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RCDs Tripping in the Range from DC to AC 50 kHz for Slowly Rising Residual Current
PublicationThe wide use of power electronic converters means that in many low-voltage systems earth fault currents containing components from DC to AC of various frequencies have to be taken into account. Due to the tendency to increase the modulation frequency in converters, components of higher frequencies may be in the order of several tens of kilohertz. Therefore, it is very important to verify the behavior of devices for protection against...
Method of selecting the LS-SVM algorithm parameters in gas detection process
PublicationIn this paper we showed the method of resistive gas sensors data processing. The UV irradiation and temperature modulation was applied to improve gas sensors’ selectivity and sensitivity. Noise voltage across the sensor’s terminals (proportional to its resistance fluctuations) was recorded to estimate power spectral density. This function was an input data vector for LS-SVM (least squares – support vector machine) algorithm, which...
Preliminary investigations of effect of conditions of FCAW process on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationOne of the types of hydrogen degradation of steel welded joints is cold cracking. The direct cause of the formation of cold cracks is simultaneous presence of hydrogen, residual stresses and brittle structure. The way of preventing the occurring of degradation is to eliminate at least one of these factors. Practice has shown that the best solution is to control the amount of hydrogen in deposited metal. In this paper the state...
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on ‘Ti–13Zr–13Nb’ alloy
PublicationThe presented research was aimed to determine the mechanical properties of the nanotubular oxide layer covered with hydroxyapatite coating. The Ti–13Zr–13Nb alloy was oxidised in 1M phosphoric acid with an addition of 0?5% HF for HF solution at 20 V voltage. The electrochemically assisted deposition of hydroxyapatite was performed at cyclic polarisation in NH4H2PO4 and CaCl2 solution at 80uC. The mechanical properties were determined...
Nonlinear Model of Synchronous Generator for Autonomous Electrical Power Systems Analysis
PublicationThis paper presents the nonlinear lookup table model for synchronous generator (SG) analysis. The saturation effects of the SG magnetic circuit have been considered. The saturated characteristic of the SG magnetic circuit are based on the open circuit saturation curve for magnetizing inductances. The model has been implemented into the Synopsys/Saber software using the MAST modelling language. To implement the no-load voltage characteristic...
Standard IEC 61850 w sieci rozdzielczej średniego napięcia CERN
PublicationArtykuł stanowi skrótowy opis wyników pracy autora w okresie od 01.10.2009 do 30.09.2010 w Engineering Department, High-Voltage Section w CERN. Przedstawiono system zasilania elektroenergetycznego obiektów CERN wraz automatyką ATS w sieci 18 kV. Zdefiniowano założenia dla automatyki w ramach planowanych modernizacji sieci średniego napięcia, wskazując na wymóg zgodności ze standardem IEC 61850. Zaproponowano trójpierścieniową topologię...
Spray deposited carbon nanotubes counter electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells
PublicationCarbon nanotubes due to their catalytic properties are a promising alternative to platinum counter electrodes (CE) for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). In this study, counter electrodes were made from double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) ink using the spray printing technique and afterwards thermally treated at temperatures ranging from 120 to 300 °C. Morphology and structure was studied using scanning electron microscopy and...
Spray-deposited carbon-nanotube counter-electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells
PublicationCarbon nanotubes due to their catalytic properties are a promising alternative to platinum counter electrodes (CE) for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). In this study, counter electrodes were made from double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) ink using the spray printing technique and afterwards they were thermally treated at temperatures ranging from 120 to 300 °C. Morphology and structure was studied using scanning electron microscopy...
Performance Comparison of a 650 V GaN SSFET and CoolMOS
PublicationThe new technology of wide band gap semiconductors is said to outperform up-to-date silicon devices. High voltage Gallium Nitride (GaN) transistors, now emerging in the market, have even three times shorter switching times and even four times smaller energy losses compared to the best in-class Si devices. In this paper the performance of a 650 V GaN SSFET is evaluated and compared with the newest silicon family of CoolMOS™ technology....
Influence of High Temperature Oxidation on Hydrogen Absorption and Degradation of Zircaloy-2 and Zr 700 Alloys
PublicationThe present research was aimed at determining the effects of the oxide layers on hydrogen absorption, microstructure and mechanical properties of the Zircaloy- 2 and Zr 702 alloys. The oxidation was made at 350 °C, 700 °C and 900 °C for 10 to 30 min in laboratory air, followed by hydrogen cathodic charging for 72 h and annealing at 400 °C for 4 h. The slow strain rate tests were carried out on oxidized, charged and annealed specimens. The...
A measurement method for lossy capacitive relative humidity sensors based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationA new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance and resistance values of lossy relative humidity capacitive sensors is presented. The method is based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators and timers. The interface circuit consists only of four reference resistors (two reference resistors if a microcontroller includes a voltage reference source),...
A Direct Modulation for Matrix Converters based on the Onecycle Atomic operation developed in Verilog HDL.
PublicationThis paper presents a fast direct Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) algorithm for the Conventional Matrix Converters (CMC) developed in Verilog Hardware Description language (HDL). All PWM duty cycle calculations are performed in one cycle by an atomic operation designed as a digital module using FPGA basic blocks. The algorithm can be extended to any number of output phase. The improved version of the discontinuous Direct Analytic...
Manganese–Cobalt Based Spinel Coatings Processed by Electrophoretic Deposition Method: The Influence of Sintering on Degradation Issues of Solid Oxide Cell Oxygen Electrodes at 750 °C
PublicationThis paper seeks to examine how the Mn–Co spinel interconnect coating microstructure can influence Cr contamination in an oxygen electrode of intermediate temperature solid oxide cells, at an operating temperature of 750 °C. A Mn–Co spinel coating is processed on Crofer 22 APU substrates by electrophoretic deposition, and subsequently sintered, following both the one-step and two-step sintering, in order to obtain significantly...
Production and Properties of the Porous Layer Obtained by the Electrochemical Method on the Surface of Austenitic Steel
Publication: The growing demand for implants has seen increasing interest in the introduction of new technologies and surface modification methods of metal biomaterials. This research aimed to produce and characterize a porous layer grown on austenitic stainless steel 316L, obtained via the anodization process near the micro-arc oxidation, i.e., low voltage micro-arc oxidation (LVMAO). The discussed layer significantly influences the properties...
Power Converter Solutions for Industrial PV Applications—A Review
Publication: As the use of photovoltaics becomes more widespread, new technologies for more efficient energy generation, transmission, and distribution based on power electronics converters are being developed. The most common applications are grid-on, energy storage, hybrid, and high voltage gain applications. These applications impose several additional requirements in the design of power converters associated with the solar battery’s maximum...
Simulation Studies of Control Systems for Doubly Fed Induction Generator Supplied by the Current Source Converter
PublicationThe control system for a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) supplied by a grid-connected Current Source Converter (CSC) is presented in this paper. Nonlinear transformation of DFIG model to the multi-scalar form is proposed. The nonlinear control strategy of active and reactive power of DFIG is realized by feedback linearization. In the proposed control scheme, the DFIG model and CSI parameters are included. Two Proportional-Integral...
Effects of Surface Pretreatment of Titanium Substrates on Properties of Electrophoretically Deposited Biopolymer Chitosan/Eudragit E 100 Coatings
PublicationThe preparation of the metal surface before coating application is fundamental in determining the properties of the coatings, particularly the roughness, adhesion, and corrosion resistance. In this work, chitosan/Eudragit E 100 (chit/EE100) were fabricated by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) and both their microstructure and properties were investigated. The present research is aimed at characterizing the effects of the surface...
Stateczność i niezawodność pełnomorskich platform wiertniczych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wieloletnie doświadczenia Autora w zakresie wybranych aspektów numerycznej analizy pełnomorskich platform wiertniczych, w szczególności stacjonarnych platform stalowych poddanych działaniu fal wiatrowych i wiatru. W opisie zachowania się platform uwzględniono współoddziaływanie trzech ośrodków: materiału konstrukcji, morskich fal wiatrowych i podłoża gruntowego. Przyjęcie do opisu stochastycznych właściwości...
Static electric multipole susceptibilities of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the ground state: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublicationThe ground state of the Dirac one-electron atom, placed in a weak, static electric field of definite $2^{L}$ polarity, is studied within the framework of the first-order perturbation theory. The Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function [R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30, 825 (1997); erratum R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30, 2747 (1997)] is used to derive closed-form analytical...
Nanoindentation tests of the hydroxyapatite composite coatings applicated on titanium alloys by the electrophoretic method
Open Research DataCurrently, there are no metal materials that meet all biomechanical and biochemical requirements needed for long life implantable biomaterials. The main purpose of the study was to functionalize the surface of the titanium alloys used in biomaterial implants.
Linear impedance of vanadate glasses containing BaTiO3
Open Research DataThe linear impedance of vanadate glasses doped with BaTiO3 was measured. Samples of the composition of x[BaO,TiO2]–(80 − x)V2O5–20Bi2O3 where x = 5, 10 and 15 in mol% were prepared by a conventional melt quenching technique. The melting was performed in alumina crucibles at the temperature of 1273 K–1373 K. The melts were poured on a preheated (573...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,5 V at 420 mA. Sample 103.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,5 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample...
Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/SnO2 solar cell performance
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/SnO2 model structure (Model 2) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method (https://scaps.elis.ugent.be/).
Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/ZnO solar cell performance
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/ZnO model structure (Model 3) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method (https://scaps.elis.ugent.be/).
Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 solar cell performance
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 model structure (Model 1) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method (https://scaps.elis.ugent.be/).
Linear impedance of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 923K
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the linear electrical properties of V2O5 nanorods which were measured by the impedance spectroscopy method. V2O5 nanorods were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The precursor powder was pressed into the disk-shaped pellets (12mm in diameter...
Linear impedance of 2Si3N4–98(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 2Si3N4–98(40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5) glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,1 V at 420 mA. Sample 103.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,1 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,2 V at 420 mA. Sample 103.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,2 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,8 V at 420 mA. Sample 103.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,8 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements - conductivity vs. temperature and conductivity vs. oxygen partial pressure - BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of two main catalogs consisting of measurement data: of the electrical conductivity of the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ (BCZYTb) sample as a function of temperature and of the electrical conductivity as a function of oxygen partial pressure (pO2). Measurements as a function of temperature were carried out in dry and wet air (pH2O ~...
Data from environmental sensors installed in two locations
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data gathered from environmental sensors installed in two locations:
Design advantages and analysis of a novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator
PublicationPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the performance of a new five-phase doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents the results of a research work related to fivephase DFIG framing, including the development of an analytical model, FEM analysis as well as the results of laboratory tests of the prototype. The proposed behavioral level analytical model is based...
Hydrogen degradation of pre-oxidized zirconium alloys
PublicationThe presence of the oxide layers on Zr alloys may retard or enhance the hydrogen entry and material degradation, depending on the layer features. This research has been aimed to determine the effects of pre-oxidation of the Zircaloy-2 alloy at a different temperature on hydrogen degradation. The specimens were oxidised in laboratory air at 350°C, 700°C, and 900°C. After, some samples were tensed at 10-5 strain rate and simultaneously...
Wild oscillations in a nonlinear neuron model with resets: (I) Bursting, spike-adding and chaos
PublicationIn a series of two papers, we investigate the mechanisms by which complex oscillations are generated in a class of nonlinear dynamical systems with resets modeling the voltage and adaptation of neurons. This first paper presents mathematical analysis showing that the system can support bursts of any period as a function of model parameters, and that these are organized in a period-incrementing structure. In continuous dynamical...
Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetoelectric Effect Studies of Multiferroic Ceramics Based on BiFeO<sub>3</sub>
PublicationIn this work the results of investigations for (BiFeO3)x(BaTiO3)1-x and Bi1-xNdxFeO3 solid solutions are described. Samples were prepared by the conventional solid-state sintering method. X-ray diffraction, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, and magnetoelectric effect measurements were applied as complementary methods to determine the structure and magnetic properties of materials. For (BiFeO3)x(BaTiO3)1-x solid solutions Mössbauer...
Fractional Order Circuit Elements Derived from Electromagnetism
PublicationIn this paper, derivations of fractional-order (FO) circuit-element equations from electromagnetism are presented. Whilst many papers are devoted to FO modelling of electrical circuits, there are no strong foundations for such an approach. Therefore, we investigate relations between the FO electromagnetism and the FO circuit theory. Our derivations start from quasi-static (QS) approximations of Maxwell's equations in media with...
Magnetoelectric effect in (BiFeO3)x–(BaTiO3)1-x solid solutions
PublicationThe aim of the present work was to study magnetoelectric effect (ME) in (BiFeO3)x–(BaTiO3)1x solid solutions in terms of technological conditions applied in the samples fabrication process. The rapidly growing interest in these materials is caused by their multiferroic behaviour, i.e. coexistence of both electric and magnetic ordering. It creates possibility for many innovative applications, e.g. in steering the magnetic memory...
Investigation of praseodymium and samarium co-doped ceria as an anode catalyst for DIR-SOFC fueled by biogas
PublicationThe Pr and Sm co-doped ceria (with up to 20 mol.% of dopants) compounds were examined as catalytic layers on the surface of SOFC anode directly fed by biogas to increase a lifetime and the efficiency of commercially available DIR-SOFC without the usage of an external reformer. The XRD, SEM and EDX methods were used to investigate the structural properties and the composition of fabricated materials. Furthermore, the electrical...
Space vector modulation in multilevel inverters of the servo drives of the trajectory measurements telescopes
PublicationUsing the MatLab/Simulink mathematical model of a three-phase three-level voltage inverter, the influence of the space-vector modulation (SVM) algorithm on the pulsations of the current (torque) of an AC motor in the range of low rotation speeds is considered. It is shown that the SVM of the second kind does not provide a pulsations level comparable to the pulsations of a sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM), both in the static...
Impact of Tensile and Compressive Stress on Classical and Acoustic Barkhausen Effects in Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel
PublicationIn this paper, we present the results of the investigation of impact of tensile and compressive stress on the classical Barkhausen effect, magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signal properties, and B(H) hysteresis loops for grain-oriented (GO) electrical steel. Samples have been glued to a nonmagnetic steel bar and stressed within elastic range (±800 μdef) by means of four-point bending method. The samples were cut out in two directions...
Design of the LLC Filter for AC Grid-Based Converter
PublicationThis paper emphasizes reducing harmonic distortion in the electrical current delivered by photovoltaic (PV) inverters to the power grid. It highlights the issue of significant harmonic components present in the output voltage of inverters, which is attributed to pulse width modulation (PWM) switching techniques. This necessitates the deployment of LCL filters as a strategic approach to limit current harmonics effectively. Additionally,...
Nitrogen oxides removal from hydrogen flue gas using corona discharge in marine boilers: Application perspective
PublicationThis paper focuses on the combustion of hydrogen in boilers, as it appears to be a more effective method than using fuel cells for heating purposes due to higher boiler efficiency. One of the main disadvantages of hydrogen combustion in air is NOx formation. Therefore, the authors decided to introduce corona discharge as an inno- vative technique to clean hydrogen flue gas by effectively reducing NOx levels. The method involves...
Modern Light Sources on the Ship
PublicationThe paper deals with studies on light flicker in selected modern light sources used on ships. The authors present and discuss the relationship between the hostile ship environment affecting the ship light systems and the extreme working conditions of the ship's crew manifested by health problems and a reduction in their manual abilities. These limitations result from the flicker phenomena provoked by both fluorescent lamps and...
Recent advances in electrochemically surface treated titanium and its alloys for biomedical applications: A review of anodic and plasma electrolytic oxidation methods
PublicationNowadays, titanium and its alloys are widely used materials in implantology. Nevertheless, the greatest challenge is still its appropriate surface treatment in order to induce optimal properties, which facilitates formation of a permanent bond between the implant and human tissue. The use of electrochemical treatment such as anodic oxidation or plasma electrolytic oxidation allows for the production of porous coating that mimics...
Periodic and chaotic dynamics in a map‐based neuron model
PublicationMap-based neuron models are an important tool in modeling neural dynamics and sometimes can be considered as an alternative to usually computationally costlier models based on continuous or hybrid dynamical systems. However, due to their discrete nature, rigorous mathematical analysis might be challenging. We study a discrete model of neuronal dynamics introduced by Chialvo in 1995. In particular, we show that its reduced one-dimensional...
Improving Output Performance of the Ultrasonic Multicell Piezoelectric Motor by Development the Multi-Rotor Structure
PublicationIn recent years, many researches have been carried out on piezoelectric multi-rotor structures. This paper describes the analysis, development and experimental process of an ultrasonic multi-cell piezoelectric motor using a multi-rotor structure. In this design, three independent cells have been integrated into a mechatronic system. Analytical model and finite element method are used for modal and dynamic analysis of the proposed...
Implementation of an Adaptive Method for Changing the Frequency Division of the Counter Clock Signal in a Frequency-to-Code Converter
PublicationProcessing physical quantities into an indirect signal is a standard method of transferring information about the measured quantity to the master system, which analyzes the data obtained from the acquisition system. The intermediate signal is very often the voltage, but another transmission medium can be the frequency of the output signal of the “physical quantity-to-frequency” converter. The article presents the implementation...
Fast High-Impedance Spectroscopy Method Using SINC Signal Excitation
PublicationIn this paper the method of fast impedance spectroscopy of technical objects with high impedance (|Zx| > 1 Gohm) is evaluated by means of simulation and practical experiment. The method is based on excitation of an object with a sinc signal and sampling response signals proportional to current flowing through and voltage across the measured impedance. The object impedance spectrum is obtained with use of continuous Fourier transform...
Analysis of electromagnetic disturbances in DC network of grid connected building-integrated photovoltaic system
PublicationThis paper focuses on conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions and propagation in the DC network of grid connected building integrated photovoltaic (PV) system. The investigated PV system, consists of ten solar panels, cabling and the grid-connected one phase inverter. The EMI simulation model of the real PV system has been developed with the aid of impedance analyzer measurements of solar panels and the DC network...