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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SPORT MARKETING

  • Personal branding of artists and art-designers: necessity or desire?


    Purpose Personal branding becomes a new in-demand skill for all professionals today. To be well-known helps to achieve success in the networked business environment. Personal relationships and a good reputation in the reality of network economy help young artists and art designers move up the career ladder. This paper aims to discuss a problem of artists who often find it difficult to define their artistic and self-distinction...

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  • Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Aluminium Bracket Strengthening


    This paper focuses on an analytical and numerical investigation of aluminium brackets used to fasten light-weight curtain walls to building facilities. The authors propose a solution to increase the load capacity of aluminium brackets by means of additional cover plates (straps). This paper also includes a short survey of literature and material properties concerning the EN AW-6060 T6 aluminium alloy. This paper suggests an initiation...

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  • Re:Brick, czyli budowanie z małych elementów


    Artukuł opisuje problematykę aktywizowania działań łaczacych różne podmioty (studenci architektury i innych kierunków, praktykujący architekci, organizacje społeczne, administracja) mających przyczynić się podniesienia walorów architektonicznych i standardu zamieszkiwania w historycznych dzielnicach Gdańska (Dolne Miasto, Nowy Port, Biskupia Górka, Dolny Wrzeszcz).

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  • Application tool for IP QoS network design


    - Rok 2010

    Despite the fact that differentiated-service-aware network implementation has been a widely discussed topic for quite some time, network design still proofs nontrivial. Well developed software could put an end to network designer's problems. This chapter describes work, which has been aimed at creating a comprehensive network design tool, offering a fair range of functionality and high reliability. The presented tool is able to...

  • Eksperymentalne i numeryczne badania parametrów dynamicznych trybuny stalowej


    - Rok 2013

    Trybuny stalowe to konstrukcje, które odnajdują swoje zastosowanie głównie podczas wydarzeń sportowych, koncertów muzycznych oraz innych wydarzeń, którym towarzyszą rytmiczne aktywności widzów i głośna muzyka. Ze względu na smukłość oraz lekkość elementów z jakich wykonana jest konstrukcja trybuny jest ona bardzo łatwo wzbudzana przez ludzi do drgań. Z przeprowadzonej w pracy [4] analizy modalnej wynika, że masa ludzi prowadzi...

  • Nomination Dossier, The Modernist Centre of Gdynia, Part 2b, History and Development


    - Rok 2021

    History and development of Gdynia, from Medieval times up until today. The project concerns such chapters as: Introduction; The village of Gdynia; Gdynia as a seaside resort; Construction of the port and the city in the interwar period; The modernist city centre – layout; architecture;Architecture of the city centre; South Pier and Grand District; Post-war development of Śródmieście: a continuation

  • Wideband crossover structure with double ring resonators


    The structure of a four-port microstrip crossover is presented. The device is composed of two ring resonators, one circular and one built from meander lines, connected by four straight lines. The equivalent circuit model of the crossover is derived. The structure is designed on thin and flexible substrate to allow it to bend. The possibility of applying the device on curved surfaces is tested experimentally.

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  • Yacht harbour as a part of city public space


    - Rok 2016

    Transformation of harbors opens opportunities to introduce new functions into city centers. Very often abandoned ports’ infrastructure is adopted into a yacht harbor. The article elaborates typology of yacht harbors and theirs’ potential which can be used in creation of city center. Thesis are illustrated by examples of Port Vell, Barcelona, Spain and Sundby Harbour, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Obliczenia numeryczne konstrukcji dna jachtu podczas wejścia na mieliznę


    Pozytywne zmiany w dostępie do żeglarstwa, które dokonały się w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu spowodowały wzrost liczby osób uprawiających ten sport. Przepisy, wg których projektowane są jachty nie stawiają żadnych wymagań wytrzymałości konstrukcji na wypadek kolizji jednostki z dnem. Z doświadczenia wiadomo, że wejście jachtu na piaszczystą mieliznę nie musi powodować uszkodzeń, jednak kolizja z podwodną skałą w szkierach szwedzkich...

  • Przegląd metod wyznaczania parcia mieszanki betonowej na deskowanie


    W pracy poruszono tematykę wyznaczania parcia mieszanki betonowej na deskowanie. Zebrano i opisano wybrane cztery modele stosowane do wyznaczania rozkładu ciśnienia poziomego świeżej mieszanki betonowej oddziaływującej na deskowanie. Dokonano krótkiego przeglądu literatury z zakresu omawianej tematyki parcia mieszanki betonowej na deskowanie.

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  • Crystal Structure of N-(2-Benzoyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenethyl)-2-phenylacetamide


    - Molbank - Rok 2022

    The crystal structure of N-(2-benzoyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenethyl)-2-phenylacetamide indicates that the compound crystallizes in the monoclinic C2/c space group with eight molecules in the unit cell. The heteroatoms from the amide group form a chain of intermolecular N-H ··· O hydrogen bonds propagating along the b axis. The carbonyl group from the benzoyl substituent participates in short contacts with two H-atoms from the ethyl or...

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  • Conducting polymer films for biodegradable metallic cardiovascular stents

    In recent years, there is increasing interest to create biodegradable metallic cardiovascular stents instead of using their permanent form. The most interesting materials for this purpose are iron and its alloys. However, in order to use it in clinical application, their degradation rate and biological performance need to be optimized. One promising solution is coating the metal with conducting polymer films. In this work, short...

  • A novel method of local chirp-rate estimation of LFM chirp signals in the time-frequency domain


    In the paper, novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain are introduced. The proposed approach is based on using the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. A channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF) and a complex local group delay (CLGD) are included in the presented signal representations. An application of the newly-introduced distributions is demonstrated by...

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  • Biomedical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology

    Short history of education in Biomedical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology is presented. The last initiative- implementation of the new programme, Biomedical Engineering - an interfaculty direction of study, supported by a grantfinanced by the European Social Fund is presented. Curricula of four specializations: Chemistry in Medicine, run by the Facultyof Chemistry; Electronics in Medicine and Informatics in Medicine,...

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  • Ocena wybranych programów lojalnościowych Grupy Hotelowej Orbis

    W artykule dokonano analizy i oceny wybranych programów lojalnościowych stosowanych przez Grupę Hotelową Orbis. Na początku przedstawiono główne założenia dotyczące programu lojalnościowego. Następnie zaprezentowano trzy programy lojalnościowe poddane analizie. Przedstawiono nazwę programu, jego formę, marki hoteli go stosujące, korzyści dla uczestników oraz uwagi dotyczące programu. Kolejnym etapem była ocena rozpatrywanych programów....

  • Pojęcie wartości jako fundament budowania relacji rynkowych

    W artykule przedstawiono pojęcie wartości, coraz szerzej funkcjonujące zarówno w literaturze, jak i praktyce. Pokazano różne podejścia i nurty badań zajmujące się wartością. Skupiono się jednak na wartości jako na pojęciu będącym podstawą budowania relacji rynkowych. Przedstawiono model zarządzania wartością relacji, a także zwrócono uwagę na szczególne znaczenie współtworzenia wartości.

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  • Związek pomiędzy jakością informacji rynkowych a sukcesem tworzenia nowych produktów

    Wyniki badania empirycznego przeprowadzonego wśród krajowych przedsiębiorstw wysokiej techniki wskazują, że jakość informacji rynkowych wykorzystywanych w rozwoju nowych produktów stanowi istotną determinantę sukcesu tego rozwoju. Na jakość tę złożyły się takie cechy jak: wiarygodność, przydatność, aktualność i kompletność informacji. W świetle rezultatów podjętego badania, każda z tych cech jest istotnie, pozytywnie powiązana...

  • Safety issues referred to induced sheath voltages in high-voltage power cables – case study

    Load currents and short-circuit currents in high-voltage power cable lines are sources of the induced voltages in the power cables’ concentric metallic sheaths. When power cables operate with single-point bonding, which is the simplest bonding arrangement, these induced voltages may introduce an electric shock hazard or may lead to damage of the cables’ outer non-metallic sheaths at the unearthed end of the power cable line. To...

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  • Maturity Mismatch in the Polish Banking System and its Impact on the Economy


    - Rok 2013

    In the article maturity mismatch in the Polish banking system is estimated based on the publicly available data. Then the impact on the economy is discussed. Based on Polish central bank’s data it may be estimated that between 1996 and 2012 the maturity gap increased significantly – average residual maturity of assets exceeds 6 years in 2012 (less than 2 years in 1996), while that of liabilities remains below 1 year. The gap...

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  • Chalcogen bonding interactions in a series of aromatic selenocyanates


    - CRYSTENGCOMM - Rok 2023

    Selenium atoms in aromatic selenocyanates are characterized by the occurrence of two σ-holes, a stronger one in the prolongation of the NC–Se bond and a weaker one in the prolongation of the Ar–Se bond. The crystal structures of several bis(selenocyanato) derivatives, prepared by a method originally developed for ortho bis-substituted derivatives, illustrate very well this difference, with a short NC–Se⋯NC ChB interaction organizing...

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  • Modelling of planar movement dynamics of upper limb


    The original model describing planar movement dynamics of upper limb is presented. The upper limb is modelled as two-joints system loaded by external forces and internal forces of striated skeletal muscles. A behaviour of each muscle is modelled as a system composed of serially linked rheologic fragments that have different mechanical properties. These muscle models allow us to simulate a behaviour of short fusiform muscle (3DOF...

  • The Influent Effects of Flow Rate Profile on thePerformance of Microbial Fuel Cells Model


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2020

    The energy contained in wastewaters has been identified as a promising sustainableenergy resource that could be harvested by using microbial fuel cells (MFC). When dealing with realwastewaters, the MFCs should be able to manage high flow rates and flow rates fluctuations. In thiswork, the short-term effects of the influent flow rate variations on the performance of a microbialfuel cell has been studied. With this aim, the influent...

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  • Effect of GIS parameters on modelling runoff from river basin. The case study of catchment in the Puck District

    The study was preceded to check the impact of the adopted digital elevation model resolution on the determination of catchment parameters and the further influence of the received information on calculations related to the hydrograph at the closing point of the basin after a synthetic 100-year precipitation episode. The study area are river basins located in the Puck commune convoying water directly to the Puck Bay. These studies...

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  • Assessment of technical condition and repair of steel structure elements on the example of fire damage in a warehouse building


    The paper analyses a case study on the structural assessment of warehouse building partially damaged by fire caused by external source (fire of lorries close to the building). The authors focus on the site investigations and laboratory test results prior to assessing actual condition of the structural elements. Both strengthening concept and repair procedure of a steel column are addressed here. A short literature survey in the...

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  • Interactions of positrons with atoms and molecules


    - Rok 2016

    The positron is the antiparticle of the electron. It has the same mass as the electron, but opposite charge. The understanding of the interactions of positrons with normal matter, like atoms and molecules, is of interest in various scientific fields, like nuclear medicine, plasma physics and astronomy. In this talk we will give a short introduction to some theoretical methods to describe the interactions of positrons with atoms...

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    The physical modelling of subsoil behaviour and soil-structure interaction is essential for the proper design of offshore structures and port infrastructure. A brief introduction to such modelling of geoengineering problems is presented and some methods and experimental devices are described. The relationships between modelling scales are given. Some examples of penetration testing results in centrifuge and calibration chamber...

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  • Przyczółki mostowe z konstrukcją odciążającą z gruntu zbrojonego geosyntetykami

    Przegląd najważniejszych cech geotekstyliów i wyrobów pokrewnych, zastosowanych do budowy bloków odciążających ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich wytrzymałości długo i krótkookresowej oraz reologii. Określenie obciążeń działających na konstrukcję gruntową współpracującą z przyczółkiem; obciążenia normowe i rzeczywiste. Obliczenia konstrukcji z gruntu zbrojonego współpracującej z przyczółkiem

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  • "Ash" [æ] sound then and now: an overview of the current state of knowledge

    The objective of this article is to review the existing studies on the British Received Pronunciation “ash” [æ] sound, as well as its variations outside the United Kingdom. It starts with a short analysis of sociolinguistic aspects of the Received Pronunciation accent, then it points out the most conspicuous differences between the Received Pronunciation and General American vowel systems. Then, it presents the early beginnings...

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  • Determination of causes of accelerated local corrosion of austenitic steels in water supply systems

    This paper concerns an inspection of a water supply system, made of AISI 304 steel, which showed signs of local corrosion at the weld. Such corrosion caused material perforation after very short periods of operation. It was revealed that steel was sensitised during the welding process. It was also proven that chromium micro-segregation occurred in the alloy leading to galvanic cell formation which initialised the process of pitting...

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  • Architecture and Basic Assumptions of RSMAD

    The study presents the architecture of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD) which is used for transmission (realized using GSM, UMTS or TETRA networks, and through the Internet network), archiving and exploring image data of traffic offenses. The paper also presents selected basic assumptions of the RSMAD system, which are relevant to the implemented by the system...

  • Chirp-rate estimation of FM signals in the time-frequency domain


    Novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain including: a channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF), a complex local group delay (CLGD) and a channelized instantaneous chirp-rate (CICR) are introduced. The proposed approach is based on the use of the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. An interpretation of the newly-introduced distributions especially of the CICR...

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  • Influence of magnetic field on wear in high frequency reciprocatingsliding contacts



    Results of experimental studies concerning the influence of permanent magnetic field on wear of dry sliding contact operating at short stroke and high frequency are presented. It was found that horizontal magnetic field with different orientations relative to the sliding direction is affecting performance of the contact. The increase in frequency of sliding reduces accumulated mass loss and lowers the surface roughness of the wear...

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  • Software modules and application layer's security structure of RSMAD

    The paper discusses the software modules of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD). The structure of the application layer of the system has also been analysed in details, including: purpose, structure and principles of operation of software modules constituting this system. In addition, the paper presents and discusses the structure of security of application layer...

  • Musical Instrument Separation Applied to Music Genre Classification . Separacja instrumentów muzycznych w zastosowaniu do rozpoznawania gatunków muzycznych


    - Rok 2015

    This paper outlines first issues related to music genre classification and a short description of algorithms used for musical instrument separation. Also, the paper presents proposed optimization of the feature vectors used for music genre recognition. Then, the ability of decision algorithms to properly recognize music genres is discussed based on two databases. In addition, results are cited for another database with regard to...

  • Control strategies and comparison of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer


    - Rok 2008

    This paper focuses on a selection problems of mitigation of the voltage disturbance by of the Dynamic Voltage Restorers (DVR’s). In short form presented and discussed are the basis of different control strategies of the DVR. The main emphasis is placed on application of modern power electronic devices. Authors of this paper in particular occupy oneself with analysis of the power rating of the typically DVR topologies. These problems...

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  • Methodology of Conformity Testing of VoIP Connections Scenarios for SIP Protocol

    Conformity and conformity testing have always had a crucial role in telecommunications. These issues are especially important in VoIP technology with SIP protocol as there are many hardware, software and service implementations. In this paper a methodology of automatic conformity testing of VoIP connections scenarios applying to any IP network is proposed. Example implementation of the methodology as Linux shell scripts is presented....

  • Reliability of Pulse Measurements in Videoplethysmography

    Reliable, remote pulse rate measurement is potentially very important for medical diagnostics and screening. In this paper the Videoplethysmography was analyzed especially to verify the possible use of signals obtained for the YUV color model in order to estimate the pulse rate, to examine what is the best pulse estimation method for short video sequences and finally, to analyze how potential PPG-signals can be distinguished from...

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  • The main developments of the CSR initiatives in Poland


    This short paper outlines the most important documents and initiatives that have appeared in the subject throughout the years within the international institutions, such as United Nations or European Union. It also discusses the ways in which the international CSR initiatives are being incorporated into Polish legislative and organizational system, by providing an outline of the biggest and most active organizations and foundations...

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  • A study on signal processing methods applied to hearing aids


    - Rok 2016

    This paper presents a short survey on current technology available in hearing aids with a focus on digital signal processing techniques used. First, factors influencing the hearing aid effectiveness are introduced. Then, examples of the present DSP methods and strategies are provided. Also, a description of current limitations of hearing aids and future trends of development are shown. Finally, the notion of computational auditory...

  • Acceleration of decision making in sound event recognition employing supercomputing cluster

    Parallel processing of audio data streams is introduced to shorten the decision making time in hazardous sound event recognition. A supercomputing cluster environment with a framework dedicated to processing multimedia data streams in real time is used. The sound event recognition algorithms employed are based on detecting foreground events, calculating their features in short time frames, and classifying the events with Support...

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  • Performance of lubricated sliding contact in magnetic field


    - TRIBOLOGY LETTERS - Rok 2012

    Results of experimental studies concerning theinfluence of permanent magnetic field on wear of lubricatedsliding contact operating at short stroke and highfrequency are presented. It was found that horizontalmagnetic is affecting performance of the contact. Thejagged delamination regions produced in the presence of amagnetic field can be regarded as easily undergoing oxidisationbecause oxygen is readily adsorbed there. Magneticfield...

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  • The safety issue of roadside advertising – comparison of polish and abu dhabi regulations

    In Poland a large number of advertisements are located by the roadside. These ads do not support road traffic management and unlike the road marking system are not subject to any regulations. The advertiser’s goal is to communicate a message to as many recipients as possible. Drivers with different individual abilities, such as attention focusing, eye accommodation, speed of information processing, can be distracted, blinded or...

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  • Ocena wpływu drgań przekazywanych na budynek przez agregat prądotwórczy

    W artykule opisano zakres badań polowych niezbędnych do określenia poziomu drgań w budynku biurowo-usługowym podczas pracy agregatu prądotwórczego zlokalizowanego na dachu tego budynku. Dokonano oceny szkodliwości pomierzonych drgań na budynek i ludzi, którzy się w nim znajdują. Przedstawiono także krótki przegląd literatury dotyczącej oceny szkodliwości oddziaływań dynamicznych na budynki lub ludzi.

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  • Sex contribution to average age at onset of Huntington's disease depends on the number of (CAG)n repeats


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2024

    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder caused by the extension of the CAG repeats in exon 1 of the HTT gene and is transmitted in a dominant manner. The present study aimed to assess whether patients’ sex, in the context of mutated and normal allele length, contributes to age on onset (AO) of HD. The study population comprised a large cohort of 3723 HD patients from the European Huntington’s Disease...

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  • Serial control of CNC machines

    In this paper a new method of the serial control of CNC machines is proposed. Actuators are controlled locally and the role of the central computer is limited to sending commands to the controller instead of sending it directly to actuators. It has been achieved with the use of the serial protocol with the use of the USB port. The taken approach leads to more reliable operation because commands are buffered and no synchronization...

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    - Rok 2018

    The article presents studies and numerical simulations on modeling snow influence on TAURON ARENA suspended roof structure in Cracow. The scope of work includes experimental tests, functions solutions taking into account various cases of snow impact according to PN and EC, as well as numerical simulations for the sport and entertainment arena in the Czyzyny district. The FEM roof structure model developed in the SOFISITK software...

  • Quantifying the effective mobilized RAP content during hot in-place recycling techniques



    The utilization of in-place recycling techniques is capable of consuming 100% reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). Hot in-place recycling (HIR) is one of the promising techniques to rehabilitate the pavements suffering from minor cracking issues through heat scarification, additive injecting, mechanical mixing, and compacting. However, the main concern of using 100% RAP in HIR remains as how much RAP can be activated and mobilized...

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    - Journal of KONES - Rok 2015

    One of the most essential threats to the mobility of wheeled vehicles is their relatively high sensitivity to tire damage. Tires can be damaged as a result at vehicle-targeting fire, after running on a mine or an improvised charge. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current technical solutions in wheeled vehicle tires, allowing for the unobstructed use of the vehicle despite the damage of one or several tires (RUN FLAT...

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  • Modelling of Ship’s Heeling and Rolling for the Purpose of Gantry Control Improvement in the Course of Cargo Handling Operations in Sea Ports


    - Solid State Phenomena - Rok 2013

    The paper presents two proposals of models of interaction between a ship and cargo being loaded or discharged by a gantry in port, in terms of heeling and rolling of the vessel. The main purpose of such modelling is the need for improvement of gantry control with regard to faster operations thanks to more accurate estimation of level and moment of cargo release from a gantry hook or spreader. The study may be the contribution to...

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  • Operational causes of fatigue failures within the passages of gas turbine engines


    The short profile of a fatigue wear process of gas turbine engine's constructional elements has been introduced in the article. The primary causes of a fatigue cracks formation within the mechanical system as well as within the passages of the engine have been showed. Especial attention was devoted to the low-cycle fatigue, what is associated with unsteady thermal-flow processes being worked out in the passages.The selected damages...

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