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  • The influence of historical conditions on time and cost of construction project


    - Year 2018

    Conducting construction works in a building or in an area entered in the historic register is associated with the contracting authority's risk of incurring higher than planned costs of works, as well as delays in their implementation. In many cases, these deviations are completely independent of contracting authority and contractor. The aim of this article is to indicate the reasons for cost and time changes in the construction...

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  • Strain gauges monitoring of arch bridge over the Vistula river in Toruń during construction


    In 2013 one of the biggest Polish road bridges over the Vistula was built in Torun. Considering the use of original engineering solutions and innovative assembly it was decided on monitoring of strain gauges and assessment of building’s behaviour during its construction. The research was aimed at determining the degree of strain and the assessment of proper work of main arch girders during assembly phases. This work presents the...

  • Smart Innovation Engineering Using Set of Experience and Decisional DNA


    - Year 2020

    Knowledge-based Engineering Systems are founded upon integration of knowledge into computer systems and are one of the core requirements for the future Industry 4.0. Since the fourth industrial revolution is passing through the developing phase, implementation of Cyber-Physical Production Systems require more realistic approach. Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering plays an important role in manufacturing industries facing...

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  • Project Management Cycle in the Construction Industry Augmented by Collaborative Innovation Network Software


    - Year 2016

    Project management is a very broad concept that has in recent times is growing rapidly. Management is especially complex in the construction sector, among the other sectors, due to the high uncertainty of workmanship and complexity of construction projects. Proper project management skills are an important factor in the success of projects, leading to reduced costs and shorten the time of investment. Nevertheless, most of the projects...

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  • Emotion Monitor - Concept, Construction and Lessons Learned

    This paper concerns the design and physical construction of an emotion monitor stand for tracking human emotions in Human-Computer Interaction using multi-modal approach. The concept of the stand using cameras, behavioral analysis tools and a set of physiological sensors such as galvanic skin response, blood-volume pulse, temperature, breath and electromyography is presented and followed...

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  • State-of-the-art ideas for engineering laboratory classes – virtual reality framework


    - Year 2018

    Nowadays challenges in science and technology are a driving force in the development of contemporary solutions in education. Virtual reality brings to an edge human imagination. In this paper, authors propose a framework for civil engineering laboratory classes which brings a new quality in this area. The framework shows how to provide learners with an environment where they can realize the health and safety hazards of construction...

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  • Application of Game Theory to Conflict Management in a Construction Contract


    Interest has recently grown in the application of game theory (GT) to solve a number of diverse problems in the field of construction. The use of GT by a general contractor (GC) of construction works to indicate the best strategy leading to winning court proceedings in a situation of conflict with investor (IN), has not been investigated until now. Thus the aim of this paper is to indicate the optimal strategy from the GC viewpoint...

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  • Zastosowanie metody galwanostatycznej do wyznaczania błędu fazy elektrod woltamperometrycznych


    W pracy przeanalizowano właściwości metrologiczne elektrod woltamperometrycznych w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Wykazano, że w przypadku, gdy reakcja elektrochemiczna kontrolowana jest procesem transportu jonów, elektroda woltamperometryczna zachowuje się tak jak przetwornik pomiarowy I rzędu. Jej właściwości metrologiczne opisane są przez czułość, częstotliwość graniczną, błąd amplitudy i błąd fazy. Przeprowadzona analiza pokazała,...

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  • Wybrane rozwiązania prawne z ustawy z 2019 roku – Prawo zamówień publicznych w ocenie polskich przedsiębiorstw

    Przedmiotem analizy w niniejszym artykule jest instytucja zamówień publicznych, uregulowanych aktualnie obowiązującą ustawą – Prawo zamówień publicznych z 2019 r . Analiza ta dotyczy w szczególności nowoprzyjętych w niej zapisów prawnych – nowych w stosunku do obowiązujących poprzednio. Uzasadnieniem wprowadzenia przez ustawodawcę wielu nowych rozwiązań była chęć ułatwienia przedsiębiorcom uczestniczenia...

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    The paper presents results of systematic tests of contraction and thermal expansion coefficients of materials based on polymer composites. The information on the above material properties is essential both at the design stage and during the use of finished products. Components for the samples were selected in such a way as to represent typical materials used for production of construction and moulding elements. The performed tests...

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  • Ontology Engineering Aspects in the Intelligent Systems Development

    The ontology engineering encompasses both, artificial intelligence methods and software engineering discipline. The paper tries to address a selection of aspects pertaining to development activities such as choice of the environmental framework, functionality description, specification methods and roles definition. Authors refer to the ontology development projects they were involved in.

  • Application of Reverse Engineering Technology in Part Design for Shipbuilding Industry


    - Polish Maritime Research - Year 2019

    In the shipbuilding industry, it is difficult to create CAD models of existing or prototype parts, especially with many freeform surfaces. The paper presents the creation of the CAD 3D model of a shipbuilding component with the application of the reverse engineering technology. Based on the data obtained from the digitization process, the component is reconstructed in point cloud processing programs and the CAD model is created....

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  • Towards a Universal Model of Engineering Change Management

    The paper deals with the issue of engineering change management (ECM). ECM has received much less attention in the literature than general change management. Moreover, due to their specifics (complexity and multifaceted nature), hitherto developed ECM models are difficult to implement in companies. The paper aims to develop a simplified, universal, and hence easily applicable model of ECM. We based our assumptions on a case study...

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    - Year 2021

    The aim of this chapter is to show the history of biomedical engineering education in Poland, from the beginning till today with special task to underline the role of modern information technology. This story is not very old, just around one century, that may be classified into four basic periods related to important historic events. First are the beginnings before the second world war. Then post-war recovery and development of...

  • Biopolymer-based composites for tissue engineering applications: A basis for future opportunities

    • P. Zarrintaj
    • F. Seidi
    • M. Youssefi Azarfam
    • M. Khodadadi Yazdi
    • A. Erfani
    • M. Barani
    • N. P. S. Chauhan
    • N. Rabiee
    • T. Kuang
    • J. Kucińska-Lipka... and 2 others


    Biomimetic scaffolds supporting tissue regeneration are complex materials with multifunctional characteristics. The unique biocompatibility and biodegradability of biopolymers make them excellent candidates for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Biopolymers, which have a wide range of properties, can be obtained from different natural sources. Depending on the target tissue, biopolymers can be engineered to meet a series...

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  • The investment process in the power supply industry


    - Rynek Energii - Year 2012

    The basis for power supply industry programming in a market economy should be the principle of sustainable development, which must take into account maintaining an adequate level of energy security on the one hand, and the aim to preserve the maximum degree of non-renewable resources on the other hand. Therefore, the overriding aim should be a strive to meet the current and prospective demand for energy and fuel, in conjugation...

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  • Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software Second Edition


    - Year 2018

    The best way to learn complex systems is by means of hands-on experience. With an innovative and clear tutorial based approach, this powerful book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental areas of engineering analysis needed on research or commercial engineering projects. With its detailed step-by-step explanations and sample problems, this book will develop the reader's understanding of FEA and their ability to...

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  • New applications of sound and vision engineering


    - Year 2019

    Multimedia, Sound & Vision Engineering are relatively new fields within the area of science and technology, but teaching and research in this area has been carried out at Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland) for nearly 5 decades. Current project carried-out in the Multimedia Systems Department are in the scope of the paper.

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  • Evidence-Based Risk Management for Civil Engineering Projects Using Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN)


    The authors are seeking new methods for improving the efficiency of the investments associated with the maintenance and operation of existing civil engineering structures. It is demonstrated how the knowledge about the elements of construction and operation phases and their relationships, combined with monitoring data can be used for more effective management of the risks associated with civil engineering projects. The methodology...

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  • Ocena odporności na pękanie podbudów drogowych z mieszanek mineralno-cementowo-emulsyjnych (MCE)

    Podbudowy z mieszanek mineralno-cementowo-emulsyjnych (MCE) są jednym z wielu materiałów stosowanych do wykonywania warstw nawierzchni w ramach przebudów dróg w Polsce. Mieszanki MCE pozwalają na maksymalne powtórne wykorzystanie istniejących warstw konstrukcyjnych do budowy lub przebudowy nawierzchni. Do wykonania podbudów z MCE stosuje się materiał pochodzący z rozbiórki istniejących warstw (destrukt) bitumicznych, warstw związanych...

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  • Sound engineering as our commitment to its creators in Poland


    Sound engineering is an interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding domain. It covers many aspects, such as sound perception, studio and sound mastering technology, music information retrieval including content-based search systems and automatic music transcription frameworks, sound synthesis, sound restoration, electroacoustics, and other ones constituting multimedia technology. Moreover, machine learning methods applied to the topics...

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  • Application of foam made of post-consumer pet materials for the construction of footbridges


    The article presents the possibility of application in civil engineering of highly ecological PET foam, manufactured from 100% recycled plastic packaging. It may find uses in construction of numerous engineering structures, such as pedestrian and cycle footbridges. Properly processed waste from post-consumer PET packaging may constitute a quality structural core for use in multilayered composite materials, commonly referred to...

  • 60th anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation


    - Year 2006

    The paper presents the outline history of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation of the Gdansk University of Technology over the span of 60 years - throughout the period 1945-2006.

  • Development of Education Tomorrow’s Engineers at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in GUT


    Paper presents educational activity of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the largest departments of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), currently educating about 3 000 student. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offers studies in different areas: Mechanical Engineering, Medical and Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechatronic,...

  • Niskokoherencyjne czujniki światłowodowe wykorzystujące cienkowarstwowe struktury nanodiamentowe


    - Year 2018

    Znaczny rozwój technologii wytwarzania czujników światłowodowych spowodował, że są one powszechnie dostępne i stosowane w wielu gałęziach przemysłu, nauki oraz medycyny. Zastosowanie nowych materiałów w konstrukcji takich czujników niesie za sobą duży potencjał. Celem rozprawy jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania cienkowarstwowych struktur nanodiamentowych w niskokoherencyjnych czujnikach światłowodowych, które poprawią...

  • Optymalizacja rozkładu jazdy na kolei z uwzględnieniem efektywności hamowania odzyskowego.


    - Logistyka - Year 2015

    Na wstępie artykułu przybliżono czytelnikowi, czym jest rozkład jazdy na sieci kolejowej, na czym polega jego optymalizacja oraz odwołano się do literatury opisującej proces jego konstrukcji. W dalszej części przedstawiono kryteria optymalizacji rozkładu jazdy i zaproponowano podejście od strony efektywności wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z hamowania rekuperacyjnego, realizowanego metodą odzysku bezpośrednio do sieci trakcyjnej....

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  • Green Polymer Nanocomposites for Skin Tissue Engineering


    - ACS Applied Bio Materials - Year 2022

    Fabrication of an appropriate skin scaffold needs to meet several standards related to the mechanical and biological properties. Fully natural/green scaffolds with acceptable biodegradability, biocompatibility, and physiological properties quite often suffer from poor mechanical properties. Therefore, for appropriate skin tissue engineering and to mimic the real functions, we need to use synthetic polymers and/or additives as complements...

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  • Experimental investigation of Steel–Concrete–Polymer composite barrier for the ship internal tank construction


    Transportation of dangerous cargo by ships demands ensuring an appropriate protection level in case of an accident. Two of the most dangerous accident types resulting in an oil spill are grounding and ship to ship collision. The article presents results of research on a new composite construction for a ship hull that increases structural safety during collision. The concept of semi-elastic Steel–Concrete–Polymer structure is presented....

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  • Game Theory Analysis of Bidding for a Construction Contract


    The authors are concerned with a bidding problem. There are two companies (P1 and P2) bidding for a highway construction project. In order to be more competitive, P1 considers buying a new gravel pit near the construction site. The basic cost of the pit is known to both companies. However, there is also an additional, hidden, cost (C) known only to P1. P2 is uncertain whether the hidden cost is C = 0 or C = x. P1 plans to bid for...

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  • Swarm Algorithms in Modern Engineering Optimization Problems


    Complexity of today engineering problems is constantly increasing. Scientists no longer are facing issues, for which simple, mathematical programming methods are sufficient. Issues like autonomic vehicle navigation or classification are considered to be challenging, and although there exist valid means to solve them, in some cases there still is some place for improvement. With emergence of a new type of optimization techniques...

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  • Enhancing Product Innovation Through Smart Innovation Engineering System


    - Year 2017

    This paper illustrates the idea of Smart Innovation Engineering (SIE) System that helps in carrying the process of product innovation. The SIE system collects the experiential knowledge from the formal decisional events. This experiential knowledge is collected from the set of similar products having some common functions and features. Due to the fact that SIE system collects, captures and reuses the experiential knowledge of all...

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  • UAV Design and Construction for Real Time Photogrammetry and Visual Navigation


    - Year 2018

    A unmanned aerial vehicles applications in photogrammetry have increased rapidly last years. A fast data gathering and processing in real time in some cases become crucial and desired in some application. In the paper, a real time solution is proposed. A real time photogrammetry from UAV is proposed, where image data are gathered and processed on board UAV and finally reconstructed 3D model and measurements are delivered. The paper...

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  • Framework for gamification of specialized subjects within engineering studies


    - Year 2017

    Gamification is a relatively new term forged along with the occurrence of new information technology, especially easy access to internet and smartphones. Gamification is a use of game mechanics, to modify the behavior of people in non-games situations to increase the involvement of individuals. The method is based on the pleasure that comes from overcoming the obstacles to reach next achievable level, which consists of challenges,...

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  • Smart experience engineering to support collaborative design problems based on constraints modelling


    Engineering design is a knowledge intensive process. Experts' experiences from different product life-cycle stages play a key role in problem solving during design decision making by linking up knowledge to find better solutions for a specific design problem. Different approaches have been used to support Collaborative and Concurrent Product Design, such as Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) modelling. Additionally, due to the...

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  • Introducing concurrent engineering to space and satellite technology undergraduate course


    - Year 2018

    In recent decade concurrent engineering has become a de facto leading methodology of work in space, aeronautics and sometimes even automotive industry. It has been used in designing ESA space missions for 20 years now, with rst Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) built in ESTEC in 1998. Still, it has not become a universal standard in engineering, and universities are specically reluctant to adopt it into their curricula. As a result,...

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  • DWDM Network Laboratory Solution for Telecommunication Education Engineering


    Development of network architectures in the field of optical telecommunications technologies is an indicator of changes in telecommunication education engineering. Conducting didactic classes requires hardware infrastructure and research in terms of teaching needs. In the paper we present DWDM network laboratory solution for telecommunication education engineering on the basis of the ADVA Optical Networking equipment. We have to...

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  • Mitigating the Energy Consumption and the Carbon Emission in the Building Structures by Optimization of the Construction Processes


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    For decades, among other industries, the construction sector has accounted for high energy consumption and emissions. As the energy crisis and climate change have become a growing concern, mitigating energy usage is a significant issue. The operational and end of life phases are all included in the building life cycle stages. Although the operation stage accounts for more energy consumption with higher carbon emissions, the...

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  • The bridge over Regalia River in Szczecin - design and construction.


    - Year 2004

    Nowoclowa Route is the largest projekt in Szczecin, that consists of 11 km of roads 3,3 km bridges and viaducts, including three parallel bridges across Regalica River (the east arm of Odra River), 535 m long, with the spans: 59+90+90+116+116+64m. The bridge structure consist of two steel plate girders composite with reinforced concrete deck slab. The design and the construction of the bridge are described in the paper.

  • Virtual Engineering Factory: Creating Experience Base for Industry 4.0



    ABSTRACT In recent times, traditional manufacturing is upgrading and adopting Industry 4.0, which supports computerization of manufacturing by round-the-clock connection and communica- tion of engineering objects. Consequently, Decisional DNA- based knowledge representation of manufacturing objects, processes, and system is achieved by virtual engineering objects (VEO), virtual engineering processes (VEP), and virtual engineering...

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  • Ontology-based text convolution neural network (TextCNN) for prediction of construction accidents

    • S. Donghui
    • L. Zhigang
    • J. Zurada
    • A. Manikas
    • J. Guan
    • P. Weichbroth


    The construction industry suffers from workplace accidents, including injuries and fatalities, which represent a significant economic and social burden for employers, workers, and society as a whole.The existing research on construction accidents heavily relies on expert evaluations,which often suffer from issues such as low efficiency, insufficient intelligence, and subjectivity.However, expert opinions provided in construction...

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  • The potential of raw sewage sludge in construction industry – A review

    Excess sewage sludge produced in any municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant becomes a serious problem due to its increasing amount. This increase is related to the improvement of treatment technologies, expansion of sewage systems and the development of new industrial plants. The implementation and development of new technologies related to the utilization of sewage sludge is currently based on treating it as a substrate....

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    - Year 2020

    Collaborative Learning Environment for Engineering Education is a European project implemented under the Erasmus + program, The main goal of 5 partners from 4 different European countries – Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal and Romania is to develop an innovative collaborative training approach, encompassing curricula related to the introduction of enterprise automation. Project activities are carried out in the period from Dctober 2018...

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  • Numerical solutions for large deformation problems in geotechnical engineering


    - Year 2014

    The problem of large deformations often occurs in geotechnical engineering. Numerical modeling of such issues is usually complex and tricky. The chosen solution has to implicate soil-soil and soil-structure interactions. In this paper, a review of the most popular numerical methods for large deformation problems is presented. The Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) method, the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method, the Smoothed...

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  • Scientific research in the Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering

    Short descriptions of various research subjects taken up at the Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering are included in the paper. The subjects cover a wide range of bearing systems and tribology research and the research on tires and road surfaces. A third field of activity is biomedical engineering – with the attempts to improve methods of modelling biological materials in FEM calculations. The Department has...

  • Human Factors and Cognitive Engineering in Functional Safety Analysis


    - Year 2018

    Human factors and cognitive engineering are considered nowadays as important multidisciplinary domains that focus on improving the relations between humans, technology and systems to be supervised and operated. The industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants are increasingly computerized and perform various safety functions. These are usually designed and implemented according to the functional safety requirements....

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  • Demonstrator testera wbudowanego BIST dla układów w pełni różnicowych


    - Measurement Automation Monitoring - Year 2014

    Przedstawiono demonstrator testera wbudowanego, przeznaczony do pracy na stanowisku dydaktycznym w laboratorium z przedmiotu Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne. Na stanowisku studenci zapoznają się z technologią BIST (ang. Built-In Self-Test), która jest przykładem wdrożenia strategii projektowania dla testowania.

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  • Construction of phylogenetic trees with topological constraints

    This paper proposes a method of reconstruction of phylogenetic trees based on heuristic search with topological constraints. Using topological constraints it is possible to reduce the set of solutions as well as to enforce that the result is consistent with a given hypothesis about the evolution process within some group of species. Along with this work a number of algorithms used for phylogenetic analysis were implemented. Those...

  • Universal construction of genuinely entangled subspaces of any size


    We put forward a simple construction of genuinely entangled subspaces – subspaces supporting only genuinely multipartite entangled states – of any permissible dimensionality for any number of parties and local dimensions. The method uses nonorthogonal product bases, which are built from totally nonsingular matrices with a certain structure. We give an explicit basis for the constructed subspaces. An immediate consequence of our...

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  • Environmental Degradation of Engineering Materials & Materials Engineering and Technologies

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  • On the Importance of Resilience Engineering for Networked Systems in a Changing World

    • D. Hutchison
    • D. Pezaros
    • J. Rak
    • P. Smith


    Resilience is featured increasingly often in the media, usually applied to society when faced, for example, with disasters such as flooding and the enormous challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic posed. There are now many resilience-related discussion groups worldwide, and some standards initiatives devoted in particular to city resilience. However, there is relatively little explicit interest in resilience engineering for communication...

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