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wybranych: 1989

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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LUTOWANIE TWARDE

  • Towards automatic classification of Wikipedia content

    Artykuł opisuje podejście do automatycznej klasyfikacji artykułów w Wikipedii. Przeanalizowane zostały reprezentacje tekstu bazujące na treści dokumentu i wzajemnych powiązaniach. Przedstawiono rezultaty zastosowania klasyfikatora SVM.

  • Towards context-semantic knowledge bases


    W artykule dyskutujemy zagadnienie projektowania kontekstowych baz wiedzy. W oparciu o tezę, że kontekstualizacja jest integralną części procesu konceptualizacji, przeprowadzamy rozszerzenie wybranych pojęć metody OntoClean tak, by choć częściowo uwzględniała ten fakt. Wprowadzamy także definicję ważnego pojęcia semantycznej kontekstowej bazy wiedzy i pokazujemy, że bazy zgodne z modelem SIM spełniają tę definicję.

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  • Otwarte innowacje w inicjatywach klastrowych



    Specyfika funkcjonowania inicjatyw klastrowych czyni z nich idealne podłoże do wcielania w życie idei open innovation – ułatwiają bowiem nawiązywanie kontaktów z innymi podmiotami, stawiają na otwartość swoich członków i budowę relacji opartych na zaufaniu, stanowią platformę wymiany zasobów (w tym przede wszystkim informacji i wiedzy) oraz wspólnego kreowania rozwiązań innowacyjnych. W artykule podjęto rozważania teoretyczne dotyczące...

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  • Towards Cognitive and Perceptive Video Systems

    • T. Akgun
    • C. Attwood
    • A. Cavallaro
    • C. Fabre
    • F. Poiesi
    • P. Szczuko

    - Rok 2014

    In this chapter we cover research and development issues related to smart cameras. We discuss challenges, new technologies and algorithms, applications and the evaluation of today’s technologies. We will cover problems related to software, hardware, communication, embedded and distributed systems, multi-modal sensors, privacy and security. We also discuss future trends and market expectations from the customer’s point of view.

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  • Towards a precise model of DSM economics


    - Rok 2009

    Rozdział podejmuje zagadnienia związane z opłacalnością zastosowania metod dziedzinowych (ang. Domain-Specific Modeling). Omówiono cechy charakterystyczne metod dziedzinowych i powiązanej z nimi technologii. Przedstawiono model kosztów pokrywający koszty początkowe, koszty utrzymania oraz koszty i zyski powiązane z fazą wytwarzania z zastosowaniem automatyzacji. Zaprezentowano model referencyjny kosztów przy tradycyjnym wytwarzaniu...

  • Awarie mostu Cłowego w Szczecinie

    W artykule przedstawiono historię budowy i eksploatacji mostu Cłowego w Szczecinie. W ciągu 56 lat eksploatacji obiektu wykonano wiele ekspertyz, napraw i remontów. Ostatecznie most został zamknięty z powodu awarii stalowych kabli sprężenia zewnętrznego. Przedstawiono główne przyczyny degradacji obiektu i awarii. Opisano również obliczenia statyczne i wytrzymałościowe wykonane do koncepcji rozbiórki przęseł mostu.

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  • New Materiality-towards ‘Media Environments

    Article presents media solutions providing new materiality of architectural spaces. Media solutions in architecture evolve in new forms. Articlepresentsboth the developmentof new technological solutionsas well as new ways of application of media solutions in relation toarchitectural form. The aim of the article is to show technical aspects of new materiality - intelligent materials, allowing transmission of changeable visual content...

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    - Rok 2018

    Constantly changing environment pressures every living for a change, and response becomes a basic reaction of any living form. Change is a natural reaction that enables survivor of all the species. However, in architecture, the responsive structure did not take important role until the twentieth century. During that time many concepts and building introduced kinematics into the discipline. In the late 50 and 60 of XX century, visionary...

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  • Toward Human Chromosome Knowledge Engine



    Human chromosomes carry genetic information about our life. Chromosome classification is crucial for karyotype analysis. Existing chromosome classification methods do not take into account reasoning, such as: analyzing the relationship between variables, modeling uncertainty, and performing causal reasoning. In this paper, we introduce a knowledge engine for reasoning-based human chromosome classification that stores knowledge...

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  • Odporność na awarie sieci bezskalowych.


    - Rok 2004

    W referacie dokonano porównania odporności na awarie sieci losowych oraz bezskalowych. Zaprezentowano dwa modele awarii: awarie pewnej liczby węzłów wybranych losowo bądź rozmyślnie. Skomentowano rozbieżność w odporności na awarie sieci losowych oraz bezskalowych. Badania przeprowadzono dla dwóch różnych kryteriów funkcjonalności sieci. Zaprezentowano kryterium sprawności pozwalające porównywać sieci o różnych własnościach.

  • Approaches Towards Better Immunosuppressive Agents


    Several classes of compounds are applied in clinics due to their immunosuppressive properties in transplantology and the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Derivatives of mycophe-nolic acid, corticosteroids and chemotherapeutics bearing heterocyclic moieties like methotrexate, azathioprine, mizoribine, and ruxolitinib are active substances with investigated mechanisms of action. However, improved synthetic approaches of known drugs...

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  • Towards Robust Identification of Nonstationary Systems


    The article proposes a fast, two-stage method for the identification of nonstationary systems. The method uses iterative reweighting to robustify the identification process against the outliers in the measurement noise and against the numerical errors that may occur at the first stage of identification. We also propose an adaptive algorithm to optimize the values of the hyperparameters that are crucial for this new method.

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  • Towards Use of OntoClean for Ontology Contextualization


    Ontologies are formal systems of concepts used to describe numerous domains of interest. Ontologies are usually very expressive, but it comes at a price of computationally expensive reasoning over them. In our previous work we discussed the possible performance benefits that can be obtained by decomposing an ontology into contexts. While the benefits are appealing, we discovered that, in our case, the main obstacle against using...

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  • Towards Scalable Simulation of Federated Learning

    Federated learning (FL) allows to train models on decentralized data while maintaining data privacy, which unlocks the availability of large and diverse datasets for many practical applications. The ongoing development of aggregation algorithms, distribution architectures and software implementations aims for enabling federated setups employing thousands of distributed devices, selected from millions. Since the availability of...

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  • Towards a classification of networks with asymmetric inputs


    - NONLINEARITY - Rok 2021

    Coupled cell systems associated with a coupled cell network are determined by (smooth) vector fields that are consistent with the network structure. Here, we follow the formalisms of Stewart et al (2003 SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 2, 609–646), Golubitsky et al (2005 SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 4, 78–100) and Field (2004 Dyn. Syst. 19, 217–243). It is known that two non-isomorphic n-cell coupled networks can determine the same sets of...

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  • Towards Extending Wikipedia with Bidirectional Links

    In this paper, we present the results of our WikiLinks project which aims at extending current Wikipedia linkage mechanisms. Wikipedia has become recently one of the most important information sources on the Internet, which still is based on relatively simple linkage facilities. A WikiLinks system extends the Wikipedia with bidirectional links between fragments of articles. However, there were several attempts to introduce bidirectional...

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  • Towards a Smart Sustainable City Roadmap

    • G. V. Pereira
    • E. Estevez
    • R. Krimmer
    • M. Janssen
    • T. Janowski

    - Rok 2019

    This workshop of the CAP4CITY (Erasmus+ Strengthening Governance Capacity for Smart Sustainable Cities) project is to promote and stimulate the discussion and networking in the area of Digital Government. Smart Sustainable Cities and related concepts of Digital, Intelligent and Smart Cities represent a progression of how cities around the world apply digital technology to serve their populations, pursue sustainable socio-economic...

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  • Towards semantic-rich word embeddings


    - Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems - Rok 2019

    In recent years, word embeddings have been shown to improve the performance in NLP tasks such as syntactic parsing or sentiment analysis. While useful, they are problematic in representing ambiguous words with multiple meanings, since they keep a single representation for each word in the vocabulary. Constructing separate embeddings for meanings of ambiguous words could be useful for solving the Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)...

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  • Wpływ parametrów obróbkowych na jakość powierzchni po toczeniu na twardo


    W referacie przedstawiono wyniki analizy powierzchni po toczeniu na twardo, jako alternatywnej dla szlifowania. Przedstawiono wyniki z badań wpływu parametrów obróbkowych na dokładność wymiarowo kształtową ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem uzyskiwanej struktury geometrycznej powierzchni w skali mikro. Do analizy powierzchni wykorzystano profilogramy, krzywe udziału nośnego oraz wybrane parametry chropowatości i falistości powierzchni.

  • Logistyka twarda HL jako element przewagi konkurencyjnej w sferze dystrybucji

    Logistyka została zdefiniowana jako dwuskładnikowa: miękka SL (Soft Logist) oraz twarda HL (Hard Logist). Przedstawiono zakres kompetencyjny oraz podano przykłady.

  • Ocena jakości procesu toczenia na twardo jako alternatywy dla procesu szlifowania


    - Rok 2009

    W referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w warunkach przemysłowych. Celem badań było sprawdzenie możliwości zastąpienia szlifowania otworów po hartowaniu, obróbką wykończeniową, jaką jest toczenie materiału w stanie utwardzonym. Oceniono jakość procesu toczenia na twardo, analizując wyniki obróbki pod względem dokładności wymiarowo kształtowej wytwarzanych wyrobów.

  • Knowledge mangement: towards smart it suport system


    W pracy zaprezentowano problematykę wykorzystania wiedzy w projektowaniu systemów inteligentnych. wydaje się, bowiem, że przy realizacji przedsięwzięcia zarządzanie wiedzą w procesach analizy wymagań ma kluczowe znaczenie dla sukcesu przedsięwzięcia. Omówiono metody pozyskiwania i przetwarzania wiedzy na potrzeby semantic web, scharakteryzowano to podejście, a także wykazano jego przydatność dla systemów informatycznych wspomagających...

  • Students' attitudes towards teamwork and their group effectiveness


    - e-mentor - Rok 2014

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  • Towards eddy-resolving models of the Arctic Ocean


    - Rok 2008

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  • Psychometric Evaluation of the Gratitude Toward the Organization Scale


    - Central European Management Journal - Rok 2020

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  • Towards the value-based design of on-line services


    The paper identifies economic factors shaping customer bahaviour in on-line services in two interrelated dimensions; (1) economic needs and requirements, relevant to expected benefits and values perceived by customers; (2) technical components, allowing technical realization of on-line services. Technical components were cathegorized into four groups, creating so-called VIPR model: Visual, Interactive, Process and Relationship-relevant...

  • Designing learning-skills towards industry 4.0

    • G. Gaudio
    • C. Refugio
    • I. Jurcic
    • V. Corte
    • D. James
    • M. Said
    • B. Sawicka
    • T. Mohan
    • V. Aravind
    • K. Umachandran
    • P. Amuthalakshmi

    - World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues - Rok 2019

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  • Toward knowledge-grid model for academic purposes


    - Rok 2015

    Nowadays we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. For example, the academic environment is one of such places where teachers share and manage knowledge for groups of students. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge space model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We view our model as a foundation of a knowledge grid platform. Two crucial...

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  • Towards Emotion Acquisition in IT Usability Evaluation Context


    - Rok 2015

    The paper concerns extension of IT usability studies with automatic analysis of the emotional state of a user. Affect recognition methods and emotion representation models are reviewed and evaluated for applicability in usability testing procedures. Accuracy of emotion recognition, susceptibility to disturbances, independence on human will and interference with usability testing procedures are...

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  • Biometryczny pomiar geometrii twarzy metodami fotogrametrycznymi


    Niniejsza praca przedstawia wykorzystanie narzędzi fotogrametrii bliskiego zasięgu w celu pomiarów geometrii twarzy. Podczas zbierania materiału badawczego skupiono się na uzyskaniu jak najlepszej dokładności wyznaczenia współrzędnych (w tym celu przede wszystkim wykorzystano aparaty o wysokiej rozdzielczości, zsynchronizowane dwa aparaty umożliwiły niwelację ruchu twarzy, zadbano również o uzyskanie jak najlepszego oświetlenia...

  • Towards Effective Processing of Large Text Collections


    In the article we describe the approach to parallelimplementation of elementary operations for textual data categorization.In the experiments we evaluate parallel computations ofsimilarity matrices and k-means algorithm. The test datasets havebeen prepared as graphs created from Wikipedia articles relatedwith links. When we create the clustering data packages, wecompute pairs of eigenvectors and eigenvalues for visualizationsof...

  • Towards Increasing Density of Relations in Category Graphs


    In the chapter we propose methods for identifying new associations between Wikipedia categories. The first method is based on Bag-of-Words (BOW) representation of Wikipedia articles. Using similarity of the articles belonging to different categories allows to calculate the information about categories similarity. The second method is based on average scores given to categories while categorizing documents by our dedicated score-based...

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  • Contemporary Spaces of Memory - Towards Transdisciplinarity in Architecture

    The paper explores new phenomena in the contemporary practice of commemoration implemented through architecture. Architectural objects related to memory can be a place where new trends and phenomena appear earlier than in other architectural objects. The text is an attempt to prove that these new spaces of memory are a kind of laboratory where new ideas taking place in architecture and related disciplines are being tested. Research...

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  • Towards Synthetic and Balanced Digital Government Benchmarking


    Reliable benchmarking is essential for effective management of the government digitalization efforts. Existing benchmarking instruments generally fail to support this target. One problem is the diversity of instruments, resulting in a split image of digital progress and adding ambiguity to policy decisions. Another problem is disconnect in assessing progress between digital and traditional “analog” governance, lending support to...

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  • Reactivity of diacyloxyiodobenzenes toward trivalent phosphorus nucleophiles


    Badano reaktywność diacyloksyjodobenzenów w stosunku do nukleofilowych odczynników trójwiązalnego fosforu takich jak: fosforyny dialkilu, tlenki drugorzędowych fosfin oraz trzeciorzędowych fosfin.

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  • Towards a Universal Model of Engineering Change Management

    The paper deals with the issue of engineering change management (ECM). ECM has received much less attention in the literature than general change management. Moreover, due to their specifics (complexity and multifaceted nature), hitherto developed ECM models are difficult to implement in companies. The paper aims to develop a simplified, universal, and hence easily applicable model of ECM. We based our assumptions on a case study...

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  • Towards an Understanding of the Stability Assessment of Floating Buildings


    - Rok 2022

    One of the most important aspects of the design of floating facilities such as ships, floating offshore structures or floating houses is stability. Its impact on both general safety and operational aspects renders it a fundamental consideration already in preliminary design stages. Usually, the concept of sufficient stability of floating buildings is associated with the ability to keep an allowed heel angle and residual freeboard,...

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  • Towards Open Research Data in the Economics Discipline


    Nowadays, Open Research Data, as one of the three pillars of Open Science (along with Open Access and Open Scholarly Communication), is gaining enormous attention from different academic and commercial environments. A wide range of scientific disciplines represent and produce different types of data and at the same time, gather different issues and problems in terms of sharing and dissemination research output. This chapter aims...

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  • Towards Knowledge Sharing Oriented Adaptive Control



    In this paper, we propose a knowledge sharing oriented approach to enable a robot to reuse other robots' knowledge by adapting itself to the inverse dynamics model of the knowledge-sharing robot. The purpose of this work is to remove the heavy fine-tuning procedure required before using a new robot for a task via reusing other robots' knowledge. We use the Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA) to help robots gain empirical knowledge and...

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  • Toward Robust Pedestrian Detection With Data Augmentation


    In this article, the problem of creating a safe pedestrian detection model that can operate in the real world is tackled. While recent advances have led to significantly improved detection accuracy on various benchmarks, existing deep learning models are vulnerable to invisible to the human eye changes in the input image which raises concerns about its safety. A popular and simple technique for improving robustness is using data...

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  • Towards Improving Optimised Ship Weather Routing


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2020

    The aim of the paper is to outline a project focusing on the development of a new type of ship weather routing solution with improved uncertainty handling, through better estimation of ship performance and responses to sea conditions. Ensemble forecasting is considered to take into account the uncertainty levels that are typical of operations in a stochastic environment. Increased accuracy of weather prediction is achieved through...

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  • Progress towards a unified approach to entanglement distribution


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2015

    Entanglement distribution is key to the success of secure communication schemes based on quantum mechanics, and there is a strong need for an ultimate architecture able to overcome the limitations of recent proposals such as those based on entanglement percolation or quantum repeaters. In this work we provide a broad theoretical background for the development of such technologies. In particular, we investigate the question of whether...

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  • Towards Resource Theory of Coherence in Distributed Scenarios


    - Physical Review X - Rok 2017

    The search for a simple description of fundamental physical processes is an important part of quantum theory. One example for such an abstraction can be found in the distance lab paradigm: if two separated parties are connected via a classical channel, it is notoriously difficult to characterize all possible operations these parties can perform. This class of operations is widely known as local operations and classical communication....

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  • Affect aware video games


    - Rok 2022

    In this chapter a problem of affect aware video games is described, including such issue as: emotional model of the player, design, development and UX testing of affect-aware video games, multimodal emotion recognition and a featured review of affect-aware video games.

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  • Analiza doboru parametrów obróbkowych w toczeniu na twardo w kontekście nagniatania gładkościowego


    Rozpatrywany przypadek dotyczył analizy stanu powierzchni otworów uzyskanych po toczeniu wykończeniowym materiałów w stanie utwardzonym. Ze względu na specyfikę nagniatania i uzyskiwane efekty, duże znaczenia ma pełna ocena struktury geometrycznej powierzchni, która powinna się opierać o większą ilość parametrów chropowatości nie ograniczając się tylko do parametrów Ra i Rz. Ocena powinna być poszerzona o parametry falistości powierzchni...

  • Workers, Firms and Task Heterogeneity in International Trade Analysis: An Example of Wage Effects of Trade Within GVC.

    Objective: The main aim of this article is to present how the heterogeneity of workers, firms, and tasks can be incorporated into empirical international trade analysis. In particular, we provide an empirical example in which we aim to quantify the reliance on foreign value added (FVA) within Global Value Chains (GVC) on wages. Research Design & Methods: We estimate a Mincerian wage model augmented with a measure of foreign value...

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  • Conditions of Iranian international trade in terms of lifting the sanctions: A case study of Polish-Iranian trade perspectives

    The main aim of the paper is to identify the areas and determine the feasibility of trade between Polish and Iranian companies in relation to historical and cultural conditions. The authors describe the complexity of the issue of foreign trade, the determinants of relations between Poland and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Iranian economy – its features, strengths and weaknesses, and consequences of the recent UN, EU, and...

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  • A mechatronic approach towards vibration surveillance of manipulator robots


    W pracy przedstawiono nadzorowanie drgań niestacjonarnego układu nośnego manipulatora IRb-6 z wykorzystaniem sterowania modalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Celem proponowanego algorytmu jest minimalizacja poziomu drgań końcówki manipulatora, co prowadzi do zwiększenia dopuszczalnych obciążeń współczesnych linii zrobotyzowanych oraz do poprawy dokładności i powtarzalności pozycjonowania robota. Rozważania dotyczą zadanej...

  • Students’ Team Project Experiences and Their Attitudes Towards Teamwork


    - Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe - Rok 2017

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  • Contemporary Social Policy Towards Disability and Disabled People


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