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Search results for: MODEL-BASED DESIGN
A multi-level risk-based method for safety assessment of ships in critical conditions. Option for preliminary design
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wybrane informacje na temat metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w warunkach krytycznych. Metoda umożliwia wielokryterialne i wieloparametryczne badanie bezpieczeństwa statków, w celu otrzymania wymaganego i optymalnego poziomu bezpieczeństwa. W metodzie wykorzystano podejście do projektowania oparte o ocenę osiągów statku i ocenę ryzyka. Istnieje możliwość dostosowania metody do oceny bezpieczeństwa statku...
Kriging-assisted hybrid reliability design and optimization of offshore wind turbine support structure based on a portfolio allocation strategy
PublicationIn recent years, offshore wind power generation technology has developed rapidly around the world, making important contributions to the further development of renewable energy. When designing an Offshore Wind Turbine (OWT) system, the uncertainties in parameters and different types of constraints need to be considered to find the optimal design of these systems. Therefore, the Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) method...
Function and Frustration of Multi-Drug ABC Exporter Protein and Design of Model Proteins for Drug Delivery Using Protein Hydration Thermodynamics
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A Dynamic Forecast Demand Scenario Analysis to Design an Automated Parcel Lockers Network in Pamplona (Spain) Using a Simulation-Optimization Model
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A framework to analyse the probability of accidental hull girder failure considering advanced corrosion degradation for risk-based ship design
PublicationShip’s hull girder failure could result from maritime accident that can cause human life loss, environmental disaster, and major economic impacts. In risk-based ship design paradigm, accounting for rare phenomena (e.g. ship-ship collision or grounding) is important to provide safe and durable structure. In-service corrosion-induced hull degradation should be considered at the design stage, as it can significantly affect structural...
Knowledge-Based Expedited Parameter Tuning of Microwave Passives by Means of Design Requirement Management and Variable-Resolution EM Simulations
PublicationThe importance of numerical optimization techniques has been continually growing in the design of microwave components over the recent years. Although reasonable initial designs can be obtained using circuit theory tools, precise parameter tuning is still necessary to account for effects such as electromagnetic (EM) cross coupling or radiation losses. EM-driven design closure is most often realized using gradient-based procedures,...
An Efficient Framework For Fast Computer Aided Design of Microwave Circuits Based on the Higher-Order 3D Finite-Element Method
PublicationIn this paper, an efficient computational framework for the full-wave design by optimization of complex microwave passive devices, such as antennas, filters, and multiplexers, is described. The framework consists of a computational engine, a 3D object modeler, and a graphical user interface. The computational engine, which is based on a finite element method with curvilinear higher-order tetrahedral elements, is coupled with built-in...
Efficient Surrogate Modeling and Design Optimization of Compact Integrated On-Chip Inductors Based on Multi-Fidelity EM Simulation Models
PublicationHigh-performance and small-size on-chip inductors play a critical role in contemporary radio-frequency integrated circuits. This work presents a reliable surrogate modeling technique combining low-fidelity EM simulation models, response surface approximations based on kriging interpolation, and space mapping technology. The reported method is useful for the development of broadband and highly accurate data-driven models of integrated...
On Rapid Design Optimization and Calibration of Microwave Sensors Based on Equivalent Complementary Resonators for High Sensitivity and Low Fabrication Tolerance
PublicationThis paper presents the design, optimization, and calibration of multivariable resonators for mi-crowave dielectric sensors. An optimization technique for circular complementary split ring reso-nator (CC-SRR) and square complementary split ring resonator (SC-SRR) is presented to achieve the required transmission response in a precise manner. The optimized resonators are manufac-tured using a standard photolithographic technique...
Model-based identification of the dominant N2O emission pathway in a full-scale activated sludge system
PublicationActivated sludge models (ASMs), extended with an N2O emission module, are powerful tools to describe the operation of full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Specifically, such models can investigate the most contributive N2O production pathways and guide towards N2O and carbon footprint (CF) mitigation measures. A common practice is to develop and validate models using data from a single WWTP. In this study, a successfully...
Lattice filter based autoregressive spectrum estimation with joint model order and estimation bandwidth adaptation
PublicationThe problem of parametric, autoregressive model based estimation of a time-varying spectral density function of a nonstationary process is considered. It is shown that estimation results can be considerably improved if identification of the autoregressive model is carried out using the two-sided doubly exponentially weighted lattice algorithm which combines results yielded by two one-sided lattice algorithms running forward in...
A ship domain-based model of collision risk for near-miss detection and Collision Alert Systems
PublicationThe paper presents a new model of ship collision risk, which utilises a ship domain concept and the related domain-based collision risk parameters. An encounter is here described by five variables representing: degree of domain violation (DDV), relative speed of the two vessels, combination of the vessels’ courses, arena violations and encounter complexity. As for the first three variables, their values can be directly computed...
Classification of objects in the LIDAR point clouds using Deep Neural Networks based on the PointNet model
PublicationThis work attempts to meet the challenges associated with the classification of LIDAR point clouds by means of deep learning. In addition to achieving high accuracy, the designed system should allow the classification of point clouds covering an area of several dozen square kilometers within a reasonable time interval. Therefore, it must be characterized by fast processing and efficient use of memory. Thus, the most popular approaches...
Absorptive Desulfurization of Model Biogas Stream Using Choline Chloride-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents
PublicationThe paper presents a synthesis of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) based on choline chloride (ChCl) as hydrogen bond acceptor and phenol (Ph), glycol ethylene (EG), and levulinic acid (Lev) as hydrogen bond donors in 1:2 molar ratio. DESs were successfully used as absorption solvents for removal of dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) from model biogas steam. Several parameters affecting the absorption capacity and absorption rate have been...
Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Functionally Graded Shells Based on 2-D Cosserat Constitutive Model
PublicationIn this paper geometrically nonlinear analysis of functionally graded shells in 6-parameter shell theory is presented. It is assumed that the shell consists of two constituents: ceramic and metal. The mechanical properties are graded through the thickness and are described by power law distribution. Formulation based on 2-D Cosserat constitutive model is used to derive constitutive relation for functionally graded shells. Numerical...
PublicationAs a structure degrades some changes in its dynamical behavior can be observed, and inversely, observation and evaluation of these dynamical changes of the structure can provide information of structural state of the object. Testing of the real structure, besides of being costly, can cover only limited working states. It is particularly considerable in case of hardly accessible, and randomly/severely dynamically loaded offshore...
Comparison of Absorbed and Intercepted Fractions of PAR for Individual Trees Based on Radiative Transfer Model Simulations
PublicationThe fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) is a key parameter for estimating the gross primary production (GPP) of trees. For continuous, dense forest canopies, fAPAR, is often equated with the intercepted fraction, fIPAR. This assumption is not valid for individual trees in urban environments or parkland settings where the canopy is sparse and there are well-defined tree crown boundaries. Here, the distinction...
Effects of aggregate crushing and strain rate on fracture in compressive concrete with a DEM-based breakage model
PublicationW tym artykule zbadano, w jaki sposób kruche kruszywa wpływają na mezoskopowe zachowanie dynamiczne betonu w warunkach jednoosiowego ściskania. Przeprowadzono obszerne dynamiczne obliczenia dwuwymiarowe (2D), aby zbadać wpływ kruszenia kruszywa i szybkości odkształcania na dynamiczną wytrzymałość betonu i wzory pęknięć. Wykorzystując model pękania oparty na DEM, beton symulowano jako materiał czterofazowy składający się z kruszywa,...
Environmental Phage-Based Cocktail and Antibiotic Combination Effects onAcinetobacter baumanniiBiofilm in a Human Urine Model
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Vessel Scheduling Optimization Model Based on Variable Speed in a Seaport with One-Way Navigation Channel
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A unified coarse-grained model of biological macromolecules based on mean-field multipole–multipole interactions
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Grid-Forming Operation of Energy-Router Based on Model Predictive Control with Improved Dynamic Performance
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Constrained state feedback control of DC-DC power converter based on model predictive approach
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Explicit Size-Reduction-Oriented Design of a Compact Microstrip Rat-Race Coupler Using Surrogate-Based Optimization Methods
PublicationIn this paper, an explicit size reduction of a compact rat-race coupler implemented in a microstrip technology is considered. The coupler circuit features a simple topology with a densely arranged layout that exploits a combination of high- and low-impedance transmission line sections. All relevant dimensions of the structure are simultaneously optimized in order to explicitly reduce the coupler size while maintaining equal power...
Application of Open-Hardware-Based Solutions for Rapid Transition From Stationary to the Remote Teaching Model During Pandemic
PublicationWhile research indicates usefulness of remote laboratories in teaching of digital hardware systems, their main application is to complement stationary classes. This work presents a low-cost, scalable architecture that supports rapid transformation of teaching to a model based solely on remote access mechanisms. Background: Adaptation of online laboratory solutions from the literature to en-masse teaching of digital circuits is...
Model Management for Low-Computational-Budget Simulation-Based Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Nature-Inspired Algorithms
PublicationThe primary objective of this study is investigation of the possibilities of accelerating nature-inspired optimization of antenna structures using multi-fidelity EM simulation models. The primary methodology developed to achieve acceleration is a model management scheme which the level of EM simulation fidelity using two criteria: the convergence status of the optimization algorithm, and relative quality of the individual designs...
Recycled rubber wastes-based polymer composites with flame retardancy and electrical conductivity: Rational design, modeling and optimization
PublicationPolymer recycling techniques experience a maturity period of design and application. Rubbers comprise a high proportion of polymer wastes, highly flammable and impossible to re-melt. Polymer composites based on ground tire rubber (GTR) and ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) containing carbon black (CB) (1–50 phr), with variable EVA/GTR weight composition (10/90, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 and 90/10), and processing temperature (Low:...
Design of Jack-up Platform for 6 MW Wind Turbine: Parametric Analysis Based Dimensioning of Platform Legs
PublicationThe article presents the results of the research conducted within the framework of the project entitled WIND-TU-PLA (ERA-NET, MARTEC II), the general aim of which was to design and analyse supporting structures for wind turbines intended for operation on the South Baltic area. The research part described in the article aimed at developing a preliminary design for a jack-up platform which can operate on water areas with depth of...
Design and Validation of Ultra-Compact Metamaterial-Based Biosensor for Non-Invasive Cervical Cancer Diagnosis in Terahertz Regime
PublicationCervical cancer belongs to the most dangerous types of cancers posing considerable threat to women’s survival. It is most often diagnosed in the advanced stages as precancerous lesions are often symptom-free and difficult to identify. Microwave imaging, especially in terahertz (THz) range, is a convenient and noninvasive cancer detection tool. It enables characterization of biological tissues and discrimination between healthy...
Rationale and design of Mind-HF: randomized trial of the original Mindfulness-Based Heart Training for patients with heart failure
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Electrode-based floating treatment wetlands: Insights into design operation factors influencing bioenergy generation and treatment performance
PublicationExponential increases in energy consumption and wastewater have often irreversible environmental impacts. As a result, bio-electrochemical devices like microbial fuel cells (MFCs), which convert chemical energy in organic matter to electricity using exoelectrogenic bacteria, have gained interest. However, operational factors affecting efficiency and energy output need further study. This research investigated bioenergy production...
Proportional-Derivative and Model-based Controllers used for a Serial Type Manipulator in case of a Variable Mass Payload
PublicationIn the paper, numerical analysis of dynamics of a variable mass system is considered. Its reference example is a serial-like manipulator composed of revolute joints and rigid bodies. Payload of its gripper is considered as its variable mass element (mass and inertia irregularly between subsequent payloads). For the rest of the system, inertia parameters are considered as known (precisely identified during the assembling process)....
Lattice filter based multivariate autoregressive spectral estimation with joint model order and estimation bandwidth adaptation
PublicationThe problem of parametric, autoregressive model based estimation of a time-varying spectral density function of a multivariate nonstationary process is considered. It is shown that estimation results can be considerably improved if identification of the autoregressive model is carried out using the two-sided doubly exponentially weighted lattice algorithm which combines results yielded by two one-sided lattice algorithms running...
Modelling of saturated, subcooled and post-dryout flow boiling with the energy dissipation based semi-empirical model
PublicationA comprehensive semi-empirical model for saturated, subcooled and post dryout heat transfer is presented based on considerations of energy dissipation in the flow. The fundamental hypothesis in the model is the fact that heat transfer during flow boiling can be treated as a sum of two contributions constituting the total energy dissipation in the flow, namely the energy dissipation due to the shearing flow without the bubbles and...
How does stakeholder pressure influence CSR-practices? A construction industry model based on a European sample
PublicationThe stakeholder pressure is one of the most vital powers which determines CSR implementation and can provide organizations with the motivation to adopt corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy, as the stakeholder theory claims. The current investigation replications Kowalczyk’s (2019) study, who examined the same structure of relations based on the Polish sample. The essence of this replication is to find out whether CSR-...
MSIS sonar image segmentation method based on underwater viewshed analysis and high-density seabed model
PublicationHigh resolution images of Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonars can bring detailed representation of underwater area if favorable conditions for acoustic signal to propagate are provided. However to properly asses underwater situation based solely on such data can be challenging for less than proficient interpreter. In this paper we propose a method to enhance interpretative potential of MSIS image by dividing it in to subareas depending...
Thermomagnetic behavior of a semiconductor material heated by pulsed excitation based on the fourth-order MGT photothermal model
PublicationThis article proposes a photothermal model to reveal the thermo-magneto-mechanical properties of semiconductor materials, including coupled diffusion equations for thermal conductivity, elasticity, and excess carrier density. The proposed model is developed to account for the optical heating that occurs through the semiconductor medium. The Moore–Gibson–Thompson (MGT) equation of the fourth-order serves as the theoretical framework...
Component Based Flight Simulation in DIS Systems.Komponentowy model symulacji obiektów latających w systemach DIS.
PublicationInteraktywna symulacja rozproszona stanowi interesującą klasę systemów informacyjnych łączących kilka dziedzin informatyki pozwalających każdemu obiektowi na indywidualne symulowanie dla wizualizacji dynamicznego stanu wszystkich uczestniczących w symulacji obiektów rozproszonych. Obiekty są nieprzewidywalne, z tego powodu istnieje konieczność ciągłej wymiany informacji o ich stanie na potrzeby poprawnej wizualizacji 3D sceny z...
Performance evaluation and model-based optimization of the mainstream deammonification in an integrated fixed-film activated sludge reactor
PublicationThis study aimed to model and optimize mainstream deammonification in an integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) pilot plant under natural seasonal temperature variations. The effect of gradually decreasing temperature on the performance was evaluated during a winter season and a transition period to summer conditions, and the correlation of the performance parameters was investigated using principal component analysis (PCA)....
Managing Quality Contests Based on Excellence Model at the Local Level. Selected Conditions and Problems – Case Study
PublicationThe aim of this article was to present characteristic phenomena accompanying competitions for quality awards based on the use of the organizational excellence models implemented at the regional level. Typical problems were identified, the understanding of which allows for a better use of the idea of excellence to raise the overall level of maturity of organizations aspiring to quality awards at every level. The results of self-assessment...
Two-Step Model Based Adaptive Controller for Dissolved Oxygen Control in Sequencing Wastewater Batch Reactor
PublicationDissolved Oxygen (DO) concentration is a crucial parameter for efficient operation of biological processes taking place in the activated sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). High-quality DO control is difficult to achieve because of complex nonlinear behavior of the plant and substantial influent disturbances. A method to improve the Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control (DMRAC) technology in application to DO tracking for...
Towards a Method Evaluating Control Actions in STPA-Based Model of Ship-Ship Collision Avoidance Process
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Toward a Method Evaluating Control Actions in STPA-Based Model of Ship-Ship Collision Avoidance Process
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Short clinically-based prediction model to forecast transition to psychosis in individuals at clinical high risk state
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Model Based Monitoring of Dynamic Loads and Remaining Useful Life Prediction in Rolling Mills and Heavy Machinery
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Power Surge Compensator based on a Four Level Diode Clamped Inverter for ship application. Average model
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Large Language Model-Based Tuning Assistant for Variable Speed PMSM Drive with Cascade Control Structure
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Large Language Model-Based Tuning Assistant for Variable Speed PMSM Drive with Cascade Control Structure
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Large Language Model-Based Tuning Assistant for Variable Speed PMSM Drive with Cascade Control Structure
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Dirk Dreheim, Gerald Weber: Form-oriented analysis : a new methodology to model form-based applications
PublicationArtykuł stanowi omówienie nowej metodyki modelowania interfesu użytkownika, przeznaczonej do projektowania aplikacji opartych na pracy z formularzami elektronicznymi. Metodyka ta, przedstawiona w książce Dreheima i Webera, stanowi interesującą notacje graficzną, która umożliwia projektowanie interfejsu użytkownika o wysokich własciwościach ergonomicznych i użytkowych. Szczególnie interesujace sa w tej metodyce możliwości elastycznego...