Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results
PublicationThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research are critical for the seal'stechnological usefulness. The magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much moredifficult technological problem in comparison to gas or vacuum environment. There isalways problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentaluninspected liquids. In the paper are presented ways of experiments definitions carried outwith...
Time-domain description of point-source acoustic wavefields as a useful approach in ultrasonic techniques
PublicationIn traditional acoustics, field problems are usually treated in the frequency domain, broadband fields being reduced to superposition of harmonic spectrum components. However, this approach is inherently acausal and it is known that in case of arbitrary signals, the distribution-based, time-domain description can be more effective. The present paper is an attempt to expand the time-domain linear systems formalism onto space problems...
Response of a New Low-Coherence Fabry-Perot Sensor to Hematocrit Levels in Human Blood
PublicationIn this paper, a low-coherence Fabry-Perot sensor with a spectrally measured signal processing response to the refractive index of liquids is presented. Optical fiber sensors are potentially capable of continuous measuring hematocrit levels in blood. Low-coherence Fabry-Perot interferometric sensors offer a robust solution, where information about the measurand is encoded in the full spectrum of light reflected from the sensing...
Time-Domain Description of Point-Source Acoustic Wavefields as a Useful Approach in Ultrasonic Techniques
PublicationIn traditional acoustics, field problems are usually treated in the frequency domain, broadband fields being reduced to superposition of harmonic spectrum components. However, this approach is inherently acausal and it is known that in case of arbitrary signals, the distribution-based, time-domain description can be more effective. The present paper is an attempt to expand the time-domain linear systems formalism onto space problems...
PublicationIn this paper mechanical losses in a positive displacement pump supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids having significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using a special design (prototype) of a satellite pump. The design of the satellite pump is presented in the article. The pump features a non-circular tooth working mechanism. This pump...
The influence of intermolecular correlations on the infrared spectrum of liquid dimethyl sulfoxide
PublicationDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is routinely applied as an excellent, water-miscible solvent and chemical reagent. Some of the most important data concerning its liquid structure were obtained using infrared (IR) spectroscopy. However, the actual extent of intermolecular correlations that connect the isolated monomer spectrum to the IR response of the bulk liquid is poorly studied thus far. Using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations,...
Methods of Determining Pressure Drop in Internal Channels of a Hydraulic Motor
PublicationIn this paper, new methods for determining the pressure drop in internal channels of a hydraulic motor are proposed and described. Mathematical models of pressure losses in internal channels have also been described. Experimental tests of the satellite motor were carried out according to one of the proposed methods. The tests were carried out for two liquids, i.e., water and mineral oil. Experimental studies have shown that at...
Selected anionic and cationic surface active agents determined in river sediments – the Klodnica catchment
PublicationSurface active agents (SAAs) are specific compounds that contain hydrophilic/ hydrophobic group in their molecules named as amphiphilic structures. According to charge on the hydrophilic part of surfactants they can be classified into three main groups: anionic, cationic and non-ionic compounds. Due to the amphiphilic structure of SAAs they have specific properties (e.g. ability to adsorption at different surfaces, reduction of...
Simultaneous determination of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- in unstimulated and stimulated human saliva using all solid state multisensor platform
PublicationHuman saliva is one of the body fluids which collection method is relatively simple and non-invasive. The article is dedicated to assess concentration (activity) of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- in fresh, unstimulated or stimulated human saliva samples using single solid contact ion-selective electrodes with conventional reference electrode and self-made multisensor platform (MP) equipped with ion-selective membranes for Na+, K+,...
First Copper(I) and Silver(I) Complexes Containing Phosphanylphosphido Ligands
PublicationThree new complexes with phosphanylphosphido ligands, [Cu4{μ2-P(SiMe3)-PtBu}4](1), [Ag4{μ2-P(SiMe3)-PtBu2}4](2) and [Cu{η1-P(SiMe3)-PiPr2}2]–[Li(Diglyme)2] (3) were synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction, NMR spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. Complexes 1 and 2 were obtained in the reactionsof lithium derivative of diphosphane tBu2P-P(SiMe3)Li·2.7THF withCuCl and [iBu3PAgCl]4, respectively....
Synthesis and electrochemical characteristics of novel dithiocarbamate polymers
PublicationNovel dithiocarbamate compounds have been obtained by reacting a linear poly(ethylenimine)polymer, MW 50,000, with CS2. The resulting anionic polymers contain, depending on the reaction conditions, up to two sulfur atoms per one nitrogen atom (approx. 40% w/w). The polymers are soluble in dimethylsulfoxide and insoluble in acetonitrile solutions. In both solvents they are electrochemically active, in the latter case as a cast film...
The Antibacterial and Antifungal Textile Properties Functionalized by Bimetallic Nanoparticles of Ag/Cu with Different Structures
PublicationWe reported a preparation and characterization of five kinds of impregnation solutions, containing Ag/Cu in the formof bimetallic nanoparticles (alloy and core-shell) as well as ionic species. The cotton-polyester textiles were successfully impregnated during the washing and ironing process by as-prepared solutions to have antibacterial and antifungal properties against to Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans....
Effect of isovalent substitution on microstructure and phase transition of LaNb1−xMxO4 (M=Sb, V or Ta; x=0.05–0.3)
PublicationLaNb1−xMxO4 oxides with pentavalent elements of different ionic sizes (M=Sb, Ta and V, x=0.05–0.3) were synthesized by the solid state reaction method. Special interest was devoted to the antimony substituted lanthanum niobate which is a new material in this group. Rietveld analysis of the X-ray diffraction patterns was used to determine the influence of the material composition on unit cell parameters. On the basis of dilatometric...
Water and chemical properties of hydrometeors over central european mountains
PublicationAtmospheric pollutants are transferred to the groundby the contribution of various types of hydrometeors. Because ofthe different techniques of measurement, comparative analysesbetween them are often neglected. Hence, the main goal is tocompare water volume and chemistry of different types ofhydrometeors and their role in both: water balance and pollutantsdeposition. The results of water input and atmospheric depositschemistry...
Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plants. Part B: Prosumer and Distributed Power Industry
PublicationAn analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. A new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet has been described in the paper. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied, and in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points. The proposed cycle equipped with an effective heat exchanger could...
The Use of Liquid Crystal Thermography in Selected Technical and Medical Applications—Recent Development
PublicationThermochromic liquid crystals (TLC) and true-colour digital image processing have been successfully used in non-intrusive technical, industrial and biomedical studies and applications. Thin coatings of TLC at surfaces are utilized to obtain detailed temperature distributions and heat transfer rates for steady or transient processes. Liquid crystals also can be used to make the temperature and velocity fields in liquids visible...
Highly-Miniaturized Microfluidically-Based Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Diplexer Employing Half-Mode SIRW
PublicationThis article introduces a super-miniaturized frequency reconfigurable antenna diplexer based on microfluidic techniques. The proposed structure is developed using a half-mode substrate-integrated rectangular waveguide (HMSIRW). The antenna architecture consists of two HMSIRW cavities loaded with L-shaped slots, which are excited by two microstrip feedlines to realize two distinct radiating frequency bands. The footprint of the...
Analytical procedures for the determination of surfactants in environmental samples
PublicationBecause of their specific physical and chemical properties (amphiphilicity, solubility in polar and nonpolar liquids, ability to form micelles, adsorption at phase boundaries, low toxicity) surfactants (surface-active compounds) are widely applied in industry and in the household. As their applications are on a very large scale, it has become necessary to acquire a more detailed understanding of their environmental fate.In the...
Double-diffusive natural convection energy transfer in magnetically influenced Casson fluid flow in trapezoidal enclosure with fillets
PublicationThe prime motive of this disquisition is to deal with mathematical analysis of natural convection energy transport driven by combined buoyancy effects of thermal and solutal diffusion in a trapezoidal enclosure. Casson fluid rheological constitutive model depicting attributes of viscoelastic liquids is envisioned. The influence of the inclined magnetic field governed by Lorentz field law is also considered. To raise the essence...
Impact of Temperature and Nanoparticle Concentration on Turbulent Forced Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
PublicationTheoretical analysis of the influence of nanoparticles and temperature on the average Nusselt (Nu) number and the average heat transfer coefficient (HTC) during the turbulent flow of nanofluid in a horizontal, round tube was carried out. The Nu number is a function of the Reynolds (Re) number and the Prandtl (Pr) number, which in turn are functions of the thermophysical properties of the liquid and the flow conditions. On the other...
Properties of LiMnBO3 glasses and nanostructured glass-ceramics
PublicationPolycrystalline LiMnBO3 is a promising cathode material for Li-ion batteries. In this work, we investigated the thermal, structural and electrical properties of glassy and nanocrystallized materials having the same chemical composition. The original glass was obtained via a standard melt-quenching method. SEM and 7Li solid-state NMR indicate that it contains a mixture of two distinct glassy phases. The results suggest that the...
Solvent Selection as a Key Factor in the Performance of Semitransparent Heterojunctions Composed of Hydrogenated Nanotubes and Bismuth Sulfides
PublicationResearch on titanium nanotubes modified with metal sulfides, particularly bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3), aims to create heterostructures that efficiently absorb sunlight and then separate photogenerated charge carriers, thereby enhancing the energy conversion efficiency. This study shows a key role of solvent used for sulfide and bismuth salt solutions used during successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) onto the morphology,...
Missing Puzzle Pieces in Dementia Research: HCN Channels and Theta Oscillations
PublicationIncreasing evidence indicates a role of hyperpolarization activated cation (HCN) channels in controlling the resting membrane potential, pacemaker activity, memory formation, sleep, and arousal. Their disfunction may be associated with the development of epilepsy and age-related memory decline. Neuronal hyperexcitability involved in epileptogenesis and EEG desynchronization occur in the course of dementia in human Alzheimer’s Disease...
Ultrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) of cerium oxide-based compound
PublicationUltrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) is an innovative sintering technique that can densify ceramics in a few seconds, dramatically reducing the carbon footprint and firing costs. In this work, the feasibility of applying UHS in Gd-doped ceria (GDC) and GDC-Er-stabilized bismuth oxide (ESB) composite powders was investigated. At high UHS currents (22-24 A), a fully dense GDC sample with a large grain size was obtained. Nonetheless,...
Collagen Type II—Chitosan Interactions as Dependent on Hydroxylation and Acetylation Inferred from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
PublicationChitosan–collagen blends have been widely applied in tissue engineering, joints diseases treatment, and many other biomedical fields. Understanding the affinity between chitosan and collagen type II is particularly relevant in the context of mechanical properties modulation, which is closely associated with designing biomaterials suitable for cartilage and synovial fluid regeneration. However, many structural features influence...
Nano-structured Pt embedded in acidic salts of heteropolymolybdate matrices: MS EXAFS study
PublicationA structural study of Pt nano-catalysts is presented in the paper. The innovation in the case of the considered catalytic materials resides in the use a meso-microporous inorganic matrix of heteropolyacid salt of composition X2.5H0.5YMo12O40 where X = Rb, Cs and Y = P, Si as a catalyst support. Metallic nanoparticles were created by platinum ions reduction in a hot H2/Argon stream and were mainly located into matrix pores. As the...
New uranium(vi) and isothiouronium complexes: synthesis, crystal structure, spectroscopic characterization and a DFT study
PublicationThe crystal structures of S,S′-2,5-dimethylbenzene-1,4-diylbis(methylisothiouronium) diacetate (1_ac), S,S′-2,5-dimethylbenzene-1,4-diylbis(methylisothiouronium) dichloride (1_Cl), 1_U complex, S,S′-naphthalene-1,4-diylbis(methylisothiouronium) dichloride (2_Cl), and 2_U complex were determined for the first time. The supramolecular structures of the compounds obtained are mainly based on hydrogen bonding and ionic interactions...
Gigantic electro-chemo-mechanical properties of nanostructured praseodymium doped ceria
PublicationSome oxygen defective fluorites are non-Newnham electrostrictors, i.e., the electromechanical response does not depend on their dielectric properties. Here, we show gigantic electrostriction in nanocrystalline 25 mol% praseodymium doped ceria (PCO) bulk ceramics. The material was fabricated with a fieldassisted spark plasma sintering (SPS) process from high-purity nanoscale PCO powders (<20 nm). The SPS process consolidates the...
Dissociative photo-double-ionization of isoxazole
PublicationIn the present communication, we present results on the photo-double-ionization and fragmentation of the isoxazole molecules. The experiments were carried out at the CiPo beamline at the Elettra-Sincrotrone radiation facility exploiting the VUV excitation and the ion time-of-flight spectrometry combined with the PEPICO technique. The dissociative processes where only one electron is emitted are quite well known [1]. However, double...
The risk assessment of adverse events of nursing activities as the element of quality management in healhcare
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is to present MedCARVER+Shock method and Pareto analysis and its usability for the risk assessment of adverse events of nursing activities. 888 activities carried out by all 190 nurses working at the District Hospital X located in Poland were taken into account. During the research the qualitative approach was used. As the result sixteen groups of nursing activities causing the highest risk of adverse events...
Ordered titanium templates functionalized by gold films for biosensing applications – Towards non-enzymatic glucose detection
PublicationRecently, metal nanostructures evoke much interest due to application potential in highly sensitive detectors in biochemistry and medical diagnostics. In this work we report on preparation and characteristics of thin (1–100 nm) Au films deposited onto highly ordered structured titanium templates for SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) and electrochemical sensing. The Ti templates are formed by selective removal of TiO2 nanotubes...
Polyether-block-amide PEBA membranes for gas separation and pervaporation; current design and applications
PublicationPolyether-block-amide (PEBA) membranes have attracted considerable attention for their exceptional efficacy in gas separation and pervaporation processes. This comprehensive review delves into the precise definition, distinguishing characteristics, and diverse applications of PEBA membranes over the past five years. A primary research objective focuses on enhancing gas separation efficiency, primarily through augmenting membrane...
SrCe0.9In0.1O3-δ-based reversible symmetrical Protonic Ceramic Cell
PublicationIn-doped SrCe0.9In0.1O3-δ (SCI) perovskite-type oxide is utilized as the solid electrolyte, as well as a component, together with SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δ (SFM) compound, in the composite-type electrodes to construct symmetrical Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells (PCFC). With good mutual stability of SCI and SFM at high temperatures in water vapor-containing reducing and oxidizing conditions, as well as sufficient ionic conductivity with high...
Preparation and characterisation of solution-cast Nafion membrane
PublicationNafion is a commercial name for a perfluorosulfonic polymer, which has been developed in 1962 by Dupont de Nemours. This polymer consists of a polytetrafluoroethylene backbone and regular spaced long perfluorovinyl ether pendant side chains terminated by a sulfonate ionic group. These sulfonate groups are responsible for cation-exchange properties of Nafion. Thanks to the ion-exchange properties, water permeability, good chemical,...
Optimizing conductivity in Na-V-Te-O glass through controlled heat treatment
PublicationSemiconducting Na2O-V2O5-TeO2 glasses with various Na2O contents were melted and subjected to controlled heating to improve conductivity. Topography analysis were performed using confocal microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on both as-quenched and heat-treated samples. X-ray diffraction confirmed the amorphous nature of the samples post-melting, with subsequent heating resulting in the formation of nanocrystallites primarily...
Linear and nonlinear impedance in iron oxide glasses containing alkaline ions and alkali free
PublicationThe linear and nonlinear impedance spectra of oxide glasses were measured in the frequency range of 1 mHz to 1 MHz and in the temperature range of 153K to 483K. Two groups of iron oxide glass samples were prepared, the first one containing alkaline ions and the second one without alkali. In the first group, compositions of glasses were as follows: (in %mol) 50% SiO2 , 25% PbO, 15% Fe2O3 and 15% one of alkaline oxides: Na2O, K2O,...
Multi-state multi-reference Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory for molecular calculations
PublicationThis work presents multi‐state multi‐reference Møller–Plesset second‐order perturbation theory as a variant of multi‐reference perturbation theory to treat electron correlation in molecules. An effective Hamiltonian is constructed from the first‐order wave operator to treat several strongly interacting electronic states simultaneously. The wave operator is obtained by solving the generalized Bloch equation within the first‐order...
Study of oxygen electrode reactions on symmetrical porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-δ electrodes on Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 electrolyte at 800 °C–500 °C
PublicationIron doped strontium titanates (SrTi1-xFexO3-δ) are an interesting mixed ionic-electronic conductor model used to study basic oxygen reduction/oxidation reactions. In this work, we performed an impedance spectroscopy study on symmetrical porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-δ (STF70) electrodes on a ceriabased electrolyte. The sample was measured in varying oxygen concentration: from 0.3% to 100% in 800 °C - 500 °C temperature range. Low polarisation...
Electrical properties of Na2O-CaO-P2O5 glasses doped with SiO2 and Si3N4
PublicationSodium-calcium-phosphate glasses doped with SiO2 or Si3N4 having similar sodium ion concentrations were prepared by melt quenching. The conductivity was measured by impedance spectroscopy under nitrogen atmosphere in a wide frequency range (10 mHz–1 MHz) and wide temperature range (153–473 K). At 36.6 °C, DC conductivities of all glasses vary between 1.1 ∗ 10−12 and 8.9 ∗ 10−12 S cm−1 and have similar activation energies (between...
Cytocompatibility of stabilized black phosphorus nanosheets tailored by directly conjugated polymeric micelles for human breast cancer therapy
PublicationThe novel procedure of few-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) stabilization and functionalisation was here proposed. The cationic polymer PLL and non-ionic PEG have been involved into encapsulation of FLBP to allow sufficient time for further nanofabrication process and overcome environmental degradation. Two different spacer chemistry was designed to bind polymers to tumor-homing peptides. The efficiency of functionalisation was examined...
Enhanced Mechanical and Electromechanical Properties of Compositionally Complex Zirconia Zr1–x(Gd1/5Pr1/5Nd1/5Sm1/5Y1/5)xO2−δ Ceramics
PublicationCompositionally complex oxides (CCOs) or high-entropy oxides (HEOs) are new multi-element oxides with unexplored physical and functional properties. In this work, we report fluorite structure derived compositionally complex zirconia with composition Zr1- x(Gd1/5Pr1/5Nd1/5Sm1/5Y1/5)xO2-δ (x = 0.1 and 0.2) synthesized in solid-state reaction route and sintered via hot pressing at 1350 °C. We explore the evolution of these oxides'...
Collision Strengths of Astrophysical Interest for Multiply Charged Ions
PublicationThe electron impact excitation and ionization processes are crucial for modeling the spectra of different astrophysical objects, from atmospheres of late-type stars to remnants of supernovae and up to the light emission from neutron star mergers, to name just a few. Despite their signifi- cance, however, little is known quantitatively about these processes for low- and medium-impact energies of, say, Ekin . 5000 eV of the free...
PublicationIn our work, a further development of the authors model of thermo-chemical flow of fuel, air, oxygen, steam water, species, ionic and electron currents within nano channels and nano-structures of novel devices is presented. Different transport enhancement models are taken into account -among them the most important are: the velocity slip connected with complex external friction, the Darcy mobility and the Reynolds transpiration....
O 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule studied via detection of low-energy fluorescence emission
PublicationOxygen 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule have been studied with dispersed and non-dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon-photoion coincidence technique. The intensity of the neutral O emission line at 845 nm shows particular sensitivity to core-to-Rydberg excitations and core-valence double excitations, while shape resonances are suppressed. In contrast,...
Anion–water interactions of weakly hydrated anions: molecular dynamics simulations of aqueous NaBF4 and NaPF6
PublicationIn aqueous ionic solutions, both the structure and the dynamics of water are altered dramatically with respect to the pure solvent. The emergence of novel experimental techniques makes these changes accessible to detailed investigations. At the same time, computational studies deliver unique possibilities for the interpretation of the experimental data at the molecular level. Here, using molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrate...
Wpływ wybranych właściwości maszyny badawczej na wynik eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym
PublicationNiniejsza monografia stanowi podsumowanie przekrojowych badań związanych z wpływem właściwości stanowiska badawczego (tribometru) na przebieg i rejestrowane wyniki eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym ciał stałych smarowanych cieczą w warunkach tarcia bez efektów smarowania hydrodynamicznego. Autor przedstawia wyniki kompleksowych analiz właściwości dynamicznych stanowiska badawczego w kontekście efektów obserwowanych...
Chemical structures, rheological and physical properties of biopolyols prepared via solvothermal liquefaction of Enteromorpha and Zostera marina biomass
PublicationIn this work, liquefied biomass from the Baltic Sea was used for the preparation of rigid polyurethane (PUR) foams. The biomass contained 10 wt% of Enteromorpha macroalgae and 90 wt% of Zostera marina seagrass characterized by a high content of cellulose. The influence of time, temperature and the type of solvent on the efficiency of the liquefaction process and properties of biopolyols was determined. Obtained materials were analyzed...
Perfectly Wetting Mixtures of Surfactants from Renewable Resources: The Interaction and Synergistic Effects on Adsorption and Micellization
PublicationThis paper presents a study of the surface properties of mixtures of surfactants originating from renewable sources, i.e., alkylpolyglucoside (APG), ethoxylated fatty alcohol (AE), and sodium soap (Na soap). The main objective was to optimize the surfactant ratio which produces the highest wetting properties during the analysis of the solution of the individual surfactants, twoand three-component mixtures, and at different pH values....
A comprehensive review on current and emerging technologies toward the valorization of bio‐based wastes and by products from foods
PublicationIndustries in the agro-food sector are the largest generators of waste in the world. Agro-food wastes and by products originate from the natural process of senescence, pretreatment, handling, and manufacturing processes of food and beverage products. Notably, most of the wastes are produced with the transformation of raw materials (such as fruits, vegetables, plants, tubers, cereals, and dairy products) into different processed...
Numerical analysis of vacuum drying of a porous body in the integrated domain
Publicationn the present study, the vacuum drying process of an apple slice is numerically modeled based on a control volume method. Transient two-dimensional Navier– Stokes, energy, moisture, and Luikov equations are solved by numerical coding (Fortran) to simulate the simultaneous heat and mass transfer in the ambient and apple slice, respectively. The privilege of using Luikov's model is that the capillary forces are considered, and a...