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Search results for: shaking table tests
Results of tests on speech intelligibility in reverberant conditions
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of tests that aimed to provide a relationship between the rate of speech (RoS) and reverberation conditions characterized by the Speech Transmission Index (STI).
Evaluation of losses in a hydraulic motor based on the SWSB - 63 motor tests
PublicationIn this paper are compared two models of energy losses: that suggested by Prof. Paszota,Z. in monograph "Energy losses in the hydraulic displacement motors - definitions and relations serving the evaluation of the efficiency of hydrostatic drive" [18] and that ofProf. Balawender, A. in "Energy analysis and methodology of testing of low-speed hydraulic motors" [1]. By using the data obtained from the tests of SWSB-63 hydraulic motors...
New, fast and cheap prediction tests for BRCA1 gene mutations identification in clinical samples.
PublicationDespite significant progress in cancer therapy, cancer is still the second cause of mortality in the world. The necessity to make quick therapeutic decisions forces the development of procedures allowing to obtain a reliable result in a quick and unambiguous manner. Currently, detecting predictive mutations, including BRCA1, is the basis for effectively treating advanced breast cancer. Here, we present new insight on gene mutation...
Methodology for determination of the selected mechanical properties of wood based on cutting tests
PublicationFrom kiln-dried spruce wood (with steam) as well as in natural conditions were randomly selected 8 samples. After determining the average dimensions, moisture content and density of the samples they have been cut on the frame sawing machine PRW15M for measurement of cutting power. Based on those results from a linear rela-tionship of cutting power versus feed per toot mechanical properties of wood such as facture toughness and...
Vessel Energy Requirement Prediction from Acceleration Stage Towing Tests on Scale Models
PublicationOne of the most crucial tasks for naval architects is computing the energy required to meet the ship’s operational needs. When predicting a ship’s energy requirements, a series of hull resistance tests on a scale model vessel is carried out in constant speed stages, while the acceleration stage measurements are ignored. Another important factor in seakeeping analysis is the ship’s hydrodynamic added mass. The second law of dynamics...
Applications of permeability, oedometer and direct shear tests to the sand mixed with waste tire crumb
PublicationThe amount of the used waste rubbers in the world has been increasing every year, and their utilization, become a major environmental problem worldwide. The present experimental work has been performed to investigate the influence of rubber inclusion on the behavior of a sand. Geotechnical properties of the sand, and sand with tire crumb at various ratios mixtures (0%, 2.5%, 7.5%, and 15%) were investigated through a series of...
Isothermal Calorimetry and Compressive Strength Tests of Mortar Specimens for Determination of Apparent Activation Energy
PublicationThe hydration process of cementitious materials involves a thermally activated reaction that depends on the composition of the mixture and the curing temperature. The main parameter affecting the temperature variation of cast-in-place concrete is the apparent activation energy, which can be used for the efficient prediction of the temperature evolution and maturity index of hardening concrete. This paper discusses two methods to...
Experimental Tests Of Sandwich Beams In The Design Process Of GFRP Shell Footbridge Structure
PublicationThe paper includes selected aspects of the study to elaborate architectural, material and construction design of pedestrian footbridge spans made of composite materials. The considered footbridge is a sandwich-type shell structure. The cooperation of PET foam core with outer lining surfaces is crucial for its load bearing capacity. The paper is aimed to experimental investigation of sandwich beams subjected to bending loading....
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Two-Stage Concrete and Conventional Concrete Using Nondestructive Tests
PublicationDifferent types of concrete mixtures are used as building materials. The manufacturing process of two-stage concrete (TSC) differs from that of conventional concrete. This study investigated conventional mechanical properties derive empirical relations for estimation of the mechanical parameters of TSC and conventional concrete mixtures. TSC was used to prepare 216 specimens and conventional concrete was used to prepare 108 specimens...
The Method of Selecting the Interval of Functional Tests Taking into Account Economic Aspects and Legal Requirements
PublicationThe article discusses the problem of choosing the optimal frequency of functional tests, taking into account the reliability and law requirements, but also the impact of business aspects in the company. The subject of functional test interval is well described for purposes of the process industry. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the machinery safety functions with low demand mode. This is followed by a presentation of the...
Evaluating architecture students' knowledge of the history of architecture by tests and by drawings: a comparative analysis
PublicationThe methods of evaluating students’ knowledge in architectural education, and in particular in education on history of architecture, are specific in many respects. Apart from checking the general knowledge of history concerning chronology, artistic trends, styles, main objects and architects, it should also check students’ ability to analyse the historic architecture in a drawing form. Such a form of presenting architecture has...
Polyester sail technical woven fabric behaviour under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests
PublicationThe paper is focused on the identification of mechanical properties of a sail technical woven fabric (yacht sailcloth polyester) style 480 AP with MTO (Medium Tempered Optimized) finish. The non-linear elastic behaviour of the fabric applied for sails is investigated under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests. Comparison of non-linear elastic parameters with others polyester coated fabrics is made. This paper is intended to be an...
Size effect in centrifuge cone penetration tests
PublicationOkreślenie efektu skali w badaniu wciskania stożka w zagęszczonych piaskach kwarcowych na podstawie badań modelowych w wirówce geotechnicznej. Badania przeprowadzono na dwóch piaskach kwarcowych przy przyśpieszeniach od 30g do 100g. Analizowano efekt skali związany ze stosunkiem średnicy modelu (mini-stożka) do średniej średnicy ziaren oraz wpływem poziomu naprężenia na opór stożka. Wpływ poziomu naprężenia powoduje powstanie geometrycznego...
Reverberation chamber in emc tests of naval systems
PublicationPaper covers the techniques of emission and immunity testing to the electromagnetic field in reverberation chamber. The procedure of he chamber calibration and field homogeneity assessment were covered. The naval forces' product as selected as an example for discussing the testing procedure in the chamber. The paper's summary gives the assortment of methodology in radiation emission testing and immunity to the electromagnetic field...
Laboratory tests of medium voltage switchgear isolators
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Polish experience of dynamic tests for bored piles
PublicationPrzedstawiono zastosowanie badań dynamicznych, DLT, do oceny nośności wierconych pali wielkośrednicowych.Na podstawie badań terenowych, dla dwóch obiektów mostowych, wykonano badania dynamiczne (DLT) oraz korelacyjne badania statyczne (ASPLT). Określono pełną krzywą osiadania. Uzyskano dobrą zgodność krzywych obciążenie - osiadanie dla zakresu obciążeń roboczych.
Evaluation of Lightning Protection Earthings by Impulse Tests
PublicationW artykule zamieszczono opis nowej procedury pomiaru uziemień odgromowych metodą udarową. Zgodnie z propozycję podczas testu udarowego można pomierzyć nie tylko impedancję udarową uziemienia, ale także ocenić jego rezystancję oraz współczynnik udaru. Wynik takiego badania uwzględnia tylko tę część uziomu, którą określa się jako jego długość efektywną.
Experimental tests of reinforced concrete deep-beams
PublicationThe paper presents results of experimental research of the reinforced concrete deep beam with a spatial arrangement. Tested structural elements consist of the cantilever deep beam loaded on the height and transverse deep beam with hanging on it another one. The analysis includes crack morphology, effort of steel and load distribution. The article verified effectiveness of two different kind of reinforcement in both tested deep...
Roughness measurement results evaluation of 6082 aluminium alloy specimens after fatigue bending tests
PublicationIn this paper, the topography of 6082 aluminium alloy specimens after fatigue bending tests was studied with a comprehensive evaluation of measurement noise caused by vibration. Roughness results were acquired by contactless Focus Variation Microscopy (FVM). Studied data were pre-processed, removing the non-measured points and outliers with regular methods, respectively, and high-frequency noise was considered. The variations in...
Diagnostic PCR tests for Microsporum audouinii, M. canis and Trichophyton infections
PublicationSince traditional diagnosis of dermatophyte infections is slow, we present a rapid new pcr test for detection of trichophyton spp., microsporum canis and m. audouinii infections. the performance of the test was evaluated with: 58 dermatophyte isolates; 10 yeast, mould and human dna control samples; 25 routine specimens from patients suspected of having dermatophytosis; 10 hair specimens from guinea pigs experimentally infected...
Ella4Life virtual assistant - user centered design strategy - evaluation following labolatory tests
PublicationIn the paper, we summarize the evaluation of Anne4Care system after laboratory tests. A group of end users, seniors over 55 years of age, rated a virtual assistant by completing a questionnaire. The objectives of the pilot evaluations are mainly to assess the feasibility, usability, acceptance and functionality of the system and the ability of the potential target user to use the system and receive valuable information from it...
Identification of residual force in static load tests on instrumented screw displacement piles
PublicationOccurrence of the so-called residual force of an unknown value significantly disturbs interpretation of static load tests performed on piles equipped with additional measuring instruments. Screw displacement piles are the piling technology in which the residual force phenomenon is very common. Its formation mechanism is closely related to the installation method of this type of piles, which initiates generation of negative pile...
Evaluation of a Small Inland Ferry’s Energy Requirements from the Acceleration Stage of Towing Tank Model Tests
PublicationComputing the power required to meet a ship’s operational needs is one of the most important tasks in naval design. The power required to propel a vessel is directly related to the resistance the hull experiences as it moves through the water. The conventional method of determining a ship’s resistance involves towing tank tests of ship models at a fixed speed; however, for short-range vessels, where constant speed is not the primary...
Analysis and comparision of safety of children and adult passanger in car based on crash tests results
PublicationThis paper presents analysis and comparision of safety of children and adult passanger in car based on crash tests results. The car crash test with four dummies, including two car seats allowed a direct comparison of the security under the same conditions of children and passengers directly to the car seat. Analysis of acceleration and video from the test allows to understand the phenomena during the collision, the air bags influence,...
New generation of analytical tests based on the assessment of enzymatic and nuclear receptor activity changes induced by environmental pollutants
PublicationAnalytical methods show great potential in biological tests. The analysis of biological response that results from environmental pollutant exposure allows: (i) prediction of the risk of toxic effects and (ii) provision of the background for the development of markers of the toxicants presence. Bioanalytical tests based on changes in enzymatic activity and nuclear receptor action provide extremely high specificity and sensitivity....
Experimental and numerical analysis of the modified TB32 crash tests of the cable barrier system
PublicationRoad restraint systems, including safety barriers, are one of the means used to improve road safety. Currently, they can be allowed to general use after passing the specific crash tests. However, it is always important and desirable to evaluate their performance under various realistic conditions, which can happen on the roads. In this study, the behaviour of the cable barrier system in impact conditions different than assumed...
Field Tests on Hydrodynamic and Hybrid Operation of a Bidirectional Thrust Bearing of a Pump-Turbine
PublicationIn vertical shaft pump turbines operating in pumped storage power plants an important role is played by a thrust bearing. Due to the bidirectional character of operation, thrust bearing tilting pads have to be supported symmetrically, which is known to be unfavourable from the point of view of their performance. Large thrust bearings have to be carefully designed so as to minimise excessive thermo-elastic pad deformations. The...
Interplay between Selected Chemical and Biochemical Soil Properties in the Humus Horizons of Grassland Soils with Low Water Table Depth
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Towards a universal embedded-atom method: empirically adjusted and consistent set of atomic densities for all elements of the periodic table
PublicationModel atomu HFS został zmodyfikowany poprzez wyznaczenie indywidualnych parametrów αex dla atomów. Parametry αex wyznaczono w oparciu o energię jonizacji atomów. W oparciu o tak zmodyfikowaną metodę HFS wyznaczono rozkłady gęstości elektronów w atomach.
Beam on elastic foundation with anticlastic curvature: Application to analysis of mode I fracture tests
PublicationA first order correction is proposed taking into account both interface elasticity and transverse anticlastic curvature of flexible substrate(s) in the DCB (and related tests). Adherends are represented by Kirchhoff-Love plates, and the interface by Winkler-type elastic foundation. Two functions are introduced, representing evolution of beam deflection along the sample midline and anticlastic curvature along the plate. A method...
Numerical tests of time-stepping schemes in the context of FEM for 6-field shell dynamics
PublicationThe paper deals with integration of dynamic equations of irregular shells performed with relatively long time steps. Numerical instability appearing often in this kind of analysis motivated the authors to present some studies based on numerical tests referring to convergence problems of finite element analysis as well the applied stability conditions. The analysis is carried out on simulations of shell dynamics with the where the...
Dynamics analysis of footbridge mode shapes the s8 expressway on the basis of the results of in situ tests
PublicationNon-destructive diagnostics for structure may use dynamic measurements realized during vibrations of a facility induced by dynamic environmental impact, enforced by the use of inductors or impulse impact. Dynamic tests and the analysis were undertaken for a footbridge situated over the expressway S8. The studies in situ allowed for dynamic characteristics to be determined: frequency, shape modes and damping for respective frequency...
Strain-dependent behaviour of cold recycled material mixtures in cyclic compression tests
PublicationThe purpose of the study is to evaluate strain-dependent behaviour of Cold Recycled Material (CRM) mixtures using three frameworks typically applied for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): linear viscoelastic (LVE) limits; non-linearity directions; changes in rheological model parameters. To this aim, the complex modulus of three CRM mixtures with different bitumen-to-cement ratio (0.2, 0.6 and 1.8) was measured in cyclic compression mode,...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 24 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 30 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Man 30 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Man 53 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 49 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 27 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
Metamodel-based optimization of a high-tension cable barrier in crash tests with a large SUV
PublicationRoad safety barriers play an important role in improving road safety. Cable barriers are one of the types of road barriers. Cable barriers have favorable collision-related properties, especially in terms of the safety of the vehicle occupants. Despite the continuous development of road barrier systems, the current European standard EN1317, which is used to evaluate the performance of road barriers, does not take into account all...
Life tests of a rotary single-stage magnetic-fluid seal for shipbuilding applications
PublicationUse of the magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much more difficult technological problem in comparisonto gas or vacuum environment. Some seals constructed up to time been are designed as hybrid, two stagesealing structures with shields or mechanical seals used as protection measures to the magnetic fluid seal.Anyway, there is always problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentalliquid. In the...
Tests of bond between concrete and steel bars – literature background and program of own research
PublicationThis article deals with the issue of the bond between concrete and reinforcement. The bond is crucial for reinforced concrete elements because it is possible to transfer forces (stresses) from concrete to the reinforcement. Basic information related to the cooperation of concrete and rebars was recalled in the article. Selected issues concerning theoretical and numerical analysis as well as experiments of the bond phenomenon were...
Analysis and Comparison of Safety of Children and Adult Passenger in Car Based on Crash Tests Results
PublicationMost important features of the child seat were presented. There was made analysis of selected dynamic loads acting on mannequins heads during a collision. Comparison of loads acting on the kid in a child seat and the other passengers in a car is presented. In analysis of the results particular attention has been paid on the children's secure in a car. The phenomena of collision child's occipital bone with seat backrest was described....
Subjective tests for gathering knowledge for applying color grading to video clips automatically
PublicationThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot, and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with or...
Subjective tests for gathering konwledge for applaying color grading to video clips automatically
PublicationThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot,and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with...
Reinforced aluminium reference measurement Result1 – earlier tests
Open Research DataPreliminary testing of aluminium alloys against 100Cr6 steel ball. Preparation to tests on wear of Al6061 alloy in ball on disk experiment. Research on the reinforcing effect of aluminium alloy injection reinforcement with TiN and WC powders in laser remelted surface layer.
Reinforced aluminium reference measurement R63 – earlier tests
Open Research DataPreliminary testing of aluminium alloys against 100Cr6 steel ball. Preparation to tests on wear of Al6061 alloy in ball on disk experiment. Research on the reinforcing effect of aluminium alloy injection reinforcement with TiN and WC powders in laser remelted surface layer.
Consequences of New Approach of Chemical Stability Tests of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)
PublicationThere is a great need of broaden look on stability tests of active pharmaceuticalingredients (APIs) in comparison with current requirements contained in pharmacopeia.By usage of many modern analytical methods the conception of monitoring the changesof APIs during initial stage of their exposure to harmful factors has been developed. Newknowledge must be acquired in terms of identification of each degradation...
Field tests on hydrodynamic and hybrid operation of a bi-directional thrust bearing of a pump-turbine
PublicationIn vertical shaft pump turbines operating in pumped storage power plants an important role is played by a thrust bearing. Because of bi-directional character of operation, thrust bearing tilting pads have to be supported symmetrically, which is known to be unfavourable from the point of view of their performance. Large thrust bearings have to be carefully designed so as to minimise excessive thermo-elastic pad deformations. The...