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Search results for: construction
Processing of LiDAR and Multibeam Sonar Point Cloud Data for 3D Surface and Object Shape Reconstruction
PublicationUnorganised point cloud dataset, as a transitional data model in several applications, usually contains a considerable amount of undesirable irregularities, such as strong variability of local point density, missing data, overlapping points and noise caused by scattering characteristics of the environment. For these reasons, further processing of such data, e.g. for construction of higher order geometric models of the topography...
ISO/IEC 27001-Based Estimation of Cybersecurity Costs with Caspea
PublicationIn the contemporary, knowledge-based economy, enterprises are forced to bear the costs related to cybersecurity. While breaches negatively affect companies' budgets, accurate decisions on security investments result in visible savings. At the same time, cybersecurity cost assessment methods that support these decisions are lacking. Caspea addresses the gap by enabling the estimation of costs related to personnel activities involved...
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Dynamics in the Area of the Planned Siarzewo Reservoir
PublicationRiver regulation is an inseparable aspect of the economic progress of countries, and based on the examples of highly developed countries, it may be concluded that their development could be partially supported by properly conducted water management. The construction of dams in cold regions or areas where ice phenomena are observed in winter, requires taking into account the impact of ice on the structure and the impact of the designed...
Comparative tests of the wall thickness effect of a glass-reinforced thermosetting plastic coating with a non-circular cross section in a soil-coating object for economic aspect
PublicationCulvert structures made of plastics are employed extensively in the construction of new facilities as well as the renovation of existing ones. Due to the high costs of materials required for the manufacturing of these goods, the objective of this research is focused to lessen the thickness of the walls, which may, on the other hand, result in a reduction in the stiffness of the system. In the course of the testing, the structure...
Optimal state feedback controller for balancing cube
PublicationIn this paper, a nonlinear balancing cube system is considered, the concept for which is based on an inverted pendulum. The main purpose of this work was the modelling and construction of a balancing cube with the synthesis of the control system. The control objectives included swing-up and stabilization of the cube on its vertex at an unstable equilibrium. Execution of the intended purpose required, first, deriving a cognitive...
Low cost microwave X-band generator
PublicationA low cost microwave X-band generator for educational purposes was designed and built. Its simple construction and user's interface makes it suitable for a student laboratory.The generator is based on a single frequency conversion concept. It uses a digitally tunable PLL chip for intermediate frequency generation and an active frequency multiplier for frequency conversion. The generator covers 9,7 - 11 GHz part of the X frequency...
Arylated carbon nanotubes for biobatteries and biofuel cells
PublicationSinglwalled carbon nanotubes (swcnts)covalently phenylated, napthylated or terphenylated were used for the construction of cathodes in a biobattery and in a biofuel cell. zn is the anode in the biobaterry and single-walled carbon nanotubes are covalently modified with glucose oxidase/catalase (swcnt-gox/cat) and the biofuel cell anode. the cell parameters were determined and the potentials of each of the electrodes under cell working...
The external walls of a passive building: A classification anddescription of their thermal and optical properties
PublicationThis paper attempts a new classification of insulating materials from the perspective of their utility in thepro-ecological passive construction industry. The main criterion is the conductivity of thermal and solarenergy. Based on their ability to conduct or block fluxes of thermal and solar energy, six types of insulatingwalls are proposed. On the basis of this criterion there are traditional dividing walls (typical walls, wallinsulating...
Model of a Maturity Capsule in Managing IT Projects
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to present a report on the development of a model of information technology management (MITM). This model is an answer to the need to support decision making in the selection of methods and information technologies. This article presents a multisequential model (MSM) of technology selection and a model for initial processing procedures (IPP) necessary for the MITM model. The presentation of the...
The Application of Fibres from Recycled Postconsumer Tyres for Concrete Reinforcement
PublicationPoland as a Member State is obliged to implement the EU specific environmental legislation focused on the reduction, transport and treatment of waste. The Landfill Directive prohibited the landfilling of whole tyres and their by-products. Although the EU Directive of Waste limits the use of tyres as secondary fuel, Poland is still the EU leader in burning tyres in cement kilns. Post-consumer tyres are utilised in a number of...
Solving Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Singularly Perturbed Delay Differential Equations by ε-Approximate Fixed-Point Method
PublicationIn this paper, the boundary value problem for second order singularly perturbed delay differential equation is reduced to a fixed-point problem v = Av with a properly chosen (generally nonlinear) operator A. The unknown fixed-point v is approximated by cubic spline vh defined by its values vi = vh(ti) at grid points ti, i = 0, 1, ... ,N. The necessary for construction the cubic spline and missing the first derivatives at the boundary...
The design of an intelligent medical space supporting automated patient interviewing
PublicationThe article presents the architecture and results of implementing an application for the intelligent medical space UbiDoDo (Ubiquitous Domestic Doctor's Office). The main purpose of the application is real-time monitoring of the biomedical parameters of a patient in his domestic environment. It allows an immediate reaction to appearing symptoms and provides means to automatically interview the patient and deliver his results to...
3D Imaging Of Underwater Objects Using Multi-Beam Data
PublicationOne of the main applications of multibeam sonars is high resolution bathymetry measurement, as well as detecting and imaging of underwater objects like shipwrecks. In order to obtain the visualisation quality good enough to allow the researcher to investigate an object in more detail, the approach relying on construction of three-dimensional model of an imaged object, e.g. consisting of nodes, edges and plane elements (facets)...
Method of managing drill cuttings from shale gas formations
PublicationProposed management method of drill cuttings involves recycling for the expanded clay production. A theoretical presentation of the possibility, choosing planning path based on similarity between the materials used in the manufacture of expanded clay and oily cuttings. Application for the main stages of manufacture of expanded clay production of drill cuttings from shale gas extraction. Introduced into circulation solid waste partly...
On minimum cost edge searching
PublicationWe consider the problem of finding edge search strategies of minimum cost. The cost of a search strategy is the sum of searchers used in the clearing steps of the search. One of the natural questions is whether it is possible to find a search strategy that minimizes both the cost and the number of searchers used to clear a given graph G. We call such a strategy ideal. We prove, by an example, that ideal search strategies do not...
Directions of Energy Transition of Uzbekistan
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to present the changes in the Uzbekistan energy market over the past few years. Uzbekistan is self-sufficient in terms of energy resources, the exploitation of which will last for many years. In 2019, the government adopted the "Concept Note ensuring electricity supply in Uzbekistan in 2020-2030" strategy, which announced the modernization of gas and coal power plants and the construction of new energy facilities,...
Dynamic charging of electric buses
PublicationDespite the continuous development of electrochemical battery technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still not possible to exploit electric buses in urban transport on an all-day basis without the necessity of charging them. It is therefore necessary to build point-to-point contact charging stations or induction charging stations at the terminals. This results in substantial financial outlays connected with...
A comparative study of English viseme recognition methods and algorithm
PublicationAn elementary visual unit – the viseme is concerned in the paper in the context of preparing the feature vector as a main visual input component of Audio-Visual Speech Recognition systems. The aim of the presented research is a review of various approaches to the problem, the implementation of algorithms proposed in the literature and a comparative research on their effectiveness. In the course of the study an optimal feature vector...
Crowdsourcing-Based Evaluation of Automatic References Between WordNet and Wikipedia
PublicationThe paper presents an approach to build references (also called mappings) between WordNet and Wikipedia. We propose four algorithms used for automatic construction of the references. Then, based on an aggregation algorithm, we produce an initial set of mappings that has been evaluated in a cooperative way. For that purpose, we implement a system for the distribution of evaluation tasks, that have been solved by the user community....
Torque Transmitted by Multi-plate Wet Clutches in Relation to Number of Friction Plates and Their Dimensions
PublicationIn the paper results of experimental tests on multi-plate wet clutch torque capacity for various diameters and numbers of friction plates are presented. Construction of an apparatus for laboratory tests of wet clutch engagement, drag torque and maximum torque is shown. Methodology of maximum torque capacity experiment and hydraulic circuit diagram, which supplies a motor and an actuator for the experiment are described. Analytically...
The Influence of the Cuboid Float’s Parameters on the Stability of a Floating Building
PublicationUsually, the concept of sufficient stability of a floating structure is connected with the capacity to keep a small heel angle despite the moment of heeling. The variable responsible for these characteristics is the initial metacentric height, which is the relation between the hydrostatic features of the pontoon and the mass properties of the entire object. This article answers the questions of how heavy the floating system should...
Markowitz’s portfolio theory – optimal length of estimation window for gold and the biggests companies on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
PublicationThe following article is dedicated to the construction of an investment portfolio consisting of 3 investments from the Polish capital market found in the WIG20 index and from investment in gold. The purpose of the study was to determine the optimal length of the estimation window for building a portfolio with minimal risk and maximum efficiency. The length of the estimation window was also assessed in terms of the rate of return...
The role of numerical tests in assessing road restraint system functionality
PublicationKey to understanding the needs and building road infrastructure management tools to prevent and mitigate run-off-road accidents is to identify hazards and their sources which are a result of wrong design, construction, and installation of road restraint systems. Building such tools requires advanced studies with field tests, simulations and models to demonstrate the effects of selected parameters on road user safety. The research...
Application of the F-statistic of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze the significance of the effect of changes in the compression ratio of a diesel engine on the value of the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas flow
PublicationThe paper discusses the impact of changes in the compression ratio on the operating parameters of a diesel engine, e.g. on the temperature of exhaust gases. It presents the construction of the laboratory test stand, on which experimental measurements were realized. It is characterized how the actual changes of the compression ratio were introduced to the existing engine. The program of experimental investigations taking into account...
On the current state of dovetail wall-corner joints in wooden Greek Catholic churches in Polish Subcarpathia with structural and sensitivity analyses
PublicationThis paper describes the current condition of some dovetail joints which form the wall corners of two Greek Catholic churches of wooden construction in Polish Subcarpathia. It also gives the historical background of the sacral architecture of that region. The two structures, which represent the same type of log corner joints are situated in Chotylub and Cewków. The buildings were examined e.g. for damage, wood moisture content,...
Condition of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Their Degradation Mechanism at the Former Auschwitz Concentration and Extermination Camp
PublicationThis paper presents the results of investigations on reinforced concrete structures present in the former Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. Field inspection employing the non-destructive method of reinforcement potential measurement according to the ASTM-C 876–15 standard, followed by laboratory investigations performed on genuine historic reinforced concrete samples collected from the...
Detection system for optical coherence tomography: Czerny-Turner spectrometer
PublicationResearch methods based on spectral analysis have powerful impact on development in many field of science. Signal spectrum can be a source of useful and important data. It enables to obtain information about physical and chemical properties of tested materials. This paper has been devoted to describe optical design for high resolution spectrometer, which is significant element of optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. Designed...
Comparing Phylogenetic Trees by Matching Nodes Using the Transfer Distance Between Partitions
PublicationAbility to quantify dissimilarity of different phylogenetic trees describing the relationship between the same group of taxa is required in various types of phylogenetic studies. For example, such metrics are used to assess the quality of phylogeny construction methods, to define optimization criteria in supertree building algorithms, or to find horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events. Among the set of metrics described so far in...
PublicationDistributed measurement often relies on sensor networks. In this paper, we present the construction of low coherent fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensors connected into a quasi-distributed network. We discuss the mechanism of spectrum modulation in this type of sensor and the constraints of assembly of such sensors in the network. Particular attention was paid to separate the signals from individual sensors, which can be achieved by...
Dependence of Power Characteristics on Savonius Rotor Segmentation
PublicationSavonius rotors are large and heavy because they use drag force for propulsion. This leads to a larger investment in comparison to horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) rotors using lift forces. A simple construction of the Savonius rotor is preferred to reduce the production effort. Therefore, it is proposed here to use single-segment rotors of high elongation. Nevertheless, this rotor type must be compared with a multi-segment...
Tendencje w projektowaniu mieszkań dla seniorów = Contemporary design trends in housing for seniors
Publicationwe wspolczesnym społeczeństwie zaistniała paradoksalna sytuacja wyobcowania osób starszych z problematyki modelowania bezpiecznego i przyjaznego środowiska życia Na tym tle przedstawiono analizę wybranych realizacji z dziedziny budownictwa dla osób 60+ ( analizując kontekst sytuacyjny, krajobrazowy,walory funkcjonalne i uzytkowe,innowacyjnosć technologiczną, indywidualny wyraz architektoniczny projektów i realizacji polskich i...
Poprawa nośności platform roboczych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związanie z zastosowaniem geosyntetyków oraz materiałów wiązanych hydraulicznie (HBM) do stabilizacji platform roboczych pod ciężki sprzęt budowlany.
Reaktory elektrochemiczne w przemyśle - konstrukcja i zastosowania
PublicationZ biegiem lat reakcje elektrochemiczne przestały być postrzegane jedynie jako eksperymenty laboratoryjne lub proste baterie. Chociaż mechanizm reakcji i budowa prostych reaktorów znana jest ludzkości już od ponad 100 lat w ostatnich latach można zauważyć największy wzrost zainteresowania tą dziedziną. Nowy stale opracowywane są lepsze projekty budowy reaktorów. Modyfikacje to nie tylko rodzaje i formy materiałów, z których wykonane...
Przyczółki mostowe z konstrukcją odciążającą z gruntu zbrojonego geosyntetykami
PublicationPrzegląd najważniejszych cech geotekstyliów i wyrobów pokrewnych, zastosowanych do budowy bloków odciążających ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich wytrzymałości długo i krótkookresowej oraz reologii. Określenie obciążeń działających na konstrukcję gruntową współpracującą z przyczółkiem; obciążenia normowe i rzeczywiste. Obliczenia konstrukcji z gruntu zbrojonego współpracującej z przyczółkiem
Die neue Straßenbrücke in Toruń (Thorn) – Teil 2 – Nachweise
PublicationAls Fortsetzung von Teil 1, der über den Entwurf und den Bau der neuen, die Weichsel querenden Straßenbrücken in Toruń (deutsch: Thorn) berichtet, geht es im Folgenden um die theoretischen und experimentalen Nachweisen zum Montageprozess und zu Probebelastungen. Somit eine umfassende Beurteilung der beschriebenen , herausragenden Ingenieursleistung gegeben.
Wpływ wprowadzenia norm europejskich na konstrukcję wsporczych napowietrznych linii elektroenergetycznych
PublicationKonstrukcje wsporcze linii elektroenergetycznych były i są projektowane zgodnie ze specjalistycznymi normami, innymi niż stosowane w budownictwie. Dotyczą one zarówno oddziaływań środowiskowych, takich jak temperatura, wiatr, oblodzenie i oddziaływania stałe (naciąg, przewodów, osprzęt), jak i zasad wymiarowania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analiz porównawczych dotyczących wpływu zmian wprowadzanych w normach europejskich na...
2022-2023 - Assessment of performance of unmanned maritime vehicles (USV, UUV, AUV) by CFD and MES investigation, PG_00053662
e-Learning CoursesThe course entitled "APofUMV Assessment of Performance of Unmanned Maritime Vehicles (W-lecture) is mainly conducted for the DAPE Course Students. The lectures (W) are closely connected with the project exercises (P) where some examples for the data designs are conducted. All the AP of UMV lectures are connected with presentation following problems: - major areas of application of UMV unmanned maritime vehicles, - sea environment...
Redukcja obciążeń odmorskich ścian falochronów pionowościennych przy zastosowaniu ścian ażurowych i komór wygaszających
PublicationPoszukiwanie optymalnych rozwiązań w projektowaniu falochronów portowo-morskich stanowi ciągłe wyzwanie dla projektantów w dziedzinie hydrotechniki portowo-morskiej. W przypadku falochronów morskich jednym z decydujących czynników mających wpływ na wybór rodzaju konstrukcji jest uzyskanie maksymalnej możliwej redukcji obciążeń od falowania morskiego. Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest rozwiązaniom konstrukcyjnym skrzyń żelbetowych,...
A perfect hashing incremental scheme for unranked trees using pseudo-minimal automata
PublicationWe describe a technique that maps unranked trees to arbitrary hash codes using a bottom-up deterministic tree automaton (DTA). In contrast to other hashing techniques based on automata, our procedure builds a pseudo-minimal DTA for this purpose. A pseudo-minimal automaton may be larger than the minimal one accepting the same language but, in turn, it contains proper elements (states or transitions that are unique) for every input...
Typology and comparative analysis of black tents built in tradition of iranian tribes
PublicationThis study focused on the habits and way of life of nomads in the Iranian Highlands, but their homes, called Black Tents, were of the main interest. The research explored the construction of the Black Tents and the way of shaping the space in which family life takes place. It concerned the architectural forms of tents, structures and materials from which they are erected, as well as interior furnishings and objects that determine...
Monika Arczyńska dr inż. arch.
PeopleArchitect and researcher with over 10 years of international experience in cultural projects. She has been working on the designs of Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Palestinian Museum in East Bank, Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre and National Centre for Contemporary Art in Moscow (with Heneghan Peng Architects). As a founder of A2P2 architecture & planning she runs architecture department of the company. In 2018 together with...
Analiza numeryczna i analityczna przekrycia w kształcie powłoki synklastycznej o podstawie kwadratowej
PublicationW pracy poruszono problem obliczania przekrycia żelbetowego w kształcie powłoki synklastycznej ściętej o podstawie kwadratowej. Przedstawiono obliczenia analityczne i numeryczne sił w powłoce. Powłoka jest poddana działaniu głównie sił ściskających, co jest korzystne dla tego typu konstrukcji. W strefie brzegowej i podporowej konieczne jest wymiarowanie na mimośrodowe ściskanie i rozciąganie z uwagi na znaczący wzrost momentów...
Prace remontowe betonowych posadzek przemysłowych. Część I
PublicationPosadzki betonowe należą do elementów w obiektach budowlanych, których projektowanie wymaga doświadczenia inżynierskiego, wykonawstwo – zachowania reżimu technologicznego, natomiast podczas ich eksploatacji niezbędne jest prowadzenie remontów okresowych. Najczęściej wykorzystywane są jako przestrzeń robocza i komunikacyjna w obiektach przemysłowych. Niezależnie od miejsca wbudowania posadzki betonowe wymagają prowadzenia okresowych...
PublicationBudownictwo i architektura były zawsze ściśle związane z rozwojem technologicznym a ciągły postęp w badaniach nad inżynierią materiałową pozwalał na uzyskiwanie bardziej wydajnych i wytrzymałych materiałów. Dotyczy to nie tylko elementów konstrukcyjnych budynku ale także technologii związanych z jego wykończeniem. Obecnie coraz większą rolę w budownictwie i architekturze odgrywa pojęcie nanotechnologii. Dziedzina nauki, zdawałoby...
Methods of Assessing Degradation of Supercapacitors by Using Various Measurement Techniques
PublicationThis article presents the qualitative analyses of the construction of supercapacitor samples. The analyses are based on the suggested thermographic measurements as well as the technique of testing the inherent noise of the investigated element. The indicated assessment methods have been referred to the currently used parameters for the qualitative evaluation of supercapacitors. The approach described in this paper, which introduces...
Prediction of the Biogenic Amines Index of Poultry Meat Using an Electronic Nose
PublicationThe biogenic amines index of fresh chicken meat samples during refrigerated storage was predicted based on the headspace analysis using an electronic nose equipped with an array of electrochemical sensors. The reference biogenic amines index values were obtained using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A prototype electronic nose with modular construction and a dedicated sample chamber...
Graphene field-effect transistor application for flow sensing
PublicationMicroflow sensors offer great potential for applications in microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip systems. However, thermal-based sensors, which are commonly used in modern flow sensing technology, are mainly made of materials with positive temperature coefficients (PTC) and suffer from a self-heating effect and slow response time. Therefore, the design of novel devices and careful selection of materials are required to improve the overall...
Damage Control in Warships
PublicationAs a result of dynamic quantitative and qualitative developments in the maritime industry its participants face harder and harder challenges pertaining to safety of ships and navigation. Practice has shown that even very well organised fleets are harassed by emergencies and accidents that can be neither predicted nor absolutely avoided. In order to counter the occuring emergencies and accidents, and to minimize their effects damage...
Thermal and hydraulic phenomena in boundary layer of minijets impingement on curved surfaces
PublicationPresented work considers flow and thermal phenomena occurring during the single minijet impingement on curved surfaces, heated with a constant heat flux, as well as the array of minijets. Numerical analyses, based on the mass, momentum and energy conservation laws, were conducted, regarding single phase and two-phase simulations. Focus was placed on the proper model construction, in which turbulence and boundary layer modeling...
Innovative cold-formed GEB section under compression
PublicationCold-formed steel sections extensively affect the modern steel construction industry. Not only are they used as secondary elements like purlins or sheeting, but also they can serve as primary load-bearing members in fabricated steel panels and trusses. A new cross-section called shortly a GEB may serve as that member. However, its existence of the metal building structures industry depends on the exact, optimal dimensional parameters...