Search results for: environmental protection
Prediction of energy consumption and evaluation of affecting factors in a full-scale WWTP using a machine learning approach
PublicationTreatment of municipal wastewater to meet the stringent effluent quality standards is an energy-intensive process and the main contributor to the costs of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Analysis and prediction of energy consumption (EC) are essential in designing and operating sustainable energy-saving WWTPs. In this study, the effect of wastewater, hydraulic, and climate-based parameters on the daily consumption of EC by...
Modelling and optimisation of MXene-derived TiO2/Ti3C2 synthesis parameters using Response Surface Methodology based on the Box–Behnken factorial design. Enhanced carbamazepine degradation by the Cu-modified TiO2/Ti3C2 photocatalyst
PublicationIn the present study, a hydrothermal method in a water/ethanol environment was used for the first time to obtain novel Cu/TiO2/Ti3C2 composites with high photocatalytic activity for the degradation of carbamazepine (CBZ) under simulated solar light. The Box–Behnken factorial design was coupled with Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for synthesis parameter optimisation. The effect of different synthesis parameters, including temperature, time...
Landscape protection in environmental impact assessment in Poland. The exa- mple of a Gdańsk fortification system which is threatened by transport in- vestments. J. Transdiscipl. Environ. Stud. [online]**2002 vol. 1 nr 2 [dos- tęp: 2002.12.20] s. 1-18, 3 rys. bibliogr. 11 poz. Dostępny w Internecie: ISSN 1602-2297 Ochrona krajobrazu w Ocenach Oddziaływania na Środowisko w Polsce -na przy- kładzie fortyfikacji gdańskich zagrożonych inwestycjami komunikacyjnymi.
PublicationSpecyficzny przypadek potencjalnego zagrożenia dla fortyfikacji nowożytnych Gdańska, spowodowanego nowymi, planowanymi inwestycjami komunikacyjnymi jesttłem dla ukazania możliwości wykorzystania procedury Oceny Oddziaływania na Środowisko dla ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu.
Landscape as a Potential Key Concept in Urban Environmental Planning: The Case of Poland
PublicationRapid urban development increases the consumption of materials, energy, and water, resulting in an overproduction of waste and emissions. These cause many environmental threats, such as ozone layer depletion and rain acidification, leading to climate change. Therefore, the question arises on how to improve the effectiveness of tools that strengthen environmental protection. This discursive article presents an approach stressing...
Integrating environmental issues with the practice of urban planning
PublicationEnvironmental protection of urban areas has become a common concern among academics, policy makers and urban planners. Therefore, environmental issues are often underlined and incorporated into many strategies for urban development. In the article a discussion about the development of the concept of sustainable development in the context of urban planning and international policies is presented, followed by a review of planning...
Piotr Jamroz dr hab. inż.
PeoplePiotr Jamroz graduated from Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry in 1998 and obtained his PhD from the same university in 2003. Currently he works as an associate professor at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Division of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Metallurgy. His research interests are related to generation and diagnostics of different kinds of plasma sources, including...
Evaluation of organic coating systems for corrosion protection of industrial equipment using impedance spectroscopy
PublicationThe high economic impact of corrosion can be reduced by enhanced corrosion management and prevention based on appropriate means. This applies in particular to the protection of structures with organic protective coatings. Steel is subject to corrosion that reduces its service life and leads to destruction in most severe cases. The application of paints to metallic objects for corrosion control has been known for a long time and...
Michał Sobaszek dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichał Sobaszek was born in Gdansk in 1984. In the summer of 2009, he received a Master degree in Materials Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electronics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In 2018 he was honoured with the scholarship for the outstanding young researches by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Poland. For more than 7 years, he...
Organotin Compounds: Environmental Fate and Analytics
PublicationFor more than 50 years, organotin compounds have been used in almost all sectors of industry. As a consequence, specific environmental compartments are affected by the emission of these xenobiotics. The emissions of organotin compounds into the environment from paints used in the shipbuilding industry for ship hull coating, and from the plant protection products are particularly significant.In 2001, the IMO introduced a global...
Landscape protection - the challenge for sustainable planning
PublicationGrowing spatial chaos reminds us of the need for systematic, complex approaches related to environmental and landscape issues within different planning, organizational, operational, legal and political activities. It has been proved, that LVIA within EIA plays an important role in the enhancement of the spatial planning system, and that there is a need to use the potential of EIA/LVIA in spatial development and management. But...
Threats to Rural Landscape and Its Protection in Poland
PublicationThe article describes the premises and conditions for the implementation of a pro-landscape spatial policy in rural areas in Poland. It presents the erosion of spatial order in a large part of the country’s territory. Firstly, the state of protection of the rural landscape and the legal aspects of shaping the space of rural areas are described. Secondly, the location is depicted, and the main physiognomic and environmental threats...
Corporate social responsibility in reference to environmental statements within EMAS system in small and medium enterprises
PublicationAccording to the corporate social responsibility concept, organisations should apply any mechanisms available supporting their business actions contributing i.e. to the improvement of natural environment. Among them is EMAS eco-management and audit scheme. The prove of its implementation is environmental statement and entering the organisation into a national EMAS register. The aim of the statement is informing the society and...
Analysis of the Environmental Impact of the Hull Construction of a Small Vessel Based on LCA
PublicationIn recent years, issues related to the impact of human activity on the natural environment have become pressing, and the challenge of global warming necessitates immediate action. To support environmental protection efforts, it has become imperative to adopt a broader perspective when evaluating various products and systems. A valuable tool for such assessments is a life cycle assessment (LCA), which enables a comprehensive analysis...
Geo-Questionnaire for Environmental Planning: The Case of Ecosystem Services Delivered by Trees in Poland
PublicationStudies on society and the environment interface are often based on simple questionnaires that do not allow for an in-depth analysis. Research conducted with geo-questionnaires is an increasingly common method. However, even if data collected via a geo-questionnaire are available, the shared databases provide limited information due to personal data protection. In the article, we present open databases that overcome those limitations....
Koncepcja Smart Cities - obszar Smart Environment
PublicationThe Smart Cities Concept– Smart Environment. The paper concentrates on the possibilities of checking the extent to which cities meet the smart city concept. The presented concept concentrates on one of the main smart cities characteristic: Smart Environment. This paper is a result of joint work of specialist from two diff erent areas: management and environmental protection. The interdisciplinary character of the paper is characteristic...
Bartłomiej Cieślik dr inż.
PeopleBorn on April 21, 1988 in Płock January 2012 - Eng. Environmental Protection Technologies at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Gdańsk University of Technology June 2013 - MSc. - Environmental Protection Technologies at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Gdańsk University of Technology May 2018 - Ph.D. - Field: chemical sciences, discipline: Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry of the Gdańsk University of Technology September 2018 employed...
Ground tire rubber functionalization as a promising approach for the production of sustainable adsorbents of environmental pollutants
PublicationWaste tires management and further utilization are currently one of the biggest concerns regarding the environment and human health protection. At present, shredding, grinding, or pulverization of waste tires are the most popular options for industrial recycling. Although many solutions for ground tire rubber (GTR) applications were checked and verified so far, their further implementation at an industrial scale is still very limited....
Wycena środowiska w aspekcie odpowiedzialności moralnej
Publicationthe article '' the pricing of environment in the moral responsibility context" presents ethical protection of natural environment within sustainable development paradigm as well as the problem of individual, moral responsibility in the liberal civilization. it contains different opinions on the environmental ethics, compares flat and deep ecology as well as environmental and ecological economy; it characterizes methods of economic...
Issues relating to the efficient Application of passive solar protection in multi-family residential buildings
PublicationThe following article is intended to discuss the issues concerning the introduction of passive measures aimed at improving solar protection in multi-family buildings. A system of classifying these methods into two groups of solutions (architectural and material-building) was applied. The first group includes issues concerning facade design, the spatial features of which (such as loggias, balconies and other overhangs) can be treated...
Exploratory analysis and ranking of analytical procedures for short-chain chlorinated paraffins determination in environmental solid samples
PublicationShort-chain chlorinated paraffins are ones of the most recent chemical compounds that have been classified as persistent organic pollutants. They have various applications and are emitted to the environment. Despite the fact, that the content levels of these compounds in the environmental compartments should be monitored, there is still a lack of well-defined and validated analytical procedures, proposed or suggested by the national...
Value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2012
Open Research DataThese data contain information prepared by the Ministry of Finance on the value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2012.
Value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2009
Open Research DataThese data contain information prepared by the Ministry of Finance on the value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2009.
Value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2010
Open Research DataThese data contain information prepared by the Ministry of Finance on the value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2010.
Value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2014
Open Research DataThese data contain information prepared by the Ministry of Finance on the value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2014.
Value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2013
Open Research DataThese data contain information prepared by the Ministry of Finance on the value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2013.
Value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2011
Open Research DataThese data contain information prepared by the Ministry of Finance on the value of tax preferences by areas of support and types of taxes in 2009.
PublicationSteel materials, due to their numerous advantages - high availability, easiness of processing and possibility of almost any shaping are commonly applied in construction for carrying out basic carrier systems and auxiliary structures. However, the major disadvantage of this material is its high corrosion susceptibility, which depends strictly on the local conditions of the facility and the applied type of corrosion protection system....
Hydrogen embrittlement of X2CrNiMoCuN25-6-3 super duplex stainless steel welded joints under cathodic protection
PublicationThe effect of cathodic polarization conditions on hydrogen degradation of X2CrNiMoCuN25-6-3 super duplex stainless steel welded joints, obtained using flux cored arc and submerged arc welding methods, was evaluated. Slow strain rate tensile tests of base material and welded specimens, ferrite content measurements, scanning electron microscopy observations, and statistical analysis were performed. It was found that hydrogenation...
Investigation on environmental chemistry changes in the Antarctic Special Management Area (ASMA 1): King George Island, South Shetlands Islands
PublicationThe doctoral dissertation included a review of the scientific literature that resulted in the selection of the research area, type of samples and chemical species that were marked. The published series of articles contains an in-depth description of the results of chemical analyses of surface water, sediment and snow samples from the Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA 1) – King George Island. In addition, studies have been...
Analytics of Surfactants in the Environment: Problems and Challenges
PublicationSurfactants (surface active agents = SAAs) are a group of compoundswith specific physicochemical properties (amphiphilicity,solubility in polar and nonpolar liquids, ability to form micelles,adsorption at phase boundaries).1,2 Because of their properties,surface-active compounds are widely applied in industry and thehousehold (e.g., in detergents, personal-care products, paints,pesticides, petroleum products). As their applications...
Dominika Wróblewska dr inż. arch.
PeopleDr. Eng. arch. Dominika Wróblewska, university professor, obtained the title of doctor of technical sciences in 2000. In 2002, she started working at the Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology (currently the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering) as an assistant professor. Since 2019, he has been working as a university professor. The areas of interest are changes, introducing...
PublicationThe article deals with one of the scientific issue solved within frames of the research project financed by Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk, namely, in particular, the method of energy investigations of the self-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard (modified) marine fuel. The representative results of engine tests worked out on the especially built laboratory...
Influence of operation of national experimental nuclear reactor on the natural environment
PublicationThis paper presents the impact of experimental nuclear reactor operations on the national environment, based on assessment reports of the radiological protection of active nuclear technology sources. Using the analysis of measurements carried out in the last 15 years, the trends are presented in selected elements of the environment on the Świerk Nuclear Centre site and its surroundings. In addition, the impact of research results...
3D GIS technology. More accurate GIS-every-day-reality
PublicationGeographical space can be described with the Geographic Information System (GIS). It consists of software, hardware, data, algorithms, procedures for processing information and accessibility, as well as the people who use the system and the legal, technological and organisational procedures. GIS is commonly applied in such studies as “Environmental Protection Programmes”, and in numerous reports and documents regarding spatial...
Challenges and Current Trends in Preventing Antimicrobial Resistance in EU Water Law Context
PublicationThe increasing consumption of pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics, and their improper disposal have resulted in both pharmaceuticals and their metabolites being released into the environment, where they pose a risk to both ecosystems and human health. One of the most serious threats to public health associated with the presence of antibiotics in the environment is antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In order to combat AMR, the legal...
Management Strategy for Seaports Aspiring to Green Logistical Goals of IMO: Technology and Policy Solutions
PublicationRecently, because of serious global challenges including the consumption of energy and climate change, there has been an increase in interest in the environmental effect of port operations and expansion. More interestingly, a strategic tendency in seaport advancement has been to manage the seaport system using a model which balances environmental volatility and economic development demands. An energy efficient management system...
Magdalena Gajewska prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMagdalena Gajewska (born June 1th 1968 in Gdańsk) in 1993 graduated Hydro-Engineering Faculty at Gdańsk University of Technology. At present she is an assistant professor in the Department of Water and Wastewater Technology at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering GUT. PhD (2001) and habilitation (2013) in the discipline of environmental engineering. In the 2016-2020 term, serves as Vice -dean for science. She...
Application of persulfate-based oxidation processes to address diverse sustainability challenges: A critical review
PublicationOver the past years, persulfate (PS) is widely applied due to their high versatility and efficacy in decontamination and sterilization. While treatment of organic chemicals, remediation of soil and groundwater, sludge treatment, disinfection on pathogen microorganisms have been covered by most published reviews, there are no comprehensive and specific reviews on its application to address diverse sustainability challenges, including...
Exploring the Institutional and Bottom-Up Actions for Urban Air Quality Improvement: Case Studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublicationThe article presents the results of qualitative studies concerning the presence of air quality management in the process of urban planning and in the public discourse in Antwerp, Belgium, and Gdańsk, Poland. We focused on the way urban planners, environmental experts, and stakeholders perceive the problem of air pollution, especially with respect to urban development policy, and whether they consider it one of the major factors...
Corrosion monitoring as a factor increasing the safety of hydrotechnical infrastructure
PublicationWater distribution systems at KGHM S.A. are of great importance for the efficient production of copper and environmental protection. For failures leading to perforation and leakage, the corrosion processes are responsible. This paper aims to assess corrosion on the basis of the analysis of the exposure of the Hydrotechnical Plant pipelines. To this end, the system of transfer and deposition of post-flotation waste as well as the...
Rafał Ossowski dr inż.
PeopleRafał Ossowski (born June 8th, 1973 in Chojnice) – expert in soil mechanics and geotechnics, mainly in field of numerical modeling and research on anthropogenic soils. Author and coauthor of publications on numerical modeling in soil mechanics, field soil investigation and application of anthropogenic soils in context of so-called "green geotechnics". In 1992–1997 he studied at the Faculty of Hydrotechnics GUT (renamed: Faculty...
Krzysztof Rajczykowski dr inż.
People -
Effect of water contamination of an environmentally acceptable lubricant based on synthetic esters on the wear and hydrodynamic properties of stern tube bearing
PublicationThe ecological aspects of the lubrication of stern tube bearings on ships represent a critical challenge today. Oil leakages are a typical issue, even for new systems, similarly to water ingress from the environment. One of the options for improving environmental protection is replacing mineral oil with an environmentally adaptable lubricant (EAL). This paper reports experimental investigations of the effect of water content in...
Observing its long-term effects on a short-term, multi-day evaluation of the effectiveness of hearing aid use
PublicationThe main objective of the research study was to develop a method for evaluating the effectiveness of hearing protection with hearing aids tailored to the needs and prevailing conditions in the acoustic environments where the elderly most often reside. The method was also intended to estimate the benefits of hearing aids and allow prediction of such an effect based on a short-term trial. It is noteworthy that a short-term evaluation...
Computational Fluid Dynamic study on the wind characteristics of a multifunctional building system model in developed coastal cities
PublicationThis paper presents an approach for providing innovative technology by applying fluid mechanics to the field of architectural design. The aim is to make a building’s shape profitable and strengthen environmental protection by using the wind force to create an integrated wind absorption definition for a multifunctional building system model. Furthermore, taking control of the wind flow over an object can have an impact on not only...
Attitudes to tree removal on private property in rural and urban Polish municipalities.
Open Research DataThe urban-rural divide is an important factor known to affect public opinion on issues related to environmental protection and management. The present data set allows for a deeper understanding of this issue with respect to policies dealing with tree removal on private property in two municipalities located in southern Poland: Racibórz (an urban municipality)...
Determination of metal content in sewage sludge and sewage sludge ash to find opportunities to use them in the construction industry
PublicationSewage sludge management is becoming an increasing problem in developed and developing countries. Due to their physicochemical properties (mainly high content of heavy metals) a safe method of utilization is sought. Considering environmental protection, energy recycling, reduction in use of the raw materials and the possibility of immobilization hazardous substances, the use of ashes in building materials becomes a very good way...
The concept of research on ecological, energy and reliability effects of modified marine fuel oils application to supply compression-ignition engines in real conditions
PublicationWithin the article, basic assumptions of the research project financed by Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water in Gdansk were described. The project concerns the experimental investigations carried out on laboratory compression-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard marine fuel oil. Configuration and measuring capability of laboratory test bed presently being constructed were introduced....
Occurrence of Surface Active Agents in the Environment
PublicationDue to the specific structure of surfactants molecules they are applied in different areas of human activity (industry, household). After using and discharging from wastewater treatment plants as effluent stream, surface active agents (SAAs) are emitted to various elements of the environment (atmosphere, waters, and solid phases), where they can undergo numerous physic-chemical processes (e.g., sorption, degradation) and freely...
Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.
PeopleRomanika Okraszewska, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). Graduated from the mathematical and informatical class at the National Education Commission High School in Gdańsk. Graduated from two faculties of Gdańsk University of Technology, Architecture and Urban Planning (2002) and Management and Economics (2004). Participant...