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Wykorzystanie membran na etapie ekstrakcji analitów organicznychz ciekłych próbek środowiskowych i płynów biologicznych = Analytical applications of membrane extraction for liquid sample preparation in biomedical and environmental analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono informacje dotyczące technik ekstrakcji membranowej wykorzystywanych do oznaczania związków organicznych w ciekłych próbkach środowiskowych i biologicznych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na podstawy teoretyczne oraz możliwości ich połączenia z technikami oznaczeń końcowych oraz obszarom praktycznego ich wykorzystania.
Experimental Study of the Resistance to Influence of Aggressive Liquids on Lightweight Concrete
PublicationIn light of the scientific research, the corrosion of concrete structures is one of the main problems that may reduce their durability due to the negative impact of the natural environment. The paper analyzes the influence of the type of component on the selected properties of lightweight concrete subjected to the influence of aggressive liquids. Four concrete mixes were prepared with a granular aggregate made of foamed glass (GEGA)...
Oznaczanie śladowych ilości związków organicznych w próbkach o złożonych matrycach zgodne z regułami ''zielonej chemii analitycznej''. Krótkołańcuchowe kwasy karboksylowe = Increasingly green approaches to the determination of selected trace organic in complex matrices. Short chain carboxylic acids
PublicationNowadays the great stress is put on environment protection and the activities to minimize the effect of chemical analyses on the environment are discussed. When environmentally friendly methodologies of analytes determination are applied the term "green analytical chemistry" is used. In general, the determination of organic compounds in complex matrices, which is a frequent analytical task, requires separation of sample components...
Green aspects of techniques for the determination of pesticides in fruits and vegetables
PublicationApplied all over the world, pesticides are some of the most dangerous pollutants of the environment because of their stability, mobility, their ability to accumulate in the environment and their consequent long-term adverse effects on living organisms in general and human health in particular. Their presence in the environment is a particular danger. It is therefore crucial to monitor pesticide residues using all available analytical...
Low-cost Adsorbents Derived from Agricultural By-products/Wastes for Enhancing Contaminant Uptakes from Wastewater: A Review
PublicationA major threat to the comfort of human life has been imposed by increased industrialization and urbanization. The generation and disposal of huge amounts of toxic materials and pollutants have heavily contaminated our environment. Some Organics such as synthetic dyes (SD) and heavy metals (HM) are becoming increasingly prevalent as the most dangerous pollutants in soil and surface water environments. They are...
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in bottom sediments: Identification of sources
PublicationPolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can enter the environment from various sources. They are synthetic chemicals and as such are present in the environment mainly as mixtures containing various amounts of PCB congeners. It is therefore difficult to pinpoint the source of PCB emissions into the environment and the pathways along which they migrate there. The situation is different where locating the emission sources of polycyclic aromatic...
Environmentally friendly polymer-rubber composites obtained from waste tyres: A review
PublicationThe paper is transdisciplinary. The complex overview on changes in policy and approach to waste tyres that leads to both solving environmental problem of post consumer tyres and creating environmentally friendlier novel materials are presented. It is shown that in the world, the amount of polymer wastes increases every year. Most of them are in the form of post-consumer tyres. Recycling and recovery of such tyres is a serious environmental...
Concrete versus green corridors in road planning. Gdansk case
PublicationThe aim of an article is to present the threats which may be caused by the construction of the transit road inside the city structure, and some mitigation measures aiming to eliminate or minimize environmental and landscape damages and social problems. Theoretical guidelines and conclusions will be followed by the example illustrating the problem. As an answer, some guidelines enabling sustainable road planning will be presented....
Analytical Techniques Used in Monitoring of Atmospheric Air Pollutants
PublicationThe air pollution monitoring is one of the most pressing environmental problems today. The paper describes common air pollutants, their interaction and impact on the environment, and classifies the techniques and methods applied in air studies. Furthermore, the review characterizes the selected collection and sampling techniques used for gas sample analysis. Finally, the schematic diagrams of typical designs of systems applied...
Organic Compounds: Halogenated
PublicationThe entry focuses on halogenated organic compounds, mainly short-chain chlorinated aliphatic organic compounds. It describes their occurrence in the different compartments of the environment and their environmental fate, presents the basic toxicological mechanisms, and discusses the different approaches to remediation processes as applied to soil and water pollution. Finally, basic analytical solutions for the determination of...
State of the Art in Open Platforms for Collaborative Urban Design and Sharing of Resources in Districts and Cities
PublicationThis work discusses recent developments in sharing economy concepts and collaborative co-design technology platforms applied in districts and cities. These developments are being driven both by new technological advances and by increased environmental awareness. The paper begins by outlining the state of the art in smart technology platforms for collaborative urban design, highlighting a number of recent examples. The case of peer-to-peer...
Toxicity of ionic liquid cations and anions towards activated sewage sludge organisms from different sources – Consequences for biodegradation testing and wastewater treatment plant operation
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) have attracted great interest in academia and industry during the last decade. So far, several ILs have been used in technological processes, from small scale to industrial applications, which makes it more and more likely that they will be released into the environment. Researches have been actively studying the environmental and toxicological bevaviour of ILs, but their influence on the activated sewage sludge...
Visual Content Representation for Cognitive Systems: Towards Augmented Intelligence
PublicationCognitive Vision Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decades. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes (which environmental conditions may vary), adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination...
Measuring research on radio wave propagation
PublicationTelecommunication connections are increasingly based on the wireless links, both fixed and mobile, carried out under different radio systems. This kind of solution has many advantages. However, the propagation medium is a factor that causes many difficulties in designing wireless networks, because of large diversity of propagation environments. Transmission loss in each environment is determined by many variables phenomena and...
Integrated monitoring, control and security of Critical Infrastructure Systems
PublicationModern societies have reached a point where everyday life relies heavily on desired operation of critical infrastructures, in spite of accidental failures and/or deliberate attacks. The issue of desired performance operation of CIS at high security level receives considerable attention worldwide. The pioneering generic methodologies and methods are presented in the paper project for designing systems capable of achieving these...
Wpływ eksploatacji składowisk komunalnych na jakość wód podziemnych. Rola ekotestów w ocenie ryzyka środowiskowego = Influence of communal landfills exploitation on the quality of subsurface waters. The role of ecotests in environmental risk assessment
PublicationSkładowiska odpadów stanowią szczególny przejaw antropopresji, gdzie wykorzystanie badań ekotoksykologicznych może w znaczący sposób przyczynić się do skuteczniejszej ochrony wód powierzchniowych oraz podziemnych. Ze względu na fakt, iż w Polsce do roku 1997 nie było obowiązku monitorowania składu odpadów gromadzonych na składowiskach komunalnych, często trafiały na nie także odpady niebezpieczne; najczęściej w postaci baterii,...
Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects
PublicationIn order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....
Integration and Visualization of the Results of Hydrodynamic Models in the Maritime Network-Centric GIS of Gulf of Gdansk
PublicationEnsuring of security in the coastal area makes on a seaside countries research in the field of infrastructure spatial information of environmental data. The paper presents the results of work on the construction of this infrastructure by integrating electronic navigational chart with ortophotomaps of coastal areas as well as numerical data from weather and hydrodynamic models. Paper focuses on a problems associated with creating...
How Important Is Research on Pollution Levels in Antarctica? Historical Approach, Difficulties and Current Trends
PublicationDespite the fact that Antarctica is a continent notably free from large negative impact of human activities, literature data can be the basis for concluding that this is not an area free from anthropogenic pollutants. Pollutants, which are identified in various elements of the environment of Antarctica, are mostly connected with long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) and deposition in this area. The study presents: a historical...
PublicationWaste car tires are burdensome waste, and their utilization is crucial for the natural environment. In many countries, the primary method of their recycling is energy recovery, performed by simple combustion. However, material recycling is much more effective and significantly more beneficial for the natural environment. It results in the generation of ground tire rubber, which can be used to produce polymerrubber composites. It...
Economic situation perception and the growth plans of microenterprises, case of Poland
PublicationNumerous scientific studies provide information on the impact of the environment on the launch, operation and growth of businesses. Reflections on the environment can result from two perspectives: the objective and the subjective one. The first relates to the economic analysis and/or sociological research, whereas the second relies on the perception of the environment by the interested parties themselves. While analysing companies...
Chitosan-based nanomaterials for removal of water pollutants
PublicationThe rise of micropollutants presents a significant threat to both the environment and human well-being, requiring effective strategies for their mitigation. Chitin serves as the precursor for chitosan, composed of two monomers featuring acetamido and amino groups. Chitosan possesses several noteworthy attributes, including its ability to bind water and fat, humidity content, solubility, consistent molecular weight, and various...
Zanieczyszczenie obecne w próbkach śniegu pobranego z warstw jako źródło informacji o stanie środowiska w dużej aglomeracji miejskiej = Pollutants present in snow samples collected from various layers of snow cover as a source of information about the state of environment in a big urban agglomeration
PublicationPróbki śniegu pobierano przez okres około miesiąca z 12 miejsc zlokalizowanych na terenie Trójmiasta. Sześć z nich znajdowało się w pobliżu dróg komunikacyjnych o różnym natężeniu ruchu. Każde z nich miało swój punkt odniesienia oddalony od niego o około 200 m. W próbkach śniegu oznaczano pH, przewodność, zawartość wybranych anionów i kationów. Wartości pH wyznaczono przy użyciu elektrody szklanej połączonej z pH/tlenomierzem mikrokomputerowym,...
Simulation of the Dynamics of Renewable Energy Sources with Energy Storage Systems
PublicationThe intermittency of renewable energy sources (RES) constitutes a challenge for effective power system control. Fossil-fuel-based units offering ancillary power services to meet the short-term power imbalance are a financial and environmental burden for the society. Energy storage systems (ESS) can be the solution in view of the electricity market development and growing environmental concern. The major questions are, in what circumstances...
Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body fading channel model for Body Area Networks (BANs) in indoor environments. The proposed model, which is based on both simulations and measurements in a realistic environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. Seven scenarios in an indoor environment (a medium-size room with furniture, mostly consisting of wooden tables and chairs) have been measured:...
Research on the phenomena of warming up and free cooling down the car engine
PublicationThe average cold start temperature in Europe is 9 degrees C. However, not the average is the most important for the composition of exhaust gases and associated air pollution. The most onerous for the environment are the winter starts when automotive emissions of harmful gases add up in cities with those of home heating systems. The paper presents preliminary studies of warming up and cooling down processes in various environmental conditions....
Ring thruster - a preliminary optimisation study of ferrofluid seal and propeller
PublicationThe article reports the course of preliminary examination of a ferrofluid seal applied in liquid environment.A newly built research rig is described, and results of pressure tests performed for different shaft rotationsare discussed. Other studies carried out in the past only referred to the gas environment, while the presentexamination aims at finding an answer to the question whether magnetic liquids can be successfully used...
Comparison of Selection Schemes in Evolutionary Method of Path Planning
PublicationThis article compares an impact of using various selection schemes on the quality of the solution for the problem of planning the path for a moving object using the evolutionary method. In study case problem of avoiding collisions at sea is analyzed. The modelled environment includes static constraints (lands, canals, etc.) and dynamic objects (moving ships). Article analyses behaviour of selection schemes in two similar environments...
Przegląd metod oceny struktur przestrzennych w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju
Publicationthe article "the assessment methods' review of urban structures in the sustainable development context" presents various methods along with tools and ways how to apply them. mainly it is based on methods' descriptions contained in bequest programme (building environmental quality evaluation sustainability through time). the assessment should improve formation of the built environment and practical realization of the idea of sustainable...
The Fate of BTEX Compounds in Ambient Air
PublicationAs a result of the industrialization and urbanization in the world, human pressure on the environment is intensifying, leading to detrimental changes in both biotic and abiotic compartments. One of the many consequences of this state of affairs is the increasing rate of emission into the atmosphere of volatile organic compounds, including the so-called BTEX (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes) compounds. The authors review...
Towards Improving Optimised Ship Weather Routing
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to outline a project focusing on the development of a new type of ship weather routing solution with improved uncertainty handling, through better estimation of ship performance and responses to sea conditions. Ensemble forecasting is considered to take into account the uncertainty levels that are typical of operations in a stochastic environment. Increased accuracy of weather prediction is achieved through...
Simultaneous opto-electrochemical monitoring of carbamazepine and its electro-oxidation by-products in wastewater
PublicationThe growing human impact on aquatic environments, due to the extensive use of pharmaceuticals and the release of persistent pollutants, makes it necessary to implement new widespread methods for the characterisation and quantification of such contaminants and relative degradation products. Carbamazepine, 5H-dibenzo[b,f]azepine-5-carboxamide, (CBZ) is a widely used anti-epileptic drug, characterised by its limited removal by conventional...
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Sediments and Water Analysis
PublicationUnfavorable side effects of different forms of anthropogenic activities can be found anywhere in the world. One of the basic characteristics of pollutants entering marine and ocean waters is their spread and movement in the global ocean. A portion of the substances entering the marine environment is rapidly degraded by chemical processes occurring in the air, sediments, and water, thereby losing their toxic properties. The biggest...
Microplastics in water resources: Global pollution circle, possible technological solutions, legislations, and future horizon
PublicationBeneath the surface of our ecosystems, microplastics (MPs) silently loom as a significant threat. These minuscule pollutants, invisible to the naked eye, wreak havoc on living organisms and disrupt the delicate balance of our environment. As we delve into a trove of data and reports, a troubling narrative unfolds: MPs pose a grave risk to both health and food chains with their diverse compositions and chemical characteristics....
The Thin-Layer Microchromatography (μTLC) and TLC–FID Technique as a New Methodology in the Study of Lubricating Oils
PublicationThis paper concerns the possibility of using TLC coupled with a flame ionization detector (FID) and micro-TLC (μTLC) as precursors for microfluidized devices of analytical techniques to identify and determine the presence and content of the petroleum/vegetable oil base in the lubricating oils applied in cutting devices (chainsaws). This research is related to the problem of ensuring, in compliance with the requirements of environmental...
Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK General concept
PublicationIn this paper, general concept of a new method as ‘Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK’ for investigation influence of agricultural holdings and land-use structures on coastal waters of the southern Baltic Sea is presented. WaterPUCK Service is focused on determination of the current and future environmental status of the surface water and groundwater located in the Puck District (Poland) and its impact...
Lighting conditions in Home Office and occupant’s perception: an international study
PublicationThe global pandemic and physical distancing restrictions are forcing us to rethink how residential buildings are used regarding the visual environment. This paper describes home office lighting conditions within different countries and continents. The aim is to define the current limitations of home offices in providing a resilient visual environment. The work was developed by a team of international experts working together on...
Reverberation divergence in VR applications
PublicationThe aim of this project was to investigate the correlation between virtual reality (VR) imagery and ambisonic sound. With the increasing popularity of VR applications, understanding how sound is perceived in virtual environments is crucial for enhancing the immersiveness of the experience. By examining the relationship between visual scenes and sound scenes, this research attempts to explore how the interaction between vision and...
Dynamic GNSS Mission Planning Using DTM for Precise Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles
PublicationNowadays, the most widely used method for estimating location of autonomous vehicles in real time is the use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). However, positioning in urban environments using GNSS is hampered by poor satellite geometry due to signal obstruction created by both man-made and natural features of the urban environment. The presence of obstacles is the reason for the decreased number of observed satellites...
Approach Manoeuvre During Emergency Ship-to-Ship Transfer Operation with Oil Spill
PublicationOne of the major activities during Ship to Ship (STS) transfer operation at sea is to safe approach the Ship to be Lightered (SBL) which moves on a constant heading with slow speed or drifting. In the paper described the manoeuvring problem for approaching during emergency STS transfer operation with oil spill. The approach manoeuvre is considered as a sequence of navigation manoeuvres in specific navigational environment with...
Diagnostics in ballast water management
Publication. Diagnostics in ballast water management is the main remedy to protect against the threat of spreading invasive species that can be carried in ships' ballast tanks. This phenomenon is getting better known and understood. New and more effective methods of preventing threats related to this are being developed. Procedures are created to ensure environmental safety in the face of ever-increasing transport by sea. The article characterizes...
Advanced oxidation processes for the removal of mono and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – A review
PublicationAromatic hydrocarbons (AHs) are toxic environmental contaminants presented in most of the environmental matrices. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for the removal of AHs in the account of complete mineralization from various environmental matrices have been reviewed in this paper. An in-depth discussion on various AOPs for mono (BTEX) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their derivatives is presented. Most of the AOPs were...
Ultimate biodegradability and ecotoxicity of orally administered antidiabetic drugs
PublicationHypoglycaemic pharmaceuticals are recently more and more frequently detected in the environment. In our previous study, we have shown that even though many of them undergo significant primary degradation some are transformed to stable products or undergo such transformation that a large part of the structure is still preserved. One of the main routes of elimination from wastewaters or surface waters is biodegradation and a lack...
Determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables using QuEChERS sample preparation method
PublicationThe intensive development of agriculture means that more and more toxic organic and inorganic compounds are entering the environment. Because of their widespread use, environmental stability, selective toxicity and bioaccumulative capability, pesticides belong to the most hazardous substances contaminating the environment. They are particularly dangerous in fruits and vegetables, because they are one of the reasons why people are...
Efficient removal of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) from industrial/military wastewater using anodic oxidation on boron-doped diamond electrodes
PublicationWith growing public concern about water quality particular focus should be placed on organic micropollutants, which are harmful to the environment and people. Hence, the objective of this research is to enhance the security and resilience of water resources by developing an efficient system for reclaiming industrial/military wastewater and protecting recipients from the toxic and cancerogenic explosive compound – 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene...
PublicationSlums are global phenomena that exist as a solution for those who couldn’t afford a house. This phenomenon is growing accompanying the rapid urbanization and the growth of the urban population, three-quarter of the world population anticipated to live in an urban environment by 2050 (Avis, 2016, p. 57). This paper reviews slum's evaluation of the revitalization project for one of the poorest slums in Beirut called Hay-Al Tanak....
Design and implementation of an illumination system to mimic skyglow at ecosystem level in a large‐scale lake enclosure facility
PublicationLight pollution is an environmental stressor of global extent that is growing exponentially in area and intensity. Artificial skyglow, a form of light pollution with large range, is hypothesized to have environmental impact at ecosystem level. However, testing the impact of skyglow at large scales and in a controlled fashion under in situ conditions has remained elusive so far. Here we present the first experimental setup to mimic...
Społeczny wymiar adaptacji do zmian klimatu w środowisku miejskim na przykładzie Gdańska
PublicationKwestie zmian klimatycznych przestały być przedmiotem zainteresowania jedynie wąskich grup specjalistów, a stały się problemem społecznym angażującym szerszą opinię publiczną. Wobec wzrastającego znaczenia problemów środowiskowych w społeczeństwach, głównie na przełomie XX i XXI wieku, władze centralne we współpracy z samorządami miejskimi zaczęły podejmować działania na rzecz wsparcia tzw. środowiskowej (zielonej) polityki. Artykuł...
PublicationIn this study, vibration analysis of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) has been carried out by using a refined beam theory, namely one variable shear deformation beam theory. This approach has one variable lesser than a contractual shear deformation theory such as first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and acts like classical beam approach but with considering shear deformations. The SWCNT has been placed in an axial or...
A novel architecture for e-learning knowledge assessment systems
PublicationIn this paper we propose a novel e-learning system, dedicated strictly to knowledge assessment tasks. In its functioning it utilizes web-based technologies, but its design differs radically from currently popular e-learning solutions which rely mostly on thin-client architecture. Our research proved that such architecture, while well suited for didactic content distribution systems is ill-suited for knowledge assessment products....