Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Experiences - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Experiences

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Experiences

  • Volunteering in the front line of the Ukrainian refugee crisis. A brief report from Poland


    - Frontiers in Public Health - Rok 2022

    This study aims to analyse the experiences and motivations of volunteers who supported Ukrainian refugees who fled to Poland. Our study was conducted among 196 volunteers in Poznan, Poland who answered questions regarding their experiences with voluntary service during the current refugee crisis and  the reasons they became involved in volunteer efforts.We found that although the Polish state had no prior experience in welcoming...

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  • Smart experience engineering to support collaborative design problems based on constraints modelling


    Engineering design is a knowledge intensive process. Experts' experiences from different product life-cycle stages play a key role in problem solving during design decision making by linking up knowledge to find better solutions for a specific design problem. Different approaches have been used to support Collaborative and Concurrent Product Design, such as Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) modelling. Additionally, due to the...

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  • Ultra-rare ultra-care: The unique burden of ultra rare disease caregiving


    Background: We sought to assesses the impact of caring for children with ultra rare diseases (URDs) on familycarers and to analyse the way these experiences differ among the caregivers of children diagnosed throughprenatal or newborn screening, and those with symptom-based diagnosis.Methods: A total of 200 caregivers of 219 URDs children completed an on-line survey regarding the challengesand experiences...

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  • Marek Kubale prof. dr hab. inż.

     Details concerning: Qualifications, Experiences, Editorial boards, Ph.D. theses supervised, Books, and Recent articles can be found at http://eti.pg.edu.pl/katedra-algorytmow-i-modelowania-systemow/Marek_KubaleGoogle ScholarSylwetka prof. Marka Kubalego Prof. Marek Kubale pracuje na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej nieprzerwanie od roku 1969. W tym czasie napisał ponad 150 prac naukowych, w tym ponad 40 z listy JCR. Ponadto...

  • The Neural Knowledge DNA Based Smart Internet of Things



    ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant attention from industry as well as academia during the past decade. Smartness, however, remains a substantial challenge for IoT applications. Recent advances in networked sensor technologies, computing, and machine learning have made it possible for building new smart IoT applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach: the Neural Knowledge DNA based Smart Internet...

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  • Smart Innovation Management in Product Life Cycle


    The present paper proposes a framework for smart innovation management of the product using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. This proposed system will allow the entrepreneurs and organizations to perform the innovation process technically and quickly as this framework will store knowledge as well as experiences of the past innovations done in various...

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  • Modular Experience-Based Smart Innovation Engineering System


    The current paper presents the systematic approach for supporting the product innovation process of manufactured products. The proposed system uses a collective, team-like knowledge developed by innovation related experiences of the formal decisional events. The proposed system for smart innovation engineering carries the promise to support the innovation processes in a quick and efficient way. It stores the past decisional events...

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  • Practical Use of Generic IT Organization Evolution Model

    In the paper we analyze, basing on the practical experiences, how the Generic IT Organization Model could be used to describe evolution of real-world IT support organization in relation to IT Service Management area.

  • Flexible Knowledge–Vision–Integration Platform for Personal Protective Equipment Detection and Classification Using Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks and Active Leaning



    This work is part of an effort to develop of a Knowledge-Vision Integration Platform for Hazard Control (KVIP-HC) in industrial workplaces, adaptable to a wide range of industrial environments. The paper focuses on hazards resulted from the non-use of personal protective equipment (PPE). The objective is to test the capability of the platform to adapt to different industrial environments by simulating the process of randomly selecting...

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  • Pozytywne doświadczenia zakupowe w kreowaniu lojalności nabywczej


    Doświadczenie zakupowe to rodzaj mentalnej podróży, pozostawiającej niematerialne wrażenia, w postaci wiedzy i śladu emocjonalnego [69], będące kluczowym elementem w zrozumieniu zachowań konsumentów, jak również istotnych zmian zachodzących we współczesnym marketingu [10]. Cel: Celem głównym badań było ukazanie wpływu pozytywnych doświadczeń zakupowych na kształtowanie satysfakcji i lojalności nabywczej oraz sposobów budowania...

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  • Knowledge Sharing in the COVID-19 Era of Remote Teaching: What Can Academia Learn from Business?


    - Rok 2021

    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate how universities may benefit from experiences of businesses that were also forced to use remote forms of business operations. Methodology: The paper uses in-depth interviews to explore the possibilities of knowledge sharing improvements at the university-level teaching, based on the experiences elicited in the business sector. The theoretical sampling was used to find informants...

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  • Teaching High Performance Computing Using BeesyCluster and Relevant Usage Statistics


    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents motivations and experiences from using the BeesyCluster middleware for teaching high performance computing at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology. Features of BeesyCluster well suited for conducting courses are discussed including: easy-to-use WWW interface for application development and running hiding queuing systems, publishing applications as services...

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  • Building Confidence and Trust in Ireland's National Maternity Services Workforce –What matters most and how?

    • A. Ojo
    • N. Rizun
    • G. S. Grace
    • W. Przychodzen
    • M. Isazad Mashinchi
    • C. Foley
    • D. Rohde

    - HEALTH POLICY - Rok 2023

    National surveys on care experiences are increasingly adopted as regulatory mechanisms for improving care quality and increasing public trust in healthcare services. Based on data collected as part of Ireland's 2020 National Maternity Experience Survey, this study investigates care-related factors that contribute most to confidence and trust in the professional workforce (or carers) within Irish maternity services. The survey covered...

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    Poczucie samoskuteczności w sposób istotny wpływa na zachowanie ludzi sprawiając, że stają się oni bardziej wytrwali w działaniu i stawiają sobie ambitne cele. Poczucie samoskuteczności powstaje pod wpływem doświadczeń jednostki, a jego poziom jest możliwy do kształtowania. Zdaniem Bandury (1997) istnieją cztery źródła poczucia samoskuteczności, czyli poprzednie doświadczenie, pobudzenie fizjologiczne, obserwacja innych oraz perswazja....

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  • A new concept of contemporary marketing


    - Rok 2021

    Purpose: This conceptual paper aims to propose a new concept of marketing that responds well to the needs of a changing world, taking into account the continuous development of the service economy and the revolution in the development of the Internet and related tools. Methodology/Approach: The proposed concept is based on well-researched theories: service marketing, experience marketing, relationship marketing and digital marketing...

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  • Informal projects management with volunteers participation

    The article briefly presents some experiences and results of research which has been conducted in order to identify key elements influencing the success of projects managed in informal way with volunteers’ participation. These experiences were collected during the realization of several “soft” projects. The general aims of these projects were sports competitions’ organisation, cultural events and charity projects for...

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  • Superheroes or Super Spreaders? The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Attitudes towards Nurses: A Qualitative Study from Poland

    The social perception of the nursing profession in Poland is profoundly affected by social stereotypes that may discourage young people from entering the profession and lead to prejudice towards nurses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses gained visibility, which caused the social image of nurses to likewise grow. In this study, we explore nurses’ experiences with respect to how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the social image...

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  • Creating Hotel Services from a Perspective of Extraordinary Customer Experience


    - Handel Wewnętrzny - Rok 2018

    This conceptual article aims to explore the process of providing hotel services in the context of requirements arising from the experience economy. Both the concept of experience marketing and the concept of customer experience management provided a theoretical framework for the discussion. Based on a review of literature and conclusions derived from hotel managers’ experiences, a research model is proposed, which may be of some...

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  • Supporting First Year Students Through Blended-Learning - Planning Effective Courses and Learner Support


    Higher education has been actively encouraged to find more effective and flaxible delivery models to provide all students with access to good quality learning experiences. This paper describes students opinion about using e-learning techniques and their participation in courses provided in different ways as additional help and expectations of first year students.

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  • Media architecture: participation through the senses


    - Rok 2012

    Pervasive media and interactive technologies have become inseparable not only from our everyday life but also from architecture and city spaces. However, the generic use of new technologies in the design process and material production that affects contemporary architecture, results in buildings that become mere visual objects losing their hapticity and non-visual qualities. Despite the substantial advancement in the research studies...

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  • Trolleybuses with traction batteries for autonomous running


    - Rok 2011

    In 2009 the transport company of city Gdynia (Poland) introducet in the operation trolleybuses fitted with traction batteries. This solution was designed for emergency situations, such as: damage of overhead lines or power loss. Transport company also considering the use of batteries in regular use. The article presents the operational experiences gained during the current operation. Furthermore, there are presented new trends...

  • Trolleybus with traction batteries for autonomous running


    - Rok 2013

    In 2009 the transport company of city Gdynia (Poland) introduced in the operation trolleybuses fitted with traction batteries. This solution was designed for emergency situations, such as: damage of overhead lines or power loss. Transport company also considering the use of batteries in regular use. The article presents the operational experiences gained during the current operation. Furthermore, there are presented new trends...

  • Evaluation of affective intervention process in development of affect-aware educational video games


    - Rok 2016

    In this paper initial experiences are presented on implementing specific methodology of affective intervention design (AFFINT) for development of affect-aware educational video games. In the described experiment, 10 student teams are to develop affect-aware educational video games using AFFINT to formalize the whole process. Although all projects are still in progress, first observations and conclusions may already be presented.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    The article presents the background of the current pro-innovation and pro-quality transformation suggested in Polish universities. The first part contains a concise description of Polish higher education system. In the second part, an example of an internal quality assurance system was presented, which was implemented in the Gdańsk University of Technology. The summary indicates recommendations resulting from previous negative...

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    - Rok 2021

    Cold recycling with cement and bituminous emulsion is one of the most environmentally friendly techniques to maximize the reuse of reclaimed asphalt (RA) collected during demolition of roads. Cold recycled mixtures are commonly used for base courses in construction or rehabilitation of flexible and semi-rigid pavements. Current experiences demonstrated that cold recycling with appropriate requirements and technical recommendations...

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  • Doświadczenie jako wartość dla klienta

    Marketing doświadczeń opiera się na przekonaniu, że oprócz produktu i usługi konieczne jest wyodrębnienie dodatkowej wartości, jaką jest niepowtarzalne doświadczenie, spełniające racjonalne i emocjonalne oczekiwania nabywcy. Autorka opisuje rolę doświadczeń w kształtowaniu postaw konsumenckich oraz budowaniu satysfakcji i lojalności klienta. Omawia również zasady służące projektowaniu pozytywnych doświadczeń zakupowych.

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  • MSRL 2.0. as a new method for research education on urban issues


    The MSRL 2.0. research is focused on the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) as a multidimensional urban phenomenon with Gdansk acting as a hub for the research teams. The idea of the MSRL 2.0. is to promote the collaboration of professionals and graduate and PhD students by bringing together the mentor(s) with a local research team sharing experiences and proposing strategic recommendations to strengthen sustainable urban development initiatives...

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  • Implementing Integrated Territorial Investments

    The chapter presents the first experiences related to the implementation of the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI). In the case of the Pomeranian region in Poland, this process was associated with the creation of a broad partnership and bottom-up approach to the development strategy programming for Urban Functional Areas. In this paper, we try to assess the effectiveness of this process, by defining its strong points and bottlenecks,...

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  • Knowledge Management Challenges in Collaborative Design of a Virtual Call Centre

    This paper presents the analysis of knowledge management issues for an user interface consulting project relevant during the development of a Virtual Call Centre. Experiences gathered by the team of designers and team of usability consultants have been described and evaluated from the knowledge management viewpoint. A concept of a knowledge-based system, potentially supporting usability consulting in subsequent IT projects has...

  • Wczesny Mickiewicz jako zapowiadający się historiozof


    - Rok 2021

    The paper shows young Mickiewicz’s family and historical experiences. It discussesthe knightly premises for his historiosophy and explains its radicalism and structureon the grounds of the knightly tradition. The study reveals the pre-Slavic deposits ofspiritual archeology in the Romantic poet. It proves that the activation of these depositsshaped Mickiewicz’s view on the collision between Poland and...

  • Developing competences for cooperation in international teams - tools and methods


    The article presents the training methods that can be used to develop intercultural competences which are extremely important while working in intercultural teams. The mentioned methods like: case-studies, collaborating, role-play simulations, team working, video presentations and others are presented on the basis of authors’ experiences while teaching the international groups of students at Faculty of Management and Economics...

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  • FEEDB: A multimodal database of facial expressions and emotions


    - Rok 2013

    In this paper a first version of a multimodal FEEDB database of facial expressions and emotions is presented. The database contains labeled RGB-D recordings of people expressing a specific set of expressions that have been recorded using Microsoft Kinect sensor. Such a database can be used for classifier training and testing in face recognition as well as in recognition of facial expressions and human emotions. Also initial experiences...

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  • On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model

    The paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite...

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  • Toward Smart Innovation Engineering: Decisional DNA-Based Conceptual Approach



    ABSTRACT Knowledge and experience are essential requirements for product innovation. The presented paper proposes a systematic approach for product innovation support using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising a Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). This proposed system is dynamic in nature because it updates itself every time a new decision related to innovation is made. Through this...

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  • Establishing Relationships between Parameters of the controlled Compaction Soil by Using Various In-Situ Tests


    - Rok 2017

    The aim of research was evaluating reliable correlations between chosen soil parameters describing state of surface layers of soil. The paper presents site comparative tests based on the light falling weight deflectometer (LFWD), the static plate load tester (VSS), the dynamic probing light tester (DPL) and the bearing ratio tester (CBR in-situ) with relationships between soil state parameters. All featured in-situ...

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  • Hybrid, Approximate Models of Distributed-Parameter Systems


    - Rok 2010

    The paper introduces the method of distributed-parameter systems modelling. It enables to obtain low order modal model of the system that experiences Coriolis acceleration component and gyroscopic effect. In such cases, corresponding system equations are non-self-adjoined. To solve this problem modal reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect terms. These phenomena are next included...

  • Implementing SP4CE Learning Rooms concept and AUTODESK online certification in the preparation of a new generation of engineers.


    - Rok 2018

    In academia, educators do not always cope with rapidly changing technologies. Yet keeping up with new trends is essential to graduates’ success in a competitive job market. In the article, the author will answer the question of how Autodesk University Open Educational Resources and Certiport exams including GMetrix can enhance students’ academic progress and prepare them for future career. The concept of co-operation between Authorized...

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  • Co-operation with local stakeholders: a crucial element of urban design

    In this article,the authors endeavour to illustratethe evolution of the role of local stakeholder in teaching urban planning by example of selected experiences in the Faculty of Architecture atGdańsk University of Technology(FA-GUT), Gdańsk, Poland. The timeframe covers the period from the political breakthrough in 1989 to the present. The background is composed of the social, economic and legal changes that have...

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  • Smart Specialization through Cluster Policy. Evidence from Poland and Germany

    • A. Lis
    • A. M. Kowalski
    • M. Mackiewicz

    - Rok 2021

    The purpose of the chapter is to investigate the interlinks and commonalities between clusters and regional smart specialization strategies (through the prism of experiences of Polish and German regions). The main research strategy was international comparative analysis, and the basic technique for collecting data was document analysis. The research used the four-level procedure of selecting documents, which allowed identification...

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  • Smart Innovation Engineering System - A Tool for Facilitating Product Innovation Process

    For the survival and prosperity of the manufacturing unit, entrepreneurs need to find out new ideas that can be implemented in the products leading to innovation. The current study employs a systematic approach for product innovation. In this approach past experiences based on innovation decisions are stored and recalled during the innovation problem solving process. Implementing this system in the process of product innovation...

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  • Employee Suggestion Program as a way to involve employees in improving business processes


    - Rok 2016

    The following article presents one of the Lean Management tools – employee suggestion program. Companies consider this method as a way to involve employees in improving business processes. In the first part of the article the author explained the idea of the Japanese management system. The next part presents the philosophy of Kaizen, which is crucial for proper implementation of Lean Management concept in the company. Moreover,...

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    The research on predicting bankruptcies of enterprises constitutes one of the most important areas of financial management. In developed countries, the first publications on the subject appeared in the early 20th century. The situation is different in the countries of Eastern Europe, which introduced the market system already at the beginning of the 1990s, which resulted in first corporate bankruptcies. The article...

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  • Reverberation divergence in VR applications

    This project aimed to investigate the correlation between virtual reality (VR) imagery and ambisonic sound. With the increasing popularity of VR applications, understanding how sound is perceived in virtual environments is crucial for enhancing the immersiveness of the experience. In the experiment, participants were immersed in a virtual environment that replicated a concert hall. Their task was to assess the correspondence between...

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  • Reverberation divergence in VR applications


    The aim of this project was to investigate the correlation between virtual reality (VR) imagery and ambisonic sound. With the increasing popularity of VR applications, understanding how sound is perceived in virtual environments is crucial for enhancing the immersiveness of the experience. By examining the relationship between visual scenes and sound scenes, this research attempts to explore how the interaction between vision and...

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  • City scan as a tool to assess resilience challenges and vulnerabilities at the community level


    - Rok 2021

    The majority of the world’s population lives in cities and cities are the key to achieving resilience. Local governments own only part of the land and can only partially decide about measures that should be taken ‘on the ground’. Local governments are therefore highly dependent on individuals, communities, and businesses to adapt and transform and take action in their own backyards or neighbourhoods. Since, for many people, climate...

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  • Evaluating the challenges and needs of parents caring for children with Williams syndrome: A preliminary study from Poland


    Background: Although physical, cognitive and behavioural manifestations of Williams syndrome(WS) affect every dimension of caregivers lives, no studies on the parental experiences of caringfor a WS child have to date been carried out in Poland.Methods: In order to identify the challenges and needs of Polish carers of WS children a survey wasconducted...

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  • Time-current tripping characteristics of RCDs for sinusoidal testing current


    - Rok 2021

    Low-voltage electrical installations are verified initially – before being put into operation, as well as periodically – during their utilization. According to the IEC standards, the scope of the verification includes measurements of both the tripping current and the disconnection time of residual current devices (RCDs). Experiences in RCDs testing show that disconnection times of two or more similar RCDs can be quite different....

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  • The guidelines and principles for planning and design of road restraint systems


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Rok 2017

    The project RID 3A Road Safety Equipment (RoSE) implemented by the Gdansk University of Technology within the RID programme, aims to conduct a comprehensive study and analyses of different vehicle containment systems (PN-EN 1317) and types of support structures (PN-EN 12767) and their performance. Within the project an analysis will be conducted of available research reports...

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  • Landscape Rurality: New Challenge for The Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Poland


    The standard of country living was a matter of Polish elites’ concern from the eighteenth century. In different historical conditions different concepts of the rural renewal were formed. Today in rural areas of Poland some spatial processes that threaten the quality of life occur. The disadvantageous changes are the result of national or local governments spatial policy and they are an inhabitants’ response to it. The political...

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  • Individual Resources and Intercultural Interactions


    - Rok 2017

    The work environment in multinational corporations (MNCs) is specific and demanding including intercultural interactions with co-workers and clients and using a foreign language. Some individual resources can help in dealing with these circumstances. Individual resources refer to personal dispositions, competencies and prior experiences. With regard to previous studies, a caravan of personal resources, namely Psychological Capital...