Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
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International Joint Conference CAAP/FASE on Theory and Practice of Software Development
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Viscous versus electromagnetic damping – amplification in a neighbourhood of a mechanism singular position
PublicationIn the paper, damping of vibrations are considered and compared in a mechanical and in a electromechanical system. In the system, a continuous beam is considered as the main vibrating element. The compared dissipations methods are based on: viscous dampers and DC generators. To increase the possible damping effectiveness, velocity amplification is proposed, i.e., a mechanism is introduced between the beam and the damping element....
Experimental study of the impact of notches and holes made in the front edge of adherends on the properties of static and fatigue strength of adhesive joints
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental studies aimed at determining the effect of holes and notches at the front edge of adherends on the strength of adhesive joints. Single-lap joints made of S235JR steel sheets joined with Araldite 2014-2 epoxy adhesive were tested. Comparative tests of static strength in the shear test as well as high-cycle fatigue strength tests were carried out. Joints with three holes with a diameter...
A random field-based simulational identification of possible levels of material imperfections of adhesive-bonded joints
PublicationRecently, structural adhesives have become significant in the shaping of structural elements, especially in thin-walled structures, where they replace or supplement traditional connection methods. However, adhesive-bonded joints are highly susceptible to internal structural imperfections due to their application technique and the nature of the adhesive. These material inconsistencies impact the strength parameters and the mechanical...
Experimental research on over-laminated steel sandwich panel connection to determine the form of fatigue failure
PublicationThe novel means of transport need to meet rising both the economic and ecologic requirements. In recent years the International Maritime Organization (IMO) introduced new measure of ship energy efficiency (the EEDI index), as well as new regulations regarding higher quality of fuel (so called Tier limits). It resulted in much higher interest of the technological development of ships. One of the solution having great potential is...
Ocena pracy dźwigara zadaszenia Hali Blanika w Gdańsku
PublicationWartykule przedstawiono kompleksowe sprawdzenie nośności stalowej konstrukcji zadaszenia Hali Leszka Blanika w Gdańsku. Dokonano oceny wpływu otworów dużej średnicy w środnikach dźwigara na jego nośność. Oszacowano nośność nietypowego, zginanego styku doczołowego łączącego elementy dwuteowe klasy 4. Obliczenia wykonano na podstawie norm i analiz modeli MES.
On the problem of optimised allocation of water quality sensors and actuators in DWDS
PublicationThe problems of water quality sensors and actuators placement in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) are addressed as separate, primarily. However, against the background of control systems theory, the nature of DWDSs dynamics indicates that these both problems are interdependent and impact the design of related water quality monitoring and control structures and algorithms. The research work presented in this paper is...
Application of Barkhausen method to determine internal stresses in cold-rolled and hot-rolled sheets
PublicationThe paper presents investigations on internal stress distribution in plane hot—or cold-rolled sheets dedicated for the cold-formed profiles. The motivation of the research is a new profile design whose bending technology, incorporating a longitudinal welded joint and hot-dip galvanization after bending and welding introduces additional internal stresses. In order to identify the entirety of stresses in the process of sheet production...
pH-dependent composite coatings for controlled drug delivery system - Review
PublicationNowadays in case of long-term implants, the most common postoperative complications are bacterial infections, which in consequence may provoke loos- ening of the implants in the primary phase of stabilization. Bacterial infections are currently the most frequent cause of revision surgery of the implants such as hip joint endoprosthesis, knee joint endoprosthesis and dental implants. In order to provide the local and long-term antibacterial...
Influence of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns Shape on PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy
PublicationIn the article, we show the influence of three different electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna radiation patterns on the overall direction of arrival (DoA) estimation accuracy when power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, relying on received signal strength (RSS) values, is used for the estimation. The ESPAR antenna designs were obtained for three optimization...
Validation of a virtual test environment for C2X communication under radio jamming conditions
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel car-2-x communication security testing methodology in the physical layer of wireless systems. The approach is dedicated to automated testing of autonomous vehicles and it is essential for such complex systems operation, especially with regard to safety and security issues. It is based on scenario-driven testing in virtual and real test environments created from collected or simulated data. The...
Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of Underwater Friction Stir Welding of Low Carbon Steel
PublicationThis article investigates the flow of materials and weld formation during underwater friction stir welding (UFSW) of low carbon steel. A thermo-mechanical model is used to understand the relation between frictional heat phenomena during the welding and weld properties. To better understand the effects of the water environment, the simulation and experimental results were compared with the sample prepared by the traditional friction...
Sławomir Jerzy Ambroziak dr hab. inż.
PeopleSławomir J. Ambroziak was born in Poland, in 1982. He received the M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in radio communication from Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland, in 2008, 2013, and 2020 respectively. Since 2008 he is with the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks of the Gdańsk Tech: 2008-2013 as Research Assistant, 2013-2020 as Assistant Professor, and since 2020 as Associate Professor. He is...
Reliable method of assessing fracture properties of asymmetric bonded joints
PublicationTwo methods of assessing fracture properties of adhesive joints were studied. Two wedge tests: with continuous deflection and with force measurements were compared. Asymmetric geometry of the bonded joint was considered, i.e. two different plates of aluminium alloys: Al-Cu and Al-Mg, were bonded with epoxy DGEBA adhesive. The analytical model is shown to estimate the values of fracture properties: crack position and critical fracture...
Antagonist adhesion effects due to variable substrate surface
PublicationThe effects of variability of intrinsic adhesion within a joint have been studied using a single cantilever beam (SCB) test. Fracture energy was found not to be a simple function of relative areas of 2 surface pre-treatments: a 'weak' zone decreased strength more than expected from simple, additive considerations. By severing the adhesive along the strong-weak transition, fracture energy increased.The prior antagonist effect appears...
Finite element models used in diagnostics of transverse cracks in bridge approach pavement
Open Research DataTransverse cracks in the asphalt pavement were observed on bridge structures next to single-module expansion joints with a 5 meter approach slab set at the depth of 1 m. The finite element (FE) models of the approach pavement were created to investigate the reasons of premature cracking and crack initiation mechanism over the back edge of the abutment...
Joint Australia and New Zealand Biennial Conference on Digital Image and Vision Computing
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Joint Conference on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning
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Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers In
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PUBLIC SPACES FOR LOCAL LIFE / Shared values in diversified urban communities as a foundation for participatory provision of local public spaces, 23-27 May 2017, Ljubljana Slovenia
PublicationThe Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) and partners hosted a 5-day international event addressing participatory planning of local urban public space in socially, economically and ethnically diverse communities. The event was structured in three interrelated activities: a seminar, a workshop and a field-trip. Special emphasis was given to the means of revealing shared values that local inhabitants and other...
Degradation of protective coatings in steel chimneys of flue gas desulfurisation system
PublicationThis paper presents problems associated with corrosion of steel stacks and changes in philosophy of corrosion protection when implemented into flue gas desulphurization systems. In-situ tests were taken by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy at the stack which discharges flue gas before wet lime/limestone desulphurization. A very quick electrolyte absorption by the spherical infill vinylester coating was found using...
Weldability of S500MC Steel in Underwater Conditions
PublicationWet welding with the use of covered electrodes is one of the methods of underwater welding. This method is the oldest, the most economic and the most versatile. The main difficulties during underwater wet welding are: high cooling rates of the joint, the presence of hydrogen in the arc area and formation of hard martensitic structure in the weld. These phenomena are often accompanied by porosity of welds and large number of spatters,...
TS-based RSM-aided design of cold-formed steel stiffened C-sectional columns susceptible to buckling
PublicationThe paper focuses on joint-performance analysis of a built-up cold-formed thin-walled C-sectional column with a fillister (stiffener) of the same type, interconnected with a series of bolts located along the length of the compressed members in specific spacing. The quantity of bolts and the non-connected starting distance of the fillister are considered random variables of the problem. Optimal distribution of joints on the stiffener...
PublicationTechnologia radia programowalnego (Software Defined Radio) jest nowoczesnym rozwiązaniem umożliwiającym realizację urządzeń pracujących w różnego rodzaju systemach łączności radiowej, zarówno cywilnych, jak i wojskowych. W artykule zaprezentowano zagadnienia dotyczące koncepcji realizacji radia programowalnego. Opisano w sposób funkcjonalny platformę sprzętową i programową takiego rozwiązania. Zaprezentowano budowę przykładowej...
PublicationThe transmission properties of underwater acoustic communication channel can change dynamically due to the movement of acoustic system transmitter and receiver or underwater objects reflecting transmitted signal. The time-varying impulse response measurement and estimation are necessary to match the physical layer of data transmission to instantaneous channel propagation conditions. Using the correlative measurement method, impulse...
Investigations of Titanium Implants Covered with Hydroxyapatite Layer
PublicationTo reduce unfavorable phenomena occurring after introducing an implant into human body various modifications of the surface are suggested. Such modifications may have significant impact on biocompatibility of metallic materials. The titanium and it's alloys are commonly used for joint and dental implants due to their high endurance, low plasticity modulus, good corrosion resistance as well as biocompatibility. Special attention...
The Influence of Articular Cartilage Thickness Reduction on Meniscus Biomechanics
PublicationObjective Evaluation of the biomechanical interaction between meniscus and cartilage in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Methods The finite element method was used to simulate knee joint contact mechanics. Three knee models were created on the basis of knee geometry from the Open Knee project. We reduced the thickness of medial cartilages in the intact knee model by approximately 50% to obtain a medial knee osteoarthritis...
Collagen type II–hyaluronan interactions – the effect of proline hydroxylation: a molecular dynamics study
PublicationHyaluronan–collagen composites have been employed in numerous biomedical applications. Understanding the interactions between hyaluronan and collagen is particularly important in the context of joint cartilage function and the treatment of joint diseases. Many factors affect the affinity of collagen for hyaluronan. One of the important factors is the ratio of 3- or 4-hydroxy proline to proline residues. This article presents...
Effect of underwater friction stir welding parameters on AA5754 alloy joints: experimental studies
PublicationThe water as a welding environment may generate serious technological and metallurgical problems but in certain cases, the physicochemical properties of water can be used effectively, e.g., to impart the specific properties of welded materials. The purpose of the work was verification of effectiveness of the water cooling of aluminium alloy AA5754 for various sets of technological parameters of underwater friction stir welding...
The Effects of Pin Profile on HDPE Thermomechanical Phenomena during FSW
PublicationFriction stir welding (FSW) of polymeric materials has recently attracted significant attention. Herein, we present the effect of the tool pin profile on the FSW of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) joints through joint experimental analysis and thermomechanical simulations. For analysis of pin profile effects on the thermomechanical properties of HDPE joints, frustum (FPT), cubic (CPT), and triangular (TPT) pin shapes were selected...
Data for meta-analysis on interversions reducing car use
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of a meta-analysis of reported interventions reducing car use. To standardise intervention effects reported in different scales, the Hedges’ g effect size measure was used (ratio of raw difference in samples’ means and pooled standard deviation). The standardised studies outcomes, along with overall outcome, were...
Improvement of Fingerprinting Method based on Hill Cipher by using Frequency Domain
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to present the advantages of a digital fingerprinting in a frequency domain over a pixel domain, in case of VoD services (Video on Demand). The paper presents basic issues of a multimedia data protection by digital fingerprinting. It also describes threats to embedded fingerprints from both collusion attacks and from a transmission itself. Possible solution was presented on the example of the DCT...
Experimentation, material modelling and simulation of bonded joints with a flexible adhesive
PublicationThe paper deals with material parameters identification of a flexible adhesive and the numerical simulation of its behaviour in a single lap bonded joint. The material modelling was based on the simple shear and tensile-shear laboratory tests of the bonded joints made of thin aluminium and polyurethane plates with the flexible adhesive Terostat MS 9360 manufactured by Henkel AG & Co. The adhesive was considered as a hyperelastic...
Opracowanie technologii spawania naprawczego szyn poddźwigowych A120 oraz badania nieniszczące jakości szyn w DCT w Porcie Północnym
PublicationEkspertyza dotyczy realizacji zlecenia związanego z naprawą spoin szyn poddźwigowych na terenie terminalu kontenerowego - Deep Water Terminal (DCT) w Porcie Północnym w Gdańsku. W ramach opracowania: 1. Wykonano badania ultradźwiękowe (UT) i magnetyczno-proszkowe (MT) spoin czołowych szyn poddźwigowych typu A120, według schematu dostarczonego przez firmę SKANSKA S.A. 2. Wykonano analizę wyników badań...
Joanna Janczewska prof. dr hab.
PeopleJoanna Janczewska obtained her PhD degree at the University of Gdansk in 2002. From October 1999 to September 2004 she was an assistant at the University of Gdansk. Since October 2004 she has been an assistant professor at the Gdansk University of Technology. Moreover, from October 2008 to September 2010 she had a visiting position in the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Her mathematical interests...
ANN for human pose estimation in low resolution depth images
PublicationThe paper presents an approach to localize human body joints in 3D coordinates based on a single low resolution depth image. First a framework to generate a database of 80k realistic depth images from a 3D body model is described. Then data preprocessing and normalization procedure, and DNN and MLP artificial neural networks architectures and training are presented. The robustness against camera distance and image noise is analysed....
Modelling a 6-dof manipulator using Matlab software
PublicationThis paper presents an alternative approach to modelling a revolute robot. The manipulator in question is Kuka KR 16-2. The main problem in robot modelling is a kinematic analysis. The revolute robot consist of six rotary joints (6-DOF) with base, shoulder, elbow and wirst. The kinematics problem is defined as a transformation from the cartesian space to the joint space. The Denavit- Hartenberg (D-H) model of representation was...
Two tests for adhesive bonding long term characterization: principles and applications
PublicationThis article describes recent refinement of the traditional wedge test technique used to characterize durability of the adhesive joints. We propose two types of measuring protocols to monitor precisely and continuously the propagation of an "effective" crack during long term mode I fracture mechanic test. First method is directly derived from the traditional wedge test technique and consist in monitoring the surface strain of adherent...
Balancing energy consumption in limited power grid with active front-end and three phase dual active bridge system
PublicationPaper deals with simulation analysis of bidirectional power converters system for charging station of electric vehicle in condition of limited power source in city infrastructure. In case of incapability to provide additional power supply through the grid by virtue of historical, architectural and economic reasons it is possible to solve this issue by implementation of mobile battery-powered supply source. The proposed bidirectional...
Types of Surface Impurities versus the Quality of Brazed Joints
PublicationBrazing is one of the primary joining processes increasingly often applied in industry. Because of their mechanical properties, overlap joints are particularly popular when making brazed structures. The use of brazed joints in structures of critical importance requires that particular attention be paid to joint quality, e.g. by the appropriate cleaning of surfaces to be joined. The article presents results of non-destructive tests...
Induction Assisted Hybrid Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Materials AA5052 Aluminium Alloy and X12Cr13 Stainless Steel
PublicationThis research aimed to study the induction in-situ heated hybrid friction stir welding (IAFSW) method to join AA5052 aluminium alloy with X12Cr13 stainless steel (SS) to enhance joint strength. The potency of this method on the mechanical properties and microstructural characterizations were also investigated. The results show that the transverse tensile strength gained was 94% of the AA5052 base metal that is 229.5 MPa. This superior...
Analiza nośności zabytkowych fundamentów w kontekście jakości użytych zapraw Analysis of the Load-Bearing Capacity of Historical Foundations in the Context of the Quality of Mortar Used
PublicationStructures of historical buildings usually have the form of masonry elements. The weakest component of such elements is mortar, especially in stone foundations, which were often used in the with a focus on the modeling of mortar as a joint connecting stones in a characteristic medieval foundation. Different types of mortar: cement, cement-lime, lime and gypsum mortars, were examined. A numerical analysis was carried out on the...
Microscopic examination of the texture of paper products
Open Research DataAtomic force microscopy (AFM) can be used to study the state of the paper fibers with the aim of providing qualitative and semi-quantitative information on degradation and aging. The work [1] reports the results of tests of various paper products subjected to deliberate aging processes under the influence of various factors. Chemical and biological...
Modyfikacja połączenia dźwigara ze słupem w konstrukcji stalowej Terminalu T2 Portu Lotniczego w Gdańsku
PublicationW2015 r. ukończono rozbudowę Terminalu T2 Portu Lotniczego im. Lecha Wałęsy wGdańsku. Politechnika Gdańska pełniła nadzór naukowy nad rozbudową obiektu. Wykonano wiele analiz, których celem była weryfikacja pracy konstrukcji w fazach montażu oraz w stanie docelowym. Wnioski z przeprowadzonych badań doprowadziły do modyfikacji oparcia dźwigarów dachowych na stalowych słupach nośnych, z uwagi na stwierdzone lokalne przekroczenia...
Improved RSS-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy in Low-Profile ESPAR Antenna Using SVM Approach
PublicationIn this paper, we have shown how the overall performance of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using lowprofile electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna, which has been proposed for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, can significantly be improved when support vector machine (SVM) approach is applied. Because the SVM-based DoA estimation method used herein relies solely...
Fracture Surface Topography Parameters for S235JR Steel Adhesive Joints After Fatigue Shear Testing
PublicationThis paper presents the experimental results of a study investigating the effect of holes and notches made on the overlap ends on the strength of adhesive joints. Single-lap joints made of S235JR steel sheets bonded with Araldite 2024-2 epoxy adhesive were tested. For comparative reasons, static shear strength tests and high-cycle fatigue strength tests were performed. Adhesive-filled joints having three holes, each with a diameter...
Experimental and computational study on mechanical behaviour of carpentry corner log joints
PublicationThis work concerns experimental and numerical research on carpentry joints used in historic wooden buildings in southeastern Poland and western Ukraine. These structures are mainly sacred buildings, and the types of corner log joints characteristic of this region are primarily saddle-notch and dovetail joints; thus, these two types of joints were analysed in this study. The modelling of historic timber structures is a complex...
Nondestructive methods complemented by FEM calculations in diagnostics of cracks in bridge approach pavement
PublicationNondestructive methods of road pavement diagnostics are an alternative to traditional approach to pavement failure investigation. The article presents a detailed multidisciplinary inspection carried out using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), laser scanning technology and finite element method (FEM) calculations. It was done in order to assess the factors that contributed to occurrence of premature cracks of a bridge approach pavement....
Joint workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (now ICMI-MLMI)