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Forecasting energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission of Vietnam by prognostic models based on explainable machine learning and time series
PublicationThis study assessed the usefulness of algorithms in estimating energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in Viet- nam, in which the training dataset was used to train the models linear regression, random forest, XGBoost, and AdaBoost, allowing them to comprehend the patterns and relationships between population, GDP, and carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption. The results revealed that random forest, XGBoost, and AdaBoost...
The Dynamics of Trade Relations between Ukraine and Romania: Modelling and Forecasting
PublicationThe article examines the monthly dynamics of exports, imports and balance of trade between Ukraine and Romania in the period from 2005 to 2021. Time series from 2015 to 2021 were used for modelling and forecasting (since the date the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement took effect). Adequate models of the dynamics series of the Box-Jenkins methodology were built: additive models with seasonal component ARIMA (Autoregressive...
Detection of Anomalies in the Operation of a Road Lighting System Based on Data from Smart Electricity Meters
PublicationSmart meters in road lighting systems create new opportunities for automatic diagnostics of undesirable phenomena such as lamp failures, schedule deviations, or energy theft from the power grid. Such a solution fits into the smart cities concept, where an adaptive lighting system creates new challenges with respect to the monitoring function. This article presents research results indicating the practical feasibility of real‐time...
Survey on Applications of Multimedia Technology to Examine Impact of Roadside Advertising on Drivers
PublicationThe correct location of ads, both static and moving, in close proximity of the roadway is an issue of high significance in the context of road safety. This publication aims to provide support in solving these issues by presenting a range of options for the implementation of extensive, multi-faceted research, using modern technology to allow an objective assessment of the risks arising from the presence of advertising spots in the...
Counting and tracking vehicles using acoustic vector sensors
PublicationA method is presented for counting vehicles and for determining their movement direction by means of acoustic vector sensor application. The assumptions of the method employing spatial distribution of sound intensity determined with the help of an integrated 3D intensity probe are discussed. The intensity probe developed by the authors was used for the experiments. The mode of operation of the algorithm is presented in conjunction...
Rapid multi-objective design of integrated on-chip inductors by means of Pareto front exploration and design extrapolation
PublicationIdentification of the best trade-offs between conflicting design objectives allows for making educated design decisions as well as assessing suitability of a given component or circuit for a specific application. In case of inductors, the typical objectives include maximization of the quality factor and minimization of the layout area, as well as maintaining a required inductance at a given operating frequency. This work demonstrates...
Using Disparity Map for Moving Object Position Estimation in Pan Tilt Camera Images
PublicationIn this paper we present the algorithm for rapid moving object position estimation in an images acquired from pan tilt camera. Detection of a moving object in a image acquired from a moving camera might be quite challenging. Standard methods that relay on analyzing two consecutive frames are not applicable due to the changing background. To overtake this problem we decided to evaluate the possibility of calculating a disparity...
ARIMA vs LSTM on NASDAQ stock exchange data
PublicationThis study compares the results of two completely different models: statistical one (ARIMA) and deep learning one (LSTM) based on a chosen set of NASDAQ data. Both models are used to predict daily or monthly average prices of chosen companies listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Research shows which model performs better in terms of the chosen input data, parameters and number of features. The chosen models were compared using...
The application of moving bed biofilm reactor to denitrification process after trickling filters
PublicationThe paper presents research of a prototype moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). The device was used for the post-denitrification process and was installed at the end of a technological system consisting of a septic tank and two trickling filters. The concentrations of suspended biomass and biomass attached on the EvU Perl moving bed surface were determined. The impact of the external organic carbon concentration on the denitrification...
Selection Pressure in the Evolutionary Path Planning Problem
PublicationThis article compares an impact of using various post-selection methods on the selection pressure and the quality of the solution for the problem of planning the path for a moving object using the evolutionary method. The concept of selection pressure and different methods of post-selection are presented. Article analyses behaviour of post-selection for four options of evolutionary algorithms. Based on the results achieved, waveform...
Categorization of Cloud Workload Types with Clustering
PublicationThe paper presents a new classification schema of IaaS cloud workloads types, based on the functional characteristics. We show the results of an experiment of automatic categorization performed with different benchmarks that represent particular workload types. Monitoring of resource utilization allowed us to construct workload models that can be processed with machine learning algorithms. The direct connection between the functional...
PublicationThe paper presents a method of processing measurement data due to remove slowly varying component of the trend occurring in the recorded waveforms. Comparison of computational complexity and trend removal efficiency between some commonly used methods is presented. The impact of these procedures on probability distribution and power spectral density is shown. Effectiveness and computational complexity of these methods depend essentially...
Mean drift detection using statistical process control
PublicationCelem niniejszego rozdziału jest opisanie narzędzi statystycznej kontroli procesu (ang. Statistical Process Control - SPC), służących do detekcji dryfu wartości średniej w procesie. W oparciu o dane pochodzące z modelu: karty wartości średniej, odchylenia standardowego, karty oparte na testach sekwencyjnych oraz wykładniczo ważonej średniej ruchomej (ang. Exponentially Weighted Moving Average - EWMA), zostały porównane z punktu...
Wireless Body Area Network for Preventing Self-Inoculation Transmission of Respiratory Viral Diseases
PublicationThis paper proposes an idea of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) based on Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) standards to recognize and alarm a gesture of touching the face, and in effect, to prevent self-inoculation of respiratory viral diseases, such as COVID-19 or influenza A, B, or C. The proposed network comprises wireless modules placed in bracelets and a necklace. It relies on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurements...
Ultra-Wideband Vivaldi Antenna with an Integrated Noise-Rejecting Parasitic Notch Filter for Online Partial Discharge Detection
PublicationPower transformers and gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) play crucial roles in electrical power grids. However, they may suffer from degradation of insulation material due to wear and tear, leading to their imminent failure. Partial discharges (PDs) are an initial sign of insulation materials degradation which emit signals spanning various physical domains, including electromagnetic. PDs are temporally narrow, high-frequency, stochastic...
PublicationW artykule opisano projekt standardów dostępności zintegrowanych węzłów przesiadkowych, które zawierają spójne dla wszystkich elementów ZWP z uwzględnieniem potrzeb i wymagań osób ze szczególnymi potrzebami zasady projektowania, budowy i utrzymania oraz minimalne parametry kluczowych dla samodzielnej realizacji podróży przez osoby ze szczególnymi potrzebami rozwiązań i udogodnień. Przedstawione standardy zawierają zasady i wymagania...
Eventual Convergence of the Reputation-Based Algorithm in IoT Sensor Networks
PublicationUncertainty in dense heterogeneous IoT sensor networks can be decreased by applying reputation-inspired algorithms, such as the EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) algorithm, which is widely used in social networks. Despite its popularity, the eventual convergence of this algorithm for the purpose of IoT networks has not been widely studied, and results of simulations are often taken in lieu of the more rigorous proof....
Bounding approach to parameter estimation without priori knowledge on model structure error.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia estymację parametrów modelu ARMA (Autoregresive moving average) metodą zbiorów ograniczonych. Założono brak wiedzy na temat ograniczeń na błąd struktury modelu lub, że wiedza ta jest bardzo konserwatywna. W celu redukcji tego konserwatyzmu, zaproponowano koncepcje modelu punktowo-parametrycznego. W podejściu tym zakłada się istnienie zbioru parametrów modelu oraz błędu struktury odpowiadających każdej z trajektorii...
Ionospheric scintillations computation using real-time GPS observations
PublicationThe following paper presents the results of quasi-real-time determination of the values of phase scintillations indices at the period of ionospheric disturbances that occurred as a consequence of the Sun flares observed on March 7 and 9, 2012. Double-frequency observations with 1-second measurement interval from the EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) network sites located at high latitudes were used for the analysis. To determine the phase...
Trust-Based Model for the Assessment of the Uncertainty of Measurements in Hybrid IoT Networks
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to introduce a NUT model (NUT: network-uncertainty-trust) that aids the decrease of the uncertainty of measurements in autonomous hybrid Internet of Things sensor networks. The problem of uncertainty in such networks is a consequence of various operating conditions and varied quality of measurement nodes, making statistical approach less successful. This paper presents a model for decreasing the uncertainty...
People’s Influence on Indoor Body Area Networks Channel Characteristics
PublicationThe influence of people’s presence on wideband off-body channel characteristics is presented in this paper. This research is significant for the development of Body Area Networks, as a promising solution for 5G and 6G networks, namely as an emerging technology expected to revolutionize mobile healthcare via real-time monitoring and analysis of medical data. The analysis is based on power delay profile measurements performed in...
Methods of trend removal in electrochemical noise data – overview
PublicationIn this paper we shall review popular methods of trend removal from electrochemical noise time records. The basic principles of operation of the six most popular methods are explained. The proposed methods are: high - pass filtering, Moving Average Removal, polynomial detrending, wavelet detrending, Empirical Mode Decomposition and Variational Mode Decomposition. Estimation of trend removal quality...
Towards Contactless, Hand Gestures-Based Control of Devices
PublicationGesture-based intuitive interactions with electronic devices can be an important part of smart home systems. In this paper, we adapt the contactless linear gesture sensor for the navigation of smart lighting system. Set of handled gestures allow to propose two methods of active light source selection, continuous dimming, and turning on and off based on discrete gestures. The average gesture recognition accuracy was 97.58% in the...
Polish experience in operation of sludge treatment reed beds
PublicationSludge Treatment Reed Beds (STRBs) is the technology of sludge treatment, which is based on natural processes occurring in the environment, in specially designed and operated facilities to achieve benefits for the environment. Integrated dewatering and stabilization occur in reed systems. For economic and environmental reasons it is an attractive solution, especially in rural areas where there are no appropriate facilities. In...
Burnout as a State: Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Relationship Between Exhaustion and Disengagement in a 10-Day Study
PublicationBackground: Burnout has been traditionally seen as a chronic and stable state in response to prolonged stress. However, measures of momentary burnout are not well established, even though the within-person approach suggests that the symptoms of burnout may vary from day to day for the same employee. The aim of this study is to examine the daily inter- and intra-personal variability of the symptoms of burnout and the cross-lagged relationship...
Green, simple analytical method for biogenic amines determination in fruit juice samples using salting-out assisted liquid-liquid microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
PublicationSalting-out assisted liquid-liquid microextraction (SALLME) was integrated with the derivatization procedure to establish a one-step sample pre-treatment approach for rapid analysis of 14 biogenic amines (BAs) in fruit juices. The methodology consists of salting-out of analytes, derivatization with ethyl chloroformate (ECF), extraction with ethyl acetate (EtAc), and the analysis of the derivatized BAs using gas chromatography-mass...
Study on the Coastline Evolution in Sopot (2008–2018) Based on Landsat Satellite Imagery
PublicationThe coastline is the boundary between the water surface in a reservoir or watercourse and the land, which is characterised by high instability and functional diversity. For these reasons, research on coastal monitoring has been conducted for several decades. Currently, satellite images performed with synthetic aperture radars (SARs) are used to determine its course and variability together with high-resolution multispectral imagery...
Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Poland)
PublicationThis study focuses on the modeling of groundwater flow and nitrate transport in a multi-aquifer hydrosystem in northern Poland, adjacent to Puck Bay (Baltic sea). The main goal was to investigate how changes in land use and farming practices may affect groundwater recharge and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to the sea and the associated N-NO3 fluxes. An integrated modelling approach has been developed, which couples the...
AI-Powered Cleaning Robot: A Sustainable Approach to Waste Management
PublicationThe world is producing a massive amount of single use waste, especially plastic waste made from polymers. Such waste is usually distributed in large areas within cities, near roads, parks, forests, etc. It is a challenge to collect them efficiently. In this work, we propose a Cleaning Robot as an autonomous vehicle for waste collection, utilizing the Nvidia Jetson Nano platform for precise arm movements guided by computer...
Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Air in Nemoral Scots Pine Forests and Submountainous Beech Forests: The Potential Region for the Introduction of Forest Therapy
PublicationStudies show that forests are one of the main recreational destinations. This can be explained by their beneficial effects on the health of their visitors, which can be attributed to compounds from the terpene group. The aim of this research was to determine the chemical composition of air in the interiors of Nemoral Scots pine forests and submountainous beech forests, with the determination of compounds of the terpene group. Samples...
PublicationTravel time is a measure commonly used for traffic flow modelling and traffic control. It also helps to evaluate the quality of traffic control systems in urban areas. Traffic control systems that use traffic models to predict changes and disruptions in vehicle flows have to use vehicle speed-prediction models. Travel time estimation studies the effects of traffic volumes on a street section at an average speed. The TRISTAR Integrated...
Ocena odporności na zużycie ścierne stopów Ti na elementy pary trącej endoprotez stawu kolanowego
PublicationNajczęściej stosowanym biomateriałem tytanowym na elementy endoprotez stawu kolanowego jest stop Ti6Al4V. Z uwagi na zawartość wanadu, zaliczanego do pierwiastków o dużej toksyczności podejmowane są działania w kierunku zastąpienia wskazanego stopu - stopami bezwanadowymi. Jednym z najbardziej obiecujących jest stop Ti13Nb13Zr zawierający w swoim składzie jedynie pierwiastki witalne, niewywołujące stanów zapalnych i odczynów...
Seismic damage diagnosis in adjacent steel and RC MRFs considering pounding effects through improved wavelet-based damage-sensitive feature
PublicationThis paper aims to propose complex Morlet (cmorfb-fc) wavelet-based refined damage-sensitive feature (rDSF) as a new and more precise damage indicator to diagnose seismic damages in adjacent steel and Reinforced Concrete (RC) Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) assuming pounding conditions using acceleration responses. The considered structures include 6- and 9-story steel and 4- and 8-story RC benchmark...
PublicationPoland continues to have the highest number of road deaths per one million population in the European Union, according to a 2012 European Commission report – in 2011 the rate in Poland was 109 fatalities compared to the EU average of 61 killed. Adopted by the government in 2005 Poland’s National Road Safety Programme GAMBIT 2005 was the response to the EU’s 3rd Road Safety Action Programme. Despite extensive road safety efforts,...
Development of fragility curves in adjacent steel moment-resisting frames considering pounding effects through improved wavelet-based refined damage-sensitive feature
PublicationFragility curves present useful information related to earthquake-induced probability assessment of steel moment-resisting frames (MRFs) and determine the probability of the damage exceedance at different floor levels of MRFs. The review of the literature shows that most of the previous studies dealing with the fragility curves were based on conventional measures, such as spectral acceleration at the first mode period, peak...
Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego
PublicationArchitecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than...
High data-rate Hilbert-curved-shaped MIMO antenna with improved bandwidth and circular polarization for wireless cap-sule endoscopy
PublicationThe growing demand for wireless communication in biomedical engineering has opened new research frontiers. This paper introduces an innovative miniaturized (4 × 9 mm2) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) circularly polarized (CP) implantable antenna for a wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) system. The presented device features two Hilbert curve-shaped meandered resonators. The space-filling characteristic inherent in the Hilbert...
Evolution of electrohydrodynamic flow of sduspended particles in a needle-to-plate negative DC corona discharge in air
PublicationCorona discharges are used for collecting dust in electrostatic precipitators (ESPs). The dust collection is mainlyrealized by the electric forces which move the ionized dust particles to the collecting electrodes. However, the presence of coronadischarge in the space between the charging and collecting electrodes in ESPs causes also the so-called ionic wind which set the gasmolecules and dust...
Electrohydrodynamic Flow Patterns in a Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Longitudinal Wire Electrode for Various Electrode Geometries
PublicationRecently narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of interest because of their possible application in diesel engines. In this paper results of 2-dimensional (2D) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the flow patterns in a narrow ESP for a various electrode geometries are presented. The PIV measurements were carried out in the observation plane that is perpendicular to the ESP duct. The ESP was...
Road Infrastructure Safety Management in Poland
PublicationThe objective of road safety infrastructure management is to ensure that when roads are planned, designed, built and used road risks can be identified, assessed and mitigated. Road transport safety is significantly less developed than that of rail, water and air transport. The average individual risk of being a fatality in relation to the distance covered is thirty times higher in road transport that in the other modes. This is...
Silent Signals The Covert Network Shaping the Future
PublicationSilent Signals The Covert Network Shaping the Future In a world dominated by information flow and rapid technological advancements, the existence of hidden networks and unseen influences has never been more relevant. "Silent Signals: The Covert Network Shaping the Future" delves deep into the mysterious and often opaque world of covert communication networks. This influential work sheds light on the silent...