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Search results for: thermal analysis
Thermal and Electrodynamic Risk of Residual Current Devices in the Case of Back-Up Protection by Overcurrent Circuit Breakers
PublicationResidual current operated circuit breakers without integral overcurrent protection should be back-up protected. As back-up protection devices, overcurrent circuit breakers are used. The maximum let-through energy and let-through current of the overcurrent devices were evaluated under laboratory conditions. The thermal and electrodynamic risk of residual current devices was analyzed.
Effect of osmolytes on the thermal stability of proteins: replica exchange simulations of Trp-cage in urea and betaine solutions
PublicationAlthough osmolytes are known to modulate the folding equilibrium, the molecular mechanism of their effect on thermal denaturation of proteins is still poorly understood. Here, we simulated the thermal denaturation of a small model protein (Trp-cage) in the presence of denaturing (urea) and stabilizing (betaine) osmolytes, using the all-atom replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations. We found that urea destabilizes Trp-cage...
PublicationWaste car tires are burdensome waste, and their utilization is crucial for the natural environment. In many countries, the primary method of their recycling is energy recovery, performed by simple combustion. However, material recycling is much more effective and significantly more beneficial for the natural environment. It results in the generation of ground tire rubber, which can be used to produce polymerrubber composites. It...
The effect of nitrogen on the structure and thermal properties of beryllium-containing Na-(Li)-Si-O-N glasses
PublicationTwo oxynitride glass series with the composition of 35Na2O-5BeO-(60-x)SiO2-xSi3N4 and 9Li2O- 27Na2O-5BeO-(59-x)SiO2-xSi3N4, were prepared. The glasses' topography and structure were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The composition was analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer, SEM-EDS and nitrogen and oxygen elemental analyzer. Na-(Li)-Be-silicate glasses were found to contain...
Synergistic effect of MWCNTs and MA-g-PP on the thermal and viscoelastic properties of immiscible PTT/PP blends
PublicationThe properties of immiscible blends of PTT and PP were modified by grafting and nanoparticle inclusion. The observed synergistic effect of MWCNTs and MA-g-PP on the thermal and viscoelastic properties of PTT/PP blends was studied in detail and the properties of the composites were compared with those of ungrafted PP.
Thermal decomposition kinetics of dynamically vulcanized polyamide 6-acrylonitrile butadiene rubber-halloysite nanotube nanocomposites
PublicationThermally stable thermoplastic elastomer nanocomposites based on polyamide 6 (PA6), acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) were dynamically vulcanized, and their nonisothermal decomposition kinetics were examined. The Friedman, Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose (KAS), Ozawa–Wall–Flynn (FWO), and modified Coats–Redfern (m‐CR) isoconversional models were used to obtain information about the kinetics of the thermal...
Improving Thermal Insulation Properties for Prefabricated Wall Components Made of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete with Open Structure
PublicationPorous concrete is commonly used in civil engineering due to its good thermal insulation properties in comparison with normal concrete and high compression strength in comparison with other building materials. An extremely porous concrete, called ‘lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure’ (LAC), is used in some German plants to produce prefabricated wall components. They are used mainly in hall buildings, e.g. supermarkets....
Rheology of Variable Viscosity‐Based Mixed Convective Inclined Magnetized Cross Nanofluid with Varying Thermal Conductivity
PublicationCross nanofluid possesses an extraordinary quality among the various fluidic models to explore the key characteristics of flowing fluid during very low and very high shear rates and its viscosity models depend upon shear rate. The current study establishes the numerical treatment regarding variable viscosity‐based mixed convective inclined magnetized Cross nanofluid with var‐ ying thermal conductivities over the moving permeable...
Experimental and numerical investigation on shell and coil storage unit with biodegradable PCM for modular thermal battery applications
PublicationThermal energy storage (TES) in automotive applications is currently growing in importance. TES can visibly reduce primary energy consumptions, decrease CO2 emission, and improve thermal comfort in electric as well as hybrid vehicles. However, to meet the new ambitious target (15% reduction of CO2 emissions in the new cars until 2025) it is required to use plug-in electric vehicles. For this reason, this paper focuses on the optimization...
High level synthesis with adaptive evolutionary algorithm for solving reliability and thermal problems in reconfigurable microelectronic systems.
PublicationPraca dotyczy badań efektywności adaptacyjnego algorytmu ewolucyjnego (AEA)zastosowanego do syntezy wysokiego poziomu układów cyfrowych CMOS w celu zredukowania rozpraszanej przez nie mocy. W wyniku obniżenia poziomu mocy pobieranej przez układ mikroelektroniczny uzyskuje się zmniejszenie szczytowej i średniej temperatury układu scalonego co z kolei prowadzi do wzrostu niezawodności całego systemu. Podczas przeprowadzonych...
Interrelationship between total volatile organic compounds emissions, structure and properties of natural rubber/polycaprolactone bio-blends cross-linked with peroxides
PublicationNatural rubber/polycaprolactone (NR/PCL) bio-based blends with different organic peroxides were prepared using an internal batch mixer and subsequently cross-linked at 170°C. Two types of commonly used organic peroxides, dicumyl peroxide and di(tert-butylperoxyisopropyl)benzene peroxide, were applied as free-radical initiator. Cross-linking efficiency of NR/PCL blends were investigated using oscillating disc rheometer measurements,...
Enhanced Spectroscopic Insight into Acceptor-Modified Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Films Deposited via the Sol–Gel Method
PublicationIn the present paper, composite thin films of barium strontium titanate (BaxSr1−xTiO3) with an acceptor modifier (magnesium oxide—MgO) were deposited on metal substrates (stainless steel type) using the sol–gel method. The composite thin films feature BaxSr1−xTiO3 ferroelectric solid solution as the matrix and MgO linear dielectric as the reinforcement, with MgO concentrations ranging from 1 to 5 mol%. Following thermal treatment...
Graphene-based Silicone rubber Nanocomposites: Preparation, Characterization, and Properties
PublicationThis study aims to understand better the mechanical, thermal, and tribological behavior of silicone rubber nanocomposites. Graphite, exfoliated graphite, reduced graphene oxide, ionic liquid modified graphene oxide, silane-modified graphene oxide, fumed silica, and other fillers were used in this study. Adding graphene-based fillers to the silicone rubber matrix substantially improves the nanocomposite's mechanical, thermal, and...
Low temperature rotary Stirling engine: conceptual design and theoretical analysis
PublicationThe use of low-temperature energy sources for electricity generation demands a dual focus: a substantial enhancement in the efficiency of energy conversion devices and a reduction in system production costs. Particularly in scenarios where low-temperature energy sources are scarce, this factor can be pivotal in facilitating widespread adoption of such technologies. The Stirling engine emerges as a promising solution capable of...
Analysis of cyclone separator solutions depending on spray ejector condenser conditions
PublicationThe core design strategy for minimizing CO2 emissions in gas power plant entails combining a spray ejector condenser (SEC) and separator to accomplish steam condensation and CO2 purification. This innovative process involves direct-contact condensation of steam with CO2, facilitated by interaction with a subcooled water spray, along with a cyclone separator mechanism intended for generating pure CO2. The investigation of the SEC...
Molecular dynamics studies of polyurethane nanocomposite hydrogels
PublicationPolyurethane PEO-based hydrogels have a broad range of biomedical applicability. They are attractive for drug-controlled delivery systems, surgical implants and wound healing dressings. In this study, a PEO based polyurethane hydrogels containing Cloisite R 30B, an organically modified clay mineral, was synthesized. Structure of nanocomposite hydrogels was determined using XRD technique. Its molecular dynamics was studied by means...
Implementation of constant component filter in measurements of random telegraph signal noise
PublicationNoise is generated in all semiconductor devices. The intensity of these fluctuations depends on used elements, manufacturing process, operating conditions and device type. The result noise is a superposition of different kinds of fluctuations like thermal noise, generation-recombination noise, 1/f noise, shot noise and Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) noise. The last one, RTS noise is observed as nonstationary impulse fluctuations....
High Performance Tubular Heat Exchanger with Minijet Heat Transfer Enhancement
PublicationIn the paper, the original cylindrical heat exchanger with minijets (MJHE) was introduced. The systematic experimental analysis of the prototype heat exchanger was described with special attention paid to such parameters as the heat transfer effectiveness, heat transfer rates, overall heat transfer coefficients, and pressure drop. The heat transfer coefficients were determined based on Wilson plot method, the most suitable approach...
Możliwości odzysku fosforu z odcieków, osadów ściekowych i popiołów po termicznym przekształcaniu osadów ściekowych
PublicationW ostatnich latach zaobserwowano rosnącą świadomość o ograniczonych zasobach fosforu. Szacuje się, że mogą one ulec wyczerpaniu w ciągu 100 lat, przy obecnym zaawansowaniu technologii. Ponad 80% wydobywanego złoża wykorzystywane jest do produkcji nawozów sztucznych oraz w przemyśle chemicznym. Taka perspektywa zwiększa zainteresowanie recyklingiem fosforu, który może być odzyskiwany ze ścieków w fazie płynnej, z odwodnionych osadów...
Tunable emission and energy transfer of B2O3–Bi2O3–AlF3 glass system doped with Eu3+/Dy3+
PublicationThe structure and luminescent properties of the B2O3–Bi2O–AlF3 glass system doped with Eu3+/Dy3+ ions in different molar ratios were studied. A series of glasses were synthesized by the conventional melt quenching technique. Glass transition and crystallization temperatures were examined by Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) measurements. The amorphous character of the prepared samples was confirmed by the X-ray diffraction (XRD)...
Enzymatic and Chemical Cross-Linking of Bacterial Cellulose/Fish Collagen Composites—A Comparative Study
PublicationThis article compares the properties of bacterial cellulose/fish collagen composites (BC/Col) after enzymatic and chemical cross-linking. In our methodology, two transglutaminases are used for enzymatic cross-linking—one recommended for the meat and the other proposed for the fish industry—and pre-oxidated BC (oxBC) is used for chemical cross-linking. The structure of the obtained composites is characterized by scanning electron...
Green TPUs from Prepolymer Mixtures Designed by Controlling the Chemical Structure of Flexible Segments
PublicationThis study concerns green thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) obtained by controlling the chemical structure of flexible segments. Two types of bio-based polyether polyols—poly(trimethylene glycol)s—with average molecular weights ca. 1000 and 2700 Da were used (PO3G1000 and PO3G2700, respectively). TPUs were prepared via a two-step method. Hard segments consisted of 4,4?- diphenylmethane diisocyanates and the bio-based 1,4-butanodiol...
Annealing Rate as a Crucial Parameter Controlling the Photoelectrochemical Properties of AuCu Mosaic Core–Shell Nanoparticles
PublicationThermal processing is an essential step during the synthesis of various metal nanostructures and for tailoring their morphology, optical, and electrochemical properties. Herein, a profound impact of the annealing rate and time on photoactivity of gold–copper nanostructures by changes in the position and alignment of energy levels and surface states is reported. AuCu nanoparticles (NPs) are fabricated by sputtering of thin metal...
Thermo-resonance analysis of an excited graphene sheet using a new approach
PublicationForced vibration of graphene nanoplate based on a refined plate theory in conjunction with higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory in the thermal environment has been investigated. Regarding the higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory, both stress nonlocality and size-dependent effects are taken into account, so the equilibrium equations which are governing on the graphene sheet have been formulated by the theory....
Prestressing of concrete using iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) short fibers: Experimental and numerical analysis
PublicationIron-based shape memory alloys (Fe-SMAs) exhibit unique shape recovery and memory effect behavior upon thermal activation, making them advantageous for structural applications such as prestressing. Introducing short Fe-SMA fibers into concrete structures allows for a uniform and localized distribution of prestressing forces within...
Green chromatography
PublicationAnalysis of organic compounds in samples characterized by different composition of the matrix is very important in many areas. A vast majority of organic compound determinations are performed using gas or liquid chromatographic methods. It is thus very important that these methods have negligible environmental impact. Chromatographic techniques have the potential to be greener at all steps of the analysis, from sample collection...
Characteristics of volatile organic compounds emission profiles from hot road bitumens
PublicationA procedure for the investigation and comparison of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission profiles to the atmosphere from road bitumens with various degrees of oxidation is proposed. The procedure makes use of headspace analysis and gas chromatography with universal as well as selective detection, including gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The studies revealed that so-called vacuum residue, which is the main component...
Eco-friendly Route for Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers with Bio-based Hard Segments Composed of Bio-glycol and Mixtures of Aromatic–Aliphatic and Aliphatic–Aliphatic Diisocyanate
PublicationApplication of bio-based diisocyanates with low volatility instead petrochemical diisocyanates has positive impact on environment by reduction of hazardous effects on living organisms and lead to bio-based polyurethanes (bio-PUs) with good usage properties. This work was focused on the synthesis and chosen properties examination of partially bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (bio-PUs) obtained using diisocyanate mixtures,...
Air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile as an example of the BIPVT system – An experimental study on the energy and exergy performance
PublicationThe air-cooled photovoltaic tile is a subject of presented investigations, which focused on improving the overall system efficiency of PV tiles with heat recovery. The operational efficiency of a PV roof tile, together with the construction optimising the air cooling efficiency, were the main points of plans realized at this research stage. The article describes the experimental research consisting of the assessment of electrical,...
Modyfikacja kompozytów elastomerowych NR za pomocą ligniny i glicerolizatu
PublicationPrzedmiotem opisanych w niniejszym artykule badań są wulkanizaty kauczuku naturalnego. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu ligniny oraz glicerolizatu na wybrane właściwości kompozytów zawierających kauczuk naturalny. Strukturę chemiczną przygotowanych materiałów potwierdzono, wykorzystując analizę spektroskopową w podczerwieni (FTIR). Zbadano również właściwości mechaniczne przy statycznym rozciąganiu, twardość, ścieralność oraz odbojność...
Structural properties of superconducting PrBa 2Cu 3O 7−δ single crystals
PublicationThe influence of high-temperature reduction/oxidation treatment on the structural properties of superconducting PrBa2Cu3O7−δ (PrBCO) single crystals was examined. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis has shown that even the short-lasting exposure to the oxygen-deficient atmosphere leads to creation of regular-shaped crystallites of PrBaO3 and BaCuO2 phases with the size of 0.5 ÷ 2.0 μm on the smooth and flat crystal...
Influence of cooling rate and additives on low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures in the TSRST
PublicationThe paper presents the results and analysis of low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures according to Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST) and Indirect Tensile Test methods. Different groups of bitumen were investigated: neat, SBS-modified and highly SBS-modified. Influence of cooling rates (1 C/h, 3 C/h, 5 C/h and 10 C/h) and additives (aramid fibres and crumb rubber) was identified as well. Moreover, for each...
Nanocrystalline cathode functional layer for SOFC
PublicationRecently, it was shown that thin functional layers introduced between an electrolyte and cathode might improve cathode performance. However, the mechanism of this improvement still needs analysis. In this paper, a thin (∼140 nm), spin-coated perovskite layer (La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ) was placed between a cathode (La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ) and an electrolyte (Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ) and the effects of this investigated. The microstructure...
Synthesis, structure and physical properties of new intermetallic spin glass-like compounds RE2PdGe3 (RE = Tb and Dy)
PublicationNew intermetallic compounds Tb2Pd1.25Ge2.75 and Dy2Pd1.25Ge2.75 have been synthesized using the arc-melting method. The crystallographic structure and magnetic, electronic transport, and thermal properties are reported. The crystal structure obtained from powder x-ray diffraction analysis suggests that these compounds crystallize in the AlB2-type structure (space group P6/mmm, no. 191) with lattice parameters a = 4.228 53(5)/4.230 54...
Isothermal Vulcanization and Non-Isothermal Degradation Kinetics of XNBR/Epoxy/XNBR-g-Halloysite Nanotubes (HNT) Nanocomposites
PublicationThe effect of several concentrations of carboxylated nitrile butadiene rubber (XNBR) functionalized halloysite nanotubes (XHNTs) on the vulcanization and degradation kinetics of XNBR/epoxy compounds were evaluated using experimental and theoretical methods. The isothermal vulcanization kinetics were studied at various temperatures by rheometry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results obtained indicated that the...
Wpływ właściwości czynników chłodniczych na straty egzergii w pompie ciepła (Influence of Refrigerants Properties for Exergy Losses in Heat Pump)
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest wpływowi występujących w pompie ciepła strat egzergii na jej efektywność energetyczną, a co za tym idzie koszty funkcjonowania instalacji. Autorzy prezentują tu metodologię obliczeniową, która może być zastosowana w procesach projektowania układów cieplno-przepływowych. Obliczenia zostały wykonane na podstawie typowego układu powietrznej pompy ciepła pracującej w klimacie środkowo-europejskim. Ponadto w...
Epoxy/Ionic Liquid-Modified Mica Nanocomposites: Network Formation–Network Degradation Correlation
PublicationWe synthesized pristine mica (Mica) and N-octadecyl-N’-octadecyl imidazolium iodide (IM) modified mica (Mica-IM), characterized it, and applied it at 0.1–5.0 wt.% loading to prepare epoxy nanocomposites. Dynamic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was carried out for the analysis of the cure potential and kinetics of epoxy/Mica and epoxy/Mica-IM curing reaction with amine curing agents at low loading of 0.1 wt.% to avoid particle...
/sup 6/LiI(Eu) in neutron and /spl gamma/-ray spectrometry-a highly sensitive thermal neutron detector
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Thermal, spectroscopic and luminescence investigations of lanthanide(III) coordination polymers based on V-shaped 4,4′-sulfonyldibenzoic acid
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Structural, Thermal, and Storage Stability of Rapana Thomasiana Hemocyanin in the Presence of Cholinium-Amino Acid-Based Ionic Liquids
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Dielectric and thermal studies of the segmental dynamics of poly(methyl methacrylate)/silica nanocomposites prepared by the sol–gel method
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Thermal performance of building envelopes with structural layers of the same density: Lightweight aggregate concrete versus foamed concrete
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Thermal Transitions and Structural Characteristics of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene/cucurbit[7]uril) Polypseudorotaxane and Polyrotaxane Thin Films
PublicationHerein, we report the thermal transitions and structural properties of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene/cucurbit[7]uril) pseudopolyrotaxane (PEDOT∙CB7-PS) and polyrotaxane (PEDOT∙CB7-PR) thin films compared with those of pristine PEDOT. The structural characteristics were investigated by using variable-temperature spectroscopic ellipsometry (VTSE), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force...
Effects of simulated pressure of wooden, plastic, and metal materials on the thermal insulation of cold-protective gloves of various designs
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Mechanical and Thermal Properties of W-Ta-B Coatings Deposited by High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)
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The Thermal State of the North Atlantic Ocean and Hydrological Droughts in the Warta River Catchment in Poland during 1951–2020
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Correction: Simultaneously improving the thermal stability, flame retardancy and mechanical properties of polyethylene by the combination of graphene with carbon black
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Combination of fumed silica with carbon black for simultaneously improving the thermal stability, flame retardancy and mechanical properties of polyethylene
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Mathematical modeling and prediction of pit to crack transition under cyclic thermal load using artificial neural network
PublicationThe formation of pitting is a major problem in most metals, which is caused by extremely localized corrosion that creates small holes in metal and subsequently, it changes into cracks under mechanical load, thermo-mechanical stress, and corrosion process factors. This research aims to study pit to crack transition phenomenon of steel boiler heat tubes under cyclic thermal load, and mathematical modeling...
Degradation- and Thermal-Related Changes in Selected Electro-Optical Parameters of High-Power 270–280 nm LEDs