: Budownictwo Semestr: 1 (letni) Presentation of basic hydro and marine civil engineering structures together with basic computational procedures for determining environmental forces acting on a structure (vertical-wall breakwater, rubble mound breakwater, submarine pipelines...
Hydro and marine civil engineering (2020-2021)
Kursy OnlineKurs realizowany na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska (WILiŚ) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia: II stopnia - magisterskie, stacjonarne Kierunek: Budownictwo Semestr: 1 (letni) Presentation of basic hydro and marine civil engineering structures together with basic computational procedures for determining environmental forces acting on a structure (vertical-wall breakwater, rubble mound breakwater, submarine pipelines...
Hydro and marine civil engineering (2021-2022)
Kursy OnlineKurs realizowany na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska (WILiŚ) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia: II stopnia - magisterskie, stacjonarne Kierunek: Budownictwo Semestr: 1 (letni) Presentation of basic hydro and marine civil engineering structures together with basic computational procedures for determining environmental forces acting on a structure (vertical-wall breakwater, rubble mound breakwater, submarine pipelines...
Zintegrowane sterowanie systemami zaopatrzenia w wodę pitną
PublikacjaOptymalne ekonomicznie zaspokojenie w miastach bieżącego zapotrzebowania na wodę pitną tak, aby spełnione były wymagania jakości dostaw oraz jakości samej wody jest złożonym zadaniem. Zarówno aspekty aplikacyjne jak i teoretyczne tego problemu są przedmiotem intensywnych prac prowadzanych w sektorach naukowych i przemysłowych na całym świecie. Prace te finansowane są przez przemysł, komitety naukowe oraz Programy Ramowe Unii Europejskiej....
Rozprzestrzenianie się w podtorzu skutków katastrof kolejowych z udziałem materiałów niebezpiecznych
PublikacjaDuża część przewozów materiałów niebezpiecznych prowadzona jest koleją. W związku z tym bezpieczeństwo tych przewozów nabiera coraz większego znaczenia. Każda katastrofa z udziałem materiałów niebezpiecznych ma negatywny wpływ na uczestników tego zdarzenia oraz na otaczające środowisko, bowiem jej zasięg na ogół nie jest lokalny. Z tego wynika, że w przypadku zaistnienia katastrofy należy minimalizować jej skutki oraz w dalszych...
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to assess the removal effectiveness of phosphorus compoundsby using lanthanum-modified bentonite. This material was produced by the Australian company Phoslock® Water Solutions Pty Ltd. According to the company, Phoslock® has substantial capacity to bound phosphate anions. The investigation was carried out in steady conditions in laboratory model with beakers. The results of the study are related to the...
PublikacjaThe question investigated in this paper is how to maintain the environmental quality of the polder landscape encompassing the city in the condition of urban pressure on this landscape. On the basis of theoretical approaches, historical surveys and introductory study models new ideas are tested on the case study of Gdansk, a city located in the Vistula River delta in northern Poland. Research shows that the city was created as a...
Climate change impact on groundwater resources in sandbar aquifers in southern Baltic coast
PublikacjaShallow coastal aquifers are vulnerable hydrosystems controlled by many factors, related to climate, seawater‑freshwater interactions and human activity. Given on‑going climate change, sea level rise and increasing human impact, it is especially true for groundwater resources situated in sandbars. We developed numerical models of unsaturated zone water flow for two sandbars in northern Poland: the Vistula Spit and the Hel Spit...
The effects of different aeration modes on ammonia removal from sludge digester liquors in the nitritation–anammox proces
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine the impact of continuous and intermittent aeration on the rate of ammonia removal in the combined nitritation–anammox process. This process was run in two parallel sequencing batch reactors (SBRs), with a working volume V = 10 L, treating sludge digester liquors from the Gdansk (Poland) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The ammonia oxidizing bacteria were cultivated from activated sludge...
Analysis of the Possibility of Using New Types of Protective Coatings and Abrasion-Resistant Linings under the Operating Conditions of the Spiral Classifier at KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Ore Concentration Plant
PublikacjaA study was carried out to select the appropriate coatings for corrosion protection of the spiral classifier working at KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Ore Concentration Plant. The abrasion resistance of selected protective coatings and wear-resistant linings was investigated using a DT-523 rotary abrasion tester with Taber CS-10 rubber abrasive discs. The average weight loss of the coatings after a cycle of 2000 revolutions was determined....
Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Kursy OnlineThe lecture covers the theoretical basics of hydraulic and pneumatic drive, simple systems encountered in practice and the elements included in these systems. Examples of applications of both types of drive in mechanical engineering are also presented, as well as their advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of drive.
Porównanie mocy strat energetycznych w pompie wyporowej o zmiennej wydajności określonych bez uwzględnienia bądź z uwzględnieniem mocy ściskania oleju hydraulicznego
PublikacjaPorównano moce strat energetycznych w pompie wyporowej o zmiennej wydajności, określone bez uwzględnienia bądź z uwzględnieniem mocy ściskania oleju hydraulicznego. Ocena mocy ściskania cieczy w pompie stała się możliwa dzięki zastosowaniu, zaproponowanej przez autora, metody określenia stopnia zapowietrzenia cieczy w pompie. W metodzie określenia stopnia zapowietrzenia cieczy w pompie oraz w ocenie mocy strat objętościowych ściskania...
Ocena stanu technicznego konstrukcji pras filtracyjnych w Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków „DĘBOGÓRZE” w Gdyni
PublikacjaPodstawowym celem pracy była rzeczowa ocena z punktu widzenia technicznego stanu trzech pras filtracyjnych, usytuowanych w budynku, położonym w Oczyszczalni Ścieków ‘DEBOGÓRZE w Gdyni. Zakres prac obejmował szczegółowa ocenę trzech układów w każdej prasie a mianowicie: - hydraulicznego, - sterowania i automatyki, - mechanicznego – związanego ze sprawdzeniem stanu konstrukcji nośnej i obudów.. Opis i analiza stanu poszczególnych...
An overview of the strategies for the deammonification process start-up and recovery after accidental operational failures
PublikacjaThe deammonification process has been universally acknowledged as an energy-efficient technology for sewage disposal. In contrast with traditional biological nitrogen removal technology, the deammonification process is able to remove ammonia from wastewater with the simplest nitrogen removal process because of its advantages of lower operating expenses, no organic carbon consumption, lower biomass production, lower carbon dioxide...
Design and experimental investigations of a cylindrical microjet heat exchanger for waste heat recovery systems
PublikacjaCompact heat exchangers have more and more applications in many areas, including the HVAC, food and petrochemical industry. This paper describes the development of heat exchanger technology for waste heat recovery (WHR) from a range of processes. Case-study testing shows that the proposed heat exchanger can successfully enhance heat transfer and recover waste heat in a range of applications making them economically, environmentally and...
The long-term properties of mineral-cement-emulsion mixtures
PublikacjaThis publication presents evaluation of long-term behavior of mineral-cement-emulsion (MCE) mixtures. MCE mixtures are among the major products of cold recycling of old asphalt pavements. They are composed by binding of the old materials reclaimed from the pavement and new mineral aggregate using two different binding agents – cement and bituminous emulsion. While bituminous emulsion dissolutes and binds materials quite fast, it...
Nitrification, denitrification, and dephosphatation capability of activated sludge during co-treatment of intermediate-age landfill leachates with municipal wastewater
PublikacjaThis study focuses on the possible use and efficacy of the co-treatment of landfill leachate (intermediate-age) with municipal wastewater. The nitrification, denitrification, and dephosphatation capability of activated sludge acclimated with a mixture of raw municipal wastewater (RWW) with gradually increasing amounts of raw landfill leachate (RLL) (from 0.5 to 5% v/v) were tested. Biochemical tests were conducted simultaneously...
Metodyka badań rozwojowych nowego typu silników i pomp satelitowych
PublikacjaResearch and development of new type satellite motors and satellite pumps SM with small geometrical displacement, from 5 to 73 cm3/rev, has been conducted in cooperation with Stosowanie Maszyn company from Katowice (manufacturer of motors and pump SM). The improvement of construction of those machines, especially construction of axial compensation and construction of fluid distribution channels have been the main problem of research...
Modeling of Surface Roughness in Honing Processes by UsingFuzzy Artificial Neural Networks
PublikacjaHoning processes are abrasive machining processes which are commonly employed to improve the surface of manufactured parts such as hydraulic or combustion engine cylinders. These processes can be employed to obtain a cross-hatched pattern on the internal surfaces of cylinders. In this present study, fuzzy artificial neural networks are employed for modeling surface roughness parameters obtained in finishing honing operations. As...
Stiffness of cold-recycled mixtures under variable deformation conditions in the IT-CY test
PublikacjaStiffness modulus belongs to the most important properties describing the cold-recycled mixtures (CRM) in terms of their usability in road pavement structures. Previous research proved that this property is strongly dependent on the scheme and conditions of the test (temperature and time of loading) and the time that has passed since the compaction of the specimen or pavement layer. It is a result of the influence of two different...
Innovative Implantable Left Ventricular Assist Device—Performance under Various Resistances and Operating Frequency Conditions
PublikacjaThis paper presents the operation of an innovative left ventricular assist device under various resistances and operating frequencies. The operating principle of the device is based on pulsatile blood flow, which is forced by a suction–discharge device pumping helium into a set of intra-cardiac balloons. In this way, the ejection fraction of the left ventricle is increased, and the mitral valve is additionally occluded. What is...
Brewery spent grain valorization through fermentation: Targeting biohydrogen, carboxylic acids and methane production
PublikacjaThis study investigated three different fermentation approaches to explore the potential for producing biohydrogen, carboxylic acids, and methane from hydrolysates of thermally dilute acid pretreated brewer's spent grains (BSG). Initially, the research focused on maximizing the volumetric hydrogen production rate (HPR) in the continuous dark fermentation (DF) of BSG hydrolysates by varying the hydraulic retention time (HRT). The...
Effect of presence of lifting pocket on the THD performance of a large tilting-pad thrust bearing
PublikacjaHydrostatic assistance is a commonly used method to improve limited load carrying ability of tiltingpad thrust bearings during transient states of operation of vertical shaft hydro-generators. Despite of special hydraulic equipment (as pumps, valves, etc.), it also requires manufacturing of special recesses/pockets at pad sliding surfaces, into which oil is injected under high pressure. It allows to lift the rotor before start-up...
Application of subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands to reject water treatment in dairy wastewater treatment plant
PublikacjaThe paper presents the effects of applying subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands (SS VF) for the treatment of reject water generated in the process of aerobic sewage sludge stabilization in the biggest dairy wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Poland. Two SS VF beds were built: bed (A) with 0.65 m depth and bed (B) with 1.0 m depth, planted with reeds. Beds were fed with reject water with hydraulic load of 0.1 m d-1 in...
Mobile inventory system for hydrotechnical objects using data from multiple sensors operating simultaneously
PublikacjaThe knowledge of the location, shape and other characteristics of spatial objects in the coastal areas has a significant impact on the functioning of ports, shipyards, and other water-infrastructure facilities, both offshore and inland. Therefore, measurements are taken of the underwater part of the waterside zone, which means the bottom of water and other underwater objects (e.g. breakwaters, docks, etc.), and objects above the...
Synthesis and characterization of biopolyols through biomass liquefaction of wood shavings and their application in the preparation of polyurethane wood composites
PublikacjaThe sustainability of production systems in wood processing, wood industry, and wooden waste disposal is an important issue for European industry and society. Proper development of products based on renewable wood resources gives an opportunity to provide materials with long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability. This study aims to establish a new way of forestry and agricultural waste materials utilization by...
Prediction of energy consumption and evaluation of affecting factors in a full-scale WWTP using a machine learning approach
PublikacjaTreatment of municipal wastewater to meet the stringent effluent quality standards is an energy-intensive process and the main contributor to the costs of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Analysis and prediction of energy consumption (EC) are essential in designing and operating sustainable energy-saving WWTPs. In this study, the effect of wastewater, hydraulic, and climate-based parameters on the daily consumption of EC by...
Joanna Kaliszuk mgr
Osoby -
Suitableness of SLM Manufactured Turbine Blade for Aerodynamical Tests
PublikacjasettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Suitableness of SLM Manufactured Turbine Blade for Aerodynamical Tests by Janusz Telega 1,*ORCID,Piotr Kaczynski 1ORCID,Małgorzata A. Śmiałek 2ORCID,Piotr Pawlowski 3ORCID andRyszard Szwaba 1ORCID 1 Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN), Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland 2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Institute of Naval...
Pilicides effectively hinder chaperone-usher interactions in all Gram-negative bacteria
PublikacjaThe chaperone-usher pathway of adhesive structures biogenesis is highly conserved in all Gram-negative bacteria. Pili are polymers of thousands protein subunits that possess conserved immunoglobuline-like structure denoted by lack of the seventh G strand. The effect of this structural defect is a hydrophobic acceptor cleft. The folding of protein subunits is strictly dependent on the action of specific periplasmic chaperone protein...
Cement kiln dust
PublikacjaThe volume of cement production in the world has remained at the level of approxi mately 4.1 billion tons/year. The cement production process is energy intensive and is the world’s leading emitter of carbon dioxide. Therefore, the main activities cement plants are aimed at introducing technologies changes in production of clinkier.The construction industry is responsible for the majority of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere: the...
Shady S. Refaat
OsobyShady S. Refaat received the B.A.Sc, M.A.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 2002, 2007, and 2013, respectively, all from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. He has worked in the industry for more than 12 years as Engineering Team Leader, Senior Electrical Engineer, and Electrical Design Engineer on various electrical engineering projects. He has worked as an associate research scientist in the Department of Electrical...
Człowiek zanurzony w rzeczywistości wirtualnej na przykładzie Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej (LZWP), które umożliwia swobodną podróż w czasie i przestrzeni. Jego podstawowym wyposażeniem jest jaskinia rzeczywistości wirtualnej, czyli pomieszczenie o ścianach, suficie i podłodze stanowiących ekrany projekcyjne, wyświetlające generowane komputerowo obrazy 3D, tworzące spójny widok jednej sceny. Człowiek znajdujący się w takiej jaskini jest zatem zanurzony...
Satelitowy agregat pompowy
PublikacjaW artykule opisano najnowszą konstrukcję satelitowego agregatu pompowego charakteryzującego się tym, że pompa satelitowa jest umieszczona wewnątrz silnika elektrycznego i zasysa ciecz poprzez otwór wydrążony osiowo w wale silnika. Zastosowana w agregacie pompa satelitowa jest nowatorską konstrukcją zawierającą mechanizm satelitowy o odwróconej kinematyce znamienny tym, że planeta (wirnik) oraz płyty kompensacyjne (rozrządu) są...
Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Kursy OnlineZapoznanie ze zjawiskami fizycznymi, podstawami projektowania i eksploatacji hydraulicznych i pneumatycznych układów napędu i sterowania Acquainting with physical phenomena, the basics of design and operation of hydraulic and pneumatic drive and control systems
Agnieszka Potęga dr hab. inż.