Search results for: ROAD CONSTRUCTION
Method of Forming Road Surface Replicas Using 3D Printing Technology
PublicationRolling resistance is a critical factor that influences vehicle energy consumption, emissions, and overall performance. It directly impacts fuel efficiency, tire longevity, and driving dynamics. Traditional rolling resistance tests are conducted on smooth steel drums, which fail to replicate real-world road surface textures, potentially skewing results. This article presents the process of designing surface replicas using 3D printing...
Vehicular Communication Environments
PublicationCommunication to and between road vehicles (cars, truck, buses, trains, etc.) are of growing interest. This is partly due to the attractive services that cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITSs) provides, mainly in the areas of traffic safety and traffic efficiency. An enabler for C-ITS is wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, collectively referred to as vehicle-to-X (V2X)...
Ontological Model for Contextual Data Defining Time Series for Emotion Recognition and Analysis
PublicationOne of the major challenges facing the field of Affective Computing is the reusability of datasets. Existing affective-related datasets are not consistent with each other, they store a variety of information in different forms, different formats, and the terms used to describe them are not unified. This paper proposes a new ontology, ROAD, as a solution to this problem, by formally describing the datasets and unifying the terms...
Analysis of passenger car crash with a cable barrier installed with anti-glare screens on a horizontal convex road curve with 400 m radius
PublicationHigh-tension cable barriers have been used on roads for a relatively short period compared with other types of road barriers. Hence, there remains a need for further research on various crash scenarios. An important issue is the performance of a cable barrier on a road curve, particularly when a vehicle impacts the convex side of the barrier. To address this issue, the analysis in this study considers a system of anti-glare screens...
1D convolutional context-aware architectures for acoustic sensing and recognition of passing vehicle type
PublicationA network architecture that may be employed to sensing and recognition of a type of vehicle on the basis of audio recordings made in the proximity of a road is proposed in the paper. The analyzed road traffic consists of both passenger cars and heavier vehicles. Excerpts from recordings that do not contain vehicles passing sounds are also taken into account and marked as ones containing silence....
The use of lightweight aggregate saturated with PCM as a temperature stabilizing material for road surfaces.
PublicationThis paper presents the possibility of adding lightweight building aggregates to increase the stability – mechanical as well as thermal - of constructions and road objects. This stability can be achieved through saturating the porous granules of aggregate with a phase-change material (PCM) that allows the accumulation of solar heat. Intense solar radiation, especially during the summer, can cause the asphalt on road surfaces, bridges...
Curb-to-Barrier Face Distance Variation an a TB51 Bridge Barrier Crash Test Simulation
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of road safety regarding barrier placement as relative to the curb. A short summary of existing regulations is presented. Numerical simulations using the explicit finite element system Ls- Dyna are shown. In the analysis, variable distance between the barrier and the curb is assumed. The obtained result reveals that the distance has little impact on the working width of the barrier.
PublicationThe article presents the application of the GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) model to the description of differences in the level of road traffic safety in individual counties on the example of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. The GWR model developed for counties, taking into account the diversity of NUTS 3 regions, can be a helpful tool for traffic safety management in voivodships and lower administrative units, and...
an intelligent image processing sensor - the algorithm and the hardware implementation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono algorytm przeznaczony do rozpoznawania obiektów ruchomych w obrazie do celu analizy ruchu pojazdów. Algorytm został zrealizowany w układzie FPGA.Ang.: This paper describes the idea and theimplementation of the robust algorithm dedicated toextraction of moving vehicles from real-time cameraimages for the evaluation of traffic parameters, suchas the number of vehicles, their direction of movementand their...
Identification of safety hazards and their sources in tram transport
PublicationBoth in Poland and in most countries of the European Union, the tram infrastructure is extensively expanding. Contemporary low-floor trams are constructed according to different technical assumptions than typical railway vehicles or high floor trams. In Poland such vehicles rides often on lines designed according to standards developed to the classical vehicles. At the same time, the intensity of road traffic and the number of...
Reduction of noise and rolling resistance by horizontal grinding of asphalt pavements
PublicationGrinding of cement concrete pavements to reduce unevenness and noise is common since a long time. Grinding is then made with wheels equipped with diamond blades rotating in the vertical plane. This creates narrow vertical/longitudinal grooves in the pavement. It is not applied to asphalt pavements. In this paper an alternative type of grinding is studied. In this case plates with diamond heads rotate in the same plane as the pavement,...
Down-Sampling of Large LiDAR Dataset in the Context of Off-Road Objects Extraction
PublicationNowadays, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is used in many fields, such as transportation. Thanks to the recent technological improvements, the current generation of LiDAR mapping instruments available on the market allows to acquire up to millions of three-dimensional (3D) points per second. On the one hand, such improvements allowed the development of LiDAR-based systems with increased productivity, enabling the quick acquisition...
A Novel Spatio–Temporal Deep Learning Vehicle Turns Detection Scheme Using GPS-Only Data
PublicationWhether the computer is driving your car or you are, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) come into play on all levels, from weather monitoring to safety. These modern-day ADASs use various assisting tools for drivers to keep the journey safe; these sophisticated tools provide early signals of numerous events, such as road conditions, emerging traffic scenarios, and weather warnings. Many urban applications, such as car-sharing...
Novel proposal for V2X systems and WBAN cooperation to improve road safety
PublicationIn this paper, a novel proposal of the automotive Vehicle-to-Everything system solution is presented. In this proposal, there are included the Machine to Machine type communication system and the sensor system based on a short-range the Wireless Body Area Network communication. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the model for communication, especially its architecture and signals structure for the proposed solution. The use...
Measures of Functional Reliability of Two-Lane Highways
PublicationRural two-lane highways are the most common road type both in Poland and globally. In terms of kilometres, their length is by far greater than that of motorways and expressways. They are roads of one carriageway for each direction, which makes the overtaking of slower vehicles possible only when there is a gap in the stream of traffic moving from the opposite direction. Motorways and express roads are dual carriageways that are...
PublicationThe structural analysis of a road foldable prefabricated steel Bailey-type bridge located over the Tuga River in Żelichowo, Poland is investigated in the paper. Interesting and untypical bridge redevelopment performed made a possibility to lift the middle foldable bridge span by 4.0 m concerning the existing state. This paper can provide engineers and designers basis for structural analysis in the field of foldable Bailey-type...
PublicationMeasurement of the clearance distance (both in the context of the rail and road) is one of the current and increasingly discussed topics in the context of photogrammetric and image processing (computer vision) methods. The article presents a description of a simple and rapid method of measure the clearance distance between the obstacles by using one-image photogrammetry. The proposed method was tested for the railway, tram and...
Numerical crash analysis of the cable barrier
PublicationSafety barriers are used to increase road safety. Their basic task is to prevent the errant vehicle from getting off the road in places which are potentially dangerous for vehicle passengers. Barriers, which are used on European roads, must fulfill the requirements of EN 1317 standards by passing appropriate crash tests. Because of their high cost, numerical simulations are increasingly used to evaluate the properties of safety...
Tyre/road noise reduction of poroelastic road surface tested in a laboratory
PublicationA so-called poroelastic road surface (PERS) is being developed in Europe. This contains a large percentage of rubber particles mixed with hard aggregate (stone and sand) and bound with polyurethane. This gives high air void content (around 30 %), high elasticity and smooth texture, all of which should give low noise properties. Inthis experiment anominally 30 mm thick sample of PERS was mounted on a steel drum. Various car tyres...
Factors affecting low-temperature cracking of asphalt pavements: analysis of field observations using the ordered logistic model
PublicationAccurate identification of factors that primarily affect the number of low-temperature cracks is crucial for selection of road materials and planning of pavement maintenance. Field investigations of lowtemperature cracks were performed in the years 2014 and 2020 on the same 68 road sections being in service in typical traffic conditions. The collected data were statistically analysed using the ordered logistic regression model....
A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic
PublicationForecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...
Detection of Anomalies in the Operation of a Road Lighting System Based on Data from Smart Electricity Meters
PublicationSmart meters in road lighting systems create new opportunities for automatic diagnostics of undesirable phenomena such as lamp failures, schedule deviations, or energy theft from the power grid. Such a solution fits into the smart cities concept, where an adaptive lighting system creates new challenges with respect to the monitoring function. This article presents research results indicating the practical feasibility of real‐time...
Dew Formation and Chemistry Near a Motorway in Poland
PublicationIn this study, the influence of traffic intensity on dewformation efficiency and chemistry is presented. The measurementswere conducted near the A4 motorway in SW Poland in almost flatland relief with intense agricultural activity. The dew/hoarfrost wascollected by means of insulated plain passive radiative condensersat three sites: AN and AS located in the close vicinity of themotorway (30 m) on the opposite sides of the road,...
Naprawa przegubów Estakady Kwiatkowskiego w Gdyni = Hinges repair og the E. Kwiatkowskiego trestle bridge in Gdynia
PublicationE. Kwiatkowskiego trestle bridge is one of the main parts of road infrastructure that connects sea transport (container terminal BTC) national roads A1,1,7. Every limitation of motor traffic causes many problems for Gdynia inhabitants and moreover economical loss in transport economy. In recent two years there were expertise and repair project of hinges carried out. Paper presents genesis and reasons of hinges damages, theoretical...
Equivalent temperature for design of airport pavements using mechanistic-empirical methods
PublicationThe paper presents implementation of equivalent temperature for design of airport asphalt pavements. The calculation methods of equivalent temperature: the Shell method, the French method and method that use the Asphalt Institute fatique criteria were presented. An example of calculations of equivalent temperature for Gdansk Airport was introduced and discussed. It was shown that methods of calculation of equivalent temperature...
On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model
PublicationThe paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite...
Metoda zarządzania ryzykiem w inżynierii drogowej. K. Jamroz.
PublicationW monografii zaprezentowano bazujące na ryzyku podejście do zarządzania bezpieczeństwem ruchu drogowego. Można wyróżnić cztery zasadnicze jej części. W pierwszej przedstawiono przegląd problemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w inżynierii drogowej, pozwalający na identyfikację brakujących elementów zarządzania ryzykiem w tej dziedzinie. Następnie ukazano założenia i koncepcję metody zarządzania ryzykiem w inżynierii drogowej, nazwaną...
PublicationLow Emission Vehicles that are hybrid and electric cars may benefit from specially designed tires that are optimized for driving conditions typical for such vehicles. It is possible that in the future Low Emission Vehicles, especially passenger cars, will substitute conventional vehicles in all applications, however for the time being they are mostly used in urban and suburban areas. Urban traffic has a rather low demand for grip...
Cycling as a Sustainable Transport Alternative in Polish Cittaslow Towns
PublicationIt is well known that growing motor traffic in urban areas causes air pollution and noise which affects the environment and public health. It is hardly surprising then that cycling should be used as an alternative mode of transport, not just in major cities but also in smaller ones including those that are members of the Cittaslow network. Their approach is based on sustainable development, care for the environment and transport...
Urban scene semantic segmentation using the U-Net model
PublicationVision-based semantic segmentation of complex urban street scenes is a very important function during autonomous driving (AD), which will become an important technology in industrialized countries in the near future. Today, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) improve traffic safety thanks to the application of solutions that enable detecting objects, recognising road signs, segmenting the road, etc. The basis for these functionalities...
Methodology of research on the impact of ITS services on the safety and efficiency of road traffic using transport models
PublicationThe current assessment of the impact of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) services on the level of traffic safety and efficiency is based mainly on expert assessments, statistical surveys or several traffic safety models requiring development. There is no structured, uniform assessment method that would give the opportunity to compare the impact of ITS services and their different configurations. The paper presents the methodology...
Editorial, SI EATA2023
PublicationThe European Asphalt Technology Association (EATA) is an organisation of leading European engineers and scientists involved in the asphalt material research. Every two years, the EATA celebrates its international pavement conference, with the aim of disseminating the key advances in scientific knowledge related to asphalt materials and technologies, and to encourage the transfer and application of this knowledge worldwide. Since...
Load test of new European record holder in span length among extradosed type bridges
PublicationThe article presents acceptance load tests of a newly built extradosed MS-3 bridge located along the national road DK-16 near Ostróda (Poland). The structure features significant dimension in European reference scale. It is a new record holder in span length regarding this distinct bridge category. Its length ranges 206 m. Static and dynamic load tests were performed here. The program was extended by entire structural laser scanning...
Study of displacements of a bridge abutment using FEM
PublicationSteel sheet piles are often used to support excavations for bridge foundations. When they are left in place in the permanent works, they have the potential to increase foundation bearing capacity and reduce displacements; but their presence is not usually taken into account in foundation design. In this article, the results of finite element analysis of a typical abutment foundation, with and without cover of sheet piles, are presented...
Vehicle Detection and Speed Estimation Using Millimetre Wave Radar
PublicationThe dataset titled Data from 76- to 81-GHz mmWave Sensor located at S7 road contains data recorded employing an IWR1642 mmWave sensor from Texas Instruments. The data comes from two sessions lasting 24h each. The dataset provides the possibility to perform analyses related to car traffic intensity on one of the carriageways of the motorway heading to the Gdańsk metropolitan area. Based on the gathered data, it is possible to calculate...
TB11 test for short w-beam road barrier
PublicationFEM (Finite Element Method) is well-suited and widely used tool for simulating a range of phenomena: from these with simple and static behaviour, up to those complicated, highly nonlinear and involving many contacts. In present paper we use one of the advantages of FEM: parametric study could be easily performed and is more economical than series of in-situ tests. If recommended practices is carefully followed, results obtained...
Improving the CPX method by specifying reference tyres and including corrections for rubber hardnes and temperature
PublicationRecently completed work in the EU project ROSANNE and in working group ISO/TC43/SC1/WG33 has allowed substantial improvements to measurements made by the Close-Proximity (CPX) method, intended for measurement of noise properties of road surfaces.The paper summarizes the experimental work and describes the conclusions and implementation in ISO/FDIS 11819-2 (CPX method) and in the supporting ISO (draft) Technical Specifications 11819-3...
Protection of bridges against stray current corrosion
PublicationA case study of Siennicki Bridge stray current corrosion hazard is presented. A corrosion risk was caused by incorrectly designed tram line traction which goes over the bridge. No dielectric insulation between running rails and bridge steel construction was used. A variety of protection methods against stray currents are described. Characteristics of the endangered bridge were described. Impressed current cathodic protection system...
Research on the Use of Mobile Devices and Headphones on Pedestrian Crossings—Pilot Case Study from Slovakia
PublicationThe topic of the use of mobile devices and headphones on pedestrian crossings is much less explored in comparison to the use of the mobile phone while driving. Recent years have seen many discussions on this issue, especially in foreign countries. The Slovak Republic, however, has not been giving it enough attention (and it is not mentioned in the National Road Safety Plan for the Slovak Republic from 2011 to 2020). This paper...
Road safety analysis in Poland using time-series modelling techniques
PublicationA number of international studies argue that there is a correlation between the number of traffic fatalities and the degree of public activity. The studies use the unemployment rate to support that argument. As unemployment grows miles travelled fall, a factor known to affect road safety. This relationship seems to be true for Poland, as well. The model presented in the paper is intended to prove it. It is a structural time-series local...
Stability analysis of a road scarp in the Carpathian Mountains and methods of its protection
PublicationThe purpose of the study was to analyse the stability of a road scarp endangered by a landslide and to consider some measures for its stabilization. The potential landslide could unfavourably alter the shape of the slope, thus a religious sanctuary situated above the slope. The present research has resulted in suggestions of possible protection methods, namely, drainage, soil nailing, installation of piles, supporting the scarp...
The Idea of Using Bayesian Networks in Forecasting Impact of Traffic-Induced Vibrations Transmitted through the Ground on Residential Buildings
PublicationTraffic–induced vibrations may constitute a considerable load to buildings. In this paper, vibrations transmitted through the ground caused by wheeled vehicles are considered. This phenomenon may cause cracking of plaster, cracks in load-bearing elements or even, in extreme cases, collapse of the whole structure. Measurements of vibrations of real structures are costly and laborious. Therefore, the aim of the present paper is to...
Comparative study on the effectiveness of various types of road traffic intensity detectors
PublicationVehicle detection and speed measurements are crucial tasks in traffic monitoring systems. In this work, we focus on several types of electronic sensors, operating on different physical principles in order to compare their effectiveness in real traffic conditions. Commercial solutions are based on road tubes, microwave sensors, LiDARs, and video cameras. Distributed traffic monitoring systems require a high number of monitoring...
Evaluation and application of data from road weather stations for winter maintenance management
PublicationThe paper presents the analysis of road weather data from meteorological stations located at the Polish national roads of Pomerania District during the impact of winter conditions. Presented issue is particularly important from the point of view the problem of winter maintenance and especially for prediction and assurance of quality of asphalt pavement surface ie. resistance to low temperature cracking or risk of glazed frost....
Review of methods for assessing traffic conditions on basic motorway and expressway sections
PublicationMotorways and expressways are the core of each country’s road system. Road planning, design and management requires tools to ensure that roads have the right geometry, traffic layout and equipment. These include methods for capacity estimation and assessing traffic conditions. Because the paper focusses on the basic segments of motorways and expressways (sections located between interchanges and outside of their influence), its...
Development of a simulation model of the activities of a transport and forwarding enterprise in the organization of international road cargo transportation
PublicationThe object of this study is the process of planning the work of a transport and forwarding company when serving different categories of customers who need organizational support for the delivery of goods by road transport in international traffic. The solved problem is due to the need to devise recommendations for organizing the work of forwarders when interacting with customers of transport and forwarding services that export...
Pedestrian detection in low-resolution thermal images
PublicationOver one million people die in car accidents worldwide each year. A solution that will be able to reduce situations in which pedestrian safety is at risk has been sought for a long time. One of the techniques for detecting pedestrians on the road is the use of artificial intelligence in connection with thermal imaging. The purpose of this work was to design a system to assist the safety of people and car intelligence with the use...
Analysis of regulations regarding transport of dangerous goods by road in Poland and in Europe
PublicationThe subject of the article are regulations regarding transport of hazardous materials in road transportation. In Poland, as well as in most European countries, these regulations are mainly governed by the ADR Agreement, which is a supra-national legal act. The article contains an analysis of the mentioned legal act. Despite the fact that the ADR Agreement harmonizes regulations concerning the transport of hazardous materials, there...
The initial selection of parameters for dynamic brake for car engine test dynamometer
PublicationThe article presents an analysis of the car engine loads. The aim of the analysis was to determine the parameters of the brake / electric motor on an engine test bad. Analysis of loads on the driving tests concerned on chassis dynamo to simulate them on an engine dynamometer. To check the range of dynamometer shaft angular acceleration inertial mass of a car was reduced on the crankshaft axis. The calculations of maximum shaft...
Finite element method simulations of various cases of crash tests with N2/W4/A steel road barrier
PublicationThe subject of this study is performance of N2/W4/A steel road safety barrier investigated in numerical simulations. System was checked under several types of initial conditions, which were assumed basing on the TB11 and TB32 normative crash tests. The main goal of present study is to investigate the relationship between initial conditions (angle and velocity) of the impact and the severity indices (associated to the vehicle occupant) during...