total: 850
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Micro- and nano-Illite to improve strength of untreated-soil as a nano soil-improvement (NSI) technique
PublicationSoil stabilization is a technique of improving the geotechnical properties of soils for various engineering applications. However, conventional stabilizers such as cement and lime have some limitations, such as high cost, environmental impact, and durability issues. Therefore, there is a need for alternative and innovative stabilizers that can overcome these challenges. This study introduces nano-Illite, a type of clay mineral,...
New concept of drilling auger for displacement pile installation
PublicationIn 2020, a new version of the screw displacement auger for pile installation in soil was developed and patented in Poland. It was named DPDT (Displacement Pile Drilling Tool). The general aim of its development was to reduce the soil resistances to the auger during screwing into the ground while maintaning a good load-bearing capacity for the screw displacement piles. The “DPDT-Auger” prototype was tested as a scaled-down model...
Year 2023
Analiza zachowania się geozbrojenia w konstrukcjach odciążających przyczółki
PublicationW artykule podjęto, bardzo istotny z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa i trwałości konstrukcji, temat zachowania się w czasie przyczółków mostowych, które zaprojektowano z wykorzystaniem konstrukcji odciążających z gruntu zbrojonego geosyntetykami. Na dwóch przykładach przeanalizowano zmienność odkształceń w warstwach geosyntetycznych oraz temperatur wewnątrz bloku z gruntu zbrojonego, jak również przemieszczenia podatnego lica.
Year 2022
Data Analysis in Bridge of Data
PublicationThe chapter presents the data analysis aspects of the Bridge of Data project. The software framework used, Jupyter, and its configuration are presented. The solution’s architecture, including the TRYTON supercomputer as the underlying infrastructure, is described. The use case templates provided by the Stat-reducer application are presented, including data analysis related to spatial points’ cloud-, audio- and wind-related research.
Pure cross-anisotropy for geotechnical elastic potentials
PublicationThe pure cross-anisotropy is understood as a special scaling of strain (or stress). The scaled tensor is used as an argument in the elastic stiffness (or compliance). Such anisotropy can be overlaid on the top of any elastic stiffness, in particular on one obtained from an elastic potential with its own stress-induced anisotropy. This superposition does not violate the Second Law. The method can be also applied to other functions...
Year 2021
A hyperelastic model for soils with stress-induced and inherent anisotropy
PublicationIn this paper, modelling of the superposition of stress-induced and inherent anisotropy of soil small strain stiffness is8presented in the framework of hyperelasticity. A simple hyperelastic model, capable of reproducing variable stress-induced9anisotropy of stiffness, is extended by replacement of the stress invariant with mixed stress–microstructure invariant to10introduce constant inherent cross-anisotropic component. A convenient...
PublicationThe paper concerns the numerical solution of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) advection-diffusion equations. For the numerical solution of the 1D advection-diffusion equation a method, originally proposed for solution of the 1D pure advection equation, has been developed. A modified equation analysis carried out for the proposed method allowed increasing of the resulting solution accuracy and consequently, to reduce...
Analiza osiadania podpór wiaduktu drogowego posadowionego na palach prefabrykowanych na podstawie obliczeń analitycznych, badań terenowych i monitoringu.
PublicationZagadnienie dotyczące fundamentów palowych pracujących w grupie pozostaje wciąż nierozwiązane. Pomimo wielu badań doświadczalnych oraz przeprowadzonych analiz naukowych, trudno w sposób jednoznaczny sformułować i przedstawić metodę obliczeniową, która w pełni odzwierciedla rzeczywiste warunki pracy posadowienia pracującego w grupie. Podstawowymi wartościami, które należy ustalić podczas prac projektowych oraz wykonawczych dla omawianej...
Analysis of the Water Level Variation in the Polish Part of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea) and Estimation of Water Inflow and Outflow Transport through the Strait of Baltiysk in the Years 2008–2017
PublicationThe Vistula Lagoon is located in both Poland and Russia along the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. It is connected to the Baltic Sea in the Russian part by the Strait of Baltiysk. The purpose of the paper is to identify the dominant factors underlying the water level variation mechanism at Tolkmicko in the Vistula Lagoon, revealed by a statistical analysis of the measured data and a discussion on the inflow and outflow transport...
Application of different building representation techniques in HEC-RAS 2-D for urban flood modeling using the Toce River experimental case
PublicationThis paper presents the impact of the choice of building representation techniques and hydrodynamic models on urban flood simulations using HEC-RAS 2-D for the Toce River physical model. To this end, eight numerical models based on previous laboratory experiments were prepared to simulate unsteady urban flooding on each side of building units. Two simplified building layouts (aligned and staggered) were examined, where models were...
Assessment of the ice jam potential on regulated rivers and reservoirs with the use of numerical model results
PublicationThis study presents an attempt at estimating the jam potential on rivers with significant anthropogenic intervention in the course or flow characteristics of the river. The DynaRiCE model was used for forecasting both the place and time of an ice jam occurrence. In this modified method, two ice parameters are subjected to analysis, namely the relative ice-to-water velocity (vi/vw),and the ice thickness to single floe thickness...
Biomass in biogas production: Pretreatment and codigestion
PublicationGlobally, there is increasing awareness that the implementation of ‘waste to energy’ technology is one of the best means to achieve sustainable energy development. The most popular approach is the conversion of organic-rich compounds into clean and renewable products by anaerobic digestion (AD). Biogas can be produced from agricultural residues, municipal/industrial biowastes, and sustainable biomass, especially materials that...
Freeze-Up Ice Jam Formation in the River Bend, a Case Study on the Inner Mongolia Reach of Yellow River
PublicationConcern has been expressed regarding the impacts of climate change on river ice and ice jam formation in cold regions. Ice jams are easily initiated in bends and narrow channels and cause disasters. In this study, observations and remote sensing monitoring are used to study the freeze-up ice jam formation of bends. Sediment transport and freezing process of the river interact, influencing bed changes profile and sedimentary budget....
Hydrological responses to large-scale changes in land cover of river watershed: Review
PublicationDespite many studies on the hydrological responses to forest cover changes in micro and mesoscale watersheds, the hydrological responses to forest cover alterations and associated mechanisms through the large spatial scale of the river watershed have not been comprehensively perceived. This paper thus reviews a wide range of available scientific evidence concerning the impacts exerted by the forest removal on precipitation, water...
Ice Load Characteristics on Floating Photovoltaic Platform
PublicationNowadays, based upon human needs and preferring perpetual types of energy, photovoltaic system (PV) is a suitable alternative and more frequently used in northern countries, which are recently more attracted by solar power. The new floating type of the structure is installed in the water bodies instead of land. One of the main elements in floating photovoltaic structures is the forces imposed on the panels. In the northern regions,...
Identification of residual force in static load tests on instrumented screw displacement piles
PublicationOccurrence of the so-called residual force of an unknown value significantly disturbs interpretation of static load tests performed on piles equipped with additional measuring instruments. Screw displacement piles are the piling technology in which the residual force phenomenon is very common. Its formation mechanism is closely related to the installation method of this type of piles, which initiates generation of negative pile...
Kształcenie kadr dla gospodarki wodnej na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationPolitechnika Gdańska jest częścią europejskiej i światowej wspólnoty akademickiej. Wspólnota Uczelni działa na rzecz podnoszenia dobrostanu społecznego oraz zrównoważenia ekosystemu Ziemi – we współpracy z uczelniami z Europy i świata, a także z podmiotami z innych sektorów. Kształcenie i edukacja realizowane są na 8 wydziałach w ramach 37 kierunków I i II stopnia. Blisko 1300 nauczycieli akademickich kształci przeszło 15 tysięcy...
Optical flow method for measuring deformation of soil specimen subjected to torsional shearing
PublicationIn this study optical flow method was used for soil small deformation measurement in laboratory tests. The main objective was to observe how the deformation distributes along the whole height of cylindrical soil specimen subjected to torsional shearing (TS test). The experiments were conducted on dry non-cohesive soil specimens under two values of isotropic pressure. Specimens were loaded with low-amplitude cyclic torque to analyze...
Pore Water Pressure Development in Soft Soil due to Installation and Loading of Controlled Modulus Columns
PublicationExcess pore water pressure (EPWP) development and decay due to the installation and static loading tests of controlled modulus columns (CMC) in soft soil was measured with piezometers equipped with low air entry (LAE) filters and a piezocone (CPTU) equipped with a high air entry (HAE) filter. The HAE filter allows for detailed detection of EPWP in short time intervals during construction of CMC. The influence zone due to the installation...
Shaft friction from the DMT and direct shear interface tests
PublicationThe article presents preliminary attempt to create tri-linear transfer curves for describing pile behaviour under axial loading. Transfer curves would use the parameter measured in dilatometer test, particularly a constrained modulus MDMT. The proposed method is based on concrete rough and smooth interface tests performed in a direct shear apparatus. Based on the obtained mobilization curves, relationships were created between...
Some Aspects of Shear Behavior of Soft Soil–Concrete Interfaces and Its Consequences in Pile Shaft Friction Modeling
PublicationThis paper examines the stiffness degradation and interface failure load on soft soil–concrete interface. The friction behavior and its variability is investigated. The direct shear tests under constant normal load were used to establish parameters to hyperbolic interface model which provided a good approximation of the data from instrumented piles. Four instrumented piles were used to obtain reference soil–concrete interface behavior....
Statistical evaluation of physical and index properties of Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils
PublicationThis paper provides statistical evaluation of physical and index parameters of the Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils using three datasets. Soft soils from the Vistula Marshlands are grouped into the four categories: (1) silty/sandy loams, (2) organic clays, (3) organic silts and (4) peats. Variability of basic and derivative physical properties as well as Atterberg's limits and plasticity index is studied. It is found that...
Towards a multi-basin SWAT model for the migration of nutrients and pesticides to Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationBackground This paper analyzes the impact of changes in fertilization on crop yields and the runoff of nutrients from a small agricultural catchment (176 km2) to a shallow bay, using the SWAT model. Puck Bay is part of the Gulf of Gdansk and belongs to the Baltic Sea. The whole area of Puck Bay (364 km2) is protected (Natura 2000) yet despite this it suffers from eutrophication problems due to the relatively minimal depth and...
Towards Rational Biosurfactant Design—Predicting Solubilization in Rhamnolipid Solutions
PublicationThe efficiency of micellar solubilization is dictated inter alia by the properties of the solubilizate, the type of surfactant, and environmental conditions of the process. We, therefore, hypothesized that using the descriptors of the aforementioned features we can predict the solubilization efficiency, expressed as molar solubilization ratio (MSR). In other words, we aimed at creating a model to find the optimal surfactant and...
Tracking Fluorescent Dye Dispersion from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
PublicationCommercial unmanned aerial vehicles continue to gain popularity and their use for collecting image data and recording new phenomena is becoming more frequent. This study presents an effective method for measuring the concentration of fluorescent dyes (fluorescein and Rhodamine WT) for the purpose of providing a mathematical dispersion model. Image data obtained using a typical visible-light camera was used to measure the concentration...
Ulepszanie podłoża gruntowego i podtorza z użyciem środków strzałowych
PublicationSzybka i skuteczna metoda wzmacniania podłoża gruntowego i podtorza z wykorzystaniem środków strzałowych (zastrzeżona nazwa handlowa: metoda mikrowybuchów) pozwala projektować i budować drogi kolejowe na gruntach o obniżonej nośności (np. tereny podmokłe, bagna, odpady przemysłowe, komunalne, zdegradowane nasypy antropogeniczne). Jest przydatna i godna polecenia przy budowie nowych linii kolejowych, modernizacji istniejących oraz...
Vibro piles performance prediction using result of CPT
PublicationVibro piles belong to the group of full displacement piles with an expanded base, characterised by a very high load capacity, especially in non-cohesive soils. The problem is to adopt a reliable method for the determination of full load–settlement (Q–s) curve. A frequent difficulty is the determination of the load capacity limit based on the static load test because the course of the load–settlement curve is of a linear nature....
Year 2020
Analysis of the radiation dose in UV-disinfection flow reactors.
PublicationTheoretical considerations devoted to the variation of UV radiation doses in flow disinfection reactors are presented. The minimal time required by the fluid to pass the reactor was determined and combined with the radiation intensity. The active zones of the reactor were determined.
Application of non-classical operational calculus to indicate hazards in numerical solutions of engineering problems
PublicationThe article addresses the application of non- classical operational calculus to approximative solutions of engineering problems. The engineering-sound examples show that a continuous–discrete problem transformation from differential unequivocal problem to a differential wildcard problem, triggering a change in solution quality. A number of approximative methods are capable to alter both quantitative and qualitative...
Badanie jakości wybranych produktów
PublicationW monografii „Badania jakości wybranych produktów” scharakteryzowano siedem grup produktów żywnościowych oraz dwie grupy produktów nieżywnościowych i opisano badania pozwalające na ocenę ich jakości, które można wykonać w laboratorium Katedry Nauk o Jakości Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Są to: pieczywo, tłuszcze jadalne, mleko i płynne produkty mleczne, jaja i produkty jajeczne, wody pitne, gazowane napoje...
Budownictwo morskie. Wybrane zagadnienia wraz z przykładami obliczeniowymi
PublicationJednym z głównych zadań projektanta budowli morskiej jest poprawne uwzględnienie kombinacji oddziaływań takich czynników jak: falowanie, prądy morskie, wiatr, zjawiska sejsmiczne. Innym istotnym elementem jego pracy jest zagwarantowanie spełnienia warunków stateczności budowli poprzez umiejętną analizę współoddziaływania środowiska morskiego i budowli morskiej z jednoczesnym interaktywnym projektowaniem geometrii budowli oraz doborem...
Concept of a swirling diffuser in batch blending tanks
PublicationThe mixing of two or more components belongs to the category of the most common unit operations, both in technology and in nature. One particular version is homogenization (blending), the effectivity of which is strongly related to the blending time. Among many differentiated individual solutions of mixing systems used in blenders, one should distinguish the class of agitators with diffusers. An analysis of the character of the...
Discussion of “Axisymmetric Simulations of Cone Penetration in Saturated Clay” by Diane M. Moug, Ross W. Boulanger, Jason T. DeJong, and Robert A. Jaeger
Discussion of “CPT Evaluation of Yield Stress Profiles in Soils” by Shehab S. Agaiby and Paul W. Mayne
PublicationVeryfication of the procedure to estimate overconsolidation ratio in sands using the results of mini-cone penetration tests in centrifuge.
Discussion:Horizontal stress increase induced by deep vibratory compaction
PublicationDeep compaction control of granular material using the results of field tests. The analysis include the CPTU and DMT tests terformed before and after compaction works.
Displacement piles - classification and methods for the calculation of bearing capacity.
PublicationDisplacement piles belong to a group of technologies whose main idea is to install or make a pile without extracting ground material. According to definition, contained in PN-EN:1997-1:2008, displacement piles should be considered as driven, pressed in using vibrators and made with the use of spread augers. The classification of piles used so far with regard to the technology of execution is modified. An additional element is the...
Dobór geotekstyliów i wyrobów pokrewnych pełniących funkcję zbrojenia w budownictwie komunikacyjnym – wybrane problemy inżynierskie
PublicationCharakterystyka geotekstyliów i wyrobów pokrewnych stosowanych do zbrojenia gruntu w budownictwie komunikacyjnym. Identyfikacja wyrobów na budowie. Metodyka wyznaczania wytrzymałości długoterminowej zbrojenia geosyntetycznego.
PublicationW ostatnich latach rzadko wykonuje się pale wiercone o bardzo dużych średnicach ze względu na: wymagany sprzęt, transport wydobytego urobku gruntowego, duże ilości stali zbrojeniowej. Konstrukcje inżynierskie na autostradzie A-1, na drodze ekspresowej S-7 i Obwodnicy Południowej Gdańska posadowiono na palach prefabrykowanych. Fundamenty największych mostów na autostradzie A-1 zbudowano na palach Vibro i Franki. W artykule zwrócono...
Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Poland)
PublicationThis study focuses on the modeling of groundwater flow and nitrate transport in a multi-aquifer hydrosystem in northern Poland, adjacent to Puck Bay (Baltic sea). The main goal was to investigate how changes in land use and farming practices may affect groundwater recharge and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to the sea and the associated N-NO3 fluxes. An integrated modelling approach has been developed, which couples the...
Geokompozyty drenażowe w odwodnieniach drogowych i kolejowych
PublicationZagadnienie zagospodarowania wód opadowych i gruntowych w rejonie konstrukcji drogowych i kolejowych stanowi istotny element bezpiecznej i efektywnej eksploatacji tych obiektów. Odpowiednie wykorzystanie geokompozytów drenażowych zapewnia bezproblemową pracę konstrukcji oraz właściwą ochronę przed uszkodzeniami wynikającymi z niekontrolowanego oddziaływania wody.
Geosyntetyki w funkcji zbrojenia
PublicationWymiarowanie geosyntetyków pełniących funkcję zbrojenia gruntu nasypowego polega na dobraniu wyrobów spełniających stosowne warunki stateczności zewnętrznej i wewnętrznej konstrukcji, które zagwarantują zachowanie integralności konstrukcji i bezpieczną współpracę zbrojenia oraz gruntu w projektowanym okresie użytkowalności. Prawidłowe zaprojektowanie budowli ziemnej zbrojonej geosyntetykami wymaga szczegółowych i rzetelnych danych...
Heavy Metals in a High Arctic Fiord and Their Introduction with the Wastewater: A Case Study of Adventfjorden-Longyearbyen System, Svalbard
PublicationLongyearbyen is the largest settlement on Svalbard archipelago, with 2400 permanent residents and approximately 150,000 tourists visiting every year. The city annually releases approximately 285,000 m3 of untreated wastewater to the nearby Adventfjorden. To date, the environmental impact of this continuous input has been studied mainly regarding the sediments and benthic fauna in the fiord. Here, we present results from a study...
Hydrodynamic Model of the New Waterway through the Vistula Spit
PublicationThe decision to build a new waterway (strait) in the Polish part of the Vistula Spit was made in 2017. The new connection between the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Vistula Lagoon is planned as an artificial navigable channel with a lock and a small port. During storm surges and wind tides in the gulf or in the lagoon, sluicing will be re-quired for vessels to tackle the Vistula Spit. This procedure does not require significant water flow...
Identification of Parameters Influencing the Accuracy of the Solution of the Nonlinear Muskingum Equation
PublicationTwo nonlinear versions of the Muskingum equation are considered. The difference between both equations relates to the exponent parameter. In the first version, commonly used in hydrology, this parameter is considered as free, while in the second version, it takes a value resulting from the kinematic wave theory. Consequently, the first version of the equation is dimensionally inconsistent, whereas the proposed second one is consistent. It...
Improvement of subsoil and railway substructure by explosive means.
PublicationQuick and effective method of subsoil and railway substructure improvement by using explosive means (registered trade name: microblasting) allowes design and construct railways on lowered bearing soils (i.e. wetlands, marshlands, industrial by-products, municipal wastes, degraded antropogenic embankments). It is usefull and recommendable technology to construct new railways, modernization or maintenance and repairing of old ones...
Innowacyjna metoda wzmocnienia gruntu za przyczółkiem przy użyciu iniekcji geopolimerowych
PublicationW obecnych czasach szybki rozwój infrastruktury i nowoczesnych technologii niejednokrotnie narzuca projektantom oraz wykonawcom takie rozwiązania, aby prowadzone roboty budowalne, były jak najmniej uciążliwe dla uczestników ruchu i jak najmniej ingerowały w system komunikacyjny. Dotyczy to zarówno budowy nowych obiektów, jaki i remontu obiektów już istniejących. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono nowatorską koncepcję remontu wiaduktu...
Konstrukcje z gruntu zbrojonego geosyntetykami odciążające przyczółki - Analiza temperatur
PublicationW artykule podjęto, bardzo istotny z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa i trwałości konstrukcji, temat zachowania się w czasie przyczółków mostowych, które zaprojektowano z wykorzystaniem konstrukcji odciążających z gruntu zbrojonego geosyntetykami. Na dwóch przykładach przeanalizowano zmienność temperatur wewnątrz bloku z gruntu zbrojonego. Temperatura w otoczeniu geozbrojenia syntetycznego może mieć istotny wpływ na jego trwałość.
Mechanizm współpracy z gruntem pali prefabrykowanych wbijanych w świetle próbnych obciążeń pali oprzyrządowanych
PublicationOpis badań i wyniki próbnych obciążeń statycznych dwóch pali prefabrykowanych wbijanych oprzyrządowanych w aparaturę do pomiaru rozkładu siły osiowej wzdłuż trzonu pala. Analiza wpływu czasu i procesu wbijania na charakterystykę osiadania pali prefabrykowanych wbijanych. Identyfikacja siły rezydualnej w palu prefabrykowanym wbijanym i jej wpływ na interpretację pomiarów ekstensometrycznych w próbnym obciążeniu pala. Wnioski na...
Microencapsulation of fish oil – determination of optimal wall material and encapsulation methodology
PublicationFor the first time, we present a meta-analysis of experimental and literature data to determine which microencapsulation methodology, and which wall material are best suited to protect fish oil. Our analysis covered a period of several decades of research (1984–2018). The analysis was conducted on 196 literature data-points, and 16 data-points determined experimentally for this publication. PLS regression was used to determine...
Model of Nutrient and Pesticide Outflow with Surface Water to Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationCoastal basins are particularly exposed to the adverse impact of anthropogenic stress. In many places, despite only the seasonal increase in the number of residents, progressive urbanization and associated changes in the catchment characteristics are noticeable. Puck Bay is part of the Gulf of Gdansk and belongs to the Baltic Sea. Although the area of Puck Bay is covered by the Natura 2000 Network, this has not saved it from eutrophication...