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Gendered entrepreneurship and its impact on firm innovativeness - a literature review.
PublicationEntrepreneurs gain a lot of attention in recent decades. Even if a precise definition of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship remains problematic, it is clear that there is a strong link between entrepreneurship and innovativeness, as well as between entrepreneur and innovation. In the current era of globalisation, the importance of innovations is as great as never before. And so is the importance of innovativeness determinants. Investigating...
Music Genre Recognition in the Rough Set-Based Environment
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to investigate music genre recognition in the rough set-based environment. Experiments involve a parameterized music data-base containing 1100 music excerpts. The database is divided into 11 classes cor-responding to music genres. Tests are conducted using the Rough Set Exploration System (RSES), a toolset for analyzing data with the use of methods based on the rough set theory. Classification effectiveness...
PublicationA system of two taper roller bearings can carry loads with a high ratio of axial load to radial load. Such a system was proposed for a wind turbine gearbox following the poor durability of original bearing design with the aim of increasing durability. Because of size limits, a proposed system is composed of two different taper roller bearings. Standard manufacturers’ catalogues do not provide information on recommended preload...
Application in circular sawing machines of the experimental results of investigations of the chip removing system operation
PublicationThe experimental results of the chip removing system operation are presented. The main aim of them was to optimize suction system of the panel saw Fx3 and its follower Fx550. The attention was focused on the upper casing, which was the part of removing system. Within the framework of the work a systematic experimental study of pressure distribution in the casing during operation of the selected rotational speed of saw blade with...
PublicationMRI is increasingly used in radiation treatment planning because of the excellent soft tissue contrast in the obtained images. It allows more precise definition of the boundaries between healthy tissues and those affected by cancerous lesions. To obtain good image quality, the difference in signal between two types of tissue must be significant despite the noise so it must be properly calibrated. This calibration includes...
About being entrepreneurial in challenging environments – theorizing on the social enterprise behavior in Poland
PublicationEntrepreneurial behaviors in challenging institutional environments have been widely investigated in the literature. One of the characteristics of these environments is resource scarcity. This is particularly valid in the context of social entrepreneurship. The aim of this paper is to identify entrepreneurial behaviors in social entrepreneurship and what is happening behind these processes in the context of transition country,...
Flood risk assessment for office and services building Alchemia II at Al. Grunwaldzka 409 in Gdansk.
PublicationThe aim of the study is to assess the risk of flood from natural meteorological and hy-drological phenomena, for office and services building Alchemia II in Gdansk at Al. Grun-waldzka 409. The project includes the analysis of potential sources of floods in Gdansk re-garding the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Gdansk, the Vistula River basin and excessive rainfall and snowmelt waters being a significant element of hydrological processes...
Performance evaluation of parallel background subtraction on GPU platforms
PublicationImplementation of the background subtraction algorithm on parallel GPUs is presented. The algorithm processes video streams and extracts foreground pixels. The work focuses on optimizing parallel algorithm implementation by taking into account specific features of the GPU architecture, such as memory access, data transfers and work group organization. The algorithm is implemented in both OpenCL and CUDA. Various optimizations of...
Community of Practice for Product Innovation Towards the Establishment of Industry 4.0
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present the necessity of formulating the Community of Practice for Product Innovation process based on Cyber-Physical Production Systems towards the establishment of Industry 4.0. At this developing phase of Industry 4.0, there is a need to define a clear and more realistic approach for implementation process of Cyber-Physical Production Systems in manufacturing industries. Today Knowledge Management...
Mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of natural rubber composites filled with submicron- and nano-sized silica particles and prepared using glycolysate as a plasticizer
PublicationThe main aim of this work was to examine the selected mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of natural rubber/silica composites prepared using glycolysate as a plasticizer. Prepared composites contained different amounts of submicron- (10, 15, 20 or 25 pphr) or nano-particles (0.5, 0.75, 1.0 or 1.25 pphr). The tensile properties, tear resistance, hardness, abrasion resistance and resilience of prepared materials were determined....
Cyanides in the environment—analysis—problems and challenges
PublicationCyanide toxicity and their environmental impact are well known. Nevertheless, they are still used in the mining, galvanic and chemical industries. As a result of industrial activities, cyanides are released in various forms to all elements of the environment. In a natural environment, cyanide exists as cyanogenic glycosides in plants seeds. Too much consumption can cause unpleasant side effects. However, environmental tobacco smoke...
Analysis of volatile fraction of hybrid fruit pulp using Proton Transfer Reaction - Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
PublicationFruits and vegetables are important ingredients in human diet. Because of this, it is very important to know their exact composition and to control their quality. Based on the aroma of food products, it is possible to pre-evaluate their quality and freshness. The aim of this work was to characterize the volatile fraction of the hybrid fruit ‘sweetie’ using the modern analytical device PTR-TOFMS. Hybrid fruit samples are human-made...
Examining Feature Vector for Phoneme Recognition / Analiza parametrów w kontekście automatycznej klasyfikacji fonemów
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to analyze usability of descriptors coming from music information retrieval to the phoneme analysis. The case study presented consists in several steps. First, a short overview of parameters utilized in speech analysis is given. Then, a set of time and frequency domain-based parameters is selected and discussed in the context of stop consonant acoustical characteristics. A toolbox created for this purpose...
Automatic music genre classification based on musical instrument track separation / Automatyczna klasyfikacja gatunku muzycznego wykorzystująca algorytm separacji dźwięku instrumentó muzycznych
PublicationThe aim of this article is to investigate whether separating music tracks at the pre-processing phase and extending feature vector by parameters related to the specific musical instruments that are characteristic for the given musical genre allow for efficient automatic musical genre classification in case of database containing thousands of music excerpts and a dozen of genres. Results of extensive experiments show that the approach...
Sectors in Poland - Patterns of Concentration
PublicationThe main aim of the paper presented below, is to analysefrom theoretical point of view market concentration as economicproblem. The authors come out of defining market concentration, theypresent basic concentration measures, and characterize sectors onPoland on that ground. In the empirical part, the authors haveanalysed patterns of concentration of 35 sectors in Poland in timeperiod 1997-2006. We draw on recently made available...
Analytical procedures for determination of cocaine and its metabolites in biological samples
PublicationThe dangerous effects and increased usage of illicit drugs have inspired the development of analytical methodologies. We based our review of analytical procedures for determination of cocaine (COC) and its metabolites on literature from the past two decades. Our main aim was to compare the capabilities of different analytical techniques. The diversity of matrices from which COC is determined (e.g., blood, hair, saliva, plasma,...
Operation of reed systems used to stabilization of sewage sludge
PublicationThe aim of this research was to determine the parameters of property operation of reed systems. It was also checked the possibility to use sludge in agriculture for the sake of heavy metal concentrations.The research was conducted in four Danish objects utilized sludge located in Helsinge, Vallo, Rudkobing and Nakskov near Copenhagen.It was found that correct operation of reed basins requires the determination of optimal doses...
Modal analysis of cylindrical steel tanks
PublicationCylindrical steel tanks are very popular structures used for storage of products of chemical and petroleum industries. Their safety and reliability is crucial because any failure could have serious consequences. The aim of present paper is to show the results of the first phase of investigation of seismic behaviour such structures. Modal analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) for three models of real tanks used in Poland has...
A Biofeedback System that Uses the Game to Study Electrical Muscle Activity
PublicationThe aim of this project was to design a system that will allow performing repetitive muscle exercises using a biofeedback device. It is supposed to enhance the motivation and attractiveness of the performed tasks thanks to an interactive game developed for mobile devices with the Android operating system. The built-in calibration mechanisms enable the users to play a game that is independent of their abilities which evens out the...
The Application of Vibration Recording and Analysis in Tribological Research on Sliding Friction
PublicationThe paper reports on a tribological research on the macroscopic manifestation and characteristics of sliding friction. The aim of the task was to measure friction in lubricated sliding contacts and test the interactions between the environment (the test rig) and the experimental friction contact. Friction-induced vibrations were observed and studied as a manifestation of the process. The typical set of velocity and force/torque...
Kinetics of nitrogen removal processes in constructed wetlands
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a state-of-the-art review of the kinetics of nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands. Biological processes of nitrogen removal from wastewater can be described using equations and kinetic models. Hence, these kinetic models which have been developed and evaluated allow for predicting the removal of nitrogen in treatment wetlands. One of the most important, first order removal model, which is...
PTR-MS and GC-MS as complementary techniques for analysis of volatiles: A tutorial review
PublicationThis tutorial review is a critical commentary on the combined use of two instrumental analytical techniques, namely GC-MS and PTR-MS. The first mention of such an analytical approach likely appeared after the year 2000 and despite many advantages, it has not been applied very often. Therefore, the aim of this article is to elaborate on the concept of their combined use and to provide a curse tutorial for those considering taking...
State of the Art of Automated Buses
PublicationUrban transportation in the next few decades will shift worldwide towards electrification and automation, with the final aim of increasing energy efficiency and safety for passengers. Such a big change requires strong collaboration and efforts among public administration, research and stakeholders in developing, testing and promoting these technologies in the public transportation. Working in this direction, this work provides...
Nonlinear Interaction of Modes in a Planar Flow of a Gas with Viscous and Thermal Attenuation
PublicationThe nonlinear interaction of wave and non-wave modes in a gas planar flow are considered. Attention is mainly paid to the case when one sound mode is dominant and excites the counter-propagating sound mode and the entropy mode. The modes are determined by links between perturbations of pressure, density, and fluid velocity. This definition follows from the linear conservation equations in the differential form and thermodynamic...
The dimensions of national competitiveness: the empirical analysis based on The World Economic Forum’s data
PublicationThe aim of this research is to determine the minimum number of uncorrelated dimensions which can describe national competitiveness (NC). NC is thought of as the ability of a nation to provide a conducive environment for its firms to prosper. It is shown that the environment affects national productivity catalytically through the interactions with the production factors while itself remaining unchanged. Selected World Economic...
Managing Quality Contests Based on Excellence Model at the Local Level. Selected Conditions and Problems – Case Study
PublicationThe aim of this article was to present characteristic phenomena accompanying competitions for quality awards based on the use of the organizational excellence models implemented at the regional level. Typical problems were identified, the understanding of which allows for a better use of the idea of excellence to raise the overall level of maturity of organizations aspiring to quality awards at every level. The results of self-assessment...
Student competitions as a socio-spatial tool for planning urban structures
PublicationThe aim of the article is to show the interdependencies between theory and practice based on the example of the student competitions at the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology. These competitions, on the one hand, broaden the spectrum of issues related to design and, on the other hand, contribute to the better recognition of problems related to tasks to be solved. Both the teaching and applicational aspects...
Real-Time Skin Quality Assessment System
PublicationThis thesis presents a real-time skin assessment system with the main aim of detecting inflammatory acne lesions and tracking skin conditions. A facial acne lesion detection algorithm was developed, using a pre-trained YOLOv8 model for lesion detection and a Mediapipe detector for face detection. The proposed solution aims to create a system used in smart mirrors to help users self-monitor and monitor their skin condition in real...
Analiza dobrych praktyk ekonomii społecznej w Polsce – o zasobach i ich pozyskiwaniu w przedsiębiorczości społecznej
PublicationArtykuł, przy wykorzystaniu analizy zawartości (content analysis) przedstawionych w dobrych praktykach przedsiębiorstw społecznych i ekonomii społecznej, stanowi próbę przeanalizowania rodzajów zasobów wykorzystywanych przez przedsiębiorstwa społeczne, procesów pozyskiwania zasobów oraz trudności się w nich pojawiających. W tym celu wykorzystano profile 25 przypadków dobrych praktyk, prezentowanych i promowanych na najbardziej...
Programming languages 2021/22
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to present four basic programming models (procedural, object-oriented, functional and in logic) and to demonstrate their practical use in information systems.
Measurements and Measurement Systems [2021/22]
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to introduce theoretical and practical students with basic and advanced methods of measurement of various measured quantity and the design and function of the measurement systems.
Programming languages 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to present four basic programming models (procedural, object-oriented, functional and in logic) and to demonstrate their practical use in information systems.
Programming languages 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to present four basic programming models (procedural, object-oriented, functional and in logic) and to demonstrate their practical use in information systems.
Programming languages
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to present four basic programming models (procedural, object-oriented, functional and in logic) and to demonstrate their practical use in information systems.
Risk Analysis by a Probabilistic Model of the Measurement Process
PublicationThe aim of the article is presentation of the testing methodology and results of examination the probabilistic model of the measurement process. The case study concerns the determination of the risk of an incorrect decision in the assessment of the compliance of products by measurement. Measurand is characterized by the generalized Rayleigh distribution. The model of the meas-urement process was tested in parallel mode by six risk...
Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification: Approaches, Tools, and Case Studies
PublicationMost experts agree that truly intelligent artificial system is yet to be developed. The main issue that still remains a challenge is imposing trust and explainability into such systems. However, is full replication of human intelligence really desirable key aim in intelligence related technology and research? This is where the concept of augmented intelligence comes into play. It is an alternative conceptualization of artificial...
Nanosorbents as Materials for Extraction Processes of Environmental Contaminants and Others
PublicationThe aim of this work focuses on the application of nanomaterials (NMs) in different sorp- tive extraction techniques for the analysis of organic contaminants from environmental samples of distinct matrix compositions. Without any doubt, the integration of specific NMs such as carbona- ceous nanomaterials, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), silica na- noparticles, and ion-imprinted NPs with so lid-phase...
Sustainable monument preservation in architectural education
PublicationThe aim of this article is both to present the need for changes in architectural and conservation education in a modern, rapidly changing world, as well as to outline solutions to this problem. In the modern world, the field of objects that one intends to protect is expanding. It is necessary to adapt the architectural education to these changes. Due to the current pace of social, political...
Amygdalin: Toxicity, Anticancer Activity and Analytical Procedures for Its Determination in Plant Seeds
PublicationAmygdalin (D-Mandelonitrile 6-O--D-glucosido--D-glucoside) is a natural cyanogenic glycoside occurring in the seeds of some edible plants, such as bitter almonds and peaches. It is a medically interesting but controversial compound as it has anticancer activity on one hand and can be toxic via enzymatic degradation and production of hydrogen cyanide on the other hand. Despite numerous contributions on cancer cell lines, the clinical...
The Influence of Cooperation on the Operation of an MPC Controller Pair in a Nuclear Power Plant Turbine Generator Set
PublicationThe paper discusses the problem of cooperation between multiple model predictive control (MPC) systems. This approach aims at improving the control quality in electrical energy generation and forms the next step in a series of publications by the authors focusing on the optimization and control of electric power systems. Cooperation and cooperative object concepts in relation to a multi MPC system are defined and a cooperative control...
Bioactive Ingredients with Health-Promoting Properties of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne)
PublicationStrawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne) belong to the berry group and are characterized primarily by delightful sensory properties. Due to their chemical composition, these fruits are a rich source of bioactive compounds that can modify the metabolic and physiological functions of the body. The aim of this work is to present the current state of research on bioactive ingredients found in these fruits in the context of their...
PublicationThe paper focuses on the assessment of second-order explicit numerical scheme for unsteady flows in sewers. In order to simulate the pressurized flow the 'Preissmann slot' concept is implemented. For simulation of the transcritical flow the original and improved McCormack scheme is used. The calculated results are compared with numerical solutions and laboratory measurements published in the technical literature. Moreover, the...
Diagnosing marine turbine engines through energy characteristics of their flow section
PublicationThe aim of the performed research was to develop of diagnostic method of the flow section of a marine turbine combustion engine based on the level of delamination of its energy characteristics. The here adopted diagnostic model provides for a formulation of the evaluation of the technical conditions based on the measurements of the parameters of the thermodynamic medium in the characteristic control cross-sections of the engine...
Nonlinear impedance in oxide glasses containing single and mixed alkali ions
PublicationThe aim of the present was to find more clues on the nonlinearities in impedance of oxide glasses. The first family of researched glasses has a composition of FeO-P2O5-Na2O. Oxide glasses containing iron and alkali are well known for a very low alkali ion mobility and may be considered purely polaron conducting. These glasses show no detectable nonlinearities in the impedance spectra. The second was a family of ionic conducting...
Experimental determination of dynamic properties of cylindrical steel tank model filled with liquid
PublicationIn technical branches, such as chemical or petroleum industries, cylindrical steel tanks are essential structures used for storage of liquid products. Any failure might have disastrous consequences, therefore their safety and reliability is essential. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of the experimental study which has been conducted on a scaled model of a real tank used in Poland. The investigation was carried...
Solubility advantage of sulfanilamide and sulfacetamide in natural deep eutectic systems: experimental and theoretical investigations
PublicationObjective: The aim of this study was to explore the possibility of using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) as solvation media for enhancement of solubility of sulfonamides, as well as gaining some thermodynamic characteristics of the analyzed systems. Significance: Low solubility of many active pharmaceutical ingredients is a well-recognized difficulty in pharmaceutical industry, hence the need for different strategies addressing...
PublicationNowadays, the high level of urbanization forces the engineers to design closely-separated structures and to take into account many factors influencing their response, including collisions between them due to insufficient separation distance during moderate to strong ground motions. Recent observations as well as experimental and numerical investigations have confirmed that interactions...
A recent developments in polyurethane foams containing a low-cost and pro-ecological modifiers
PublicationDiversity of the polyurethane (PU) foams applications cause that investigation of the relationships between their structure and properties is currently very popular topic among the many research institutions and companies. At the turn of the last years many scientific papers about PU foams and their composites were published. The one of the main research trends in this field is related to the reduction of production costs of...
Anti-theft lab security system based on RFID
PublicationThe aim of the project is to design and create an electronic system, which can be used to protect laboratory equipment against theft. The main task of the system is to warn a person responsible for the facilities about any attempts made to steal equipment from a laboratory. In a case of an alarm situation, the system emits a sound signal. The concept of the anti-theft security system based on RFID was developed on the basis of...
Public spaces connecting cities. Green and Blue Infrastructures potential.
PublicationA city fragmentation causes a lot of negative effects in urban environment such as: disconnecting the environmental, functional and compositional relations, a loss of urban compactness, chaotic development, visual chaos, a domination of technical landscape, reduction of security. This is why one of main challenges for urban planners is to connect the fragmented structures by creating friendly, attractive and safe public space....