Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CORPORATE BANKRUPTCY PREDICTION - MOST Wiedzy




  • News that Moves the Market: DSEX-News Dataset for Forecasting DSE Using BERT


    - Rok 2024

    Stock market is a complex and dynamic industry that has always presented challenges for stakeholders and investors due to its unpredictable nature. This unpredictability motivates the need for more accurate prediction models. Traditional prediction models have limitations in handling the dynamic nature of the stock market. Additionally, previous methods have used less relevant data, leading to suboptimal performance. This study...

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  • FEM modelling of screw displacement pile interaction with subsoil

    Predicting the-settlement characteristics of piles is an important element in the designing of pile foundations. The most reliable method in evaluating pile-soil interaction is the static load test, preferably performed with instrumentation for measuring shaft and pile base resistances. This, however, is a mostly post-implementation test. In the design phase, prediction methods are needed, in which numerical simulations play an...

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  • Modeling of Performance, Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Large-Scale Computational Environment


    - Rok 2016

    Large scale of complexity of distributed computational systems imposes special challanges for prediction of quality in such systems.Existing quality models for lower-scale systems include functionality,performance,reliability,flexibility and usability.Among these attributes,performance and reliability have a particular significance to the large-scale systems computing quality modeling due to their strong dependence on the system...

  • Numerical modelling and experimental verification of compressible squeeze film pressure


    The validity of using the Reynolds equation for compressible squeeze film pressure was tested with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A squeeze film air bearing was instrumented with pressure sensors and non-contacting displacement probes to provide transient measurements of film thickness and pressure. The film thickness measurements also provided input parameters to the numerical prediction. However, numerical results showed...

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  • Residence time distribution in rapid multiphase reactors

    Residence time distribution (RTD) provides information about average hydraulic residence time and the distribution of material in the reactor. A method for determining RTD for reactors with very short hydraulic residence times is deconvolution based on extraction of real RTD by the analysis of a non-ideal input signal. The mean residence time and dispersion were determined for the spinning fluids reactor (SFR). For the first time...

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  • Recovering Sound Produced by Wind Turbine Structures Employing Video Motion Magnification

    The recordings were made with a fast video camera and with a microphone. Using fast cameras allowed for observation of the micro vibrations of the object structure. Motion-magnified video recordings of wind turbines on a wind farm were made for the purpose of building a damage prediction system. An idea was to use video to recover sound & vibrations in order to obtain a contactless diagnostic method for wind turbines. The recovered signals...

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  • Simplified AutoDock force field for hydrated binding sites

    has been extracted from the Protein Data Bank and used to test and recalibrate AutoDock force field. Since for some binding sites water molecules are crucial for bridging the receptor-ligand interactions, they have to be included in the analysis. To simplify the process of incorporating water molecules into the binding sites and make it less ambiguous, new simple water model was created. After recalibration of the force field on...

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  • Lattice filter based autoregressive spectrum estimation with joint model order and estimation bandwidth adaptation


    The problem of parametric, autoregressive model based estimation of a time-varying spectral density function of a nonstationary process is considered. It is shown that estimation results can be considerably improved if identification of the autoregressive model is carried out using the two-sided doubly exponentially weighted lattice algorithm which combines results yielded by two one-sided lattice algorithms running forward in...

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  • On autoregressive spectrum estimation using the model averaging technique

    The problem of estimating spectral density of a nonstationary process satisfying local stationarity conditions is considered. The proposed solution is a two step procedure based on local autoregressive (AR) modeling. In the first step Bayesian-like averaging of AR models, differing in order, is performed. The main contribution of the paper is development of a new final-prediction-error-like statistic, which can be used to select...

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  • Progressive failure analysis of laminates in the framework of 6-field nonlinear shell theory


    The paper presents the model of progressive failure analysis of laminates incorporated into the 6-field non-linear shell theory with non-symmetrical strain measures of Cosserat type. Such a theory is specially recommended in the analysis of shells with intersections due to its specific kinematics including the so-called drilling rotation. As a consequence of asymmetry of strain measures, modified laminates failure criteria must...

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  • Numerical investigations on early indicators of fracture in concrete at meso-scale.


    - Rok 2018

    Fracture is a major reason of the global failure of concretes. The understanding of fracture is important to ensure the safety of structures and to optimize the material behaviour. In particular an early prediction possibility of fracture in concretes is of major importance. In this paper, concrete fracture under bending was numerically analysed using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The real mesoscopic structure of a concrete...

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  • Commercial function as a treat to the monument - 25 years of experience in the commercialization of monuments in Gdansk, Poland


    The principles of the market economy adopted in Poland in the nineties have significantly touched the resources of immovable monuments. As a result, monuments have become a product of culture subject to the rules of the free market; and state ownership, patronage and decision-making practice has now been replaced by private interest. Practical monument use has also changed with the shift in ownership of objects after privatization...

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  • Geo-engineering computer simulation seems attractive but is it the real world?


    Correct formulation of the differential equation system for equilibriom conditions of subsoil, especially in terms of controlled numerical calculation, is discussed. The problem of solution stability is also considered. The solution of problems, which are ill-posed, have no practical value in the majority of cases and is this way the engineering prognosis can lead to real disaster. The object of this paper is quite relevant if...

  • Modeling of Performance, Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Large-Scale Computational Environments


    - Rok 2013

    Large scale of complexity of distributed computational systems imposes special challenges for prediction of quality in such systems. Existing quality models for lower-scale systems include functionality, performance, reliability, flexibility and usability. Among these attributes, performance and reliability have a particular significance to the large-scale systems computing quality modeling due to their strong dependence on the...

  • A history of the physical and chemical stability of pharmaceuticals : a review

    : There is a great need for a broad range review of stability tests of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in comparison with current requirements contained in the pharmacopoeia. This review focuses on a pharmaceutical history of physical and chemical stability determination. Traditional knowledge must be considered in the context of physical stability, while new knowledge must be applied and acquired in terms of identification...

  • Wideband Modeling of DC-DC Buck Converter with GaN Transistors


    The general wideband modeling method of the power converter is presented on the example of DC-DC buck converter with GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT). The models of all basic and parasitic components are briefly described. The two methods of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layout parameter extraction are presented. The results of simulation in Saber@Sketch simulation software and measurements are compared. Next, the model...

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  • Lattice filter based multivariate autoregressive spectral estimation with joint model order and estimation bandwidth adaptation

    The problem of parametric, autoregressive model based estimation of a time-varying spectral density function of a multivariate nonstationary process is considered. It is shown that estimation results can be considerably improved if identification of the autoregressive model is carried out using the two-sided doubly exponentially weighted lattice algorithm which combines results yielded by two one-sided lattice algorithms running...

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  • Shaping New Generations of Managers and Consumers: CSR Implementation and Higher Education System in Poland


    - Rok 2016

    Considering the Corporate Social Responsibility as a significant research and education topic for university staff, students, graduates and the whole society, has become a sign of our times. Universities and other education institutions, including the third sector, play an important role, incorporating CSR as a crosscutting issue, in particular into the curricula of future managers and graduate students, no matter the country we...

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  • Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies regarding dependability and security of the ICT and ICS/SCADA system


    - Rok 2021

    This chapter addresses a business continuity management (BCM) framework for the Industry 4.0 companies including the organizational and technical solutions, regarding the dependability and security of the information and telecommunication technology (ICT), and the industrial control system (ICS) / supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. These technologies and systems play nowadays important roles in modern advanced...

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  • Machine Learning Techniques in Concrete Mix Design

    Concrete mix design is a complex and multistage process in which we try to find the best composition of ingredients to create good performing concrete. In contemporary literature, as well as in state-of-the-art corporate practice, there are some methods of concrete mix design, from which the most popular are methods derived from The Three Equation Method. One of the most important features of concrete is compressive strength, which...

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  • End-Of-Life Management of Photovoltaic Solar Modules


    The PV industry continues to push its credentials as a technology that addresses one of the fundamental challenges of our times – climate change. There are however two major concerns about this technology: first, the potential negative environmental impacts of energy used in the production stage and second, the possible shortage of the valuable materials in the future. The currently dominant semiconductor used in photovoltaic modules...

  • Prognozowanie krzywej osiadania pala wierconego z iniekcją ciśnieniową pod podstawą

    Artykuł jest kontynuacją tematyki autora dotyczącą mechanizmu działania iniekcji ciśnieniowej pod podstawą pala wierconego. W poprzednich publikacjach, autor wykazał, że iniekcja ta w głównej mierze uaktywnia zwiększone opory gruntu wzdłuż pobocznicy pala. Na tej podstawie w niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano procedurę obliczeniową prognozowania krzywą osiadania pala wierconego z iniekcją ciśnieniową pod podstawą. Przedstawiono...

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  • Machine-learning methods for estimating compressive strength of high-performance alkali-activated concrete


    High-performance alkali-activated concrete (HP-AAC) is acknowledged as a cementless and environmentally friendly material. It has recently received a substantial amount of interest not only due to the potential it has for being used instead of ordinary concrete but also owing to the concerns associated with climate change, sustainability, reduction of CO2 emissions, and energy consumption. The characteristics and amounts of the...

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  • Modeling protein structures with the coarse-grained UNRES force field in the CASP14 experiment

    • A. Antoniak
    • I. Biskupek
    • K. K. Bojarski
    • C. Czaplewski
    • A. Giełdoń
    • M. Kogut
    • M. M. Kogut
    • P. Krupa
    • A. Lipska
    • A. Liwo... i 9 innych


    The UNited RESidue (UNRES) force field was tested in the 14th Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP14), in which larger oligomeric and multimeric targets were present compared to previous editions. Three prediction modes were tested (i) ab initio (the UNRES group), (ii) contact-assisted (the UNRES- contact group), and (iii) template-assisted (the UNRES-template...

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  • Decisional-DNA-Based Digital Twin Implementation Architecture for Virtual Engineering Objects



    Digital twin (DT) is an enabling technology that integrates cyber and physical spaces. It is well-fitted for manufacturing setup since it can support digitalized assets and data analytics for product and process control. Conventional manufacturing setups are still widely used all around the world for the fabrication of large-scale production. This article proposes a general DT implementation architecture for engineering objects/artifacts...

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  • Improving Effectiveness of SVM Classifier for Large Scale Data

    The paper presents our approach to SVM implementation in parallel environment. We describe how classification learning and prediction phases were pararellised. We also propose a method for limiting the number of necessary computations during classifier construction. Our method, named one-vs-near, is an extension of typical one-vs-all approach that is used for binary classifiers to work with multiclass problems. We perform experiments...

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  • Koncepcja społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w usługach ubezpieczeniowych


    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu (CSR) w usługach ubezpieczeniowych. Zidentyfikowano w tym celu podstawowe oczekiwania interesariuszy oraz najważniejsze obszary zastosowania CSR w instytucjach ubezpieczeniowych. Zaprezentowano również podstawowy związek pomiędzy działaniami społecznie odpowiedzialnymi realizowanymi przez instytucje ubezpieczeniowe a ich wizerunkiem. Na podstawie...

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  • Struktura źródeł finansowania ponadprzeciętnie rentownych przedsiębiorstw z sektora MSP


    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie w przekroju sektorowym kształtowania struktury finansowania przez MSP uzyskujące ponadprzeciętnie wysoką rentowność aktywów. W trakcie przeprowadzonych badań uwzględniono 109 174 sprawozdań finansowych przedsiębiorstw prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w 27 różnych działach gospodarki narodowej. Sektorowe zróżnicowanie wartości wskaźników struktury źródeł finansowania zostało potwierdzone przy...

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  • How does stakeholder pressure influence CSR-practices? A construction industry model based on a European sample

    • R. Kowalczyk

    - Rok 2020

    The stakeholder pressure is one of the most vital powers which determines CSR implementation and can provide organizations with the motivation to adopt corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy, as the stakeholder theory claims. The current investigation replications Kowalczyk’s (2019) study, who examined the same structure of relations based on the Polish sample. The essence of this replication is to find out whether CSR-...

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  • Observing its long-term effects on a short-term, multi-day evaluation of the effectiveness of hearing aid use


    - Rok 2024

    The main objective of the research study was to develop a method for evaluating the effectiveness of hearing protection with hearing aids tailored to the needs and prevailing conditions in the acoustic environments where the elderly most often reside. The method was also intended to estimate the benefits of hearing aids and allow prediction of such an effect based on a short-term trial. It is noteworthy that a short-term evaluation...

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    - Rok 2013

    The paper focuses on the assessment of second-order explicit numerical scheme for unsteady flows in sewers. In order to simulate the pressurized flow the 'Preissmann slot' concept is implemented. For simulation of the transcritical flow the original and improved McCormack scheme is used. The calculated results are compared with numerical solutions and laboratory measurements published in the technical literature. Moreover, the...

  • Liniowe i nieliniowe modele wielowymiarowej kalibracji do predykcji stężenia substancji z pomiarów woltamperometrycznych

    Pomiary woltamperometryczne znajdują zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach nauki i techniki, np. w przemyśle farmaceutycznym. Dane uzyskane w wyniku takich pomiarów zawierają informację odnośnie rodzaju i stężenia badanej substancji, jednakże są one często kłopotliwe w bezpośredniej interpretacji. Z tego powodu, istnieje konieczność wykorzystania odpowiednich metod matematycznych, które umożliwiają uzyskanie bezpośredniej i precyzyjnej...

  • Adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji sygnału fonokardiograficznego wykorzystujący sztuczną sieć neuronową

    Podstawowym problemem podczas projektowania systemu autodiagnostyki chorób serca, bazującego na analizie sygnału fonokardiograficznego (PCG), jest konieczność zapewnienia, niezależnie od warunków zewnętrznych, sygnału o wysokiej jakości. W artykule, bazując na zdolności Sztucznej Sieci Neuronowej (SSN) do predykcji sygnałów periodycznych oraz quasi-periodycznych, został opracowany adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji dźwięków serca....

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  • Combination of instrumental and qualitative descriptive analysis for evaluation of selected tonic waters quality features

    The combination of sensory and instrumental analysis was applied for quality assurance of selected tonic waters. The Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) in terms of fourteen sensory attributes (aroma, astringency, bite, burn, numbing, tongue heaviness, carbonation, mouth coating, sweet taste, sour taste, bitter taste, sweet aftertaste, sour aftertaste, bitter aftertaste) of selected tonic waters was performed by sensory experts....

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  • Concrete mix design using machine learning


    Designing a concrete mix is a process of synthesizing many components, it is not a simple process and requires extensive technical knowledge. The design process itself focuses on obtaining the required strength of concrete. Very often designing a concrete mix takes into account the need to maintain the proper water-demand and frost-resistance features. The parameters that influence the concrete class most significantly are the...

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  • Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures 2019


    Designing a concrete mix is a process of synthesizing many components, it is not a simple process and requires extensive technical knowledge. The design process itself focuses on obtaining the required strength of concrete. Very often designing a concrete mix takes into account the need to maintain the proper water-demand and frost-resistance features. The parameters that influence the concrete class most significantly are the...

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    • M. Figurski
    • M. Gałuszkiewicz
    • P. Kamiński
    • K. Kroszczyński

    - Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia - Rok 2007

    The paper presents a computer module for GPS slant delay determination using data from COAMPS (Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System) mesoscale non-hydrostatic model of the atmosphere which is run on IA64 Feniks computer cluster in the Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy of the Military University of Technology. The slant delay is the result of integrating the ray (eikonal) equation for the spatial function...

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  • A city and a wind farm. Landscape perspective


    - Rok 2015

    The aim of the paper is to present the problems of the location of the wind farms in close neighbourhood to the historical cities, and the ways to minimize the potential landscape threats. The production of clean energy is obligatory in EU. In spite of how positive to the environment the wind energy production is, it may cause negative effects. The results of landscape studies of two towns in Poland prove that the location of such...

  • Estimation of the steam condensation flow via CFD methods


    The results of numerical simulations to predict the performance of different steam models have been presented. All of the considered models of steam condensation have been validated on the base of benchmark experiment employing expansion in nozzle and next on the low pressure part of the steam turbine stage. For numerical analysis three models have been finally used – the ideal steam model without condensation, an equilibrium steam...

  • Localization of impulsive disturbances in archive audio signals using predictive matched filtering


    The problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances from archive audio signals is considered and its new solution, called predictive matched filtering, is proposed. The new approach is based on the observation that a large percentage of noise pulses corrupting archive audio recordings have highly repetitive shapes that match several typical “patterns”, called click templates. To localize noise pulses, click templates can be correlated...

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  • Robustness Analysis of a Distributed MPC Control System of a Turbo-Generator Set of a Nuclear Plant – Disturbance Issues


    - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - Rok 2021

    Typically, there are two main control loops with PI controllers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper, a distributed model predictive controller with local quadratic model predictive controllers for the turbine generator is proposed instead of a set of classical PI controllers. The local quadratic predictive controllers utilize step-response models for the controlled system components. The parameters of these models...

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    Upublicznienie rynku instrumentów dłużnych przedsiębiorstw w Polsce umożliwiło spółkom bardziej efektywne pozyskiwanie środków finansowych poprzez zaciąganie długu u wierzycieli detalicznych, równolegle z istniejącą już możliwością pozyskiwania kapitałów własnych. Rynek ten otworzył także spółkom publicznym drogę do emisji obligacji zamiennych, które z kolei bez obecności instrumentów udziałowych emitenta na rynku publicznym, stają...

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  • Safety assurance strategies for autonomous vehicles


    - Rok 2008

    Assuring safety of autonomous vehicles requires that the vehicle control system can perceive the situation in the environment and react to actions of other entities. One approach to vehicle safety assurance is based on the assumption that hazardous sequences of events should be identified during hazard analysis and then some means of hazard avoidance and mitigation, like barriers, should be designed and implemented. Another approach...

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  • Road traffic can be predicted by machine learning equally effectively as by complex microscopic model

    Since high-quality real data acquired from selected road sections are not always available, a traffic control solution can use data from software traffic simulators working offline. The results show that in contrast to microscopic traffic simulation, the algorithms employing neural networks can work in real-time, so they can be used, among others, to determine the speed displayed on variable message road signs. This paper describes...

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  • Developing Prognostic Models of Organization Evolution


    - Rok 2011

    The work focuses on the problem of measuring evolution of IT organizations. Changes in business influence functioning of the IT organization. IT departments or companies must ensure that the needs of their parent company/customers will be met. Therefore they must constantly evolve. Following question can be raised: is it possible to support process of changes the IT organization to run it smoother, faster, easier but with reduced...

  • Ultrawideband transmission in physical channels: a broadband interference view

    The superposition of multipath components (MPC) of an emitted wave, formed by reflections from limiting surfaces and obstacles in the propagation area, strongly affects communication signals. In the case of modern wideband systems, the effect should be seen as a broadband counterpart of classical interference which is the cause of fading in narrowband systems. This paper shows that in wideband communications, the time- and frequency-domain...

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  • Study of Noise Propagation for Small Vessels


    The paper presents the results of the noise propagation analysis in ship structures tested in a number of AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug Supply) vessels. Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) based on numerical model developed specially for the purpose of this numerical investigation were conducted. This numerical model enabled the analysis of both the structural elements and the acoustic spaces. For the detailed studies 47 points fixed...

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  • Two Stage SVM and kNN Text Documents Classifier


    - Rok 2015

    The paper presents an approach to the large scale text documents classification problem in parallel environments. A two stage classifier is proposed, based on a combination of k-nearest neighbors and support vector machines classification methods. The details of the classifier and the parallelisation of classification, learning and prediction phases are described. The classifier makes use of our method named one-vs-near. It is...

  • Influence of pitting corrosion on fatigue and corrosion fatigue of ship and offshore structures. Part II: Load - pit crack interaction


    In the paper has been discussed influence of stresses on general corrosion rate and corrosion pit nucleation and growth rate, whose presence has been questioned by some authors but accepted by most of them. Influence of pit walls roughness on fatigue life of a plate suffering pit corrosion and presence of so called "non damaging" pits which never lead to initiation of fatigue crack, has been presented. Possibility of prediction...

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  • Calibration of precipitation estimation algorithm with particular emphasis on the Pomeranian region using high performance computing


    Fast and accurate precipitation estimation is an important element of remote atmosphere monitoring, as it allows, for example, to correct short-term weather forecasts and the prediction of several types of meteorological threats. The paper presents methodology for calibrating precipitation estimation algorithm based on MSG SEVIRI sensor data, and Optimal Cloud Analysis product available via EumetCast transmission. Calibration is...

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