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Search results for: microbiota diversity

  • MOST Wiedzy jako narzędzie promocji otwartych zasobów nauki

    Rośnie znaczenie wiedzy zgromadzonej w różnego rodzaju systemach, w tym w kursach on-line. Połączenie systemów je przetwarzających z Internetem w znaczącym stopniu usprawniło rozprzestrzenianie informacji i zwiększyło jej dostępność. Coraz szersze uznanie zyskują ruchy Otwartego Dostępu (ang. Open Access). Politechnika Gdańska w ramach projektu Multidyscyplinarny Otwarty System Transferu Wiedzy – MOST Wiedzy buduje platformę o...

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  • CoRBAC – kontekstowo zorientowany model bezpieczeństwa

    Zaproponowano uogólniony model kontroli dostępu do usługowych systemów internetowych uwzględniający różne kategorie kontekstu. Określono wpływ kontekstu na model jak i architekturę systemu bezpieczeństwa. Podano przykład implementacji modelu i architektury bezpieczeństwa dla zestawu usług dotyczących e-uczelni i wstępnie oszacowano zalety takiego rozwiązania.

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  • The analytical design method of railway route’s main directions intersection area


    - Open Engineering - Year 2016

    The paper presents a design method related to railway track sections situated in a bend. In the method advantage is taken of an analytical form of description by using appropriate mathematical formulae. This may becomeparticularly usefulwhen the investigations are based on the data obtained from mobile satellite measurements. In the paper attention is concentrated on an universal approach creating an opportunity to diversify the...

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  • Investigation into MPI All-Reduce Performance in a Distributed Cluster with Consideration of Imbalanced Process Arrival Patterns


    - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - Year 2020

    The paper presents an evaluation of all-reduce collective MPI algorithms for an environment based on a geographically-distributed compute cluster. The testbed was split into two sites: CI TASK in Gdansk University of Technology and ICM in University of Warsaw, located about 300 km from each other, both connected by a fast optical fiber Ethernet-based 100 Gbps network (900 km part of the PIONIER backbone). Each site hosted a set...

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  • Podejście nauczycieli akademickich do rozwoju narzędzi e-learningowych na wyższych uczelniach technicznych

    Platforma edukacyjna na uczelni wyższej stała się już standardem. Jest wyznacznikiem nowoczesno- ści danej uczelni. Wpływa na jej konkurencyjność. Mimo to, istnieje przekonanie że środowisko nauczycieli akademickich nie jest gotowe do akceptacji nowych środków nauczania. Postanowiono zbadać ten problem. Artykuł zawiera odpowiedź na pytanie jaki stosunek do metod e-nauczania panuje wśród nauczycieli akademickich, nie posiadających...

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  • Blogi jako platforma komunikowania na przykładzie blogów uczelnianych

    W artykule stawiam tezę o istotnej roli blogów jako niezwykle skutecznej platformie komunikacyjnej w dobie konwergencji mediów. Szczególnie ważną rolę to specyficzne narzędzie komunikacyjne może odegrać w działaniach public relations uczelni: jako narzędzie za pomocą którego można najpełniej realizować funkcje uczelni i te, które realizuje najwyższy poziom rozwoju PR - w komunikacji dwukierunkowej symetrycznej zgodnie z modelem...

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  • Koncepcja doskonalenia marketingu nowych technologii w Politechnice Gdańskiej

    W rozdziale podjęto problem doskonalenia wykorzystania dorobku współczesnego marketingu w przygotowaniu i oferowaniu nowych technologii, oparte na doświadczeniach Politechniki Gdańskiej (PG). Omówiono pojęcia, cechy, korzyści i uwarunkowania współczesnego marketingu, jak też istoty nowych technologii i sposobów transferu z jednostek naukowo-badawczych do gospodarki. Przedstawiono dotychczasowe doświadczenia transferu i komercjalizacji...

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  • Ground-based, Hyperbolic Radiolocation System with Spread Spectrum Signal - AEGIR

    The most popular radiolocation systems in the world (at present), is the American GPS (Global Positioning System). It is managed by the Department of Defense and there is always the possibility of the occasional inaccuracies or deliberate introduction of errors that prevent its use by the special services or armies of other countries than the U.S.A. This situation has spawned the need to develop an autonomous, ground-based radiolocation...

  • Active Dynamic Thermography imaging of wound healing processes in cardio surgery


    - Year 2014

    The surgery is a branch of medicine, that is integrally connected to wounds. Despite using sterile tools and compliance with aseptic rolls, some of the surgery wounds become infected. In clinical practice there is a lack of cheap, objective methods and tools for quantitative definition and estimation of the surgery wound healing progress. This paper presents preliminary results of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) parametric imaging...


    The paper presents in situ load testing of the innovative footbridge of FOBRIDGE grant mounted at Gdansk University of Technology. The span of composite sandwich structure (GFRP skins, PET core) and the scope of static and dynamic tests are presented. The selected, representative results of in situ measurements and data obtained from the SHM monitoring system are discussed. Besides the standard testing procedures on the full scale...

  • Multidisciplinary Open System Transferring Knowledge for R2B Development


    Despite many efforts, there is still a serious problem in transferring knowledge from research to business. The problem is especially visible in Poland – the cooperation of R2B is ineffective. We are trying to solve this problem using some IT support. The manuscript presents some solutions developed at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In particular, the platform called “MOST Knowledge” is deeply described. Its layer architecture,...

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  • Blended Learning in Teaching Safety of Electrical Installations


    - Year 2014

    Blended learning becomes more commonly used in teaching information technology or other subjects, which involve practice in computer laboratories. In case of subjects with no access to computer rooms blended learning supports lecturing and teaching classes e.g. interactive lessons. The article presents the use of blended learning forms in Gdansk University of Technology in teaching the subject of Safety of Electrical Installations....

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  • PG przykładem dobrych praktyk w zakresie Strategii HR4R dla czeskiego uniwersytetu w Zlinie


    - Pismo PG - Year 2019

    Przedstawiciele czeskiego uniwersytetu w Zlinie (Tomas Bata University, UTB) gościli na Politechnice Gdańskiej w dniach 24–25 września 2019 r. Celem wizyty było poznanie dobrych praktyk PG i wymiana doświadczeń w zakresie wdrażania zasad Europejskiej Karty Naukowca i Kodeksu Postępowania przy Rekrutacji Pracowników Naukowych. Instytut Centrum Systemów Polimerowych UTB uzyskał prawo posługiwania się wyróżnieniem HR na początku 2019...

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  • Uczelnia organizacją z domieszka turkusu - sznasa czy iluzja?


    - e-mentor - Year 2021

    Po kilkuletnich dyskusjach nad przyszłym kształtem szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce, zarówno na poziomie systemowym, jak i instytucjonalnym, w 2018 r. uchwalono ustawę Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce, zwaną dalej Ustawą (2018). Regulacja ta wraz z pakietem rozporządzeń poszerzyła autonomię uczelni w zakresie organizacyjno-zarządczym, jednocześnie potęgując znaczenie ich rozliczalności. Wzmocnienie władzy rektora spowodowało zmianę...

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  • Labellum and gynostemium micromorphology in Polystachya (Orchidaceae)


    Polystachya is a large, pantropical orchid genus of 200 species, most of which occur as epiphytes in sub-saharan Africa. The three-lobed labellum of most Polystachya species possesses a fleshy callus and various types of trichomes and papillae. In this paper, we present the results of micromorphological studies on the labellum of 20 species, representing eight of the 13 sections in the genus, using scanning electron microscopy...

  • Divide and not forget: Ensemble of selectively trained experts in Continual Learning

    • G. Rypeść
    • S. Cygert
    • V. Khan
    • T. Trzciński
    • B. Zieliński
    • B. Twardowski

    - Year 2024

    Class-incremental learning is becoming more popular as it helps models widen their applicability while not forgetting what they already know. A trend in this area is to use a mixture-of-expert technique, where different models work together to solve the task. However, the experts are usually trained all at once using whole task data, which makes them all prone to forgetting and increasing computational burden. To address this limitation,...

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  • Trust triggers and barriers in intercultural teams

    Intercultural teams are more and more popular nowadays — they constitute a serious challenge in terms of effective cooperation and trust building, however. The article presents the potential problems that can affect intercultural cooperation and stresses the power of trust in cultural diversity conditions. The ten-factor model of intercultural team trust is presented. The main aim was to answer the questions: what are the differences...

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  • The Concept of Using the Decision-Robustness Function in Integrated Navigation Systems


    - SENSORS - Year 2022

    The diversity and non-uniformity of the positioning systems available in maritime navigation systems often impede the watchkeeping officer in the selection of the appropriate positioning system, in particular, in restricted basins. Thus, it is necessary to introduce a mathematical apparatus to suggest, in an automated manner, which of the available systems should be used at the given moment of a sea trip. Proper selection of the...

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  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy: Current State and Prospects


    The last two decades of the twentieth century represented a period of above-average, systematic growth of formal and informal interdependencies between economies of different countries and between world markets. The intensity, magnitude, and diversity of these interdependencies have never been recorded before in economic history, and the market transformations taking place have been referred to in the literature as the process...

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  • A Method for Underwater Wireless Data Transmission in a Hydroacoustic Channel under NLOS Conditions


    - SENSORS - Year 2021

    Wireless data transmission in the hydroacoustic channel under non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation conditions, for example, during a wreck penetration, is difficult to implement reliably. This is mostly due to the multipath propagation, which causes a reduction in the quality of data reception. Therefore, in this work an attempt has been made to develop a reliable method of wireless underwater communication test it under the NLOS...

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  • Integrated development plans of the functional urban areas in Pomeranian region in Poland

    The European Commission put a growing emphasis on the territorial and integrated app roach to policy support addressed in the frame of regional policy. In a special way this process refers to cities along with their functional environment. In Poland the National Spatial Development Concept 2030 has introduced the concept of functional areas, among others – Functional Urban Areas (FUAs). There is...

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  • Buenos Aires – Toward Comprehensive Development and Sustainable Mobility

    This paper is introducing Buenos Aires’ achievements and challenges in implementing comprehensive development and integrating efficient and sustainable transport system within its urban structure. There are several important steps in this process starting from urban regeneration of Puerto Madero, the introduction and then implementation of a strategic plan Modelo territorial (2010) and of Buenos Aires' Plan de Movilidad Sustentable...

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  • Las pełen muzyki:Unikatowe walory architektury Opery Leśnej w Sopocie, dawniej i obecnie


    - Year 2015

    Zakończona sukcesem współczesna modernizacja architektury , konstrukcji i elementów nowej estetyki kultowego obiektu Opery Leśnej w Sopocie daje podstawę do snucia optymistycznych wniosków na temat przyszłości rozwoju kultury muzycznej w szerokim tego słowa znaczeniu Cała.przestrzeń nowoczesnego funkcjonalnego obiektu o innowacyjnej konstrukcji zadaszenia nad sceną i powiększoną 5000 miejs- widownią ,jest nową atrakcja...

  • Most Uniwersytecki w Bydgoszczy. Teoretyczne podstawy decyzji o wyłączeniu obiektu z ruchu

    W artykule przedstawiono ogólny opis konstrukcji podwieszonego mostu Uniwersyteckiego nad rzeką Brdą w Bydgoszczy. Opisano również prace eksperckie dotyczące oceny nośności konstrukcji. W wyniku badań i analiz obiekt został uznany za niebezpieczny dla użytkowników i wycofany z eksploatacji. W artykule przedstawiono zasadnicze przesłanki, które doprowadziły zarządcę do podjęcia głównych decyzji i postępowania naprawczego.

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  • Mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Environment Application in Security, Safety, and Defence Studies


    - Year 2021

    The aim of the article is to analyse the use of mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Reality Environment (mini-CAVE) in academic studies on security, safety, and defence. The literature review based on Web of Science database and the case study of the War Studies University research activities indicated the mini-CAVE can be used in two areas as a research infrastructure and as a didactic tool. It can be concluded that due to the development...

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  • Protection of bridges against stray current corrosion

    A case study of Siennicki Bridge stray current corrosion hazard is presented. A corrosion risk was caused by incorrectly designed tram line traction which goes over the bridge. No dielectric insulation between running rails and bridge steel construction was used. A variety of protection methods against stray currents are described. Characteristics of the endangered bridge were described. Impressed current cathodic protection system...

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  • Improvement of time difference of arrival measurements resolution by using fractional delay filters in a direct sequence-code division multiple access radionavigation system


    This study presents a method of improving time measurements resolution in a direct sequence-code division multiple access receiver by using a fine code tracking loop based on fractional delay filtering of a despreading sequence. It briefly describes the structure of a generic digital code tracking loop and the proposed modification which allows to measure time difference of arrival values with the subsample resolution, together...

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  • Monitoring of underdeck corrosion by using acoustic emission method


    This paper presents first short characteristics of underdeck corrosion process as well as a problem of its monitoring. Next is described an acoustic emission (AE) method elaborated by Department of Ship Technology , Quality Systems and Material Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology in cooperation with partners of CORFAT project realized within 7th EU Frame Program . Further are presented short characteristics of the emission...

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  • Methods of Tire Rolling Resistance Measurements


    Tire rolling resistance is one of the factors related to tire/road interaction that has important influence on road vehicles performance. Raising fuel price and increased concern related to the environmental changes result in growing interest in reduction of tire rolling resistance that influences fuel consumption, especially in free-flowing highway traffic with moderate speeds. There are several methods of tire rolling resistance measurements....

  • OSC - domain oriented ontology creation system


    Ontologies are, as part of semantic web, a basic component to enrich content available in the Internet with a meaning understandable for computers. In this publication an architecture and functionality of a domain oriented web portal for collaborative creation and storage of ontologies is presented. The system is being created by Gdańsk University of Technology Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics faculty's Department...

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  • Knowledge-Grid Modelling for Academic Purposes


    - Year 2016

    Nowadays, we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. A multidimensional perspective in describing a university ontology seems to be very important for the modelling of higher education resources. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We propose our model as the foundation of an advanced knowledge...

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  • A shared curriculum for daylighting education to meet the educational needs of society

    • N. Gentile,
    • F. Giuliani
    • M. Khanie, Sarey
    • N. Sokół
    • V. R. M. Lo Verso
    • F. Caffaro
    • M. K. Pedersen
    • F. Pompili
    • P. Mattsson

    - Year 2022

    This article describes the collaborative creation of the curriculum for a new eLearning programme on daylighting design of buildings targeting both traditional and lifelong learners. The programme consists of an online platform integrated with a summer school for practical applications. The process was conducted through several workshops with professionals, representatives of national bodies on building regulations, academics,...

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    - TRIBOLOGIA - Year 2018

    The paper presents an analysis of the load-carrying capacity of a historic hydrodynamic water-lubricated radial bearing of an unconventional segment design installed in the Braniewo Hydroelectric Power Plant. The aim of the calculations was to determine whether the bearing operates in the conditions of hydrodynamic or mixed lubrication, as well as to establish the optimal geometry of the axial grooves allowing for the highest load-carrying...

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  • Publicly available lecture webcasts - e-learning or promotion tool? case study


    - Year 2011

    This paper aims to show how universities interact with Internet users by webcasting selected courses. Paper has exploratory case-study character, presenting example of Berkeley Webcast initiative of University of California, Berkeley, webcasting undergraduate courses and on-campus events. On the base of short introduction to webcasting usage as an e-learning and promotional tool, the analysis of 3 purposely chosen different courses...

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  • The Comparison of the Web GIS Applications Relevant for 4D Models Sharing


    - Year 2019

    The paper presents results of the project: Cultural Heritage Through Time (CHT 2, realized accomplished within the framework of the “Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage” JPI-CH ( by an international consortium: Politecnico di Milano (IT), Newcastle University (UK), Salamanca University (ES), and Stanislaw Staszic Scientific Association SSSA (a non-profit...

  • Improvement of the thrust bearing calculation considering the convectional heating within the space between the pads


    - Year 2017

    A modern thrust bearing calculation tool should consider not only the oil film between pad and rotating collar but also the space between the pads. The oil flow in the space has a significant influence on the oil film inlet temperature, the convectional cooling of pad and collar and should be included in the bearing calculation methods. The authors use a tool developed at Clausthal University of Technology in cooperation with the...

  • Introducing concurrent engineering to space and satellite technology undergraduate course


    - Year 2018

    In recent decade concurrent engineering has become a de facto leading methodology of work in space, aeronautics and sometimes even automotive industry. It has been used in designing ESA space missions for 20 years now, with rst Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) built in ESTEC in 1998. Still, it has not become a universal standard in engineering, and universities are specically reluctant to adopt it into their curricula. As a result,...

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  • Application of foam made of post-consumer pet materials for the construction of footbridges


    The article presents the possibility of application in civil engineering of highly ecological PET foam, manufactured from 100% recycled plastic packaging. It may find uses in construction of numerous engineering structures, such as pedestrian and cycle footbridges. Properly processed waste from post-consumer PET packaging may constitute a quality structural core for use in multilayered composite materials, commonly referred to...

  • Pilotażowa instalacja sieci bezprzewodowej bezprzewodowej standardu WiMax na Politechnice Gdańskiej


    Rozdział przedstawia analizę teoretyczną oraz opis pilotażowego wdrożenia standardu IEEE 802.11 (WiMAX) na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Przedstawiono unikalną funkcjonalność oferowaną przez technologię WiMAX według ustaleń standaryzacyjnych oraz realizowaną na dostępnych w tej chwili na rynku urządzeniach, a także możliwe scenariusze zastosowania tego rodzaju systemów

  • Religious social action and its organizational profiles


    - Journal of Organizational Ethnography - Year 2019

    Purpose Social action implemented by the Church via its affiliated entities, foundations and associations may be viewed as a uniform activity. In reality, however, several organizational profiles exist that depend on the origin of these organizations (lay or religious), the scope of their activities (local or general) and their dependence on resources (whether from public administration or civil society). The paper aims to discuss...

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  • Typology of low developed non-metropolitan sub-regions in the European Union

    This paper shows a typology of 319 NUTS-3 sub-regions in the European Union. The selected sub-regions are non-metropolitan sub-regions, whose gross domestic product per capita in 2011 was below 75% of the EU average. The objective of this typology was to recognize diversity in the examined sub-regions as a starting point for the selection of areas for future comparative research. The typology takes into account 24 variables related...

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  • Sharing research data across disciplines


    - Year 2022

    This monograph is a collection of experiences gathered by the team implementing the Bridge of Data project. However, it is not just a simple summary of the project implementation. It shows and systematizes the substantive and technical works performed by the teams and several issues related to data management itself in various disciplines, represented by members of the scientific team and other researchers from partner universities.The...

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  • The description of non-linear interactions of wave and non-wave modes in a non-adiabatic plasma flow

    The method of derivation of non-linear equations for interacting modes is explained and applied to a plasma's flow affected by a magnetic field. It is based on the linear projecting of the total perturbation field into specific variations of variables in individual modes of a flow. The method may be applied in many examples of fluid flows with different mechanisms of non-adiabaticity. It is of special importance in complex flows...

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  • Feedline Alterations for Optimization-Based Design of Compact Super-Wideband MIMO Antennas in Parallel Configuration


    This letter presents a technique for size reduction of wideband multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antennas. Our approach is a two-stage procedure. At the first stage, the antenna structure is modified to improve its impedance matching. This is achieved through incorporation of an n-section tapered feedline, followed by reoptimization of geometry parameters. Reducing the maximum in-band reflection well beyond the acceptance...

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    Kompetencje międzykulturowe, rozumiane jako postawa wobec współpracy z przedstawicielami innych kultur, to ważny element kształcenia studentów w procesie przygotowywania ich do podejmowania działań na globalnym rynku pracy. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczących postaw studentów wobec pracy w zespołach wielokulturowych. Skoncentrowano się głównie na porównaniu nastawienia studentów w zależności od tego, czy byli wcześniej...

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  • Zróżnicowanie działań w zakresie zarządzania wiekiem

    Artykuł dotyczy problematyki zarządzania wiekiem (ZW), a w szczególności zróżnicowania jego wdrażania w krajach o odmiennych uwarunkowaniach związanych z sytuacją osób starszych na rynku pracy to jest w Szwecji, Niemczech i Polsce. W części empirycznej przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych porównując je z wynikami badań przeprowadzonych w ramach Best Agers Lighthouses – Strategic Age Management for SME in The Baltic Sea Region. Pozwoliło...

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  • MOST Wiedzy jako narzędzie promocji potencjału naukowo-badawczego uczelni wyższej

    Rozwój Internetu wpłynął na wiele aspektów naszego życia. Pośród wielu z nich zrewolucjonizował sposób komunikacji. Pochodną tego jest zmiana sposobu przekazywania wszelkiego rodzaju wiedzy. Ogromne znaczenie mają przeszukiwane źródła wiedzy, ich jakość i dostępność. W związku z tym, w obecnych czasach, o potencjale naukowym uczelni wyższej stanowią, obok pracowników w nich zatrudnionych, przede wszystkim zgromadzone bazy wiedzy...

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  • Centers of Excellence - initial conception


    In literature, the most basic definition of centers of excellence is " CoE is a team of people that promote collaboration and use best practices around a specific focus area to drive business result". More broadly, center of excellence is defined as " a premier organization providing an exceptional product or service in an assigned sphere of expertise and within a specific field of technology, business, or government, consistent...

  • R&D of satellite pumps and motors with small geometrical displacement supplied with oil and non-flammable liquids


    - Year 2012

    The newest construction of satellite motors and self-suction satellite pumps with small geometrical displacement have been described in this article. The characteristics of volumetric and total efficiency of one satellite motor, selected from the series, supplied with oil have been presented. These characteristics have been compared with the orbital motors' characteristics. The remaining specifications of these motors were also...

  • Artificial intelligence support for disease detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images of human large bowel


    - Year 2011

    In the work the chosen algorithms of disease recognition in endoscopy images were described and compared for theirs efficiency. The algorithms were estimated with regard to utility for application in computer system's support for digestive system's diagnostics. Estimations were achieved in an advanced testing environment, which was built with use of the large collection of endoscopy movies received from Medical University in Gdańsk....