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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: morality.

  • Automatic Marking of Allophone Boundaries in Isolated English spoken Words


    The work presents a method that allows delimiting the borders of allophones in isolated English words. The described method is based on the DTW algorithm combining two signals, a reference signal and an analyzed one. As the reference signal, recordings from the MODALITY database were used, from which the words were extracted. This database was also used for tests, which were described. Test results show that the automatic determination...

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  • An observability and detectability analysis for non-linear uncertain CSTR model of biochemical processes

    The problem of proving observability/detectability properties for selected non-linear uncertain model of biochemical processes has been addressed in this paper. In particular, the analysis of observability/detectability in the face of parametric and unstructured uncertainty in system dynamics transformed into unknown inputs, and unknown initial conditions has been performed. Various sets of system measured outputs were taken into...

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  • Fluid–Structure Interaction methods for the progressive anatomical and artificial aortic valve stenosis



    Cardiovascular system diseases, as aortic valve stenosis, are the main cause of mortality and morbidity among patients. There is still a room for enhancement of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, which will lead to improvement of the treatment. One of the remedies are the computer tools to support the medical diagnoses and prostheses design. The development of a procedure for modeling the aortic valves: anatomical tricuspid...

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  • The Role of an Integrated Transport System in the Comprehensive, Polycentric Development of Gdańsk Bay Metropolitan Area

    In this paper the role of an integrated transport system and mobility in the development of Gdańsk Bay Metropolitan Area is discussed, with special emphasis on how it influences the development of comprehensive, polycentric urban structures. The paper consists of an analysis of how the changes, which occurred after the socio-economic transformation shaped the transport system, and as a consequence the spatial structure, of Gdańsk...

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  • LLA : A New Anypath Routing Scheme Providing Long Path Lifetime in VANETs


    Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are a promising solution to improve the road traffic safety, reduce the environmental pollution, or simply provide the on-board infotainment services. However, these actions are often not possible due to high mobility of vehicles causing frequent failures of VANET links. In this paper, we focus on anypath routing to improve the reliability of multihop VANET communications. In particular, the paper...

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  • Study of the Effect of Filling Thermoplastic Medical Polyurethane with PVA, PLA or Diatomite on the Relaxation Times Distributions of 1H NMR



    In this work, to characterize the mobility of diferent sections of the macromole‑ cules of polyurethane (PUR), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and polylactic acid (PLA), as well as the density of crosslinks of the polymer chains when using fllers, we used the distributions of spin–lattice and spin–spin relaxation times for the protons. It is shown that the rigidity of the thermoplastic polymers depends on the sizes of the granules of...

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  • Obsługa przełączeń terminali ruchomych niewspierających mobilności

    Artykuł omawia koncepcję network-based mobility management umożliwiającą obsługę terminali ruchomych niewspierających protokołów mobilności. Praca koncentruje się na protokole Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) który zapewnienia ciągłą osiągalność terminala ruchomego, pomimo zmiany punktu przyłączenia terminala do sieci. W dalszej części artykuł przybliża wysiłki autorów poczynione w celu uruchomienia środowiska do testowania efektywności...

  • Realizacja przełączeń terminali ruchomych przez elementy infrastruktury systemu mobilności


    - Rok 2012

    W artykule przedstawione zostało rozwiązanie pozwalające zrealizować mobilność terminali, które nie posiadają zaimplementowanych zaawansowanych mechanizmów dedykowanych dla tej usługi. Opisano protokół Proxy Mobile IPv6 jako rozwiązanie wpisujące się w model network-based localized mobility management, w której to elementy infrastruktury systemu odpowiadają za zachowanie ciągłości połączenia w trakcie przełączania. Zaprezentowane...

  • A Novel Multicast Architecture of Programmable Networks


    - Rok 2015

    In the paper a multicast architecture for programmable networks based on separation of group management and network control tasks is proposed. Thanks to this separation, services which want to make use of multicast communications no longer have to implement low-level network functionalities and their operation is greatly simplified. Abstracting service’s view of the network into a fully connected cloud enables us to transparently...

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  • System Loss Model for Body-to-Body Networks in Indoor and Outdoor Environments


    - Rok 2023

    A system loss model for body-to-body networks in indoor and outdoor environments is proposed in this paper, based on measurements taken at 2.45 GHz. The influence of the type of environment, antenna visibility and user mobility on model parameters has been investigated. A significant impact of mutual antennas’ placement and their visibility is shown. The proposed model fits well to empirical data, with the average root mean square...

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    - Rok 2016

    Tytuł Krajobrazowy wymiar ruralistyki w pełni oddaje treść pracy. Najogólniej mówiąc, rozprawa relacjonuje poszukiwania sposobów udziału krajobrazu w planowaniu przestrzennym obszarów wiejskich. Książka, wbrew swojemu układowi, nie powstawała według zwyczajowej ścieżki: od tezy, mieszczącej się w dziedzinie architektury i urbanistyki, do argumentów, które wywiedzione z tej dyscypliny, przemówiłyby za nią. Analiza stanu badań wskazywała...

  • Analysis of IPv6 Handovers in IEEE 802.16 environment

    Zaprezentowano pełną analizę wpływu poszczególnych faz procesu przełączania w warstwie drugiej i trzeciej na przerwy w transmisji wynikające ze zmiany stacji bazowej BS przez przemieszczający się węzeł ruchomy MN. Zaproponowano i przebadano symulacyjnie 10 scenariuszy przełączania, w tym 8 różnych algorytmów stanowej autokonfiguracji węzłów MN, wspierających protokół IPv6 w środowiskach sieci WiMAX. W badaniach wskazano na możliwości...

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  • Enhanced energy conversion as a result of fluid-solid interaction in micro- and nanoscale


    It is known that nano- and micromechanics require new approaches to right describing of surface-like phenomena which lead to an enhanced energy conversion. In this work, a general form of surface forces that consist of a contribution from both the friction and mobility components has been extended to collect the effects of bulk and surface motion of a fluid. Quite similar impact can be observed for a solid-fluid mixture, where...

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  • Wireless paging system

    Assistance to patients at hospitals and nursing homesoften encounters problems related to obtaining information onthe current needs of the patient. Traditionally, patient informshospital stuff by wire and wireless paging systems. WirelessPaging Systems allow one to overcome the limitations of theirwire counterparts, which include high installation costs (cabling)and lack of patient mobility. The main difference betweenpresented...

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  • Nonlinear impedance in oxide glasses containing single and mixed alkali ions

    The aim of the present was to find more clues on the nonlinearities in impedance of oxide glasses. The first family of researched glasses has a composition of FeO-P2O5-Na2O. Oxide glasses containing iron and alkali are well known for a very low alkali ion mobility and may be considered purely polaron conducting. These glasses show no detectable nonlinearities in the impedance spectra. The second was a family of ionic conducting...

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  • Multiresidue Methods for Determination of Currently Used Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables Using QuECHERS Technique

    Applied all over the world, pesticides are some of the most common pollutants of the environment because of their stability, mobility, their consequent long-term adverse effects on living organisms in general and human health in particular. For these reasons it is essential to monitor and analyse pesticide residues in the fruits and vegetables. The analysis of food samples for the presence of pesticides causes a lot of difficulties...

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  • Optimizing the computation of a parallel 3D finite difference algorithm for graphics processing units

    • J. Porter-Sobieraj
    • S. Cygert
    • K. Daniel
    • J. Sikorski
    • M. Słodkowski


    This paper explores the possibilities of using a graphics processing unit for complex 3D finite difference computation via MUSTA‐FORCE and WENO algorithms. We propose a novel algorithm based on the new properties of CUDA surface memory optimized for 2D spatial locality and compare it with 3D stencil computations carried out via shared memory, which is currently considered to be the best approach. A case study was performed for...

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  • Risks to Older People in Road Traffic

    he article looks at road traffic risks and main trends from the perspective of older road users (drivers, cyclists, pedestrians). With a longer time to react, poor eyesight and hearing, impaired mobility, ill health and medication, older road users are put at risk. A comprehensive and pro-active strategy is needed to deal with these risk factors and meet the safety and mobility needs...

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  • Honey bees and their products - bioindicators of environmental contamination

    Human activities produce contaminants, the amounts and toxicity of which often exceed the environment’s homeostatic capacity to cleanse itself. Hence, the systematic analysis and monitoring of the environment is increasingly a matter of urgency. Honey bees, thanks to their morphological features, and also bee products are regarded as good indicators of environmental pollution by toxic substances, be these heavy metals, radioactive...

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  • Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of tetrahydroquinolinones and tetrahydroquinolines with anticancer activity

    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Europe and the United States and the second leading cause of cancer related mortality. A therapeutic strategy used for the treatment of CRC involves targeting the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we synthesized a series of novel tetrahydroquinolinones and assessed their ability to inhibit CRC growth and proliferation by evoking...

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  • Pesticide Analysis of Bee and Bee Product Samples

    Bee products possess therapeutic properties and are the source of many essential trace elements,which is why they are regarded as valuable food products. Honey bees may bring to thehive numerous contaminants deposited on the plants they visit, including pesticide withoutxenobiotics. The large-scale application of pesticides in agriculture and horticulture can lead tomass mortality among bees, and the chemicals find their way into...

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  • Active Dynamic Infrared Thermal Imaging in Burn Depth Evaluation

    The aim of this study was to find the relationship between active dynamic thermography (ADT) with cold excitation and burn depth. This new modality of evaluation of burns seems to be an attractive proposal for quantitative classification, allowing proper choice of burn wound treatment: conservative or surgical, especially compared with static thermography. The work was an in vivo experiment on domestic pigs, and a small number...

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  • Usability study of various biometric techniques in bank branches


    The purpose of the presented research was to evaluate the performance of the prepared biometric algorithms and obtain information on the opinions and preferences of their users in bank branches. The study aimed to determine users' attitudes towards particular modalities and preferences on how to use biometrics after the bank customers had practical experience with the operation of the prototype solutions. The research results...

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  • Pesticide analysis of bee and bee product samples


    Bee products possess therapeutic properties and are the source of many essential trace elements,which is why they are regarded as valuable food products. Honey bees may bring to thehive numerous contaminants deposited on the plants they visit, including pesticide withoutxenobiotics. The large-scale application of pesticides in agriculture and horticulture can lead tomass mortality among bees, and the chemicals find their way into...

  • Multiscale model for blood flow after a bileaflet artificial aortic valve implantation



    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality in the world, mainly due to atherosclerosis and its consequences. The article presents the numerical model of the blood flow through artificial aortic valve. The overset mesh approach was applied to simulate the valve leaflets motion and to realize the moving mesh, in the aortic arch and the main branches of cardiovascular system. To capture the cardiac system’s response...

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  • Influence of excitons interaction with charge carriers on photovoltaic parameters in organic solar cells

    We report on theoretical analysis of excitons annihilation on charge carriers in organic solar cells. Numerical calculations based on transient one-dimensional drift-diffusion model have been carried out. An impact of three quantities (an annihilation rate constant, an exciton mobility and a recombination reduction factor) on current density and concentrations of charge carriers and excitons is investigated. Finally, we discuss...

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  • Green aspects of techniques for the determination of currently used pesticides in environmental samples

    Pesticides are among the most dangerous environmental pollutants because of their stability, mobility and long-term effects on living organisms. Their presence in the environment is a particular danger. It is therefore crucial to monitor pesticide residues using all available analytical methods. The analysis of environmental samples for the presence of pesticides is very difficult: the processes involved in sample preparation are...

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  • Depolarisation Model for a BAN Indoor Scenario

    • M. M. Ferreira
    • F. D. Cardoso
    • S. J. Ambroziak
    • M. Särestöniemi
    • K. Turbic
    • L. M. Correia

    - Rok 2023

    In this paper, an analysis of depolarisation in Body Area Networks for Body-to-Infrastructure communications based on a measurement campaign in the 5.8 GHz band in an indoor environment is performed. Measurements were made with an offbody antenna transmitting linearly polarised signals and dualpolarised receiving antennas carried by the user on the body. A Normal Distribution with a mean of 2.0 dB and a standard deviation of 4.3...

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  • Driving forces of informal employment: An empirical study based on Polish enterprise data

    Objective: The article aims to indicate the determinants of informal employment in registered enterprises using company-level evidence from Poland. Research Design & Methods: The survey conducted among Polish small and medium-sized (SME) enterprises in 2018 was used to find the driving forces of informal employment in Poland. The adequate sample comprised 952 representative surveys derived from the computer-assisted telephone...

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  • EMI attenuation in a DC-DC buck converter using GaN HEMT

    A dc-dc buck converter using gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) is experimentally investigated at the discontinuous current mode (DCM) and at the triangular current mode (TCM) operation. The paper objective is to specify the power conversion efficiency and attenuation of common mode (CM) and differential mode (DM) noise voltage, measured at the line impedance stabilization network (LISN) for compared...

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    - Rok 2020

    The aim of this thesis is to solve a disturbing problem, which is illegal sewage discharge, without any previous treatment in a village Kamień, Szemud commune, Poland, by developing a multivariate sewerage system concept. The introduction submits the theory concerning the division of sewer systems as well as the wastewater treatment’s level. Moreover, there is also the problem of rural sanitation presented and main locality –...

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  • Design of Resilient Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Systems


    - Rok 2020

    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have recently gained noticeable attention due to advantages in improving road traffic safety, shaping the road traffic and providing infotainment opportunities to travellers. However, transmission characteristics following from the IEEE 802.11p standard and the high mobility of VANET nodes remarkably reduce the lifetime, reach and capacity of wireless links, and often lead to simultaneous disruptions...

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  • Providing Differentiated Levels of Service Availability in VANET Communications


    Inter-vehicle communications seems to be a promising remedy not only for a number of road-safety issues, but also to improve the efficiency of road traffic, as well as to support the on-board infotainment applications. However, it often encounters disruptions due to high mobility of vehicles causing frequent failures of communication links. In this paper, we utilize the idea of multipath vehicle-to-vehicle routing to provide protection...

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  • Simple and low-cost wireless voting system

    This paper presents the concept of a simple and low-cost wireless voting system working in the 868 MHz frequency band. The described system is dedicated to general shareholders assemblies but it can be easily adapted for other applications. The main advantage is its simplicity and mobility as it consists solely of three components - voting modules, a base station and a PC application from which the whole system is mamaged. This...

  • Source-related Wavefields in Fluids and Dielectrics: A new way of Thinking about Medium Dynamics


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2013

    Acoustic and electromagnetic wave phenomena may seem to have a proper formal representation in field theory dating from the 19th century, founded on the mathematics of complex functions. This paper shows, however, that when replacing the classical spectrum-domain approach related to the assumption of harmonic timeform of signals, with a time-domain approach imposingnorestrictionastotheclassoftimeevolutionofsourceandfieldsignals,...

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  • Simple and low-cost wireless voting system


    This paper presents the concept of a simple and low-cost wireless voting system working on the 868 MHz frequency band. Described system is dedicated to general shareholders assemblies but it can be easily adapted for other applications. The main advantage is its simplicity and mobility as it consists solely of three components - voting modules, base station and a PC application from which the whole system is managed. This architecture...

  • Spillover Effect Occurrence in Tricity

    • H. Anacka
    • X. Pérez-Sindín
    • H. Fanha Martins

    - American Journal of Ancient History - Rok 2017

    The key topic of this paper is a spillover effect from multinational companies to the local business environment in Tricity. The purpose of the research is to examine whether spillover effect is present in Tricity, to what extent, and, more importantly, what should be the reaction of the local authorities to the results. Based on qualitative interview-based research conducted with the multinational corporations’ employees, spillover...

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  • The influence of climate change on the life insurance in the EU: A panel data approach


    - E3S Web of Conferences - Rok 2021

    The financial sector, as one of the most sensitive economic sectors, is alert to all trends and changes in the environment. The aim of the article is to study the impact of climate change on the life insurance market using panel data from 28 countries of the European Union (EU) for the last 9 years. This study is based on a panel model, where the amount of premiums under life insurance contracts is defined as a function of the...

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  • Wsparcie dla wiejskości. Znaczenie doświadczeń w kształtowaniu wiejskiego krajobrazu

    Kwestię wiejskości tradycyjnie badają nauki społeczne. Wobec przebudowy społeczno-gospodarczej obszarów wiejskich wiejskość, która wykazuje trwałe powinowactwo z krajobrazem, stanowi również wyzwanie dla planowania przestrzennego i turystyki: wyobrażenia związane z wiejskim krajobrazem są jednym z prawdopodobnych kryteriów wyboru wsi jako miejsca zamieszkania, a wizerunek tradycyjnej wsi stanowi koło napędowe gospodarki wiejskiej...

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  • Domestic ORC micro-CHP combined with a commercial gas boiler


    - Rok 2014

    The chapter presents the results of experimental studies conducted during the launch of the first in Poland demonstration prototype of the micro ORC coupled to a domestic gas boiler. The accomplished studies indicated the possibility for the ORC module to work with such boiler (autonomous source of heat) with a prototype single-stage axial micro turbine as the expansion machine. Confirmation of that fact has been delineated in...

  • The Impact of Organizational Culture on Bicycle Commuting Frequency: The Research Based on Example of Three IT companies


    - Rok 2015

    This chapter describes a study on work-related factors affecting employees’ decision on bicycle commuting. Employees’ transport choices are related to organizational culture. This chapter refers to E. Schein’s definition of organizational culture model. The study was made in order to determine the impact of specific levels of organizational culture on the transport behavior of employees. It is based on a survey performed in three...

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  • Green aspects of techniques for the determination of pesticides in fruits and vegetables


    - Rok 2012

    Applied all over the world, pesticides are some of the most dangerous pollutants of the environment because of their stability, mobility, their ability to accumulate in the environment and their consequent long-term adverse effects on living organisms in general and human health in particular. Their presence in the environment is a particular danger. It is therefore crucial to monitor pesticide residues using all available analytical...

  • Hulajnoga. Zabawka na kółkach czy rewolucja w mobilności miejskiej?

    Popularne wśród młodych ludzi rolki, deskorolki i hulajnogi stają się czymś więcej niż formą zabawy i mają swoją naukową nazwę: Personal Mobility Devices (PMD). Hulajnoga, jako jedno z osobistych urządzeń mobilnych, w "hybrydowym" połączeniu z transportem publicznym staje się atrakcyjną, by nie powiedzieć rewolucyjną, formą mobilności miejskiej. Eksplorację tematu i terenowe badania w pierwszych miastach rozpoczął już zawiązany...

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  • Perspectives of Transport Systems Development in the Light of Radio Communication Systems Evolution Towards 5G


    - Rok 2017

    In the paper conditions of development and implementation of transport systems with reference to the development of radio communication networks towards 5G are presented. First, general properties of next generation systems are mentioned and their architecture. Moreover, planned characteristics of B4G and 5G systems are depicted which can significantly contribute to the promotion and development of transport systems. In particular...

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  • The algorithm of building the hierarchical contextual framework of textual corpora


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents an approach for Modeling the Latent Semantic Relations. The approach is based on advantages of two computational approaches: Latent Semantic Analysis and Latent Dirichlet Allocation. The scientific question about the possibility of reducing the influence of these Methods limitation on the Quality of the Latent Semantic Relations Analysis Results is raised. The case study for building the Two-level Hierarchical Contextual...

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  • System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in Room Scenarios

    • M. M. Ferreira
    • F. D. Cardoso
    • S. J. Ambroziak
    • M. Särestöniemi
    • L. M. Correia

    - Rok 2023

    This paper presents an analysis of system loss in Body Area Networks for room scenarios, based on a wideband measurement campaign at 5.8 GHz. The measurements were performed with a fixed antenna transmitting vertically and horizontally polarised signals, while the user wears dualpolarised antennas. The average system losses in co- and crosspolarised channels are 41.4 and 42.6 dB for vertically polarised transmitted signals and...

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  • Wybrane wyniki badań potrzeb transportowych mieszkańców województwa pomorskiego

    Na potrzeby opracowania Planu Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Publicznego Transportu Zbiorowego Województwa Pomorskiego w czwartym kwartale 2013 roku konsorcjum Fundacji Rozwoju Inżynierii Lądowej oraz z Politechniki Gdańskiej wykonało badania potrzeb transportowych mieszkańców województwa pomorskiego oraz wielkości popytu na usługi przewozowe. Uzyskane wyniki były podstawą do budowy transportowego modelu symulacyjnego podróży realizowanych...

  • Biomass Production and Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Processed Municipal Wastewater by Salix schwerinii: A Field Trial


    - Water - Rok 2021

    In many Baltic regions, short-rotation willow (Salix spp.) is used as a vegetation filter for wastewater treatment and recycling of valuable nutrients to upsurge bioeconomy development. In this context, a four-year field trial (2016–2019) was carried out near a wastewater treatment plant in eastern Finland (Outokumpu) to investigate the effect of the processed wastewater (WW) on biomass production as well as the nutrients uptake...

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  • ‘Acridines’ as New Horizons in Antifungal Treatment


    - MOLECULES - Rok 2020

    Frequent fungal infections in immunocompromised patients and mortality due to invasive mycosis are important clinical problems. Opportunistic pathogenic Candida species remain one of the leading causes of systemic mycosis worldwide. The repertoire of antifungal chemotherapeutic agents is very limited. Although new antifungal drugs such as lanosterol 14α-demethylase and β-glucan synthase inhibitors have been introduced into clinical...

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  • Body surface area formulae: an alarming ambiguity

    Body surface area (BSA) plays a key role in several medical fields, including cancer chemotherapy, transplantology, burn treatment and toxicology. BSA is often a major factor in the determination of the course of treatment and drug dosage. A series of formulae to simplify the process have been developed. Because easy-to-identify, yet general, body coefficient results of those formulae vary considerably, the question arises as to...

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