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Search results for: deep neural network layer
The trajectories of the financial crisis of companies at risk of bankruptcy
PublicationThis article concerns the assessment of the trajectory of the collapse of enterprises in Central Europe. The author has developed a model of a Kohonen artificial neural network. This model was used to determine 6 different classes of risk and was allowed to graphically determine the 5- to 10-year trajectory of going bankrupt. The study used data on 140 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. This population was divided into...
Vehicle classification based on soft computing algorithms
PublicationExperiments and results regarding vehicle type classification are presented. Three classes of vehicles are recognized: sedans, vans and trucks. The system uses a non-calibrated traffic camera, therefore no direct vehicle dimensions are used. Various vehicle descriptors are tested, including those based on vehicle mask only and those based on vehicle images. The latter ones employ Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and gradient images...
Variable Data Structures and Customized Deep Learning Surrogates for Computationally Efficient and Reliable Characterization of Buried Objects
PublicationIn this study, in order to characterize the buried object via deep-learning-based surrogate modeling approach, 3-D full-wave electromagnetic simulations of a GPR model has been used. The task is to predict simultaneously and independent of each characteristic parameters of a buried object of several radii at different positions (depth and lateral position) in various dispersive subsurface media. This study has analyzed variable...
Why the Solvation Water around Proteins Is More Dense than Bulk Water
PublicationThe main aim of this work is to propose a rational explanation of the commonly observed phenomenon of increasing water density within solvation shell of proteins. We have observed that the geometry of the water–water hydrogen bond network within solvation layer differs from the one in bulk water, and it is the result of interactions of water molecules with protein surface. Altered geometry of the network reflects changes in the...
Why the solvation water around proteins is more dense than bulk water
PublicationThe main aim of this work is to propose a rational explanation of commonly observed phenomenon of increasing water density within solvation shell of proteins. We have observed that geometry of the water-water hydrogen bond network within solvation layer differs from the one in bulk water and it is the effect of interactions of water molecules with protein surface. Altered geometry of the network reflects changes in the structure...
Direct electrical stimulation of the human brain has inverse effects on the theta and gamma neural activities
PublicationObjective: Our goal was to analyze the electrophysiological response to direct electrical stimulation (DES) systematically applied at a wide range of parameters and anatomical sites, with particular focus on neural activities associated with memory and cognition. Methods: We used a large set of intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings with DES from 45 subjects with electrodes...
Optimized Computational Intelligence Model for Estimating the Flexural Behavior of Composite Shear Walls
PublicationThis article presents a novel approach to estimate the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete-filled composite plate shear walls using an optimized computational intelligence model. The proposed model was developed and validated based on 47 laboratory data points and the Transit Search (TS) optimization algorithm. Using 80% of the experimental dataset, the optimized model was selected by determining the unknown coefficients of...
Comparative study on total nitrogen prediction in wastewater treatment 1 plant and effect of various feature selection methods on machine learning algorithms performance
PublicationWastewater characteristics prediction in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is valuable and can reduce the number of sampling, energy, and cost. Feature Selection (FS) methods are used in the pre-processing section for enhancing the model performance. This study aims to evaluate the effect of seven different FS methods (filter, wrapper, and embedded methods) on enhancing the prediction accuracy for total nitrogen (TN) in the WWTP...
Topology Discovery of Hierarchical Ethernet LANs without SNMP support
PublicationThis paper presents an algorithm that allows for discovery of layer-2 hierarchical Ethernet network topology using agents running on selected end nodes. No SNMP, MIB, hardware, firmware, or operating system-level software modification is required. The method is based on transmission of customized Ethernet frames among installed software agents. It can be used to discover the topology of LAN or one VLAN segment as long as no MAC...
Bees Detection on Images: Study of Different Color Models for Neural Networks
PublicationThis paper presents an approach to bee detection in video streams using a neural network classifier. We describe the motivation for our research and the methodology of data acquisition. The main contribution to this work is a comparison of different color models used as an input format for a feedforward convolutional architecture applied to bee detection. The detection process has is based on a neural binary classifier that classifies...
Style Transfer for Detecting Vehicles with Thermal Camera
PublicationIn this work we focus on nighttime vehicle detection for intelligent traffic monitoring from the thermal camera. To train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) detector we create a stylized version of COCO (Common Objects in Context) dataset using Style Transfer technique that imitates images obtained from thermal cameras. This new dataset is further used for fine-tuning of the model and as a result detection accuracy on images...
Structural properties of hydration shell around various conformations of simple polypeptides
PublicationIn this paper we investigate structural properties of water within the solvation shell around the peptide core created by a well-defined conformation of polypeptide chain. The following secondary structures are investigated: linear (straight chain), and three helices PII (polyproline-like), 310, and α. We propose using the two-particle contribution to entropy as a rational measure of the water structural ordering within the solvation...
Dekodowanie kodów iterowanych z użyciem sieci neuronowej
PublicationNadmiarowe kody iterowane są jedną z prostych metod pozyskiwania długich kodów korekcyjnych zapewniających dużą ochronę przed błędami. Jednocześnie, chociaż ich podstawowy iteracyjny dekoder jest prosty koncepcyjnie oraz łatwy w implementacji, to nie jest on rozwiązaniem optymalnym. Poszukując alternatywnych rozwiązań zaproponowano, przedstawioną w pracy, strukturę dekodera tego typu kodów wspomaganą przez sieci neuronowe. Zaproponowane...
Connectivity Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks Using ESPAR Antennas with Dielectric Overlays
PublicationThis article presents an electrically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) switched beam antenna with a dielectric overlay to miniaturize the antenna and modify the radiation pattern in the vertical plane. The antenna is intended for a gateway in a wireless sensor network (WSN) and is located on the ceiling of a room. Because the ESPAR antenna consists of an array of vertical monopoles, there is a deep minimum in the radiation...
Physics-guided neural networks (PGNNs) to solve differential equations for spatial analysis
PublicationNumerous examples of physically unjustified neural networks, despite satisfactory performance, generate contradictions with logic and lead to many inaccuracies in the final applications. One of the methods to justify the typical black-box model already at the training stage and lead to many inaccuracies in the final applications. One of the methods to justify the typical black-box model already at the training stage involves extending...
A high-gain gap waveguide-based 16 × 16 slot antenna array with low sidelobe level for mmwave applications
PublicationThis study presents the design of a high-gain 16 × 16-slot antenna array with a low sidelobe level (SLL) using a tapered ridge gap waveguide feeding network for Ka-band applications. The proposed antenna element includes four cavity-backed slot antennas. A tapered feeding network is designed and utilized for unequal feeding of the radiating elements. Ridge gap waveguide technology is used to reduce the feeding network loss and...
Approximation of Fractional Order Dynamic Systems Using Elman, GRU and LSTM Neural Networks
PublicationIn the paper, authors explore the possibility of using the recurrent neural networks (RNN) - Elman, GRU and LSTM - for an approximation of the solution of the fractional-orders differential equations. The RNN network parameters are estimated via optimisation with the second order L-BFGS algorithm. It is done based on data from four systems: simple first and second fractional order LTI systems, a system of fractional-order point...
Deep learning approach on surface EEG based Brain Computer Interface
PublicationIn this work we analysed the application of con-volutional neural networks in motor imagery classification for the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) purposes. To increase the accuracy of classification we proposed the solution that combines the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) with convolutional network (ConvNet). The electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the modalities we try to use for controlling the prosthetic arm. Therefor in this...
Channel State Estimation in LTE-Based Heterogenous Networks Using Deep Learning
PublicationFollowing the continuous development of the information technology, the concept of dense urban networks has evolved as well. The powerful tools, like machine learning, break new ground in smart network and interface design. In this paper the concept of using deep learning for estimating the radio channel parameters of the LTE (Long Term Evolution) radio interface is presented. It was proved that the deep learning approach provides...
Autoencoder application for anomaly detection in power consumption of lighting systems
PublicationDetecting energy consumption anomalies is a popular topic of industrial research, but there is a noticeable lack of research reported in the literature on energy consumption anomalies for road lighting systems. However, there is a need for such research because the lighting system, a key element of the Smart City concept, creates new monitoring opportunities and challenges. This paper examines algorithms based on the deep learning...
Extensions of ETSI performance measurements methodology for statistical results analysis =Rozszerzenia metodologii pomiarów wydajności zaproponowanej przez ETSI przy statystycznej analizy wyników
PublicationNext Generation Network (NGN) architecture was proposed by International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) to deliver telecommunication services satisfying the needs of modern society for an access to information. The core of NGN service stratum are IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) elements acting as service controls units. To assess performance of IMS components, European Telecommunications...
Zastosowanie sieci neuronowych do detekcji impulsów o znanym kształcie w obecności silnego szumu i trendu
PublicationDetekcja impulsów w odebranym sygnale radiowym, zwłaszcza w obecności silnego szumu oraz trendu, jest trudnym zadaniem. Artykuł przedstawia propozycje rozwiązań wykorzystujących sieci neuronowe do detekcji impulsów o znanym kształcie w obecności silnego szumu i trendu. Na potrzeby realizacji tego zadania zaproponowano dwie architektury. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu kształtu impulsu, mocy zakłóceń szumowych oraz trendu...
Application 2D Descriptors and Artificial Neural Networks for Beta-Glucosidase Inhibitors Screening
PublicationBeta-glucosidase inhibitors play important medical and biological roles. In this study, simple two-variable artificial neural network (ANN) classification models were developed for beta-glucosidase inhibitors screening. All bioassay data were obtained from the ChEMBL database. The classifiers were generated using 2D molecular descriptors and the data miner tool available in the STATISTICA package (STATISTICA Automated Neural...
PublicationAplikacja przedstawiona w niniejszym rozdziale służy do automatycznego wykrywania mowy patologicznej na podstawie bazy nagrań. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono założenia leżące u podstaw przeprowadzonych badan wraz z wyborem bazy mowy patologicznej. Zaprezentowano również zastosowane algorytmy oraz cechy sygnału mowy, które pozwalają odróżnić mowę niezaburzoną od mowy patologicznej. Wytrenowane sieci neuronowe zostały następnie...
Efekty egoistycznych ataków na poziomie mac w sieciach ad hoc o topologii wieloskokowej
PublicationStacje sieci ad hoc mogą manipulować parametrami dostępu do medium transmisyjnego dla osiągnięcia nienależnie wysokiej jakości usług. Dla środowiska sieci ad hoc o topologii wieloskokowej rozważane są ataki na mechanizmy odłożenia transmisji i klasyfikacji ruchu, przeprowadzane zarówno w stosunku do przepływów źródłowych jak i tranzytowych. Wyniki pozwalają wstępnie ocenić efekty takich ataków oraz skuteczność mechanizmów obronnych.
Intelligent Autonomous Robot Supporting Small Pets in Domestic Environment
PublicationIn this contribution, we present preliminary results of the student project aimed at the development of an intelligent autonomous robot supporting small pets in a domestic environment. The main task of this robot is to protect a freely moving small pets against accidental stepping on them by home residents. For this purpose, we have developed the mobile robot which follows a pet and makes an alarm signal when a human is approaching....
Architektury klasyfikatorów obrazów
PublicationKlasyfikacja obrazów jest zagadnieniem z dziedziny widzenia komputerowego. Polega na całościowej analizie obrazu i przypisaniu go do jednej lub wielu kategorii (klas). Współczesne rozwiązania tego problemu są w znacznej części realizowane z wykorzystaniem konwolucyjnych głębokich sieci neuronowych (convolutional neural network, CNN). W tym rozdziale opisano przełomowe architektury CNN oraz ewolucję state-of-the-art w klasyfikacji...
TensorHive: Management of Exclusive GPU Access for Distributed Machine Learning Workloads
PublicationTensorHive is a tool for organizing work of research and engineering teams that use servers with GPUs for machine learning workloads. In a comprehensive web interface, it supports reservation of GPUs for exclusive usage, hardware monitoring, as well as configuring, executing and queuing distributed computational jobs. Focusing on easy installation and simple configuration, the tool automatically detects the available computing...
Smart Approach for Glioma Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Modified Convolutional Network Architecture (U-NET)
PublicationSegmentation of a brain tumor from magnetic resonance multimodal images is a challenging task in the field of medical imaging. The vast diversity in potential target regions, appearance and multifarious intensity threshold levels of various tumor types are few of the major factors that affect segmentation results. An accurate diagnosis and its treatment demand strict delineation of the tumor affected tissues. Herein, we focus on...
Metody wgłębnej modyfikacji gruntu słabonośnego do posadowienia nowych i zapasowych lotniczych dróg startowych
PublicationPo analizie oddziaływań statków powietrznych na nawierzchnię lotniska (miejsca postojowe, pasy startowe, drogi startowe) uznano za celowe rozważenie problemu wgłębnego ulepszania lub wzmacniania podłoża gruntowego. Dotyczy to szczególnie gruntu sła- bonośnego. Przedstawiono szybką i skuteczną metodę wzmacniania podłoża gruntowego przeznaczonego do budowy obiektów inżynier- skich wykorzystywanych do wykonywania cywilnych lub wojskowych...
Towards bees detection on images: study of different color models for neural networks
PublicationThis paper presents an approach to bee detection in videostreams using a neural network classifier. We describe the motivationfor our research and the methodology of data acquisition. The maincontribution to this work is a comparison of different color models usedas an input format for a feedforward convolutional architecture appliedto bee detection. The detection process has is based on a neural...
Dynamic Bankruptcy Prediction Models for European Enterprises
PublicationThis manuscript is devoted to the issue of forecasting corporate bankruptcy. Determining a firm’s bankruptcy risk is one of the most interesting topics for investors and decision-makers. The aim of the paper is to develop and to evaluate dynamic bankruptcy prediction models for European enterprises. To conduct this objective, four forecasting models are developed with the use of four different methods—fuzzy sets, recurrent and...
Driver fatigue detection method based on facial image analysis
PublicationNowadays, ensuring road safety is a crucial issue that demands continuous development and measures to minimize the risk of accidents. This paper presents the development of a driver fatigue detection method based on the analysis of facial images. To monitor the driver's condition in real-time, a video camera was used. The method of detection is based on analyzing facial features related to the mouth area and eyes, such as...
Estimation of the Ultimate Strength of FRP Strips-to-Masonry Substrates Bond
PublicationFiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) were developed as a new method over the past decades due to their many beneficial mechanical properties, and they are commonly applied to strengthen masonry structures. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), K-fold Cross-Validation (KFCV) technique, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) method, and M5 Model Tree (M5MT) method were utilized to predict the ultimate strength of...
Fragmentation of Hydrographic Big Data Into Subsets During Reduction Process
PublicationThe article presented problems of fragmentation of hydrographic big data into smaller subsets during reduction process. Data reduction is a processing of reduce the value of the data set, in order to make them easier and more effective for the goals of the analysis. The main aim of authors is to create new reduction method. The article presented the first stage of this method – fragmentation of bathymetric data into subsets. It...
PublicationIn this paper the authors propose a decision support system for automatic blood smear analysis based on microscopic images. The images are pre-processed in order to remove irrelevant elements and to enhance the most important ones - the healthy blood cells (erythrocytes) and the pathologic (echinocytes). The separated blood cells are analyzed in terms of their most important features by the eigenfaces method. The features are the...
Towards Cancer Patients Classification Using Liquid Biopsy
PublicationLiquid biopsy is a useful, minimally invasive diagnostic and monitoring tool for cancer disease. Yet, developing accurate methods, given the potentially large number of input features, and usually small datasets size remains very challenging. Recently, a novel feature parameterization based on the RNA-sequenced platelet data which uses the biological knowledge from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, combined with a classifier...
3D Hierarchical Boron-Doped Diamond-Multilayered Graphene Nanowalls as an Efficient Supercapacitor Electrode
PublicationSynthesis of stable hybrid carbon nanostructure for high-performance supercapacitor electrode with long life-cycle for electronic and energy storage devices is a real challenge. Here, we present a one-step synthesis method to produce conductive boron-doped hybrid carbon nanowalls (HCNWs), where sp2-bonded graphene has been integrated with and over a three-dimensional curved wall-like network of sp3-bonded diamond. The spectroscopic...
Intracranial hemorrhage detection in 3D computed tomography images using a bi-directional long short-term memory network-based modified genetic algorithm
PublicationIntroduction: Intracranial hemorrhage detection in 3D Computed Tomography (CT) brain images has gained more attention in the research community. The major issue to deal with the 3D CT brain images is scarce and hard to obtain the labelled data with better recognition results. Methods: To overcome the aforementioned problem, a new model has been implemented in this research manuscript. After acquiring the images from the Radiological...
Automated hearing loss type classification based on pure tone audiometry data
PublicationHearing problems are commonly diagnosed with the use of tonal audiometry, which measures a patient’s hearing threshold in both air and bone conduction at various frequencies. Results of audiometry tests, usually represented graphically in the form of an audiogram, need to be interpreted by a professional audiologist in order to determine the exact type of hearing loss and administer proper treatment. However, the small number of...
A Novel Method for the Deblurring of Photogrammetric Images Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
PublicationThe visual data acquisition from small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may encounter a situation in which blur appears on the images. Image blurring caused by camera motion during exposure significantly impacts the images interpretation quality and consequently the quality of photogrammetric products. On blurred images, it is difficult to visually locate ground control points, and the number of identified feature points decreases...
Deep Video Multi-task Learning Towards Generalized Visual Scene Enhancement and Understanding
PublicationThe goal of this thesis was to develop efficient video multi-task convolutional architectures for a range of diverse vision tasks, on RGB scenes, leveraging i) task relationships and ii) motion information to improve multi-task performance. The approach we take starts from the integration of diverse tasks within video multi-task learning networks. We present the first two datasets of their kind in the existing literature, featuring...
Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Corneal Arcus Detection Towards Familial Hypercholesterolemia Screening
PublicationFamilial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a highly undiagnosed disease. Among FH patients, the onset of premature coronary artery disease is 13 times higher than in the general population. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent cardiovascular diseases and their complications, and to prolong life. One of the clinical criteria of FH is the occurrence of a corneal arcus (CA) among patients, especially those under 45 years...
Revealing the Frank–Evans “Iceberg” Structures within the Solvation Layer around Hydrophobic Solutes
PublicationUsing computer simulations, the structural properties of solvation water of three model hydrophobic molecules, methane and two fullerenes (C60 and C80), were studied. Systems were simulated at temperatures in the range of 250−298 K. By analyzing both the local ordering of the molecules of water in the solvation layers and the structure of hydrogen bond network, it is shown that in the solvation layer of hydrophobic molecules, ordered...
Electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol, ethylene glycol and glycerine in alkaline media on TiO2 nanotubes decorated with AuCu nanoparticles for an application in fuel cells
PublicationIn this work, we present the catalytic and photocatalytic activity of AuCu nanostructures obtained on TiO2 nanotubes toward methanol, ethylene glycol and glycerine oxidation. The electrode material is prepared by anodization of Ti foil, thin AuCu layer sputtering and rapid thermal treatment under argon atmosphere. Scanning electron microscopy images confirmed the presence of ordered tubular architecture of TiO2 as well as nanoparticles...
Visual Content Learning in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)
PublicationThis work is part of an effort for the development of a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) for applications in industrial workplaces, adaptable to a wide range of environments. The paper focuses on hazards resulted from the nonuse of personal protective equipment (PPE). Given the results of previous analysis of supervised techniques for the problem of classification of a few PPE (boots, hard hats, and gloves...
Machine Learning and Text Analysis in an Artificial Intelligent System for the Training of Air Traffic Controllers
PublicationThis chapter presents the application of new information technology in education for the training of air traffic controllers (ATCs). Machine learning, multi-criteria decision analysis, and text analysis as the methods of artificial intelligence for ATCs training have been described. The authors have made an analysis of the International Civil Aviation Organization documents for modern principles of ATCs education. The prototype...
Driver’s Condition Detection System Using Multimodal Imaging and Machine Learning Algorithms
PublicationTo this day, driver fatigue remains one of the most significant causes of road accidents. In this paper, a novel way of detecting and monitoring a driver’s physical state has been proposed. The goal of the system was to make use of multimodal imaging from RGB and thermal cameras working simultaneously to monitor the driver’s current condition. A custom dataset was created consisting of thermal and RGB video samples. Acquired data...
Food analysis using artificial senses.
PublicationNowadays, consumers are paying great attention to the characteristics of food such as smell, taste, and appearance. This motivates scientists to imitate human senses using devices known as electronic senses. These include electronic noses, electronic tongues, and computer vision. Thanks to the utilization of various sensors and methods of signal analysis, artificial senses are widely applied in food analysis for process monitoring...
Human-Computer Interface Based on Visual Lip Movement and Gesture Recognition
PublicationThe multimodal human-computer interface (HCI) called LipMouse is presented, allowing a user to work on a computer using movements and gestures made with his/her mouth only. Algorithms for lip movement tracking and lip gesture recognition are presented in details. User face images are captured with a standard webcam. Face detection is based on a cascade of boosted classifiers using Haar-like features. A mouth region is located in...