Search results for: triple conducting oxides
Share of gross value added by factors of production prices generated by the enterprise sector in Poland and in the EU countries in the GDP of individual countries
Open Research DataCompanies operating in the EU countries are characterized by a greater contribution to the creation of GDP than Polish enterprises. Discrepancies in shaping the described value also result from a different industry structure of companies. In other EU countries, more companies are involved in services, and in Poland, enterprises conducting commercial...
Enthalpies of formation of rare earth niobates, RE3NbO7
PublicationHigh-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry was used to investigate energetics of a series of rare earth niobates RE3NbO7. All of investigated compounds were found to be stable in enthalpy in respect to their oxides. The enthalpy of formation from oxides becomes more exothermic as the size of the RE cation increases, a trend seen previously in other RE compounds including pyrochlores, perovskites, and phosphates. For smaller...
The viscometric evaluation of the gelation rate the chitosan-metal oxide hydrogel systems.
Open Research DataThe dataset shows the change in the viscosity of a hydrogel medium over time. Viscometric measurement was used as a universal method for determining the cross-linking rate of chitosan hydrogel using metal oxides or other solutions with a negative net charge. The method was prepared as a method of predicting the kinetics of additive manufacturing using...
Intense and stable room-temperature photoluminescence from nanoporous vanadium oxide formed by in-ambient degradation of VI3 crystals
PublicationVanadium oxides have attracted research interest because their optoelectronic properties make them optically active with room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) emission, which, however, is not sufficiently intense for real applications. For this reason, many nanostructured vanadium oxides are currently fabricated through several precursors and different treatments to improve the PL efficiency and enhance the PL intensity. Herein,...
Innovative Regionen - kreative Metropolen
PublicationInnowacyjne regiony sa ''lokomotywami'' rozwoju. Koncentruja wiedze, nauke, innowacje. Szczegolna koncentracja form innowacyjnych wystepuje w przestrzeni metropolii w powiazaniach kapitalu wiedzy, spolecznego, ludzkiego, instytucjonalnego. Definicja potrojnej helisy (Triple Helix) dotyczy powiazan wiedzy i badan, gospodarki i zarzadzania regionem (governance). Kreatywne metropolie wyznaczaja 3xT: talent, technologie, tolerancja.
Lanthanum investigations in ceramics annealed in a dry and wet atmosphere
Open Research DataCeramics based on Barium, Lanthanum, Gadolinium and Cobaltium were produced by standard solid state reaction from oxides and carbonate powders. After sintring, samples were annealed for 2 hours or 72 hours at 300 Celsius degree in a both: wet and dry atmosphere. Results of annealing on a chemical composition and valence state of lanthanum were observed...
High temperature X-Ray difractogramms of 10_B cation multicomponent perovskites
Open Research DataThe dataset contains high-temperature XRD patterns of the Ba(ZrHfSnTiCeInYYbSmZn)O3 perovskite which was hydrated at 300 C before the analyses. The set contains the data from four subsequent heating treatments. It also includes the XRD of a dry sample. The technical symbol of the sample is H038. The perovskites were synthesised and studied in the NCN...
X-Ray difractogramms of multicomponent perovskites
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw XRD patterns of four exemplary barium perovskites having 5 different B-cations, that is Zr, Hf, Sn, Ti and Ce, Zr, Hf, Sn, Ti and Y, Zr, Hf, Sn, Ti and Yb and Zr, Hf, Sn, Ti and Sm. The perovskites were synthesised and studied in the NCN project "High entropy oxides for energy conversion"
A study of the kinetics of bismuth telluride synthesis by an oxide reduction method
PublicationThe kinetics of a reduction of bismuth and tellurium oxides in a hydrogen atmosphere, leading to the formation of thermoelectric bismuth telluride is investigated. The evaluation of the reaction kinetics was based on a thermogravimetric analysis performed in non-isothermal conditions. A non-parametric analysis method and the Friedman method were used for the evaluation of the data. Additionally, for a better understanding of the...
Photoelectrochemical properties of BIMEVOX (ME=Cu, Zn, Mn) electrodes in contact with aqueous electrolyte
PublicationLayered oxide Bi4O2O11 and mixed oxides of bismuth, vanadium and a third metal (ME = Cu, Zn, Mn) were synthesized and characterized using XRD, Raman and SEM. The energy band gap (Eg) of samples determined using UV–VIS reflectance spectra equals to 2.46, 2.34, 2.27 and 2.18 eV for Bi4V2O11, BICUVOX (Bi2V1 − xCuxO5.5 − 3x/2), BIZNVOX (Bi2V1 − xZnxO5.5 − 3x/2) and BIMNVOX (Bi2V1 − xMnxO5.5 − x/2) (x = 0.1), respectively. Open circuit...
Mahaveer Mahaveer
PeopleMahaveer completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Energy and Environment Engineering QUEST Pakistan and Master of Engineering in Environmental Engineering from Tianjin University PR China. During his ME studies, he had experience in developing academic research plans, conducting scientific analysis, and presenting technical findings. Skilled in Python, ANSYS, Tecplot, and Origin Pro for advanced environmental simulations and data...
QoS/QoE in the Heterogeneous Internet of Things (IoT)
PublicationApplications provided in the Internet of Things can generally be divided into three categories: audio, video and data. This has given rise to the popular term Triple Play Services. The most important audio applications are VoIP and audio streaming. The most notable video applications are VToIP, IPTV, and video streaming, and the service WWW is the most prominent example of data-type services. This chapter elaborates on the most...
Bezpieczeństwo i wydajność wybranych algorytmów kryptograficznych w systemie RSMAD
PublicationW artykule scharakteryzowano architekturę bezpieczeństwa Radiowego Systemu Monitorowania i Akwizycji Danych z Urządzeń Fotoradarowych (w skrócie RSMAD), ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem mechanizmów zapewniania poufności danych w tymże systemie. W pracy przedstawiono także szczegółowe wyniki badań w zakresie zgodności algorytmu AES-128 z kryterium SAC. Ponadto zaprezentowano analizę porównawczą wydajności algorytmów AES-128 oraz Triple-DES...
Linear and nonlinear impedance of alkali and iron doped silicate-lead glasses
Open Research DataLinear and nonlinear impedance was studied for lead-silicate glass samples doped with iron ions and alkaline oxides. The compositions of glasses were as follows: (in %mol) 50% SiO2, 25% PbO, 15% Fe2O3 and 15% one of alkaline oxides: Na2O, K2O, Li2O. All samples were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. The substrates were powdered...
XPS measurement of the Fe-Ti based materials
Open Research DataThe mono‐ and bimetal‐modified (Pd, Cu) titanium(IV) oxide and iron oxide (III) photocatalysts were prepared by chemical reduction method and characterized using XPS method. The composition of elements incorporated in the surface layer of mono- and bimetallic photocatalysts was determined by XPS analysis, as well as the valence state of elements. Measurements...
SPTNO ceramics measured by XPS method
Open Research DataSPTNO (Sr-Pr-Ti-Ni-O) ceramic were manufactured by solid state reaction, from oxides compounds. Synthesis conducted in air atmosphere at temperature in a range of 800-900 deg. Chemical composition of prepared materials were measured by XPS (X-Ray photoemision spectroscopy) method. UHV OmicronNanotechnology system with 128 channel Argus hemispherical...
Formation enthalpies of LaLn׳O3 (Ln׳=Ho, Er, Tm and Yb) interlanthanide perovskites
PublicationHigh-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry using 3Na2O·MoO3 at 802 °C was performed for interlanthanide perovskites LaLn׳O3 (Ln׳=Ho, Er, Tm and Yb) and lanthanide oxides (La2O3, Ho2O3, Er2O3, Tm2O3 and Yb2O3). The enthalpies of formation of these interlanthanide perovskites from binary lanthanide oxides at room temperature (25 °C) were determined to be −8.3±3.4 kJ/mol for LaHoO3, −9.9±3.0 kJ/mol for LaErO3, −10.8±2.7 kJ/mol...
Potentiometric Oxygen Sensor with Solid State Reference Electrode
PublicationThe concentration or the partial pressure of oxygen in an environment can be determined using different measuring principles. For high temperature measurements of oxygen, ceramic-based sensors are the most practical. They are simple in construction, exploration and maintenance. A typical oxygen potentiometric sensor consists of an oxygen ion conducting solid electrolyte and two electrodes deposited...
Oxide nanoparticle exsolution in Lu-doped (Ba,La)CoO3
PublicationThis study investigated Lu doping of Ba0.5La0.5CoO3 and its influence on the exsolution of oxide nanoparticles (NPs). As a result of Lu doping, we observed the phase segregation into the main Ba0.4La0.6Co0.85Lu0.15O3 (BLCO–Lu) phase and the secondary Ba0.85La0.15Co0.75Lu0.25O3 (BCO–Lu) phase. We noticed the exsolution of BCO–Lu nanoparticles on the main BLCO–Lu phase. Moreover, the BLCO–Lu phase exsolved in the form of nanoparticles...
The XRD diffraction patterns of annealed Ce0.9M0.1O2 powders prepared using the reverse microemulsion method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XRD patterns of Ce0.9M0.1O2 (where M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) nanopowders prepared using the reverse microemulsion method. The powders were precipitated from organic-based solution of nitrates using TMAOH. The sediment was cetrifuged and rinsed with alcohol several times. Powders were dried and calcinated at 500 degrees for 2 h, followed...
XPS study of the TiO2-WO2 composites
Open Research DataValence state of W and Ti was measured in a TiO2-WO3 composites with a various composition.Powder samples of pure titanium dioxide, tungsten oxide and mix of 50% titanium oxide and 50% od tungsten oxide were measured. Oxides were annealed at the temperature in the range of 300 Celsius degree up to 900 deg. Measurements were performed by XPS UHV Omicron...
Nonlinear impedance in oxide glasses containing single and mixed alkali ions
PublicationThe aim of the present was to find more clues on the nonlinearities in impedance of oxide glasses. The first family of researched glasses has a composition of FeO-P2O5-Na2O. Oxide glasses containing iron and alkali are well known for a very low alkali ion mobility and may be considered purely polaron conducting. These glasses show no detectable nonlinearities in the impedance spectra. The second was a family of ionic conducting...
Investigations of the Working Process in a Dual-Fuel Low-Emission Combustion Chamber for an FPSO Gas Turbine Engine
PublicationThis investigation is devoted to an analysis of the working process in a dual-fuel low-emission combustion chamber for a floating vessel’s gas turbine. The low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber with partial pre-mixing of fuel and air inside the outer and inner radial-axial swirlers was chosen as the object of research. When modelling processes in a dual-flow low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber, a generalized method...
Laboratory station for research of the innovative dry method of exhaust gas desulfurization for an engine powered with residual fuel
PublicationContemporary methods of exhaust gas desulfurization in marine engines are all expensive methods (4-5 million euro). This is, among other reasons, due to the limited market audience, but primarily due to the monop-olized position of manufacturers offering fabrication and assembly of this type of marine ship installations. Proposed as part of a research project financed by the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Maritime...
Disturbances of magnetic field of plane caused by eddy currents
PublicationResults of the numerical analysis of the magnetic disturbances of a plane caused by eddy currents induced in conducting elements of the plane were presented in this paper. Magnetic disturbances of the object's model were carried out in Opera 3D.
Use of ICT infrastructure for teaching HPC
PublicationIn this paper we look at modern ICT infrastructure as well as curriculum used for conducting a contemporary course on high performance computing taught over several years at the Faculty of Electronics Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. We describe the infrastructure in the context of teaching parallel programming at the cluster level using MPI, node level using OpenMP and CUDA. We present...
Expedited EM-driven multi-objective antenna design in highly-dimensional parameter spaces
PublicationA technique for low-cost multi-objective optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameter spaces is presented. The optimization procedure is expedited by exploiting fast surrogate models, including coarse-discretization EM antenna simulations and response surface approximations (RSA). The latter is utilized to yield an initial set of Pareto non-dominated designs which are further refined using response correction methods....
Education Towards The Use Of BIM On The Example Of Polish Universities
PublicationBIM (Building Information Modeling) has been one of the rapidly developing fields of digital techniques supporting the realization of construction projects in recent years. Further development, and especially the use of these techniques, depends to a large extent on the qualifications of young construction engineers who start their professional careers in this field. The article attempts to synthetically list and compare subjects,...
Materiały dla jednowarstwowych ogniw paliwowych
PublicationA composite material, which may be further applied as a single layer fuel cell, was synthesizes using solid state synthesis method. Composite consisted of two components. The first was a nanoeramic proton conductor - calcium doped lanthanum niobate. The second one was a nanoceramic semiconductor oxide composed of lithium, nickel and zinc oxides respectively.
Piotr Lorens prof. dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleProf. Piotr Lorens - PhD, DSc., urban planner. Lecturer in urban design and development and - since 2007 - Head of the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology. His university activities also include coordination of the research and EU Social Fund projects. Based on these projects he was responsible for organization and coordination of the post-graduate studies...
Application of Impedance Spectroscopy for Bi1−xNdxFeO3 Ceramics Characterization
PublicationIn the present paper the synthesis conditions for fabrication of Bi1−xNdxFeO3 ceramics are reported. The single phase polycrystalline samples of Bi1−xNdxFeO3 were prepared by standard solid state reaction method from the mixture of oxides viz.: Bi2O3, Fe2O3 and Nd2O3. The samples were characterized by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range 10Hz – 1MHz at room temperature.
Radosław Drozd dr inż.
PeopleRadosław Drozd - Practice and long-time manager of engineering management and engineering logistics. He graduated from the Faculty of Management and Economics of the PG in the specialty of Production Systems Organization. His scientific and research interests include the design and improvement of production and logistics systems, as well as the development of innovative products. By participating or conducting projects in many...
Thermochemistry of rare earth perovskites Na3xRE0.67−xTiO3 (RE = La, Ce)
PublicationHigh-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry using sodium molybdate (3Na2O·4MoO3) solvent at 973 K was performed for the Na3xRE0.67−xTiO3 (RE = La, Ce) perovskite series. The enthalpies of formation of lanthanum perovskites from oxides (La2O3, Na2O, TiO2), are −107.25 ± 2.56, −93.83 ± 6.06, −80.68 ± 5.93, and −33.49 ± 4.26 kJ/mol and enthalpies of formation from elements are −1614.05 ± 5.37, −1596.44 ± 7.68, −1594.03 ± 7.58,...
Influence of processing conditions on crystal structure of BiNbO 4 ceramics
PublicationBismuth niobate (BiNbO4) has attracted attention as a low-fired ceramics with promising microwave application potential. It belongs to the bismutocolumbite oxides with similarly to scheelite-like stibiotantalite structure (SbTaO4) A3+B5+O4. Aim of the present research was to fabricate BiNbO4 ceramics by solid state reaction route from the mixture of simple oxides viz. Bi2O3, and Nb2O5, and study its phase composition as well as...
Polymer based thick films - material quality and interface resistance evaluation
PublicationThe properties of polymer based thick film layers mede using different resistive pastes and dipping silvers have been studied. The composite of carbon and graphite (C/Gr) conducting particles suspended in different polymer vehicles were used for preparation resistive layers. Interface resistance Rc created between dipping silver (DiAg) contact layer and resistive layer was determined from the surface potential distribution measurements...
Doskonalenie relacji uniwersytetu z otoczeniem na przykładzie wybranych uczelni technicznych
PublicationAutor stawia tezę, że implementacja modelu potrójnej spirali (triple helix), budowania ścisłych, wzajemnych relacji uczelni z otoczeniem będzie sprzyjać doskonaleniu zarządzania wiedzą w uniwersytecie i jego ewolucji w kierunku organizacji opartej na wiedzy i realizacji trzeciej misji uczelni. Autor przedstawia opinie rektorów wybranych uczelni technicznych o roli konwentów, których jednš z ról jest urzeczywistnianie trzeciej misji...
Investigation of ecological parameters of a gas turbine combustion chamber with steam injection for the floating production, storage, and offloading vessel
PublicationThe article is dedicated to the investigation of the possibility of using the contact type gas turbine cycle with steam injection into the combustion chamber for the floating production, storage, and offloading vessel in order to increase the specific power and efficiency and reduce emissions of toxic components. A new approach is proposed, associated with the use of the two-stage injection of superheated steam into a gas turbine...
Conductivity, structure, and thermodynamics of Y2Ti2O7–Y3NbO7 solid solutions
PublicationThe defect fluorite yttrium niobate Y3NbO7 and pyrochlore yttrium titanate Y2Ti2O7 solid solutions have been synthesized via a solid state synthesis route. The resulting stoichiometry of the oxides is Y2+xTi2−2xNbxO7, where x = 0 to x = 1. All of the samples were single-phase; however, for those with a predominant fluorite phase, a small amount of additional pyrochlore phase was detected. The volume of the solid solution unit cells...
Influence of operation temperature instability on gas sensor performance
PublicationGas sensors based on the semiconducting metal-oxides, such as SnO2, have been found to be very useful for detecting a wide range of gases. The reversible interactions of the gas with the surface of the sensing layer made of semiconducting metal-oxides are responsible for changes of sensor resistance which is usually used as a measure of sensor response. Semiconductor gas sensors are commercially available and applied in numerous...
Energetics of formation and stability in high pressure steam of barium lanthanide cobaltite double perovskites
PublicationThis study concerns energetics of formation and the stability in high water partial pressure of BaLnCo2O6−δ, (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, and Gd) (BLnC) and BaGd1−xLaxCo2O6−δ, where x = 0.2, 0.5, and 0.7 (BGLC) double perovskite cobaltites. Those materials are extensively studied due to their potential applications as a positrode in electrochemical devices. Therefore, their stability under such conditions is a key issue. All investigated...
Selected Problems of Experimental Testing Marine Stern Tube Bearings
PublicationThis paper presents typical methods for conducting experimental tests on main shaft slide bearings. There are described their possible testing capabilities, advantages, drawbacks and limitations. Various testing methods were analyzed to find a solution able of providing a wide range of possible investigations at possibly acceptable limitations.
Arkadiusz Dawczak
People -
Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak prof. dr hab.
PeopleAnna Lisowska-Oleksiak, born in 1952, has been working at GUT since 1977. Currently is employed at the Faculty of Chemistry as a full professor. She was employed as a research assistant at the University of St Andrews in the group of C. A. Vincent and P.G. Bruce (1991-1994). She completed a two-month research internship in CEA Grenoble (2011). Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak obtained her MSc in chemistry at Nicolaus Copernicus University...
The Relationships Between BTEX, NOx, and O3 Concentrations in Urban Air in Gdansk and Gdynia, Poland
PublicationThis paper presents the results of atmospheric air quality research conducted in the areas of two shipyard cities: Gdansk and Gdynia (Poland), in the period between March and December 2011. The purpose of the research was focused on determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) compounds in atmospheric air. Passive sampling technique, with Radiello® diffusive passive samplers, was used for BTEX sample collection...
Speciation of heavy metals in bottom sediments of drinking water reservoir for Gdansk, Poland – changes over the 14 years
PublicationThere was conducted a comparative study of the concentrations of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) in the surface layer of sediments collected in two investigation periods: 1999–2000 and 2013. Theresults demonstrated that the degree of metals pollution decreased over time. The contamina-tion factors (Cf) calculated for Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd were respectively 3.63, 3.86, 3.23, and 3.25 in the first period of research and 1.35, 3.42,...
Patryk Ziółkowski dr inż.
PeopleAssistant Professor at Gdansk Tech. He participated in international projects, including projects for the Ministry of Transportation of the State of Alabama (2015), he is also the winner of a grant from the Kosciuszko Foundation for conducting research in the USA, which he completed in 2018. An expert in the field of artificial intelligence. His main area of research interest is the application of artificial intelligence in Civil...
Catalysts for advanced oxidation processes: Deep eutectic solvents-assisted synthesis – A review
PublicationNew catalyst synthesis techniques, including green materials, are extensively studied for heterogeneous photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on spotlight of sustainable development. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) started to be used in this field as environmentally friendly alternative to ionic liquids (ILs). During the catalyst synthesis, DESs can act as stabilizers, capping agents, structure directing agents, templates,...
X-ray diffraction spectra of nitrogen-doped carbon in hybrid materials containing praseodymium oxide
Open Research DataX-ray powder diffraction patterns of samples were carried out by Philips X’Pert diffractometer, which was radiated by graphite monochromatized Cu Kα (l equal 1.540598). The operating voltage was maintained at 40 kV, the current was maintained at 30 mA and analyzed in the range from 20° to 90°. The data presented confirmed the presence of the PrBSCF...
SEM images of Mo2Ga2C MAX material
Open Research DataIn the dataset, are included SEM images of molybdenum gallium carbide MAX materials.
Cryptographic Protocols' Performance and Network Layer Security of RSMAD
PublicationW artykule omówiono architekturę bezpieczeństwa warstwy sieciowej Radiowego Systemu Monitorowania i Akwizycji Danych z urządzeń fotoradarowych (w skrócie RSMAD). Bezpieczeństwo w warstwie sieciowej tego systemu jest zapewniane przede wszystkim dzięki wykorzystaniu Virtual Private Network (w skrócie VPN). W tym celu zaimplementowano dwa protokoły IPsec i L2TP.Zastosowane mechanizmy ochrony danych, w tym typy i parametry VPNów zostały...