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Numerical Simulations and Tracer Studies as a Tool to Support Water Circulation Modeling in Breeding Reservoirs
PublicationThe article presents a proposal of a method for computer-aided design and analysis of breeding reservoirs in zoos and aquariums. The method applied involves the use of computer simulations of water circulation in breeding pools. A mathematical model of a pool was developed, and a tracer study was carried out. A simplified model of two-dimensional flow in the form of a biharmonic equation for the stream function (converted into...
Damaged plasticity model - seismic analysis of structure of the Petronas Twin Towers (Kuala Lumpur) in Malaysia
PublicationThe article presents numerical simulations for the modelling of seismic impact on the structure of Petronas Twin Towers (Kuala Lumpur) in Malaysia with application of two methods. The Response Spectrum method, in which a spectrum of the structure's responses to an earthquake's impact is generated and the Acceletogram (BETA) method, in which we generate dynamic load in the form of a diagram of the connection between acceleration...
Numerical analysis of mechanical properties of an infill structure used in 3D printings
PublicationThe paper presents results of a numerical analysis focused on an identification of mechanical properties of an element created by using Fused Deposition Modelling additive manufacturing technique (FDM). There is presented a description of technology of the 3D printing, numerical model created by using the finite element method (FEM), as well as some problems referred to estimation of the mechanical properties of the printout. The...
Ground Tire Rubber Modified by Elastomers via Low-Temperature Extrusion Process: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Volatile Organic Emission Assessment
PublicationIn this paper, low-temperature extrusion of ground tire rubber was performed as a proecological waste tires recycling method. During this process, ground tire rubber was modified with constant content of dicumyl peroxide and a variable amount of elastomer (in the range: 2.5–15 phr). During the studies, three types of elastomers were used: styrene-butadiene rubber, styreneethylene/butylene-styrene grafted with maleic anhydride and...
The influence of synthesis method on the microstructure and catalytic performance of Y 0.07 Sr 0.93 Ti 0.8 Fe 0.2 O 3-δ in synthetic biogas operated solid oxide fuel cells
PublicationThe Y0.07Sr0.93Ti0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (YSTF) material was fabricated using three different synthesis methods: modified polymer precursor method (MPP), Pechini method and a solid state reaction method. It was applied as an anode catalytic material for biogas reforming in solid oxide fuel cells. Clear differences in the microstructure of fabricated catalytic layers were found, mainly with respect to a grain size and distribution of grains....
Modeling bioaugmentation with nitrifiers in membrane bioreactors
PublicationBioaugmentation with nitrifiers was studied using two pilot-scale membrane bioreactors, with the purpose of assessing the suitability of state-of-the-art activated sludge models (ASMs) in predicting the efficiency of bioaugmentation as a function of operating conditions. It was demonstrated that the temperature difference between seeding and seeded reactors (ΔT) affects bioaugmentation efficiency. Experimental data were accurately...
A modified DC Hebb–Wagner polarization method for determining the partial protonic electrical conductivity in mixed-conducting BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6−δ
PublicationIn this work, partial protonic conductivity in mixed conducting (BZCY721) and BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6−d (BGLC137) was studied. For this purpose, a modified DC Hebb–Wagner polarization method was used. A four-wire type of galvanic cell as well as a suitable calculation model was applied. The method was validated using proton conducting electrolyte – BaZr0.7Ce0.2Y0.1O3−d – as a reference material. For the first time, protonic partial conductivity...
The Potential of Greed for Independence
PublicationThe well-known lower bound on the independence number of a graph due to Caro and Wei can be established as a performance guarantee of two natural and simple greedy algorithms or of a simple randomized algorithm. We study possible generalizations and improvements of these approaches using vertex weights and discuss conditions on so-called potential functions p(G) : V(G) -> N_0 defined on the vertex set of a graph G for which suitably...
Design and Preparation of Magnetically-Oriented Poly(styr-co-MMA)-3MPS Capped Fe(ZnO) Hybrid Microspheres for Ion Exchange Removal of Toxic Pollutants from Wastewater
PublicationIn this work, polymeric microspheres derived from polystyrene-co-methyl methacrylate embedded with magnetic ZnO nanoparticles (poly(styrene-co-MMA)-3MPS-Fe (ZnO)) were synthesized using the suspension polymerization method. The surfaces of polymeric Fe(ZnO) microspheres were improved by functionalization with amino and sulphonate groups. The physicochemical analysis indicated a large number of positively charged (anion exchange)...
Development Of Dynamic Method For Evaluation Of Corrosion Rate On The Example Of Organic Corrosion İnhibitor
PublicationMeasurements of the corrosion rate belong to the most important aspects of materials science. In order to reduce material loss corrosion inhibitors are used. However selection of proper inhibitor should be based on evaluation of its mechanism and effective concentrations. Mechanism of inhibition usually has dynamic character so physicochemical parameters are changing in time. Most of actually used methods...
Effect of surface roughness on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of plate heat exchanger
PublicationIn the paper the experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of modeled plate heat exchanger is conducted. The plate heat exchanger is chosen for the analysis because this kind of heat exchangers could be prospectively applied in the ORC systems, however other areas or application are equally possible. The experimental setup was assembled at the Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus of Gdansk...
Determination of Thermophysical Parameters Involved in The Numerical Model to Predict the Temperature Field of Cast-In-Place Concrete Bridge Deck
PublicationThe paper dealswith a concept of a practical computationmethod to simulate the temperature distribution in an extradosed bridge deck. The main goal of the study is to develop a feasible model of hardening of concrete consistent with in-situ measurement capabilities. The presented investigations include laboratory tests of high performance concrete, measurements of temperature evolution in the bridge deck and above all, numerical...
On topology optimization of large deformation contact-aided shape morphing compliant mechanisms
PublicationA topology optimization approach for designing large deformation contact-aided shape morphing compliant mechanisms is presented. Such mechanisms can be used in varying operating conditions. Design domains are described by regular hexagonal elements. Negative circular masks are employed to perform dual task, i.e., to decide material states of each element and also, to generate rigid contact surfaces. Each mask is characterized by...
Non-destructive inspection of ground anchors using guided wave propagation
PublicationThis paper deals with numerical and experimental investigations of specific problems of guided wave propagation in ground anchors. The research focuses on recognizing the phenomenon of the energy transfer between anchor components. Particular attention is paid to characteristic features of guided waves propagating in free and embedded parts of the tendon, at the interface between the tendon and the surrounding anchor body as well...
High Quality Multi-Zone and 3D CFD Model of Combustion in Marine Diesel Engine Cylinder
PublicationThe paper presents a 3D model of the processes taking place in the cylinder of a large 4-stroke marine engine. The model is based on CFD calculations performed on the moving mesh. The modelling range includes the full duty cycle (720° crankshaft position) and the complete geometry of the cylinder with inlet and exhaust ducts. The input data, boundary conditions and validation data were obtained by direct measurements on the real...
Damped forced vibration analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes resting on viscoelastic foundation in thermal environment using nonlocal strain gradient theory
PublicationIn this paper, the damped forced vibration of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is analyzed using a new shear deformation beam theory. The SWCNTs are modeled as a flexible beam on the viscoelastic foundation embedded in the thermal environment and subjected to a transverse dynamic load. The equilibrium equations are formulated by the new shear deformation beam theory which is accompanied with higher-order nonlocal strain...
Computer-Aided Design of Railroad Horizontal Arc Areas in Adapting to Satellite Measurements
PublicationThis paper presents a method of designing railway sections located in horizontal arcs. The adopted procedure is universal, i.e., it creates the possibility of varying both the type and the length of the assumed transition curves. This means that the applied analytical formulas apply to the boundary conditions of the transition curves and all of the simplifications widely existing in common algorithms have been eliminated. The presented...
Analysis of Validation and Simplification of Timber-Frame Structure Design Stage with PU-Foam Insulation
PublicationThe transition from experimental studies to the realm of numerical simulations is often necessary for further studies, but very difficult at the same time. This is especially the case for extended seismic analysis and earthquake-resistant design. This paper describes an approach to moving from the experimental testing of an elementary part of a wood-frame building structure to a numerical model, with the use of a commercial engineering...
Thermal stabilization and permanent deformation resistance of LWA/PCM-modified asphalt road surfaces
PublicationThis paper presents the results of attempts at reducing the problem of solar overheating of asphalt road pavement surfaces, resulting in weakening and accelerated destruction of the aforementioned structures. To protect pavement surfaces against periodic overheating, standard asphalt mixture AC 16 W 35/50, used for binder course, has been modified by replacing one of the aggregate fractions from the mineral mixture with lightweight...
Comparison of heat transfer characteristics in surface cooling using microjets with water, ethanol and HFE7100 as test fluids
PublicationAccurate control of cooling parameters is required in ever wider range of technical applications. It is known that reducing the dimensions of the size of nozzle leads to an increase in the economy of cooling and improves its quality. Present study describes research related to the design and construction of the nozzles and microjet study, which may be applied in many technical applications such as in metallurgy, electronics, etc....
Tyre/road noise measurements on ISO tracks according to the UNECE Regulation 117
PublicationWithin the Polish-Norwegian research project ELANORE, a limited Round Robin Test has been performed on 3 ISO tracks in Northern Europe. The basic objective of the project is to improve the EU directive on labelling of tyres for noise and rolling resistance, and this directive is based on the measurement procedures defined in the UN ECE Reg.117. The same test car, test tyres and measurement equipment as well as personnel were used...
Study on Microstructural Characterization, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stress of GTAW Dissimilar Joints of P91 and P22 Steels
PublicationThis article deals with the dissimilar joining of two different grade Cr-Mo steel (2.25Cr-1Mo: P22 and modified 9Cr-1Mo: P91) for power plant application. The dissimilar butt-welded joint was produced for conventional V groove design by using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process with the application of an ERNiCrMo-3 Ni-based super alloy filler. A microstructure characterization was performed to measure the inhomogeneity...
Controlling the europium oxidation state in diopside through flux concentration
PublicationThis paper explores the connection between the H3BO3 flux concentration and the co-existence of Eu2+ and Eu3+ dopants within CaMgSi2O6 crystals (diopside). The samples were synthesised using a solid-state synthesis method under varying atmospheric conditions, including oxidative (air), neutral (N2), and reductive (H2/N2 mixture) environments. Additionally, some materials underwent chemical modification by partially substituting...
Experimental study and numerical simulation of the dynamic penetration into dry clay
PublicationTests of dry clay were carried out in a uniaxial stress state using the experimental setup which implements the split Hopkinson pressure bar method. Based on the results of these experiments, the compressive strength of clay was determined as an important element of S.S. Grigoryan’s model of the soil medium. In addition, the parameters of this model are determined from the results of experiments using the modified Kolsky method...
Odour Perception Using a Sniffing Team at a Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant: A Case Study
PublicationThe monitoring of odour intensity, generated by a landfill area, is a difficult activity since it is a multi-source problem with discontinuous odour emissions. A modified sniffing team method is described here and applied to determine the main odour sources in a landfill located in Pomerania, Poland. Four consecutive test sessions were performed during the following months: August, December, April, and June. It was found that the...
Arylated carbon nanotubes for biobatteries and biofuel cells
PublicationSinglwalled carbon nanotubes (swcnts)covalently phenylated, napthylated or terphenylated were used for the construction of cathodes in a biobattery and in a biofuel cell. zn is the anode in the biobaterry and single-walled carbon nanotubes are covalently modified with glucose oxidase/catalase (swcnt-gox/cat) and the biofuel cell anode. the cell parameters were determined and the potentials of each of the electrodes under cell working...
Galvanostatic impedance measurements for the efficient adsorption isotherm construction in corrosion inhibitor studies
PublicationWe present an approach towards an accurate and time-efficient adsorption isotherm determination to evaluate the corrosion inhibitor interaction in electrolytic environments. The approach is based on dynamic impedance spectroscopy measurements in galvanostatic mode (g-DEIS). The studied corrosion inhibitor is continuously injected between the secondary cell and the corrosion cell. The efficiency corresponding to instantaneous inhibitor...
Experimental and comparative study on the two-phase pressure drop of air-water mixture in U-bend and straight pipe annuli
PublicationIn this paper, the experimental and theoretical analysis of pressure drop in singlephase and two phase-flow were presented for straight and U-bend smooth tube annulus and tube annulus with wire coil insert. Experiments for various boundary conditions were performed. In case of U-tube and straight tube with and without turbulator, tests were made for the water-water and air-water systems. The study covered a wide measuring range,...
Selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering
PublicationThe paper presents the selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering specially investment risk evaluation methods. The proposed model can be used in the range programming the development and investing process in power engineering. Decision making problems in power engineering and the evaluation of investment effectiveness in particular are closely related to modelling which relatively accurately reflects...
Thermal buckling of functionally graded piezomagnetic micro- and nanobeams presenting the flexomagnetic effect
PublicationGalerkin weighted residual method (GWRM) is applied and implemented to address the axial stability and bifurcation point of a functionally graded piezomagnetic structure containing flexomagneticity in a thermal environment. The continuum specimen involves an exponential mass distributed in a heterogeneous media with a constant square cross section. The physical neutral plane is investigated to postulate functionally graded material...
Seasonal changes of mercury speciation in the coastal sediments
PublicationPurpose Mercury speciation in sediments is linked to environmental conditions and processes. Domination of particular mercury species depends on its source, displays considerable seasonal behavior, and may be further modified due to oxygen levels, icing conditions, or the input of fresh organic matter. The purpose of this study was to examine the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdańsk in terms of mercury contamination and the influence...
Application of the finite element methods in long-term simulation of the multi-physics systems with large transient response differences
PublicationApplication of the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Multibody Dynamics Method allows analyzing of complex physical systems. Complexity of the system could be related both to the geometry and the physical description of phenomenon. The metod is the excellent tool for analyzing statics or dynamics of the mechanical systems, and permits tracking of Multi Body System (MBS) transient response for the long-term simulations and application...
Mechanisms of Damage to DNA Labeled with Electrophilic Nucleobases Induced by Ionizing or UV Radiation
PublicationHypoxia—a hallmark of solid tumors—makes hypoxic cells radioresistant. On the other hand, DNA, the main target of anticancer therapy, is not sensitive to the near UV photons and hydrated electrons, one of the major products of water radiolysis under hypoxic conditions. A possible way to overcome these obstacles to the efficient radio- and photodynamic therapy of cancer is to sensitize the cellular DNA to electrons and/or ultraviolet...
Electrochemical determination of neurotransmitter serotonin using boron/nitrogen co-doped diamond-graphene nanowall-structured particles
PublicationElectrode fouling is a major issue in biological detection due to the adhesion of the protein itself and polymerization of biomolecules on the electrode surface, impeding the electron transfer ability and decreasing the current response. To overcome this issue, the use of anti-fouling material, especially boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode, is an alternative way. However, the electrocatalytic activity of BDD is inadequate compared...
Degradation of polycaprolactone modified with TPS or CaCO3 in biotic/abiotic seawater
PublicationThis paper is an investigation of the polymer degradation process in two types of seawater (with and without microorganisms) sourced from the Baltic Sea. The chosen polymeric materials were polycaprolactone modified with either thermoplastic starch (PCL/TPS>85%) or calcium carbonate (60% PCL/40% CaCO3) compared directly against unmodified polycaprolactone. All samples were incubated for 28 weeks in seawater with and without microorganisms...
Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models
PublicationThe aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...
Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models
PublicationThe aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...
Surface sliding in human abdominal wall numerical models: Comparison of single-surface and multi-surface composites
PublicationDetermining mechanical properties of abdominal soft tissues requires a coupled experimental-numerical study, but first an appropriate numerical model needs to be built. Precise modeling of human abdominal wall mechanics is difficult because of its complicated multi-layer composition and large variation between specimens. There are several approaches concerning simplification of numerical models, but it is unclear how far one could...
An asymmetrical λ-foot of condensing steam flow in the IMP PAN nozzle
PublicationIn the present paper we have focused on the precise prediction of the spontaneous condensation phenomena in wet steam flow. Novelty of our approach lies on modelling both the moment of initiation of a phase transition, as well as the moment of its reverse progress - called here re-vaporization of the condensate phase. The practical issue is to elaborate of a model of spontaneous condensation/vaporization of water steam flow...
A study on diagnosing both isotropic and orthotropic, intentionally damaged laminates
PublicationBeing the most detrimental mode in laminated structures, delamination initially degrades local structural strength, and lastly causes global structural failure, thus necessitating delamination identification at its incipient stages. For identification purposes, a comprehensive numerical and experimental study on delamination within both the laminated isotropic acrylic-glass and orthotropic epoxyglass plates is presented. As the...
Influence of addition of carbon nanotubes on rheological properties of selected liquid lubricants - a computer simulation study
PublicationThis work is motivated by the improvement of anti-friction properties of lubricants by addition of CNTs proved experimentally in literature. In particular, a methodology is developed to compute the shear viscosity of liquid lubricants (Propylene Glycol) based on Molecular Dynamics simulation. Non-Equilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) approach is used with a reactive force field ReaxFF implemented in LAMMPS. The simulations are...
Właściwości i potencjalne zastosowania azobenzokoron: hydroksyazobenzokorony
PublicationW rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiono właściwości oraz metody syntezy azobenzokoron oraz hydroksyazobenzokoron. Opisano również zastosowanie związków makrocyklicznych jako chromojonoforów w czujnikach optycznych. W ramach pracy zbadano wpływ pH, rozpuszczalników oraz obecności jonów na równowagę tautomeryczną wybranych hydroksyazobenzokoron. Zbadano również równowagę kompleksowania jonów metali przez te związki oraz sprawdzono...
Bioactive polyurethanes applied as a surgical implants
PublicationSynthetic materials are applied in many branches of the industry, i.a. in medicine as a casing of apparatus, elements of artificial organs (hearts, blood vessels), catheters, wound healings, intra aortic balloons, mammary implants to mention but a few. Polymeric material used in such applications must be distinguished by a good biocompatybility. Since many years extensive research are employed to develop a new polymers that can...
Phosphorus removal by application of natural and semi-natural materials for possible recovery according to assumptions of circular economy and closed circuit of P
PublicationIn the last fewyears the idea of circular economy has become essential. Thus, designing methods of nutrients removal should be based on usingmaterials that make it possible to recover those nutrients. Recently,methods applied in wastewater treatment plants cannot provide optimal results; moreover, the application of commercial coagulants like ferric chloride and polyaluminumchloride can cause difficulties in potential recovery...
Low Noise Poroelastic Road Pavements Based On Bituminous Binder
PublicationTire/road noise is the dominant source of traffic noise. It depends both on the tire design and on the characteristics of road pavements as well as on the vehicles’ operating conditions. Due to the fact that conventional (pneumatic) car tires have almost reached the limits of their ability to further reduce their noisiness, it is widely believed that the additional reduction of tire noise will be possible mainly through modifications...
The Application of a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Indication of Directions of the Development of Renewable Energy Sources in the Context of Energy Policy
PublicationThis paper presents the application of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) for evaluating what technologies using renewable energy sources (RES) for electricity production have the chance to develop in Poland under the current socio-economic conditions. First, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used to determine the weights of the optimization criteria. Five main criteria and 30 sub-criteria were identified. Next,...
Decreasing CO2 Emissions By Reducing Tire Rolling Resistance
PublicationThe first motor vehicle was built by Nicolas Cugnot almost 250 years ago and since then there has been a continuous process of motor vehicles’ improvements, as well as development of new road pavements. The fuel crisis of the 70s of the 20th century made it clear to vehicle builders that measures should be taken to reduce vehicle fuel consumption and it contributed to an increased interest in electric vehicles. Although significant...
Effects of thermal history on the performance of low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ electrolyte and LiNi0.81Co0.15Al0.04O2 electrodes
PublicationIn this study, low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with an ∼560 μm thick Sm0.2Ce0.8O2−δ (SDC) electrolyte and ∼890 μm thick LiNi0.81Co0.15Al0.04O2−δ (NCAL) electrodes are constructed and characterized under three experimental conditions. The cell with an NCAL cathode pre-reduced under an H2 atmosphere at 550 °C presents the best electrochemical performance. This is ascribed to facts that the reduction reaction generating Ni–Co...
Experimental investigation of heat transfer enhancement in straight and U-bend double-pipe heat exchanger with wire insert
PublicationIn this paper, the possibility of heat transfer enhancement in the U-bend exchanger was presented. Experimental research has been carried out for four individual heat exchanger constructions i.e. plain tube in tube, turbulized tube in tube, plain U-bend and U-bend with turbulator. Also, heat transfer experiments for various boundary conditions were performed to obtain reference values. In case of U-bend exchanger with and without...
On a flexomagnetic behavior of composite structures
PublicationThe popularity of the studies is getting further on the flexomagnetic (FM) response of nano-electro-magneto machines. In spite of this, there are a few incompatibilities with the available FM model. This study indicates that the accessible FM model is inappropriate when considering the converse magnetization effect that demonstrates the necessity and importance of deriving a new FM relation. Additionally, the literature has neglected...