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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: assistive technology



    Wireless power transfer technology is becoming widespread in last few years. In comparison to conventional solutions this technology can significantly increase maintainability and safety of charging systems. From the other side there are list of factors that limit efficiency of wireless systems. One of them is low coupling between coils caused by comparably high leakage inductance in comparison to regular transformer.

  • Implementing decisional trust: a first approach for smart reliable systems



    In this article, we introduce the necessary elements that must be integrated in order to achieve a decisional technology that is trustworthy. Thus, we refer to such technology as decisional trust. For us, decisional trust can be achieved through the use of elements such as the decisional DNA, reflexive ontologies, and security models; and therefore, we present in this article a framework that was used for the implementation of...

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  • Dubbletten.


    - Rok 2007

    W pracy przedstawiono nowoczesne rozwiązanie oczyszczania ścieków bytowych z zastosowaniem toalet separujących DUBBLETTEN. Innowacyjność tej technologii dotyczy całości rezultatu, ponieważ w sposób alternatywny dla stosowanych rozwiązań zapewnia kompleksowe rozwiązanie problemów związanych z oczyszczaniem ścieków oraz zagospodarowaniem osadów. W tradycyjnych oczyszczalniach ścieków przede wszystkim oczyszcza się ścieki, natomiast...

  • eMocje związane z eNauczaniem


    - Pismo PG - Rok 2013

    Ludzie od najdawniejszych czasów mieli określone prawa i zwyczaje, oparte na właściwych im systemach wierzeń i wartości, według których starali się żyć. Żaden, nawet najbardziej złożony, system wartości nie jest jednak stały. System widzenia świata, podstawowych wartości, struktur społecznych i politycznych ulega cyklicznie głębokim przemianom. Wielu badaczy twierdzi, że wystarczy upływ pięćdziesięciu lat, aby przeorganizować...

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  • Evaluation of open drone map toolkit for geodetic grade aerial drone mapping – case study


    - Rok 2017

    An open source tool’s popularity has increased considerably, as well as micro aerial vehicles (MAV) technologies based on open source hardware. An open source software and hardware delivers a wide variety of applications and technology. The world’s most successful open source projects have their roots in the academy, and now its participation includes a wide variety of academic programs and research. Based on open source technology,...

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  • Visualization of Spatial Issues in Adobe Acrobat 3D PDF

    The ability to capture and embed model information in a 3D PDF file and subsequently share it for free is highly needed in the education of descriptive geometry. The described technology and in particular inserting 3D models into the other files can improve the existing teaching materials. The strongest point of 3D PDF technology is that the model can be visualized and manipulated in multiple ways by viewers which enhance the...

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  • Chłodzenie zdalaczynne w układach miejskich


    W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano nowoczesne rozwiązania techniczne pozwalajace na zagospodarowanie ciepła średnio i wysokotemperaturowego wytwarzanego w układach zdalaczynnych na potrzeby chłodu. Problematyka efektywnego wykorzystania chłodu w układach zdalaczynnych jest istotnym elementem ciągle rozwijających się miast i aglomeracji miejskich. W warunkach polskich rozwiązania produkcji chłodu zdalaczynnego są na etapie początkowych...

  • Determination Of Gas Mixture Components Using Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing And The LS-SVM Regression Algorithm


    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Rok 2015

    This paper analyses the effectiveness of determining gas concentrations by using a prototype WO3 resistive gas sensor together with fluctuation enhanced sensing. We have earlier demonstrated that this method can determine the composition of a gas mixture by using only a single sensor. In the present study, we apply Least-Squares Support-Vector-Machine-based (LS-SVM-based) nonlinear regression to determine the gas concentration...

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  • Two tests for adhesive bonding long term characterization: principles and applications

    • J. Jumel
    • M. Budzik
    • S. Chauffaille
    • M. Shanahan

    - Advances in Materials Science - Rok 2011

    This article describes recent refinement of the traditional wedge test technique used to characterize durability of the adhesive joints. We propose two types of measuring protocols to monitor precisely and continuously the propagation of an "effective" crack during long term mode I fracture mechanic test. First method is directly derived from the traditional wedge test technique and consist in monitoring the surface strain of adherent...

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  • Cross-layer integration of network mechanisms for increasing efficiency of multimedia session support in IEEE 802.11s environment


    - Rok 2018

    With an IEEE 802.11 wireless networks operating in Point-to-Multipoint mode being the most popular WLAN access technology employed today, it can be expected that a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) based on the technology can provide significant advantages for such network systems. The IEEE 802.11s standard amendment provides the comprehensive set of mechanisms required to implement and deploy a WMN utilizing this widely popular technology....

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  • Ontology management in the multi-agent system for the it evaluation


    The team of researchers at the Gdańsk University of Technology is currently developing a model of the multi-agent system (MAS_IT) that would aid the IT managers to find the most appropriate technology to the goals assumed. The knowledge is to be provided by experts and stored in the facts and rules bases. The responsibility of the verification process-on the input and query stages-is given to the ontology, making it to some extend...

  • Stability Analysis of the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structure of Cell Spar Type During its Installation

    The article presents the results of selected works related to the wider subject of the research conducted at the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology, which concerns design and technology of construction, towing, and settlement on the seabed, or anchoring, of supporting structures for offshore wind farms. As a result of this research, several designs of this type of objects were...

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  • Jamming and jamming mitigation for selected 5G military scenarios

    • P. Skokowski
    • J. M. Kelner
    • K. Malon
    • K. Maślanka
    • A. Birutis
    • M. A. Vazquez
    • S. Saha
    • W. Low
    • A. Czapiewska
    • J. Magiera... i 2 innych

    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2022

    This paper presents jamming and jamming mitigation techniques, which can be used in relation to emerging military systems based on fifth-generation (5G) technology. Nowadays, 5G technology provides incremental improvements over Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks resulting in the enhancement of civilian communications. Considering enormous possible applications of this new technology, it is feasible to use them in military utilities....

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  • Novel Nonlinear High Order Technologies for Damage Diagnosis of Complex Assets


    - Electronics - Rok 2022

    For the first time worldwide, innovative techniques, generic non-linear higher-order unnormalized cross-correlations of spectral moduli, for the diagnosis of complex assets, are proposed. The normalization of the proposed techniques is based on the absolute central moments, that have been proposed and widely investigated in mathematical works. The existing higher-order, crosscovariances of complex spectral components are not sufficiently...

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  • Inżynieria Powierzchni: Wybrane zagadnienia


    Zakres tematyczny niniejszego podręcznika obejmuje zagadnienia z dziedziny inżynierii powierzchni dotyczące podstawowych procesów niszczenia powierzchni tworzyw metalicznych oraz metod stosowanych w celu podwyższenia odporności korozyjnej oraz odporności na zużycie. Wybrano i opisano głównie tradycyjne technologie inżynierii powierzchni takie jak galwanotechnika, pokrywanie ogniowe (zanurzeniowe), natryskiwanie cieplne, napawanie,...

  • New achievements in nanotechnologies: structural materials and biomaterials


    The examples of nanomaterials, specific technologies for their fabrication, and the application of nanomaterials in technology and medicine are described.

  • Testy platformy SAN dla sektora elektroenergetycznego

    Współczesna infrastruktura elektroenergetyczna jest narażona na zagrożenia związane z dużą liczbą nowych luk i słabo- ści architektonicznych wynikających z szerszego wykorzystania technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ang. Information and Communication Technologies – ICT). Połączenie infrastruktury elektroenergetycznej z Internetem naraża ją na nowe rodzaje ataków, takie jak ataki typu APT (ang. Advanced Persistent Threats)...

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  • Zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa IT/OT


    - Rok 2016

    Złośliwe oprogramowanie, obok ataków rozproszonej odmowy świadczenia usług (ang. Distributed Denial of Servi-ce – DDoS), podszywania, SPAMu oraz ogólnie niechcianej komunikacji, stanowi aktualnie jedną z najważniejszych kwestii bezpieczeństwa. Sam termin (Malicious Software – Malware) określa zbiorczo między innymi wirusy, konie trojańskie i robaki komputerowe. Ostateczne rozwiązanie wspomnianych zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa wymaga...

  • The influence of image masks definition onsegmentation results of histopathological imagesusing convolutional neural network


    Abstract—In the era of collecting large amounts of tissue materials, assisting the work of histopathologists with various electronic and information IT tools is an undeniable fact. The traditional interaction between a human pathologist and the glass slide is changing to interaction between an AI pathologist with a whole slide images. One of the important tasks is the segmentation of objects (e.g. cells) in such images. In this...

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  • Importance of Specific Heat Characterization when Reporting New Superconductors: An Example of Superconductivity in LiGa2Rh



    We show that the full-Heusler compound LiGa2Rh is a superconductor with Tc = 2.4 K. The new superconductor was found as a result of an intuition-based extension of a database search for superconductors that looked for the presence of peaks in the electronic band structure near the Fermi energy. The measurement of the entropy loss during the transition from the nonsuperconducting to the superconducting state, a straightforward measurement...

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  • Derivation of the scaling laws used in geotechnical centrifuge modelling-application of dimensional analysis and Buckingham Π theorem

    Geotechnical centrifuge modelling has been a world-wide used technology in physical tests. In this paper a derivation of scaling laws by dimensional analysis for the centrifugal modelling is presented. Basic principles of centrifuge modelling are described. Scaling laws for slow events like consolidation and fast events like dynamic loads are shown. The differences in scale factors for both processes are noticed. The aim of this...

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    This paper presents experimental tests of full-scale two-shaft gas turbine in the range of open anti-surge valve (ASV). The tests were carried out in a laboratory gas- turbine test stand belonging to Department of Automation and Power Engineering , Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology , Gdańsk University of Technology. The tests covered the start-up and low load operation of the turbine set in the range of open...

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  • Vorschlag eines doppelmodularen fahrgastschiffes für binnengewässer mit begrenzter fahrwassertiefe


    W referacie przedstawiono koncepcję projektową segmentowego pasażerskiego statku śródlądowego nowego typu, przeznaczonego na trasę Berlin-Królewiec, znamienną zastosowaniem nowych materiałów konstrukcyjnych i technologii wykonawczych, stwarzających możliwość innowacyjnego kształtowania konstrukcji oraz uzyskanie wysokich walorów eksploatacyjnych statku śródlądowego. Omówiono założenia koncepcyjne i funkcjonalno-techniczne projektowanego...

  • Rzeczywistość rozszerzona – potencjał w kształceniu (przyszłych) pomorskich inżynierów

    Edukacja młodzieży w zakresie nauk eksperymentalnych – takich jak chemia i fizyka – stanowi obecnie w obliczu ograniczeń zaplecza dydaktycznego w szkołach ogromne wyzwanie. Placówki edukacyjne nie posiadają często odpowiednich laboratoriów, lecz dysponują pracowniami komputerowymi. W ramach Projektu EDUAR, współfinansowanego przez NCBiR, przeprowadzono badania w 20 szkołach – po 10 z obszarów wiejskich i miejskich, podczas których...

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  • Comparative analysis of process alternatives for manufacturing piston rods of hydraulic cylinders.


    Zawarto wyniki analiz porównawczych alternatywnych technologii tłoczysk siłowników hydraulicznych w warunkach elastycznej automatyzacji wytwarzania. Uwzględniając zarówno tradycyjne struktury tych procesów z operacjami szlifowania i polerowania, jak i nowoczesne technologie z operacjami nagniatania, przedstawiono zintegrowane podejście do planowania sekwencji operacji procesu i harmonogramowania zadań produkcyjnych wraz z algorytmem...

  • Protokół SOAP i jego zastosowanie.


    - Rok 2004

    W pracy przedstawiono zasadę działania i organizację protokołu SOAP, który w chwili obecnej może być uważany za jeden z najważniejszych standardów w systemach rozproszonych. Zaprezentowano genezę powstania protokołu i jego współczesne zastosowania ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problemów przenośności. Ponadto opisano formaty wiadomości i modele przesyłania danych w SOAP. Protokół, podobnie jak niemal wszystkie technologie informatyczne,...

  • Changing by light - how the lighting of intelligent spaces can influence the urban image


    - Rok 2012

    In the article light will be presented as a tool in the process of transforming the urban space. The reason for this use of light is the commercial aspect of space that forces it to be still competitive and profitable. Such a need gives rise to many innovative solutions in the city space, which allow transmitting information in order to attract human attention, and sometimes make it even possible to involve the user in the interaction...

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  • Model of a Maturity Capsule in Managing IT Projects

    The main purpose of this article is to present a report on the development of a model of information technology management (MITM). This model is an answer to the need to support decision making in the selection of methods and information technologies. This article presents a multisequential model (MSM) of technology selection and a model for initial processing procedures (IPP) necessary for the MITM model. The presentation of the...

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  • Analysis of the applicability of laser scanning to making an inventory of swimming pool facilities

    • J. A. Pawłowicz
    • M. Zagroba
    • E. Bundz
    • M. Druszkowski
    • Z. Olek
    • A. Szymańska
    • P. Ziółkowski
    • J. Żulewski

    - Journal of Health Promotion and Recreation - Rok 2014

    3D scanning can be used in many branches of economy, e.g. reverse and prototype engineering, industrial design, quality control, pros-thetics, orthodontics, archiving of historic objects and archeological findings, examination of a scene of crime, making films and comput-er games. The technology of terrestrial laser scanning has a bright fu-ture as we are living in the time of blooming measurement tech-niques, which can provide...

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  • Temperature Sensors Based on Polymer Fiber Optic Interferometer


    - Chemosensors - Rok 2022

    Temperature measurements are of great importance in many fields of human activities, including industry, technology, and science. For example, obtaining a certain temperature value or a sudden change in it can be the primary control marker of a chemical process. Fiber optic sensors have remarkable properties giving a broad range of applications. They enable continuous real-time temperature control in difficult-to-reach areas, in...

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, apart from health threats, has shown the problem of older adults’ social isolation and loneliness in aging societies that has been progressing for several decades. Older adults’ singularisation, loosening family relations, diminishing families’ caring potential, caused that during the lockdown, many older adults – without the neighbours’ or NGOs’ support or the activities undertaken by local authorities –...

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  • Efficiency of gas detection algorithms using fluctuation enhanced sensing


    - Rok 2015

    Efficiency of various gas detection algorithms by applying fluctuation enhanced sensing method was discussed. We have analyzed resistance noise observed in resistive WO3- nanowires gas sensing layers. Power spectral densities of the recorded noise were used as the input data vectors for two algorithms: the principal component analysis (PCA) and the support vector machine (SVM). The data were used to determine gas concentration...

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  • The role of the human factor in the companies' innovativeness


    - Rok 2015

    Innovation is one of the factors enabling the development of both individual companies and entire economies. While previously the possibilities offered by technology were focused on, including information and communication technology (ICT), recently the potential of human resources has been gaining more and more attention. This capital — often underestimated — can in the right conditions and with a conducive organizational culture...



    Zaawansowane rozwiązania z zakresu różnych dziedzin nauki, adaptowane do architektury, zmieniają wizerunek budynku zarówno pod względem wizualnym, jak i funkcjonalnym. Bezsprzecznie bardzo dużą rolę w tym procesie odgrywają zdobycze technologii informatycznych i elektronicznych. Wyposażony w nie budynek staje się rodzajem cyfrowej maszyny zdolnej adaptować się do zmiennych warunków otoczenia dzięki sieciom czujników i odpowiednim...

  • Pial artery and subarachnoid width response to apnoea in normal humans

    • M. Wszędybył-Winklewska
    • J. Wolf
    • E. Świerblewska
    • K. Kunicka
    • M. Gruszecki
    • W. Gumiński
    • P. J. Winklewski
    • A. F. Frydrychowski
    • L. Bieniaszewski
    • K. Narkiewicz
    • K. Narkiewicz


    Background: Little is known about intracranial pressure (ICP)-cerebral haemodynamic interplay during repetitive apnoea. A recently developed method based on near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) noninvasively measures changes in pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) as well as subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans. Method: We tested the complex response of the pial artery and subarachnoid width to apnoea...

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  • Artificial Intelligence for Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications


    - Rok 2024

    This chapter presents a summary of the description and preliminary results of the use case related to the implementation of artificial intelligence tools in the emerging technology called wireless avionics intra-communications (WAICs). WAICs aims to replace some of the cable buses of modern aircraft. This replacement of infrastructure leads to: (1) complexity reduction of future airplanes, (2) creation of innovative services where...

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  • Multi-source-supplied parallel hybrid propulsion of the inland passenger ship STA.H. Research work on energy efficiency of a hybrid propulsion system operating in the electric motor drive mode

    In the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, design has recently been developed of a small inland ship with hybrid propulsion and supply system. The ship will be propelled by a specially designed so called parallel hybrid propulsion system. The work was aimed at carrying out the energy efficiency analysis of a hybrid propulsion system operating in the electric motor drive mode and at...

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  • Ship’s de-perming process using coils lying on seabed


    A ship built from ferromagnetic steel disturbs the uniformity of the Earth’s magnetic field. Changes of ship’s signature are due to the magneto-mechanical interaction of the hull with the Earth’s magnetic field. The ship’s magnetic field can be detected by a magnetic naval mine. For this reason, the vessel has to be demagnetized. There are several methods of ship’s de-perming. The results of experimental and computer simulations...

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    In the present study, the lead-free BaTi1-xZrxO3 (for x = 0, 0.05 and 0.15) ceramics were prepared by High-Energy Ball Milling and heat treatments. The performed X-ray, SEM and EDS measurements confirmed high purity, good quality and the expected quantitative composition of the obtained samples. The study of dielectric properties was performed by means of broadband dielectric spectroscopy at the frequency ranging from 0.1 Hz to...

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  • Blockchain technologies to address smart city and society challenges



    New Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are changing the way in which the world works. These technologies provide new tools to face the issues of contemporary society (poverty, migrations, sustainable development challenges, governance, etc.). Among them, blockchain emerge as a disruptive technology able to make things in a completely different and innovative way. They can provide solutions where before there were...

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  • Building Information Modelling as an opportunity and risk for stakeholders involved in construction investment process

    The requirements to apply Building Information Modelling (BIM) in public investments worldwide are currently very high. Significant interest (sometimes formulated also as a requirement) in BIM technology can be observed also among private investors. Design technology that applies BIM is supported by many private investors due to its numerous advantages. A growing group of construction designers (steel, concrete and reinforced concrete...

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  • Application of wavelength division multiplexing in sensor networks


    - Rok 2012

    Over the past few years the need to acquire data on various parameters from a number of sensors grew. The need that led to the development of a network of sensors which enables simultaneous control and measurement in a wide range of applications. The aim of this article is to discuss a possibility of connecting a variety of sensors in a network that would utilize WDM technology. Wavelength Division Multiplexing is commonly used...

  • Blended Learning in Teaching Safety of Electrical Installations


    - Rok 2014

    Blended learning becomes more commonly used in teaching information technology or other subjects, which involve practice in computer laboratories. In case of subjects with no access to computer rooms blended learning supports lecturing and teaching classes e.g. interactive lessons. The article presents the use of blended learning forms in Gdansk University of Technology in teaching the subject of Safety of Electrical Installations....

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  • Modern trends of domestic sewage treatment with separating toilets applications


    W artykule przedstawiono nowoczesne rozwiązania oczyszczania ścieków bytowych z zastosowaniem toalet kompostowych, próżniowych lub separujących. Innowacyjność tych technologii dotyczy całości rezultatu, ponieważ w sposób alternatywny dla stosowanych rozwiązań zapewniają kompleksowe rozwiązanie problemów związanych z oczyszczaniem ścieków oraz zagospodarowaniem osadów. W tradycyjnych oczyszczalniach ścieków przede wszystkim oczyszcza...

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  • Interactive visualization of marine pollution monitoring and forecasting data via a Web-based GIS



    Artykuł prezentuje zastosowanie sieciowego Systemu Informacji Geograficznej do monitoringu i prezentacji wyników modelowania plam ropy na morzu. Omawiany system wykorzystuje technologie ESRI ArcIMS (Arc Internet Map Server) oraz Open Source GeoServer z biblioteką klienta OpenLayers w celu wizualizacji i mapowania rozprzestrzeniania się wycieku ropy w dwóch wybranych obszarach Morza Egejskiego w Grecji. Przedstawiony GIS stanowi...

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    W ostatnich latach rzadko wykonuje się pale wiercone o bardzo dużych średnicach ze względu na: wymagany sprzęt, transport wydobytego urobku gruntowego, duże ilości stali zbrojeniowej. Konstrukcje inżynierskie na autostradzie A-1, na drodze ekspresowej S-7 i Obwodnicy Południowej Gdańska posadowiono na palach prefabrykowanych. Fundamenty największych mostów na autostradzie A-1 zbudowano na palach Vibro i Franki. W artykule zwrócono...

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  • Metody oceny efektywności inwestowania w elektroenergetyce.


    - Rok 2004

    Monografia jest poświęcona zagadnieniom oceny efektywności inwestowania w elektroenergetyce. Inwestowanie w elektroenergetyce w warunkach rynkowych zasadniczo powoduje potrzebę stosowania w analizach decyzyjnych nowych narzędzi, procedur i metod oceny, uwzględniających ryzyko i niepewność działalności inwestycyjnej. W pracy omówiono zatem rolę, pojęcie i istotę inwestowania, dokonano systematyki elementów procesu inwestycyjnego...

  • Overcoming gender bias in the digital economy. Empirical evidence for European countries

    This study aims to contribute to understanding the gender biases that emerge in the digital technology-related field. More specifically we concentrate on examining whether gender gaps are diminishing or are persistent in terms of women’s enrollment in technology-related programs at the tertiary level of education and for female STEM graduates. Next, this evidence is confronted with gender biases in the labor market regarding changing...

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  • Barriers to and Facilitators of Scientific Productivity: A Case Study from Polish Technical University

    Scientific productivity plays an essential role in the creation of innovation and it stimulates social and economic growth. This study aimed to identify the barriers to and facilitators of scientific productivity in engineering and technology field, as perceived from the perspective of academic managers. Along with quality approach, the study relied on semi-structured interviews with managing bodies, i.e. seven deans and deputy...

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  • Towards improved energy efficiency of future smart ships by application of advanced CFD simulations – case study


    - Rok 2017

    The international trade plays crucial role in today’s globally developed world’s economy. Many people are unaware of the unimaginable volume of cargo being transported every year by oceans and seas. For most of the time invisible from land the shipping industry preserves its strong position of the most cost-efficient and environmental friendly mean of transport. However during last years the shipping industry is under great pressure...