Search results for: ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE (AD) - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE (AD)

Search results for: ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE (AD)

  • Dependable Integration of Medical Image Recognition Components

    Computer driven medical image recognition may support medical doctors in the diagnosis process, but requires high dependability considering potential consequences of incorrect results. The paper presentsa system that improves dependability of medical image recognition by integration of results from redundant components. The components implement alternative recognition algorithms of diseases in thefield of gastrointestinal endoscopy....


    Nowadays there is quite huge need for more and more precise and effective fast diagnostics methods in hematology diseases. One of the most important blood components are erythrocytes – RBCs (Red Blood Cells). Due to their size they are easy to observe using microscopy. It is commonly known that the shape and lifetime of RBCs allows for early disease identification. Authors present special measurement system for RBCs fluctuations observation...

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  • Agnieszka Pastula Dr


    Agnieszka received her masters degree in biology at Jagiellonian University (Poland). Besides standard university classes, she did multiple extracurricular research internships in both basic science and medical life sciences e.g. at Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, University of Medical Sciences in Poznań and University Medical Center Utrecht, that provided her with excellent interdisciplinary training...



    - Year 2013

    Choroba Parkinsona (ang. PD - Parkinson Disease) zaliczana jest do grupy chorób neurodegeneracyjnych. Jest to powoli postępująca choroba zwyrodnieniowa ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Jej powstawanie związane jest z zaburzeniem produkcji dopaminy przez komórki nerwowe mózgu. Choroba manifestuje się zaburzeniami ruchowymi. Przyczyna występowania tego typu zaburzeń nie została do końca wyjaśniona. Leczenie osób dotkniętych PD oparte...

  • Novel monovalent and multivalent recombinant proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato with potential diagnostic value – construction and biotechnological production


    - Year 2024

    The diverse antigenic structure of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) and the low degree of protein sequence conservation between genospecies causes many limitations in serodiagnosis of Lyme disease (LD). Using expression systems based on Escherichia coli, five monovalent B. burgdorferi s.l. recombinant proteins were produced. i.e., BB0108, BB0126, BB0298, BB0323, BB0689 (each in three variants derived from Borrelia afzelii,...

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  • Bioactivities of Phenolic Compounds from Kiwifruit and Persimmon


    - MOLECULES - Year 2021

    Fruit used in the common human diet in general, and kiwifruit and persimmon particularly, displays health properties in the prevention of heart disease. This study describes a combination of bioactivity, multivariate data analyses and fluorescence measurements for the differentiating of kiwifruit and persimmon, their quenching and antioxidant properties. The metabolic differences are shown, as well in the results of bioactivities...

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  • Design of Resilient Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Systems


    - Year 2020

    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have recently gained noticeable attention due to advantages in improving road traffic safety, shaping the road traffic and providing infotainment opportunities to travellers. However, transmission characteristics following from the IEEE 802.11p standard and the high mobility of VANET nodes remarkably reduce the lifetime, reach and capacity of wireless links, and often lead to simultaneous disruptions...

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  • Degradation of the Concrete Railway Track Bed Located in the Vicinity of the Loading Wharf


    The following article describes the damages of the concrete railway track bed at the place of unloading petroleum products located in the immediate vicinity of the cargo berth. The concrete of the track bed has been a subject to degradation as a result of many years of exploitation resulting, inter alia, in its cyclical flooding of petroleum products during the unloading and loading of rail tankers. Repairs carried out in the previous...

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  • Vision-based parking lot occupancy evaluation system using 2D separable discrete wavelet transform

    A simple system for rough estimation of the occupancy of an ad-hoc organized parking lot is presented. A reasonably simple microprocessor hardware with a low resolution monochrome video camera observing the parking lot from the location high above the parking surface is capable of running the proposed 2-D separable discrete wavelet transform (DWT)-based algorithm, reporting the percentage of the observed parking area occupied by...

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  • Molecularly imprinted polymers for the detection of volatile biomarkers



    In the field of cancer detection, the development of affordable, quick, and user-friendly sensors capable of detecting various cancer biomarkers, including those for lung cancer (LC), holds utmost significance. Sensors are expected to play a crucial role in the early-stage diagnosis of various diseases. Among the range of options, sensors emerge as particularly appealing for the diagnosis of various diseases, owing to their cost-effectiveness,...

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  • Nanoparticles: Taking a Unique Position in Medicine


    - Nanomaterials - Year 2023

    The human nature of curiosity, wonder, and ingenuity date back to the age of humankind. In parallel with our history of civilization, interest in scientific approaches to unravel mechanisms underlying natural phenomena has been developing. Recent years have witnessed unprecedented growth in research in the area of pharmaceuticals and medicine. The optimism that nanotechnology (NT) applied to medicine and drugs is taking serious...

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  • Deep CNN based decision support system for detection and assessing the stage of diabetic retinopathy


    - Year 2018

    The diabetic retinopathy is a disease caused by long-standing diabetes. Lack of effective treatment can lead to vision impairment and even irreversible blindness. The disease can be diagnosed by examining digital color fundus photographs of retina. In this paper we propose deep learning approach to automated diabetic retinopathy screening. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) - the most popular kind of deep learning algorithms...

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  • Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Corneal Arcus Detection Towards Familial Hypercholesterolemia Screening


    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a highly undiagnosed disease. Among FH patients, the onset of premature coronary artery disease is 13 times higher than in the general population. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent cardiovascular diseases and their complications, and to prolong life. One of the clinical criteria of FH is the occurrence of a corneal arcus (CA) among patients, especially those under 45 years...

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  • Bilateral multi-issue negotiation of execution contexts by proactive document agents

    A proactive document can react to its actual environment by autonomously selecting and performing actions integrated into its body and interact with its user. When migrating over a network of execution devices it may encounter diverse execution contexts, each one set up according to temporal characteristics of a receiving device and preferences of its owner. A concept to augment proactive documents with negotiation capability is...

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  • SMALL INTESTINE, Duodenum - Female, 16 - Tissue image [7220729599721211]

    Open Research Data

    This is the histopathological image of SMALL INTESTINE tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • Genome-Wide DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in Patients with Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis

    • A. Górska
    • M. Urbanowicz
    • Ł. Grochowalski
    • M. Seweryn
    • M. Sobalska-Kwapis
    • T. K. Wojdacz
    • M. Lange
    • M. Gruchała-Niedoszytko
    • J. Jarczak
    • D. Strapagiel... and 6 others


    Mastocytosis is a clinically heterogenous, usually acquired disease of the mast cells with a survival time that depends on the time of onset. It ranges from skin-limited to systemic disease, including indolent and more aggressive variants. The presence of the oncogenic KIT p. D816V gene somatic mutation is a crucial element in the pathogenesis. However, further epigenetic regulation may also affect the expression of genes that...

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  • Determination of antibiotic residues in honey

    Honey produced by honeybees is a valuable food product. The presence of xenobiotics in honey may harm its quality and constitute a danger to human health. Antibiotics are commonly applied by beekeepers to eliminate disease among honeybees. Moreover, ubiquitous administration of antibiotics may cause bacteria to become resistant to many drugs and spread antibioticresistant strains of bacteria. Appropriate sample preparation and...

  • Observation on red blood cells fluctuations by diffraction phase microscopy


    Nowadays there is quite huge need for more and more precise and effective fast diagnostics methods in hematology diseases. One of the most important blood components are erythrocytes – Red Blood Cells (RBCs). Due to their size they are easy to observe using microscopy. It is commonly known that the shape and lifetime of RBCs allows for early disease identification. Authors present special measurement system for RBCs fluctuations...

  • Ryszard Katulski prof. dr hab. inż.

  • Directions and Prospects for the Development of the Electric Car Market in Selected ASEAN Countries


    The purpose of this article is to present the current situation and evaluate the opportuni‐ ties for the development of the electric car market in selected Southeast Asian countries in the con‐ text of the current situation in the rest of the world. Currently, the electric car market is at an ad‐ vanced stage of development in regions such as Western Europe, the USA, and China. It should be noted, however, that the number of electric...

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  • Early Stages of RNA-Mediated Conversion of Human Prions



    Prion diseases are characterized by the conversion of prion proteins from a PrPC fold into a disease-causing PrPSC form that is self-replicating. A possible agent to trigger this conversion is polyadenosine RNA, but both mechanism and pathways of the conversion are poorly understood. Using coarse-grained molecular dynamic simulations we study the time evolution of PrPC over 600 μs. We find that both the D178N mutation and interacting...

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  • Olfactory receptor-based biosensors as potential future tools in medical diagnosis



    The detection of biomarkers is the future of non-invasive medical diagnosis and screening. Discovery and identification of reliable disease specific volatile organic compounds is dependent on repeatable, accurate analysis of trace level gaseous analytes mainly in breath samples. Natural variety of the olfactory systems and the compounds capable of gas molecules binding creates wide possibilities of acquisition and implementation...

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  • Empirical evaluation of reading techniques for UML models inspection

    Artykuł przedstawia eksperyment, w ramach którego porównane zostały trzy techniki czytania (ad hoc, UML-HAZOP oraz podejście scenariuszowe) zastosowane do inspekcji modeli obiektowych. UML-HAZOP jest techniką czytania wywodzącą się z dziedziny systemów krytycznych, związanych z bezpieczeństwem. W publikacji opisano technikę UML-HAZOP oraz jej różne warianty wykorzystane w eksperymencie. Przedstawiono projekt, sposób przeprowadzenia...

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  • Analiza sieci bezprzewodowych serii IEEE 802.15.x - Bluetooth (BT), UWB i ZigBee - z transmisją wieloetapową. Część I

    W artykule zaprezentowano ogólną koncepcję pracy bezprzewodowych sieci mesh (Wireless Mesh Networks - WMNs), tj. sieci ad hoc z topologią złożoną (kratową) i z transmisją wieloetapową. Opisano podstawowe problemy projektowania i implementacji sieci WMN. Przedstawiono ogólne założenia nowego standardu IEEE 802.15.5 - WPAN Mesh. Skoncentrowano się przy tym na opisie i analizie bezprzewodowych sieci złożonych typu WPAN, realizowanych...

  • Analiza sieci bezprzewodowych serii IEEE 802.15.x - Bluetooth (BT), UWB i ZigBee - z transmisją wieloetapową. Część II

    W artykule zaprezentowano ogólną koncepcję pracy bezprzewodowych sieci mesh (Wireless Mesh Networks - WMNs), tj. sieci ad hoc z topologią złożoną (kratową) i z transmisją wieloetapową. Opisano podstawowe problemy projektowania i implementacji sieci WMN. Przedstawiono ogólne założenia nowego standardu IEEE 802.15.5 - WPAN Mesh. Skoncentrowano się przy tym na opisie i analizie bezprzewodowych sieci złożonych typu WPAN, realizowanych...

  • Mieszalnikowa instalacja gazowa w IMP - PAN


    - Year 2013

    W pracy zaproponowana została wstępna koncepcja układu odpowiedzialnego za doprowadzanie paliwa syngazowego (syngaz) do silnika o zapłonie iskrowym. Stworzony układ gazowy ma umożliwić zasilanie dwóch agregatów prądotwórczych – zespołu prądotwórczego ZGT-60/D/MA/PE o mocy ciągłej , oraz drugiego, mniejszego o mocy z 3 cylindrowym silnikiem AD 3.152 –Perkins. Przedstawiona została propozycja wytwarzania niskokalorycznych gazów...

  • A taxonomy of challenges to resilient message dissemination in VANETs


    - Year 2016

    Inter-vehicular communications is seen as a promising solution to a number of issues related with public road safety, road congestion management, and infotainment. However, Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) characterized by high mobility of vehicles and facing a number of other issues related with high frequency wireless communications and network disconnections, encounter major challenges related with reliability of message delivery....

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  • Integration of natural and artificial intelligence in production systems


    - Year 2011

    Integration processes play an increasingly important role in modern economy, and seriously co-decide about the effectiveness of the company. Integration phase occurs in the system life cycle by preceding the final stages of its implementation and activation. In turn, used in software engineering (SE) iteration-evolutionary models, such as spiral model make that the integration activities can occur in varying degrees in all phases...

  • Con l’introduzione


    - Year 2022

    Nata nel 1953 con l’obiettivo di portare l’Italia tra le nazioni avanzate anche in campo energetico, Eni rappresenta una delle principali imprese ad aver influenzato l’innovazione economica del Paese. La sua storia, legata a doppio filo alla figura di Enrico Mattei, consente di seguirne le traiettorie di sviluppo e le strategie di internazionalizzazione, nel quadro di un contesto in continua evoluzione. Questo volume ripercorre...

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  • Transcriptomic landscape of blood platelets in healthy donors

    • A. Supernat
    • M. Popęda
    • K. Pastuszak
    • M. G. Best
    • P. Grešner
    • S. I. ’. Veld
    • B. Siek
    • N. Bednarz-Knoll
    • M. T. Rondina
    • T. Stokowy... and 3 others

    - Scientific Reports - Year 2021

    Blood platelet RNA-sequencing is increasingly used among the scientific community. Aberrant platelet transcriptome is common in cancer or cardiovascular disease, but reference data on platelet RNA content in healthy individuals are scarce and merit complex investigation. We sought to explore the dynamics of platelet transcriptome. Datasets from 204 healthy donors were used for the analysis of splice variants, particularly with...

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  • Support for research biobanks among medical students in the Republic of Kazakhstan


    Background: Over the past few years, several biobanks have been organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK). As research biobanks are becoming an increasingly important tool for precision medicine, they require competent biobankers who will help disseminate the idea of biobanking throughout the society and support donation for research purposes. This study aimed to assess the support for research...

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  • Dynamic Execution of Engineering Processes in Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems Toolchains


    Engineering tools support the process of creating, operating, maintaining, and evolving systems throughout their lifecycle. Toolchains are sequences of tools that build on each others' output during this procedure. The complete chain of tools itself may not even be recognized by the humans who utilize them, people may just recognize the right tool being used at the right place in time. Modern engineering processes, however, do...

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  • Energy and valuable organic products recovery from anaerobic processes


    - Year 2022

    Chapter 8 contains: Introduction, Energy balance in wastewater treatment plants and potential energy recovery, Potential valuable products recovery, Anaerobic processes focused on liquid products recovery; Anaerobic digestion (AD) processes focused on gaseous products recovery, Processes enhancing energy and valuable organic products recovery, Conclusions and perspectives. Anaerobic processes offer different pathways for the recovery...

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  • Featured based CAVE software factory


    In the paper we convey the lessons learned along the path we have gone through several years since establishing a room-sized CAVE installation at our university, from craft manufacturing and ad-hoc software reuse of VR software products to the robust feature driven software product line (SPL) implementing the Product Line Engineering (PLE) factory paradigm. With that we can serve all our departments and other entities from the...

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  • Bezprzewodowa sieć kontroli i sterowania infrastrukturą krytyczną


    Przedstawiono budowę i działanie systemu automatycznego monitorowania zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa publicznego i/lub przemysłowego i zdalnego sterowania elementami regulacyjnymi opartego na samoorganizującej się sieci węzłów pomiarowo-telekomunikacyjnych WPT i telekomunikacyjno-wykonawczych WTW, współpracujących poprzez interfejs bezprzewodowy z serwerami obsługującymi centrum automatycznego nadzoru poprawnego działania infrastruktury...

  • Preferences and Transport Behavior of Gdansk Residents in the Light of the Result of Complex Traffic Survey


    - Year 2018

    Preferences and transport behavior of the population are a fundamental aspect of research in public transport. Identifying the basic postulates of transport, the factors determining the specific behavior of transport and modal split allow to analyze the differences between the groups singled passengers and to prepare better offer of an urban transport. In Poland, still in many cities urban transport research is conducted ad hoc,...

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  • Proteomic and Metabolomic Changes in Psoriasis Preclinical and Clinical Aspects

    • A. Radulska
    • I. Pelikant-Malecka
    • K. Jendernalik
    • I. T. Dobrucki
    • L. Kalinowski


    Skin diseases such as psoriasis (Ps) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Overlap of autoinflammatory and autoimmune conditions hinders diagnoses and identifying personalized patient treatments due to different psoriasis subtypes and the lack of verified biomarkers. Recently, proteomics and metabolomics have been intensively investigated in a broad range of skin diseases with the main purpose...

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  • Investigation of photothermolysis therapy of human skin diseases using optical phantoms


    - Year 2015

    Dermatological diseases, such as neurofibroma (Recklinghausen disease) or hemangiomas can be efficiently treated using photothermolysis from laser irradiation. We have utilized a developed 975 nm fiber diode laser as a low-cost alternative over common Nd:YAG lasers. This paper describes the investigations of interaction of 975 nm diode laser radiation-pulses with optical skin phantoms which were designed and manufactured in our...

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  • Flavones in cocoa defence against Phytophthora megakarya


    - Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences - Year 2017

    Cross-pollination of suitable genotypes and earlier selection of elite offspring using adequate plants-associated defence markers in plantlets leaves are decisive for development of T. cacao genotypes tolerant to black pods disease (BPD). T. cacao plantlets from manual cross-pollination of ♀SNK64 × ♂UPA143 were analyzed for their susceptibility to BPD using leaf disc test. Subsequently, leaves (healthy, wounded and wound+infected)...

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  • Automated Parking Management for Urban Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach


    - Year 2024

    Effective parking management is essential for ad-dressing the challenges of traffic congestion, city logistics, and air pollution in densely populated urban areas. This paper presents an algorithm designed to optimize parking management within city environments. The proposed system leverages deep learning models to accurately detect and classify street elements and events. Various algorithms, including automatic segmentation of...

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  • Anharmonic Infrared Spectroscopy through the Fourier Transform of Time Correlation Function Formalism in ONETEP

    • V. Vitale
    • J. Dziedzic
    • S. Dubois
    • H. Fangohr
    • C. Skylaris

    - Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation - Year 2015

    Density functional theory molecular dynamics (DFT-MD) provides an efficient framework for accurately computing several types of spectra. The major benefit of DFTMD approaches lies in the ability to naturally take into account the effects of temperature and anharmonicity, without having to introduce any ad hoc or a posteriori corrections. Consequently, computational spectroscopy based on DFT-MD approaches plays a pivotal role in...

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  • Characterization of metabolites in different kiwifruit varieties by NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy

    • N. Abdul
    • A. Mediani
    • M. Maulidiani
    • F. Abas
    • Y. Park
    • H. Leontowicz
    • M. Leontowicz
    • J. Namieśnik
    • S. Gorinstein


    It is known from our previous studies that kiwifruits, which are used in common human diet, have preventive properties of coronary artery disease. This study describes a combination of 1H NMR spectroscopy, multivariate data analyses and fluorescence measurements in differentiating of some kiwifruit varieties, their quenching and antioxidant properties. A total of 41 metabolites were identified by comparing with literature data...

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  • Beneficial effects and potential risks of tomato consumption for human health: An overview

    • B. Salehi
    • R. Sharifi-Rad
    • F. Sharopov
    • J. Namieśnik
    • A. Roointan
    • M. Kamle
    • P. Kumar
    • N. Martins
    • J. Sharifi-Rad

    - NUTRITION - Year 2019

    Tomato and its derived products have a very interesting nutritional value in addition to prominent antioxidant,anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities. In terms of tomatoes are generally quite safe to eat. However,overall consumption varies from individual to individual. Indeed, either beneficial or harmful effects of plantsor their derived products are closely related to quality, including the presence of biologically active...

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  • Towards Cancer Patients Classification Using Liquid Biopsy

    Liquid biopsy is a useful, minimally invasive diagnostic and monitoring tool for cancer disease. Yet, developing accurate methods, given the potentially large number of input features, and usually small datasets size remains very challenging. Recently, a novel feature parameterization based on the RNA-sequenced platelet data which uses the biological knowledge from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, combined with a classifier...

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  • Computer Aided Telediagnostics System for Stoma Patients

    • R. Zawislak
    • M. Szwoch
    • G. Granosik
    • A. Miarka
    • J. Mik-Wojtczak
    • M. Mik

    - Year 2022

    Stoma surgery may concern patients with colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. More than half of patients diagnosed with colon cancer present at an advanced stage, and palliative treatment may involve stoma formation. This type of surgery may change the patient’s life strongly, therefore they should receive special medical care. The paper presents the assumptions, concept, and architecture of the Stoma-Alert diagnosis...

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  • Electronic Noses in Medical Diagnostics

    Electronic nose technology is being developed in order to identify aromas in a way parallel to the biologic olfaction. When applied to the field of medicine, such device should be able to identify and discriminate between different diseases. In recent years this kind of approach finds application in medical diagnostics, and especially in disease screening. Despite the fact that devices utilizing chemical sensor arrays are not routinely...

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  • Value of Personalized Dementia-Specific Quality of Life Scales: An Explorative Study in 3 European Countries

    • I. Hendriks
    • R. Demetrio
    • F. Meiland
    • R. Chattat
    • D. Szcześniak
    • J. Rymaszewska
    • T. Ettema
    • S. Evans
    • D. Brooker
    • S. Evans... and 5 others

    - American Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementias - Year 2021

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  • Exposure to Bisphenol A Analogs and the Thyroid Function and Volume in Women of Reproductive Age—Cross-Sectional Study

    • J. Milczarek-Banach
    • D. Rachoń
    • T. Bednarczuk
    • K. Myśliwiec-Czajka
    • A. Wasik
    • P. Miśkiewicz

    - Frontiers in Endocrinology - Year 2021

    Bisphenols (BPs) are commonly known plastifiers that are widely used in industry. The knowledge about the impact of BPs on thyroid function is scarce. Proper thyroid functioning is especially important for women of reproductive age, as hypothyroidism affects fertility, pregnancy outcomes and the offspring. There are no studies analyzing the influence of BPs on thyroid function and volume in non-pregnant young women. The aim of...

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  • DST-Based Detection of Non-cooperative Forwarding Behavior of MANET and WSN Nodes


    - Year 2009

    . Selfish node behavior can diminish the reliability of a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) or a wireless sensor network (WSN). Efficient detection of such behavior is therefore essential. One approach is to construct a reputation scheme, which has network nodes determine and share reputation values associated with each node; these values can next be used as input to a routing algorithm to avoid end-to-end routes containing ill-reputed...

  • Towards a Framework for Context Awareness Based on Textual Process Data


    - Year 2023

    Context awareness is critical for the successful execution of processes. In the abundance of business process management (BPM) research, frameworks exclusively devoted to extracting context from textual process data are scarce. With the deluge of textual data and its increasing value for organizations, it be-comes essential to employ relevant text analytics techniques to increase the awareness of business process (BP) workers,...

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