Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RELATIONAL CAPITAL - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RELATIONAL CAPITAL

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RELATIONAL CAPITAL

  • On homotopies of morphisms and admissible mappings

    The notion of homotopy in the category of morphisms introduced by G´orniewicz and Granas is proved to be equivalence relation which was not clear for years. Some simple properties are proved and a coincidence point index is described.

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  • Agnieszka Kania Mgr

    Ukończyła WZIE PG - kierunek Zarządzanie i Marketing o specjalności Ekonomia i Finanse. Posiada kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie we współpracy z otoczeniem biznesowym. Pierwsze kroki w biznesie stawiała na stanowisku Analityka Finansowego,  Doradcy Klienta Biznesowego, następnie zdobywała doświadczenie na stanowiskach manadżerskich rekrutując i budując zespoły jako Kierownik Zespołu w korporacji finansowej, negocjując kontrakty,...

  • Ernst Cassirer's Idea of the Critique of Knowledge


    Article is a systematic and historical presentation of a specific understanding of the idea of transcendentalism, developed in so called Marburg School of neo-Kantianism. Their unique line of interpretation of Kant’s critical philosophy which consisted in contrasting critical (relational) and dogmatic (substantial) understanding of basic philosophical concepts is characteristic, from one hand, of Marburg School of idealism and,...

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  • ŚRODKI TRANSPORTU - cz statki morskie, W+C, WILiŚ Transport, sem 3, zimowy 22-23, PG_00044581

    Kursy Online

    ŚRODKI TRANSPORTU - Transport morski - wykład i ćwiczenia kurs dla studentów WILiŚ, kier Transport, sem 3 zajęcia trwają 1/3 sem - przez pierwszych 5 tygodni prowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK (kapitan) freitag@pg.edu.pl pok 509, bud OiO

  • On Dynamic Extension of a Local Material Symmetry Group for Micropolar Media

    For micropolar media we present a new definition of the local material symmetry group considering invariant properties of the both kinetic energy and strain energy density under changes of a reference placement. Unlike simple (Cauchy) materials, micropolar media can be characterized through two kinematically independent fields, that are translation vector and orthogonal microrotation tensor. In other words, in micropolar continua...

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  • Polski PR-owiec w świecie ponowoczesnym – wyniki badań i ich analiza. Poza dobrem i złem


    - Rok 2020

    W artykule analizuję wyniki badania Profesjonalizm public relations w Polsce, przeprowadzonego na potrzeby budowanego dokumentu Standardy profesjonalnego public relations – prezentowanego w tej pracy. Stawiam również pytanie o przyczynę częstych odpowiedzi respondentów „czasami” czy „nie mam zdania” i wykazuję niespójność systemów wartości respondentów zestawiając ich odpowiedzi na poszczególne pytania. Stawiam tezę, że niespójności...

  • Simple empirical formula to estimate the main geomechanical parameters of preplaced aggregate concrete and conventional concrete


    Preplaced aggregate concrete (PAC) or two-stage concrete is a specific type of concrete successfully employed in many projects including underwater concrete structures, massive concrete structures, structures made of reinforced concrete, and improvement of concrete structures. PAC is significantly different than the conventional concrete. In this type of concrete, aggregates are initially poured into the mold, the voids between...

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  • A comparative study of phenolic compounds and antioxidant and antiproliferative activities in frequently consumed raw vegetables

    • S. Gorinstein
    • Y. Park
    • B. Heo
    • J. Namieśnik
    • H. Leontowicz
    • M. Leontowicz
    • K. Ham
    • J. Cho
    • S. Kang


    Celem badań było oszacowanie właściwości przeciwutleniających wybranych warzyw spożywczych w stanie surowym: czosnek (Allium sativum L), biała, żółta i czerwona cebula (Allium cepa L), czerwony i zielony pieprz (Capsicum annuum L.) oraz biała kapusta (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) zbieranych w ciągu tego samego roku z różnych regionów geograficznych i stref klimatycznych. W badaniach odpowiednich ekstraktów metanolowych...

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  • Problemy ukrytych aportów w spółkach publicznych


    Transakcje z samym sobą należą do typowych zachowań dominującego akcjonariusza nadużywającego swojej pozycji w spółce publicznej. W artykule omówiono ukryte aporty, które są efektem tego typu zachowań. Wskazano, czym różnią się ukryte aporty od prawidłowo wnoszonych aportów i jakie są negatywne konsekwencje tych pierwszych. W rozważaniach uwzględniono aspekty prawne tego zjawiska. Opisane zostały przypadki obchodzenia przepisów...

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  • Branża IT – wyzwania związane z zarządzaniem kapitałem ludzkim

    Artykuł dotyczy procesów zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim w firmach IT, w których największe wyzwania wiążą się z dwoma obszarami: zatrudniania i zatrzymywania specjalistów IT w organizacji. Działy HR prześcigają się w stosowaniu coraz to nowszych rozwiązań, aby pozyskać oraz motywować kompetentnych informatyków do pracy na rzecz firmy. Głównym celem artykułu jest prezentacja działań dotyczących rekrutacji oraz motywowania pracowników...

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  • Błażej Kochański dr

    Błażej Kochański jest adiunktem w Katedrze Statystyki i Ekonometrii na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, ekspertem ds. ryzyka bankowego. Pracował dla banków w Polsce i Europie jako specjalista ds. ryzyka, kierownik ds. planowania i analiz, członek zarządu ds. ryzyka, członek rady nadzorczej i konsultant ds. zarządzania. Zbudował liczne modele predykcyjne wspomagające zarządzanie ryzykiem, z sukcesem zarządzał...

  • Global Optimization for Recovery of Clipped Signals Corrupted With Poisson-Gaussian Noise



    We study a variational formulation for reconstructing nonlinearly distorted signals corrupted with a Poisson-Gaussian noise. In this situation, the data fidelity term consists of a sum of a weighted least squares term and a logarithmic one. Both of them are precomposed by a nonlinearity, modelling a clipping effect, which is assumed to be rational. A regularization term, being a piecewise rational approximation of the ℓ0 function...

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  • The impact of ICTs on women’s economic empowerment


    - Rok 2016

    It is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...

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  • Struktura kapitału ludzkiego a wzrost gospodarczy

    W artykule tym skupiono się na weryfikacji zależności pomiędzy poziomem zróżnicowania hierarchii płacowej a stopniem wzrostu gospodarczego. Autor podjął więc próbę znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy poza powszechnie znanym związkiem między poziomem zasobu kapitału ludzkiego a wzrostem gospodarczym, istotne znaczenie ma również jego wewnętrzna struktura.Struktura kapitału ludzkiego przedstawiona została za pomocą hierarchii...

  • The Impact of ICTs on Women’s Economic Empowerment


    - Rok 2017

    It is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...

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  • The algorithm of building the hierarchical contextual framework of textual corpora


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents an approach for Modeling the Latent Semantic Relations. The approach is based on advantages of two computational approaches: Latent Semantic Analysis and Latent Dirichlet Allocation. The scientific question about the possibility of reducing the influence of these Methods limitation on the Quality of the Latent Semantic Relations Analysis Results is raised. The case study for building the Two-level Hierarchical Contextual...

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  • Self-Organization in Multi-Agent Systems Based on Examples of Modeling Economic Relationships between Agents



    The goal of the research was to observe and analyze self-organization patterns in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) by modeling basic economic relationships between agents forming a closed loop of relations necessary for their survival. The paper describes a worked-out MAS including an example of a production cycle and used economic rules. A special focus is put on behavior rules and decision systems of an individual agent such as: product...

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  • Determination of viscosity changes in dietary supplement solutions depending on temperature.

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The rheological characteristics of dietary supplement solutions were made based on viscosity measurement using a Brookfield viscometer, using the LV SC4 - 18 spindle and a shear rate of 53 s-1 (Fig.1). 

  • Miasta na prawach powiatu z rozwiniętym przemysłem jako lokalne ośrodki rozwoju na obszarach peryferyjnych polskich regionów

    Most of the growth factors is situated in big cities, especially in metropolitan areas. Questions arise: 1) Whether and what development factors are in the peripheral areas of voivodeships (i.e. outside the functional areas of their capitals)? 2) Can the industry be the driving force of the development of these areas? These questions are related to the discussion on the reindustrialisation of the European Union and the role of...

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  • A survey on known values and bounds on the Shannon capacity


    - Rok 2014

    In this survey we present exact values and bounds on the Shannon capacity for different classes of graphs, for example for regular graphs and Kneser graphs. Additionally, we show a relation between Ramsey numbers and Shannon capacity.

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  • Water related esthetics - the phenomenon of new structure in the post industrial shipyard areas


    - Rok 2014

    Direction of the main movements that are made in the European cities determines not only structural but also an esthetic changes. Paper follows the topic of visual diversity of post industrial waterfront cities and it’s relation to the local identity and cultural changes that are provided. Reshaping of the cities continuously proceed. Are those changes related with industrial shipyard districts only economical and spatial or also...

  • Can we rely on the pulse transit time - pressure relationship - models comparison

    An unobtrusive, noninvasive and continuous pressure measurement is invaluable however, still being under research and development. There are many attempts proposing an appropriate relationship between pulse pressure velocity and pressure. Fifteen different formulas, both theoretical and experimental, describing relation between blood pressure and crosssectional area of the vessel were examined. Using these formulas the relation...

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  • Thriving in multicultural work settings


    - Rok 2015

    Owing to globalization and the global mobility of workforce, working in multicultural environments has become a daily reality for an increasing number of manpower. Such an environment does introduce unique challenges to individuals, enabling some of them to thrive. The aim of the paper, therefore, is to explore the antecedents of thriving and its components in multicultural work settings of multinational corporations (MNCs). The...

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  • The Cultures of Knowledge Organizations: Knowledge, Learning, Collaboration (KLC)


    - Rok 2023

    This book focuses on seeing, understanding, and learning to shape an organization’s essential cultures. The book is grounded on a fundamental assumption that every organization has a de facto culture. These “de facto cultures” appear at first glance to be serendipitous, vague, invisible, and unmanaged. An invisible and unrecognized de facto culture can undermine business goals and strategies and lead to business failures. The authors...

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  • W stronę spersonalizowanego miasta?

    Od czasów Platona i Witruwiusza nie ustają wysiłki na rzecz dążenia do prawdy, dobra i piękna skupione wokół miasta jako idei politycznej i przestrzeni fundamentalnie egzystencjalnej. Towarzyszy im od wieków myślenie o idealnej organizacji i kompozycji miasta, o poczuciu podmiotowości mieszkańców i użytkowników, doświadczaniu przez nich czasu i przestrzeni. Szczególnie w ostatnich dekadach, gdy już nie przestrzeń, a czas i jego...

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  • A BODIPY‐Based Molecular Rotor in Giant Unilamellar Vesicles: A Case Study by Polarization‐Resolved Time‐Resolved Emission and Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

    • K. K. Jha
    • A. Prabhakaran
    • L. Spantzel
    • R. C. Sia
    • I. Pérez
    • R. A. Arellano-Reyes
    • A. Elmanova
    • A. Dasgupta
    • C. Eggeling
    • M. Börsch... i 4 innych

    - ChemPhotoChem - Rok 2023

    BODIPY and BODIPY-derived systems are widely applied as fluorophores and as probes for viscosity detection in solvents and biological media. Their orientational and rotational dynamics in biological media are thus of vital mechanistic importance and extensively investigated. In this contribution, polarization-resolved confocal microscopy is used to determine the orientation of an amphiphilic BODIPY-cholesterol derivative in homogeneous...

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  • Przestrzeń publiczna a przemiany miasta


    - Rok 2013

    Praca składa się z dwunastu rozdziałów. Pierwsza część ma charakter wprowadzający do problematyki przestrzeni publicznej. W rozdziale drugim autorka przywołuje wybrane i ważne dla przedmiotu badań koncepcje teoretyczne oparte na modelu wieloparadygmatycznym. Rozdział trzeci osnuty jest wokół antycznego wzorca przestrzeni publicznej, który ze względu na niezwykłe bogactwo rozwiązań w tym zakresie wywodzi się właśnie z tego pnia....

  • 40GbE und 100GbE als neue Generation des Ethernets


    - Rok 2009

    Die Erörterung der Hauptaspekte bei den neusten Entwicklungen des Ethernets bildet den Kern dieser Arbeit. Zuerst wird auf Anforderungen (teilweise bei Beibehaltung alter Eigenschaften, z.B. Vollduplex, Rahmenformat, BER=10-12, u.a.), für die neuen Versionen des Ethernets eingegangen. Dann folgt die Darstellung der Konzepte und der Lösungsmöglichkeiten innerhalb der physikalischen Schicht. Dem Thema "Verkabelung" (Kupfer, LWL,...

  • Development of factors and measurement of personnel risk in the marketing services of four Polish pharmaceutical companies

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This text contains the presentation and analysis of research results in relation to four companies (A, B, C, D), according to the adopted case study method.Further considerations should be preceded by the assumption that personal risk factors often affect the level of this risk in various directions, so their final impact is the result of the shaping...

  • Determination of the Theoretical and Actual Working Volume of a Hydraulic Motor—Part II (The Method Based on the Characteristics of Effective Absorbency of the Motor)


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    : In this article, the second method of determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor is described. The proposed new method is based on the characteristics of effective absorbency of the motor. The effective absorbency has been defined as the ratio of flow rate in a motor to the rotational speed of the motor’s shaft. It has been shown that the effective absorbency is a nonlinear function of the...

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  • Bis(diethylamido-[kappa]N)(diethylamine-[kappa]N)bis(2,6-diisopropylphenylamido-[kappa]N)zirconium(IV)

    In the title compound, [Zr(C12H18N)2(C4H10N)2(C4H11N)] or [Zr(HNC6H3iPr2)2(NEt2)2(HNEt2)], which was obtained by the reaction of Zr(NEt)4 with iPr2C6H3NH2, the Zr IV atom is in a trigonal–bipiramidal geometry in which the N atoms from two iPr2C6H3NH and one NEt2 ligand occupy the equatorial positions, and the N atoms of an NEt2 and an Et2NH ligand occupy the apical positions. An intramolecular N—HN contact occurs. There are two...

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  • Cohousing: the place of community


    - Rok 2011

    The crisis of social bonds, which affects living environment, has lead to the revival of traditional neighbourly relations. The idea of cohousing is included in this trend. Its inspiration may be found in the tradition of rural community, which used to adjust the system of rural settlements to the needs of community life.

  • Decomposition of Acoustic and Entropy Modes in a Non-Isothermal Gas Affected by a Mass Force


    - Archives of Acoustics - Rok 2018

    Diagnostics and decomposition of atmospheric disturbances in a planar flow are considered in this work. The study examines a situation in which the stationary equilibrium temperature of a gas may depend on the vertical coordinate due to external forces. The relations connecting perturbations are analytically established. These perturbations specify acoustic and entropy modes in an arbitrary stratified gas affected by a constant...

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  • Process management planning in ISO 9001 QMS of small companies.


    - Rok 2004

    Paper presents the key elements of process oriented methodology of ISO 9000 QMS implementation designed for SMEs. Particular attention has been paid to present simple documentation structure and its relation to the process approach to quality management.

  • Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Loyalty


    - Handel Wewnętrzny - Rok 2017

    The objective of this paper is to review, systematize, and summarize empirical research on the antecedents and consequences of brand loyalty. The literature review has identified five categories of antecedents to brand loyalty associated with consumer, brand, social, corporate and relational factors. The type of loyalty formed varies according to the combination of various antecedents, with premium loyalty being considered the...

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  • Sources of macroeconomic competitiveness in Central and East European Countries


    - Rok 2007

    The aim of the paper is to assess empirially economic growth and productivity patterns in Central and East European Countries (CEECs), and to provide a thorough insight into the factors influencing macroeconomic competitiveness in the CEE region. The study goes back to early 1990s and describes macroeconomic developments in eight countries which joined the EU in 2004 (namely: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,...

  • Globalisation and world economic poverty: The significance of hidden dimensions

    The aim of our research is to examine how individual dimensions of globalization affect economic poverty in the World. for this, regression models are estimated with FGT0 or FGT1 poverty measures as dependent variables and KOF indices of globalization as despendent variables. The poverty indices are estimated for 119 countries' income didtributions assuming log-normality and using Gini estimates from the WID2 database and GDP/capita...

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  • Trade diversity and stages of development - evidence on EU countries.

    The paper presents the dynamics of trade diversification with respect to stages of development in the European context. The analysis focuses on EU27 countries observed across the years 1988–2010 and compared to a sample of 136 international economies at all levels of income per capita. We will use product level statistics (six digit HS0) and confront export and import patterns of absolute diversification/concentration. The results...

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  • An evaluation and explanation of (in)efficiency in higher education institutions in Europe and the U.S. with the application of two-stage semi-parametric DEA


    In this study the technical efficiency of number of public European and American HEIs is assessed over a decade. Efficiency scores are determined using nonparametric DEA with different input-output sets and considering different frontiers: global frontier (all HEIs pooled together), regional frontier (Europe and the U.S. having their own frontiers) and country-specific ones. The external factors affecting the degree of HEI inefficiency...

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  • Tworzenie wartości dla akcjonariuszy w świetle nadzoru korporacyjnego


    Duży odsetek spółek publicznych w Polsce nie tworzy wartości dla akcjonariuszy. Zaprezento-wano wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu struktur własności na efektywność działania spółek pu-blicznych. Badania te nie były w stanie wyjaśnić w wystarczającym stopniu zjawiska destrukcji warto-ści. Starano się wykazać, że jedną z przyczyn tego zjawiska jest transfer wartości. Zalicza się go do głównych problemów nadzoru korporacyjnego. Szczególna...

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  • Strategien der NSZZ Solidarność. Ein kurzer Abriss über bewährte Verfahrensweisen


    - Rok 2013

    During the recent years, the difficulties faced by trade unions to maintain their representation base and capacity to regulate employment relations have provoked numerous discussions. The issue of declining trade union membership, as well as density, has been repeatedly addressed by major trade unions including NSZZ “S”.

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  • Monika Wilamowska-Zawłocka dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. inż. Monika WILAMOWSKA-ZAWŁOCKA jest absolwentką Wydziału Chemicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia doktoranckie ukończyła w 2011 r., następnie odbyła roczny staż na Technicznym Uniwersytecie w Darmstadt w Niemczech. Pracuje w Politechnice Gdańskiej od 2013 r., od 2019 r. na stanowisku profesora uczelni. Specjalność –materiały elektrodowe w zastosowaniu do ogniw litowo-jonowych, sodowo-jonowych, kondensatorów elektrochemicznych...

  • Strategia działania przedsiębiorstw ciepłowniczych w warunkach konkurencji

    W pracy przedstawiono główne uwarunkowania rozwoju przedsiębiorstw ciepłowniczych w powiązaniu do aktualnej sytuacji, ale także i perspektyw rozwoju w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej.

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  • Quantum security and theory of decoherence


    We sketch a relation between two crucial, yet independent, fields in quantum information research, viz. quantum decoherence and quantum cryptography. We investigate here how the standard cryptographic assumption of shielded laboratory, stating that data generated by a secure quantum device remain private unless explicitly published, is disturbed by the einselection mechanism of quantum Darwinism explaining the measurement process...

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  • Synteza nauki i biznesu wsparta funduszami strukturalnymi w strategii rozwoju Zakładu Zarządzania Technologiami Informatycznymi WZiE PG


    - Rok 2009

    Artykuł omawia przyjętą w Zakładzie Zarządzania Technologiami Informatycznymi politykę wspomagania działalności naukowo badawczej i dydaktycznej poprzez wykorzystywanie funduszy strukturalnych dedykowanych dla nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego. Są nimi Program Operacyjny Infrastruktura i Środowisko Program Operacyjny Innowacyjna Gospodarka we wdrażaniu Priorytetów współfinansowanych z EFRR, oraz Program Operacyjny Kapitał Ludzki, współfinansowany...

  • Adaptive Positioning Systems Based on Multiple Wireless Interfaces for Industrial IoT in Harsh Manufacturing Environments

    • J. Mongay Batalla
    • C. X. Mavromoustakis
    • G. Mastorakis
    • N. Xiong, Naixue
    • J. Woźniak


    As the industrial sector is becoming ever more flexible in order to improve productivity, legacy interfaces for industrial applications must evolve to enhance efficiency and must adapt to achieve higher elasticity and reliability in harsh manufacturing environments. The localization of machines, sensors and workers inside the industrial premises is one of such interfaces used by many applications. Current localization-based systems...

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  • The Mediation Function of Job Satisfaction's between Organizational Culture Dimensions and Knowledge Sharing


    - Rok 2018

    It is commonly acknowledged that organizational culture is a valuable element of intellectual capital and as a hidden source of competitive advantage can considerably affect the achieving of strategic business goals. The axiological dimension of organizational culture is mostly identified with a set of shared assumptions and values, while work practices mainly define its behavioral dimension. Both these dimensions influence, among...

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  • A Vision of Sustainable Design Concepts for Upgrading Vulnerable Coastal Areas in Light of Climate Change Impacts: A Case Study from Beirut, Lebanon

    Rapid urbanization combined with the effects of climate change has increased the vulnerability of poor urban communities to natural hazards, particularly to informal settlements located in coastal areas. Apart from socio-economic challenges, the effects of climate change threaten the very existence of these settlements. They are particularly vulnerable due to their poor structural quality and lack of adequate infrastructure to...

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  • Characterization of Defects Inside the Cable Dielectric With Partial Discharge Modeling

    • K. Qasim
    • S. S. Refaat
    • H. Abu-Rub
    • A. H. Toliyat
    • M. Olesz
    • A. Darwish


    The continuous monitoring of power system devices is an important step toward keeping such capital assets safe. Partial discharge (PD)-based measurement tools provide a reliable and accurate condition assessment of power system insulations. It is very common that voids or cavities exist in every solid dielectric insulation medium. In this article, different voids are modeled and analyzed using an advanced finite element (FE)-based...

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  • Cost-Efficient Optical Fronthaul Architectures for 5G and Future 6G Networks


    - Rok 2022

    Fifth-generation and Beyond (5GB) wireless networks have introduced new centralized architectures such as cloud radio access network (CRAN), which necessitate extremely high-capacity low latency Fronthaul (FH). CRAN has many advantageous features in terms of cost reduction, performance enhancement, ease of deployment, and centralization of network management. Nevertheless, designing and deploying a cost-efficient FH is still a...

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