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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PERFECT HASHING
The anisotropic photorefractive effect in lithium sulfo-phosphate glass system doped with nickel ions
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Effect on Phytochemical Content and Microbial Contamination of Actinidia Fruit after Shock Cooling and Storage
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Effect of high added-value components of acid whey on the nutritional and physiological indices of rats
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Effect of organic calcium supplements on the technological characteristic and sensory properties of gluten-free bread
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Effect of roasting time of buckwheat groats on the formation of Maillard reaction products and antioxidant capacity
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Effect of liquid-state fermentation on the antioxidant and functional properties of raw and roasted buckwheat flours
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Effect of sex and menstrual cycle in women on starting speed, anaerobic endurance and muscle power
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Effect of GeO2 content on structural and spectroscopic properties of antimony glasses doped with Sm3+ ions
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Effect of temperature on luminescent properties of an antimony-silicate glass co-doped with Yb3+and Tm3+
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The effect of mixed anionic-cationic films composition on flotation of hydrocarbon particles from water
PublikacjaBadano adsorpcję dodecylosulfonianu sodowego oraz jednego z bromków alkilo-trimetyloamoniowych z roztworów ich mieszanin na granicach faz woda/powietrze oraz woda/dodekan. Obliczone stężenia powierzchniowe poszczególnych surfaktantów wykorzystano do wyznaczenia składu filmów adsorpcyjnych. Skład filmów anionowo-kationowych był podstawą do przewidywania zmian ładunku elektrostatycznego kropli dodekanu oraz efektywności flotacji...
The effect of low energy impact on the tensile strength of coated and uncoated glass particulate composites.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono model teoretyczny pozwalający przewidywać poudarową wytrzymałość na rozciąganie w funkcji parametrów materiałowych i budowy kompozytu. Określono eksperymentalnie poudarową wytrzymałość na ściskanie kompozytów zbrojonych ciągłym włóknem szklanym w osnowie żywicy epoksydowej napełnianej mikrokulkami szklanymi w celu obniżenia skłonności do powstawania dużych zniszczeń przy udarze o niskiej energii. Wyniki eksperymentalnie...
Effect of cathode materials on the performance of single chamber solid oxide fuel cell and module
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad jednokomorowym ogniwem paliwowym. Badane były ogniwa przygotowane z różnymi rodzajami materiałow katodowych oraz określana była wydajność ogniwa. Zbudowano i zbadano moduł ogniwa paliwowego jednokomorowego.
The effect of new non-cross resistant antitumor agents on the energy state of human erythrocytes
PublikacjaPrzebadano pochodne benzoperimidynowe i antrapirydonowe odnośnie ich wpływu na stan energetyczny ludzkich erytrocytów. Stwierdzono, że poziom nukleotydów jak i wartość AEC erytrocytów nie zmienił się w ciągu 24 h inkubacji z powyższymi związkami. Jest to wynik obiecujący w odniesieniu do ich zastosowania jako związków aktywnych w pokonywaniu oporności wielolekowej.
The effect of nonlinear restraint on torsional buckling and post-buckling behaviour of a thin-walled column
PublikacjaW pracy rozważa się wyboczenie skrętne i zachowanie pokrytyczne osiowo ściskanego swobodnie podpartego pręta cienkosciennego o przekroju otwartym ze sprężytą nieliniową podporą w środku rozpietości. Rozwiązanie problemu wyznaczono za pomocą metody małego parametru. W przykładzie numerycznym wyznaczono siłę krytyczną i ścieżkę początkowego zachowania pokrytycznego dwuteowego pręta z podporą sprężystą o charakterystyce składającej...
Accidental wow defect evaluation using sinusoidal analysis enhanced by artificial neural networks
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia metodę do wyznaczania charakterystyki pasożytniczych modulacji częstotliwości (kołysanie) obecnych w archiwalnych nagraniach dźwiękowych. Prezentowane podejście wykorzystuje śledzenie zmian sinusoidalnych komponentów dźwięku które odzwierciedlają przebieg kołysania. Analiza sinusoidalna wykorzystana jest do ekstrakcji składowych tonalnych ze zniekształconych nagrań dźwiękowych. Dodatkowo, w celu zwiększenia...
PublikacjaThe objective of this study was to determine the hardness of beech wood samples (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the longitudinal direction from the beginning to the rear of the samples versus the method of drying. The warm air-steam mixture drying process and the modified airdrying process were used in the experiment. The warm air-steam mixture drying process, in comparison to the modified air-drying process, caused a reduction of the...
The Effect of Hyperbaric Storage on the Nutritional Value and Retention of Certain Bioactive Proteins in Human Milk
PublikacjaHuman milk (HM) contains the essential macronutrients and bioactive compounds necessary for the normal growth and development of newborns. The milk collected by human milk banks is stored frozen and pasteurized, reducing its nutritional and biological value. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hyperbaric storage at subzero temperatures (HS-ST) on the macronutrients and bioactive proteins in HM. As control samples,...
Effect of Agitation and Temporary Immersion on Growth and Synthesis of Antibacterial Phenolic Compounds in Genus Drosera
PublikacjaSundews (Drosera sp.) are the source of biologically active secondary metabolites: phenolic acids, flavonoids, and 1,4-naphtoquinones. Because obtaining them from the natural environment is impossible (rare and endangered species), in this study modifications of traditional tissue cultures grown in solid medium (SM), such as agitated cultures (ACs) (cultures in liquid medium with rotary shaking) and temporary immersion bioreactors...
Effect of underwater friction stir welding parameters on AA5754 alloy joints: experimental studies
PublikacjaThe water as a welding environment may generate serious technological and metallurgical problems but in certain cases, the physicochemical properties of water can be used effectively, e.g., to impart the specific properties of welded materials. The purpose of the work was verification of effectiveness of the water cooling of aluminium alloy AA5754 for various sets of technological parameters of underwater friction stir welding...
Exploring Cause-and-Effect Relationships Between Public Company Press Releases and Their Stock Prices
PublikacjaThe aim of the work is to design and implement a method of exploring the cause-and-effect relationships between company announcements and the stock prices on NASDAQ stock exchange, followed by a brief discussion. For this purpose, it was necessary to download the stock quotes of selected companies from the NASDAQ market from public web sources. Additionally, media messages related to selected companies had to be downloaded, and...
The microstructure effect on the electrical and optical properties of undoped and Sr-doped SmCoO3 thin films.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono elektryczne i optyczne właściwości niedomieszkowanego i domieszkowanego Sr SmCoO3 cienkich filmów. Gęste i przezroczyste filmy o grubościach 80-100nm były przygotowane na szafirze metodą nanoszenia wirowego ciekłych polimerów. Filmy były syntezowane w temperaturach od 500 do 800C co umożliwiło otrzymanie różnych mikrostruktur. Elektryczne właściwości filmów były mierzone w funkcji temperatury. Domieszkowanie...
Effect of chemical composition on corrosion and wear behaviour of the composite Ni-Fe-Al2O3 coatings.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań powłoki kompozytowej otrzymanej przez osadzanie katodowe galwaniczne w roztworze zawierającym sole niklu, żelaza oraz cząstki ceramiki Al2O3 o różnej wielkości i stężeniu. Wykazano, że charakterystyka ceramiki posiada wpływ na szybkość korozji i zużycia ściernego. W szczególności, zawartość ceramiki wpływa dodatnio na odporność na zużycie ścierne, ale nieco obniża odporność na zużycie korozyjne.
Effect of dendrimer-based interlayers for enzyme immobilization on a model electrochemical sensing system for glutamate
PublikacjaIn this paper, we discuss dendrimer usage in enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors, particularly with respect to biomolecule loading on the sensing surface. A novel approach to design bioactive layers with immobilized enzymes for electrochemical biosensors using the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method in combination with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was presented. The gold surface was modified with linear linkers...
The Effect of Titanium Oxyfluoride Morphology on Photocatalytic Activity of Fluorine-Doped Titanium(IV) Oxide
PublikacjaTitanium oxyfluoride (TiOF2) is a metastable product that can be obtained in a fluorine-rich environment. This material can also be a valuable precursor in the synthesis of titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2). However, the effect of TiOF2 morphology on the physicochemical properties of TiO2 has not been studied so far. In this work, single-phase TiOF2 was prepared by a solvothermal method. The as-synthesized samples exhibited a variety of...
Effect of wet Hydrogen Sulfide on Carbon Steels Degradation in Refinery Based on Case Study
PublikacjaMaterial degradation caused by wet hydrogen sulfide (Wet H2S) is one of the major issues in refineries. Carbon steel is the main construction material used in refineries and is subjected not only to thickness loss but the hydrogen is the major concern. H2S leads to high atomic hydrogen penetration in steel which causes degradation in the form of blistering and/or cracking (HIC/SOHIC) and stress cracking in the area of welds and...
Effect of austempering temperature on microstructure and cyclic deformation behaviour of multiphase low-carbon steel
PublikacjaThis paper examined the cyclic deformation behaviour of multiphase low-carbon steel that was subjected to austempering heat treatments at four temperatures (190 °C, 230 °C, 275 °C, and 315 °C) below the martensite start temperature (Ms = 353 °C). The tests were conducted at room temperature, under fully reversed strain-controlled conditions, with strain amplitudes in the range 0.5–1.0%. The microstructure was observed by transmission...
The Effect of the Selection of Three-Dimensional Random Numerical Soil Models on Strip Foundation Settlements
PublikacjaThis paper delivers a probabilistic attempt to prove that the selection of a random three-dimensional finite element (FE) model of a subsoil affects the computed settlements. Parametricanalysis of a random soil block is conducted, assuming a variable subsoil Young’s modulus inparticular finite elements. The modulus is represented by a random field or different-sized setsof random variables; in both cases, the same truncated...
Effect of the ionic liquids on extraction of aromatic and sulfur compounds from the model petrochemical stream
PublikacjaSuitability of a imidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) as solvents in dearomatization and desulfurization in the ternary systems and in a model multicomponent systems has been analyzed. With this aim, ternary liquid-liquid phase equilibrium data (LLE) have been obtained for ternary mixtures of {IL + benzene, or toluene, or thiophene, or 2-butanethiol + hexane}, or {IL + benzene + 2-methylpentane} at T = 298.15 K and ambient pressure,...
Theoretical examination of the fracture behavior of BC3 polycrystalline nanosheets: Effect of crack size and temperature
Publikacja2D carbon graphene nanostructures are elements of advanced materials and systems. This theoretical survey provides explanation to the mechanical and fracture behavior of mono- and polycrystalline BC3 nanosheets (denoted as MC- and PCBC3NS, respectively) as a function of temperature and the type of crack defects. The mechanical performance of PCBC3NS at elevated temperatures was monitored varying the number of grain boundaries (the...
Nonlinear Free and Forced Vibrations of a Hyperelastic Micro/Nanobeam Considering Strain Stiffening Effect
PublikacjaIn recent years, the static and dynamic response of micro/nanobeams made of hyperelasticity materials received great attention. In the majority of studies in this area, the strain-stiffing effect that plays a major role in many hyperelastic materials has not been investigated deeply. Moreover, the influence of the size effect and large rotation for such a beam that is important for the large deformation was not addressed. This...
Scaling Up the Process of Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Synthesis and Its Effect on Photoelectrochemical Properties
PublikacjaIn this work, for the first time, the influence of scaling up the process of titanium dioxide nanotube (TiO2NT) synthesis on the photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2 nanotubes is presented. Titanium dioxide nanotubes were obtained on substrates of various sizes: 2 × 2, 4 × 4, 5 × 5, 6 × 6, and 8 × 8 cm2. The electrode material was characterized using scanning electron microscopy as well as Raman and UV–vis spectroscopy in order...
Effect of tube bundle arrangement on performance of shell-and-tube latent heat storage system
PublikacjaThis work presents the results of experimental investigation on charging and discharging of latent heat storage systems (LHSS) in the form of shell-and-tube heat exchangers with a variable arrays of the tube bundles. The tests included two tube arrangements – in-line and triangular (staggered), a variable number of tubes in a bundle, two pitch ratios, and different tube positions in a bundle. Three commercial products (LTP56, RT54HC,...
Tetrahydroquinolinone derivatives exert antiproliferative effect on lung cancer cells through apoptosis induction
PublikacjaThe anticancer properties of quinolones is a topic of interest among researchers in the scientific world. Because these compounds do not cause side effects, unlike the commonly used cytostatics, they are considered a promising source of new anticancer drugs. In this work, we designed a brief synthetic pathway and obtained a series of novel 8-phenyltetrahydroquinolinone derivatives functionalized with benzyl-type moieties at position...
Effect of bending-torsion on fracture and fatigue life for 18Ni300 steel specimens produced by SLM
PublikacjaIn this study, different fracture surfaces caused by fatigue failure were generated from 18Ni300 steel produced by selective laser melting (SLM). Hollow round bars with a transverse hole were tested under bending-torsion to investigate the crack initiation mechanisms and fatigue life. Next, the post-failure fracture surfaces were examined by optical profilometer and scanning electron microscope. The focus is placed on the relationship...
Experimental study on the effect of selected sterilization methods on mechanical properties of polylactide FFF specimens
PublikacjaPurpose: Biodegradable polymers are widely used in personalized medical devices or scaffolds for tissue engineering. The manufacturing process should be finished with sterilization procedure. However, it is not clear how the different sterilization methods have an impact on the mechanical strength of the three-dimensional (3D)-printed parts, such as bone models or personalized mechanical devices. This paper aims to present the...
The effect of external load on ultrasonic wave attenuation in steel bars under bending stresses
PublikacjaThe stress state in deformed solids has a significant impact on the attenuation of an ultrasonic wave propagating through the medium. Measuring a signal with certain attenuation characteristics can therefore provide useful diagnostic information about the stress state in the structure. In this work, basic principles behind a novel attenuation-based diagnostic framework are introduced. An experimental study on steel bars under three-point...
Effect of Pd loading on hydrogen storage properties of disordered mesoporous hollow carbon spheres
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Study on size effect of the silica nanospheres with solid core and mesoporous shell on cellular uptake
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Effect of GO-Fe3O4 and rotating magnetic field on cellular metabolic activity of mammalian cells
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The effect of waste-expanded perlite on alkali activation of ground granulated blast furnace slag
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Selenium and mercury concentrations, Se:Hg molar ratios and their effect on the antioxidant system in wild mammals
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The effect of boiling in a thermosyphon on surface tension and contact angle of silica and graphene oxide nanofluids
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Photovoltaic effect in hybrid heterojunction formed from cadmium telluride and zinc perfluorophthalocyanine layers
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia wyniki badań zjawska fotowoltaicznego w planarnym układzie złożonym z następujących warstw: ITO, CdTe, perfluoroftalocyjanina cynku, BCP, Ag.
Effect of glycols used as glycolysis agents on chemical structure and thermal stability of produced glycolysates
PublikacjaZaprezentowano warunki glikolizy poliuretanowych odpadów piankowych, przy użyciu różnych glikoli oraz wyniki badań budowy chemicznej glikolizatów oraz ich właściwości termicznych.
The effect of aggregate characteristics on the fracture behaviour of fine-grained concrete under tensile loading
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia analizę wpływu kruszywa na zjawisko pękania drobnoziarnistego betonu podczas quasi-statycznego trzypunktowego zginania. Beton został opisany jako stochastyczny i niejednorodny materiał trzyfazowy. Dwuwymiarowe obliczenia numeryczne dla betonowych belek z nacięciem wykonano metodą elementów skończonych stosując izotropowy materiałowy model z degradacją sztywności rozszerzony o długość charakterystyczną mikrostruktury...
The effect of calcination temperature on structure and photocatalytic properties of Au/Pd nanoparticles supported on TiO2
PublikacjaBimetallic nanoparticles, composed of two different metal elements, can exhibit peculiar electronic, optical, and catalytic or photocatalytic properties that are absent in the corresponding monometallic nanoparticles. We show the effect of calcination temperature (from 350 to 700°C) on the structure and the photocatalytic properties of Au/Pd-modified TiO2. The composition of the bimetallic Au/Pd nanoparticles in relation to their...
Effect of the Presence of the Lifting Pocket on The THD Performance of a Large Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearing
PublikacjaIn this paper, an attempt was taken to study the effect of the lifting pocket on THD performance of a large tilting-pad thrust bearing of Itaipu power plant. B3earing performance was evaluated including recess shape for several cases of its depth. The results show, that hydrostatic recess changes calculated bearing properties quite significantly, especially in the vicinity of the pocket
Investigation effect of benzotriazole on the corrosion of brass-MM55 alloy in artificial seawater by dynamic EIS
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań impedancyjnych otrzymanych podczas ekspozycji stopu MM55 w środowisku sztucznej wody morskiej. Wykazano ścisłą korelację charakterystyk impedancyjnych ze stężeniem benzotriazolu. Przedstawiono czasową ewolucję ochronnego efektu inhibicyjnego.