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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: glucosinolate degradation products
Some aspects of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils
PublikacjaThe monograph deals with selected problems of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils commonly known as clays. The main idea is not to propose a unified model which is capable of describing all known features of mechanical behaviour of fine grained soils. Instead, separate models are proposed describing the mechanical behaviour of heavily overconsolidated, lightly overconsolidated and normally consolidated clays....
Novel decahedral TiO2 photocatalysts modified with Ru or Rh NPs: Insight into the mechanism
PublikacjaNovel decahedral TiO2 modified with Ru or Rh NPs were successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method. The effect of metal type as well as amount of noble metal precursor (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 wt.%) on the photocatalytic activity were investigated. Decahedral TiO2 decorated by Ru and Rh nanoparticles was prepared by photodeposition method, whereas Rh doped TiO2 was obtained by onestep hydrothermal method with introduction...
Awarie mostu Cłowego w Szczecinie
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono historię budowy i eksploatacji mostu Cłowego w Szczecinie. W ciągu 56 lat eksploatacji obiektu wykonano wiele ekspertyz, napraw i remontów. Ostatecznie most został zamknięty z powodu awarii stalowych kabli sprężenia zewnętrznego. Przedstawiono główne przyczyny degradacji obiektu i awarii. Opisano również obliczenia statyczne i wytrzymałościowe wykonane do koncepcji rozbiórki przęseł mostu.
Most Cłowy w Szczecinie. Historia i przyszłość
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono historię budowy i cykl życia kablobetonu mostu Cłowego w Szczecinie. W trakcie 56-letniego życia obiektu kilka prac eksperckich i naprawy zostało wykonanych. Ostatecznie most został zamknięty po poważnej awarii strukturalnej zewnętrznego kabla sprężenia. Wyjaśniono główne przyczyny degradacji oraz przedstawiono koncepcję projektową remontu.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z narażeniami izolacji silników pracujących w układach napędowych z falownikami napięcia. Znaczne stromości napięć oraz zjawiska falowe w przewodach zasilających powodują przyspieszoną degradacje izolacji maszyn. Rozwiązaniem jest stosowanie filtrów biernych na wyjściu falownika.
Mass Spectrometric Identification of 13C-labeled Metabolites During anaerobic Propanoic Acid Oxidation
PublikacjaBiowaste digestion is a possibility to gain biogas as a renewable fuel source. However, the anaerobic food chain may be disrupted by, e.g., substrate overload or by inhibitors, leading to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), predominantly of propanoic acid (PA). VFA Accumulation may cause a rapid pH decrease, less biogas production, or even a total inhibition. To maintain high biogas productivity or to prevent a collapse...
Enhanced photocatalytic, electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2 nanotubes arrays modified with Cu, AgCu and Bi nanoparticles obtained via radiolytic reduction
PublikacjaTiO2 nanotubes arrays (NTs), obtained via electrochemical anodization of Ti foil, were modified with monometallic (Cu, Bi) and bimetallic (AgCu) nanoparticles. Different amounts of metals’ precursors were deposited on the surface of NTs by the spin-coating technique, and the reduction of metals was performed via gamma radiolysis. Surface modification of titania was studied by EDS and XPS analysis. The results show that AgCu nanoparticles...
Condition-Based Monitoring of DC Motors Performed with Autoencoders
PublikacjaThis paper describes a condition-based monitoring system estimating DC motor degradation with the use of an autoencoder. Two methods of training the autoencoder are evaluated, namely backpropagation and extreme learning machines. The root mean square (RMS) error in the reconstruction of successive fragments of the measured DC motor angular-frequency signal, which is fed to the input of autoencoder, is used to determine the health...
Geometric analogue of holographic reduced representation
PublikacjaHolographic reduced representations (HRRs) are distributed representations of cognitive structuresbased on superpositions of convolution-bound n-tuples. Restricting HRRs to n-tuples consisting of 1,one reinterprets the variable binding as a representation of the additive group of binary n-tupleswith addition modulo 2. Since convolutions are not defined for vectors, the HRRs cannot be directlyassociated with geometric structures....
Membrane distillation assisting food production processes of thermally sensitive food liquid items: a review
PublikacjaPhysical separation technologies have become important tool for processing in the current food manufacturing industries, especially for the products containing bioactive compounds thanks to their health benefits in costumers. As for the processing of bioactive food ingredients implies the implementation of integrated systems oriented to their separation, fractionation, and recovery. In this field, membrane distillation (MD), which...
Isolation and Characterization of Phenol-Degrading Psychrotolerant Yeasts
PublikacjaIn this study, the potential of selected psychrotolerant yeast strains for phenol biodegradation was studied. From 39 strains isolated from soil and water samples from Rucianka peat bog, three psychrotolerant yeast strains: A011, B021 and L012 showed the ability to phenol degradation. The result shows that all three yeast strains could degrade phenol at 500 mg l-1 and 750 mg l-1 concentration, whereas strains A011 and L012 could...
Random field modelling of mechanical behaviour of corroded thin steel plate specimens
PublikacjaThe objective of this work is to explore the possibility of corrosion degradation modelling of thin steel plate specimens with the use of random field approach. The mechanical properties are obtained via the nonlinear Finite Element Analysis with the use of an explicit dynamic solver. The fully nonlinear material model is adopted to obtain the proper stress-strain response. Sensitivity analysis considering the main statistical...
Three-Dimensional Printing of Bone Models
PublikacjaThe trabecular bone occurs, for example, in the femoral heads. Understanding the phenomenon of bone tissue degeneration can be the basis for the possibility of looking for alternative methods of surgical treatment of bone loss. The paper presents the results of the trabecular bone model, which was produced in additive manufacturing method with fused filament fabrication technology. The verification of the mechanical behavior of...
Analysis of volatile fraction of hybrid fruit pulp using Proton Transfer Reaction - Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
PublikacjaFruits and vegetables are important ingredients in human diet. Because of this, it is very important to know their exact composition and to control their quality. Based on the aroma of food products, it is possible to pre-evaluate their quality and freshness. The aim of this work was to characterize the volatile fraction of the hybrid fruit ‘sweetie’ using the modern analytical device PTR-TOFMS. Hybrid fruit samples are human-made...
Wybrane aspekty zachowań internautów a skuteczny proces komunikacji marketingowej
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie sposobów pozyskiwania internetowych treści związanych z organizacjami lub produktami oraz dzielenia się nimi z innymi. W publikacji zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę zmiany postrzegania roli internautów w procesie komunikacji marketingowej. Ponadto, artykuł nawiązuje do koncepcji inbound marketing. Koncepcja ta dotyczy nie tylko przyciągania klientów do firmy i jej produktów. Chodzi w niej o by poprzez...
Optimizing electrochemical removal of perfluorooctanoic acid in landfill leachate using ceramic carbon foam electrodes by coupling CFD simulation and reactor design
PublikacjaPerfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a persistent and bioaccumulative pollutant classified as a 'forever chemical', poses a global environmental and health risk due to its widespread use and resistance to degradation. The development of effective and efficient removal technologies is crucial to mitigate its long-term impacts. In this study, we present a novel approach to address the growing concern of emerging contaminants, particularly...
TiO 2 Co x O y composite nanotube arrays via one step electrochemical anodization for visible light–induced photocatalytic reaction
PublikacjaTiO2CoxOy (x = 1, y = 1 or x = 3, y = 4) composite photocatalysts have been synthesized via one step anodic anodization of TiCo alloys. The effects of the cobalt content in the alloy (5, 10 and 15 wt%), water content (2, 5 and 10%) in the electrolyte solution, and applied voltage (30, 40 and 50 V) during the anodization process on the morphology and surface properties. Additionally, the dependence of cobalt content in the nanotubes...
Electrophoretic Deposition and Characterization of Chitosan/Eudragit E 100 Coatings on Titanium Substrate
PublikacjaCurrently, a significant problem is the production of coatings for titanium implants, which will be characterized by mechanical properties comparable to those of a human bone, high corrosion resistance, and low degradation rate in the body fluids. This paper aims to describe the properties of novel chitosan/Eudragit E 100 (chit/EE100) coatings deposited on titanium grade 2 substrate by the electrophoretic technique (EPD). The deposition...
Environmentally Friendly Fabrication of High-Efficient Fe-ZnO/Citric Acid-Modified Cellulose Composite and the Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity in the Presence of H2O2
PublikacjaIn the present study, a novel Fe-ZnO/citric acid-modified cellulose composite (x%Fe-ZnOy% CAC) was synthesized using an environmentally friendly hydrothermal method. The obtained samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV−vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nitrogen physisorption, and electrochemical and photocurrent density...
Analysis of the influence of polystyrene microplastics and their derivatives on the DNA of human colon epithelial cells HT29 with the comet assay
PublikacjaWe have been using plastic for almost a century and nowadays a lot of them circulates as pollutants in the environment and still defragmenting to micro and nanoscale. The exposition through the food chain and its precise impact on human health is still not clear. In our study, we tested real food packaging after contact with food products and real thermoinsulation and environmental samples of polystyrene in different model liquids,...
Electrochemical Oxidation of Selected Micropollutants from Environment Matrices Using Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes: Process Efficiency and Transformation Product Detection
PublikacjaBisphenol A (BPA) and diclofenac (DCF) are among the most prevalent micropollutants in aquatic environments, with concentrations reaching up to several hundred μg/L. These compounds pose significant risks to biodiversity and environmental health, necessitating the development of effective removal methods. However, both BPA and DCF can be resistant to conventional treatment technologies, highlighting the need for innovative approaches....
DETERMINATION OF SURFACTANTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES - PART I. CATIONIC COMPOUNDS = Oznaczanie Surfaktantów W Próbkach Środowiskowych. Część I. Związki Kationowe
PublikacjaCompounds from the group of cationic surfactants are widely applied in household, industrial, cleaning, disinfectant, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products as their specific properties (antimicrobial, emulsifying, anticorrosion, softening). After use, cationic surfactants are disposed to wastewater-treatment plants and finally with effluent water to surface waters due to their incomplete degradation. Moreover, they can freely circulate...
Biopolyols obtained via crude glycerol-based liquefaction of cellulose: their structural, rheological and thermal characterization
PublikacjaIn this work lignocellulose biomass liquefaction was used to produce biopolyols suitable for the manufacturing of rigid polyurethane foams. In order to better evaluate the mechanism of the process, pure cellulose was applied as a raw material. The effect of time and temperature on the effectiveness of liquefaction and the parameters of resulting biopolyols were characterized. The prepared materials were analyzed in terms of their...
Comprehensive determination of flavouring additives and nicotine in e-cigarette refill solutions. Part II: Gas-chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis
PublikacjaFlavouring compounds are an essential part of e-liquid products for cigarettes. In general, they are regarded as safe for ingestion, but they may have unrecognized risks when they are inhaled. In some cases, manufactures do not currently abide by the Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU) and do not declare the detailed contents of e-liquids on their labels. To help evaluate the health impact of flavouring substances, there is...
The Corporate Museum: A New Type of Museum Created as a Component of Marketing Company
PublikacjaA new type of museum appeared – the corporate museum. The museum institution in this instance has been used as a new marketing device for building corporate identity strategies. Their inception is not based on the existing context of a place, but appears to be integrated with the corporate identity program, exposing the company’s values and philosophy. The corporate museums are thematic, commercial buildings, owned by a particular...
Przegląd metod monitorowania stanu technicznego tranzystorów mocy
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono kilka metod monitorowania stanu technicznego tranzystorów mocy, które są lub mogą być wbudowane w układy przekształtnikowe. Celem artykułu jest określenie aktualnego stanu badań na ten temat. Prezentowane metody przeznaczone są do monitorowania istotnych objawów starzenia modułów mocy: rozwarstwiania struktury modułu na skutek termomechanicznego zmęczenia stopu lutowniczego, uszkodzeń połączeń drutowych...
Ocena wpływu pokarmowych kwasów nukleinowych i ich komponentów na replikacyjną i naprawczą syntezę DNA w modelach komórek ludzkiego układu pokarmowego
PublikacjaKwasy nukleinowe, do których należą DNA i RNA, są podstawowymi elementami każdej komórki niezbędnymi do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu. Pomimo, że cząsteczki te stanowią również nieodłączne składniki produktów żywnościowych spożywanych przez człowieka, to badania na temat ich zawartości w żywności oraz wartości odżywczej są ograniczone. Wyniki uzyskane w niniejszej pracy doktorskiej pokazały istotne różnice w ilości, wielkości...
Conducting polymers for biodegradable metallic implants
PublikacjaNowadays permanent metallic cardiovascular stents are long-term implants. The long-time presence of such an implant in human body can cause overgrowth of tissue within the treated portion of the vessel, blockage of the circulatory system and many other clinical complications, such as thrombosis, prolonged physical irritations or chronic inflammation. Therefore, in recent years, there is an interest to create biodegradable metallic...
TiO2 /SrTiO3 and SrTiO3 microspheres decorated with Rh, Ru or Pt nanoparticles: Highly UV–vis responsible photoactivity and mechanism
PublikacjaA series of TiO2/SrTiO3 and SrTiO3 microspheres decorated by Rh, Ru or Pt NPs were prepared by facile hydrothermal method. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with energy-dispersive Xray (EDX) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence spectrometry (PL), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and...
Smoking: Traditional
PublikacjaSmoking, drying, and salting belong to the oldest methods of food preservation. Meat hung by the fire was preserved by a combination of drying and smoking. Often the raw material was first pickled in brine. In different regions of the world various procedures have been developed, best suited for treating meats and fish for specific purposes. Smoking extended the shelf life and imparted very desirable, new sensory properties to...
Thermoplastic elastomer filaments and their application In 3D printig
PublikacjaThe paper provides an overview on the materials used in the 3D printing technology (the Polish and foreign market) with a particular focus on flexible filaments and their possible application in the industry. There are described the techniques of 3D printing and modern filaments available on the market. There is observed the increase of interest in the production of products from filaments based on thermoplastic elastomers (TPE),...
The effect of processing on the safety and nutritional value
PublikacjaAgricultural crops as well as animal food raw materials are usually somehow processed before being used by humans. Processing should make them more useful, increase their safety and nutritional value, extend the shelf life, and modify the sensory properties. However, changes and interactions of various compounds in the conditions of processing may generate products toxic or otherwise unsafe for the human organism. The food industry...
Towards Safety Case Integration with Hazard Analysis for Medical Devices
PublikacjaSafety case is one of system safety lifecycle products and should be consistent with other lifecycle products like hazard analysis results. In this paper we present a method of safety case integration with hazard tables based on the use of parametrized argument patterns. We describe a hazard table metamodel, a safety argument pattern and a mechanism of pattern instantiation using a linking table which represents references to system...
Environmental Risk Assessment of WWII Shipwreck pollution
PublikacjaThe pollution of the sea is a global problem that has arisen as a consequence of the industrialization of the world and the intense transportation of crude oil and the products of its refinement. As sailing vessels were replaced by motor propelled ships towards the end of the 19th century, a new source of sea water pollution came into being. Every emergency involving a tanker carrying crude oil and its products is a potential source...
Developing Materials for Biodegradable Otolaryngological Stents
PublikacjaMaterials for otolaryngological stents have to be characterized by good tensile strength, wear resistance, biocompatibility, and specific degradation time. This work aimed to synthesize polyurethanes based on various biodegradable polyol blends. Their biodegradability and mechanical properties were tested and compared to commercial BIOFLEX material.
Influence of anisotropic stiffness in numerical analyses of tunneling and excavation problems in stiff soils
PublikacjaIn the stiff overconsolidated soil deposits anisotropy influences small and intermediate strain stiffness and hence it has important impact on the results of discplacement preditcions in soil-structure modelling. The authors developed a cross-anisotropic soil model which combines both stress dependent and micro-structural anisotropy. The model is based on the anisotropic hyperelastic kernel for small strain stiffness. Reference...
An Influence of Factors of Flow Condition, Particle and Material Properties on Slurry Erosion Resistance
PublikacjaThe degradation of materials due to slurry erosion is the serious problem which occurs in the power industries. The paper presents actual knowledge about an influence of individual factors connected with flow conditions, particles and material properties on the slurry erosion resistance. Among the factors connected with operating conditions, an influence of impact angle, and velocity of impact, particle concertation and liquid...
Ciprofloxacin-modified degradable hybrid polyurethane-polylactide porous scaffolds developed for potential use as an antibacterial scaffold for regeneration of skin
PublikacjaThe aim of the performed study was to fabricate an antibacterial and degradable scaffold that may be used in the field of skin regeneration. To reach the degradation criterion for the biocompatible polyurethane (PUR), obtained by using amorphous α,ω-dihydroxy(ethylene-butylene adipate) macrodiol (PEBA), was used and processed with so-called “fast-degradable” polymer polylactide (PLA) (5 or 10 wt %). To meet the antibacterial requirement...
Preliminary investigations of effect of conditions of FCAW process on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublikacjaOne of the types of hydrogen degradation of steel welded joints is cold cracking. The direct cause of the formation of cold cracks is simultaneous presence of hydrogen, residual stresses and brittle structure. The way of preventing the occurring of degradation is to eliminate at least one of these factors. Practice has shown that the best solution is to control the amount of hydrogen in deposited metal. In this paper the state...
Ag/Pt-modified TiO2 nanoparticles for toluene photooxidation in the gas phase
PublikacjaAg/Pt-modified TiO2nanocomposites were synthesized using the sol–gel method. The effect of metal typeand amount as well as synthesis route on the photocatalytic activity in reaction of toluene removal, usedas a model volatile organic compound, was investigated. Toluene, at the concentration of about 200 ppm,was irradiated over modified TiO2using light-emitting diodes (LEDs, max= 415 nm). The results showedthat toluene could be...
Environmental Fate of Two Psychiatric Drugs, Diazepam and Sertraline: Phototransformation and Investigation of their Photoproducts in Natural Waters
PublikacjaExperimental studies were conducted to investigate the photodegradation of diazepam and sertraline, two of the most frequently used psychiatric drugs, induced by xenon lamp irradiation, which overlap the sunlight spectra, and natural sunlight. Degradation kinetics was established indicating the occurrence of autocatalytic reactions. The application of liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry...
Numerical assessment of ultimate strength of severe corroded stiffened plates
PublikacjaThe objective of this work is to investigate numerically (using the non-linear FEM and the approach stipulated by the Common Structural Rules) the severe nonuniform corrosion degradation effect on the ultimate strength of stiffened plates and compare the results to the already published experimental works. Different factors governing structural behavior of corroded stiffened plates are investigated, such as corrosion degradation level,...
Monitoring Steel Bolted Joints during a Monotonic Tensile Test Using Linear and Nonlinear Lamb Wave Methods: A Feasibility Study
PublikacjaThe structural integrity of steel bolted joints may be compromised due to excessive loading. Therefore, condition assessment and the detection of potential defects before they cause a failure have become a major issue. The paper is focused on the condition monitoring of a bolted lap joint subjected to progressive degradation in a tensile test. The inspection used Lamb waves propagated through the overlap area. Wave propagation...
Design of experiments approach for ultimate strength assessment of corroded stiffened plates
PublikacjaThe impact of corrosion degradation on the ultimate strength of stiffened plates subjected to compressive loading is investigated. The DoE technique is used considering different plate and column slenderness ratios and corrosion severity. The FE method, considering geometrical and material nonlinearities, is employed. A two-stage corrosion degradation model is adopted. Firstly, a uniform thickness loss is adopted to reflect the...
Non-metaldoped TiO2 nanotube arrays for high efficiency photocatalytic decomposition of organic species in water
PublikacjaTitanium dioxide is a well-known photoactive semiconductor with a variety of possible applications. The procedure of pollutant degradation is mainly performed using TiO2 powder suspension. It can also be exploited an immobilized catalyst on a solid support. Morphology and chemical doping have a great influence on TiO2 activity under illumination. Here we compare photoactivity of titania nanotube arrays doped with non-metal atoms:...
The effect of long-term service at elevated temperatures on structure and mechanical properties of Cr-Mo-V steel
PublikacjaPurpose: of this paper is to reveal the microstructural changes in 13HMF steel exposed to long-term service at elevated temperatures. The degradation of bainite structure was determined and carbides morphology has been examined. The influence of carbides evolution was discussed in dependence of creep rupture strength and mechanical properties of the steel.
Diagnosis of marine internal combustion engines by means of rapidly variable temperature and composition of exhaust gas as an alternative or support for currently used diagnostic methods
PublikacjaThe article points out relevance of parametric diagnostics of ship engines and analyzes the state of research in this field. A method is proposed for diagnosing engine systems on the basis of rapidly variable exhaust temperature while measuring its composition. A method for determining diagnoser tools from the signal within one engine cycle and mathematical and statistical treatment of test results is presented. The products of...
A Semiautomatic Experience-Based Tool for Solving Product Innovation Problem
PublikacjaIn this paper we present the idea of Smart Innovation Engineering (SIE) System and its implementation methodology. The SIE system is semi-automatic system that helps in carrying the process of product innovation. It collects the experiential knowledge from the formal decisional events. This experiential knowledge is collected from the group of similar products having some common functions and features. The SIE system behaves like...
Pre-treatment of bio fraction waste prior to fermentation processes
PublikacjaCurrent efforts are taken to increase resource efficiency, close material loops, and improve sustainable waste and by-products management. Thus, networking agro-food by-products and converting them into valuable products completely exhausting the potential of the raw material becomes significant. Model lignocellulosic and starch based biomass were subjected to pre-treatment with the application of acidic compounds, i.e. sulphuric...
Polyurethane Glycerolysate as a Modifier of the Properties of Natural Rubber Mixtures and Vulcanizates
PublikacjaChemical recycling of polyurethanes can be realized in several different ways, but the most important methods are glycolysis and glycerolysis. Both methods permit recovery of polyols (when the process is realized with the mass excess of depolymerizing agent) or substitutes of polyols, which contain urethane moieties in the main chains and terminate mainly in hydroxyl groups (when the process is realized with the mass excess of...