Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTI-OBJECTIVE%20OPTIMIZATION - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTI-OBJECTIVE%20OPTIMIZATION

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTI-OBJECTIVE%20OPTIMIZATION

  • Elemental composition of deposited sediments at the tram-route junction

    This data set contains the elemental composition results of deposited sediments collected at the tram-route junction in Gdańsk. Sample collection began in July 2022, when the tram lines were completed and before the rails were scrubbed (27/07/2022). The second sample round was carried out following rail scrubbing in October 2022 (7/10/2022). Since February...

  • Data obtained by numerical simulation for X-ray focusing using a finite difference method

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. For solving the problem for an electromagnetic wave, a finite-difference method is applied.

  • Emilia Miszewska dr inż.

           Emilia Miszewska urodziła się w 1986 roku w Gdańsku. Ukończyła Szkołę Podstawową nr 17 w Gdańsku z klasami sportowymi o profilu pływanie oraz Liceum Sportowe nr 11 im. Janusza Kusocińskiego w Gdańsku. W 2005 roku rozpoczęła jednolite studia magisterskie na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska, które ukończyła w roku 2011, broniąc pracę dyplomową pt. „Analiza i opracowanie wytycznych zabezpieczenia pożarowego oraz planu...

  • GROUP COMPOSER - System for Modeling Agents’ Team Building for Tasks

    Multi-agent systems consist of many autonomous units, called agents, that can interact when trying to achieve their goals. The selection of interaction partners is called team formation. Three basic approaches can be considered to match multi-agent system resources to the problem at hand. To research the properties of different approaches, a software for modeling team formation in multi-agent systems has been created and is presented...

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  • New Approach to Arc Fitting for Railway Track Realignment



    This article presents a new method of arc fitting for railway track realignment. The theoretical foundations are presented, along with a detailed algorithm of the iterative computational process. This method is based on solving a set of linearized pseudo-observation equations. The formulas of the functional model of the fitting problem were derived, and a special form of objective function is proposed. An iterative method for optimization...

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  • A new diagnostic method for evaluation of cardiosurgery wound healing


    One of important and still unsolved problems in medicine is the question of objective and quantitative evaluation of post-surgery wound healing. The aim of this research is to analyse possibility and value of using the newly elaborated infrared imaging procedure – Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) – for quantitative description of wound healing processes in cardiosurgery. Both, classical thermal figures of merit as well as ADT...

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  • Asynchronous WAM with Irregular Pulse Repetition

    Radiolocation systems for aviation based on Multi-Lateration (MLAT) typically use a set of synchronised ground sensors to receive radio signals broadcast by onboard transmitters. In most cases, the sensor synchronisation in Wide Area Multi-Lateration Systems (WAM) is provided by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers. However, in the case of synchronisation failure, there is still a possibility to estimate the coordinates...

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  • Model Management for Low-Computational-Budget Simulation-Based Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Nature-Inspired Algorithms

    The primary objective of this study is investigation of the possibilities of accelerating nature-inspired optimization of antenna structures using multi-fidelity EM simulation models. The primary methodology developed to achieve acceleration is a model management scheme which the level of EM simulation fidelity using two criteria: the convergence status of the optimization algorithm, and relative quality of the individual designs...

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  • Green and Sustainable Membranes: A review

    • N. Rabiee
    • R. Sharma
    • S. Foorginezhad
    • M. Jouyandeh
    • M. Asadnia
    • M. Rabiee
    • O. Akhavan
    • E. C. Lima
    • K. Formela
    • M. Ashrafizadeh... i 4 innych


    Membranes are ubiquitous tools for modern water treatment technology that critically eliminate hazardous materials such as organic, inorganic, heavy metals, and biomedical pollutants. Nowadays, nano-membranes are of particular interest for myriad applications such as water treatment, desalination, ion exchange, ion concentration control, and several kinds of biomedical applications. However, this state-of-the-art technology suffers...

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  • Nodal models of Pressurized Water Reactor core for control purposes – A comparison study

    The paper focuses on the presentation and comparison of basic nodal and expanded multi-nodal models of the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) core, which includes neutron kinetics, heat transfer between fuel and coolant, and internal and external reactivity feedback processes. In the expanded multi-nodal model, the authors introduce a novel approach to the implementation of thermal power distribution phenomena into the multi-node...

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  • Measurement data of cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance measurements of carbon samples synthesized on axes and off axes

    Dane Badawcze

    The electrochemical performance of the multielectrode samples were investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) using a VMP-300 BioLogic galvanostat potentiostat (France) under the EC-lab software. All electrochemical investigations were carried out in a three-electrode cell system. The carbon multi-electrode,...

  • Taxonomy of Schemes for Resilient Routing


    - Rok 2020

    This chapter provides a taxonomy of schemes for resilient routing followed by a discussion of their application to contemporary architectures of communication networks. In particular, a general classification of schemes for resilient routing is first presented followed by a description of the reference schemes for IP networks. The chapter in its later part focuses on the representative techniques of resilient routing for a multi-domain...

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  • Hemocompatibility of nanocrystalline diamond layers

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.4 open access

    The biocompatibility of the diamond films were investigated with whole human blood samples. Blood used in this study was drawn from 10 healthy human patients of different age, sex, and blood group. A 2 ml samples were collected into standard tubes with EDTA anticoagulation agent. Blood was used within 6 hours from the collection time. A reference blood...

  • Raman data of deuterium and hydrogen grown boron-doped diamond

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.0 open access

    Raman spectra were recorded at room temperature using a micro-Raman spectrometer (Invia, Renishaw) equipped with an edge filter with different excitation wavelengths and lasers: UV λ = 325 nm (HeCd), blue λ = 488 nm (Ar+), green λ = 514 nm (Ar+), and IR λ = 785 nm (IR diode) and 50× microscope objective. To avoid sample heating, the radiation power...

  • Tax preferences in PIT in numbers 2009-2015

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The follwoing data contain information prepared by the Ministry of Finance on the value of tax preferences by areas of support in Personal Income TAX (PIT) between 2009-2015.

  • Kinetics of cyclohexane removal by Candida subhashii and Fusarium solani

    Dataset presents cyclohexane biodegradation in gas phase using two species of microorganisms: Candida Subhashii and Fusarium solani. Biodegradation was carried out in sealed chambers with a capacity of 1000 ml. In each of them there are two discs inhabited with microorganisms, made of polyurethane foam, 80 mm in diameter and 20 mm thick.

  • Consciousness Study of Subjects with Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome Employing Multimodal Interfaces


    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents a novel multimodal-based methodology for consciousness study of individuals with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. Two interfaces were employed in the experiments: eye gaze tracking system – CyberEye developed at the Multimedia Systems Department, and EEG device with electrode placement in the international 10-20 standard. It was a pilot study for checking if it is possible to determine objective methods based...

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  • A higher order shell element for wave propagation in isotropic shell structures


    - Rok 2014

    The presents the new multi mode higher order shell element for wave propagation problems in shell structures.

  • Consolidating logs in varying formats into a structured repository = konsolidacja logów w zmiennych formatach do strukturalnego repozytorium

    During multi-agent systems development, testing and re- search, possibly voluminous logs are created at distributed agent loca-tions. These logs describe individual agents behavior and state changes. To get the complete picture of the multi-agent system working, it is necessary to consolidate these logs and to store them in a format appropriate for diverse analyzes. Specic issues arise during consolidation if the log formats are...

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  • Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm for Path Planning in Navigation Situation

    This article presents the use of a multi-population distributed evolutionary algorithm for path planning in navigation situation. The algorithm used is with partially exchanged population and migration between independently evolving populations. In this paper a comparison between a multi-population and a classic single-population algorithm takes place. The impact on the ultimate solution has been researched. It was shown that using...

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  • Jacek Nakielski dr inż.

    Jestem elastycznym i innowacyjnym wykwalifikowanym inżynierem mechanikiem z prawie 4-letnim doświadczeniem w offshorowej firmie projektowej i ponad 15-letnim doświadczeniem akademickim. Jestem produktywnym graczem zespołowym, potrafię dotrzymywać terminów i celów, jestem zmotywowany, zorganizowany i potrafię wykonywać wiele zadań jednocześnie.

  • Comparison of Properties of the Hybrid and Bilayer MWCNTs—Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Ti Alloy


    - Coatings - Rok 2019

    Carbon nanotubes are proposed for reinforcement of the hydroxyapatite coatings to improve their adhesion, resistance to mechanical loads, biocompatibility, bioactivity, corrosion resistance, and antibacterial protection. So far, research has shown that all these properties are highly susceptible to the composition and microstructure of coatings. The present research is aimed at studies of multi-wall carbon nanotubes in three different...

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  • Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication Group Work 24/25

    Kursy Online
    • I. Dziwisz-Olszak

    The main objective of this coure is to search information on a given topic. On this course students have to present their opinions on a specific topic in the form of a multimedia presentation. Classes are designed to improve the skills of public speaking and to acquire basic knowledge about verbal and nonverbal communication, speeches principles (rhetoric), statement ethics, the rules of disscusion, the basics of good manners....

  • Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication Group Work, PG_00041985

    Kursy Online
    • I. Dziwisz-Olszak

    The main objective of this coure is to search information on a given topic. On this course students have to present their opinions on a specific topic in the form of a multimedia presentation. Classes are designed to improve the skills of public speaking and to acquire basic knowledge about verbal and nonverbal communication, speeches principles (rhetoric), statement ethics, the rules of disscusion, the basics of good manners....

  • Sensorless control of five-phase induction machine supplied by the VSI with output filter

    In this paper, a novel sensorless control structure based on multi-scalar variables is proposed. The tatic feedback control law is obtained by using the multi-scalar variables transformation, where the multi-scalar variables approach allows a full linearization of the nonlinear system. The control system could be described as “optimized” because of the minimized number of controllers. Furthermore, control system is divided into...

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  • Piotr Konieczka prof. dr hab. inż.

  • Instytucjonalny kontekst intencji rozwojowych przedsiębiorstw na Pomorzu


    Literatura dotycząca wzrostu małych firm podkreśla wagę kontekstu instytucjonalnego w tworzeniu warunków ich wzrostu. Mówiąc o instytucjach należy odróżniać zarówno aspekt obiektywny jak i subiektywny. Artykuł porusza oba aspekty: jakość instytucji jak i ich postrzeganie przez przedsiębiorców. Ten drugi aspekt został opisany w oparciu o wyniki badań Pomorskiego Obserwatorium Gospodarczego. W konkluzji zawarto wniosek iż postrzeganie...

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  • A novel sensor for measuring temperature profile during the thermoablation


    - Rok 2017

    Abstract — A novel approach for monitoring a temperature distribution inside a tissue during thermoablation is presented in the paper. A thermal profile is measured using a set of serially connected thermistors each bypassed by a capacitor. This technique allows a two-wire and simultaneous multi- point measurements using a multi-frequency measurement of electrical impedance. It is...

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    The article describes the methodology related to determining the multi-criteria routes for sailing ships. Details of sea area discretisation and discretisation of the description of the sailing vessel properties and manoeuvring principles are shown. User requirements were specified (for five different categories of users) and on this basis the criteria for selecting the most suitable shipping route were formulated. The presented...

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  • The Concept of a Methodology for Selecting the Optimal Parameters of Heat Received from a Nuclear Power Plant Operating in a Partial Cogeneration Mode


    The paper presents the concept of the objective function which is to allow the selection of optimal parameters of the district heating system using a nuclear power plant operating in partial cogeneration mode. The concept is based on research carried out a number of years ago. The size of annual expenses was proposed as the objective function, which allows to compare the operation of a nuclear power plant in partial cogeneration...

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  • Application of gaze tracking technology to quality of experience domain


    - Rok 2010

    A new methodological approach to study subjective assessment results employing gaze tracking technology is shown. Notions of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Quality of Experience (QoE) are shortly introduced in the context of their common application. Then, the gaze tracking system developed at the Multimedia Systems Department (MSD) of Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) is presented. A series of audio-visual subjective...

  • Scoreboard Architectural Pattern and Integration of Emotion Recognition Results


    This paper proposes a new design pattern, named Scoreboard , dedicated for applications solving complex, multi-stage, non-deterministic problems. The pattern provides a computational framework for the design and implementation of systems that integrate a large number of diverse specialized modules that may vary in accuracy, solution level, and modality. The Scoreboard is an extension of Blackboard design pattern and comes under...

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  • Jerzy Konorski dr hab. inż.

    Jerzy Konorski otrzymał tytuł mgr inż. telekomunikacji na Poitechnice Gdańskiej, zaś stopień doktora n.t. w dyscyplinie informatyka w Instytucie Podstaw Informatyki PAN. W r. 2007 obronił rozprawę habilitacyjną na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomnikacji i Informatyki PG. Jest autorem ponad 150 publikacji naukowych, prowadził projekty naukowo-badawcze finansowane ze środków Komitetu Badań Naukowych, UE, US Air Force Office of Scientific...

  • Jahn-Teller and related conical intersections in the benzene radical cation and the monofluoro derivate



    The multi-state multi-mode vibronic interactions in the benzene radical cation and its monofluoro derivative have been investigated theoretically, based on high-level electronic structure calculations for the system parameters and a quantum treatment of the nuclear motion. The available experimental data are well reproduced. The interplay of different vibronic coupling mechanisms is pointed out leading to multiple nonadiabatic...

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  • Cost Analysis of Prefabricated Elements of the Ordinary and Lightweight Concrete Walls in Residential Construction


    Global economic growth causes an increase in natural resources exploitation, particularly in construction branch. The growing use of electricity contributes to climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to search the solutions, which will allow for reducing natural resources exploitation. One of the many opportunities to do that is the application of the recycled materials. The authors of the given article have analyzed three variants...

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  • Accelerated Parameter Tuning of Antenna Structures by Means of Response Features and Principal Directions

    Popularity of numerical optimization has been steadily on the rise in the design of modern antenna systems. Resorting to mathematically rigorous parameter tuning methods is a matter of practical necessity as interactive techniques (e.g., parameter sweeping) are no longer adequate when handling several performance figures over multi-dimensional parameter spaces. The most common design scenarios involve local tuning since decent...

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  • Shape Optimisation of Kaplan Turbine Blades Using Genetic Algorithms


    - Rok 2017

    This monograph is a comprehensive guide to a method of blade profile optimisation for Kaplan-type turbines. This method is based on modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Additionally, the shape of the draft tube is investigated. The influence of the periodic boundary condition vs. full geometry is also discussed. Evolutionary algorithms (EA) are used as an optimisation method together with artificial neural...

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  • Revisiting Supervision for Continual Representation Learning

    • D. Marczak
    • S. Cygert
    • T. Trzciński
    • B. Twardowski

    - Rok 2024

    "In the field of continual learning, models are designed to learn tasks one after the other. While most research has centered on supervised continual learning, there is a growing interest in unsupervised continual learning, which makes use of the vast amounts of unlabeled data. Recent studies have highlighted the strengths of unsupervised methods, particularly self-supervised learning, in providing robust representations. The improved...

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  • A Fortran-95 algorithm to solve the three-dimensional Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    A numerically efficient finite-difference technique for the solution of a fractional extension of the Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time is designed. The model under investigation is a multidimensional equation with Riesz fractional derivatives of orders in (0,1)U(1,2], which considers a generalized potential and a time-dependent diffusion...

  • DYNWIR S-70 program for modal analysis of multisupported and multimass rotors


    - Diagnostyka - Rok 2013

    The article provides a brief description of the program Dynwir-S-70 (currently being developed in the Rotor Dynamics and Slide Bearings Department in the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk) which is a program for analysis of multi-supported and multi-mass rotors. Used algorithms and the construction of mass and stiffness matrix were presented. Damping matrix structure based on Rayleigh damping...

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  • Model of management of knowledge bases in the information technology evaluation environment


    - Rok 2008

    The paper presents the model of management of knowledge bases in multi-agent system for evaluation of information technologies (IT_MAS). Such system is being developed in Gdansk Uni-versity of Technology by Information Technology Management Team. Multi-agent system is supposed to support manager level specialists during decision processes when there is identified need to buy or change any information technology. The main goal of...

  • Exploiting audio-visual correlation by means of gaze tracking

    This paper presents a novel means for increasing audio-visual correlation analysis reliability. This is done based on gaze tracking technology engineered at the Multimedia Systems Department of the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. In the paper, the past history and current research in the area of audio-visual perception analysis are shortly reviewed. Then the methodology employing gaze tracking is presented along with the...

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  • Comparative Greenness Evaluation

    Greenness of analytical procedure is multivariable aspect as many greenness criteria should be taken into consideration. On the other hand, modern analytical chemistry offers dozens of analytical procedures, based on different sample preparation and final determination techniques that are used for the determination of a given analyte in a given matrix. For such complex decision-making processes, multi-criteria decision analysis...

  • Some Aspects of Designing Nozzle Segments of Axial Microturbines,

    In the paper a multi-stage micro-turbine with partial admission of all the stages is described in detail and the results of the numerical calculations and experimental investigations are presented, followed by an appropriate discussion and conclusions.

  • Factors influencing decisions to retire – case study of Poland

    The main objective of the article is to present the factors influencing the decisions of the Poles from the older age groups to withdraw from the labour market by retirement, or on the contrary – to remain economically active, also upon reaching the formal retirement age.

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  • Identifying Selected Tram Transport Risks

    In the area of transport infrastructure risks, infrastructure is inspected for safety. It is an element of transport safety management based on risk management and forms part of preventative activities and measures. As regards tram infrastructure which is a component of urban transport infrastructure, there are potential collisions with cars, cyclists and pedestrians. Data from Gdansk Buses and Trams...

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  • Dynamical objectivity in quantum Brownian motion


    Classical objectivity as a property of quantum states —a view proposed to explain the observer-independent character of our world from quantum theory, is an important step in bridging the quantum-classical gap. It was recently derived in terms of spectrum broadcast structures for small objects embedded in noisy photon-like environments. However, two fundamental problems have arisen: a description of objective motion and applicability...

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  • Localization Factors for Outsourcing and Offshoring Projects in the V4 Countries. An Attempt of Initial Investigation


    Main objective of this paper is to present the conditions for the investors in the context of outsourcing or offshoring provided by V4 countries in order to present similarities and opposites between analyzed countries and to identify good and bad sides of investing in particular Visegrad group country.

  • Paweł Rościszewski dr inż.


    Paweł Rościszewski received his PhD in Computer Science at Gdańsk University of Technology in 2018 based on PhD thesis entitled: "Optimization of hybrid parallel application execution in heterogeneous high performance computing systems considering execution time and power consumption". Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland....

  • Data obtained by computation for X-ray focusing using oriented Gaussian beams

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of several X-ray refractive lenses is considered. Gaussian beams are exact solutions of the paraxial equation. The Helmholtz equation describes the propagation of a monochromatic electromagnetic wave. Since the widths of the beams are much larger than the wavelength of X-rays, Gaussian...