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Search results for: 0D AND 3D MODEL
Minimal parameter implicit solvent model for ab initioelectronic-structure calculations
PublicationAbstract - We present an implicit solvent model for ab initio electronic-structure calculations which is fully self-consistent and is based on direct solution of the nonhomogeneous Poisson equation. The solute cavity is naturally defined in terms of an isosurface of the electronic density according to the formula of Fattebert and Gygi (J. Comput. Chem., 23 (2002) 662). While this model depends on only two parameters, we demonstrate...
Simulation model for assessment of IMS-based NGN call processing performance
PublicationIn current telecommunications it is assumed that demands of information society for quickly delivered services will be satisfied by Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, which includes IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) elements. To guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), proper design and dimensioning of NGN is absolutely necessary, for which appropriate models have to be proposed. As NGN architecture is very complicated, the most...
Orthotropic membrane as a mechanical model of surgical implant in abdominal hernia repair
PublicationEven though the incisional hernia repair surgery is a well known procedure, mechanical properties of the tissue-implant system are unknown so the implantation of the repairing mesh is quite intuitive and, recurrences of the illness still take place. The main objective of the study is to define an operated hernia model that can be used for surgery planning and the assessment of the repair persistence. The load applied to the structure...
Proposal of a System Loss Model for Body Area Network in Passenger Ferry Environment
PublicationIn the paper, proposal of an empirical off-body system loss model for Body Area Networks working in a passenger ferry environment at 2.45 GHz has been presented. The measurements were carried out for dynamic scenarios in the discotheque passenger ferry environment. The general model formula consists of three components: mean system loss, attenuation resulting from the variable antenna position on the human body, and attenuation...
Discrete element method modelling of elastic wave propagation in a meso-scale model of concrete
PublicationThis paper deals with the accurate modelling of ultrasonic wave propagation in concrete at the mesoscopic level. This was achieved through the development of a discrete element method (DEM) model capable of simulating elastic wave signals comparable to those measured experimentally. The main objective of the work was to propose a novel methodology for constructing a meso-scale model of concrete dedicated to the analysis of elastic...
Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Dynamics in a Bioreactor at WWTP
PublicationThe importance of dissolved oxygen concentration controlinaerationtanksofabioreactoratflow-throughwastewater treatment plant (WWTP) can easily be justified by technological requirements as well as simple economics. Firstly, appropriate levels of dissolved oxygen concentration are essential for the vitality of microorganisms that comprise the bioreactor. Secondly, the costs of dissolved oxygen concentration control related to the...
An Intergrated Model of Motion, Steering, Positioning and Stabilization of an Unmanned Autonomous Maritime Vehicle
PublicationIn the paper the aim of an interdisciplinary research is presented. The research method is introduced. An object the unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle is briefly described. The key research problem concerns a combined model of the vehicle motion including the loads of lift and hydrodynamic nature. The model takes into account the gravity and displacement forces, resistance and thrust forces, lift and other hydrodynamic forces....
Flow through a prosthetic mechanical aortic valve: Numerical model and experimental study
PublicationThis research presents a numerical model dedicated for virtual patient diagnostics in the field of synthetic valve implantation. The model operates based on computational fluid dynamics solver with implemented rigid body motion solver. Characteristic indicators related to the prosthetic valve were determined to assess the correctness of cardiac system operation after implantation. A novel approach for dynamic time discretization...
Analytical model of torsional vibrations of typical sawing machine main drive system
PublicationPrzedstawiono model fizyczny i matematyczny drgań skrętnych napędu głównego typowej pilarki tarczowej. Model tworzą elementy sztywne SES połączone między sobą za pośrednictwem elementów sprężysto - tłumiących EST w układzie szeregowym. W modelu matematycznym uwzględniono: właściwości dynamiczne silnika napędowego, wymiary piły tarczowej, cechy materiału obrabianego (wymiary, rodzaj drewna, wilgotność drewna) oraz właściwości dynamiczne...
Model zużycia głównych podzespołów zespołu korbowo-tłokowego i rozrządu
PublicationW referacie na podstawie uszkodzeń zespołu korbowo-tłokowego i rozrządu silników Sulzer RD pobranych z syntetycznych danych o niezawodności wyposażenia wybranych statków PLO i PŻM zbudowany został model zużycia głównych podzespołów zespołu korbowo-tłokowego i rozrządu.
Data recorded for the purpose of the 3D sound intensity visualization around the organ pipe (des sound)
Open Research DataThe set contains data recorded using the Cartesian robot and multichannel acoustic vector sensor (from Microflown) for the purpose of the 3D sound intensity visualization of radiated acoustic energy around the organ pipe.
Simulation model for evaluation of QoS routing algorithm in large packet networks
PublicationThe variety of traffic transferred via current telecommunication networks includes also voice, which should meet quality requirements. One of mechanisms, which can support QoS in current packet networks, is routing. There exist many routing proposals which should introduce the QoS into the network but practically they don't. Following paper presents the realization of simulation model for evaluation of a new routing algorithm DUMBRA...
Model of the reciprocating engine using iterative procedures of the transient torque calculation
PublicationPrzedstawiony w pracy model silnika spalinowego uzależnia wartość dynamicznego momentu od sygnału sterowania po skokowej zmianie nastawy oraz od historii dynamicznej silnika i czasu jaki upłynął od tej zmiany. Przedstawione wyniki badań potwierdzają zasadność takiego opisu modelowanego zjawiska. Można również zauważyć, że po pewnym czasie od chwili rozpoczęcia procesu rozpędzania przebieg momentu dynamicznego będzie przebiegał...
Efficient model order reduction for FEM analysis of waveguide structures and resonators
PublicationAn efficient model order reduction method for three-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis of waveguide structures is proposed. The method is based on the Efficient Modal Order Reduction (ENOR) algorithm for creating macro-elements in cascaded subdomains. The resulting macro-elements are represented by very compact submatrices, leading to significant reduction of the overall number of unknowns. The efficiency of the model...
A MULTI-MASS DISCRETE MODEL OF TRIBOMETER FOR THE RESEARCH ON DYNAMIC FRICTION CHARACTERISTICS = Wielomasowy dyskretny model tribometru do symulacyjnych badań dynamicznych charakterystyk tarcia
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodykę opracowaną w celu redukcji modelu fizycznego tribometru z ciągłym rozkładem masy (bezwładności), sztywności podparcia oraz tłumienia do modelu dyskretnego. W modelu dyskretnym zastosowano zastępcze masy skupione i elementy sprężysto - tłumiące, których właściwości są dobrane w taki sposób, że charakterystyka drgań własnych tego modelu odpowiada charakterystyce rzeczywistego układu fizycznego. Dzięki...
The role and concept of sub-models in the smart fuzzy model of the internet mortgage market
PublicationThe paper introduces some challenges of the fast growing mortgage market in Poland. One of these challenges is the need for a model development that could be used for various predictions related to this market. At the current stage of the model evelopment process our main goal is to propose and introduce sub-models the role of which would be to describe three different economic environments: stable, fast growing, and recession....
Comparison of Compact Reduced Basis Method with Different Model Order Reduction Techniques
PublicationDifferent strategies suitable to compare the performance of different model order reduction techniques for fast frequency sweep in finite element analysis in Electromagnetics are proposed and studied in this work. A Frobenius norm error measure is used to describe how good job a reduced-order model is doing with respect to the true system response. In addition, the transfer function correct behavior is monitored by studying the...
Modeling with the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for Enhanced Understanding and Application of Anaerobic Treatment Processes
PublicationMathematical model is a valuable tool for prediction and recovery of resources and energy through anaerobic digestion of organic wastes. The International Water Association (IWA) Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) is the most commonly used structured anaerobic digestion model. However, as substrates become more complex and our deeper understanding of the anaerobic digestion mechanism, both systematic and specific modifications...
The choice of parameters of induction motor model using a genetic algorithm.
PublicationRozważano problem doboru parametrów modeli matematycznych dużych 3 -fazowych silników indukcyjnych. Modele o prawidłowo dobranych parametrach mogą być pomocne podczas procedur projektowych. Podane silniki mogą być używane jako napędy sterów strumieniowych statków. Symulacje w środowisku Matlab, uwzględniają modele statyczne silników. Parametry silników dobierane są za pomocą przybornika Genetic Algorithm Toolbox. Skuteczność metody...
A mechanistic model for fate and removal of estrogens in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationTwo estrogen fate and transformation models were integrated with a comprehensive activated sludge model (ASM) to predict estrogen removal based on biomass and solids production. Model predictions were evaluated against published full-scale plant data as well as results from a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed synthetic wastewater. The estrogen fate model relating the rate of total estrogen degradation to soluble...
Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model
PublicationThis paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...
Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model
PublicationThis paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...
A simplified energy dissipation based model of heat transfer for post-dryout flow boiling
Publicationmodel for post dryout mist flow heat transfer is presented based on considerations of energy dissipation in the flow. The model is an extension of authors own model developed earlier for saturated and subcooled flow boiling. In the former version of the model the heat transfer coefficient for the liquid singlephase convection as a reference was used, due to the lack of the appropriate model for heat transfer coefficient for the...
Softly Switched Robustly Feasible Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Network Systems
PublicationIt is common that an efficient constrained plant operation under full range of disturbance inputs require meeting different sets of control objectives. This calls for application of model predictive controllers each of them being best fit into specific operating conditions. It further requires that not only designing robustly feasible model predictive controllers is needed to satisfy the real plant state/output constraints, but...
Reliable Greedy Multipoint Model-Order Reduction Techniques for Finite-Element Analysis
PublicationA new greedy multipoint model-order reduction algorithm for fast frequency-domain finite-element method simulations of electromagnetic problems is proposed. The location of the expansion points and the size of the projection basis are determined based on a rigorous error estimator. Compared to previous multipoint methods, the quality of the error estimator is significantly improved by ensuring the orthogonality of the projection...
A material model of asphalt mixtures based on Monte Carlo simulations
PublicationThe paper aims to numerically reflect mineral-asphalt mixture structure by a standard FEM software. Laboratory test results are presented due to bending tests of circular notched elements. The result scatter is relatively high. An attempt was made to form a random aggregate distribution in order to obtain various results corresponding to laboratory tests. The material structure calibration, its homogenization and finite element...
On the generalized model of shell structures with functional cross-sections
PublicationIn the present study, a single general formulation has been presented for the analysis of various shell-shaped structures. The proposed model is comprehensive and a variety of theories can be used based on it. The cross-section of the shell structure can be arbitrarily analyzed with the presented equations. In other words, various types of shell structures, including cylindrical, conical, spherical, elliptical, hyperbolic, parabolic,...
Model elektromechaniczny hydrogeneratora z uwzględnieniem asymetrii wewnętrznych.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono model matematyczny hydrogeneratora, który powstał w wyniku prac dotyczących badania wpływu obwodu elektromagnetycznego na poziom drgań elementów maszyny. Istotą modelu jest uwzględnienie asymetrii wewnętrznej dotyczącej uzwojenia stojana, uzwojenia wzbudzenia i szczeliny powietrznej. Uwzględniono zmienność istotnych sprzężeń elektromechanicznych wynikających z drgań giętnych wału.Ze względu na złożoność...
Model predictive controller for integrated wastewater treatment systems.
PublicationSterowanie optymalizujace systemem oczyszczania ścieków (WWTS) pozwala na zmniejszenie kosztów operacyjnych przy jednoczesnym spełnieniu narzuconych ograniczeń na wypływające ścieki, jednak wymaga zaawansowanych technologii sterowania. Sterowanie predykcyjne z modelem (MPC) jest bardzo użyteczną technologią sterowania takimi systemami. MPC doskonale radzi sobie z obecnością ogrniczeń na wielkości wyjściowe, wielowymiarowością problemu...
Model-based testing for execution algorithms in the simulation of cyber-physical systems
PublicationThe understanding of simulation semantics of a hybrid system is a challenge for computational engineers as it requires expertise in computer science, engineering, numerical methods, and mathematics at once. The testing methods for the execution of a simulation are being researched but not yet applied on the industrial level. Consequently, the semantics of the simulation becomes a critical artifact in the system development process....
Model dwuwirnikowej maszyny indukcyjnej w aspekcie elektromagnetycznego mechanizmu różnicowego
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono obwodowy model maszyny indukcyjnej z dwoma wirnikami, który proponowany jest w koncepcji elektromagnetycznego mechanizmu różnicowego. Koncepcja ta przewiduje zastosowanie dwuwirnikowej maszyny elektrycznej spełniającej jednocześnie funkcje mechanizmu różnicowego oraz napędu pojazdu samochodowego. W realizacji tej koncepcji niezbędna jest także przekładnia mechaniczna sprzężona z jednym z wałów silnika....
An Attempt to Create Speech Synthesis Model That Retains Lombard Effect Characteristics
PublicationThe speech with the Lombard effect has been extensively studied in the context of speech recognition or speech enhancement. However, few studies have investigated the Lombard effect in the context of speech synthesis. The aim of this paper is to create a mathematical model that allows for retaining the Lombard effect. These models could be used as a basis of a formant speech synthesizer. The proposed models are based on dividing...
Simulations of air and water flow in a model dike during overflow experiments
PublicationFlow in flood dikes, earth dams, and embankments occurs in variably saturated conditions, with pores of the earth material filled partly with water and partly with air. In routine engineering analysis, the influence of pore air is neglected and the air pressure is assumed equal to atmospheric. In some circumstances, for example, during overtopping of the dike by water, the effect of pore air on water flow and stability of the structure...
A model of stealth maritime object having some innovative solutions concerning the object form, structure and materials.
Open Research DataThe aim of the project is to work out a model of the stealth maritime object which will have innovative solutions concerning the object form, structure and materials. These solutions should enable a modification of combinations of the object features defining the object stealth characteristics (difficulty of the object detection in the water). It is...
Laboratory Determination of Burger's Model Parameters for Visco-elastic Analysis of Road Pavement Materials
PublicationBurger's Model is one of those models that describes performance of asphalt mixtures. Its parameters can be used in road construction analysis based on visco-elastic properties in wide variety of temperatures using dedicated programs (e.g. Veroad) or in Finite Element Method (FEM). Parameters of Burger's Model can be used for example in prediction of low temperature cracking in low winter temperatures or permanent deformation...
xEmotion – obliczeniowy model emocji dedykowany dla inteligentnych systemów decyzyjnych
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje cybernetyczne podejście do zagadnienia modelowania ludzkich emocji, oparte na psychologicznych teoriach (ocennej i somatycznej). Opracowany model przeznaczony jest do integracji z Inteligentnym Systemem Decyzyjnym – IDS. Może być on używany jako silnik aplikacji lub jako system sterowania niezależnego urządzenia, np. robota autonomicznego.
Assessment of damage causes of a 17 m long wind turbine blade model
PublicationThe subject matter is to verify the stiffness of the steel supporting structure and assess the causes of cracks in the 17 m long wind turbine blade model
A new model of fuel spray shape at early stage of injection in a marine Diesel engine
PublicationIn the cylinders of a marine diesel engine, self-ignition occurs in very shortly time after the fuel injection into the combustion chamber. Therefore, the paper present was to develop a model of diesel fuel spray for the early stage of fuel spray for in marine diesel engine. There were taken into consideration the main aspects technical such as nozzle diameter of marine engine injector and backpressure in combustion chamber. In...
Traffic model for evaluation of call processing performance parameters in IMS-based NGN
PublicationIn the modern world requirements for accurate and fast information distribution are becoming more and more important, which creates a strong necessity for appropriate telecommunication network architecture. Proposition of such an architecture is the Next Generation Network (NGN) concept, which in order to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), should be correctly designed and dimensioned. For this reason proper traffic models must...
Traffic Model of IMS/NGN Architecture with Transport Stratum Based on MPLS Technology
PublicationGrowing expectations for a fast access to information create strong demands for a universal telecommunication network architecture, which provides various services with strictly determined quality. Currently it is assumed that these requirements will be satisfied by Next Generation Network (NGN), which consists of two stratums and includes IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) elements. To guarantee Quality of Service (QoS) all NGN stratums...
Model tests of cast-in-place piles formed by using different types of auger
PublicationModel tests are still a popular research tool used to observe and determine the mechanisms of pile-soil interaction. Due to the significant scale effect, the results of model tests performed in the 1g system can only be analysed from the qualitative side. This article describes and presents the results of 1g pile model tests carried out for comparative purposes. There were tested the effectiveness and efficiency of various types...
Turbulence model evaluation for numerical modelling of turbulent flow and heat transfer of nanofluids
PublicationIn this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (Reynolds number between 6000 and 12000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid...
Spurious Modes in Model Order Reduction in Variational Problems in Electromagnetics
PublicationIn this work, we address an everlasting issue in 2 model order reduction (MOR) in electromagnetics that has 3 remained unnoticed until now. Contrary to what has been 4 previously done, we identify for the very first time spurious 5 modes in MOR for time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations and 6 propose a methodology to remove their negative influence on the 7 reduced order model (ROM) response. These spurious modes 8 have nonzero resonance...
Identification and classification model of the quality perception determinants and tourist services attributes
PublicationW niniejszym rozdziale zaprezentowano model identyfikacji oraz klasyfikacji zarówno determinant percepcji jakości jak i cech charakterystycznych dla usług turystycznych. Wykorzystano w tym celu zarówno cechy charakterystyczne dla usług dowolnego rodzaju zaadaptowane na potrzeby usług turystycznych jak i te które są specyficzne wyłącznie dla tej branży.
Model research and numerical calculations of the buoy for capturing of the sea-waves energy
Publicationw pracy przedstawiono konstrukcję i zasadę działania modelu 1:5 boi do pozyskiwania energii fal morskich oraz wyniki badań eksperymentalnych prowadzonych w dużym basenie w Centrum techniki Okrętowej w Gdańsku.Ponadto przedstawiono numeryczny model obliczeniowy i wybrane wyniki symulacji zachowania się boi na fali regularnej.
PublicationThe article presents the application of the GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) model to the description of differences in the level of road traffic safety in individual counties on the example of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. The GWR model developed for counties, taking into account the diversity of NUTS 3 regions, can be a helpful tool for traffic safety management in voivodships and lower administrative units, and...
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wąskopasmowy empiryczny model tłumienia propagacyjnego dla sieci WBAN pracujących w środowisku wewnątrzbudynkowym przy częstotliwości 2,45 GHz.
Glacial Landform Classification with Vision Transformer and Digital Elevation Model
PublicationClassification of glacial landforms is a task in geomorphology that has not been widely explored with deep neural network methods. This study uses Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture to classify glacial landforms using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in three study sites: Elise Glacier in Svalbard, Norway; Gardno-Leba Plain and Lubawa Upland in Poland. In datasets each of those sites has different DEM resolutions and terrain types...
System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in Room Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of system loss in Body Area Networks for room scenarios, based on a wideband measurement campaign at 5.8 GHz. The measurements were performed with a fixed antenna transmitting vertically and horizontally polarised signals, while the user wears dualpolarised antennas. The average system losses in co- and crosspolarised channels are 41.4 and 42.6 dB for vertically polarised transmitted signals and...
Model dynamicznego balastowania małego morskiego obiektu typu stealth
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe problemy związane z modelowaniem głównych cech decydujących o trudno-wykrywalności małego obiektu na etapie projektu koncepcyjnego. Metoda badawcza oparta jest na ocenie zachowania się obiektu i ocenie ryzyka wypadku. W artykule skupiono się głównie na przedstawieniu modelu matematycznego opisującego model dynamicznego balastowania małego morskiego obiektu typu stealth. Przedstawione w artykule...