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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING

  • Morski skaning laserowy infrastruktury portowej na przykładzie portu we Władysławowie

    • A. Kholodkov
    • K. Matysik
    • M. Matysik
    • J. Szulwic
    • A. Wojtowicz
    • P. Tysiąc

    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    Technologia skaningu laserowego rozwinęła się współcześnie do etapu, w którym skaning mobilny jest swobodnie wykorzystywany na platformach pojazdów drogowych i szynowych oraz statków powietrznych. Do szczególnych rozwiązań skaningu mobilnego zalicza się skaning morski. Użycie tego rozwiązania stanowi nowe rozwiązanie dla problematyki inwentaryzacji infrastruktury portowej w sytuacji dużego ruchu morskiego lub rozległych basenów...

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  • A Novel Method for Intelligibility Assessment of Nonlinearly Processed Speech in Spaces Characterized by Long Reverberation Times


    Objective assessment of speech intelligibility is a complex task that requires taking into account a number of factors such as different perception of each speech sub-bands by the human hearing sense or different physical properties of each frequency band of a speech signal. Currently, the state-of-the-art method used for assessing the quality of speech transmission is the speech transmission index (STI). It is a standardized way...

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  • Programming Geometry as a Creative Play with Architectural Form

    In the twenty-first century "programming" is the key word that opens unprecedented opportunities for design and materialization of geometrically complex architectural objects. From the digital designer perspective programming geometry can be seen as a creative play with a form and a process of generation/exploration as well as the possibility of applying the computing power as a co-designer in the process of finding solutions for...

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  • Double Fed Induction Machine Drives


    Contents of the Chapter 22:Machine model.Properties of the DFM.Steady state machine operation.Control rules and decoupled control.Decoupling based on MM machine model.Decoupling based on vector model.Decoupling based on rotor current equation.Overall control system.Control system based on MM model.Control system based on vector model.Estimation of variables.Calculation of the angle between stator and rotor.Remarks about digital...

  • Programmable dynamically changing RC model for evaluation of Dynamic EIS methods and instrumentation

    The paper concerns the RC equivalent circuit of electrochemical cell with the impedance changed during the experiment. The model was constructed using the digital potentiometers controlled by the microcontroller. This solution allows to control the model impedance by the software means. By creating adequate changes of the impedance spectrum as a time function, the different impedance measurement method can be tested to find out...

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  • MicroGal Gravity Measurements with MGS-6 Micro-g LaCoste Gravimeter

    Knowing the exact number of fruit and trees helps growers to make better decisions about how to manage their production in the orchard and prevent plant diseases. The current practice of yield estimation is to manually count fruit or flowers (before harvesting), which is a very time-consuming and costly process. Moreover it’s not practical for large orchards. It also doesn’t allow to make predictions of plant development in a more...

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  • Clinical anatomy of the spatial structure of the right ventricular outflow trac

    • A. Kaczyńska
    • A. Kosiński
    • K. Bobkowska
    • M. Zajączkowski
    • R. Kamiński
    • G. Piwko
    • M. Gleinert-Rożek
    • T. Gos
    • K. Karnecki
    • D. Kozłowski

    - Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine - Rok 2022

    Background. The right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) is located above the supraventricular crest and reaches the level of the pulmonary valve. Detailed knowledge of the RVOT spatial structure and its morphology is extremely important for cardiac invasive therapeutic procedures. Objectives. To examine the spatial structure of the RVOT using virtual models of the right ventricle (RV) interior obtained post mortem. Material and...

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  • Human System Interaction in Review: Advancing the Artificial Intelligence Transformation

    • D. De Silva
    • R. Nawaratne
    • J. Rumiński
    • A. Malinowski
    • M. Manic

    - Rok 2022

    The industrial advancement of human society has been fundamentally driven by diverse ‘systems’ that facilitate ‘human interaction’ within physical, digital, virtual, social and artificial environments, and upon the hyper-connected layers of system-system interactions across these environments. The research and practice of Human System Interaction (HSI) has undergone exponential development due to the enhanced capabilities, increased...

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  • Mechanical and radiation shielding properties of concrete reinforced with boron--basalt fibers using Digital Image Correlation and X--ray micro--computed tomography

    The paper presents experimental investigations of the radiation shielding, mechanical and fracture properties of concrete reinforced with 5 kg/m3 of novel basalt fibers infused with boron oxide (BBF). However, further studies concerning other dosages i.e. 1 kg/m3, 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 20 kg/m3 are currently carried out. Experiments with neutron source revealed that addition of BBF as a dispersed concrete reinforcement could improve...

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  • A Novel Method for the Deblurring of Photogrammetric Images Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks


    The visual data acquisition from small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may encounter a situation in which blur appears on the images. Image blurring caused by camera motion during exposure significantly impacts the images interpretation quality and consequently the quality of photogrammetric products. On blurred images, it is difficult to visually locate ground control points, and the number of identified feature points decreases...

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  • Fractional-order Systems and Synchronous Generator Voltage Regulator


    - Acta Energetica - Rok 2015

    Modern regulators of synchronous generators, including voltage regulators, are digital systems, in their vast majority with standard structures contained in the IEEE standard. These are systems described with stationary differential equations of integral order. Differential equations of fractional order are not employed in regulators for synchronous generator control. This paper presents an analysis of the possibilities of using...

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  • Verification and Benchmarking in MPA Coprocessor Design Process


    - Rok 2022

    This paper presents verification and benchmarking required for the development of a coprocessor digital circuit for integer multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA). Its code is developed, with the use of very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL), as an intellectual property core. Therefore, it can be used by a final user within their own computing system based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)....

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  • Pervaporation in food processing


    - Rok 2021

    This chapter is about pervaporation in food processing

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  • Using MusicXML to evaluate accuracy of OMR Systems


    - Rok 2008

    In this paper a methodology for automatic accuracy evaluation in optical music recognition (OMR) applications is proposed. Presented approach assumes using ground truth images together with digital music scores describing their content. The automatic evaluation algorithm measures differences between the tested score and the reference one, both stored in MusicXML format. Some preliminary test results of this approach are presented...

  • Miasta wiedzy - wyzwaniem dla nowych funkcji aglomeracji polskich


    - Rok 2008

    Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy (knowledge economy) zmiania glowne funkcje rozwoju miast. Istniejace aglomeracje przeksztalcaja sie w miasta wiedzy (sciece cities), co kreuje srodowisko dla innowacyjnych produktow, procesow i technologii. Powstaje miasto informacyjne (digital city). Artykul prezentuje studium przypadku Gdanskiego Obszaru Metropolitarnego skomponowanego z instytucji badawczych, parkow technologicznych, inkubatorow i...

  • Simulation model of IPMSM drive with rotor position estimator

    The paper presents a simulation model of electric drive consisting of: IPMSM motor, inverter and digital controller. The model was designed in Mathlab/Simulink. By modelling of the controller its discrete operation was taken into account in order to simulate precisely a specific sensorless control algorithm. A method for estimation of angular rotor position was proposed. Its mathematical algorithm was explained and errors were...

  • Możliwości wykorzystania technologii zarządzania prawami autorskimi w systemach zdalnego nauczania


    - Rok 2005

    W referacie przedstawiono istniejące koncepcje zabezpieczania danych multimedialnych oraz opisano zasady działania systemów DRM (Digital Rights Management) zarządzania prawami autorskimi, mającymi na celu zapewnienie twórcy utworu w postaci elektronicznej sprawowania kontroli nad zdalną kopią utworu, zwłaszcza jego nieautoryzowanego rozpowszechniania. W pracy wskazano konieczność i możliwości wykorzystania DRM w systemach e-learning.



    The article presents an overview of the most important issues related to the phenomenon called big data. The characteristics of big data concerning the data itself and the data sources are presented. Then, the big data life cycle concept is formulated. The next sections focus on two big data technologies: MapReduce for big data processing and NoSQL databases for big data storage.

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  • A Cost-Effective Method for Reconstructing City-Building 3D Models from Sparse Lidar Point Clouds


    The recent popularization of airborne lidar scanners has provided a steady source of point cloud datasets containing the altitudes of bare earth surface and vegetation features as well as man-made structures. In contrast to terrestrial lidar, which produces dense point clouds of small areas, airborne laser sensors usually deliver sparse datasets that cover large municipalities. The latter are very useful in constructing digital...

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  • Implementation of DIFAR Processing in ASW Dipping Sonar


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents the implementation of the signal processing algorithm used by buoy DIFAR (Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording), that is fully operational on Polish Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters and ships, applied to dipping sonars for detection and tracking of submarines. The development of the DSP algorithms was a part of the modernization of sonars conducted at the Gdansk University of Technology....

  • Opracowanie i wprowadzenie nowoczesnego systemu utrzymania ruchu urządzeń opartego na strategii planowo – zapobiegawczej na obiekcie offshore


    - Rok 2024

    W pracy przedstawiono metodykę utrzymania ruchu maszyn i urządzeń na obiekcie offshore. Opracowany autorski system utrzymania ruchu, który został wdrożony na morskiej platformie wydobywczej „Petrobaltic” gdzie do przesyłu i przetwarzania danych wykorzystano dostępną infrastrukturę informatyczną. Założenia realizowano z wykorzystaniem metod naukowych takich jak analiza case study, metody eksperckie i inne. Pracę zrealizowano w ośmiu...

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  • Contactless hearing aid designed for infants

    It is a well known fact that language development through home intervention for a hearing-impaired infant should start in the early months of a newborn baby's life. The aim of this paper is to present a concept of a contactless digital hearing aid designed especially for infants. In contrast to all typical wearable hearing aid solutions (ITC, ITE, BTE), the proposed device is mounted in the infant's bed with any parts of its set-up...

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  • Hybrid‐mode single‐slope ADC with improved linearity and reduced conversion time for CMOS image sensors

    In the paper, a single‐slope analog‐to‐digital converter (ADC) for integrated CMOS image sensor applications with an improved technique of conversion has been proposed. The proposed hybrid‐mode ADC automatically uses one of the following conversion techniques: time based (i.e. PWM) or voltage based (i.e. single‐slope). During the ADC operation, the clock frequency and reference voltage are modified in order to reduce the conversion...

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  • Security of Cryptocurrencies: A View on the State-of-the-Art Research and Current Developments


    - SENSORS - Rok 2023

    [Context] The goal of security is to protect digital assets, devices, and services from being disrupted, exploited or stolen by unauthorized users. It is also about having reliable information available at the right time. [Motivation] Since the inception in 2009 of the first cryptocurrency, few studies have been undertaken to analyze and review the state-of-the-art research and current developments with respect to the security...

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  • Trust and Distrust in e-Democracy


    - Rok 2022

    In the digital government research literature, the concept of trust is typically used as a precondition for the adoption of digital technology in the public sector or an outcome of a roadmap leading up to such adoption. The concept plays a central role in many decisions linked to the planning, adoption and management of the public sector technology. In contrast, the concept of distrust is almost neglected in such literature but,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Effect of GIS parameters on modelling runoff from river basin. The case study of catchment in the Puck District

    The study was preceded to check the impact of the adopted digital elevation model resolution on the determination of catchment parameters and the further influence of the received information on calculations related to the hydrograph at the closing point of the basin after a synthetic 100-year precipitation episode. The study area are river basins located in the Puck commune convoying water directly to the Puck Bay. These studies...

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  • Teaching architectural history through virtual reality

    The impact of implementing 3D models and virtual reality in teaching the theory of architecture and architectural history is the theme of this article. Virtual reality and easy-to-use 3D tools allow a whole historic object to be visualised. As a result, there is social and economic pressure to modernise present educational methods using this technology. Therefore, the authors have focused their research on an issue of significance...

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  • Sample Rate Conversion Based on Frequency Response Masking Filter


    - Rok 2018

    The sample rate conversion with high resampling ratios requires low-pass digital filters with very narrow transition band which results in high computational complexity and makes filter design problematic. Therefore in this work we propose to use the FRM method, which breaks the filter with a narrow transition band into a group of filters with reduced design requirements. These decreases the number of non-zero coefficients and...

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  • Experimental Designs of Mass Customized Passive Single-family Houses - Prospects and Limitations

    Abstract The article deals with case studies of selected architectural designs of the past fifteen years the authors of which intended to rethink both the typology and the means of constructing single family houses. The analysis covers contemporary design issues such as variation, curvilinearity, customization, digital manufacturing and ecological concerns. The purpose behind the research was to establish in what way new design...

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  • Manufacturing Data Analysis in Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) Scenario



    Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) has enormous benefits as it increases the rate of production, reduces errors and production waste, and streamlines manufacturing sub-systems. However, there are some new challenges related to CIM operating in the Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) scenarios associated with Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems. The main challenge is to deal with the massive volume of data flowing...

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    W dobie mediów cyfrowych kluczowym elementem jest dostarczanie treści wysokiej jakości. Wśród systemów radiofonii cyfrowej do najpopularniejszych należą standardy DAB i DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting). Przy konfiguracji multipleksu ważne jest właściwe zarządzanie zasobami w ramach pojedynczego kanału radiowego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań subiektywnych, dotyczących jakości transmisji w systemach DAB i DAB+, przeprowadzonych...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Errors of a Linear Current Approximation in High-Speed PMSM Drives

    Current sampling techniques and predictive algorithms used in the digital control of electric drives rely on a simple mathematical model that assumes linear current changes upon constant supplying voltages. This paper identifies rotor movement as a factor that makes this assumption invalid when the rotor covers an angular distance of a few tens of degrees during the control interval duration. The errors of the linear current approximation...

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  • Data Analysis in Bridge of Data


    The chapter presents the data analysis aspects of the Bridge of Data project. The software framework used, Jupyter, and its configuration are presented. The solution’s architecture, including the TRYTON supercomputer as the underlying infrastructure, is described. The use case templates provided by the Stat-reducer application are presented, including data analysis related to spatial points’ cloud-, audio- and wind-related research.

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  • Risking It All or Here Comes the Flood


    - Rok 2018

    The professional reality is interdisciplinary! When city transformation and evolution starts, what are the tools for successful strategies for urban interventions? How does digital planning for digital fabrication processes look like? How dedicated are the new professionals? And how does this all influence the future of bridge design? More than 60 students representing various disciplines of built environment and working together...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Trust and Distrust in e-Democracy


    - Rok 2022

    In the digital government research literature, the concept of trust is typically used as a precondition for the adoption of digital technology in the public sector or an outcome of a roadmap leading up to such adoption. The concept plays a central role in many decisions linked to the planning, adoption and management of the public sector technology. In contrast, the concept of...

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  • The Multiplatform Environment for Simulation and Features Estimation of Mixed-Signal Devices


    - Rok 2019

    The use of simulation laboratories is gaining popularity in thedomains of engineering programs. However, the experience in teaching showsthat the simulation itself is not very effective in didactic processes. Teachingprocesses in thefield of specialist subjects, designed for students of technicaluniversities, should be based on direct operations performed by the student onreal devices. At the same time, at the later stages of didactic...

  • Multidisciplinary approach to the assessment of historic structures based on the case of a masonry bridge in Galicia (Spain)



    The paper presents a general method to evaluate a masonry structure with a complex geometry and unknown material properties. This multidisciplinary approach integrates close range digital photogrammetry,ground probing radar (GPR) and finite elements analysis (FEM) to analyse a masonry bridge. The resulting information from photogrammetry and radar is applied to define a 3D model, which is then used to simulate the behaviour of...

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  • Data librarian and data steward – new tasks and responsibilities of academic libraries in the context of Open Research Data implementation in Poland


    Thesis/Objective – The policy of Open Access (OA) for researching resources in Europe has been implemented for more than 10 years. The first recommendations concerning providing OA to scientific materials were defined during the implementation of the 7th Framework Programme. Introducing another set of recommendations concerning OA to research data was the next stage. The recommendations were transformed into obligations under the...

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  • Application of the Fractional Fourier Transform for dispersion compensation in signals from a fiber-based Fabry-Perot interferometer


    Optical methods of measurement do not require contact of a probe and the object under study, and thus have found use in a broad range of applications such as nondestructive testing (NDT), where noninvasive measurement is crucial. Measuring the refractive index of a material can give a valuable insight into its composition. Low‑coherence radiation sources enable measurement of the sample’s properties across a wide spectrum, while...

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  • Global Approaches to Reduce Light Pollution from Media Architecture and Non-Static, Self-Luminous LED Displays for Mixed-Use Urban Developments


    Urban environments have become significantly brighter and more illuminated, and cities now consider media architecture and non-static, self-luminous LED displays an essential element of their strategy to attract residents, visitors, and tourists in the hours after dark. Unfortunately, most often, they are not designed with care, consideration, and awareness, nor do they support the visual wellbeing and circadian rhythms of humans....

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  • Architectural and Urban Planning Solutions for the Protection of Heritage Buildings in the Context of Terrorist Attacks: Following the Example of Passive Protection Systems


    Events in recent years showing numerous terrorist attacks raise awareness regarding the neces-sity of considering the safety of heritage buildings. The analysis of available data allows us to conclude that it is not possible to fully prevent terrorist attacks. On the other hand, it is possible to minimize the impact of such incidents through proper design of Passive Protection System (PPS) components. One possible architectural...

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  • Greencoin – educational information system for ecoinclusion and empowering urban adaptability.


    - Rok 2022

    The SARS-CoV19 pandemic exposed a broad spectrum of challenges for modern cities, societies and the environment at large. The post-Covid transformation requires new social, ecological and educational solutions, adjusted to modern challenges, but also equipped with technological advances that allow for digital inclusion and sustainable urban development to benefit the local economy and society. Many information systems designed...

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  • UAV Photogrammetry under Poor Lighting Conditions—Accuracy Considerations


    The use of low-level photogrammetry is very broad, and studies in this field are conducted in many aspects. Most research and applications are based on image data acquired during the day, which seems natural and obvious. However, the authors of this paper draw attention to the potential and possible use of UAV photogrammetry during the darker time of the day. The potential of night-time images has not been yet widely recognized,...

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  • Non-Satellite Broadband Maritime Communications for e-Navigation Services

    The development of broadband network access technologies available to users on land has triggered a rapid expansion of a diverse range of services provided by terrestrial networks. However, due to limitations of digital communication technologies in the off-shore area, the maritime ICT systems evolution so far has not followed that trend. Despite the e-navigation initiative defining the set of Maritime Services, the progress in...

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  • Multi-core processing system for real-time image processing in embedded computer vision applications


    W artykule opisano architekturę wielordzeniowego programowalnego systemu do przetwarzania obrazów w czasie rzeczywistym. Dane obrazu są przetwarzane równocześnie przez wszystkie procesory. System umożliwia niskopoziomowe przetwarzanie obrazów,np. odejmowanie tła, wykrywanie obiektów ruchomych, transformacje geometryczne, indeksowanie wykrytych obiektów, ocena ich kształtu oraz podstawowa analiza trajektorii ruchu. Ang:This paper...

  • Verification of a Novel Method of Detecting Faults in Medium-Voltage Systems with Covered Conductors


    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Rok 2017

    This paper describes the use of new methods of detecting faults in medium-voltage overhead lines built of covered conductors. The methods mainly address such faults as falling of a conductor, contacting a conductor with a tree branch, or falling a tree branch across three phases of a medium-voltage conductor. These faults cannot be detected by current digital relay protection systems. Therefore, a new system that can detect the...

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  • Performance analysis of power swing blocking feature in ABB 670 series impedance relays


    - Acta Energetica - Rok 2012

    This paper presents test results of a distance protection’s PSD power swing detection feature in ABB 670 series relays. A RED670 relay was tested, which is part of the hydroelectric set protection in Żarnowiec Pumped Storage Plant. The power swing blocking feature’s performance was analysed on the basis of the results of object tests made with an Omicron digital tester. Also presented are simulation results that illustrate the...

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    Proces cyfryzacji radia jest nowym rozdziałem w historii radiofonii. Wiele rekomendacji i badań naukowych wskazuje na standard DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus), który w niedalekiej przyszłości ma zastąpić analogową radiofonię FM. Ten system cyfrowy wprowadza wiele zmian, oferując przy tym lepszą jakość dźwięku oraz szereg usług dodatkowych. W pracy postanowiono zbadać minimalną wymaganą przepływność bitową potrzebną do transmisji...

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    Standard DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus) jest wiodącym systemem naziemnej radiofonii cyfrowej. W porównaniu do analogowej radiofonii FM wszystkie usługi, obejmujące tradycyjne programy radiowe oraz usługi transmisji danych, grupowane są w zbiór (ensemble). Praca ta przedstawia proces rekonfiguracji polskiego multipleksu na przykładzie lokalnej radiofonii DAB+ w Gdańsku i Wrocławiu. Opisuje wyniki badań subiektywnych dotyczących...

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  • Radio Simulcasting at a Glance: a New Look at Broadcasting and Streaming Services


    - Rok 2018

    Radio is by far one of the most popular and accessible medium. With its availability it attracts listeners all around the world. There are numerous ways of delivering content to consumers. The present situation is characterized by the convergence of acoustics, computer science and telecommunications. This paper reviews the current status of radio broadcasting and streaming services. It describes a subjective study concerning different...

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