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Search results for: chemical gas sensors
Multianalyte Calibration Methods for Potentiometric Integrated Sensors System for Determination of Ions Concentration in a Body Fluids
PublicationIn recent years, integration and miniaturization of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) have brought many benefits resulting in the possibility of simultaneous determination of the ions concentration in a small sample volume. One of the key problems related to the preparation of integrated sensors systems (ISSs) is a calibration procedure due to the necessity to calibrate each particular sensor separately. The main aim of the research...
Modeling of multi-cavity Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensors
PublicationReflectance characteristics of a two-cavity extrinsic Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensor were investigated using computer modeling. Calculations were performed using a plane wave-based approach, selected for clarity of results. Based on the modeling results, it can be concluded that the two-cavity Fabry-Perot interferometer can be used to measure two different quantities, such as refractive index and temperature, independently. It...
Determination of Odour Interactions of Three-Component Gas Mixtures Using an Electronic Nose
PublicationThe paper presents an application of an electronic nose prototype comprised of six TGS-type sensors and one PID-type sensor to identify odour interaction phenomena in odorous three-component mixtures. The investigation encompassed eight odorous mixtures—toluene-acetone-triethylamine and formaldehyde-butyric acid-pinene — characterized by different odour intensity and hedonic tone. A principal component regression (PCR) calibration...
Erroneous Vehicle Velocity Estimation Correction Using Anisotropic Magnetoresistive (AMR) Sensors
PublicationMagnetic field sensors installed in the road infrastructure can be used for autonomous traffic flow parametrization. Although the main goal of such a measuring system is the recognition of the class of vehicle and classification, velocity is the essential parameter for further calculation and it must be estimated with high reliability. In-field test campaigns, during actual traffic conditions, showed that commonly accepted velocity...
Nanocrystalline diamond sheets as protective coatings for fiber-optic measurement head
PublicationFiber-optic sensors find numerous applications in science and industry, but their full potential is limited because of the risk of damaging the measurement head, in particular, due to the vulnerability of unprotected tips of the fiber to mechanical damage and aggressive chemical agents. In this paper, we report the first use of a new nanocrystalline diamond structure in a fiber-optic measurement head as a protective coating of...
Optimised Allocation of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublicationA problem of optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Two numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm. The robust estimation algorithm recently developed...
Integration of inertial sensors and GPS system data for underwater navigation
PublicationThe Inertial Navigation System (INS) is usually employed to determine the position of an underwater vehicles, like Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and, more recently, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The accuracy of the position provided by the INS, which uses accelerometers and gyroscopes, deteriorates with time. An external aiding sources such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be employed to reduce the error growth...
Measurement method for capacitive sensors for microcontrollers based on a phase shifter
PublicationA complete measurement method dedicated to capacitive sensors has been developed. It includes the development of hardware (an analogue interface circuit for microcontrollers with built-in times/counters and analogue comparators) and software (a measurement procedure and a systematic error calibration (correction) algorithm which is based on a calibration dictionary). The interface circuit consists of a low-pass filter and a phase...
Nitrogen-Doped Diamond Film for Optical Investigation of Hemoglobin Concentration
PublicationIn this work we present the fabrication and characterization of a diamond film which can be utilized in the construction of optical sensors for the investigation of biological samples. We produced a nitrogen-doped diamond (NDD) film using a microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MWPECVD) system. The NDD film was investigated with the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Raman...
A Review of Recent Advances in Human-Motion Energy Harvesting Nanogenerators, Self-Powering Smart Sensors and Self-Charging Electronics
PublicationIn recent years, portable and wearable personal electronic devices have rapidly developed with increasing mass production and rising energy consumption, creating an energy crisis. Using batteries and supercapacitors with limited lifespans and environmental hazards drives the need to find new, environmentally friendly, and renewable sources. One idea is to harness the energy of human motion and convert it into electrical energy...
Benchmarking Scalability and Security Configuration Impact for A Distributed Sensors-Server IOT Use Case
PublicationInternet of Things has been getting more and more attention and found numerous practical applications. Especially important in this context are performance, security and ability to cope with failures. Especially crucial is to find good trade-off between these. In this article we present results of practical tests with multiple clients representing sensors sending notifications to an IoT middleware – DeviceHive. We investigate performance...
Nanocrystalline CVD Diamond Coatings on Fused Silica Optical Fibres: Optical Properties Study
Publicationpre-treatment by dip coating in two detonation nanodiamond (DND) seeding media has been studied. The DND suspension in ethyl alcohol and dispersion of DND in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were chosen for the seeding purpose. The grain size distribution of nanodiamond particles in both seeding media was kept at the same level (approximately 1050 nm). After the seeding nanocrystalline diamond lms were deposited...
Efficient Usage of Dense GNSS Networks in Central Europe for the Visualization and Investigation of Ionospheric TEC Variations
PublicationThe technique of the orthogonal projection of ionosphere electronic content variations for mapping total electron content (TEC) allows us to visualize ionospheric irregularities. For the reconstruction of global ionospheric characteristics, numerous global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers located in different regions of the Earth are used as sensors. We used dense GNSS networks in central Europe to detect and investigate...
Graphene Production and Biomedical Applications: A Review
PublicationGraphene is a two-dimensional nanomaterial composed of carbon atoms with sp2 hybrid orbitals. Both graphene and graphene-based composite have gained broad interest among researchers because of their outstanding physiochemical, mechanical, and biological properties. Graphene production techniques are divided into top-down and bottom-up synthesis methods, of which chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is the most popular. The biomedical...
Evaluation of Three Peptide Immobilization Techniques on a QCM Surface Related to Acetaldehyde Responses in the Gas Phase
PublicationThe quartz-crystal microbalance is a sensitive and universal tool for measuring concentrations of various gases in the air. Biochemical functionalization of the QCM electrode allows a label-free detection of specific molecular interactions with high sensitivity and specificity. In addition, it enables a real-time determination of its kinetic rates and affinity constants. This makes QCM a versatile bioanalytical screening tool for...
The Concept of Accuracy Analysis of the Vertical Displacements Gained from the Hydrostatic Levelling Systems’ Measurements
PublicationAbstract: Nowadays, hydrostatic levelling is a widely used method for the vertical displacements’ determinations of objects such as bridges, viaducts, wharfs, tunnels, high buildings, historical buildings, special engineering objects (e.g., synchrotron), sports and entertainment halls. The measurements’ sensors implemented in the hydrostatic levelling systems (HLSs) consist of the reference sensor (RS) and sensors located on the...
Diamond-based protective layer for optical biosensors
PublicationOptical biosensors have become a powerful alternative to the conventional ways of measurement owing to their great properties, such as high sensitivity, high dynamic range, cost effectiveness and small size. Choice of an optical biosensor's materials is an important factor and impacts the quality of the obtained spectra. Examined biological objects are placed on a cover layer which may react with samples in a chemical, biological...
Three-Dimensional Path-Following with Articulated 6DoF Robot and ToF Sensors
PublicationThis paper presents an algorithm for 3D path-following using an articulated 6-Degree-of-Freedom (DoF) robot as well as experimental verification of the proposed approach. This research extends the classic line-following concept, typically applied in 2D spaces, into a 3D space. This is achieved by equipping a standard industrial robot with a path detection tool featuring six low-cost Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors. The primary objective...
Advanced Supervisory Control System Implemented at Full-Scale WWTP—A Case Study of Optimization and Energy Balance Improvement
PublicationIn modern and cost-eective Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), processes such as aeration, chemical feeds and sludge pumping are usually controlled by an operating system integrated with online sensors. The proper verification of these data-driven measurements and the control of different unit operations at the same time has a strong influence on better understanding and accurately optimizing the biochemical processes at WWTP—especially...
A review of design approaches for the implementation of low-frequency noise measurement systems
PublicationElectronic noise has its roots in the fundamental physical interactions between matter and charged particles, carrying information about the phenomena that occur at the microscopic level. Therefore, Low-Frequency Noise Measurements (LFNM) are a well-established technique for the characterization of electron devices and materials and, compared to other techniques, they offer the advantage of being non-destructive and of providing...
Ocena wpływu dodatku oliwy z oliwek na degradację termiczną rafinowanego oleju rzepakowego
PublicationTłuszcze jadalne to ważny składnik diety człowieka. Mają one znaczący wpływ na prawidłowe funkcjonowanie ludzkiego organizmu. Podczas smażenia olej podlega przemianom chemicznym, dlatego spożywane tłuszcze powinny charakteryzować się jak największą stabilności oksydacyjnej. Celem prowadzonych badań było określenie jakości olejów rzepakowego, mieszanego oraz rafinowanej oliwy z oliwek, pochodzących z rynku krajowego. Podczas badań...
Ocena stopnia degradacji termicznej olejów jadalnych z wykorzystaniem techniki ultraszybkiej chromatografii gazowej
PublicationPod wpływem podwyższonej temperatury oleje jadalne ulegają procesowi degradacji termicznej. W tym przypadku ilość lotnych związków organicznych, charakteryzujących się dużą polarnością, występujących w olejach jadalnych jest większa. Zmiany składu olejów jadalnych mogą stanowić zagrożenie dla zdrowia człowieka. Obecnie istnieje możliwości wykorzystania techniki ultraszybkiej chromatografii gazowej do oceny stopnia degradacji olejów...
Integration of inertial sensors and GPS system data for the personal navigation in urban area
PublicationGPS and Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) have complementary properties and they are therefore well suited for integration. The integrated solution offers better long-term accuracy than a stand-alone INS and better integrity, availability and continuity or a stand-alone GPS receiver, making it suitable for demanding applications. The complementary features of INS and GPS are the main reasons why integrated GPS/INS systems are becoming...
Automatic sound source localization in disturbing conditions using acoustic vector sensors
PublicationA concept, practical realization and applications of a passive acoustic radar to automatic localization and tracking of sound sources in disturbing conditions were presented in the paper. The device consists of the new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. The sensitivity of the realized acoustic radar was examined in free sound field. Several kinds of sound...
Combined Long-Period Fiber Grating and Microcavity In-Line Mach–Zehnder Interferometer for Refractive Index Measurements with Limited Cross-Sensitivity
PublicationThis work discusses sensing properties of a long-period grating (LPG) and microcavity in-line Mach–Zehnder interferometer (µIMZI) when both are induced in the same single-mode optical fiber. LPGs were either etched or nanocoated with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) to increase its refractive index (RI) sensitivity up to ≈2000 and 9000 nm/RIU, respectively. The µIMZI was machined using a femtosecond laser as a cylindrical cavity (d = 60...
Application of method of differential magnetometric system for detection of sunken objects
PublicationThis paper presents a magnetometric system with scalar sensors mounted on two independent platforms, which is used to detect sunken shipwrecks. Increasing the distance between the sensors allows for more precise measurement of the difference in the magnetic induction module than in the case of sensors mounted e.g. on the aeroplane’s wings. This type of system makes it possible to enlarge detection range of the sunken wrecks.
Time-domain measurement methods for R, L and C sensors based on aversatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationtIn the paper new time-domain measurement methods for determining values of resistive (R), inductive(L) and capacitive (C) sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcon-trollers with internal analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and analog comparators (ACs) are presented.The interface circuit consists of a reference resistor Rrworking as a voltage divider, a given R, L or C sensorand a microcontroller...
Fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensors – modeling versus measurements results
PublicationThis paper describes how parameters of investigated substances and the fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensing interferometer affect the spectrum of the optical radiation at the output of the sensor. First, the modeling of the operation of the sensing interferometer was conducted. Most important parameters and effects that were taken into account are: dependences of the refractive indices of the core and the cladding, as well the mode...
Optimised Robust Placement of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublicationA problem of optimised robust placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems under several water demand scenarios for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving at the same time a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm...
Remote Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants
PublicationAtmospheric air quality is one of the key factors influencing human health. Air quality evaluation is not an easy task as the atmosphere is a complex system subjected to continuous changes in time. Observed progress in the development of measurement devices and technologies is fundamental for acquisition of more reliable information about condition and quality of atmospheric air. Unfortunately, this process leads to an increase...
Detection system for optical coherence tomography: Czerny-Turner spectrometer
PublicationResearch methods based on spectral analysis have powerful impact on development in many field of science. Signal spectrum can be a source of useful and important data. It enables to obtain information about physical and chemical properties of tested materials. This paper has been devoted to describe optical design for high resolution spectrometer, which is significant element of optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. Designed...
Implementation of SiN thin film in fiber-optic sensor working in telecommunication range of wavelengths
PublicationMirrors are used in optical sensors and measurement setups. This creates a demand for mirrors made of new materials and having various properties tailored to specific applications. In this work, we propose silicon covered with a thin silicon nitride layer as a mirror for near-infrared measurements. SiN layer was deposited on a standard silicon wafer with a Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition furnace. Then, the created layer...
Monitoring Parkinson's disease patients employing biometric sensors and rule-based data processing
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje automatyczny system wykrywania pogorszenia zdrowia pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona opracowany w ramach projektu PERFORM.The paper presents how rule-based processing can be applied to automatically evaluate the motor state of Parkinson's Disease patients. Automatic monitoring of patients by using biometric sensors can provide assessment of the Parkinson's Disease symptoms. All data on PD patients' state are compared...
Uncertainty Quantification of Additive Manufacturing Post-Fabrication Tuning of Resonator-Based Microwave Sensors
PublicationReconfigurability, especially in terms of the ability of adjusting the operating frequency, has become an important prerequisite in the design of modern microwave components and systems. It is also pertinent to microwave sensors developed for a variety of applications such as characterization of material properties of solids or liquids. This paper discusses uncertainty quantification of additive-manufacturing-based post-fabrication...
ZnO coated fiber optic microsphere sensor for the enhanced refractive index sensing
PublicationOptical fiber-based sensors are expected to become key components in the control of industrial processes,and the tuning and the enhancement of their sensing properties are crucial for the further developmentof this technology. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), a vapor phase technique allowing for the deposition ofconformal thin films, is particularly suited for the deposition of controllable thin films on challenging sub-strates....
Localization of sound sources with dual acoustic vector sensor
PublicationThe aim of the work is to estimate the position of sound sources. The proposed method uses a setup of two acoustic vector sensors (AVS). The intersection of azimuth rays from each AVS should indicate the position of a source. In practice, the result of position estimation using this method is an area rather than a point. This is a result of inaccuracy of the individual sensors, but more importantly, of the influence of a source...
Potentiometric taste sensor application for liquid product taste estimation
PublicationThe principles of taste sense and kinds of tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami and fat) have been described. Food quality estimation by taste sense: organoleptic testing and sensory analysis has been presented. The principle of operation of potentiometric sensor composed of several Ion Selective Electrodes or All Solid State Electrodes with polymeric membranes and macromolecular chemical compounds sensitive to substances...
Digital Processing of Frequency–Pulse Signal in Measurement System
PublicationThe work presents the issue of the use of multichannel measurement systems of sensors processing input value to impulse signal frequency. The frequency impulse signal obtained from such sensors is often required to be processed at the same time with a voltage signal which is obtained from other sensors used in the same measurement system. In such case, it is usually necessary to sample the output signals from all sensors in the...
Acoustic radar employing particle velocity sensors
PublicationA concept, practical realization and applications of a passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking of sound sources were presented in the paper. The device consist of the new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. Contrary to active radars, it does not emit the scanning beam but after receiving surroundings sounds it provide information about the...
Light-Powered Starter for Micro-Power Boost DC–DC Converter for CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationThe design of a starter for a low-voltage, micro-power boost DC–DC converter intended for powering CMOS image sensors is presented. A unique feature of the starter is extremely low current, below 1 nA, supplying its control circuit. Therefore, a high-voltage (1.3 V) configuration of series-connected photovoltaic diodes available in a standard CMOS process or a small external LED working in photovoltaic mode can be used as an auxiliary...
A Highly Selective Biosensor Based on Peptide Directly Derived from the HarmOBP7 Aldehyde Binding Site
PublicationThis paper presents the results of research on determining the optimal length of a peptide chain to eectively bind octanal molecules. Peptides that map the aldehyde binding site in HarmOBP7 were immobilized on piezoelectric transducers. Based on computational studies, four Odorant Binding Protein-derived Peptides (OBPPs) with dierent sequences were selected. Molecular modelling results of ligand docking with selected peptides were...
Application of wavelength division multiplexing in sensor networks
PublicationOver the past few years the need to acquire data on various parameters from a number of sensors grew. The need that led to the development of a network of sensors which enables simultaneous control and measurement in a wide range of applications. The aim of this article is to discuss a possibility of connecting a variety of sensors in a network that would utilize WDM technology. Wavelength Division Multiplexing is commonly used...
Short and Long Term Measurements in Assessment of FRP Composite Footbridge Behavior
PublicationThe paper presents application of different sensors for the purpose of short and long term measurements, as well as a structural health monitoring (SHM) system to assess the behavior of a novel fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) composite footbridge. The aim is to present a thorough and concise description of these sensors networks and results gathered with their aid during in situ measurement of strains, displacements, and vibrations,...
Optimal placement of IMU sensor for the detection of children activity
PublicationIn this paper an investigation to determine the optimal placement of IMU sensors for the purpose of children characteristic activity detection is presented. The article compares four different placement of two IMU sensors on human body. Ten healthy volunteers participated within the study. Data were collected firstly from two wireless 9-axial IMU sensors placed at the left and right wrists, then sensors were placed at lower back...
A measurement method for lossy capacitive relative humidity sensors based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationA new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance and resistance values of lossy relative humidity capacitive sensors is presented. The method is based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators and timers. The interface circuit consists only of four reference resistors (two reference resistors if a microcontroller includes a voltage reference source),...
Chiral-based optical and electrochemical biosensors: Synthesis, classification, mechanisms, nanostructures, and applications
PublicationThis review seeks to collect, summarize, classify and discuss the latest advances in chiral-based optical biosensors. Starting from the identification of chiral molecules, photoluminescence, and electrochemical sensors, applications of chiral structures in biosensing molecules are reviewed. Then, biosensors working on the basis of chirality are classified, followed by summarizing the outcomes of research works on design, synthesis,...
Application of boron-doped diamond film and ZnO layer in the Fabry-Pérot interferometer
PublicationIn this article there have been presented the use of boron-doped diamond films for sensor applications. The low-finesse Fabry-Pérot interferometer working in the reflective mode has been implemented. Two kinds of reflective layers have been elaborated: boron-doped diamond thin films and zinc-oxide (ZnO) layer. Thin ZnO layers were deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on the face of a standard telecommunication single-mode...
Physicochemical and Mechanical Performance of Freestanding Boron-Doped Diamond Nanosheets Coated with C:H:N:O Plasma Polymer
PublicationThe physicochemical and mechanical properties of thin and freestanding heavy boron-doped diamond (BDD) nanosheets coated with a thin C:H:N:O plasma polymer were studied. First, diamond nanosheets were grown and doped with boron on a Ta substrate using the microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique (MPECVD). Next, the BDD/Ta samples were covered with nylon 6.6 to improve their stability in harsh environments and...
Activation Energy and Inclination Magnetic Dipole Influences on Carreau Nanofluid Flowing via Cylindrical Channel with an Infinite Shearing Rate
PublicationThe infinite shear viscosity model of Carreau fluid characterizes the attitude of fluid flow at a very high/very low shear rate. This model has the capacity for interpretation of fluid at both extreme levels, and an inclined magnetic dipole in fluid mechanics has its valuable applications such as magnetic drug engineering, cold treatments to destroy tumors, drug targeting, bio preservation, cryosurgery, astrophysics, reaction kinetics,...
Embedded system using Bluetooth Low Energy sensors for smart farming applications
PublicationThe main goal of this Bachelor of Engineering project titled Embedded system using Bluetooth Low Energy sensors for smart farming applications is to create a prototype of a system consistent with Agriculture 4.0 concept using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. Developed solution shall be easy in implementation and its main functionality shall be periodic gathering of data from environmental sensors...