


  • Estimation of Conservative Contaminant Travel Time through Vadose Zone Based on Transient and Steady Flow Approaches

    Estimation of contaminant travel time through the vadose zone is needed for assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution, planning monitoring and remediation activities or predicting the effect of land use change or climate change on groundwater quality. The travel time can be obtained from numerical simulations of transient flow and transport in the unsaturated soil profile, which typically require a large amount of data and...

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  • Contemporary and Conventional Passive Methods of Intensifying Convective Heat Transfer—A Review


    The ever-increasing demand for effective heat dissipation and temperature control in industrial and everyday applications highlights a critical research problem. The need for development is not only in terms of providing thermal comfort to humans but also forms the basis for the efficient operation of machines and equipment. Cooling of industrial machinery and household electronic equipment is a crucial element in any manufacturing...

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  • Monitoring of Ship Operations in Seaport Areas in the Sustainable Development of Ocean–Land Connections


    - Sustainability - Rok 2024

    The paper is devoted to underlining the important role of monitoring systems in the sustainable development of seaport areas—sensitive ocean–land connections exposed to the harmful effects of multimodal transport. The study concerns the existing monitoring possibilities of the environmental factors and ship traffic near port infrastructure. The main aim of the study is presenting the example of solutions, supporting the sustainable...

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  • Trust and Distrust in e-Democracy


    - Rok 2022

    In the digital government research literature, the concept of trust is typically used as a precondition for the adoption of digital technology in the public sector or an outcome of a roadmap leading up to such adoption. The concept plays a central role in many decisions linked to the planning, adoption and management of the public sector technology. In contrast, the concept of distrust is almost neglected in such literature but,...

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  • Place attachment, place identity, and satisfaction with urban aesthetic.

    The data include individual responses on the following  scales (1) place attachment, (2) place identity, and (3) satisfaction with an urban aesthetic. Each line represents responses obtained from one participant and his or her demographic characteristics. like gender, age, and education level. 

  • City walk: a didactic innovative experiment in architectural education

    Walking is an activity that involves studying physical space and requires careful observation to be immersed in the surrounding reality. City walks are popular ways of encountering an urban space, spatial relation, its history, and recognising the problems and needs of space users, as well as future development of the city. City walks also may be educationally p owerful: the exploration of certain...

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    - Rok 2014

    This paper discusses the design of sensory gardens, created especially to provide for the needs of sight impaired children and youth. These gardens should be inclusively available to general public. A sensory garden may have both therapeutic and educational effects. The research findings concerning therapeutic effects of contact with nature on children and youth are reviewed. The design problems related to providing a space for...

  • Knowledge-Grid Modelling for Academic Purposes


    - Rok 2016

    Nowadays, we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. A multidimensional perspective in describing a university ontology seems to be very important for the modelling of higher education resources. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We propose our model as the foundation of an advanced knowledge...

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  • Colossus from Algebron – Gamification as a Tool to Engage Students in Learning Mathematics

    Gamification is a tool that allows for high engagement in performing tasks that have been previously considered difficult or uninteresting. It works exceptionally well in education as it supports students in developing habits of learning and provides them with a visual representation of their progress in acquiring knowledge and skills. Skillful design of gamified academic courses enables the achievement of educational goals set...

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  • Systematics of intelligent transport systems services

    Recent years have seen a more intensified deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Polish cities. Work is also underway on the implementation of ITS on the national roads within the National Traffic Management System (KSZR). The research project RID-4D (part of Road Innovations), is designed to fill the gap, which is the lack of systematics of ITS services in Poland. The paper presents a proposal of ITS services systematics,...

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  • Aleksander Mroziński dr inż.

    Aleksander Mroziński jest doktorantem na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od czerwca 2019r. został zatrudniony na stanowisku redaktora metadanych w projekcie MOST DANYCH. Ponadto jest uczestnikiem trzech innych projektów realizowanych na Politechnice Gdańskiej: InterPhD II, OPUS 13 oraz PROM. Chęć poznawania świata sprawia, że stara się zdobywać multidyscyplinarną wiedzę oraz umiejętności...

  • Potrzeba wykorzystania narzędzi Enterprise Project Management w przedsiębiorstwie między narodowym - studium przypadku


    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące projektu wdrożenia narzędzia informatycznego, które usprawni proces planowanie pracy i zarządzanie zasobami w filiach zagranicznych, mającego znamiona systemu Enterprise Project Management - do wspomagania zarządzania projektami. Omówiono zalety oraz wady tego typu rozwiązań w stosunku do tradycyjnych sposobów zarządzania. Wskazano szanse i zagrożenia dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstw wynikające...

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  • Trust and Distrust in e-Democracy


    - Rok 2022

    In the digital government research literature, the concept of trust is typically used as a precondition for the adoption of digital technology in the public sector or an outcome of a roadmap leading up to such adoption. The concept plays a central role in many decisions linked to the planning, adoption and management of the public sector technology. In contrast, the concept of...

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  • Modernization and adaptation of historical interiors


    Modernization of the historical building's interior entails the need to take many decisions, often conflicting. Operational requirements, protection of the architectural heritage, fire-safety recommendations, construction regulations, all these aspects involve a whole set of problems that require a rational solution, respecting ambient architectural and historical value, as well as the needs arising from the planned transformation....

  • Polish waterfront in the process of transformation: The case of Elbląg port city


    - PORTUSPlus - Rok 2020

    The topic of waterfront transformation is a vast and challenging issue, which in small and medium-sized cities is still unexplored. With growing global interest in the matter of regeneration of city-water relationship and increasing public awareness of the value of waterfront public spaces, actions to transform abandoned waterfront areas have been undertaken in many Polish port cities. City of Elbląg, located in northern Poland,...

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  • The Possibilities of Improving the Fatigue Durabilityof the Ship Propeller Shaft by Burnishing Process

    Heavily loaded structural elements operating in a corrosive environment are usuallyquickly destroyed. An example of such an element is a ship propeller operating in a seawaterenvironment. This research presents a fatigue resistance test performed on elements operating inseawater. Different processing parameters applied on the samples in particular were compared withthe specimens whose surface had been burnished differently and...

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  • Polynomial Chaos Expansion in Bio- and Structural Mechanics


    - Rok 2018

    This thesis presents a probabilistic approach to modelling the mechanics of materials and structures where the modelled performance is influenced by uncertainty in the input parameters. The work is interdisciplinary and the methods described are applied to medical and civil engineering problems. The motivation for this work was the necessity of mechanics-based approaches in the modelling and simulation of implants used in the repair...

  • Blockchain based Secure Data Exchange between Cloud Networks and Smart Hand-held Devices for use in Smart Cities


    - Rok 2022

    In relation to smart city planning and management, processing huge amounts of generated data and execution of non-lightweight cryptographic algorithms on resource constraint devices at disposal, is the primary focus of researchers today. To enable secure exchange of data between cloud networks and mobile devices, in particular smart hand held devices, this paper presents Blockchain based approach that disperses a public/free key...

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  • Polynomial Chaos Expansion in Bio-and Structural Mechanics


    - Rok 2022

    This monograph presents a probabilistic approach to modelling the mechanics of materials and structures where the modelled performance is influenced by uncertainty in the input parameters. The work is interdisciplinary and the methods described are applied to medical and civil engineering problems. The motivation for this work was the necessity of mechanics-based approaches in the modelling and simulation of implants used in the...

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  • Permeability of the small intestinal mucus for physiologically relevant studies: Impact of mucus location and ex vivo treatment


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2019

    The small intestinal mucus is a complex colloidal system that coats the intestinal mucosa. It allows passage on nutrients/pharmaceuticals from the gut lumen towards the epithelium, whilst preventing it from direct contact with luminal microorganisms. Mucus collected from intestinal tissue is often used in studies looking at inter-mucosal transport of food particulates, drug carriers, etc. However, detaching the highly hydrated...

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  • An optimized system for sensor ontology meta-matching using swarm intelligent algorithm


    - Internet Technology Letters - Rok 2024

    It is beneficial to annotate sensor data with distinct sensor ontologies in order to facilitate interoperability among different sensor systems. However, for this interoperability to be possible, comparable sensor ontologies are required since it is essential to make meaningful links between relevant sensor data. Swarm Intelligent Algorithms (SIAs), namely the Beetle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm (BSO), present a possible answer...

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  • Błażej Kochański dr

    Błażej Kochański jest adiunktem w Katedrze Statystyki i Ekonometrii na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, ekspertem ds. ryzyka bankowego. Pracował dla banków w Polsce i Europie jako specjalista ds. ryzyka, kierownik ds. planowania i analiz, członek zarządu ds. ryzyka, członek rady nadzorczej i konsultant ds. zarządzania. Zbudował liczne modele predykcyjne wspomagające zarządzanie ryzykiem, z sukcesem zarządzał...

  • Systems of Public Higher Education in Poland and Germany. Evidence from Institution Level Data


    The chapter presents a comparative analysis of public higher education systems (HES) in Germany and Poland. Instead of limiting our study to macro indicators such as gross expenditure on higher education or R&D as per cent of GDP, we draw on the evidence based on micro data especially collected for this study and concerning individual higher education institutions (HEIs). Comparative analysis is based on a sample of 71 public...

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  • The Efficiency of Public and Private Higher Education Institutions in Poland


    Changes introduced to Poland’s education system in 2011 and 2014 amid efforts to adjust it to the needs of the labour market had an effect on the country’s institutions of higher learning. This paper provides an analysis of the efficiency of public and private Polish universities and examines the impact of selected factors in the years that followed. To estimate this efficiency, a Banker, Charnes and Cooper (BCC) model of the...

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  • Struktury sieci transportu zbiorowego w miastach


    - Rok 2013

    Potrzeby przewozowe mieszkańców miast powinny być zaspokajane poprzez dopasowaną i sprawnie funkcjonującą sieć transportu zbiorowego. Planując sieć i decydując się jednocześnie na jej sposób funkcjonowania istotnym jest uwzględnienie podstawowych postulatów przewozowych mieszkańców. Ostateczny kształt tej sieci wynika jednak z dodatkowych czynników zarówno infrastrukturalnych, ekonomicznych, jak i wielu innych. Celem niniejszego...

  • EUROENVIRON WEBAIR Zarządzanie jakością powietrza w aglomeracjach z wykorzystaniem serwera www


    Kierownik projektu: prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Namieśnik   Program finansujący: EUREKA

    Projekt realizowany w Wydział Chemiczny zgodnie z porozumieniem E! 3266/42/NCBiR/12/16/NCBiR/10 z dnia 2012-04-23

  • Shaping New Generations of Managers and Consumers: CSR Implementation and Higher Education System in Poland


    - Rok 2016

    Considering the Corporate Social Responsibility as a significant research and education topic for university staff, students, graduates and the whole society, has become a sign of our times. Universities and other education institutions, including the third sector, play an important role, incorporating CSR as a crosscutting issue, in particular into the curricula of future managers and graduate students, no matter the country we...

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  • Efficiency of the Education System (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) in Particular Voivodeships of Poland


    - Ekonomika Regiona-Economy of Region - Rok 2022

    The reform of the Polish education system (both lower and higher education) that was carried out in recent years has shown the need to improve the efficiency of schools. Therefore, it is reasonable to analyse and evaluate the efficiency of educational centres...

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  • Jan Amos Jelinek dr hab., prof. APS


    Dr hab. Jan Amos Jelinek, prof. APS. pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny w Instytucie Wspomagania Rozwoju Człowieka i Edukacji na Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej w Warszawie. Zajmuje się badaniem rozwoju poznawczego dzieci oraz skuteczności organizowanych sytuacji edukacyjnych w zakresie edukacji technicznej, edukacji przyrodniczej (przeważnie przyrody nieożywionej) oraz edukacji matematycznej. Realizuje badania nad rozpoznawaniem i śledzeniem...

  • Functional Components Enhancing Clients Attractiveness and Commercial Profitability of Internet Tourist-oriented Commercial Websites


    - Rok 2012

    Tourism constitutes an important branch of economy in Mediterranean countries. Great number of people spend or are planning to spend their free time in the Mediterranean area. Extensive rentals of private apartments or houses for individual persons and their families as well as all kinds of services provided for tourists, in result, generate substantial economical incomes. Variety and diversity of offers of private accommodations...

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  • Functioning and legal regulations of perpetual usufruct right in Poland in relation to similar rights in other countries of the European Union


    - Rok 2015

    1 May 2004, Poland became part of the European Union, which main aim is the political, economic and social integration of democratic European countries as well as the construction of a common market ensuring of persons, goods, services and capital move freely. The Accession Treaty provides some transitional periods for the adjustment of the right of Member States to the EU regulations. Next year, 12 years after joining the EU,...

  • Application of multi-criteria methods to compare different solutions of supplying buildings in electricity from photovoltaic systems


    - Rok 2016

    Nowadays, the technologies of electricity generation in distributed systems are usually associated with Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The choice of the construction site depends mainly on the availability of the power system. However, energy planning, especially in case of RES, is a complex process involving multiple and often conflicting objectives. The complexity of the selection of the electricity system is typically addressed...

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    - Rok 2017

    3D visualization is a key element of research and analysis and as the source used by experts in various fields e.g.: experts from water and sewage systems. The aim of this study was to visualize in three-dimensional space model of water supply network with relief. The path of technological development of GESUT data (Geodezyjna Ewidencja Sieci Uzbrojenia Terenu – geodetic records of public utilities) for water supply and measurement...

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  • The need for linear revitalization. Gdynia case

    The aim of the article is to discuss the need of defining and implementation of the linear revitalization - the new approach related to the revitalization processes. The results of the preliminary investigations indicate that this kind of revitalization seems to be an important tool supporting city management and planning, especially in cases of cities fragmentation - causing lack of physical, social, economic and ecological cohesion....

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  • Siedmiokryterialny miernik oceny niepotokowych procesów produkcyjnych

    Growing expectations of clients, who demand products adapted to their individual needs is inducing the development of batch processes. The author developed a model of batch processes rating based on the following criterions: • Economical criterion applies to evaluation of the productions’ cost levels connected with the process subjected to analysis and necessary investment funds. • Ecological criterion is about means of natural...

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  • The smartest location for an eco-district– investigation of urban spatial energy efficiency


    ncreasing awareness concerning environmental aspects of spatial and architectural planning led to more deliberated projects of eco-districts. Located all over the world and constantly being improved, apart from excellent energetical parameters, most of them have one specific characteristic in common, which is location in the outskirts. The aim of this article was to understand the importance of ecological district location depending...

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  • Computational Methods for Liver Vessel Segmentation in Medical Imaging: A Review


    The segmentation of liver blood vessels is of major importance as it is essential for formulating diagnoses, planning and delivering treatments, as well as evaluating the results of clinical procedures. Different imaging techniques are available for application in clinical practice, so the segmentation methods should take into account the characteristics of the imaging technique. Based on the literature, this review paper presents...

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  • Evaluating the convenience and safety effects of bicycle lanes in Gdańsk

    Bicycle lanes are lanes marked on a road and dedicated for exclusive use for cyclists.. Because they combine bike and motor traffic they provide directness and flow. However, a shared use of streets could result in bicycle-car accidents. Following up on the good practice Western countries have in planning cycle infrastructure, Gdańsk has recently introduced bike lanes on a few streets. The aim of the research was to assess the...

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    Weather data is nowadays used in a variety of navigational and ocean engineering research problems: from the obvious ones like voyage planning and routing of sea-going vessels, through the analysis of stability-related phenomena, to detailed modelling of ships’ manoeuvrability for collision avoidance purposes. Apart from that, weather forecasts are essential for passenger cruises and fishing vessels that want to avoid the risk...

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  • Review of methods for assessing traffic conditions on basic motorway and expressway sections


    - Archives of Transport - Rok 2019

    Motorways and expressways are the core of each country’s road system. Road planning, design and management requires tools to ensure that roads have the right geometry, traffic layout and equipment. These include methods for capacity estimation and assessing traffic conditions. Because the paper focusses on the basic segments of motorways and expressways (sections located between interchanges and outside of their influence), its...

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  • Soft Tissue Retraction Maneuver in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Prior to Crown-Lengthening Procedure—A Technical Note

    • P. Adamska
    • M. Stasiak
    • W. Dąbrowski
    • D. Pylińska-Dąbrowska
    • Ł. Adamski
    • A. Zedler
    • E. Kozłowska
    • M. Studniarek

    - Journal of Clinical Medicine - Rok 2024

    Background: An accurate determination of the biological width and the relationship of the cemento-enamel junction with the border of the alveolar bone is crucial during a clinical crown-lengthening (CCL) procedure. The aim of this study was to present a technical note about the retraction techniques in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) prior to CCL, highlighting the significant enhancement in procedural accuracy and predictability...

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  • In vitro enzyme kinetics and NMR-based product elucidation for glutathione S-conjugation of the anticancer unsymmetrical bisacridine C-2028 in liver microsomes and cytosol: major role of glutathione S-transferase M1-1 isoenzyme


    This work is the next step in studying the interplay between C-2028 (anticancer-active unsymmetrical bisacridine developed in our group) and the glutathione S-transferase/glutathione (GST/GSH) system. Here, we analyzed the concentration- and pH-dependent GSH conjugation of C-2028 in rat liver microsomes and cytosol. We also applied three recombinant human GST isoenzymes, which altered expression was found in various tumors. The...

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  • Wybrane elementy logistycznej obsługi klienta


    Marketing relacji zakłada wynegocjowaną obietnicę obsługi, która na rynku transportu miej-skiego oznacza pewność zrealizowania usługi przewozowej dla określonego pasażera, w danej relacji, danym środkiem transportu, po określonej cenie, w oczekiwanych warunkach przewozu i w założonym przez organizatora transportu zbiorowego czasie. Uniwersalność zasad obsługi klienta powoduje, że Zarząd Komunikacji Miejskiej w Gdyni od początku...

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  • Modelowanie systemów energetycznych wytwarzania energii elektrycznej i ciepła do celów planowania rozwoju - wybrane zagadnienia


    - Rok 2023

    Systemy energetyczne wymagają przemian technologicznych w kierunku neutralności klimatycznej. W Polsce, w której systemie elektroenergetycznym i systemach ciepłowniczych dominują przestarzałe elektrownie i ciepłownie węglowe, dążenie do minimalizacji wpływu na środowisko wiąże się z wysokimi kosztami. Dlatego należy szukać optymalnych ścieżek roz-woju energetyki, aby osiągnąć ambitne długoterminowe cele strategiczne, przy minimalizacji...

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  • Chat GPT Wrote It: What HCI Educators Can Learn from their Students?


    - Rok 2024

    Recently students, teachers, and researchers equally have become impressed by Generative AI (GenAI) tools, with ChatGPT at the top. However, numerous concerns about the GenAI-related threats to academic integrity and the validity of learning outcomes are emerging. This problem is also vivid in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) education since students can use GenAI tools to rapidly generate ideas, user interface templates, screen...

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  • Przegląd metod oceny struktur przestrzennych w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju


    - Rok 2003

    the article "the assessment methods' review of urban structures in the sustainable development context" presents various methods along with tools and ways how to apply them. mainly it is based on methods' descriptions contained in bequest programme (building environmental quality evaluation sustainability through time). the assessment should improve formation of the built environment and practical realization of the idea of sustainable...

  • From creative writing, virtual environments to nature-based solutions: linking research and education to facilitate transition from sustainable to regenerative cities


    - Global Journal of Engineering Education - Rok 2024

    Challenges related to the climate crisis and its consequences, such as rising sea levels, urban heat islands or floods, engender pressure on architectural education. Sustainable design often inclines to regenerative one - an emerging trend focused on the restorative power of architecture. The question appears upon the tools and methods that would facilitate both students and academics to address new challenges. This article offers...

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  • E-textbook technologies for academics in medical education


    - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric - Rok 2018

    Public universities in Poland receive fairly limited financial support for creating e-textbooks and lack the appropriate ICT competences among teaching staff, especially in the case of non-technical universities. The authors propose a pedagogical and technological paradigm for e-textbooks in medical education using open source software with minimal IT skills required. Technologies used to develop e-textbooks are connected with:...

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  • Przejazdy kolejowe na modernizowanych i rewitalizowanych liniach kolejowych - przepisy a rzeczywistość


    Przy modernizacji i rewitalizacji dróg szynowych jednym z elementów infrastruktury, wymagającym szczególnej uwagi już na etapie planowania inwestycji, są przejazdy i przejścia w poziomie szyn. Obowiązujące przepisy krajowe pochodzą z lat 90. ubiegłego wieku i w wielu aspektach nie uwzględniają specyfiki najczęściej obecnie występujących na liniach kolejowych inwestycji modernizacyjnych i rewitalizacyjnych. W przypadku linii należących...

  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in hospitality and tourism

    • J. Murphy
    • N. Kalbaska
    • L. Cantoni
    • L. Horton-Tognazzini
    • P. Ryan
    • A. Williams

    - Rok 2018

    The tourism industry, interesting and challenging, faces structural human resource problems such as skills shortages and staff turnover, seasonality and a high percentage of small to medium enterprises whose employees have limited time for training or education. Large tourism enterprises often span countries and continents, such as hotel chains, airlines, cruise companies and car rentals, where the employees need similar training...

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