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Search results for: double-tube
Pikselowy cyfrowy układ CDS przeznaczony do przetwornika obrazu CMOS
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano cyfrowy układ CDS (Correlated Double Sampling) przeznaczony do przetwornika obrazu CMOS. Układ różni się od klasycznych rozwiązań tym, że dwie pamięci przechowujące próbki sygnału wizyjnego zastąpiono jednym licznikiem rewersyjnym. Dzięki tej modyfikacji możliwa jest znaczna redukcja powierzchni układu CDS i umieszczenie go w każdym pikselu przetwornika obrazu CMOS. System został zaprojektowany i przesymulowany...
Ethylene decomposition on TiO2 under UV
Open Research DataData contain chromatograms recorded during decomposition of ethylene over TiO2 in a flow reactor under UV irradiation. Semilac UV lamp with total power of 72 W was used as a source of UV light. Chromatograms were recorded in Trace GC Ultra chromatograph equipped in FID detector. Sampling was realised via the dosing sample loop. TiO2 was coated on the...
The electrical conductivity relaxation curve of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90 and 1.00) at 700 °C
Open Research DataIn this dataset are presented exemplary curves used for analysis of the electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) mesurement of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 1.00) materials. The applied measuring temperature were 700 °C. Studies were performed in a small tube furnace (internal diameter ~20 mm) with 64 cm3 gas volume. During the four-point single frequency...
Comparative study of donor-induced quantum dots in Si nano-channels by single-electron transport characterization and Kelvin probe force microscopy
Publication -
Experimental investigations of concrete dowels in composite floor system
PublicationOpisano nowy system stropow zespolonych umozliwiajacych montaz instalacji klimatyzacyjnych, wentylacyjnych i grzewczych w przestrzeni pomiedzy dwoma plytami betonowymi konstrukcji stropu: gorna i dolna. Obie plyty polaczone sa wzajemnie srodnikami stalowymi z wycieciami u gory i na dole w ksztalcie 'puzzle', ktore we wspolpracy z plyta betonowa tworza tzw. dyble betonowe. Wykonano badania laboratoryjne typu 'Push-out' tych polaczen...
Evaluating oxide nanoparticle exsolution on A-site deficient PrBaCo2O6-δ electrodes
PublicationNanoparticle exsolution is a powerful technique for functionalizing redox oxides in energy applications, particularly at high temperatures. It shows promise for solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers. However, exsolution of other chemistries like metal oxides is not well studied, and the mechanism is poorly understood. This work explores oxide exsolution in PrBa1−xCo2O6−δ (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) double perovskites, practiced...
Dominant Pathways of Adenosyl Radical-Induced DNA Damage Revealed by QM/MM Metadynamics
PublicationBrominated nucleobases sensitize double stranded DNA to hydrated electrons, one of the dominant genotoxic species produced in hypoxic cancer cells during radiotherapy. Such radiosensitizers can therefore be administered locally to enhance treatment efficiency within the solid tumor while protecting the neighboring tissue. When a solvated electron attaches to 8-bromoadenosine, a potential sensitizer, the dissociation of bromide...
Design and experimental investigations of a cylindrical microjet heat exchanger for waste heat recovery systems
PublicationCompact heat exchangers have more and more applications in many areas, including the HVAC, food and petrochemical industry. This paper describes the development of heat exchanger technology for waste heat recovery (WHR) from a range of processes. Case-study testing shows that the proposed heat exchanger can successfully enhance heat transfer and recover waste heat in a range of applications making them economically, environmentally and...
Influence of the presence of rhamnolipids and ionic cross-linking conditions on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of determination the effect of rhamnolipids concentration, calcium chloride concentration and ionic cross-linking time on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels prepared by immersing the alginate mixture limited by the dialysis membrane in an appropriate cross-linking solution containing calcium ions. The mechanical...
Acceleration deforms exponential decays into generalized Zipf-Mandelbrot laws
PublicationAn exponentially decaying system looks as if its decay was a generalized power or double-exponential law, provided one takes into account the relativistic time dilation in a detector, the delay of the emitted signal, and the accelerations of both the source and the detector. The same mathematical formula can be found in generalizations of the Zipf-Mandelbrot law in quantitative linguistics and in the dynamics of ligand binding...
Elimination of impulsive disturbances from archive audio files – comparison of three noise pulse detection schemes
PublicationThe problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances (such as clicks, pops, ticks, crackles, and record scratches) from archive audio recordings is considered and solved using autoregressive modeling. Three classical noise pulse detection schemes are examined and compared: the approach based on open-loop multi-step-ahead signal prediction, the approach based on decision-feedback signal prediction, and the double threshold approach,...
Performance of Watermarking-based DTD Algorithm Under Time-varying Echo Path Conditions
PublicationA novel double-talk detection (DTD) algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation system is presented. The problem of DTD robustness to time-varying conditions of acoustic echo path is discussed and explanation as to why such conditions occur in practical situations is provided. The...
Robustness analysis of watermarking-based dtd algorithm under time-variable echo conditions
PublicationA novel double-talk detection (DTD) algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation system is presented. The problem of DTD robustness to time-varying conditions of acoustic echo path is discussed and explanation as to why such conditions occur in practical situations is provided. The...
OVARY, Ovary - Female, 35 - Tissue image [2220630014952251]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of OVARY tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
OVARY, Ovary - Female, 35 - Tissue image [2220630014958491]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of OVARY tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
OVARY, Ovary - Female, 35 - Tissue image [2220630014959561]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of OVARY tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
OVARY, Ovary - Female, 35 - Tissue image [222063001495731]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of OVARY tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
OVARY, Ovary - Female, 35 - Tissue image [2220630014954521]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of OVARY tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Laser patterned platform with PEDOT–graphene composite film for NO2 sensing
PublicationThis work presents a simple and fully electrochemical route used for fabricating of a NO2 gas sensor made of reduced-graphene-oxide-poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) composite film. The sensing platform was fabricated from alumina substrate and equipped with gold interdigitated electrodes and built-in heater.The temperature distribution on the surface of interdigitated electrodes was investigated by a thermalimaging camera and compared...
CFFT columns in road through railroad crossings
PublicationThere were 12801 road through railroad one-level crossings in Poland in 2018. 215 accidents happened at them in 2018. In order to increase safety in rail and road traffic two-level crossings should be used. They are definitely safer and make the traffic more smooth. In the design and construction of two-level intersections of railway and road or path columns of circular cross-section are often used. They can be successfully replaced...
Effect of Temperature and Nanoparticle Concentration on Free Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
PublicationA theoretical analysis of the influence of temperature and nanoparticle concentration on free convection heat transfer from a horizontal tube immersed in an unbounded nanofluid was presented. The Nusselt (Nu) number and heat transfer coefficient were parameters of the intensity of the convective heat transfer. For free convection, the Nu number was a function of the Rayleigh (Ra) number and Prandtl (Pr) number. The Rayleigh (Ra)...
Facile synthesis and characterization of graphene and N-doped graphene by CVD method from liquid precursors for promising electrode materials
PublicationIn this study, high-quality and few-layered graphene was synthesized using the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method from liquid sources. Two different liquid carbon sources, pyridine, and benzene, were used and deposited on nickel foam under heat conditions using a bubbler in a quartz tube. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman analysis confirmed the crystalline properties of graphene and N-doped graphene, demonstrating the high...
Ridged horn antenna for ground penetrating radar
PublicationOmówiono modyfikację tuby grzbietowej polegającą na jej wypełnieniu dielektrykiem, w celu wykorzystania do układu pozwalającego na poszukiwanie obiektów znajdujących się pod ziemią. Omówiono badania, które doprowadziły do opracowania konstrukcji anteny z wypełnieniem dielektrycznym. Przedstawiono wyniki testu takiej anteny w układzie do detekcji obiektu metalowego umieszczonego pod ziemią.
Reduction of steel chimney vibrations with a pendlum damper.
PublicationKarman vortices observed around chimneys may induce dangerous structural vi-brations at certain wind velocities. The aim of this paper is to analyse theeffectiveness of pendulum damper in vibration reduction of a steel chimney. A two degree-of-freedom system is used to model the behaviour of the struc-ture equipped with a damper. The results of the study show that the use of pendulum with tuned frequency leads to significant...
Wojciech Wojnowski dr inż.
PeopleUkończył V Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Gdańsku w klasie o profilu matematyczno-fizycznym z wykładowym językiem angielskim. W 2009 roku rozpoczął studia na Wydziale Chemicznym PG na kierunku technologia chemiczna, uzyskując w 2012 roku tytuł inżyniera, a w 2013 tytuł magistra. W latach 2013–2015 studiował sinologię na Uniwersytecie w Nankinie dzięki uzyskaniu Stypendium Rządu ChRL. Po powrocie do Polski w 2015 roku rozpoczął studia...
Full CI ground state potential energy curves and one-electron relativistic corrections for hydrogen molecule in various basis sets
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of Full CI ground state Born-Oppenheimer potential energy curves and one-electron relativistic corrections for hydrogen dimer. Nonrelativistic energies, as well as one electron relativistic corrections (treated perturbatively with help of the Cowan-Griffin Hamiltonian) are presented for internuclear distances between 0.8 and 10...
Low frequency nois of supecapacitor
Open Research DataDataset contains noise measurement results on prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor. The measurement procedure is described in
Physics of Strongly-coupled Dopant-atoms in Nanodevices
Publication -
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells - Benchmark problems for Autocad Robot Analysis Professional
PublicationThe aim of this work is to verify the suitability of commercial engineering software for geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells. This paper deals with the static, geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells made of an isotropic material. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is chosen to solve the problem. The results of the commercial software Autocad Robot Structural Analysis Professional (ARSAP) are compared with the litera-ture...
The use of a 4 PB strain sweep fatigue test to evaluate characteristics of carbon grid reinforced asphalt beams
PublicationThe article presents research results concerning pre-bituminized carbon grids for asphalt pavement reinforcement, which are used to prevent cracking and crack reflection thus increasing bearing capacity and durability of pavement. Research program involved testing of large sized double-layer samples, both reinforced and unreinforced. The advantage of using a carbon grid was especially visible after crack initiation. The energy...
EHV transmission lines wires location on line operation issues - case studies
PublicationTransmission lines towers construction affects the line parameters and influences on its operation in the future. Misguided design of the tower can lead to serious problems such as overvoltages, electric arc extinction difficulties, voltage asymmetry, resonance phenomena or increasing of magnetic field near the line. The paper points out those threats on example of 400 kV double circuit overhead transmission line with shunt reactors....
Experimental study of the post tensioned prestressed concrete corbels
PublicationThe results of experimental investigation of 6 symmetrical double prestressed corbels of variable shear span to depth ratio and variable location of prestressing bars are presented in the paper. The post ten- sioned corbels were prestressed with Macalloy 1030 bars of 25 mm in diameter. The results of the tests were compared with the cracking and load carrying capacity of corbels reinforced with passive reinforce- ment. As a result...
How Do Ionic Liquids Affect the Surface Structure of Titania Photocatalyst? An Electron-Trap Distribution-Analysis Study
PublicationTitanium(IV) oxide, titania, photocatalyst particles were prepared from titanium alkoxide in the presence of several kinds of ionic liquids, and it was clarified that a group of samples exhibited photocatalytic activity for phenol degradation under the irradiation of light of wavelength >400 nm higher than those of the other group of samples. Although the conventional structural analytical results could not be related to the activity,...
OVARY, Ovary - Female, 62 - Tissue image [3220630024678001]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of OVARY tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Chemical diffusion coefficient of oxygen (D*) of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95 and 1.00) at different temperatures
Open Research DataIn this dataset are presented D* values designated based on the electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) mesurement of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00) materials. The applied temperatures were 800 °C, 750 °C, 700 °C, 650 °C, and 600 °C. Studies were performed in a small tube furnace (internal diameter ~20 mm) with 64 cm3 gas volume. During...
Chemical oxygen surface exchange coefficient (k*) of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95 and 1.00) at different temperatures
Open Research DataIn this dataset are presented k* values designated based on the analysis of the electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) mesurement of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00) materials. The applied temperatures were 800 °C, 750 °C, 700 °C, 650 °C, and 600 °C. Studies were performed in a small tube furnace (internal diameter ~20 mm) with 64 cm3 gas...
Metody strojenia regulatorów typu PID z wykorzystaniem technologii syntezy regulatorów od stanu
PublicationUkłady sterujące typu PID są jednymi z najbardziej popularnych regulatorów wykorzystywanych w układach regulacji. W związku z tym znanych jest szereg metod doboru wartości ich parametrów (nastaw). Obok różnych metod inżynierskich czy analitycznych strojenia tego typu regulatorów, dostępne są również podejścia bazujące na optymalizacji. Wskaźnikiem jakości znajdującym w nich zastosowanie jest np. całka z kwadratu uchybu. W artykule...
Microgrinding with single-disk lapping kinematics.
PublicationGrinding operations are carried out with a variety of tool-workpiece configurations. The selection of a grinding process for a particular application depends on part shape, part size, ease of fixture, requirements concerning the acceptable shape errors. It is evident that lapping is very effective in eliminating the waviness while surface grinding is not. Dual disk machines for the double face grinding with planetary kinematics...
High voltage protective assembly.
PublicationW referacie opisano zestaw zabezpieczeniowy, składający się z bezpiecznika i ogranicznika przepięć, przeznaczony dla napowietrznych słupowych stacji transformatorowych średnich napięć. Zastosowany warystorowy ogranicznik przepięć spełnia jednocześnie rolę wspornika dla bezpiecznika gazowydmuchowego. W referacie przedstawiono budowę, podstawowe parametry, przykłady zastosowania oraz wyniki badań zwarciowych zestawu.
Theoretical study of the photoelectron spectrum of ethyl formate: Ab initio and density functional theory investigation
PublicationThe first ionization energy and associated photoelectron spectrum of ethyl formate are investigated with quantum chemistry calculations. The geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies and first ionization energy are computed at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and at the second order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2). Moreover, accurate ionization energies are obtained with the Coupled-Cluster theory including singles and doubles...
Charge dependence of fragmentation process induced by ion collisions with furan molecule
PublicationThe goal of this work is to describe the system evolution after ion-molecule interaction. We combine different quantum chemistry and statistical mechanics approaches in order to give extended description of the process. Herein we report on a recent study of the fragmentation mechanism of neutral, singly- and doubly-ionized furan molecule in the gas phase.
PublicationAn approach – relaying on application of nanofluid as a working fluid, to improve performance of the two-phase thermosyphon heat exchanger (TPTHEx) has been proposed. The prototype heat exchanger consists of two horizontal cylindrical vessels connected by two risers and a downcomer. Tube bundles placed in the lower and upper cylinders work as an evaporator and a condenser, respectively. Distilled water and nanofluid water-Al2O3...
Principles and Developments of Solid-Phase Microextraction
PublicationSample preparation has been commonly considered a critical step of the analytical process. In this sense, remarkable efforts have been made to develop efficient sample preparation techniques which could overcome the limitations of conventional approaches. Since its inception in the early 1990’s, solid-phase microextraction (SPME) has become a widespread miniaturized sample preparation technique for extraction and preconcentration...
Free Convection Heat Transfer from Horizontal Cylinders
PublicationThe results of experimental investigation of free convection heat transfer in a rectangular container are presented. The ability of the commonly accepted correlation equations to reproduce present experimental data was tested as well. It was assumed that the examined geometry fulfils the requirement of no-interaction between heated cylinder and bounded surfaces. In order to check this assumption recently published correlation equations...
Manufacturing of Lightweight Aggregates as an Auspicious Method of Sewage Sludge Utilization
Publication: Sewage sludge is a high-volume and low-cost waste commonly generated worldwide, so its utilization is a vital issue. The application of this waste in the manufacturing of lightweight aggregates was investigated. The process was performed using intensive mixers with volumes of 5 and 30 L, as well as the industrial 500 L mixer. Then, granulates were sintered in a tube furnace. The influence of composition and mixer size on the...
The interaction of the pulsed laser irradiation with titania nanotubes - Theoretical studies on the thermal effect
PublicationThis paper reports temperature dispersion simulations of titania nanotubes irradiated by the 355 nm, pulsed, nanosecond laser. The modelling with the use of Finite Elements Method concerns titania nanotubes of the length and the wall thickness in the range of 0.5–2 μm and 5–20 nm, respectively. The uniqueness of the morphology was preserved by ensuring the wall thickness variation along the height of the tube, which was determined...
Dissociative electron attachment and anion-induced dimerization in pyruvic acid
PublicationWe report partial cross sections for the dissociative electron attachment to pyruvic acid. A rich fragmentation dynamics is observed. Electronic structure calculations facilitate the identification of complex rearrangement reactions that occur during the dissociation. Furthermore, a number of fragment anions produced at electron energies close to 0 eV are observed, that cannot originate from single electron-molecule collisions....
PublicationThe paper presents a non-destructive diagnostic technique based on guided wave propagation phenomenon used to assess the adhesive bonding between a steel bar and a concrete cover. Double-layered cylindrical specimens with different levels of debonding and its location were investigated. The influence of bonding length on the excitation of multiple modes of longitudinal guided waves was analysed. Numerical simulations of guided...
Supercapacitors - charge redistribution and restoring voltage
PublicationThe charge in supercapacitor is stored on electrodes and in electrolyte. The charges on electrodes create the Helmholtz double layer which is formed immediately with time constant of the order of seconds, while the charge storage in electrolyte is going on with time constant of the order of hundreds seconds. When the charged supercapacitor is shorted for few seconds, the charge from electrodes is discharged while the charge in...
Mathematical Approach to Assess a Human Gait
PublicationA purpose of the paper was to create a mathematical approach to assess a human gait. The scope of the study was to model a normal gait in the sagittal plane and frontal plane of the body. Applying the Newton-Euler formulation, three multibody biomechanical models were derived to describe single support phase and double support phase of the gait. To model a gait in the sagittal plane the open-close sagittal 6DOF model and the open-close...