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Search results for: BEAM
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of heat transfer from densely packed gold nanoparticles to isotropic media
PublicationThis work aims to determine and compare heat generation and propagation of densely packed gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) induced by a resonant laser beam (532 nm) according to the Mie theory. The heat flux propagation is transferred into the materials, which here are: silica glass; soda-lime-silica glass; borosilicate glass; polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA); polycarbonate (PC); and polydimetylosiloxane (PDMS). This analysis aims to...
Mechanical Properties of Twisted Carbon Nanotube Bundles with Carbon Linkers from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
PublicationThe manufacturing of high-modulus, high-strength fibers is of paramount importance for real-world, high-end applications. In this respect, carbon nanotubes represent the ideal candidates for realizing such fibers. However, their remarkable mechanical performance is difficult to bring up to the macroscale, due to the low load transfer within the fiber. A strategy to increase such load transfer is the introduction of chemical linkers...
A geophysical, geochemical and microbiological study of a newly discovered pockmark with active gas seepage and submarine groundwater discharge (MET1-BH, central Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationHigh-resolution bathymetric data were collected with a multi-beam echosounder in the southern part of the Baltic Sea (region MET1, Gulf of Gdańsk) revealing the presence of a 10 m deep and 50 m in diameter pockmark (MET1-BH) on the sea bottom (78.7 m). To date, no such structures have been observed to reach this size in the Baltic Sea. The salinity of the near-bottom water in the pockmark was about 2 PSU (about 31.22 mmol/l...
Seafloor characterisation using multibeam sonar echo signal processing and image analysis
PublicationThe authors propose the approach to multibeam seafloor characterisation which relies on the combined, concurrent use of two different techniques of multibeam sonar data processing. The first one is based on constructing the grey-level sonar images of seabed using the echoes received in the consecutive beams. Then, the parameters describing the local region of sonar image, namely, the local standard deviation of a grey level, and...
Advanced Monte Carlo simulator of the polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography systems
PublicationSimulations of the optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems using the Monte Carlo method is a widely explored research area. However, there are several difficulties that need to be overcome in order to properly model the OCT imaging with the Monte Carlo algorithm. First of all, the temporal and the spatial coherence of the scattered light need to be considered, since OCT is based on the interference phenomenon. For the same reason,...
Strain energy density and entire fracture surface parameters relationship for LCF life prediction of additively manufactured 18Ni300 steel
PublicationIn this study, the connection between total strain energy density and fracture surface topography is investigated in additively manufactured maraging steel exposed to low-cycle fatigue loading. The specimens were fabricated using laser beam powder bed fusion (LB-PBF) and examined under fully-reversed strain-controlled setup at strain amplitudes scale from 0.3% to 1.0%. The post-mortem fracture surfaces were explored using a non-contact...
Laser-assisted modification of titanium dioxide nanotubes in a tilted mode as surface modification and patterning strategy
PublicationElectrochemical anodization is regarded as a facile and easily scalable fabrication method of titania nanotubes (TiO2NTs). However, due to the extended duration of calcination and further modifications, much faster alternatives are highly required. As a response to growing interest in laser modification of nanotube arrays, a comprehensive investigation of pulsed-laser irradiation and its effect onto TiO2NT properties has been carried out....
Flexomagneticity in buckled shear deformable hard-magnetic soft structures
PublicationThis research work performs the first time exploring and addressing the flexomagnetic property in a shear deformable piezomagnetic structure. The strain gradient reveals flexomagneticity in a magnetization phenomenon of structures regardless of their atomic lattice is symmetrical or asymmetrical. It is assumed that a synchronous converse magnetization couples both piezomagnetic and flexomagnetic features into the material structure....
Effect of selective laser treatment on initiation of fatigue crack in the main part of an undercarriage drag strut
PublicationThis paper presents the results of material characterization and a fatigue test conducted for a laser-re-melted drag strut used in an aircraft landing gear. The drag strut was re-melted with a CO2 laser beam. Eight re-melted paths were made in the form of spiral lines along the axis of the drag strut. Next, the drag strut was subjected to variable loads on a testing machine simulating loads occurring when an aircraft lands. The...
Non-Linear Analysis of Structures Utilizing Load-Discretization of Stiffness Matrix Method with Coordinate Update
PublicationThis paper proposes a stiffness method based structural analysis algorithm for geometrically non-linear structures. In this study, the applied load on the joints has been discretized to a sequence of a few loadings applied. Each loading step produces incremental external nodal displacements, which are added to the corresponding coordinates to get a new geometrical shape of the structure. This process is iteratively repeated until...
Contactless hearing aid designed for infants
PublicationIt is a well known fact that language development through home intervention for a hearing-impaired infant should start in the early months of a newborn baby's life. The aim of this paper is to present a concept of a contactless digital hearing aid designed especially for infants. In contrast to all typical wearable hearing aid solutions (ITC, ITE, BTE), the proposed device is mounted in the infant's bed with any parts of its set-up...
Visible light activity of rare earth metal doped (Er3+, Yb3+ or Er3+/Yb3+) titania photocatalysts
PublicationA series of Er3+-TiO2, Yb3+-TiO2 and Er3+/Yb3+-TiO2 photocatalysts were obtained via sol-gel method, using rare earth metal (RE) precursor ranging from 0.25 to 10 mol%. The experiments demonstrated that phenol in aqueous solutions was successfully degraded under visible light (> 450 nm) using RE3+-TiO2. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron emission spectroscopy (XPS), UV-Vis...
Usage of parametric echosounder with emphasis on buried object searching.
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to present the results of investigation to search for buried objects. The paper will contain echograms and other means of visualization from buried pipe placed between area of W?adys?awowo and gas platform and interesting in terms of the number of small and medium-sized unidentified objects found in the muddy bottom at different depths localized in the Gulf of Puck - results will be presented also...
Analysis of Historic Brick Walls' Strengthening Methods
PublicationAnalysis of the behavior of historical brick walls is difficult and complicated. However, computer calculations are being increasingly used in the evaluation of cultural heritage buildings and some of their elements. The aim of this paper is to analyze the historic brick walls reinforcement. Different methods of strengthening are compared and discussed. Numerical analysis, based on finite element method, was conducted on the assumption...
Damage of a post-tensioned concrete bridge – Unwanted cracks of the girders
PublicationThe cracking of a post-tensioned T-beam superstructure, which was built using the incremental launching method, is analyzed in the paper. The problem is studied in detail, as specific damage was observed in the form of longitudinal cracks, especially in the mid-height zone of the girder at the interface of two assembly sections. The paper is a case study. A detailed inspection is done and non-destructive testing results of the...
Contemporary and Conventional Passive Methods of Intensifying Convective Heat Transfer—A Review
PublicationThe ever-increasing demand for effective heat dissipation and temperature control in industrial and everyday applications highlights a critical research problem. The need for development is not only in terms of providing thermal comfort to humans but also forms the basis for the efficient operation of machines and equipment. Cooling of industrial machinery and household electronic equipment is a crucial element in any manufacturing...
Non-uniqueness of fracture parameter choice in simulations of concrete cracking at mesoscale level
PublicationIn the paper a non-uniqueness of fracture parameter choice in simulations of cracking process in plain concrete specimens at mesoscale level under monotonic static loading is analysed. The Finite Element Method is used, where cracks are defined in a discrete way using interface cohesive elements with nonlinear material law including softening. The concrete mesostructure (such as: cement matrix, air voids, aggregates, and Interfacial...
Enhancing seismic performance of steel buildings having semi-rigid connection with infill masonry walls considering soil type effects
PublicationUnpreventable constructional defects are the main issues in the case of steel Moment-Resisting Frames (MRFs) that mostly occur in the rigidities of beam-to-column connections. The present article aims to investigate the effects of different rigidities of structures and to propose Infill Masonry Walls (IMWs) as retrofitting strategy for the steel damaged buildings. A fault or failure to meet a certain consideration of the soil type...
Mechanical Properties and Wear Susceptibility Determined by Nanoindentation Technique of Ti13Nb13Zr Titanium Alloy after “Direct Laser Writing”
PublicationLaser treatment has often been applied to rebuild the surface layer of titanium and its alloys destined for long-term implants. Such treatment has always been associated with forming melted and re-solidified thin surface layers. The process parameters of such laser treatment can be different, including the patterning of a surface by so-called direct writing. In this research, pulse laser treatment was performed on the Ti13Nb13Zr...
Investigation on Mode I Fracture Behavior of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Composites
PublicationRecent reports in the literature have shown that fber-reinforced geopolymer composites (FRGC) made with monofbers exhibit a signifcant enhancement in fracture energy. However, many aspects of the fracture performance of hybrid fberreinforced geopolymer composites (HFRGC) remain largely unexploited, and these are predominant for the structures. For the frst time, the mode I fracture energy of HFRGC is investigated. The mode I behavior...
Porosity and shape of airborne wear microparticles generated by sliding contact between a low-metallic friction material and a cast iron
PublicationThe wear of brakes in transport vehicles is one of the main anthropogenic sources of airborne particulate matter in urban environments. The present study deals with the characterisation of airborne wear microparticles from a low-metallic friction material / cast iron pair used in car brakes. Particles were generated by a pin-on-disc machine in a sealed chamber at sliding velocity of 1.3 m/s and contact pressure of 1.5 MPa. They...
Boron-Doped Diamond/GaN Heterojunction—The Influence of the Low-Temperature Deposition
PublicationWe report a method of growing a boron-doped diamond film by plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition utilizing a pre-treatment of GaN substrate to give a high density of nucleation. CVD diamond was deposited on GaN substrate grown epitaxially via the molecular-beam epitaxy process. To obtain a continuous diamond film with the presence of well-developed grains, the GaN substrates are exposed to hydrogen plasma prior to deposition....
Dynamic modeling of non-cylindrical curved viscoelastic single-walled carbon nanotubes based on the second gradient theory
PublicationThis paper is devoted to the theoretical study of the dynamic response of non-cylindrical curved viscoelastic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The curved nanotubes are largely used in many engineering applications, but it is challenging in understanding mechanically the dynamic response of these curved SWCNTs when considering the influences of the material viscosity. The viscoelastic damping effect on the dynamic response...
Interaction of 4-nitrothiophenol with low energy electrons: Implications for plasmon mediated reactions
PublicationThe reduction of 4-nitrothiophenol (NTP) to 4-4′-dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB) on laser illuminated noble metal nanoparticles is one of the most widely studied plasmon mediated reactions. The reaction is most likely triggered by a transfer of low energy electrons from the nanoparticle to the adsorbed molecules. Besides the formation of DMAB, dissociative side reactions of NTP have also been observed. Here, we present a crossed electron-molecular...
Wstępne badania technologii spawania złączy narożnych ze stali niskoweglowej i nierdzewnej o grubości g=6mm i g=10mm
PublicationCelem pracy był dobór parametrów spawania dla spoin narożnych o grubości 6mm i 10mm próbek wykonanych ze stali niskowęglowej S355 i stali nierdzewnej - typu 304 (X6CrNI18-10). Złącza były spawane laserowo, jednostronnie z pełnym przetopem a powierzchnie lica i grani zapewniają uzyskanie szczelności przylegającego elementu uszczelniającego. Próbki zostały dostarczone przez Zleceniodawcę. Próby zostały przeprowadzone na stanowisku...
Ruch wirowy wywoływany przez ultradźwięk w płynach z relaksacją
PublicationRozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest badaniu ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez ultradźwięk w różnych modelach płynów z relaksacją. Ma ona charakter teoretyczny, jednak wykorzystanie uzyskanych dzięki niej wyników może przynieść lepsze zrozumienie ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez siłę akustyczną. W I rozdziale rozprawy przedstawione zostały ogólne rozważania dotyczące akustyki nieliniowej. Rozdział II dotyczy ruchu wirowego wywoływanego...
Seafloor Characterisation and Imaging Using Multibeam Sonar Data
PublicationThe approach to seafloor characterisation and imaging is presented. It relies on the combined, concurrent use of several techniques of multibeam sonar data processing. The first one is based on constructing the grey-level sonar images of seabed using the backscattering strength calculated for the echoes received in the consecutive beams. Then, the set of parameters describing the local region of sonar image is calculated. The second...
Preparation of platinum modified titanium dioxide nanoparticles with the use of laser ablation in water
PublicationWe report on the preparation method of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide modified with platinum by using nanosecond laser ablation in liquid (LAL). Titania in the form of anatase crystals has been prepared in a two-stage process. Initially, irradiation by laser beam of a titanium metal plate fixed in a glass container filled with deionized water was conducted. After that, the ablation process was continued, with the use of a platinum...
The Role of Electron Transfer in the Fragmentation of Phenyl and Cyclohexyl Boronic Acids
PublicationIn this study, novel measurements of negative ion formation in neutral potassium-neutral boronic acid collisions are reported in electron transfer experiments. The fragmentation pattern of phenylboronic acid is comprehensively investigated for a wide range of collision energies, i.e., from 10 to 1000 eV in the laboratory frame, allowing some of the most relevant dissociation channels to be probed. These studies were performed in...
Nonlocal Vibration of Carbon/Boron-Nitride Nano-hetero-structure in Thermal and Magnetic Fields by means of Nonlinear Finite Element Method
PublicationHybrid nanotubes composed of carbon and boron-nitride nanotubes have manifested as innovative building blocks to exploit the exceptional features of both structures simultaneously. On the other hand, by mixing with other types of materials, the fabrication of relatively large nanotubes would be feasible in the case of macroscale applications. In the current article, a nonlinear finite element formulation is employed to deal with...
Influence of Bitumen Type and Asphalt Mixture Composition on Low-Temperature Strength Properties According to Various Test Methods
PublicationIn regions with low-temperatures, action transverse cracks can appear in asphalt pavements as a result of thermal stresses that exceed the fracture strength of materials used in asphalt layers. To better understand thermal cracking phenomenon, strength properties of different asphalt mixtures were investigated. Four test methods were used to assess the influence of bitumen type and mixture composition on tensile strength properties...
Enhancing Seismic Performance of Semi-rigid Connection Using Shape Memory Alloy Bolts Considering Nonlinear Soil–Structure Interaction
PublicationSteel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) have their lateral resistance for their rigid connections, while real conditions have shown that the rigidity of a connection depends on the bolts and the end-plate thickness, which may not provide the assumed rigidity in design process. In this research, the main goal is to enhance the semi-rigid connections using shape memory alloy (SMA) bolts and explore their effects on the seismic limit-state...
ESPAR Antenna-Based WSN Node With DoA Estimation Capability
PublicationIn this paper, we present a low-cost energy-efficient electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna-based wireless sensor network (WSN) node designed for IEEE 802.15.4 standard that is capable of performing direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in real-life outdoor environments. To this end, we propose the WSN node architecture, design and realization that utilizes NXP JN5168 radio frequency (RF) wireless transceiver...
A Feasibility Study of Debonding Detection in Multi-Layered Marine Thin-Wall Structures Using a Non-Destructive Vibration-Based Approach
PublicationThis study analyses different debonding defect scenarios on a multi-layered material composed of carbon fibre- reinforced polymer as a composite coating applied to structural steel, with the aim of applying it to marine structures. The study utilises vibration-based experimental non-destructive diagnostics and numerical simulations to thoroughly examine the debonding extent at four different lengths: 0%, 25%, 75%, and 100% of the...
PublicationOne of the most promising new applications of remote observation satellite systems (RO) is the near-shore bathymetry estimation based on spaceborn multispectral imageries. In recent years, many experiments aiming to estimate bathymetry in optically shallow water with the use of remote optical observations have been presented. In this paper, optimal models of satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) for relatively turbid waters of the...
Universal autonomous control and management system for multipurpose unmanned surface vessel
PublicationThe paper presents design, structure and architecture of the Universal Autonomous Control and Management System (UACAMS) for multipurpose unmanned surface vessel. The system was designed, installed and implemented on the multipurpose platform - unmanned surface vessel named HydroDron. The platform is designed to execute hydrographic survey missions with multi-variant configuration of the survey system (payload? ) including multi-beam...
Analysis of metals in air particles from Gdańsk and London with EDX/EDS detectors in electron microscope
PublicationElectron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX/EDS) is the example of non-destructive analytical method for surface elemental analysis, with a potential detection limit of 0.1-0.5 wt.% for most elements. A spatial resolution <10 nm can be achieved using this technique, which provides a basis for the generation of quantitative and qualitative elemental data for individual particles. In order to obtain quantitative...
Acoustic radar employing particle velocity sensors
PublicationA concept, practical realization and applications of a passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking of sound sources were presented in the paper. The device consist of the new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. Contrary to active radars, it does not emit the scanning beam but after receiving surroundings sounds it provide information about the...
Novel approach to modeling spectral-domain optical coherence tomography with Monte Carlo method
PublicationNumerical modeling Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) systems is needed for optical setup optimization, development of new signal processing methods and assessment of impact of different physical phenomena inside the sample on OCT signal. The Monte Carlo method has been often used for modeling Optical Coherence Tomography, as it is a well established tool for simulating light propagation in scattering media. However, in this method...
The geodetic monitoring of the engineering structure – a practical solution of the problem in 3D space
PublicationThe study raises the issues concerning the automatic system designed for the monitoring of movement of controlled points, located on the roof covering of the Forest Opera in Sopot. It presents the calculation algorithm proposed by authors. It takes into account the specific design and location of the test object. High forest stand makes it difficult to use distant reference points. Hence the reference points used to study the stability...
Metamaterial-Based Series-Fed Antenna with High Gain and Wideband Performance for Millimeter Wave Spectrum Applications
PublicationThis paper presents a high-gain, wideband series-fed antenna designed for 5G millimeter-wave (MMW) applications. The structure employs a substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW)-based power splitter and metamaterials (MMs). The power divider functions effectively at 27.5 GHz, exhibiting an impedance bandwidth from 26.9–28.6 GHz. The series-fed dipole is assembled on the SIW-based power splitter, incorporating four dipoles with varying...
On nonlinear 3D electro-elastic numerical modeling of two-phase inhomogeneous FG piezocomposites reinforced with GNPs
PublicationThe novelty here comes from not only the perfect nonlinear three-dimensional (3D) electro-elasticity investigation but also the mixed material itself. The literature widely showed mechanical assessments on the piezoelectric structures; however, a lack of nonlinear three-dimensional elasticity studies has been witnessed on these kinds of smart materials. Therefore, a nonlinear 3D elasticity-piezoelectricity coupling is considered...
Rapid Design of 3D Reflectarray Antennas by Inverse Surrogate Modeling and Regularization
PublicationReflectarrays (RAs) exhibit important advantages over conventional antenna arrays, especially in terms of realizing pencil-beam patterns without the employment of the feeding networks. Unfortunately, microstrip RA implementations feature narrow bandwidths, and are severely affected by losses. A considerably improved performance can be achieved for RAs involving grounded dielectric layers, which are also easy to manufacture using...
Investigation method of large-volume tire with mobile test rig
PublicationThe goal of this research is to develop the tire test method and mobile tire test rig. The test rig enables measurement of tire properties as stiffness and viscous damping in vertical direction, and tire–ground characteristics on the asphalt rigid surface. The tire-ground characteristics are measured by force and a torque measurement hub. The design, calibration and the algorithm for calculating the forces in the wheel center are...
Pupil detection supported by Haar feature based cascade classifier for two-photon vision examinations
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel method, called Adaptive Edge Detection (AED), of extraction of precise pupil edge coordinates from eye image characterized by reflections of external illuminators and laser beams. The method is used for monitoring of pupil size and position during psychophysical tests of two-photon vision performed by dedicated optical set-up. Two-photon vision is a new phenomenon of perception of short-pulsed...
Determining the Seasonal Variability of the Territorial Sea Baseline in Poland (2018–2020) Using Integrated USV/GNSS/SBES Measurements
PublicationThe Territorial Sea Baseline (TSB) allows coastal states to define the maritime boundaries, such as: contiguous zone, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone and territorial sea. Their delimitations determine what rights (jurisdiction and sovereignty) a given coastal state is entitled to. For many years, the problem of delimiting baseline was considered in two aspects: legal (lack of clear-cut regulations and different interpretations)...
Hybrid P3HT: PCBM/GaN nanowire/Si cascade heterojunction for photovoltaic application
PublicationPoly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) are commonly used for the fabrication of organic photovoltaics (OPV). Efficiency limitations of OPVs could be circumvented by incorporation of inorganic nanostructures into organic blends. Again, integration of organic solar cells with well-developed silicon photovoltaic technology is ultimately desirable. In present work, GaN nanowires with diameters...
Low to intermediate energy elastic electron scattering from dichloromethane (CH2Cl2)
PublicationWe report a theoretical-experimental investigation of electron scattering by dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) in the low- and intermediate energy ranges. Experimental elastic differential cross sections (DCS), in the incident electron energy range of 0.5-800 eV and scattering angle range of 10°–130°, were measured using a crossed beam relative flow technique. Integral and momentum- transfer cross sections were determined from the experimental...
Direction of Arrival Estimation Based on Received Signal Strength Using Two-Row Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator Antenna
PublicationIn this paper, we present a novel approach to direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using two-row electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna which has 12 passive elements and allows for elevation and azimuth beam switching using a simple microcontroller, relying solely on received signal strength (RSS) values measured at the antenna output port. To this end, we thoroughly investigate all 18 available 3D antenna...
Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance degradation of asphalt concrete subjected to environmental factors
PublicationThe paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary...