Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TOKENIZATION ALGORITHM - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TOKENIZATION ALGORITHM

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TOKENIZATION ALGORITHM

  • Improving methods for detecting people in video recordings using shifting time-windows


    - Rok 2018

    We propose a novel method for improving algorithms which detect the presence of people in video sequences. Our focus is on algorithms for applications which require reporting and analyzing all scenes with detected people in long recordings. Therefore one of the target qualities of the classification result is its stability, understood as a low number of invalid scene boundaries. Many existing methods process images in the recording...

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  • Capacity efficient shared protection and fast restoration scheme in self-configured optical networks


    - Rok 2006

    W artykule zaproponowano nową koncepcję optymalizacji rozdziału zasobów dla przeżywalnych sieci rozległych, która gwarantuje szybkie odtwarzanie usług po wystąpieniu awarii. Wykazano, iż proponowany algorytm, wykorzystujący ideę wierzchołkowego kolorowania grafów, nie powoduje wydłużania ścieżek zabezpieczających - zjawiska charakterystycznego dla powszechnie stosowanych algorytmów optymalizacji. Udowodniono, iż powyższa cecha...

  • Comparison of various speech time-scale modificartion methods

    The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the different time-scale modification (TSM) methods on the quality of the speech stretched up using the designed non-uniform real-time speech time-scale modification algorithm (NU-RTSM). The algorithm provides a combination of the typical TSM algorithm with the vowels, consonants, stutter, transients and silence detectors. Based on the information about the content and...

  • Improving depth maps of plants by using a set of five cameras

    Obtaining high-quality depth maps and disparity maps with the use of a stereo camera is a challenging task for some kinds of objects. The quality of these maps can be improved by taking advantage of a larger number of cameras. The research on the usage of a set of five cameras to obtain disparity maps is presented. The set consists of a central camera and four side cameras. An algorithm for making disparity maps called multiple...

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  • Incremental construction of Minimal Tree Automata [online]


    - ALGORITHMICA - Rok 2009

    We describe an algorithm that allows the incremental addition or removal of unranked ordered trees to minimal frontier-to-root deterministic tree automaton (DTA). The algorithm takes a tree t and a minimal DTA A as input; it outputs a minimal DTA A' which accepts the language L(A) accepted by A incremented (or decremented) with the tree t. The algorithm can be used to efficiently maintain dictionaries which store large collections...

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  • Real‐Time PPG Signal Conditioning with Long Short‐Term Memory (LSTM) Network for Wearable Devices


    - SENSORS - Rok 2022

    This paper presents an algorithm for real‐time detection of the heart rate measured on a person’s wrist using a wearable device with a photoplethysmographic (PPG) sensor and accelerometer. The proposed algorithm consists of an appropriately trained LSTM network and the Time‐Domain Heart Rate (TDHR) algorithm for peak detection in the PPG waveform. The Long Short‐Term Memory (LSTM) network uses the signals from the accelerometer...

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  • The Potential of Greed for Independence



    The well-known lower bound on the independence number of a graph due to Caro and Wei can be established as a performance guarantee of two natural and simple greedy algorithms or of a simple randomized algorithm. We study possible generalizations and improvements of these approaches using vertex weights and discuss conditions on so-called potential functions p(G) : V(G) -> N_0 defined on the vertex set of a graph G for which suitably...

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  • Adaptive Identification of Underwater Acoustic Channel with a Mix of Static and Time-Varying Parameters


    - Rok 2022

    We consider the problem of identification of communication channels with a mix of static and time-varying parameters. Such scenarios are typical, among others, in underwater acoustics. In this paper, we further develop adaptive algorithms built on the local basis function (LBF) principle resulting in excellent performance when identifying time-varying systems. The main drawback of an LBF algorithm is its high complexity. The subsequently...

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  • Generalized adaptive comb filter with improved accuracy and robustness properties


    Generalized adaptive comb lters can be used to identify/track parameters of quasi-periodically varying systems.In a special, signal case they reduce down to adaptive comblters, applied to elimination or extraction of nonstationarymulti-harmonic signals buried in noise. We proposea new algorithm which combines, in an adaptive way, resultsyielded by several, simultaneously working generalizedadaptive comb lters. Due to its highly...

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  • From the multiple frequency tracker to the multiple frequency smoother


    - Rok 2008

    The problem of extraction/elimination of nonstationary sinusoidalsignals from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS)algorithm...

  • Time-domain prosodic modifications for text-to-speech synthesizer


    - Rok 2010

    An application of prosodic speech processing algorithms to Text-To-Speech synthesis is presented. Prosodic modifications that improve the naturalness of the synthesized signal are discussed. The applied method is based on the TD-PSOLA algorithm. The developed Text-To-Speech Synthesizer is used in applications employing multimodal computer interfaces.

  • Enhancing Facial Palsy Treatment through Artificial Intelligence: From Diagnosis to Recovery Monitoring


    The objective of this study is to develop and assess a mobile application that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to support the rehabilitation of individuals with facial nerve paralysis. The application features two primary functionalities: assessing the paralysis severity and facilitating the monitoring of rehabilitation exercises. The AI algorithm employed for this purpose was Google's ML Kit “face-detection”. The classification...

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  • Generalized adaptive notch filters with frequency debiasing for tracking of polynomial phase systems


    Generalized adaptive notch filters are used for identification/tracking of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems and can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters. For general patterns of frequency variation the generalized adaptive notch filtering algorithms yield biased frequency estimates. We show that when system frequencies change slowly in a smooth way, the estimation bias can...

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  • Ship Dynamic Positioning Based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control


    - Rok 2023

    The presented work explores the simulation test results of using nonlinear model predictive control algorithm for ship dynamic positioning. In the optimization task, a goal function with a penalty was proposed with a variable prediction step. The results of the proposed control algorithm were compared with backstepping and PID. The effect of estimation accuracy on the control quality with the implemented algorithms was investigated....

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  • Algorithms and Data Structures 2022

    Kursy Online
    • R. Ostrowski
    • K. Manuszewski
    • T. Pikies
    • K. Wereszko
    • A. Jastrzębski
    • M. Jurkiewicz
    • T. Goluch

    WETI, DS, Algorithms and Data Structures

  • Zdzisław Dzedzej dr hab.

  • Machine Learning in Multi-Agent Systems using Associative Arrays



    In this paper, a new machine learning algorithm for multi-agent systems is introduced. The algorithm is based on associative arrays, thus it becomes less complex and more efficient substitute of artificial neural networks and Bayesian networks, which is confirmed by performance measurements. Implementation of machine learning algorithm in multi-agent system for aided design of selected control systems allowed to improve the performance...

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  • Joanna Raczek dr inż.

    Wykształcenie 1997 -- 2001 Studia inżynierskie, Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej, Politechnika Gdańska. Kierunek: Matematyka, specjalność: Matematyka Stosowana. 2001 -- 2003 Studia magisterskie, Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej, Politechnika Gdańska. Kierunek: Matematyka, specjalność: Matematyka Stosowana. 2000 -- 2004 Studia inżynierskie, Wydział Elektroniki, Informatyki i Telekomunikacji,...

  • Service Recommendation on WIKI-WS Platform


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2015

    The article presents the issues of recaommendation services for users. The commonly used solutions include known classes of recommendation systems and information about their area of use and the most frequently used algorithms. the issue of choosing the services has been described based on the Wiki-WS platform including a model of cooperation with the recommendation system. The conclusion from the analysis of the proposed model...

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  • Piotr Odya dr inż.

    Piotr Odya urodził się w Gdańsku w 1974. W 1999 roku ukończył z wyróżnieniem studia na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej zdobywając tytuł magistra inżyniera. Praca dyplomowa dotyczyła problemów poprawy jakości dźwięku w studiach emisyjnych współczesnych rozgłośni radiowych.Jego zainteresowania dotyczą montażu wideofonicznego, systemów dźwięku wielokanałowego. W ramach studiów doktoranckich...

  • Spectrum-based modal parameters identification with Particle Swarm Optimization


    - MECHATRONICS - Rok 2016

    The paper presents the new method of the natural frequencies and damping identification based on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The identification is performed in the frequency domain. The algorithm performs two PSO-based steps and introduces some modifications in order to achieve quick convergence and low estimation error of the identified parameters’ values for multi-mode systems....

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  • Genetic Positioning of Fire Stations Utilizing Grid-computing Platform


    A chapter presents a model for determining near-optimal locations of fire stations based on topography of a given area and location of forests, rivers, lakes and other elements of the site. The model is based on principals of genetic algorithms and utilizes the power of the grid to distribute and execute in parallel most performance-demanding computations involved in the algorithm.

  • Graph security testing

    Set S ⊂ V is called secure set iff ∀ X ⊂ S | N [ X ] ∩ S | ≥ | N ( X ) \ S | [3]. That means that every subset of a secure set has at least as many friends (neighbour vertices in S) as enemies (neighbour vertices outside S) and will be defended in case of attack. Problem of determining if given set is secure is co −NP -complete, there is no efficient algorithm solving it [3]. Property testers are algorithms that distinguish inputs...

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  • Hybridized PWM Strategy for Three- and Multiphase Three-Level NPC Inverters

    A simple hybridized pulsewidth modulation (PWM) algorithm for three- and multiphase three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverters is proposed. The proposed solution is based on classical space vector PWM (SVPWM) algorithms for two-level inverters but can also be based on sinusoidal PWM with min–max injection. An additional level of output voltage is obtained by modifying the resulting switching patterns taking into account...

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  • Algorithms for processing and visualization of Critical Infrastructure security data as well as simulation and analysis of threats = Algorytmy przetwarzania i wizualizacji danych dotyczących bezpieczeństwa infrastruktur krytycznych oraz symulacji i analizy zagrożeń


    - Rok 2010

    Rozprawa traktuje o algorytmach przetwarzania danych dotyczących różnego rodzaju zagrożeń, w szczególności wyników analiz ryzyka infrastruktur krytycznych, pozwalających na przestrzenną analizę tych danych w kontekście geograficznym za pomocą dedykowanego Systemu Informacji Przestrzennej. Prezentowane metody analizy zgrupowań Infrastruktur Krytycznych oraz propagacji ich zagrożeń wykorzystują wyniki syntetycznej analizy podatności...

  • Jerzy Balicki dr hab. inż.


  • Implementation of DIFAR Processing in ASW Dipping Sonar


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents the implementation of the signal processing algorithm used by buoy DIFAR (Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording), that is fully operational on Polish Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters and ships, applied to dipping sonars for detection and tracking of submarines. The development of the DSP algorithms was a part of the modernization of sonars conducted at the Gdansk University of Technology....

  • Sparse autoregressive modeling


    - Rok 2012

    In the paper the comparison of the popular pitch determination (PD) algorithms for thepurpose of elimination of clicks from archive audio signals using sparse autoregressive (SAR)modeling is presented. The SAR signal representation has been widely used in code-excitedlinear prediction (CELP) systems. The appropriate construction of the SAR model is requiredto guarantee model stability. For this reason the signal representation...

  • Automatic music genre classification based on musical instrument track separation / Automatyczna klasyfikacja gatunku muzycznego wykorzystująca algorytm separacji dźwięku instrumentó muzycznych


    The aim of this article is to investigate whether separating music tracks at the pre-processing phase and extending feature vector by parameters related to the specific musical instruments that are characteristic for the given musical genre allow for efficient automatic musical genre classification in case of database containing thousands of music excerpts and a dozen of genres. Results of extensive experiments show that the approach...

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  • Data Structures (Doctoral Studies) - New

    Kursy Online
    • K. Goczyła

    The course is designed to provide students with the knowledge regarding basic data structures and associated algorithms used in broad range of applications. Students will also gain knowledge about how to evaluate the quality of algorithms in the context of time and space usage. Additionally, during seminars, students get familiar with biographies of most famous creators of the algorithms.

  • Fast service restoration under shared protection at lightpath level in survivable WDM mesh grooming networks


    - Rok 2007

    W artykule zaproponowano nowe podejście do optymalizacji rozdziału zasobów w przeżywalnych sieciach optycznych z agregacją strumieni ruchu. Zaproponowana metoda bazuje na wierzchołkowym kolorowaniu grafu konfliktów. Jest pierwszym podejściem, dedykowanym sieciom optycznym z agregację strumieni ruchu z pełną zdolnością do konwersji długości fal, która nie powoduje wydłużenia ściezek zabezpieczjących, a więc zapewnia szybkie odtwarzanie...

  • Workshop on Algorithm Engineering


  • Patryk Ziółkowski dr inż.

    Adiunkt na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Brał udział w projektach międzynarodowych, w tym projektach dla Ministerstwa Transportu stanu Alabama (2015), jest także laureatem grantu Fundacji Kościuszkowskiej na prowadzanie badań w USA, który zrealizował w 2018 roku. Ekspert w dziedzinie sztucznej inteligencji. Jego główny obszar zainteresowań badawczych stanowi zastosowanie sztucznej inteligencji w Inżynierii Lądowej. Prowadzi projekty...

  • Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation Strategy for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter With DC-Link Voltage Balancing Ability

    Space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) algorithms for cascaded H-bridge multilevel (CHB ML) inverter usually provide the possibility of using several combinations of active voltage vectors to generate the same output voltage vector. For preselected H-bridges, some of them may generate output voltages opposite to the assumed direction. This results in the change of the dc-link voltages of these H-bridges in the opposite direction...

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  • Bezczujnikowe sterowanie trakcyjnym silnikiem IPMSM małej mocy

    This paper describes an algorithm for estimation of IPMSM angular rotor position. The algorithm uses derivatives of motor phase currents resulting from PWM modulation to obtain the rotor position. Control of the IPMSM electromagnetic torque requires a precise estimation of the rotor angular position throughout the wide speed range. This involves using a set of estimation methods switched with the dependence on the actual rotor...

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  • Music genre classification applied to bass enhancement for mobile technology

    The aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) algorithms applied to portable computers. The proposed algorithm is related to intelligent, rule-based setting of synthesis parameters according to music genre of an audio excerpt. The classification of music genres is automatically executed employing MPEG 7 parameters and the Principal Component Analysis method applied to reduce information...

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  • Mariusz Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.

    Received M.Sc., Eng. in Electronics in 1995 from Gdansk University of Technology, Ph.D. in Medical Electronics in 2003 and habilitation in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in 2017. He was an investigator in about 13 projects receiving a number of awards, including four best papers, practical innovations (7 medals and awards) and also the Andronicos G. Kantsios Award and Siemens Award. Main research activities: the issues...

  • Automated Parking Management for Urban Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach


    - Rok 2024

    Effective parking management is essential for ad-dressing the challenges of traffic congestion, city logistics, and air pollution in densely populated urban areas. This paper presents an algorithm designed to optimize parking management within city environments. The proposed system leverages deep learning models to accurately detect and classify street elements and events. Various algorithms, including automatic segmentation of...

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  • Ensuring the QoE-Related Fairness to Reduce the User Abandonment Ratio


    These days, it is quite a challenge for app owners to keep users engaged with an app. Currently, the level of user abandonment is one of the key parameters that application owners are interested in. To meet these challenges, we are conducting an extended study of a previously proposed solution that significantly reduces the abandonment rate of a given application. The investigated solution is based on the methods of fairness using...

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  • Data fusion of GPS sensors using Particle Kalman Filter for ship dynamic positioning system


    Depending on standards and class, dynamically positioned ships make use of different numbers of redundant sensors to determine current ship position. The paper presents a multi-sensor data fusion algorithm for the dynamic positioning system which allows it to record the proper signal from a number of sensors (GPS receivers). In the research, the Particle Kalman Filter with data fusion was used to estimate the position of the vessel....

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  • Robustness of contact-less optical method, used for measuring contact wire position in changeable lighting conditions

    The article presents verification of robustness of contactless method based on 2D image camera, which is used to measure catenary contact wire position in changeable ambient lighting conditions. Robustness in changeable lighting conditions is ensured through the combination of advanced image processing for background information removal and the algorithm of error correction. This algorithm detects incorrect images and substitutes...

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  • An optimized dissolved oxygen concentration control in SBR with the use of adaptive and predictive control schemes

    This paper addresses the problem of optimizing control of the aeration process in a water resource recovery facility (WRRF) using sequencing batch reactor (SBR), one that affects the efficiency of wastewater treatment by stimulating metabolic reactions of microorganisms through dissolved oxygen (DO) level control, and accounts for the predominant part of operating costs. Two independent approaches to DO control algorithm design...

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  • Robert Janczewski dr hab. inż.

  • Algorithms and Experiments


  • Computationally-efficient design optimisation of antennas by accelerated gradient search with sensitivity and design change monitoring

    Electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools are of primary importance in the design of contemporary antennas. The necessity of accurate performance evaluation of complex structures is a reason why the final tuning of antenna dimensions, aimed at improvement of electrical and field characteristics, needs to be based on EM analysis. Design automation is highly desirable and can be achieved by coupling EM solvers with numerical optimisation...

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  • Identification of quasi-periodically varying systems with quasi-linear frequency changes


    The problem of identification of linear quasi-periodically varying systems is considered. This problem can be solved using generalized adaptive notch filtering (GANF) algorithms. It is shown that accuracy of system parameter estimation can be increased if the results obtained from GANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting generalized adaptive notch smoothing (GANS) algorithms can...

  • Application of TMS320c67xx signal processors for SONIC-self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler


    - Rok 2010

    The paper presents a laboratory system for testing active control algorithms of acoustics noise in ducts. An applied algorithm - self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller (SONIC), allows one to remove narrowband disturbances of constant or slowly time-varying frequencies. Example experimental results of using the laboratory system for supression of sinusoidal disturbance are described. An electronic part of the system was...

  • Floodsar: Automatic mapping of river flooding extent from multitemporal SAR imagery

    Floodsar is an open-source tool for automatic mapping of the flood extent from a time series of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. Floodsar is unsupervised, however, it requires defining the parameters search space, geographical area of interest, and some river gauge observations (e.g. water levels or discharges) time series that overlap temporarily with the SAR imagery. Applications of Floodsar are mainly in real-time monitoring...

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  • Numerical Solution of the Two-Dimensional Richards Equation Using Alternate Splitting Methods for Dimensional Decomposition


    Research on seepage flow in the vadose zone has largely been driven by engineering and environmental problems affecting many fields of geotechnics, hydrology, and agricultural science. Mathematical modeling of the subsurface flow under unsaturated conditions is an essential part of water resource management and planning. In order to determine such subsurface flow, the two-dimensional (2D) Richards equation can be used. However,...

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  • Designing acoustic scattering elements using machine learning methods


    - Rok 2021

    In the process of the design and correction of room acoustic properties, it is often necessary to select the appropriate type of acoustic treatment devices and make decisions regarding their size, geometry, and location of the devices inside the room under the treatment process. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is to develop and validate a mathematical model that allows predicting the effects of the application of the scattering...

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