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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ZIELONY DACH

  • New concept and analysis of the multicell piezoelectric motor


    - Rok 2018

    This work presents the design, modeling and tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). A new concept of the electromechanical structure of the considered prototype is based on three rotating-mode actuators. The electromechanical structure of each actuator has been considered as an independent one - referred to as a ”single cell” (single actuator). Combined three resonant actuators generate three traveling waves...

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  • Histaminol and Its Complexes with Copper(II) - Studies in Solid State and Solution



    Histaminol [4(5)-(B-hydroxyethyl)imidazole, 4-(1H-imidazol-2-yl)ethanol, L] is an analogue of histamine and its minor metabolite. So far its properties have not been studied in detail due to the synthetic difficulties. Here, the structure and acid-base properties of histaminol, as well as the results of studies on its copper(II) complexes in solid state and aqueous solution are reported. Stability constants of the histaminol–CuII...

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  • Impact of Initial Population on Evolutionary Path Planning Algorithm


    In this paper an impact of initial population on evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal shippaths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Four tests are performed....

  • Numerical estimation of the pile toe and shaft unit resistances during the installation process in sands


    Numerical simulations of a pile jacking were carried out. A Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian (CEL) formulation was used to treat with large deformation problems. An Abaqus, a commercial Finite Element Method software suit, was used as a computing environment. The Mohr–Coulomb constitutive model was applied and the Coulomb model of friction was used to describe pile-soil interaction. Calculations were made for three different pile diameters....

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  • Factors Affecting the Rheological Properties of Foods


    - Rok 2023

    In this chapter, engineering aspects concerning real body mechanics and the impact of respective food ingredients on said properties are presented together. Food is a complex matrix and each of macro and micro ingredients plays its role in the formation of rheologic properties, and minor changes in the basic ingredient structure may affect the change of these properties significantly. Basic analytic techniques are presented for...

  • Chosen Analysis Results Of The Prototype Multicell Piezoelectric Motor

    This paper presents the design, modeling and tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). A new concept of the electromechanical structure of the considered prototype is based on three rotating-mode actuators. The electromechanical structure of each actuator has been considered as an independent one - referred to as a “single cell” (single actuator). Combined three resonant actuators generate three traveling waves...

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  • A method of determination of electrical conduction mechanisms in complex amorphous materials

    A novel approach to determine conduction mechanisms in complex amorphous materials was presented and tested on a real system. In the first step of the presented method, total electrical admittance of the material is analyzed in order to separate a couple of processes, each of which can be described by Jonscher's universal dielectric response. In the following step, a temperature dependence of dielectric response parameters of the...

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  • Radio Simulcasting at a Glance: a New Look at Broadcasting and Streaming Services


    - Rok 2018

    Radio is by far one of the most popular and accessible medium. With its availability it attracts listeners all around the world. There are numerous ways of delivering content to consumers. The present situation is characterized by the convergence of acoustics, computer science and telecommunications. This paper reviews the current status of radio broadcasting and streaming services. It describes a subjective study concerning different...

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  • Problems and Solutions of Software Design in Scrum Projects

    The aim of the paper is to identify the problems and solutions of the software design in Scrum project as well as to analyze the effectiveness of the solutions. Through a series of workshops with 4 experts from IT industry and academia we have identified 52 problems and 99 unique solutions. In this paper we present a list of 10 common problems and 5 solutions for each problem selected by the number of sources. The effectiveness...

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  • Selected properties and parameters of radio channel impulse response estimation in ISM 2.4 GHz band


    - Proceedings of SPIE - Rok 2019

    The article presents experimental research indicating that the impulse response of the communication channel, determined in practice, are not of an universal character, but only represent its approximate value for the frequency on which this measurement was made. Phases for each of the replicas of the measurement signal were determined during the analysis of the received signals in the baseband. Phase changes of individual replicas...

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  • Analiza ograniczeń technologicznych systemów lokalizacji inercyjnej


    - Rok 2014

    W artykule opisano kluczowe ograniczenia technologiczne zmniejszające dokładność inercyjnych systemów lokalizacyjnych. Każdy z czynników został przedstawiony w kontekście swego źródła oraz wpływu na proces lokalizacyjny. Dodatkowo w artykule zawarto opis metod kompensacji błędów występujących w procesie lokalizacji inercyjnej. W treści artykułu analizie poddano rozwiązania obecne w systemach lokalizacji inercyjnej dla wolno poruszających...

  • P-674 Automatizing ovarian follicle counting and measurement with artificial intelligence

    • P. Wygocki
    • M. Ulfig
    • M. Wrochna
    • A. Zapała
    • M. Zieleń
    • U. Sankowska
    • K. Zieliński
    • N. Gajewska
    • D. Drzyzga
    • P. Sankowski
    • K. Zieliński


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  • Ekstrakcja do fazy stałej niejedno ma imię

    W czasach, gdy we wszystkich przejawach aktywności człowieka trzeba się odnieść do przesłanek leżących u podstaw zrównoważonego rozwoju trudno jest uzasadnić stosowanie w praktyce analitycznej takich procedur i operacji, które pociągają za sobą konieczność:użycia dużych ilości rozpuszczalników i odczynników chemicznychdużych nakładów energii czy też przyczyniają się do wzrostu ekspozycji pracowników laboratoriów na niekorzystne...

  • Synteza bio-cyklicznych węglanów z wykorzystaniem oligoeteroli różniących się masą molową


    - Rok 2019

    Cykliczne węglany mogą być otrzymywane w wyniku cykloaddycji CO2 do eterów glicydylowych. Biorąc pod uwagę stopniowe wyczerpywanie się, a co za tym idzie, zauważalny wzrost cen substratów ropopochodnych należy wziąć pod uwagę zastąpienie surowców petrochemicznych przez związki pochodzenia naturalnego. Ponadto, wykorzystanie CO2 przyczynić się może do rozwoju perspektyw utylizacji tego gazu w syntezach organicznych. Otrzymanie węglanów...

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  • Autorska opinia dotycząca oddziaływania na krajobraz fragmentu obwodnicy Metropolii Trójmiejskiej Województwo Pomorskie, gmina Żukowo i Kolbudy - obszar pomiędzy węzłami "Lublewo" a "Żukowo" (ew. "Lniska"), rejon miejscowości Niestępowo, Sulmin, Widlino, Łapino Kartuskie)


    Poniższa opinia dotyczy niewielkiego obszaru pomiędzy miejscowościami Niestępowo, Sulmin, Widlino, Łapino Kartuskie, przez który ma przebiegać obwodnica Metropolii Trójmiejskiej, planowana przez GDDKiA. Obszar ten znajduje się na pograniczu dwóch gmin: Żukowo i Kolbudy. Przedmiotem opinii jest oddziaływanie na krajobraz czterech wariantów Obwodnicy Metropolii Trójmiejskiej, zaproponowanych przez GDDKiA: IA, IIA, IIB, i III. Zakres...

  • Wodór jako paliwo cz. 1


    W artykule przedstawiono wodór jako nowoczesny nośnik energii oraz jego zastosowanie techniczne w ujęciu konwersji energii. Przybliżono jego odkrycie, właściwości oraz jego wykorzystanie od odkrycia do współczesności. Dokonano opisu budowy i zasady działania ogniw paliwowych. Omówiono ich podział przedstawiając zalety i wady każdego rozwiązania oraz ich zastosowanie techniczne w zależności od typu ogniwa.

  • Mobilny system do detekcji obiektów ferromagnetycznych z magnetometrami pompowanymi optycznie


    W pracy przedstawiono mobilny system do detekcji obiektów ferromagnetycznych. Każdy obiekt ferromagnetyczny zaburza w swoim otoczeniu równomierność pola magnetycznego Ziemi. Zaburzenie to może być zmierzone za pomocą precyzyjnych magnetometrów. W prezentowanym mobilnym systemie zastosowano magnetometry pompowane optycznie pracujące w układzie różnicowym. W pracy opisano magnetometryczny system do detekcji obiektów ferromagnetycznych,...

  • Comparing phylogenetic trees using a minimum weight perfect matching


    - Rok 2008

    A phylogenetic tree represents historical evolutionary relationshipbetween different species or organisms. There are various methods for reconstructing phylogenetic trees.Applying those techniques usually results in different treesfor the same input data. An important problem is to determinehow distant two trees reconstructed in such a wayare from each other. Comparing phylogenetic trees is alsouseful in mining phylogenetic information...

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  • Legislation and Practice of Selected State Aid Issues, According to EU and Polish Law


    - Rok 2022

    The dataset encompasses several tables, each consisting of three elements: legislation, jurisprudence and scientific articles on numerous subjects and economic activities receiving public financial support in the form of state aid instruments. The set includes a subjective list of the most commonly used and/or disputable examples of granting aid, such as for (local) airports and airlines, steel production, shipyards, and coalmines....

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  • A history of the physical and chemical stability of pharmaceuticals : a review

    : There is a great need for a broad range review of stability tests of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in comparison with current requirements contained in the pharmacopoeia. This review focuses on a pharmaceutical history of physical and chemical stability determination. Traditional knowledge must be considered in the context of physical stability, while new knowledge must be applied and acquired in terms of identification...

  • Towards semantic-rich word embeddings


    - Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems - Rok 2019

    In recent years, word embeddings have been shown to improve the performance in NLP tasks such as syntactic parsing or sentiment analysis. While useful, they are problematic in representing ambiguous words with multiple meanings, since they keep a single representation for each word in the vocabulary. Constructing separate embeddings for meanings of ambiguous words could be useful for solving the Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)...

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  • A Population-Based Method with Selection of a Search Operator


    - Rok 2020

    This paper presents a method based on a population in which the parameters of individuals can be processed by operators from various population-based algorithms. The mechanism of selecting operators is based on the introduction of an additional binary parameters vector located in each individual, on the basis of which it is decided which operators are to be used to modify individuals’ parameters. Thus, in the proposed approach,...

  • Positron binding to alkali-metal hydrides: The role of molecular vibrations

    • F. Gianturco
    • J. Franz
    • R. Buenker
    • H. Liebermann
    • L. Pichl
    • J. Rost
    • M. Tachikawa
    • M. Kimura

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2006

    The bound vibrational levels for J=0 have been computed for the series of alkali-metal hydride molecules from LiH to RbH, including NaH and KH. For all four molecules the corresponding potential-energy curves have been obtained for each isolated species and for its positron-bound complex (e+XH). It is found that the calculated positron affinity values strongly depend on the molecular vibrational state for which they are obtained...

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  • Common methods for the chiral determination of amphetamine and related compounds I. Gas, liquid and thin-layer chromatography

    This article reviews the most common, useful methods for the chiral determination of amphetamine (AM) and AM-deriveddesigner drugs in different of matrix, including blood, hair, urine, medicaments or standard solutions, taking into considerationarticles published in the past 15 years. We consider chromatographic methods (e.g., gas, liquid, high-performance liquid, and thinlayer). We describe several types of chiral derivatization...

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  • Simultaneous grouping and ranking with combination of SOM and TOPSIS for selection of preferable analytical procedure for furan determination in food

    Novel methodology for grouping and ranking with application of self-organizing maps and multicriteria decision analysis is presented. The dataset consists of 22 objects that are analytical procedures applied to furan determination in food samples. They are described by 10 variables, referred to their analytical performance, environmental and economic aspects. Multivariate statistics analysis allows to limit the amount of input...

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  • The trajectories of the financial crisis of companies at risk of bankruptcy

    This article concerns the assessment of the trajectory of the collapse of enterprises in Central Europe. The author has developed a model of a Kohonen artificial neural network. This model was used to determine 6 different classes of risk and was allowed to graphically determine the 5- to 10-year trajectory of going bankrupt. The study used data on 140 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. This population was divided into...

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  • Acoustic journal bearing – Performance under various load and speed conditions speed conditions

    The paper presents results of experimental testing aiming at finding out what effect system of piezo-electric actuators (PZTs)attached to an aerodynamic journal bearing has on the magnitude of shaft's motion within the bearing operating at specified speed and load. The results clearly demonstrate effectiveness of PZTs in mitigating the shaft's motion thus contributing to the increased stability of the bearing. This stabilizing...

  • Searching for Critical Conditions During Lifeboat Launching – Simulations

    The article describes numerical simulations of the process of lifeboat launching at the ship’s side. The research is aimed at finding the values of ship motion parameters which appear to be most dangerous for people in the lowered lifeboat due to the generated accelerations. The simplified model of ship hull motion adopted at this research stage bases on a superposition of harmonic motions with given amplitudes and periods in six...

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  • Identification of Bodner-Partom Viscoplastic Model Parameters for Some Aluminum Alloys at Elevated Temperature

    The paper presents the identification process of inelastic (viscoplastic) properties for two aluminum alloys at a temperature of 120°C. The material parameters are calculated on the basis of uniaxial tension tests. Twelve tests at elevated temperature for each alloy have been performed—three tests for four different strain rates. The main purpose of the paper is to identify the Bodner-Partom viscoplastic model parameters for two...

  • Uniform Model Interface for Assurance Case Integration with System Models


    - Rok 2017

    Assurance cases are developed and maintained in parallel with corresponding system models and therefore need to reference each other. Managing the correctness and consistency of interrelated safety argument and system models is essential for system dependability and is a nontrivial task. The model interface presented in this paper enables a uniform process of establishing and managing assurance case references to various types...

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  • Bounds on the vertex-edge domination number of a tree



    A vertex-edge dominating set of a graph $G$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every edge of $G$ is incident with a vertex of $D$ or a vertex adjacent to a vertex of $D$. The vertex-edge domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma_{ve}(T)$, is the minimum cardinality of a vertex-edge dominating set of $G$. We prove that for every tree $T$ of order $n \ge 3$ with $l$ leaves and $s$ support vertices we have $(n-l-s+3)/4...

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  • Adaptive Method of Raster Images Compression and Examples of Its Applications in the Transport Telematic Systems


    The paper presents a concept and exemplary application of an adaptive method of compression of raster images which may be applied, i.a. in ITS systems. The described method allows to improve the efficiency of systems belonging to ITS category, which require transmission of large volumes of image data through telecommunications networks. The concept of the adaptive method of compression of raster images described in the paper uses...

  • Impact of Initial Population on Evolutionary Path Planning Algorithm


    In this paper an impact of initial population on evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Four tests are performed....

  • Methods of Tire Rolling Resistance Measurements


    Tire rolling resistance is one of the factors related to tire/road interaction that has important influence on road vehicles performance. Raising fuel price and increased concern related to the environmental changes result in growing interest in reduction of tire rolling resistance that influences fuel consumption, especially in free-flowing highway traffic with moderate speeds. There are several methods of tire rolling resistance measurements....

  • A Reputation Scheme to Discourage Selfish QoS Manipulation in Two-Hop Wireless Relay Networks


    - Rok 2018

    In wireless networks, stations can improve their received quality of service (QoS) by handling packets of source flows with higher priority. Additionally, in cooperative relay networks, the relays can handle transit flows with lower priority. We use game theory to model a two-hop relay network where each of the two involved stations can commit such selfish QoS manipulation. We design and evaluate a reputation-based incentive scheme...

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  • Publicly available lecture webcasts - e-learning or promotion tool? case study


    - Rok 2011

    This paper aims to show how universities interact with Internet users by webcasting selected courses. Paper has exploratory case-study character, presenting example of Berkeley Webcast initiative of University of California, Berkeley, webcasting undergraduate courses and on-campus events. On the base of short introduction to webcasting usage as an e-learning and promotional tool, the analysis of 3 purposely chosen different courses...

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  • Renewable Resources for Polyurethanes and Polyurethane Composites: A Review

    Each year, more than two million tons of polyurethane is produced in the EU by reacting isocyanates with polyols made from fossil fuel. In addition, there are appreciable quantities of petroleum based functional additives applied in the industry nowadays for both polyols and polyurethane materials. It is therefore of key importance to develop sustainable economically viable polyols with enhanced functionalities, and thereby reducing...

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  • Generation of large finite-element matrices on multiple graphics processors

    This paper presents techniques for generating very large finite-element matrices on a multicore workstation equipped with several graphics processing units (GPUs). To overcome the low memory size limitation of the GPUs, and at the same time to accelerate the generation process, we propose to generate the large sparse linear systems arising in finite-element analysis in an iterative manner on several GPUs and to use the graphics...

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  • Bounds on the Cover Time of Parallel Rotor Walks


    - Rok 2014

    The rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node maintains a cyclic ordering of its outgoing arcs, and successively propagates walkers which visit it along its outgoing arcs in...

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  • Reverberation divergence in VR applications


    The aim of this project was to investigate the correlation between virtual reality (VR) imagery and ambisonic sound. With the increasing popularity of VR applications, understanding how sound is perceived in virtual environments is crucial for enhancing the immersiveness of the experience. By examining the relationship between visual scenes and sound scenes, this research attempts to explore how the interaction between vision and...

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  • Impact of AlphaFold on structure prediction of protein complexes: The CASP15‐CAPRI experiment

    • M. F. Lensink
    • G. Brysbaert
    • N. Raouraoua
    • P. A. Bates
    • M. Giulini
    • R. V. Honorato
    • C. van Noort
    • J. S. Teixeira
    • A. M. J. J. Bonvin
    • R. Kong... i 103 innych


    We present the results for CAPRI Round 54, the 5th joint CASP-CAPRI protein assembly prediction challenge. The Round offered 37 targets, including 14 homodimers, 3 homo-trimers, 13 heterodimers including 3 antibody–antigen complexes, and 7 large assemblies. On average 70 CASP and CAPRI predictor groups, including more than 20 automatics servers, submitted models for each target. A total of 21 941 models submitted by these groups...

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  • Research of Emergency Modes of Wind Power Plants Using Computer Simulation

    • M. Z. Qawaqzeh
    • O. Miroshnyk
    • T. Shchur
    • R. Kasner
    • A. Idzikowski
    • W. Kruszelnicka
    • A. Tomporowski
    • P. Bałdowska-Witos
    • J. Flizikowski
    • M. Zawada
    • K. Doerffer

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The aim of this study is to investigate changes in the wind power plant energy production parameters under the conditions of sudden wind changes and voltage drop. To achieve these goals, a simulation of operation of wind power plants was performed. Twelve wind turbines with variable rotational speed equipped with a Fuhrländer FL 2500/104 asynchronous double-fed induction generator (DFIG) were used, each with an installed capacity...

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  • Electromagnetic Field Associated With Dermoscope Magnets May Affect the Safety of Cardiac Implanted Electronic Devices Patients

    • G. Sławiński
    • M. Sławińska
    • Z. Usarek
    • M. Sobjanek
    • M. Kempa
    • A. Liżewska-Springer
    • E. Lewicka
    • R. J. Nowicki
    • G. Raczak

    - Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine - Rok 2021

    Dermoscopy is currently used as an auxiliary tool in general dermatology. Since some commercially available dermoscopes have built-in magnets, electromagnetic interference (EMI) may occur when examining cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) patients. The aim of the study was to create maps of electromagnetic fields defining a safe distance in terms of EMI. The study was performed in laboratory conditions using measuring...

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  • Two bacterial small heat shock proteins, IbpA and IbpB, form a functional heterodimer



    Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are a conserved class of ATP-independent chaperones which in stress conditions bind to unfolded protein substrates and prevent their irreversible aggregation. Substrates trapped in sHsps-containing aggregates are efficiently refolded into native structures by ATP-dependent Hsp70 and Hsp100 chaperones. Most γ-proteobacteria possess a single sHsp (IbpA), while in a subset of Enterobacterales, as...

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  • UAV Photogrammetry under Poor Lighting Conditions—Accuracy Considerations


    The use of low-level photogrammetry is very broad, and studies in this field are conducted in many aspects. Most research and applications are based on image data acquired during the day, which seems natural and obvious. However, the authors of this paper draw attention to the potential and possible use of UAV photogrammetry during the darker time of the day. The potential of night-time images has not been yet widely recognized,...

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  • Compact Quasi-Elliptic-Type Inline Waveguide Bandpass Filters With Nonlinear Frequency-Variant Couplings


    This work presents the design techniques to synthesize a class of compact inline quasi-elliptic-type waveguide cavity bandpass filters based on novel nonlinear frequency-variant couplings (NFVCs). These highly dispersive frequency-variant couplings (FVCs) are realized by means of a pair of partial-height posts that are placed at the junctions between every two cavity resonators. Each NFVC produces a transmission pole in between...

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  • Reverberation divergence in VR applications

    This project aimed to investigate the correlation between virtual reality (VR) imagery and ambisonic sound. With the increasing popularity of VR applications, understanding how sound is perceived in virtual environments is crucial for enhancing the immersiveness of the experience. In the experiment, participants were immersed in a virtual environment that replicated a concert hall. Their task was to assess the correspondence between...

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    Artykuł prezentuje koncepcję budowy uniwersalnego scenariusza gry fabularnej, która pomaga zbudować zaangażowanie wśród studentów uczelni technicznych. Jednym ze sposobów na wzmożenie motywacji w procesie uczenia się jest gamifikacja. Gdy gamifikacja wspiera proces nauczania często tworzone są modele tematycznie związane z problematyką danego przedmiotu. Scenariusz proponowanej gry jest uniwersalny i można go wykorzystać w ramach...

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  • Budownictwo ogólne w ujęciu tradycyjnym


    - Rok 2019

    Budownictwo jest od najdawniejszych czasów niezwykle ważną i dynamicznie rozwijającą się dziedziną działalności człowieka. Stanowi istotną gałąź wiedzy praktycznej z zakresu inżynierii lądowej, której znajomość jest niezbędna w procesie projektowania i wznoszenia otaczających nas konstrukcji. To nauka interdyscyplinarna, korzystająca z wiedzy trzech podstawowych dyscyplin: mechaniki budowli, materiałoznawstwa oraz fizyki budowli....

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  • Materiały stosowane do wytwarzania implantów kości


    Materiały stosowane do wytwarzania implantów kostnych muszą być biokompatybilne, nietoksyczne, bioaktywne oraz wykazywać odpowiednie właściwości mechaniczne, takie jak wytrzymałość na ściskanie, na zginanie oraz sztywność i twardość. Gama stosowanych materiałów jest bardzo szeroka, obejmuje metale, polimery, ceramikę oraz ich kompozyty. Każdy z tych materiałów ma swoje mocne i słabe strony. Praca stanowi przegląd materiałów stosowanych...

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