Search results for: biological sample
Synthesis of Trehalose by the Erythritol-Producing Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica Co-Displaying Maltooligosyltrehalose Synthase and Maltooligosyltrehalose Trehalohydrolase
PublicationIndustrial trehalose production faces economic challenges with costly enzyme preparations, prompting the exploration of eco-friendly alternatives. Here, we established a coupled functional sugar production line leveraging erythritolproducing cells as an innovative enzyme preparation for trehalose synthesis. The erythritol-producing Yarrowia lipolytica was modified to express a fusion protein consisting of maltooligosyltrehalose synthase...
Elicited Production of Essential Oil with Immunomodulatory Activity in Salvia apiana Microshoot Culture
PublicationSalvia apiana Jepson is an endemic North American species characterized by a rich phytochemical profile including abietane-type diterpenoids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, and thujone-free essential oil (EO). The current study was aimed at increasing EO production in bioreactor-grown S. apiana microshoot culture through biotic elicitation using chitosan, ergosterol, and yeast extract (YE). Additionally, the immunomodulatory effects...
Sulfur cycle, a new opportunity for nitrogen removal from textile wastewater: A review
PublicationThe problem of nitrogen removal from textile wastewater (TW) has plagued for quite a long time. Traditional biological nitrogen removal technology is limited by the complex water quality characteristics, and high concentration of sulfate (over 5000 mg/L) further aggravates its difficulty. After analyzing source and characteristics of nitrogen and sulfur in TW, using miraculous sulfur cycle caused by the existing sulfate to solve...
Urolithin A Ameliorates the TGF Beta-Dependent Impairment of Podocytes Exposed to High Glucose
PublicationIncreased activity of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) is a key factor mediating kidney impairment in diabetes. Glomerular podocytes, the crucial component of the renal filter, are a direct target of TGF-β action, resulting in irreversible cell loss and progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Urolithin A (UA) is a member of the family of polyphenol metabolites produced by gut microbiota from ellagitannins and ellagic...
Soft Tissue Retraction Maneuver in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Prior to Crown-Lengthening Procedure—A Technical Note
PublicationBackground: An accurate determination of the biological width and the relationship of the cemento-enamel junction with the border of the alveolar bone is crucial during a clinical crown-lengthening (CCL) procedure. The aim of this study was to present a technical note about the retraction techniques in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) prior to CCL, highlighting the significant enhancement in procedural accuracy and predictability...
The Effect of Hyperbaric Storage on the Nutritional Value and Retention of Certain Bioactive Proteins in Human Milk
PublicationHuman milk (HM) contains the essential macronutrients and bioactive compounds necessary for the normal growth and development of newborns. The milk collected by human milk banks is stored frozen and pasteurized, reducing its nutritional and biological value. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hyperbaric storage at subzero temperatures (HS-ST) on the macronutrients and bioactive proteins in HM. As control samples,...
In vitro biological evaluation of a novel folic acid-targeted receptor quantum dot−β−cyclodextrin carrier for C-2028 unsymmetrical bisacridine in the treatment of human lung and prostate cancers
PublicationTraditional small-molecule chemotherapeutics usually do not distinguish tumors from healthy tissues. However, nanotechnology creates nanocarriers that selectively deliver drugs to their site of action. This work is the next step in the development of the quantum dot−β−cyclodextrin−folic acid (QD−β−CD−FA) platform for targeted and selected delivery of C−2028 unsymmetrical bisacridine in cancer therapy.Herein, we report an initial...
Effect of Agitation and Temporary Immersion on Growth and Synthesis of Antibacterial Phenolic Compounds in Genus Drosera
PublicationSundews (Drosera sp.) are the source of biologically active secondary metabolites: phenolic acids, flavonoids, and 1,4-naphtoquinones. Because obtaining them from the natural environment is impossible (rare and endangered species), in this study modifications of traditional tissue cultures grown in solid medium (SM), such as agitated cultures (ACs) (cultures in liquid medium with rotary shaking) and temporary immersion bioreactors...
Distillery Wastes as External Carbon Sources for Denitrification in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublicationIn order to improve efficiency of N removal within the existing capacities, the denitrification process can be enhanced by adding external carbon sources. The studies on utilization of various by-products or waste materials as alternative carbon sources for denitrification have been carried out for over 20 years (Sage et al. 2006). Among several commercially available organic compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, glucose),...
Structure of Microemulsion Formulated with Monoacylglycerols in the Presence of Polyols and Ethanol
PublicationThe influence of polyols as cosurfactants (propylene glycol PG; glycerol G) and short chain alcohol as a cosolvent (ethanol EtOH) on the formation and solubilization capacity of the systems: hexadecane/monoacylglycerols (MAG)/polyol/water:EtOH, at 60C, was investigated. Electrical conductivity measurement, and the DSC method were applied to determine the structure and type of microemulsions formed. The dimension of the droplets...
The influence of selenium addition during seeds' germination on the biological properties of obtained sprouts
PublicationSelenium plays a vital role in human body, because in the form of aminoacids (Se-methionine, Se-cysteine) it is found in the active centres of over 25 enzymes, including those regarded as 'cytoprotective'. Unfortunatelly, its daily intake in Poland and other European countries is lower than predicted by dietary recommendations. The consequences of selenium deficiency in diet might be severe, including higher susceptibility to cardio-vascular...
Strategies for mitigating nitrous oxide production and decreasing the carbon footprint of a full-scale combined nitrogen and phosphorus removal activated sludge system
PublicationNitrous oxide (N2O) emitted from biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems contributes significantly to the total carbon footprint of modern wastewater treatment plants. In the present study, N2O production and emissions were experimentally determined in a large-scale plant (220,000 PE) employing combined nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal. As a modelling tool, the Activated Sludge Model 2d (ASM2d) was extended...
Prophylaxis of Non-communicable Diseases: Why Fruits and Vegetables may be Better Chemopreventive Agents than Dietary Supplements Based on Isolated Phytochemicals?
PublicationThe World Health Organization (WHO) report from 2014 documented that non-communicable socalled civilization diseases such as cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer or type 2 diabetes are responsible for over 50% of all premature deaths in the world. Research carried out over the past 20 years has provided data suggesting that diet is an essential factor influencing the risk of development of these diseases....
Possibilities of Leachate Co-Treatment Originating from Biogas Production in the Deammonification Process
PublicationIn the methane fermentation process, sewage sludge is the single substrate or serves as a co-substrate with the addition of various waste products. After the treatment stable digestate is obtained, which consists of two phases solid and liquid. Liquid phase, called as a leachate, due to the high content of nutrients must be treated before they are discharged into the final receiver. Physical and chemical methods of leachate treatment...
Advanced Supervisory Control System Implemented at Full-Scale WWTP—A Case Study of Optimization and Energy Balance Improvement
PublicationIn modern and cost-eective Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), processes such as aeration, chemical feeds and sludge pumping are usually controlled by an operating system integrated with online sensors. The proper verification of these data-driven measurements and the control of different unit operations at the same time has a strong influence on better understanding and accurately optimizing the biochemical processes at WWTP—especially...
Determination of long-chain aldehydes using a novel quartz crystal microbalance sensor based on a biomimetic peptide
PublicationThere is an increasingly popular trend aimed at improvement of fundamental metrological parameters of sensors via implementation of materials mimicking biological olfactory systems. This study presents investigation on usefulness of the peptide mimicking HarmOBP7 region as a receptor element of the piezoelectric sensor for selective analysis of long-chain aldehydes. Identification of odorant binding proteins creates new possibilities...
The Substantial Improvement of Amphotericin B Selective Toxicity Upon Modification of Mycosamine with Bulky Substituents
PublicationAbstract: Background: It is assumed that the unfavorable selective toxicity of an antifungal drug Amphotericin B (AmB) can be improved upon chemical modification of the antibiotic molecule. Objective: The aim of this study was verification of the hypothesis that introduction of bulky substituents at the amino sugar moiety of the antibiotic may result in diminishment of mammalian vitro toxicity of thus prepared AmB derivatives. Methods:...
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Biological Properties of Surface-Modified Titanium Alloy Implants
PublicationAn increasing interest in the fabrication of implants made of titanium and its alloys results from their capacity to be integrated into the bone system. This integration is facilitated by different modifications of the implant surface. Here, we assessed the bioactivity of amorphous titania nanoporous and nanotubular coatings (TNTs), produced by electrochemical oxidation of Ti6Al4V orthopedic implants’ surface. The chemical composition...
Crystallographic study of self-organization in the solid state including quasi-aromatic pseudo-ring stacking interactions in 1-benzoyl-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)thiourea and 1-benzoyl-3-(2-hydroxypropyl)thiourea
Publication1-Benzoylthioureas contain both carbonyl and thiocarbonyl functional groups and are of interest for their biological activity, metal coordination ability and involvement in hydrogen-bond formation. Two novel 1-benzoylthiourea derivatives, namely 1-benzoyl-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)thiourea, C₁₆H₁₆N₂O₃S, (I), and 1-benzoyl-3-(2-hydroxypropyl)thiourea, C₁₁H₁₄N₂O₂S, (II), have been synthesized and characterized. Compound (I) crystallizes...
An overview of the strategies for the deammonification process start-up and recovery after accidental operational failures
PublicationThe deammonification process has been universally acknowledged as an energy-efficient technology for sewage disposal. In contrast with traditional biological nitrogen removal technology, the deammonification process is able to remove ammonia from wastewater with the simplest nitrogen removal process because of its advantages of lower operating expenses, no organic carbon consumption, lower biomass production, lower carbon dioxide...
Structure, Physicochemical and Biological Properties of an Aqua (2,2′,2′′-Nitrilotriacetato)-oxidovanadium(IV) Salt with 4-Methylpyridinium Cation
PublicationThe crystal structure of a nitrilotriacetate (nta) oxidovanadi-um(IV) salt with 4-methylpyridinium cation, [4-Me(Py)H]+, of [4-Me(Py)H][VO(nta)(H2O)] stoichiometry was determined. The com-plex comprises a discrete mononuclear [VO(nta)(H2O)]–coordinationentity that can be rarely found among other known compounds con-taining nitrilotriacetate oxidovanadium(IV) moieties. The complex wascharacterized by spectroscopic (IR and EPR) methods,...
Reliability and efficiency of pollution removal during long-term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a study of the reliability and efficiency of pollutant removal during long term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow. The flow rate of the wastewater treatment plant was 1.2 m3·d-1 during the research period. Physical and chemical analyses of raw wastewater and treated effluent were carried out in the years 1997–2010 (14 years). During this study period, 56 series...
Impact of aeration conditions on the removal of low concentrations of nitrogen in a tertiary partially aerated biological filter
PublicationA submerged biological aerated filter (BAF) partially aerated was used to study the removal of low concentrations of ammonia nitrogen (0.3 g N/m3 to 30.5 g N/m3) typically found in nutrient enriched river and lake waters, and treated effluents. Four series of experiments were performed with a synthetic wastewater at ammonia loading rates between 6 g N/m3 d and 903 g N/m3 d and C/N ratios from 2 to 20. The results showed that ammonia...
Noise in biological Raman spectroscopy
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a widely used method to investigate chemical molecules by analyzing their vibrational transitions. It utilizes inelastic scattering of the laser light irradiating the investigated object. The scattered light requires appropriate filtering to reduce dominant laser light and expose much weaker components having shifted wavelengths of a characteristic spectral pattern. These components are measured by dispersing...
Influence of dissolved organic nitrogen on surface waters
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) contained in biologically treated wastewater disposed from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to biodegradability and bioavailability in a water environment. Additionally an evaluation was performed of the participation of this organic nitrogen fraction, including bioavailable DON (bDON), in the nitrogen balance for the Baltic...
Dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen removal from WWTP effluents and reject waters using physical-chemical processes
PublicationFour physical-chemical processes were compared in terms of the efficiencies of dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen (DON and CON) removal from the secondary effluents (SE) and reject water from full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems. Adsorption on activated carbon was most efficient and allowed to remove from the SE up to 80% and 100% of DON and CON, respectively. High efficiencies of DON removal from...
Integrated plant-wide modelling for evaluation of the energy balance and greenhouse gas footprint in large wastewater treatment plants
PublicationModern wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) should maintain a balance between three combined sustainability criteria, including effluent quality, energy performance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. All of these criteria were considered in the integrated plant-wide model developed in this study. The proposed model incorporates new features, including: (i) the addition of associated facilities to the overall energy balance and...
In Vitro Studies on Nanoporous, Nanotubular and Nanosponge-Like Titania Coatings, with the Use of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
PublicationIn vitro biological research on a group of amorphous titania coatings of different nanoarchitectures (nanoporous, nanotubular, and nanosponge-like) produced on the surface of Ti6Al4V alloy samples have been carried out, aimed at assessing their ability to interact with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) and affect their activity. The attention has been drawn to the influence of surface coating architecture and its physicochemical...
Quantum Dots as a Good Carriers of Unsymmetrical Bisacridines for Modulating Cellular Uptake and the Biological Response in Lung and Colon Cancer Cells
PublicationNanotechnology-based drug delivery provides a promising area for improving the efficacy of cancer treatments. Therefore, we investigate the potential of using quantum dots (QDs) as drug carriers for antitumor unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives (UAs) to cancer cells. We examine the influence of QD–UA hybrids on the cellular uptake, internalization (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope), and the biological response (flow cytometry...
The mechanisms of degradation of titanium dental implants
PublicationTitanium dental implants show very good properties, unfortunately there are still issues regarding material wear due to corrosion, implant loosening, as well as biological factors—allergic reactions and inflammation leading to rejection of the implanted material. In order to avoid performing reimplantation operations, changes in the chemical composition and/or modifications of the surface layer of the materials are used. This research...
Incorporation of the complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) process for modeling nitrification in suspended growth wastewater treatment systems
PublicationThe newly discovered process complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) has changed the traditional under-standing of nitrification. In this study, three possible concepts of comammox were developed and incorporated as part of an extended two-step nitrification model. For model calibration and validation, two series of long-term biomass washout experiments were carried out at 12 ◦C and 20 ◦C in a laboratory sequencing batch reactor....
Reliability of nitrogen removal processes in multistage treatment wetlands receiving high-strength wastewater
Publicationreatment wetlands have been proved to be more effective than conventional treatment processes in case of high-strength wastewater containing high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and recalcitrant organic matter. In this study nitrogen removal processes and reliability of nitrogen removal at two identical pilot-scale multistage treatment wetlands (MTWs) receiving real, non-synthetic wastewater were discussed. The wastewater discharged...
Using On-line Measurement by Electronic Nose and Computer Simulations for Real-time Control at WWTP
PublicationContinuous investigation of wastewater quality can be carried out by a device called an e-nose. One important feature of the proposed real-time control system for WWTP is that using on-line measurements by e-nose together (Figure 1) with technological sets picked on this basis by means of computer models, it is possible to change treatment process parameters, depending on the current quality of wastewater. It can be used for the...
Postbiotics in oncology: science or science fiction?
PublicationThe gut microbiome has been increasingly understood to play a critical role in carcinogenesis and cancer disease progression. The most recent research advancements have shown that different tools of microbiota manipulation contribute to gut microbiome–immune–oncology axis modulation, offering exciting opportunities for targeted interventions aimed at improving the efficacy of established anti-cancer therapy. Postbiotics are a new...
Comparative Analysis of Phytochemical Profiles and Selected Biological Activities of Various Morphological Parts of Ligustrum vulgare
PublicationLigustrum vulgare (LV), widely cultivated in Europe and often used in hedges, has been histori-cally recognized in folk medicine for its potential health benefits. This study focused on exploring the untargeted identification of secondary metabolites in ethanol extracts (70% v/v) from differ-ent morphological parts (young shoots, leaves, flowers and fruits) of LV at various stages of plant development, using ultra-high-performance...
Tailoring Diffusional Fields in Zwitterion/Dopamine Copolymer Electropolymerized at Carbon Nanowalls for Sensitive Recognition of Neurotransmitters
PublicationThe importance of neurotransmitter sensing in the diagnosis and treatment of many psychological illnesses and neurodegenerative diseases is non-negotiable. For electrochemical sensors to become widespread and accurate, a long journey must be undertaken for each device, from understanding the materials at the molecular level to real applications in biological fluids. We report a modification of diamondized boron-doped carbon nanowalls...
Whether Carbon Nanotubes Are Capable, Promising, and Safe for Their Application in Nervous System Regeneration. Some Critical Remarks and Research Strategies
PublicationCarbon nanotubes are applied in or considered for different fields of medicine. Among them is the regeneration or rebuilding of nervous system components, which still lack substantial progress; this field is supported by carbon nanotubes to a great extent as the principal material. The limited research on this issue has involved PU/silk/MWCNTs, PCL/silk/MWCNTs, PCL/PGS/CNTs, chitin/CNTs, PGF/CNTs, CNTs/PGFs/PLDLA,MWCNTs chitosan,MWCNTs/PPy,...
Impedimetric sensing of α-amino acids driven by micro-patterned 1,8-Diazafluoren-9-one into titania- boron- doped maze-like nanocarbons
PublicationThe development of impedimetric, non-faradaic label-free sensors for the detection of α-amino acids constitutes a trailblazing technology for the fast and inexpensive quantification of such biomarkers. Since α-amino acids, such as glycine and sarcosine, are basic constituents in biological processes, a variation in their concentration may be an indicator of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders or neurological conditions....
Modeling nutrient removal and energy consumption in an advanced activated sludge system under uncertainty
PublicationActivated sludge models are widely used to simulate, optimize and control performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). For simulation of nutrient removal and energy consumption, kinetic parameters would need to be estimated, which requires an extensive measurement campaign. In this study, a novel methodology is proposed for modeling the performance and energy consumption of a biological nutrient removal activated sludge system...
Hybrid systems using hydrodynamic cavitation/ultrasound/Fenton processes for effective treatment of wastewater
PublicationThe present situation of rapid growth in industrialization generates complex recalcitrant pollutants that are challenging to degrade by conventional wastewater treatment processes. The new generation pollutants such as non-metals in cosmetics or household cleaning chemicals and radioactive compounds which are recalcitrant are the emerging threat to the ecosystem. The headstrong micro and macro pollutants present in wastewater are...
Poly-L-Lysine-functionalized fluorescent diamond particles: pH triggered fluorescence enhancement via surface charge modulation
PublicationRecently, the interest in applying fluorescent diamond particles (FDPs) containing nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers for enhancing the mechanical and chemical properties of some materials, biological imaging, and sensing has been expanding rapidly. The unique properties of NV centers such as intensive, time-stable fluorescence, and an electron spin, which exhibits long coherence time and may be manipulated using external stimuli, such...
Analytical applications of smartphones for agricultural soil analysis
PublicationSoil is one of the most important farming resources. Appropriate managing of its quality promotes productive and sustainable agriculture. The valuable farm practice in soil quality managing is based on regular soil analysis with the aim to determine the exact amount of nutrients or other chemical, physical and biological soil properties. Soil analysis usually requires samples collection at desired sampling depth following by samples...
In vitro enzyme kinetics and NMR-based product elucidation for glutathione S-conjugation of the anticancer unsymmetrical bisacridine C-2028 in liver microsomes and cytosol: major role of glutathione S-transferase M1-1 isoenzyme
PublicationThis work is the next step in studying the interplay between C-2028 (anticancer-active unsymmetrical bisacridine developed in our group) and the glutathione S-transferase/glutathione (GST/GSH) system. Here, we analyzed the concentration- and pH-dependent GSH conjugation of C-2028 in rat liver microsomes and cytosol. We also applied three recombinant human GST isoenzymes, which altered expression was found in various tumors. The...
Convolutional Neural Networks for C. Elegans Muscle Age Classification Using Only Self-Learned Features
PublicationNematodes Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) have been used as model organisms in a wide variety of biological studies, especially those intended to obtain a better understanding of aging and age-associated diseases. This paper focuses on automating the analysis of C. elegans imagery to classify the muscle age of nematodes based on the known and well established IICBU dataset. Unlike many modern classification methods, the proposed...
The Use of Organic Coagulants in the Primary Precipitation Process at Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublicationMeasurements for determining the effect of chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) on the efficiency of pollutant removal from wastewater were carried out using conventional inorganic coagulants PIX113 with polymer A110 (Kemipol, Police, Poland) and unconventional cationic organic coagulants Cofloc (Attana, Coalville, UK) C29510 (Kemipol, Police, Poland) and Sedifloc 575 (3F Chimica, Sandrigo, Italy). The average removal efficiency...
Biological and mechanical properties of bone cement with nanoarticles - in vitro and in vivo research
PublicationDespite antibiotic preventive treatment both before and after implant implementation, the risks of infection are real. These infections develop at the implant surface a few months after inserting them into the body. To prevent the development of bacteria and reduce the risk of infection, implants coated with nanoparticles are used. The Mechanical Department of the Technical University of Gdansk carries out research into using bone...
pH-dependent composite coatings for controlled drug delivery system - Review
PublicationNowadays in case of long-term implants, the most common postoperative complications are bacterial infections, which in consequence may provoke loos- ening of the implants in the primary phase of stabilization. Bacterial infections are currently the most frequent cause of revision surgery of the implants such as hip joint endoprosthesis, knee joint endoprosthesis and dental implants. In order to provide the local and long-term antibacterial...
An overview of the cognitive and biological effects of city nighttime illumination including a London case study
PublicationCurrent scientific research demonstrates how critical the effects of city nighttime illumination are upon cognitive and biological health1 – which needs to be adequately acknowledged, understood and addressed by conscious cities and the plans they develop. Until recent decades, the design of nighttime lighting was determined mostly by electrical engineers who often applied technical standards to meet the requirements of vehicle-focused...
Mercury in suspended matter of the Gulf of Gdańsk: Origin, distribution and transport at the land–sea interface
PublicationThe coastal regions of inland seas are particularly vulnerable to Hg pollution. An important carrier of toxic Hg in the marine environment is suspended matter originating from multiple sources. The present study was conducted in the Gulf...
Hydration of aprotic donor solvents studied by means of FTIR spectroscopy
PublicationThe paper attempts to explain the mutual influence of nonpolar and electron-donor groups on solute hydration,the problem of big importance for biological aqueous systems. Aprotic organic solvents have been used asmodel solutes, differing in electron-donating power. Hydration of acetonitrile, acetone, 2-butanone, andtriethylamine has been studied by HDO and (partially) H2O spectra. The quantitative version of...