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Search results for: MODIFIED IMPACT TES
Impact of the addition of resistant starch from modified pea starch on dough and bread performance
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Standard and modified falling mass impact tests on preplaced aggregatefibrous concrete and slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete
PublicationAlthough several studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact response of concrete using theAmerican Concrete Institute (ACI) 544-2R falling mass impact test, the variations in test results are themain drawback of this testing method. This study aims to reduce the variations in experimental impacttest results by introducing two simple test setup modifications; (1) using coarse or fine aggregate bed-ding as an alternative...
Investigating the Impact of Curing System on Structure-Property Relationship of Natural Rubber Modified with Brewery By-Product and Ground Tire Rubber
PublicationThe application of wastes as a filler/reinforcement phase in polymers is a new strategy to modify the performance properties and reduce the price of biocomposites. The use of these fillers, coming from agricultural waste (cellulose/lignocellulose-based fillers) and waste rubbers, constitutes a method for the management of post-consumer waste. In this paper, highly-filled biocomposites based on natural rubber (NR) and ground tire...
Investigating the Impact of Curing System on Structure-Property Relationship of Natural Rubber Modified with Brewery By-Product and Ground Tire Rubber
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Experimental and numerical investigation on shell and coil storage unit with biodegradable PCM for modular thermal battery applications
PublicationThermal energy storage (TES) in automotive applications is currently growing in importance. TES can visibly reduce primary energy consumptions, decrease CO2 emission, and improve thermal comfort in electric as well as hybrid vehicles. However, to meet the new ambitious target (15% reduction of CO2 emissions in the new cars until 2025) it is required to use plug-in electric vehicles. For this reason, this paper focuses on the optimization...
Experimental Investigations on the Influence of Coil Arrangement on Melting/Solidification Processes
PublicationThe latent heat thermal energy storage units are very popular because of their high energy density and almost close to constant temperature during the charging/discharging. In the present study has been proposed new shell-and-coil geometry with a shifted coil position to enhance the performance of phase change thermal magazine. The experimental investigations have been performed both for the melting and solidification process of...
The Impact of Direct Normal Irradiation on the Solar Tower Power Plant Performance based on Real and Satellite Data: Analysis on Algerian Regions
PublicationThe present paper presents a deep study on the possibility of implementing Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants in Algeria for the production of the electrical energy. Indeed, this paper focusses mainly on the main parameters, which can have an important impact on the choice of the location, the dimension and the available thermal energy storage system. In this study, three main parameters are investigate...
Study on effective front region thickness of PCM in thermal energy storage using a novel semi-theoretical model
PublicationThermal energy storage in mobile applications, particularly battery of electric vehicles, is currently gaining a lot of importance. In this paper, a semi-theoretical time-dependent mathematical model of the phase change in a double shell thermal energy storage module has been developed where the inner tube is a heat exchange surface. An effective front region thickness for the melting and solidification process has been studied....
Featuring Semitransparent p–i–n Perovskite Solar Cells for High-Efficiency Four-Terminal/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
PublicationTwo issues need to be resolved when fabricating p–i–n semitransparent perovskite solar cells (ST-PVSCs) for four-terminal (4 T) perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells: 1) damage to the underlying absorber (MAPbI3), electron transporting layer ([6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester, PCBM), and work function (WF) modifier (polyethylenimine, PEI), resulting from the harsh sputtering conditions for the transparent electrodes (TEs)...
Przegląd nanododatków stosowanych w warstwach asfaltowych nawierzchni drogowych
PublicationJednym z kierunków rozwoju technologii materiałowych jest nanotechnologia rozumiana jako dziedzina zajmująca się zastosowaniem nanododatków do wytwarzania nowych materiałów oraz ich wpływem na parametry modyfikowanych materiałów. W ostatnich latach nanotechnologia wkracza do technologii modyfikacji asfaltów stosowanych w nawierzchniach drogowych. W artykule przedstawiono stosowane obecnie w budownictwie drogowym nanododatki oraz...
PublicationNanofluids came to be seen as a new generation of coolants, both in single- and two phase systems. Furthermore, nanofluids or nanocomposites may be used as a media in a thermal energy storage (TES) in such systems as sensible heat storage (SHS) and phase change materials (PCM). In the SHS systems the dominating mechanism of the heat transfer is natural convection. However, in the literature only a few investigations of free convection...
Experimental investigation of free convection of glycol-Al2O3 nanofluid from horizontal tube
PublicationNanofluids came to be seen as a new generation of coolants, both in single- and two phase systems. Furthermore, nanofluids or nanocomposites may be used as a media in a thermal energy storage (TES) in such systems as sensible heat storage (SHS) and phase change materials (PCM). In the SHS systems the dominating mechanism of the heat transfer is natural convection. However, in the literature only a few investigations of free convection...
Wpływ zawartości grafitu na właściwości mechaniczne warstw hybrydowych Ni-P/Si3N4/grafit osadzonych na stopie AW-7075 metodą redukcji chemicznej.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ obecności grafitu jako fazy dyspersyjnej na właściwości mechaniczne warstw hybrydowych Ni-P/Si3N4/grafit, które osadzono metodą redukcji chemicznej na stopie glinu AW-7075. Wykonano badania morfologii powierzchni warstw metodą mikroskopii świetlnej i skaningowej. Dalszą część pracy stanowiły badania mechaniczne, czyli pomiary mikrotwardości warstw oraz ich adhezji do aluminiowego podłoża, a także analizy wpływu...
Experimental and theoretical study of a vertical tube in shell storage unit with biodegradable PCM for low temperature thermal energy storage applications
PublicationThis article presents the experimental investigations of the coconut oil-based TES module for HVAC applications in the ambient and-sub ambient temperature range. To properly study this problem modular experimental module and test loop were developed. Special attention has been paid to study the physical mechanism of the melting/solidification process for natural substance (coconut oil) which has perspectives to be used in thermal...
Heat transfer enhancement of modular thermal energy storage unit for reversible heat pump cooperation
PublicationThe following article presents experimental comparison research on a hexagonal shelland-tube latent thermal energy storage (TES). Such shape of a shell was deliberately chosen instead of a cylindrical one due to its high modularity and with intent for future applications in automobiles (EV and PHEV) air conditioning systems (HVAC). Two geometries of helical coils, acting as tubes, were studied in this article. One was a simple...
Wykorzystanie kamery termowizyjnej nowej generacji do oceny wpływu sił ortodontycznych na dziąsło = The application of a new-generation thermal imaging camera for the assessment of hemodynamic changes in gingiva during orthodontic treatment
PublicationIntroduction. One ot the most interesting modern methods of assessing microcirculation is thermovisiual examination. Thermovision cameras are commonly used in general medicine. As the periodontium is one of the most vascularized tissues in the human body, the application of high-sensitivity thermovision cameras may allow tor noninvasive asses- sment and early detection ot pathological changes in the gingiva by giving a complete...
Modified linear viscoelastic model of earthquake-induced structural pounding
PublicationIn recent times, earthquake-induced structural pounding has been intensively studied through the use of different impact force models. The numerical results obtained from the previous studies indicate that the linear viscoelastic model is relatively simple and accurate in modeling pounding-involved behavior of structures during earthquakes. The only shortcoming of the model is a negative value of the pounding force occurring just...
Haemocompatibility of Modified Nanodiamonds
PublicationThis study reports the interactions of modified nanodiamond particles in vitro with human blood. Modifications performed on the nanodiamond particles include oxygenation with a chemical method and hydrogenation upon chemical vapor deposition (CVD) plasma treatment. Such nanodiamonds were later incubated in whole human blood for different time intervals, ranging from 5 min to 5 h. The morphology of red blood cells was assessed along...
Modified DNA polymerases for PCR troubleshooting
PublicationPCR has become an essential tool in biological science. However, researchers often encounter problems with difficult targets, inhibitors accompanying the samples, or PCR trouble related to DNA polymerase. Therefore, PCR optimization is necessary to obtain better results. One solution is using modified DNA polymerases with desirable properties for the experiments. In this article, PCR troubleshooting, depending on the DNA polymerase...
Opinia o innowacyjności: Poprawa konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa TES Sp. z o.o. dzięki wdrożeniu innowacyjności procesowej w produkowanych maszynach rozdmuchowych
PublicationPrzedstawiono opinię dotyczącą rozwiązania do optymalizacji i monitoringu maszyn rozdmuchowych na etapie ich testowania, bezpośrednio przed wysyłką do klienta.
rigid polyurethane foams modified with selected nanofillers
PublicationThe nanofillers: natural montmoryllonite (MMT) - Bentonite, natural MMT modified with a quaternary ammonium salt - Cloisite30B, has been used in rigid polyurethane foams (PUFs). The influence of fillers amounts on processing parameters, physical-mechanical properties (density, water absorption, brittleness and compression strength) and thermal properties (thermal stability, fire behaviours) of such foams has been analysed. The...
Degradation of modified TPS in natural and industrial compost
PublicationThe aim of the study was to determine in the pilot studies the degree of decomposition of modified by us thermoplasic starch (potato starch).Commercial and new obtained by us foils were tested in an open roofing at normal weather conditions. The most visible changes were observed in TPS modified by epoxidized soybean oil and arabic gum contrary to commercial foils where there was no mass change observed.
Impact Behaviour of Glass Fribre /Epoxy Composites with Nano-Enhanced Resin after Water Exposure
PublicationImpact behaviour of glass fibre /epoxy composites with nano- SiO2 modified resin was studied in terms of low velocity impact after water exposure. Nanocomposites with 1%, 2%, 3% 5% 7% nano-SiO2 (Nanopox- Evonic) were investigated. Peak impact load and impact damage area as a function of nanoparticle contents were compared for dry specimens and for samples exposed to water (0.7 %wt. 1.7% water absorbed) at 1J, 2J 3J impact energies....
Modified Manganese Phosphate Conversion Coating on Low-Carbon Steel
PublicationConversion coatings are one of the primary types of galvanic coatings used to protect steel structures against corrosion. They are created through chemical reactions between the metal surface and the environment of the phosphating. This paper investigates the impact that the addition of new metal cations to the phosphating reaction environment has on the quality of the final coating. So far, standard phosphate coatings have contained...
Modelowanie procesu wrzenia i kondensacji w rozszerzonym zakresie ciśnień zredukowanych
PublicationNiniejsza rozprawa doktorska ma na celu pokazanie wpływu uwzględnienia ciśnienia zredukowanego w analizowanym modelu opisują-cym współczynnik przejmowania ciepła na zbieżność z danymi eksperymentalnymi.Przedmiotem analizy jest półempiryczny model Mikielewicza w zastosowaniu do danych eksperymentalnych w kanałach konwencjonalnych i o małej średnicy płynów uznanych za perspektywiczne.W ramach realizowanych prac badawczych pozyskano...
Sorbents modified by deep eutectic solvents in microextraction techniques
PublicationIn recent years, considerable attention has been directed towards the employment of green solvents, specifically deep eutectic solvents (DES), in liquid phase microextraction techniques. However, comprehensive and organized knowledge regarding the modification of sorbent surface structures with DES remains limited. Therefore, this paper reviews the application of DES in modifying and improving the properties of sorbents for microextraction...
PublicationTiO2 was surface modified with silver, gold, palladium and platinum ion clusters to improve its photocatalytic activity. The effect of metal content, the kind of dopant used during preparation procedure on the photoactivity were investigated. in toluene removal which was used as a model volatile organic compound. Toluene, at the concentration of about 100 ppm, was irradiated over noble metal modified TiO2 using light-emitting diodes...
Design of modified PID controllers for 3D crane control
PublicationFrom the control viewpoint, 3D crane is a dynamic, nonlinear and multidimensional electromechanical system. In this paper, five control systems using a set-point weighted PID controllers (modified controllers) are designed. These structures and properties are presented. Optimization process of controllers settings based on integral performance indices is made. Simulation tests of control systems are presented. Comparison of integral...
Rigid polyurethane foams modified with selected flame retardants
PublicationThe flame retardants: expandable graphite, triethylphosphatehas been used in rigid polyurethane foams (PUFs). The influence of fillers amounts on processing parameters, physical-mechanical properties (compression strength, density, water absorption, brittleness)and thermal properties (thermal stability) of such foams has been analyzed.The gel, cram and rise time for PUFs modified with flame retardant has been observed during synthesis...
Preliminary Testing of the Influence of Modified Polycaprolactones on Anabaena Variabilis Growth in Seawater
PublicationSeveral new biodegradable polymer materials have recently come onto the global market. Mostly the results on degradation kinetic studies are presented. This paper suggests using one of the tests to estimate the impact of polymer packaging material on sea life. The microorganism chosen was Anabaena variabilis (identified in many waters, including those of the Baltic Sea, especially in the Gulf of Gdansk and Puck Bay; this cyanobacterium...
Impact of Work on the Well-Being of Police Officers and Firefighters
PublicationWork is one of the most important spheres of human functioning and has a significant impact on individual overall well-being. The purpose of this study is to assess the positive and negative impact of the work of police officers and firefighters on their well-being in different spheres of life. In particular, the study examines the relationship between the type of occupation and the elements that generate a feeling of well-being,...
Analysis of Accuracy of Modified Gradient Method in Indoor Radiolocalisation System
PublicationIn this paper a new method, called modified gradient method, has been proposed for position calculation on the basis of distance measurement in indoor environment. It is shown that well known method of position calculation such as Foy is inefficient in indoor environment. In this article is also described the indoor radiolocalisation system which was used for collecting distance measurements which were employed for further comparative...
Impact damage in SiO2 nanoparticle enhanced epoxy – Carbon fibre composites
PublicationLow velocity impact behaviour of nano-SiO2 enhanced carbon fibre/epoxy composites for naval applications is reported. Epoxy resin matrix was enhanced by 1- 8 wt% SiO2 nanoparticles, based on industrial surface-modified nanosilica. Impact parameters: force, deformation, energy, damage size were recorded. The most pronounced effect was damage size decrease; e.g. ∼28% recorded by infrared thermography and X-ray computed radiography...
Melanoma skin cancer detection using mask-RCNN with modified GRU model
PublicationIntroduction: Melanoma Skin Cancer (MSC) is a type of cancer in the human body; therefore, early disease diagnosis is essential for reducing the mortality rate. However, dermoscopic image analysis poses challenges due to factors such as color illumination, light reflections, and the varying sizes and shapes of lesions. To overcome these challenges, an automated framework is proposed in this manuscript. Methods: Initially, dermoscopic...
Processing, Mechanical and Morphological Properties of GTR Modified by SBS Copolymers
PublicationIn this work, ground tire rubber (GTR) was thermo-mechanically treated in the presence of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) copolymers. During preliminary investigation, the effects of different SBS copolymer grades, the variable content of SBS copolymer on the Mooney viscosity, and the thermal and mechanical properties of modified GTR were determined. Subsequently, GTR modified by SBS copolymer and cross-linking agents (sulfur-based...
Impact response of two-layered grouted aggregate fibrous concretecomposite under falling mass impact
PublicationTwo-layered Grouted Aggregates Fibrous Concrete Composite (TGAFCC) is a new category concrete which became popular recently and attracted the attention of researchers globally. Recent studies indicated that TGAFCC has notable improvement in mechanical properties, which has been sufficiently documented. However, the impact behaviour of TGAFCC when combined with Glass Fibre Mesh (GFM) and Textile Fibre Mesh (TFM) is still unexplored....
Study the impact of design method preference on the usefulness of concrete and on CO2 emissions
PublicationPurpose – The research investigates the impact of concrete design methods on performance, emphasizing environmental sustainability. The study compares the modified Bolomey method and Abrams’ law in designing concretes. Significant differences in cement consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions are revealed. The research advocates for a comprehensive life cycle assessment, considering factors like compressive strength, carbonation...
Structural and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Poly(ε-caprolactone) Modified by Various Peroxide Initiators
PublicationThe modification of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) was successfully conducted during reactive processing in the presence of dicumyl peroxide (DCP) or di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene (BIB). The peroxide initiators were applied in the various amounts of 0.5 or 1.0 pbw (part by weight) into the PCL matrix. The effects of the initiator type and its concentration on the structure and mechanical and thermal properties of PCL were...
Thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with L-ascorbic acid
PublicationIn this study we report the thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with ascorbic acid (AA). Ascorbic acid was used as a modifier at concentration of 1 or 2 mass%. The antioxidative properties of AA may improve the biocompatibility of the obtained materials, which were designed for biomedical applications. In this paper we describe characterization of obtained unmodified and ascorbic acid modified polyurethanes...
Modified GAPI (MoGAPI) Tool and Software for the Assessment of Method Greenness: Case Studies and Applications
PublicationThe green analytical procedure index (GAPI) has been widely used to assess the greenness of different steps in analytical methodology. In the GAPI index, the different stages of the chemical analysis process are depicted using five pentagrams divided in subsections, labeled green, yellow, or red according to the degree of greenness. This GAPI tool provides a quick overview of the environmental impact and safety of the procedure....
A modified method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index
PublicationA method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index has been creatively modified. The suggested original modification depends on consideration of direct relationship between the measured acceleration signal and the optimal control command. The paper presents the results of experiments and Hardware- in-the-loop simulations of a new active vibration reduction algorithm based on the energy...
A quaternion-based modified feistel cipher for multimedia transmission
PublicationIn this paper a quaternion-based modified Feistel Cipher is proposed. The algorithm is based on the scheme proposed by Sastry and Kumar (2012). Our algorithm uses special properties of quaternions to perform rotations of data sequences in 3D space for each of the cipher rounds. The plaintext (image in gray-tone) is divided into two square matrices of equal size which consist of Lipschitz quaternions. A modular arithmetic was implemented...
Statistical properties of a modified standard map in quantum and classical regimes
PublicationWe present a model—a modified standard map. This model has interesting properties that allow quantum–classical correspondences to be studied. For some range of parameters in the classical phase space of this model, there exist large accelerator modes. We can create a family of maps that have large accelerator modes.
Depth Determination Accuracy of the Modified Prony Method in a Swath Mapping Application
PublicationThis article presents the performance of the modified Prony method in a swath mapping application. Depth determination accuracy is assessed by processing raw signal acquired by an EdgeTech 6205 swath bathymetry system over flat seafloor. An updated version of the method, proposed previously by the authors, is used to determine the number of signal echoes. The number of signal echoes is essential for performing the low-rank approximation...
FPGA computation of magnitude of complex numbers using modified CORDIC algorithm
PublicationIn this work we present computation of the magnitude of complex numbers using a modified version of the CORDIC algorithm that uses only five iterations. The relationship between the computation error and the number of CORDIC iterations are presented for floating-point and integer arithmetics. The proposed modification of CORDIC for integer arithmetic relies upon the introduction of correction once basic computations are performed...
Rigid polyurethane foams modified with selected layered silicate nanofillers
PublicationThe aim of this study was to investigate the effect of three different nanofillers on the properties of rigid polyurethane foams, which were prepared by a one-step, laboratory-scale method from a two-component system at the ratio of NCO groups to OH groups equaled to 2. The reaction mixture consisted of the proper amounts of the commercial oligoether polyol, catalysts, water, nanoclays, and polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate....
Development of methods improving storage stability of bitumen modified with ground tire rubber: A review
PublicationThe following paper presents an overview of methods for improving the storage stability at high temperature of rubber modified bitumen. The storage stability of the rubber modified bitumen can be improved by using a various types of modifiers that form the bonds between the components of these binders. The increase in stability can also be achieved by using crumbrubber surface-activated by furaldehyde or ground tire rubber (GTR)...
Behaviour of steel columns under impact
PublicationOne of import issues related to the idea of sustainable society is the safety of civil engineering structures. The safety and reliability of steel structures under impact loading is among a number of different aims during the design state. The aim of this paper is to present the results of investigation focused on dynamic behaviour of steel columns under impact loading. Modal and transient dynamic analyses using Finite Element...
Thermoplastic polyurethane/(organically modified montmorillonite) nanocomposites produced by in situ polymerization
PublicationA series of polyurethane nanocomposites were synthesized from thermoplastic polyurethanes (with different hard segment ratios) and two types of organically modified montmorillonites (OMMT) - Cloisite® 10A and Cloisite® 20A. The thermal behavior was examined by non-isothermal thermogravimetry (TG, DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic-Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA). The results of X-ray analyses showed that...
Functional properties of packaging materials from chemical modified stach.
PublicationThis work is focused on study of the mechanical and barrier properties of films obtained from potato starch modified with sodium tetrahydroxozincate generated in situ. The results show that the chemical modification of starch improved the water vapor permeability by about 25%, unfortunately decreased the elongation at break by 60%, when compared with unmodified starch films. However, placitization of films with glycerol at a concentration...