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Search results for: modified pid controller
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The QDMC Model Predictive Controller for the Nuclear Power Plant Steam Turbine Control
PublicationThere are typically two main control loops with PI con trollers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper a model predictive controller QDMC for the steam turbine is proposed - instead of a typical PI controller. The QDMC controller utilize a step-response model for the controlled system. This model parameters are determined, based on the simplified and linear model of turbo-generator set, which parameters are identified...
A Probabilistic Optimisation Approach to the Equitable Controller Location Problem
PublicationThe ability of the Software-Defined Network (SDN) to transport traffic flows depends, in particular, on the SDN switches being able to communicate with SDN controllers, which are responsible for the setup of network connections and the configuration of switches. Since in principle the number of SDN controllers is limited they must be installed in a set of carefully selected node locations. Whereas the problem of controller placement...
Zastosowanie detektora fotojonizacyjnego (PID) w analizie środowiskowej. Application of photoionization detector in environmental analysis
PublicationNa podstawie studium literaturowego przedstawiono zastosowania detektora fotojonizacyjnego (photoionization detector - PID) w analizie środowiskowej. Omówiono zarówno kierunki wykorzystania w bezpośrednich metodach analitycznych jako czujnika, jak i w oznaczeniach chromatograficznych. Przedstawiono budowę i zasadę działania detektora oraz różne warianty instalowania detektora w układzie chromatograficznym, a także sposoby łączenia...
PLC-based Implementation of Stochastic Optimization Method in the Form of Evolutionary Strategies for PID, LQR, and MPC Control
PublicationProgrammable logic controllers (PLCs) are usually equipped with only basic direct control algorithms like proportional-integral-derivative (PID). Modules included in engineering software running on a personal computer (PC) are usually used to tune controllers. In this article, an alternative approach is considered, i.e. the development of a stochastic optimizer based on the (μ,λ) evolution strategy (ES) in a PLC. For this purpose,...
Designing a ship course controller by applying the adaptivebackstepping method
PublicationThe article discusses the problem of designing a proper and efficient adaptive course-keeping control system for a seagoingship based on the adaptive backstepping method. The proposed controller in the design stage takes into account thedynamic properties of the steering gear and the full nonlinear static maneuvering characteristic. The adjustable parametersof the achieved nonlinear control structure were tuned up by using the...
Indirect adaptive controller based on a self-structuring fuzzy system for nonlinear modeling and control
PublicationIn this paper, a unified nonlinear modeling and control scheme is presented. A self-structuring Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzymodel is used to approximate the unknown nonlinear plant based on I/O data collected on-line. Both the structure and theparameters of the T-S fuzzy model are updated by an on-line clustering method and a recursive least squares estimation(RLSE) algorithm. The rules of the fuzzy model can be added, replaced or...
Integrated controller for ultra high frequency technique laboratory
PublicationDepartment of Microwave and Antenna Engineering decided to modernize the laboratory of Ultra High Frequency Techniques. The main change was to replace measurement of the field distribution inside rectangular waveguides by analysing the fields around striplines. This involved the need to overcome several technical and conceptual problems. Precise positioning of the probe and reading the field distribution near the stripline is important...
Intelligent PI controller and its application to dissolved oxygen tracking problem
PublicationThe paper addresses design, calibration, implementation and simulation of the intelligent PI controller used for dissolved oxygen (DO) tracking in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The calibration process presented in this paper utilizes both engineering and scientific methods. Verification of the control system design method was obtained via simulation experiments.
Evolving neural network as a decision support system — Controller for a game of “2048” case study
PublicationThe paper proposes an approach to designing the neuro-genetic self-learning decision support system. The system is based on neural networks being adaptively learned by evolutionary mechanism, forming an evolved neural network. Presented learning algorithm enables for a selection of the neural network structure by establishing or removing of connections between the neurons, and then for a finding the beast suited values of the network...
Coordination of generator transformer controller and multi-parameter generator controller regulation algotrithms
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Analysis the Parameters of the Adaptive Controller for Quality Control of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration
PublicationThe wastewater treatment plant can be considered a dynamic large scale complex system, in which the most important control parameter is the dissolved oxygen concentration in the aerobic zone. The air is supplied to this zone by the aeration system. In the paper, both the sequencing batch reactor and the aeration system are modelled and used as plant of control performed by the cascade nonlinear adaptive control system extended...
Speed sensorless induction motor drive with predictive current controller
PublicationToday, speed sensorless modes of operation are becoming standard solutions in the area of electric drives. This paper presents a speed sensorless control system of an induction motor with a predictive current controller. A closed-loop estimation system with robustness against motor parameter variation is used for the control approach. The proposed algorithm has been implemented using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and a...
HS-SPME-CGC-PID determination of aldehydes in rectified spirits and vodkas after derivatisation with 2,4,6-trichlorophenylhydrazine (TCPH)
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono nową metodę oznaczania aldehydów w spirytusach i wyrobach spirytusowych czystych z zastosowaniem 2,4,6-trichlorofenylohydrazyny (TCPH) jako odczynnika derywatyzującego. Zaproponowana metoda jest co najmniej 100-krotnie tańsza od mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej z fazy nadpowierzchniowej (HS-SPME) i chromatografii gazowej z zastosowaniem często zalecanej o-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzylohydroxyloaminy (PFBHA)....
Fuzzy track controller for ships.
PublicationPrzedstawiono projekt regulatora trajektorii zrealizowanego w oparciu o logikę rozmytą. Zadaniem regulatora jest sterowanie statkiem wzdłuż zadanej trajektorii z uwzględnieniem prędkości. Zadana trajektoria przedstawiona została w postaci linii łamanej z wyznaczona wartością prędkości z jaką statek ma poruszać się po każdym odcinku. Opracowane reguły sterowania regulatora rozmytego trajektorii poddane zostały badaniom na statku...
Genetic Hybrid Predictive Controller for Optimized Dissolved-Oxygen Tracking at Lower Control Level
PublicationA hierarchical two-level controller for dissolvedoxygenreference trajectory tracking in activated sludge processeshas been recently developed and successfully validated on a realwastewater treatment plant. The upper level control unit generatestrajectories of the desired airflows to be delivered by theaeration system to the aerobic zones of the biological reactor. Anonlinear model predictive control algorithm is applied to designthis...
Detektor fotojonizacyjny (PID) - zasada działania i przykłady zastosowania
PublicationW pracy opisano krótko charakterystykę detektora fotojonizacyjnego, zasadę działania oraz przedstawiono schemat budowy. Podano także przykłady zastosowania detektora w chromatografii gazowej oraz w analizatorach do bezpośredniego wykrywania analitów w mieszaninach gazowych.
XRD patterns of nickel-modified V2CTx
Open Research DataThe set includes data for XRD pattern preparation of nickel-modified V2CTx samples.
XPS studies of PDA-modified TiO2 nanotubes
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the XPS results (survey and high-resolution spectra) of the samples from TiO2 nanotubes modified with polydopamine. The studies were presented as a part of the research on "Band Gap Engineering toward Semimetallic Character of Quinone-Rich Polydopamine" (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c08804).
Haemocompatibility of Modified Nanodiamonds
PublicationThis study reports the interactions of modified nanodiamond particles in vitro with human blood. Modifications performed on the nanodiamond particles include oxygenation with a chemical method and hydrogenation upon chemical vapor deposition (CVD) plasma treatment. Such nanodiamonds were later incubated in whole human blood for different time intervals, ranging from 5 min to 5 h. The morphology of red blood cells was assessed along...
Superconducting cavity driving with FPGA controller
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TESLA cavity driving with FPGA controller
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Nonlinear Backstepping Ship Course Controller
PublicationStatek, jako obiekt sterowania charakteryzuje się nieliniową manewrową funkcją opisującą. Metoda backstepping jest jedną z metod, które mogą być wykorzystane w procesie projektowania nieliniowych układu sterowania kursem statków. Metoda została zastosowana w celu zaprojektowania dwóch konfiguracji nieliniowych regulatorów kursu.Regulatory zostały przebadane w układach regulacji kursu statku. Jedna z konfiguracji w fazie projektowania...
Modified DNA polymerases for PCR troubleshooting
PublicationPCR has become an essential tool in biological science. However, researchers often encounter problems with difficult targets, inhibitors accompanying the samples, or PCR trouble related to DNA polymerase. Therefore, PCR optimization is necessary to obtain better results. One solution is using modified DNA polymerases with desirable properties for the experiments. In this article, PCR troubleshooting, depending on the DNA polymerase...
X-ray diffraction spectra of the NiCo2O4 modified by carbon
Open Research DataThis dataset comprises XRD results for NiCo2O4 modified with carbon, varying according to the amount of carbon. In this context, the XRD data provide insights into the crystalline structure and phase composition of the NiCo2O4 material as it is modified with varying quantities of carbon. This investigation is valuable for understanding how the presence...
rigid polyurethane foams modified with selected nanofillers
PublicationThe nanofillers: natural montmoryllonite (MMT) - Bentonite, natural MMT modified with a quaternary ammonium salt - Cloisite30B, has been used in rigid polyurethane foams (PUFs). The influence of fillers amounts on processing parameters, physical-mechanical properties (density, water absorption, brittleness and compression strength) and thermal properties (thermal stability, fire behaviours) of such foams has been analysed. The...
Degradation of modified TPS in natural and industrial compost
PublicationThe aim of the study was to determine in the pilot studies the degree of decomposition of modified by us thermoplasic starch (potato starch).Commercial and new obtained by us foils were tested in an open roofing at normal weather conditions. The most visible changes were observed in TPS modified by epoxidized soybean oil and arabic gum contrary to commercial foils where there was no mass change observed.
Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller
PublicationIn the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...
A new seismic control framework of optimal PIλDµ controller series with fuzzy PD controller including soil-structure interaction
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An improved adaptive neural voltage controller for turbogenerator
PublicationOpracowano model adaptacyjnego neuronowego regulatora napięcia z nastrojonym współczynnikiem wzmocnienia funkcji przynależności i z nastrojonym współczynnikiem uczenia sieci neuronowej w zależnosci od stanu obciążenia turbogeneratora. Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji mające na celu badania efektywności proponowanego regulatora. Te wyniki porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi z regulatorem o stałym współczynnikiem wzmocnienia funkcji przynależności...
Proportional-Integral-Resonant AC Current Controller
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Optimal state feedback controller for balancing cube
PublicationIn this paper, a nonlinear balancing cube system is considered, the concept for which is based on an inverted pendulum. The main purpose of this work was the modelling and construction of a balancing cube with the synthesis of the control system. The control objectives included swing-up and stabilization of the cube on its vertex at an unstable equilibrium. Execution of the intended purpose required, first, deriving a cognitive...
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy data of PDA-modified TiO2 nanotubes
Open Research DataThis dataset contains Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy data of the samples from TiO2 nanotubes modified with polydopamine. The studies were presented as a part of the research on "Band Gap Engineering toward Semimetallic Character of Quinone-Rich Polydopamine" (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c08804).
XRD for molybdenum sulfide modified with nickel or platinum nanoparticles
Open Research DataThe presented data showcases the results of XRD analysis conducted on molybdenum sulfide modified with nickel or platinum nanoparticles . The MoS2 was prepared on the TiO2 nanotube substrates via a facile hydrothermal method, followed by the deposition by magnetron sputtering of Ni or Pt nanoparticles on the MoS2 surface. Structural characterization...
PublicationTiO2 was surface modified with silver, gold, palladium and platinum ion clusters to improve its photocatalytic activity. The effect of metal content, the kind of dopant used during preparation procedure on the photoactivity were investigated. in toluene removal which was used as a model volatile organic compound. Toluene, at the concentration of about 100 ppm, was irradiated over noble metal modified TiO2 using light-emitting diodes...
Rigid polyurethane foams modified with selected flame retardants
PublicationThe flame retardants: expandable graphite, triethylphosphatehas been used in rigid polyurethane foams (PUFs). The influence of fillers amounts on processing parameters, physical-mechanical properties (compression strength, density, water absorption, brittleness)and thermal properties (thermal stability) of such foams has been analyzed.The gel, cram and rise time for PUFs modified with flame retardant has been observed during synthesis...
Analysis of Accuracy of Modified Gradient Method in Indoor Radiolocalisation System
PublicationIn this paper a new method, called modified gradient method, has been proposed for position calculation on the basis of distance measurement in indoor environment. It is shown that well known method of position calculation such as Foy is inefficient in indoor environment. In this article is also described the indoor radiolocalisation system which was used for collecting distance measurements which were employed for further comparative...
Processing, Mechanical and Morphological Properties of GTR Modified by SBS Copolymers
PublicationIn this work, ground tire rubber (GTR) was thermo-mechanically treated in the presence of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) copolymers. During preliminary investigation, the effects of different SBS copolymer grades, the variable content of SBS copolymer on the Mooney viscosity, and the thermal and mechanical properties of modified GTR were determined. Subsequently, GTR modified by SBS copolymer and cross-linking agents (sulfur-based...
Adaptive neural voltage controller with tunable activation gain
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono model adaptacyjnego neuronowego regulatora napięcia dla turbogeneratora z nastrojonym współczynnikiem wzmocnienia funkcji przynależności. Ten model jest kombinacją klasycznego neuronowego modelu i neuronowego modelu z współczynnikiem wzmocnienia funkcji przynależności zależnym od warunków pracy obiektu.Przedstawiono, także wyniki symulacji mające na celu badania efektywności proponowanego regulatora dla...
Model Predictive Controller for Integrated Wastewater Treatment System
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Teaching Adaptive Control with DS1102 DSP Controller Board
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PMSM drive with adaptive state feedback speed controller
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Model predictive controller for integrated wastewater treatment systems.
PublicationSterowanie optymalizujace systemem oczyszczania ścieków (WWTS) pozwala na zmniejszenie kosztów operacyjnych przy jednoczesnym spełnieniu narzuconych ograniczeń na wypływające ścieki, jednak wymaga zaawansowanych technologii sterowania. Sterowanie predykcyjne z modelem (MPC) jest bardzo użyteczną technologią sterowania takimi systemami. MPC doskonale radzi sobie z obecnością ogrniczeń na wielkości wyjściowe, wielowymiarowością problemu...
Predictive current controller for sensorless induction motor drive
PublicationPrzedstawiono układ bezczujnikowego sterowania dla napedu z silnikiem klatkowym przy zastosowaniu predykcyjnego regulatora pradu. Zastosowany obserwator adaptacyjny wykazuje dużą odporność na zmiany parametrów silnika. W obserwatorze obliczane są wartości sił elektromotorycznych wykorzystywane w procesie regulacji predykcyjnej pradu silnika. Pokazano wyniki badań symulacyjnych i eksperymentalnych.
Evaluation of antimicrobial properties of thermomelt adhesives modified with zinc compounds
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of microbiological tests of thermomelt adhesives modified with zinc compounds, whose activity was assessed for their ability to reduce the number of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strain, representing the Gram (-) and Gram (+) bacteria, respectively. The evaluation of antimicrobial properties of samples were...
Thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with L-ascorbic acid
PublicationIn this study we report the thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with ascorbic acid (AA). Ascorbic acid was used as a modifier at concentration of 1 or 2 mass%. The antioxidative properties of AA may improve the biocompatibility of the obtained materials, which were designed for biomedical applications. In this paper we describe characterization of obtained unmodified and ascorbic acid modified polyurethanes...
A quaternion-based modified feistel cipher for multimedia transmission
PublicationIn this paper a quaternion-based modified Feistel Cipher is proposed. The algorithm is based on the scheme proposed by Sastry and Kumar (2012). Our algorithm uses special properties of quaternions to perform rotations of data sequences in 3D space for each of the cipher rounds. The plaintext (image in gray-tone) is divided into two square matrices of equal size which consist of Lipschitz quaternions. A modular arithmetic was implemented...
A modified method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index
PublicationA method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index has been creatively modified. The suggested original modification depends on consideration of direct relationship between the measured acceleration signal and the optimal control command. The paper presents the results of experiments and Hardware- in-the-loop simulations of a new active vibration reduction algorithm based on the energy...
Statistical properties of a modified standard map in quantum and classical regimes
PublicationWe present a model—a modified standard map. This model has interesting properties that allow quantum–classical correspondences to be studied. For some range of parameters in the classical phase space of this model, there exist large accelerator modes. We can create a family of maps that have large accelerator modes.
Depth Determination Accuracy of the Modified Prony Method in a Swath Mapping Application
PublicationThis article presents the performance of the modified Prony method in a swath mapping application. Depth determination accuracy is assessed by processing raw signal acquired by an EdgeTech 6205 swath bathymetry system over flat seafloor. An updated version of the method, proposed previously by the authors, is used to determine the number of signal echoes. The number of signal echoes is essential for performing the low-rank approximation...